BHD421 Module 1 Case-

Module 1 – Case


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Assignment Overview

Understanding conceptually a community is critical to understanding this course. After reading the appropriate articles and websites listed on the Background page you should have a good understanding of what is a community and some of the differences between community health and public health.

Case Assignment

In responding to the questions below, I want you to immerse yourself into this course and try to think “out of the box.” Research points or questions you may not understand running key words through Google or another search engine. Remember, we don’t require examinations at TUI University but we do want you to demonstrate through the written word that you understand the key concepts presented in the course.

Please briefly answer the following questions:

  1. Which factor do you believe most affects the health of the community? Generally, these factors are classified as physical factors, social and cultural factors, community organization, and individual behavior. Please justify your response.
  2. Define community, community health and public health. Discuss the domains of personal and community health within the context of the community.
  3. Discuss and explain community health practices and what are their relationship to promoting a healthy community.
  4. Explain health disparity and their causes? Identify the problems related to health disparity.
  5. Discuss and explain a particular Social Determinant of Health that you consider to be the most important that can be improved by changing or modifying public policy as described by Richard Wilkinson and Michael Marmot in the WHO (2008) “Closing the gap in a generation” article.

Please submit your Case Assignment by the end of Module 1. Please refer to the Trident calendar for exact due dates. Please contact me at any time should you have any questions.

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Assignment Expectations

  1. You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings.
  2. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable your instructor to assess your level of understanding.
  3. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required Background materials.
  4. Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the Background reading list. Remember, any statement that you make that is not common knowledge or that originates from your synthesis or interpretation of materials you have read must have a citation associated with it. For guidelines on in-text citations, visit the following website:
  5. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely.
  6. Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a Similarity Index (SI) score <15% (excluding direct quotes, quoted assignment instructions, and references). Papers not meeting this requirement by the end of the session will receive a score of 0 (grade of F). Papers with a lower SI score may be returned for revisions. For example, if one paragraph accounting for only 10% of a paper is cut and pasted, the paper could be returned for revision, despite the low SI score. Please use the report and your SI score as a guide to improve the originality of your work.

Length: This Case Assignment should be 3-5 pages (double-spaced) in length and should include 4-5 peer reviewed references, not counting the title and references page.

Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information.

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Community Participation in Health Systems
Research: A Systematic Review Assessing the
State of Research, the Nature of
Interventions Involved and the Features of
Engagement with Communities
Asha S. George*, Vrinda Mehra, Kerry Scott, Veena Sriram

Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States of America




Community participation is a major principle of people centered health systems, with consid-

erable research highlighting its intrinsic value and strategic importance. Existing reviews

largely focus on the effectiveness of community participation with less attention to how com-

munity participation is supported in health systems intervention research.


To explore the extent, nature and quality of community participation in health systems inter-

vention research in low- and middle-income countries.


We searched for peer-reviewed, English language literature published between January

2000 and May 2012 through four electronic databases. Search terms combined the con-

cepts of community, capability/participation, health systems research and low- and middle-

income countries. The initial search yielded 3,092 articles, of which 260 articles with more

than nominal community participation were identified and included. We further excluded

104 articles due to lower levels of community participation across the research cycle and

poor description of the process of community participation. Out of the remaining 160 articles

with rich community participation, we further examined 64 articles focused on service deliv-

ery and governance within health systems research.


Most articles were led by authors in high income countries and many did not consistently list

critical aspects of study quality. Articles were most likely to describe community participa-

tion in health promotion interventions (78%, 202/260), even though they were less

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Citation: George AS, Mehra V, Scott K, Sriram V
(2015) Community Participation in Health Systems
Research: A Systematic Review Assessing the State
of Research, the Nature of Interventions Involved and
the Features of Engagement with Communities.
PLoS ONE 10(10): e0141091. doi:10.1371/journal.

Editor: Xia Li, Harbin Medical University, CHINA

Received: July 18, 2015

Accepted: October 5, 2015

Published: October 23, 2015

Copyright: © 2015 George et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are

Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information file.

Funding: This work is supported by the Future
Health Systems Consortium (http://www. This document is an output
funded by the UK Aid from the UK Department for
International Development (DFID) for the benefit of
low and middle income countries. However, the views
expressed and information contained in it are not
necessarily those of or endorsed by DFID, which can
accept no responsibility for such views or information
or for any reliance placed on them.

participatory than other health systems areas. Community involvement in governance and

supply chain management was less common (12%, 30/260 and 9%, 24/260 respectively),

but more participatory. Articles cut across all health conditions and varied by scale and

duration, with those that were implemented at national scale or over more than five years

being mainstreamed by government. Most articles detailed improvements in service avail-

ability, accessibility and acceptability, with fewer efforts focused on quality, and few designs

able to measure impact on health outcomes. With regards to participation, most articles

supported community’s in implementing interventions (95%, n = 247/260), in contrast to

involving communities in identifying and defining problems (18%, n = 46/260). Many articles

did not discuss who in communities participated, with just over a half of the articles disag-

gregating any information by sex. Articles were largely under theorized, and only five men-

tioned power or control. Majority of the articles (57/64) described community participation

processes as being collaborative with fewer describing either community mobilization or

community empowerment. Intrinsic individual motivations, community-level trust, strong

external linkages, and supportive institutional processes facilitated community participation,

while lack of training, interest and information, along with weak financial sustainability were

challenges. Supportive contextual factors included decentralization reforms and engage-

ment with social movements.


Despite positive examples, community participation in health systems interventions was

variable, with few being truly community directed. Future research should more thoroughly

engage with community participation theory, recognize the power relations inherent in com-

munity participation, and be more realistic as to how much communities can participate and

cognizant of who decides that.


The Alma Ata Declaration in 1978 framed community participation as central to primary
healthcare [1]. It has also been enshrined as an important principle within rights based
approaches to health that has an intrinsic value in and of itself [2]. Since these landmark agree-
ments underpinning community participation, considerable experience has been built regard-
ing it, with ample debate and reflection regarding its definition, rationale and outcomes [3–11].
Community participation can be instrumental as working with communities can help make
interventions more relevant to local needs, informed by local knowledge and priorities, and
therefore more effective. More fundamentally, depending on the social processes involved, it
can also be transformative, helping to empower and emancipate marginalized communities. At
the same time, community mobilization without attention to power relations can distort partic-
ipation from its developmental aims, exacerbate existing patterns of exclusion and further
entrench inequities.

Within the last ten years, the role of communities in health systems in low and middle
income countries (LMIC) increased in prominence as reviews highlighted the importance of
demand side issues [12, 13]. Subsequently, effectiveness trials and systematic reviews

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Competing Interests: “The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.”

demonstrated the health impacts of community health workers [14–16], women’s groups [17,
18], and community initiatives that supported empowerment through micro-finance [19], rais-
ing the profile of community-level interventions as an area for further research and investment.
Moving beyond improving health practices, service access and intervention implementation,
attention to how communities play an essential role in governing health systems through vil-
lage health committees [20] and other forms of community accountability [21] has also been
recently foregrounded in health systems research.

While there is growing consensus on the value of community participation in health sys-
tems, there is variation in how communities are defined and understood. While communities
are often defined as being geographic, such as in villages or neighborhoods, they are not neces-
sarily territorial, as they can also include social groups united by activities or interests (such as
savings or labor groups), and in a range of spaces (whether for example, international or vir-
tual). The Latin word ‘communitas’ combines the terms ‘with/together’ with ‘gift’, as a broad
term for fellowship or organized society. In this sense, communities are constituted by those
with a shared social identity; that is of members with the same set of social representations,
which are the meanings, symbols and aspirations through which people make sense of their
world [22]. These are not purely markers of affinity, but also governed by power relations [23].
In this sense, communities are also heterogeneous and constitute sites of social exclusion [24,
25]. These social conditions are not permanent. Communities are also sites of empowerment,
where unequal relations can be challenged [24, 26, 27].

