book club

Read Chapter 7-9 of “Outlier” and write 1-2 questions&answer of each chapter.(Example in the file)

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Chapter 4 

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· Langan’s lack of formal education had a significant effect on his future. His events and convictions of the past limited his success despite his gifts 

· Oppenheimer had a breakdown and tried to poison his tutor, but still managed to finish his PhD. But Langan could not get a proper education even though he was gifted. How do you feel about this? 

· No matter how gifted you are, does external forces have a great impact on your success?

· (Alice) What factors can affect your success? His mom forgot to fill out the financial aid paper.

· (Alice) In our society, do we need a degree to be successful? In the book they didn’t see him fairly.


· Chapter 5 

· Does heritage, cultural identity, and social systems play a role in individual success? Is it an advantage or disadvantage?

· Jewish lawyers were forced to do the kind of work that other firms didn’t like to do and eventually this made them perfectly positioned for huge success. Right place at the right time

· Does timing, background, and sheer luck all play a key role in determining opportunity and success?

(Alice) People in different cultures or races are pushed to do a job that they don’t want to do, but do it because of stereotypes. 

· Chapter 6 

· Cultural tendencies of our ancestors have an effect on us/ does family heritage play a role in our lives?

· Should we pay more attention to cultural or ancestral history? 

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