Brand strategy

 Now that you have evaluated the marketing environment and established some marketing goals for MM, it is time to get started with the new product plan. The first step is to research the mobile phone market. Without knowing who is buying phones in certain market segments, Michelle won’t know how to market MM’s new product. She needs your help to determine who the market is for the new product.

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Now that you’ve analyzed the environmental situation and established who is in the target market, it is time for product development. Product design is crucial because new products are being introduced every day. So, while other people focus on that aspect of development, you turn your attention to branding.

Primary Task Response: write 500-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

This morning, walking into the office, you greet Michelle who says, “I’d like to meet with you tomorrow to develop the branding strategy for the new product. Let’s meet for a working lunch and brainstorming session.” “That sounds great,” you reply. “I’ll schedule the meeting and order in lunch.”
Entering your office, you begin to think about the items that you will be discussing during tomorrow’s meeting with Michelle.
We haven’t even come up with a product name yet, you think. We also need to work on an advertising slogan or tag line. You know that Michelle has an extensive background in marketing, but you really want to make a good impression and bring a sound branding strategy to the meeting. How are we going to distinguish our product from our competitors? What are the benefits that we are going to highlight in our brand that will meet the needs or wants of our target customers?
You create the following list of items that you need to address:
Identify in one sentence your overall branding strategy or brand image you want to achieve in the mind of your target segment.
Product name
Advertising slogan or tag line
Product attributes
Product benefits


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  • Targeting the Museum Market
  • The Language of Branding

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