While a defining element in assessing community participation is the level of control or
power that communities command in an initiative [28], the terminology that categorizes the
processes and conditions by which communities are involved also at times blurred, ranging
from mobilization to empowerment. Some view community mobilization as mainly externally
driven [29], while others define it as how communities plan, carry out, and evaluate activities
on a participatory and sustained basis to improve their health and other needs, either on their
own initiative or stimulated by others [30]. Beyond community mobilization lies community
empowerment, the expansion of capability to participate in; negotiate with; influence, control,
and hold accountable institutions that affect the wellbeing of the community. It is through
empowerment that communities gain mastery over their lives and change their social and
political environment to improve their health and quality of life [31].

While multiple reviews have argued the value of community participation [3–11], evalua-
tions have largely focused on health outcomes. None assess the extent to which community
participation figures in research on health systems interventions. Hence, the purpose of this
review is to examine the size and scope of community participation in health systems interven-
tion research in low- and middle-income countries. It is not the intention of the review to pro-
vide a comprehensive catalogue of the literature on community participation, as this has
already been done by others [3, 4, 9, 29, 32, 33]. Our aim is to review how published health sys-
tems research, as one aspect of the health systems policy and research community, is engaging
with community participation. The findings are one input towards further understanding and
supporting community participation as a part of strengthening health systems research and
interventions at community level.

The review sought to understand the extent, nature and quality of community participation in
health systems interventions research in LMICs. Participants included community members
involved in health systems intervention research in LMICs. As this was largely a qualitative
review, specific comparison interventions or populations were not sought and a broad array of

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study designs were considered eligible, whether experimental, descriptive or exploratory/
explanatory. Domains of interest captured by the review include the nature, scale and duration
of the interventions that enlisted community participation; its health systems area; type of
health conditions and health outcomes derived. With regards to community participation, the
review documented extent and depth of community participation; definitions and frameworks
used; facilitators and challenges to community participation.

A review protocol was developed and shared among team members to guide the review.

Information sources
We conducted a literature search in June, 2012, of four electronic databases: Pubmed, Embase,
Scopus/ Web of Science, Global Health (Ovid). Each database was searched from

2000 onwards

for articles containing concepts related to community, capabilities, health systems research and
LMICs (Table 1).

Article selection
The titles and abstracts of all articles found through the electronic search were combined to
form a database and duplicates were removed. In step 1, the titles and abstracts of all unique
articles were examined independently by two reviewers, who assessed whether the article
should be included or excluded according to our inclusion and exclusion criteria (Table 2).

Articles on which there was a consensus for exclusion, based on the title and abstract, were
excluded automatically. All titles and abstracts assessed as meeting the inclusion criteria by the
reviewers and about which the reviewers felt uncertain or disagreed were reviewed by the lead
researcher (AG) and discussed with the team to develop consensus on inclusion or exclusion.
In step two, full-text versions of all the articles retained in the review were then accessed. These
articles were again assessed independently by the review team according to the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. All included full-text articles and articles for which there was uncertainty or
disagreement were again discussed as a group and assessed by the lead researcher before final-
izing the dataset.

Table 1. Concepts and associated terms used in literature search.

Concept Search terms

Community “Community Networks”[Mesh] OR “Community “[text word] OR “Communities” [text word] OR “Community Health
Planning”[Mesh] OR “Community-Institutional Relations”[Mesh]


“Capacity Building”[Mesh] OR “Capability” [text word] OR “Capacity” [text word] OR “Capacities” [text word] OR “Capabilities”
[text word] OR “empowerment” [text word] OR “participation” [text word] OR “involvement” [text word]

Health System

“Health Services Research” [Mesh] OR “Community-Based Participatory Research” [Mesh] OR “Operations Research” [Mesh]
OR OR “Qualitative Research” [Mesh] OR “Evaluation Studies as Topic” [Mesh] OR “Evaluation Studies” [Publication Type] OR
“Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms” [Mesh] OR “Program Evaluation” [Mesh] OR “Health Care Quality, Access, and
Evaluation” [Mesh] OR “Health Services Research” [Mesh]

LMICs “Lower-middle-income economies”[tiab] OR “low income economies”[tiab] OR “Developing countries”[mh] OR “developing
countries”[tiab] OR “developing country”[tiab] OR “under-developed countries”[tiab] OR “under-developed country”[tiab] OR
“third-world countries”[tiab] OR “third-world country”[tiab] OR “developing nations”[tiab] OR “developing nation”[tiab] OR “under-
developed nations”[tiab] OR “third-world nations”[tiab] OR “third-world nation”[tiab] OR “less-developed countries”[tiab] OR “less-
developed country”[tiab] OR “less-developed nations”[tiab] OR low and middle income countries[tiab] OR lmic[tiab] OR low
income country[tiab] OR low income countries[tiab] OR lower income countries[tiab] OR middle income country[tiab] OR middle
income countries[tiab] OR lower middle income country[tiab] OR lower middle income countries[tiab] OR “Afghanistan” . . .


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Data collection process and data items
Continuing with step two, an abstraction form was created in Microsoft Excel to facilitate
extraction of information from each article on key aspects describing community participation
and health systems intervention research as listed under objectives earlier. We assessed study
drawing from the Critical Appraisal Skills Program and elements of rigor in health policy and
systems research [34, 35]. From these sources, we derived four broad categories in our assess-
ment—sampling, data collection, analysis and trustworthiness. The review team piloted the
form independently by abstracting five sample articles. After collective review and discussion,
the form was further refined and the researchers reached a consensus on the abstraction pro-
cess for the remaining articles. The remaining articles were abstracted, with weekly meetings
held among the researchers to discuss findings as they emerged, challenges found during the
abstraction process and a consensus approach to resolving them. All questions and changes in
the abstraction process were documented in a shared document that was reviewed and dis-
cussed weekly.


Findings were synthesized using a thematic approach, commonly used to summarize qualita-
tive and quantitative studies in systematic reviews [36, 37]. Articles were revisited multiple
times and abstracted findings synthesized into detailed outputs. These were then reviewed and
revised by the lead author (AG) in discussion with the team, following a process of constant
comparison. After drafting synthesized findings, authors revisited original articles to check
their interpretations.


Article selection
Our search generated 3,803 articles, which after removing 711 duplicates, left a total of 3,092
articles. Next 1807 abstracts where both reviewers agreed on exclusion were excluded.
Abstracts where there was disagreement or uncertainty, or which were selected for inclusion
(1285) were re-checked and resulted in the removal of an additional 763 abstracts, leaving 522

Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion Exclusion

Health systems research which examines an interaction of parts (service
delivery, information systems, medical products/ technologies, human
resources, financing, governance, community/ households) and their
interconnections (ideas and interests, relationships and power, values and
norms) that come together for a purpose (health)

Basic scientific research, clinical efficacy or effectiveness of treatments/
technologies, measurement and social determinants of population health

Low and middle income country contexts Editorials

Community level health system interventions are those where communities
are substantially involved in their implementation or monitoring and evaluation,
ie going beyond initial consultations for design or formative research.
Community was defined as people residing together in a geographical area, a
village or a township, not inclusive of community based organizations and or
local administrators who worked in these geographic areas, but did not reside
in them.

Review papers will not be abstracted through the form, but will be
reviewed as background material.

English language publication, with American and English spellings

Peer review journals

2000 onwards


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articles for full-text examination (26 review articles and 496 studies). At the full-text reading
stage, an additional 236 studies were excluded after being examined by two reviewers, leaving
260 studies with some level of community participation in health systems research studies.
This included articles that aimed to engage communities more fully, but failed to do so (Fig 1
and S1 Table).

Article characteristics
We assessed geographic location of interventions and first author to assess where and who is
publishing research on health systems that involves community participation in LMIC con-
texts. When authors mentioned two different affiliations, we categorized them by the first affili-
ation mentioned. Despite the focus on LMIC countries, more than half of first authors were
based in high-income countries (58%, 150/260). Among LMIC articles, almost a half focused
on sub-Saharan Africa (45%, 117/260), even though just under a fifth were authored by those
based in sub-Saharan Africa (19%, 50/260) (Table 3). Very few articles were from LMIC coun-
tries in the Middle East and North Africa (n = 4, Yemen and Iran) or in Europe and Central
Asia (n = 2, Romania and Kyrgyzstan) and very few spanned multiple regions (n = 4).

