
Chapter 3 Lecture Participation Assignment

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To complete this assignment, you can either print out this worksheet and fill in your answers or you can fill them in electronically in this word document. When you are done, you will upload your assignment to the ‘chapter 3 participation assignment’ folder found in D2L under assessments assignments.

1. The four general types/classes of biomolecules are ________________, _______________, ____________________, and ________________.

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2. Macromolecules are synthesized (made) by the process of ______________________ and broken apart by

the process of ________________.

3. Carbohydrates are soluble in water, so carbohydrates are _______________.

4. One sugar molecule is called a ________________.

Two sugar molecules linked by a covalent bond is called a ______________.

More than 2 sugar molecules linked by covalent bonds are called _______________.

5. List and describe 2 functions of polysaccharides.

6. All lipids are insoluble in water, so lipids are called _______________.

7. The 3 classes of lipids include ________________, __________________ and ___________________.

8. Describe the similarities and differences between saturated and unsaturated fats.

9. A protein is composed of monomers termed _______________. The ______________ of each monomer is what makes them unique.

10. List at explain at least 4 functions of proteins.

11. Nucleic acids are composed of monomers termed ________________. Each monomer has 3 parts:

_________________, ________________, and ____________________.

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