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This assignment is a one page document worth a total of 10% as a bonus assignment

This assignment is intended to allow you to practice writing a proper resignation letter using

standing English and professionalism.

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You are to create an agency in a country in which you were employed in for a number of years

providing the following information:

1. The name of the organization, a country in which you was employed and for how many


2. Thank the organization for your years of service, and for being supportive of your

absence away from work.

3. Indicate the reason for leaving (family orientated )

4. Inform them of your resignation

5. Express regret for leaving and if there was any other option you would make that


6. Indicate that in future you would want the opportunity to work for the organization


7. Ensure that the letter is appealing to the sense of emotion

Submit your resignation assignment to Turnitin and attach the originality report with your

paper. Instructions for Turnitin will be posted in the announcement area on the blackboard site.

Assignment must be submitted in the last week of school at the beginning of online class.

Assignment submitted after the class on the due date will be considered late and a late penalty

of 2% per day (weekends and holidays included) will be deducted.

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