In terms of study design, just over a half of the articles that included community participa-
tion in health systems research interventions were of an explanatory nature (54%, 140/260)
and only 7% (19/260) followed a probability design (Table 4). While more articles were either
qualitative (37%, 97/260) or combined qualitative and quantitative data (34%, 89/260), a signif-
icant number were also purely quantitative (28%, 74/260).

Synthesis of results for all health systems research articles with
community participation
In this section, we review how communities participated in interventions, who in communities
participated and the distribution of articles across health systems domains and health

Extent of community participation: How communities participate?. The extent of com-
munity participation in health systems research interventions was assessed across five different
elements, depending on whether communities were involved in: (1) identifying and defining
the problems addressed; (2) identifying and defining the interventions developed to address
those problems; (3) implementing interventions; (4) managing resources for the interventions;
and/or (5) monitoring and evaluating interventions. To be included in this review, articles
needed to have community participation in at least one of the above five elements (Table 5).

Of those articles that had some degree of community participation in the health system
intervention under investigation, almost all detailed community participation in implementing
interventions (95%, 247/260). Very few were involved in the strategic decisions that framed the
research by identifying and defining the problems that needed to be addressed (18%, 46/260),
although just over half were involved in identifying and defining interventions (50%, 131/260).
Fewer articles detailed community participation in terms of managing resources (31%, 80/260)
or monitoring and evaluating (24%, 63/260). Only a minority involved communities in 3 steps
(55/260, 21%) or in 4 steps (12%, 31/260), with only 4 involving communities in all 5 steps.

We combined our assessment of the number of elements with the level of detail available on
community participation in the article to categorize articles as having “rich” community partic-
ipation. Those categorized as rich participation largely correlate with the increasing number of
elements, but not exactly (Table 6). For example, articles that may have only supported com-
munity participation in one or two elements of the intervention but provided a rich description
of this participation whether positive or negative where included, rather than those that had

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Fig 1. Flow chart detailing article selection


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more than one element but with little description detailing what this meant for the communi-
ties involved.

Extent of gender analysis: Who in communities participates?. Among those articles
with rich community participation, just over half, 54% (84/156) disaggregated by sex. However,
those that did present information disaggregated by sex, did so regarding mainly related to
background data sources or population health outcomes. Extremely few articles detailed inter-
vention participation by sex [38–40].

Almost a third, 32% (50/156), of articles targeted women or men or focused on sex specific
health conditions. A large number of these articles focused on sexual, reproductive, maternal
and child health issues, primarily focusing on women as beneficiaries. Only one article targeted
men in participatory way by supporting father’s clubs to promote child health [41].

Table 3. Geographic region of first authors vs. region of intervention.

Geographic region of first authors Articles with community participation (n = 260)

Low income 17% (43/260)

Lower middle income 12% (32/260)

Upper middle income 13% (33/260)

High income 58% (150/260)

No information 01% (2/260)

Geographic region of intervention Articles with community participation (n = 260)

Sub Saharan Africa 45% (117/260)

South Asia 19% (49/260)

East Asia and Pacific 18% (47/260)

Latin America and Caribbean 14% (37/260)

Middle East and North Africa 02% (4/260)

Europe and Central Asia 01% (2/260)

Multiple regions 02% (4/260)


Table 4. Study inference.


Explanation Articles with community
participation (n = 260)

Probability Controlled (cluster randomized) trials 7% (19/260)

Plausibility Concurrent, non-randomized cluster trials 12% (32/260)

Adequacy Before-after or time-series in program recipients only 16% (41/260)

Explanatory Can be mixed methods, quantitative or qualitative;
focus on how a strategy led to effects on outcome

54% (140/260)

Exploratory Can be mixed methods, quantitative or qualitative;
focus on descriptions and relationships

11% (28/260)


Table 5. Nature of community participation.

Nature of community participation (CP) Articles with CP (n = 260)

Identifying and defining problems 18% (46/260)

Identifying and defining interventions 50% (131/260)

Implementing interventions 95% (247/260)

Managing resources for intervention 31% (80/260)

Monitoring, evaluating interventions 24% (63/260)


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Of the 106 articles with rich community participation that did not target women or men or
their sex specific health issues, 28% (30/106) did not discuss gender in any way, 35% (37/106)
mentioned gender in passing (one or two sentences), and only 28% (30/106) discussed gender
issues substantively.

Health systems domains. We assessed which health systems domains had interventions
that involved community participation, and identified eight different fields: (1) health promo-
tion, (2) inter-sectoral, (3) service delivery, (4) governance, (5) supply chain management, (6)
financing, (7) human resource management and (8) information systems (Table 7).

Involving communities in health promotion was most common, with 202 of the 260 articles
(78%) included in the review having communities participating in this domain. However, only
63% (128/202) of the articles that involved communities in health promotion included rich
experiences of community participation. Most of the health promotion articles in our review
included community participation in implementing the intervention, but were less likely to
have communities defining the problem that needed to be addressed, defining the intervention
in question, managing resources for it or monitoring/evaluating its results.

Involving communities in governance and supply chain management was not very common
(only 12% (30/260) and 9% (24/260) respectively), but when it occurred it was highly participa-
tory with 80% (24/30) and 83% (20/24) of the articles in these respective domains being classi-
fied as having high participation. Within the domain of governance, many of the articles
described how communities were engaged in decision making regarding the intervention, their
involvement in health planning processes or supervision of services. With regards to supply
chain management interventions, half of the interventions included related to community-
directed treatment for various communicable diseases, which involved communities in

Table 6. Number of elements of community participation.

Number of community participation (CP)

Articles with CP
(n = 260)

Articles with rich CP
(n = 156)

Column subtotals Row subtotals

CP in 1 of the 5 elements 33% (86/260) 22% (19/86)

CP in 2 of the 5 elements 32% (84/260) 57% (48/84)

CP in 3 of the 5 elements 21% (55/260) 98% (54/55)

CP in 4 of the 5 elements 12% (31/260) 100% (31/31)

CP in all 5 elements 2% (4/260) 100% (4/4)

Total 260 60% (156/260)


Table 7. Extent of community participation (CP) across health systems domains.

Health systems domains Articles with CP (n = 260) Articles with rich CP (n = 156)
Column subtotals Row subtotals

Health promotion 78% (202/260) 63% (128/202)

Inter-sectoral 35% (90/260) 71% (64/90)

Service delivery 30% (77/260) 69% (53/77)

Governance 12% (30/260) 80% (24/30)

Supply chain management 9% (24/260) 83% (20/24)

Financing 7% (19/260) 68% (13/19)

Human resource management 7% (18/260) 50% (9/18)

Information systems 3% (7/260) 29% (2/7)


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implementing the intervention and often in developing the intervention, managing resources
for it and at times monitoring it.

Information systems was the health system domain with the fewest articles 3% (7/260) and
also the least participatory 29% (2/7). These interventions included studies on community-
based surveillance systems for specific health conditions or treatment programs [42–44], com-
munity engagement in social audits or quality improvement [45, 46] or the challenges of engag-
ing community participation in information systems in post-disaster situations [47]. In most
of these articles, coordination, management and action on data was undertaken by local gov-
ernment bodies or NGOs and not directly by community members themselves, with the excep-
tion of du Mortier et al. (2005) and Heinonen et al. (2000) [46, 48].

Types of health conditions. We assessed which types of health conditions were addressed
through interventions that involved some community participation. Community participation
was most frequently observed in interventions targeting HIV, followed by articles pertaining to
other infectious diseases and the environment. For example, a large number of articles docu-
mented community directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) for controlling onchocerciasis
and lymphatic filariasis, and other community-directed interventions (CDI) for insecticide-
treated bed nets, etc. However, after aggregating across health conditions, relatively similar
proportions of articles focused on reproductive and child health (38%, 99/260) and HIV,
Malaria and TB (32%, 84/260) when compared to those focusing on other health conditions
(29%, 76/260) and broader determinants of health (27%, 69/260) (Table 8).

