blood as evidence

Blood is a significant source of biological evidence.  However, it requires very specific handling methods depending on whether it is wet or dry at the time evidence is collected.  How the blood presents can also tell a savvy forensic crime scene technician or detective something about how the crime occurred, not just who was involved.  Consider how this week’s material may be relevant to your Week Six Final Paper.  Prior to beginning this assignment, please review the required materials.

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  • An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation (3rd Ed.).

    Chapter 10: Blood and Biological Evidence

  • Forensic Chemistry Handbook

    Chapter 8 Forensic Serology (pages 270- 281)


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  • Forensics expert explains how to analyze bloodstain patterns (Links to an external site.)
  • Blood spatter analysis lecture -part 1 (Links to an external site.)
  • Katstle-Meyer test (phenolphthalein test) (Links to an external site.)

Your Blood as evidence paper must focus on the collection and analysis of blood evidence from a crime scene, and it must include the following:

  • Describe the history of blood evidence.
  • Explain the characteristics of blood.
  • Describe common tests for blood and explain how blood is analyzed.
  • Explain how blood stains and spatter are collected and analyzed.
  • Articulate what aspects of this week’s material you can use to complete your analysis of the crime scene in your Final Paper.

      The Blood as evidence paper,

  • Must be approximately 1,000 words

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