BM410B Sales Management and Practices Part II


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Question 1

In an affirmative selling situation, the salesperson spends more time developing

A.the buyer’s knowledge of the product

B.the buyer’s trust and friendship

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C. the buyer’s desire to won the product

D. the buyer’s authority to purchase the product

Question 2

Monitoring is an important duty for sales executives because it allows them to determine if:

A) corporate management is giving support to the sales department

B) sales managers are focusing on performance more than on people

C) buyers are being billed on the correct day of the month

D) the correct sales methods have been chosen and are being followed

Question 3

Reverse auctions are one method that uses the Internet to facilitate sales of products and services. Reverse auctions tend to provide the price advantage for: 

A. the vendor. 

B. the licensee. 

C. the wholesaler. 

D. the customer.

Question 4

In a contact center, ideas such as targeted number of calls per hour, call length, customer satisfaction, and amount of sales made are all examples of: 

A. forecasts. 

B. metrics. 

C. channels. 

D. portals

Question 5

The Great Man Theory of Leadership hypothesizes that:

A. only certain historic leaders had the true traits of leadership

B. great leaders patterned themselves after the leaders who came before them, so modern people who wish to be leaders should pattern themselves after great leaders of the past

C. by observing the great leaders we can compile a list of traits and work on teaching those traits to potential leaders

D. by identifying the traits of great leaders we can predict who will be a leader because they have those traits

Question 6

after a buyer recognizes a problem or opportunity, what does the buyer do next in the normal purchase process

A. evaluates alternatives

B. evaluates purchase

C. searches for information

D. decides to purchase

Question 7

The phrase “data mine” means:

A. to calculate the lifetime value of current customers

B. to research potential prospects on the internet

C. to search for information on competitors on the internet

D. to examine information in your database

Question 8

Companies use rules-based campaigns to:

A. create a results-based system of when to communicate in which ways withcustomers

B. Create a process that ensures that each sales opportunity results in a sale

C. create a system that can be performed by computers instead of salespeople

D. search their own data for methods of closing difficult sales

Question 9

To calculate the number of sales calls salespeople will need to make over the course of a year, the workload method starts by:

A. dividing current buyers into categories depending on how much contact they will need

B. determining the optimal number of visits to make to a customer

C. determining what the budget is for hiring salespeople

D. calculating the maximum number of sales calls one salesperson can make each day

Question 10

The market sales structure is a sales model based on:

A. achieving efficiency by reducing the number of salespeople

B. maximizing return by segmenting customers

C. understanding the customer’s needs

D. selling at the price the market will bear

Question 11

A job analysis is an analysis of the:

A. job market in the company’s industry

B. national employment rates

C. employees in the same job function within a company, comparing their performance

D. duties, behaviors, and activities of a person in a sales position

Question 12

What are the three levels of information that need to be considered when determining training objectives?

A. organizational, ability, and assessment

B. organizational, sales, and ability

C. organizational, task, and individual

D. knowledge. task, and skills

Question 13

The skills taught in Bloom’s affective/attitude categories could also be described as being

A. preferences

B. intellectual options

C. analytical skills

D. social and communicative skills

Question 14

Time spent with employees to help them with the day-to-day responsibilities of their jobs is:

A. management

B. supervisory

C. shadowing

D. leadership

Question 15

Legitimate power differs from reward power in that:

A. legitimate power flows from character and personality, while reward power is given by someone higher up in the organization

B. legitimate power can never be rescinded, while reward power is temporary

C. legitimate power is solely from the position in the hierarchy, while reward power is the power to give praise and rewards

D. legitimate power is the power to promote another person to a higher position in the organization

Question 16

By definition, a team must:

A. interact using the same verbal and written styles

B. work together for a common goal

C. have job functions that do not overlap

D. be located in the same office

Question 17

Making calls, giving sales presentations, and following up with potential buyers are all examples of:

A. pipeline points. 

B. revenue streams. 

C. input-based goal behaviors. 

D. output-based goal behaviors. 

Question 18

The approaches of Maslow, McClelland, and Herzberg are all examples of:

A. development programs. 

B. reward systems. 

C. compensation plans. 

D. content-based motivational theories. 

Question 19

The largest group coming up into the workforce is the Millennial generation. This generation of workers is motivated by:

A. formality and respect. 

B. family time. 

C. flexibility and meaningful work experiences. 

D. promotions. 

Question 20

Customer data integration (CDI) refers to:

A. a group within the research department that specializes in gathering and analyzing data. 

B. a software system that gathers and analyzes customer data. 

C. a set of rules for the process of gathering data on customers and making it useful and available. 

D. the process of creating sales forecasts. 

Question 21

The sales forecast is a portion of the sales potential which is:

A. larger than the market potential for an industry. 

B. larger than the market potential for a product category. 

C. a portion of the market potential for a product category. 

D. a portion of the market potential for an industry. 

Question 22

Many consumers will buy more of a product if its price goes down, and less of a product if its price goes up. This is referred to as:

A. macroeconomics. 

B. elasticity. 

C. inelasticity. 

D. reward theory. 

Question 23

Trend analysis predicts future sales by:

A. looking at how well the competitors are doing. 

B. multiplying past performance by a factor of 1.06. 

C. averaging the performance over the past few periods and using that to predict the next period’s sales. 

D. examining past sales trends and extrapolating that information into the future. 

Question 24

Return on assets managed (ROAM) is a ratio that assesses

A. whether certain products are more profitable than others

B. whether products are an asset or a liability to a firm

C. what the forecast is for a certain product line for the coming periods

D. how well different managers are managing the firm’s assets

Question 25

Of the five dimensions of national culture, which is the most likely to affect different attitudes about the usefulness of sales forecasts?

A. power distance

B. uncertainty avoidance

C. long-term orientation

D. individualism/collectivism

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