Synthesis of results for service delivery and governance articles with rich
community participation
Of those with rich community participation we did further analysis on the 64 that involved ser-
vice delivery and governance in health systems research due to our interest in service delivery
and because governance is the health systems domain most likely to have insights on power,
which lies at the heart of community participation. Of these, 53 had service delivery elements
and 24 had governance elements, with 13 articles with both service delivery and governance
elements. In this section, we first review the quality of the studies, the nature and scale of the

Table 8. Extent of community participation across health conditions.

Type of health condition Articles with CP (n = 260) Articles with rich CP (n = 156)
Column subtotals Row subtotals

Reproductive and child health 38% (99/260) 47% (47/99)

Maternal 13% (34/260) 50% (17/34)

Under five/Newborn 13% (35/260) 51% (18/35)

Family planning 6% (15/260) 27% (4/15)

Other sexual and reproductive health 6% (15/260) 53% (8/15)

HIV, Malaria and TB 32% (84/260) 52% (44/84)

HIV 25% (64/260) 55% (35/64)

Malaria 4% (11/260) 55% (6/11)

Tuberculosis 3% (9/260) 33% (3/9)

Other conditions 29% (76/260) 62% (47/76)

Other infectious diseases 18% (46/260) 59% (27/46)

Non communicable disease 12% (30/260) 67% (20/30)

Other broader health determinants 27% (69/260) 67% (46/69)

Environment 15% (40/260) 63% (25/40)

Broader health issues, primary care 11% (29/260) 72% (21/29)


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interventions and their implications for health. We then focus on how the articles described
community participation in terms of the definitions and theoretical frameworks used, the bal-
ance of power described, and the factors that facilitated or challenged community

Quality of study design and analysis. Despite being lenient in interpreting responses
regarding quality of study design and analysis, several aspects of study quality were glaringly
deficient. No one article fulfilled all the elements expected of research articles independent of
study design. Basic elements related to describing study area and selection, data sources and
collection, and triangulation across data sources were listed by at least 70% or more of articles.
Nonetheless, ethics statements were only found for 25% (16/64) of articles and limitations
acknowledged in only 36% (23/64) of articles. Considering that these articles included rich
examples of community participation with implications for how power relations were
addressed, it is striking that respondent validation was only found in 17% (11/64) of articles
and reflexivity in 8% (5/64) (Table 9).

Nature of the interventions. The service delivery interventions focused mainly on sup-
porting capacity building and partnerships across various stakeholders for community level
programs. These included supporting CDTI, but also community-directed programs related to
managing other commodities to address lymphatic filiariasis [49], malnutrition [50], anaemia
[51], misoprostol [52], and malaria, vitamin deficiency and tuberculosis [53]. Other programs
included community-based initiatives supporting safe motherhood and women [54–56],
multi-sectoral basic needs [48], family health at the provincial level [57], or in urban contexts
[58], urban provision of emergency care [59], or HIV/STI prevention [60, 61]. Other types of
participatory service delivery interventions involved community-based care models in con-
junction with: training professional health providers [39, 62, 63]; women’s groups [64–67];

Table 9. Study quality.

Elements of study quality Articles with rich community participation in
service delivery and governance (n = 64)

Yes Partial No


Study area described 97% (62/64) 0% (0/64) 3% (2/64)

Study area selection explained 72% (46/64) 2% (1/64) 27% (17/64)

Sampling criteria mentioned 59% (38/64) 0% (0/64) 41% (26/64)

Non-participation rates 16% (10/64) 0% (0/64) 84% (54/64)

Data methods

Data sources listed 83% (53/64) 2% (1/64) 16% (10/64)

Data collector training/ piloting mentioned 25% (16/64) 2% (1/64) 73% (47/64)

Data collection described 73% (47/64) 2% (1/64) 25% (16/64)

Supervision mentioned 5% (3/64) 0% (0/64) 95% (61/64)

Ethics statement mentioned 25% (16/64) 0% (0/64) 75% (48/64)


Methods stated 67% (43/64) 8% (5/64) 25% (16/64)

Limitations stated 36% (23/64) 0% (0/64) 64% (41/64)


Triangulation by data source 73% (47/64) 0% (0/64) 27% (17/64)

Triangulation by respondent 61% (39/64) 0% (0/64) 41% (25/64)

Respondent validation stated 17% (11/64) 0% (0/64) 83% (53/64)

Reflexivity stated 8% (5/64) 0% (0/64) 92% (59/64)


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drug revolving funds/ risk pooling mechanisms [68–70]; and community transport initiatives
[54, 55, 71]. A few articles detailed community research processes that facilitated better under-
standing of marginalized groups such as injecting drug users [72] or parents’ perceptions of
children’s fever for malaria programs [73]. Several programs worked with community mem-
bers to build their capacity to become providers themselves and better support community
needs [74–77].

Governance interventions ranged from quality improvement and supervision initiatives [46,
78, 79], to community monitoring efforts [80, 81], and user associations, health committees
and other mechanisms to facilitate public participation in planning and health service oversight

Scale and duration of interventions. Of the 64 articles with rich experiences of commu-
nity participation service delivery or governance in interventions with service delivery and gov-
ernance elements, all except three included information on the intervention’s location and
scale. Interventions that supported rich community participation ranged from very localized
efforts in one village, city or township, to those in various localities, whether in one district or
more, with no discernable pattern. Five out of the seven articles detailing national level experi-
ences were those where the MOH either adopted decentralization or enhanced public partici-
pation through committees [81, 84–86, 91]. Four out of the five multi-country interventions
pertained to community-directed treatment for onchoceriasis.

A few articles documented experiences of community participation that was scaled up or
implemented in phases, reflecting flexibility in adapting processes to fit changing needs and
local contexts [66, 92, 93]. For example, in Bangladesh, women’s groups were scaled up from
162 to 810 groups, with adaptations related to the schedule and content of group meetings to
emphasize participation of women in reproductive age and especially pregnant women [66].

Although fourteen articles failed to report the duration of the projects involved, a sizeable
proportion of articles detailed interventions that lasted between one to five years (n = 29/65,
45%). Projects that were more than five years but under 10 years were often part of government
decentralization initiatives. Similarly, of the six that continued beyond ten years, half were
national programs or reforms [83, 86, 94] undertaken by the Ministry or Department of Health
and thus institutionalized into existing health systems.

In articles that described institutionalization, integration was commonly ensured by either
incorporating intervention specific cadres and components within existing health systems [55,
56, 81, 95], other government and religious organizations [59, 68] or by building onto pre-
existing structures [50, 64, 77, 80, 91, 92, 96]. In other instances, interventions were either
embedded within national/, local or village level governance structures [51, 55, 82, 87, 92, 94]
or managerial and decision making processes through formation of associations or executive
committees [53–55, 77, 90].

Extremely few articles were able to assess sustainability of interventions after the project
ended. The strongest example is a maternal health project in Tanzania that supported village
health workers and community financing for emergency transport. It measured sustained utili-
zation of maternal health services and knowledge about danger signs of pregnancy six years
after its completion [55].

Health and health care effects. With regards to changes in health and health care, among
the service delivery and governance articles with rich community participation, expanding ser-
vice availability was the most documented health outcome, with nearly 63% (40/64) of the arti-
cles indicating increasing service availability through community-directed treatment
intervention [97], construction of new facilities [87], or an increase in services provided by par-
ticular cadres [98]. Similarly, just over half of the articles, 52% (33/64), noted improvements in
accessibility, in terms of both geographic accessibility by increasing the availability of services,

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enabling care closer to households or improving access to transportation, as well as financial
accessibility through free-of-cost services [59], elimination of user fees [93] or the development
of mother and child funds [64]. Nonetheless, these increases were not always well measured
[48, 90] or at times were not enough to overcome systematic or structural challenges, such as
those related to supply chain or geographical remoteness [58, 75].

Over half of the articles, 57% (37/64), detailed improvements with regards to acceptability,
ranging from familiarity through peer involvement to service satisfaction and facility cleanli-
ness. For example, the recruitment of community health workers allowed for interventions to
become more culturally acceptable to community members [40, 96, 99]. Challenges included
mistrust or abuse by providers [58, 61, 64, 76] and culturally inappropriate gender of providers

In contrast, fewer articles, 23% (15/64), focused on improving quality of services and fewer
still reported success in this aspect. Positive experiences included the role of communities in
developing action plans with providers [78] and monitoring commodities, including drugs
[80]. Health committees were involved in improving pharmaceutical management in India,
[51] and the Democratic Republic of Congo [46]. However, challenges such as shortages in
supplies and drugs, poor inter-personal skills of providers with patients, lack of training of pro-
viders and perceived lack of skill and lack of trust of providers were noted [58, 65, 76].

