Bio Test

1. What are the possibilities of Stem Cell research? Discuss a specific stem cell treatment you hope to become safe and available. What are some pros and cons or solutions?

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Add to this some current information on current research and discuss how close we are to a cure and what the last obstacles might be.

2. Understand that stem cells differentiate but start out undifferentiated. What does that mean??

.NOTE:  Look up these terms and see the difference! What are the potentials of each form?!

3. Research a use of your choice for stem cell therapy and review its  (1) practicality, (2) ethics in science and (3) status in medicine. Give an example for items 1, 2, and 3.

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4. What are some of the current concerns in the use of stem cell therapy with respect to mismatching and rejection? What are the potential solutions to overcome these concerns (Grow Your Own/textbook)?. Discuss a specific example.

5. Pick four topics of your choice (one from each our readings from weeks 1-4, or chapters 1-13 a total of four topics).  State for each topic: How does your topic relate to sustaining biodiversity?

NOTE:Topic is in red.

       Topic one and sustaining biodiversity  (Energy and Metabolism)

       Topic two and sustaining biodiversity. (Photosynthesis)

       Topic three and sustaining biodiversity (Binary Fission)

       Topic four and sustaining biodiversity (Sexual Reproduction)

 How does each topic relate to the overall  process of homeostasis?

6. What did the cell theory teach us about evolution of species and genetic material gained from each form of cell reproduction, i.e. mitosis and meiosis

7. What are macromolecules?  What do macro molecules have to do with obtaining nutrition, building blocks of life and energy? See the ‘Food Powers Cellular work” infographic  in our text.

8. Explain each macromolecule with your own example and say what each one does.

9. What are micro nutrients?  Give three examples and explain why we need them and their roles in maintaining our function and health.

10. What are induced pluripotent stem cells and how are they being used in DNA technology and medicine? Give an example of each.

11. Describe your favorite superfood.  State what it is composed of (its components and its benefits) and how it works as a superfood!

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