Blog[Need To Watch A Video And Article]


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For this week’s blog post, please answer the following questions in 350 words minimum (total). Remember, you’re always welcome to go over the word minimum requirement, just not under! Also, don’t forget to post a response of at least 150 words to a peer. 

  1. Why do you think we began this week’s discussions by learning about Mesoamerican societies and their contributions? How does this material make us think differently about mainstream U.S. history?
  2. What were the main ideas from last week’s article “1491” by Charles C. Mann? How does the article connect with this week’s lecture?
  3. Identify and describe a connection between this week’s lecture and at least 1 of our key terms from last week.
  4. In this week’s documentary, “Our People, Our Culture, Our History,” how was the video organized and what were the main sections discussed? In other words, briefly describe an overview of the documentary.
  5. According to the documentary, describe the Kumeyaay’s early ways of life and advancements. Next describe the Kumeyaay today.
  6. According to the documentary, how has California history typically been taught?
  7. According to the documentary, what does the term “sovereignty” mean, and why is it important to the Kumeyaay specifically?
  8. Based on the article “Oral Traditions,” what exactly are “oral traditions,” and why are they important to indigenous peoples?
  9. What connections did you notice between the article “Oral Traditions” and this week’s materials?
  10.  Lastly, reflect on your overall thoughts to any part of this week’s materials. What did you learn that you hadn’t previously known or thought about? What was interesting to you, or what resonated with you personally?

Reading textbooks thoroughly (and efficiently!

Active Reading Strategies

Questions to Ask About the Texts BEFORE You Read:
The class textbook/required texts may be challenging, and your time is valuable! In order to thoroughly understand the texts and finish your readings as soon as possible, take a few extra minutes to ask yourself these questions before you dive into the material:
1. What can I learn from the title?
2. What do I know about the author?
3. When was the text written?
4. What can I learn from skimming the text?
5. Do I need to do a quick “Google” search to find out more information about the author, time, place, etc?

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What to do WHILE You Read:
-Write all over the text! Never read without a writing utensil.
-Write yourself notes/questions in the margins, underline key sentences or passages, circle words you don’t know or aspects that are unclear.
1. It keeps you awake while you read.
2. Active reading–>thinking–>expression in words–>preserves better in memory–>saves time!
3. Writing while reading helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the main ideas from the text, which makes tests/assignments easier!

What an annotated text should look like

What an annotated text should look like

What an annotated text should look like

Write all over the required text! These are your notes, so make them meaningful to you.
Ask questions before, during, and after you read.
Active reading saves time when you go to write!

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