Changes in health behavior were noted in 33% (31/64) and in morbidity or mortality in
23% (15/64) of the studies. Community members played a role in improving lifestyles and sup-
porting health care seeking. Some articles documented activities that supported behavior
change, but did not measure whether this happened [90, 98, 100]. Challenges to achieving
health outcomes included ‘fears’ or beliefs that services might negatively impact individuals,
such as side effects of vaccinations or drugs [88, 101], as well as conservative gender norms
[38]. Methodologies of those studies that did report a decrease in morbidity or mortality range
from analyses of project evaluation data and case studies to randomized control trials. Only the
women’s group interventions from Nepal and India had study designs where declines in mor-
tality could be statistically inferred [64, 67, 102].

Use of definitions or theoretical frameworks. Authors used a diverse set of definitions
and frameworks in explaining the concept of community participation. Of the 64 articles
related to governance and service delivery, only 16 provided a definition or framework of com-
munity participation. Five articles used Rifkin’s concept of the five stages of community partici-
pation in health [29, 52, 68, 75, 84]. Other definitions and frameworks referenced by authors
include Zakus and Lysac [63, 94, 103], Arnstein’s ladder of community participation [38] and
Ugalde’s definition of symbolic participation [82, 104]. The remaining five articles defined
community participation in their own words, or in a manner that illustrated how participants
constructed the concept for themselves [58, 59, 63, 99, 100].

Articles also discussed community participation as a part of related concepts such as social
capital [96]; community development movement [98]; and primary health care [99]. In addi-
tion to or separately from references to community participation, articles also specifically refer-
enced concepts such as empowerment [63, 74, 84, 96, 98], sustainability [57, 58, 105], and
collaborative or community-based participatory research [72, 80, 106]. Four articles, including
two focused on women’s group interventions, explicitly mentioned Freire’s concepts of critical
consciousness and/or empowerment education [65, 67, 74, 96].

Balance of power. Although power is a central part of understanding community partici-
pation, only five studies mentioned power or control [40, 52, 60, 91, 93]. We drew on Rifkin’s
work to categorize the depth of community participation as either community mobilization,
collaboration or community empowerment [107] depending on the level of community partic-
ipation, its scope of influence, view of health and the balance it drew between communities and

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professionals (Table 10). Most articles described community participation processes that
resembled collaboration 89% (57/64), with fewer describing either community mobilization or
community empowerment, each 53% (34/64).

About half of the articles that described community mobilization in service delivery and
governance interventions focused on raising community awareness around a specific health
issue through drama presentations, video clips, education sessions, picture cards etc. In addi-
tion, a few interventions trained community volunteers to raise awareness and conduct health
promotion through household visits or counseling [50, 54, 55, 60, 87]. Project stakeholders also
conducted community level meetings to sensitize communities and enlist their support for the
intervention. Yet, only a couple of articles described feedback sessions with communities;
mostly about the results of baseline surveys stressing the importance of an impending health
problem [51, 73]. Overall, many articles did not detail who was in charge of the participatory
interventions or who set the agenda defining interventions.

About a third of the service delivery and governance articles that described collaborative
forms of community participation involved communities in planning, evaluation and supervi-
sion of the intervention. Many articles described professionals working with communities in
recruiting and training community volunteers to implement service delivery or governance
interventions. In other cases, communities mobilized resources such as funds [55, 59, 72, 87,
98, 101], or materials and supplies [53, 59, 77, 78, 108]. In one instance, the development of a
protocol to manage mental illnesses [92] illustrated the meaningful and substantial contribu-
tion by communities to addressing a critical community problem.

In almost half of the articles that we classified as describing community empowerment,
communities became skilled in identifying and prioritizing problems; devising action plans;
and implementing, monitoring and evaluating the plans. This was a skill common to women’s
group interventions where women learnt problem solving techniques through participatory
learning and action cycles. In Nepal, groups went through a cycle of problem identification,
planning, implementation and evaluation to initiate and implement strategies as stretcher
schemes, revolving funds for obstetric or newborn emergencies, and making and distributing
clean home delivery kits to counter maternal and newborn health issues [65]. In almost a third
of the articles, communities were also found to actively engaged in either managing budgets
[59] or raising funds for the continuation of the intervention [48, 51, 64, 68, 96].

Apart from women’s groups, CDTI interventions also successfully empowered communities
to make local management decisions [40, 53, 99, 101, 109, 110]. CDTI interventions required
that communities assume full ownership for control of onchoceriasis and it was found that
communities managed to do so by selecting and supporting ivermectin drug distributors, col-
lecting supplies of drugs, and determining the period, place and method of drug distribution.

As important as it is to try and discern the balance of power involved in community partici-
pation efforts, these categorizations are not mutually exclusive, as a few articles (n = 11) had all
three levels of community participation. It was commonly observed that even when a

Table 10. Balance of power and the continuum of community participation.

Level Scope of influence View of health Balance between communities & professionals

Community mobilization Medical Absence of disease People do what the professional advises

Collaboration Health services Physical, mental and social
well being

Communities contribute time, materials and/or money, but with the
professionals defining needs


Community development A human condition Planning and managing health activities by the community
using professionals as resources and facilitators.


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community was empowered to implement and manage a program; it still collaborated and fol-
lowed the lead of an agency or health service personnel for some activities. With CDTI in
Uganda, communities assumed responsibility of selecting community drug distributors, venue,
method of drug distribution, procurement and storage of drugs and were able to execute mana-
gerial decisions with minimal external interference. However, communities collaborated with
personnel from district health facilities in supporting health education sessions, as well as train-
ing and supervising community drug distributors [109].

Some articles detailed partially successful initiatives to empower communities [38, 50, 54,
75, 89]. For example, in Tanzania, a service delivery intervention sought to empower commu-
nities to manage maternal emergencies through participatory development of community-
based plans for emergency transport [54]. The author found that though the project built com-
munity capacity to develop transportation plans and manage resources, subsequent evaluation
revealed that none of the target villages were at the level where they could develop and execute
their own plans. More than half of the communities were at the level where they endorsed and
cooperated in promoting the community based reproductive health program and the rest
where at the level where the communities’ role continued to be of advice and consent. In other
projects, attempts to foster deeper community participation failed as the intervention came
under the control of few influential people such as local leaders and officials, rather than the
broader community.

Facilitators and challenges to supporting community participation. Almost all 64 ser-
vice delivery and governance articles with rich community participation documented both
facilitating and challenging factors.

At the individual level, many intrinsic elements of motivation supported the willingness of
community members to engage with participatory processes: professional and personal
growth, respect and recognition [39, 55, 58, 101]; a sense of confidence and ownership [73, 75,
79, 84] and the development of leadership skills and knowledge [55, 79]. In contrast, lack of
appropriate levels of training, skills, education and interest [64, 72, 75, 86]; as well as insuffi-
cient information regarding roles and responsibilities were commonly stated barriers to effec-
tive participation [49, 58, 74, 81, 82, 89, 91]. In four articles, it was observed that financial
compensation was not a necessary entity for initiating participation, but was needed for contin-
ued performance of volunteers [68, 70, 99, 105].

Many articles noted that even adequately trained and motivated individuals were unable to
effect action if they lacked community support or if community members did not trust them or
appreciate the activities they were carrying out. Trust building mechanisms, such as the demo-
cratic selection of community-based volunteers by community members, were important [40,
50, 53, 76, 101, 108, 109, 111]. When selection was managed by traditional kinship structures
[109, 111, 112], this aided community participation and intervention effectiveness within the
kinship group, but led to continued exclusion of others not part of that group.

Another contextual factor supporting community participation was concurrence with prev-
alent cultural norms [56, 65, 73, 101, 111] or fit with local environment and needs [50, 51, 67,
71, 80, 92]. A community-based safe motherhood intervention strategically trained and
included men as outreach workers raising awareness about obstetric complications [56]. This
strategy facilitated community participation because in it accounted for the influential role of
men in Tanzania. Other interventions involving pagoda members [68, 88], pre-existing church
groups [77] and Sikh community structures [87] engaged with pre-existing religious institu-
tions to motivate communities to participate.

Besides contextual factors, communities were more likely to participate across the breadth
of interventions if they either perceived or experienced an intervention to be beneficial [49, 51,
53, 101]. Other factors that led to communities organizing around a health issue were a history

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of shared struggle such as displacement or conflict [108], communities posed with geographical
challenges [55, 70] or situations leading to self-help and voluntarism due to the adversities
faced [54, 93, 108, 113].

Community participation was also shaped by characteristics of people outside the commu-
nity. A positive perception and enthusiasm for a community’s contribution among health
workers and project staff virtuously fed back to enhance community participation [48, 61, 69,
89, 93, 98]. Conversely, lack of trust and support from external stakeholders, devaluation of
community input and lack of confidence in their abilities inhibited community participation
[53, 58, 62, 70, 76, 100, 101]. At times, the negative perceptions of communities held by exter-
nal actors were exacerbated by contextual features such as vertically oriented health systems
with top down approach to decision making and dominance by medical professionals [62, 74,
75, 98].

Several processes were found to support community input at various stages of program
development, implementation and evaluation. For example, participatory research and social
mapping were identified as key processes to developing consensus between different stakehold-
ers and promoting program acceptability [92, 106]. Representation through community-based
organizations, health committees and discussion forums also lent voice to communities,
enhanced ownership and successfully supported community participation. At the same time,
in certain contexts, health boards, health committees and district health management teams
meant to promote wider community participation either made no concerted efforts to collabo-
rate with communities or were more symbolic than practical [100]. Six articles noted the
importance of transparency, open communication and increased accountability to communi-
ties as critical to supporting community participation [50, 55, 69, 72, 77, 98].

One of the most significant contextual factors resulting in increased community participa-
tion included changes in political inclination to devolve responsibilities to local people (11 out
of 29 articles that discussed contextual factors), through for instance government reforms and
policies mandating the inclusion of communities in program planning and implementation.
For example, the Social Reform Agenda and Local Government Code in the Philippines
enabled increased community participation in local governance through devolution of powers
from Departments to local governments [48]. While several articles did document broad con-
textual factors whether related to authoritarian politics in Cambodia [88] or Apartheid in
South Africa [39, 106], better documentation and research is required to understand when and
how such contexts hinder or support health systems interventions that hinge on community


Summary of evidence
In terms of article characteristics, the majority of articles documenting community participa-
tion in health systems intervention research focused on sub-Saharan Africa, in stark contrast to
lead authorship of those articles. This may reflect a type of publication bias, wherein those at
national and community level may have less interest in publishing in international journals,
due to their political commitments and career incentives. Regardless of the reasons, the con-
trast reflects the skewed nature of global health research [114, 115]. UNESCO’s 2010 Science
Report indicates that 62% of researchers and 75% of scientific research publications were from
high income country institutions [116]. While the importance of building research capacity in
LMICs was emphasized in the 1974 World Health Assembly and re-affirmed since [117–119],
to our knowledge, systematic reviews in general, let alone those on community participation
[3, 5–7, 11, 120], examine this inequality.

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While there is a mix of purely qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods studies in our
review, most were explanatory in nature, with very few using probability or experimental
designs to assess health effects. The quality of studies, irrespective of their study designs, was
variable. While it may not be possible for any one study to list all the elements of good quality
design that we detailed, the paucity of studies that listed their sampling criteria, study participa-
tion rates, ethics approval, study design limitations, respondent validation or reflexivity is of
serious concern.

Other reviews on community participation have also noted the paucity of experimental
designs testing the effectiveness of community participation [11, 120], others have called to
attention the lack of process evaluations [6] and qualitative research [5] to more clearly exam-
ine how community participation contributed to the health outcomes attributed to it. Rifkin
argues that the difficulty in finding such an effect is due to mistaking community participation
as an intervention, rather than a social process requiring alternative evaluation designs [3].
Considering the variable study quality of many of the articles in our review, and in those of oth-
ers [120], and the challenge of assessing community participation, due to its complex, context-
specific and contested nature, better quality research to further understand the nature of com-
munity participation is required and efforts claiming to assess its effectiveness without such
understanding treated with caution.

Looking across health systems domains, the largest number of articles supporting commu-
nity participation were those detailing health promotion interventions. Yet they were not the
most participatory, as many of the interventions were didactic in nature, with the problems tar-
geted and the design of the health promotion interventions determined by those outside the
community. Articles that focused on governance and supply chain were less common, but
more participatory, as governance interventions tended to focus on social accountability, and
many of the supply chain articles were about community drug distribution systems. Articles
that supported community participation in information systems were the least common and
least participatory, reflecting how much control over information is retained by project person-
nel outside of communities. To our knowledge, no reviews have assessed the ability to support
community participation in one health systems domain vs. another. At least one article that
contrasted a participatory youth peer education effort vs. a participatory youth health care ser-
vice, found that the latter by providing tangible benefits and by providing an accepted bio-
medical context facilitated empowering outcomes more easily, yet was more modest in the
empowering aims it had [96]. Further understanding of how the specific characteristics of each
health system domain may influence community participation is required.

Although there were a large number of articles related to HIV interventions that supported
community participation, when aggregated into broader categories, there was an even spread
between reproductive, maternal and child health areas; TB, malaria and HIV; other health con-
ditions; and broader determinants of health. This partially reflects the large contribution HIV
has played working with communities on health promotion or preventive initiatives, but also
reflects how community participation as a principle is relevant and actively used by initiatives
across all kinds of health conditions.

Closer examination of the subset of articles reporting rich community participation in ser-
vice delivery and governance, revealed that while there was a diversity of scale and duration
of interventions, those that were at national scale and lasted more than five to ten years were
often part of government programs, including decentralizing initiatives. With regards to
health and health care, most of these articles with rich community participation in service
delivery and governance documented improvements in service availability, acceptability and
accessibility. Very few attempted to improve quality of care and with any success. Although
several articles detailed effects on health behaviors, morbidity or mortality, most, barring a

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few exceptions, were not designed methodologically to credibly assess changes in health out-
comes. This partially reflects the health systems focus of the subset of articles we focused on
(service delivery and governance), but also the weakness in study quality that we noted

With regards to the extent of community participation detailed, even with only including
articles that had more than just nominal community involvement, most of the articles mainly
detailed community participation in implementing interventions. Very few engaged communi-
ties in identifying or framing the problems to be addressed and relatively few engaged commu-
nities in managing resources or monitoring and evaluating interventions, although just over
half did involve communities in the design of interventions. Few articles involved communities
in 3 or more steps of the health systems intervention, with only 5 involved in all, suggesting sig-
nificant shortfalls in the participatory intent of most articles. Others have noted that interven-
tions supporting community participation often achieve less community participation than
originally planned [120]. In another review, among the 9 studies detailing high levels of com-
munity participation in high income countries, despite democratic and shared decision-
making and community initiation or majority seats in some instances, financial control and
financial decision-making was retained by outsiders [7].

Also notable was the lack of information on the social characteristics of the community
members involved, as just over half of the articles disaggregated details about their work by sex.
Of those articles that did include men and women among their participants, more than a quar-
ter failed to discuss gender in anyway, in contrast to the more than a quarter that did. Other
have also found inadequate information about who is included in participatory initiatives at
community level [7]. This is striking considering the known social hierarchies within

Very few articles cited a definition or framework for community participation and only five
studies mentioned power, a central element of participatory processes. Similarly only four
mentioned Freire, despite his seminal role in advocating for community empowerment and
critical consciousness. At the same time, the great majority of articles in our review described
community participation processes that resembled collaboration, with just over half describing
either community mobilization or community empowerment. This partially reflects our selec-
tion of articles that had more than nominal community participation, but also a potential pub-
lication bias towards studies where external agents had resources for evaluation, rather than
instances that were more community led and financed [6]. It also reflects how fluid some of
these nuances are, as the balance of power within projects can change over time, as does the
character of the internal and external stakeholders, along with their motivations for supporting
community participation.

Facilitating and challenging aspects of community participation were documented by all the
articles to some degree. At the individual level, community members are motivated to engage
for a variety of intrinsic reasons, although financial support cannot be ignored for long term
continuity. Community level support and trust was indispensable and facilitated when com-
munities’ perceived interventions to fit with their needs and adapted to their context. External
linkages particularly to the health care system was seen as important, and at times inhibited by
broader factors. Institutional processes that facilitated trust, transparency and communication
were central. Contextual factors supportive of community participation included legal reforms
or policies leading to decentralization inclusive of communities, as well as specific political his-
tories and engagement with social movements. Others have also emphasized multiple layers of
factors that influence community participation [11], most particularly the importance of trust,
acceptance and long term partnerships [7].

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The literature documenting health systems interventions at the community level is large, but
with no standard definition or reporting guidelines on how to describe community participa-
tion, it took time to identify those articles that documented some kind of community participa-
tion versus those that implemented at the community level with nominal community
involvement. Others have also cited this challenge [6]. Furthermore the paucity of description
in many articles made understanding central aspects of community participation, in terms of
who from communities were involved; the balance of power; when, how were communities
involved and with what consequences, challenging. Studies may have considered and measured
many of the elements central to this review, but not published them in the articles that were
included in our review. Articles with richer descriptions may have been over-represented in the
qualitative analysis only because they provided information. While we did present quantifica-
tions to characterize the literature, a significant portion of the decision-making, abstraction
and interpretation is subjective. Throughout the review, we therefore not only convened regu-
lar group discussions to evaluate our understanding of the subject, but also documented our

While several positive examples of community participation exist in the review, there are
important elements of caution also highlighted. Despite the history and value of community
participation, there remains a lack of common understanding of concepts, motivations and
social processes underpinning community participation. Many articles are largely under-theo-
rized and not self-critical, with few making reference to definitions or frameworks. While this
may not seem relevant to either the social transformation or utilitarian goals motivating com-
munity participation initiatives, it can help to explain the assumptions underpinning the type
of community participation project supported and clarify expectations about the extent of
change envisaged and the inputs required to realize it at multiple levels. Apart from tangible
inputs and skills, relational issues related to trust and transparency are essential. In addition to
the role of strong champions, broader structural policies that create supportive spaces for com-
munity participation are also important.

Projects supporting community participation were found across all health system domains
and health conditions, across varying contexts and scale, but this does not mean that maximum
community participation across all elements of project management is the ideal. Many articles
reported involving communities and supporting community participation, most were collabo-
rative in nature with a balance between community and outsiders directing the intervention,
with very few being truly community directed. Whether this is appropriate or not depends on
the context, and most importantly what communities themselves want with regards to their
role in health systems interventions. Maximum participation without delegation of resources
or democratization of power, may marginalize those communities and members that can least
afford to participate. Yet few articles discussed power or control in developing and implement-
ing their participatory interventions with communities. Understanding, negotiating and con-
testing power remains a foundation to be laid with health systems researchers, health systems
interventions and societies.

Supporting Information
S1 File. PRISMA checklist.

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Leadership from David Peters and Sara Bennett in supporting this review is highly appreciated.
Inputs from Jose Guttierez at the start of the review are also acknowledged.

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: ASG VM KS VS. Performed the experiments: ASG
VM KS VS. Analyzed the data: ASG VM KS VS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools:
ASG VM KS VS. Wrote the paper: ASG VM KS VS.

1. World Health Organization, editor Declaration of Alma-Ata. International Conference on Primary

Health Care; 1978; Alma Ata: World Health Organization.

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the gap
in a
Health equity through action on
the social determinants of health
Commission on Social Determinants of Health FINAL REPORT

Suggested Citation
CSDH (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social
determinants of health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health.
Geneva, World Health Organization.
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-
Publication Data
Closing the gap in a generation : health equity
through action on the social determinants
of health : final report of the commission on
social determinants of health.
1.Socioeconomic factors. 2.Health care
rationing. 3.Health services accessibility.
4.Patient advocacy. I.Commission on Social
Determinants of Health.
ISBN 978 92 4 156370 3
(NLM classification: WA 525)
© World Health Organization 2008
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The Commission
calls for closing
the health gap
in a generation
Social justice is a matter of life and death. It affects
the way people live, their consequent chance of
illness, and their risk of premature death. We watch in
wonder as life expectancy and good health continue
to increase in parts of the world and in alarm as they
fail to improve in others. A girl born today can expect
to live for more than 80 years if she is born in some
countries – but less than 45 years if she is born in
others. Within countries there are dramatic differences
in health that are closely linked with degrees of social
disadvantage. Differences of this magnitude, within and
between countries, simply should never happen.
These inequities in health, avoidable health inequalities,
arise because of the circumstances in which people
grow, live, work, and age, and the systems put in place
to deal with illness. The conditions in which people live
and die are, in turn, shaped by political, social, and
economic forces.
Social and economic policies have a determining
impact on whether a child can grow and develop to
its full potential and live a flourishing life, or whether
its life will be blighted. Increasingly the nature of the
health problems rich and poor countries have to solve
are converging. The development of a society, rich or
poor, can be judged by the quality of its population’s
health, how fairly health is distributed across the social
spectrum, and the degree of protection provided from
disadvantage as a result of ill-health.
In the spirit of social justice, the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health was set up by the World Health
Organization (WHO) in 2005 to marshal the evidence
on what can be done to promote health equity, and to
foster a global movement to achieve it.
As the Commission has done its work, several
countries and agencies have become partners seeking
to frame policies and programmes, across the whole
of society, that influence the social determinants of
health and improve health equity. These countries and
partners are in the forefront of a global movement.
The Commission calls on the WHO and all
governments to lead global action on the social
determinants of health with the aim of achieving
health equity. It is essential that governments, civil
society, WHO, and other global organizations now
come together in taking action to improve the lives of
the world’s citizens. Achieving health equity within a
generation is achievable, it is the right thing to do, and
now is the right time to do it.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A New Global Agenda – the Commission on Social Determinants of Health 26
Chapter 2: Global Health Inequity – the Need for Action 29
Chapter 3: Causes and Solutions 35
Chapter 4: The Nature of Evidence and Action 42
Assembling the evidence 42
The Commission’s conceptual framework 42
Judging the evidence 43
The Commission’s key areas for action and recommendations 43
Implications for different actors 44
Contextualizing the recommendations 46
Chapter 5: Equity from the Start 50
Action towards a more equitable start in life 51
Changing the mindset 51
A comprehensive approach to early childhood in practice 52
The scope of education 56
Barriers to education 58
Educating girls 59
Chapter 6: Healthy Places Healthy People 60
Action to build a flourishing living environment 63
Participatory urban governance 63
Improving urban living conditions 63
Urban planning and design that promotes healthy behaviours and safety 66
Land rights 69
Rural livelihoods 69
Rural infrastructure and services 70
Rural-urban migration 71
The natural environment 71
Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent Work 72
Creating fair employment and decent work 76
A supportive international environment 76
Fair representation of workers in developing the national policy agenda 77
Safe and decent work standards 80
Precarious work 80
Improving working conditions 82
Chapter 8: Social Protection Across the Lifecourse 84
Action towards universal social protection 87
Universal social protection systems across the lifecourse 87
The generosity of social protection systems 90
Targeting 90
Extending social protection systems to excluded groups 91

Chapter 9: Universal Health Care 94
Actions for universal health care 96
Universal Primary Health Care 96
Primary Health Care – community engagement and empowerment 96
Prevention and promotion 97
Using targeted health care to build universal coverage 99
Health-care financing – tax and insurance 100
Aid for the health workforce 105
Chapter 10: Health Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes 110
Building a coherent approach to health equity 111
Health equity as a marker of societal progress 111
Policy coherence – mechanisms to support health equity in all policies 112
Government policy impact on health equity 114
Action within the health sector 116
Institutional strengthening 116
The health sector as a catalyst beyond government 118
Chapter 11: Fair Financing 120
Actions for fair financing 123
Progressive taxation 123
Tax in a globalized world 124
Development assistance for health 126
A social determinants of health framework for aid 126
Debt relief 129
Future debt responsibility 129
Fair allocation 130
Chapter 12: Market Responsibility 132
Actions for market responsibility 135
Health equity impact assessment in economic agreements 136
Flexibility in agreements 136
A responsible private sector 142
Chapter 13: Gender Equity 145
Action towards improving gender equity for health 147
Legislation 147
Gender mainstreaming 148
Including women’s economic contribution in national accounts 150
Education and training 151
Economic participation 152
Sexual and reproductive health and rights 153
Chapter 14: Political Empowerment – Inclusion And Voice 155
Action towards fairness in voice and inclusion 158
Legislation for political empowerment – rights and agency 158
Fair participation in policy-making 160
Bottom-up approaches to health equity 162
Chapter 15: Good Global Governance 166
Actions for good global governance 170
Health equity – a global goal 170
Multilateral coherence 170
The Millennium Development Goals 171
Champions for global health governance 173

Chapter 16: The Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training 178
Action towards enhanced capacity for monitoring, research, and intervention 179
Birth registration systems 179
National health equity surveillance systems 180
A global health equity surveillance system 184
Expanding the knowledge base 186
Training and education on the social determinants of health 188
Chapter 17: Sustaining Action Beyond the Commission on Social Determinants of Health 194
Foundations for sustained action 194
An unfinished agenda 196
Goals and targets for health equity 196
Milestones towards health equity – short- to medium-term deliverables 198
The work of the Commission was championed, informed,
and guided by the Chair of the Commission and the
Report writing team: Michael Marmot, Sharon Friel, Ruth
Bell, Tanja AJ Houweling, and Sebastian Taylor. The team is
indebted to all those who contributed to the development of
the report, including Commissioners, Knowledge Networks,
country partners, civil society facilitators, and colleagues
in the World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva. Special
thanks are due to Ron Labonte, Don Matheson, Hernan
Sandoval (Special Advisor to the Commission), and David
The Commission secretariat (University College London) was
led by Sharon Friel. Team members included Ruth Bell, Ian
Forde, Tanja AJ Houweling, Felicity Porritt, Elaine Reinertsen,
and Sebastian Taylor. The Commission Secretariat
(WHO) was led by Jeanette Vega (2004-2007) and Nick
Drager (2008). WHO staff instrumental in setting up and
guiding the Commission workstreams were: Erik Blas,
Chris Brown, Hilary Brown, Alec Irwin, Rene Loewenson
(consultant), Richard Poe, Gabrielle Ross, Ritu Sadana,
Sarah Simpson, Orielle Solar, Nicole Valentine and Eugenio
Raul Villar Montesinos. Other staff contributing included:
Elmira Adenova, Daniel Albrecht, Lexi Bambas-Nolan,
Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor, Theadora Koller, Lucy Mshana,
Susanne Nakalembe, Giorelley Niezen, Bongiwe Peguillan,
Amit Prasad, Kumanan Rasanathan, Kitt Rasmussen, Lina
Reinders, Anand Sivasankara Kurup, Niko Speybroeck and
Michel Thieren.
WHO has supported the Commission in many ways. In
particular we thank the former Director-General JW Lee
and the current Director-General Margaret Chan. The
Commission thanks the Assistant Director-General Tim
Evans for championing our work within the organization
and the Regional Directors for continuing support:
Marc Danzon, Hussein Abdel-Razzak Al Gezairy, Nata
Menabde, Shigeru Omi, Samlee Plianbangchang, Mirta
Roses Perialgo, and Luís Gomes Sambo. We also thank
the WHO regional focal points: Anjana Bhushan, Soe
Nyunt-U (WPRO); Chris Brown (EURO); Luiz Galvao,
Marco Ackerman (PAHO-AMRO); Davison Munodawafa,
Than Sein (SEARO); Benjamin Nganda, Anthony Mawaya,
Chris Mwikisa (AFRO); Sameen Siddiqi, Susanne Watts
and Mohamed Assai (EMRO). Thanks also to the numerous
other WHO colleagues who have supported the work of the
Commission including the country representatives, Meena
Cabral de Mello, Carlos Corvalan, Claudia Garcia-Moreno,
Amine Kebe, Jacob Kumaresan, and Erio Ziglio.
We are indebted to the country partners of the Commission
– the many government departments and officials who
have supported our work with ideas, expert guidance, and
invaluable critique, as well as financially. In particular we
thank Fiona Adshead and Maggie Davies (England and
United Kingdom); David Butler-Jones, Sylvie Stachenko,
Jim Ball and Heather Fraser (Canada); Maria Soledad
Barria, Pedro Garcia, Francisca Infante, Patricia Frenz
(Chile); Paulo Buss, Alberto Pellegrini Filho (Brazil); Gholam
Reza Heydari, Bijan Sadrizadeh, Alireza Olyaee Manesh
(Islamic Republic of Iran); Stephen Muchiri (Kenya); Paulo
Ivo Garrido, Gertrudes Machatine (Mozambique); Anna
Hedin, Bernt Lundgren, Bosse Peterson (Sweden); Palitha
Abeykoon, Sarah Samarage (Sri Lanka); Don Matheson,
Stephen McKernan, Teresa Wall (New Zealand); and Ugrid
Jindawatthana, Amphon Milintangkul (Thailand).
We thank the civil society facilitators who have both
informed the work of the Commission and used its evidence
base to advocate globally a social determinants approach
to health and health equity: Diouf Amacodou, Francoise
Barten, Amit Sen Gupta, Prem John, Mwajuma Masaiganah,
Alicia Muñoz, Hani Serag, Alaa Ibrahim Shukrallah, Patrick
Mubangizi Tibasiimwa, Mauricio Torres, and Walter Varillas.
We are very grateful to all members of the Knowledge
Networks for their dedication to the collation and synthesis
of the global evidence base on the social determinants
of health and health equity. In particular, thanks to the
networks’ hub leaders and coordinators: Joan Benach,
Josiane Bonnefoy, Jane Doherty, Sarah Escorel, Lucy
Gilson, Mario Hernández, Clyde Hertzman, Lori Irwin, Heidi
Johnston, Michael P Kelly, Tord Kjellstrom, Ronald Labonté,
Susan Mercado, Antony Morgan, Carles Muntaner,
Piroska Östlin, Jennie Popay, Laetitia Rispel, Vilma Santana,
Ted Schrecker, Gita Sen, and Arjumand Siddiqi.
Thank you also to all 25 reviewers of the Knowledge
Networks’ final reports and to commentators on the
Commission’s work, including those who attended the
Vancouver meeting, in particular Pascale Allotey, Sudhir
Anand, Debebar Banerji, Adrienne Germain, Godfrey
Gunatilleke, and Richard Horton. We have worked closely
with other academics and researchers throughout the life of
the Commission. A special thanks in particular to Robert N
Butler, Hideki Hashimoto, Olle Lundberg, Tony McMichael,
Richard Suzman, Elizabeth Waters, and Susan Watts.
The Indigenous Health symposium held in Adelaide,
Australia, the Three Cities meeting in London, United
Kingdom, and the meeting in New Orleans, United States
of America, provided valuable insights and evidence for
the Commission. Thanks in particular to Nancy Adler, Clive
Aspin, Sue Atkinson, Paula Braveman, Lucia Ellis, Daragh
Fahey, Gail Findlay, Evangeline Franklin, Heather Gifford,
Mick Gooda, Sandra Griffin, Shane Houston, Adam Karpati,
Joyce Nottingham, Paul Plant, Ben Springgate, Carol
Tannahill, Dawn Walker, and David Williams.
The Commission meetings in Brazil, Canada, Chile, China,
Egypt, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Kenya,
Switzerland, and the United States would not have been
possible without the support of those political leaders,
government officials, WHO offices, academics, and
nongovernmental organization staff who assisted us during
our visits. The Commission and its various workstreams are
very grateful to those agencies and countries that provided
financial support including the International Development
Research Centre, Open Society Institute, Public Health
Agency of Canada, Purpleville Foundation, Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, Swedish National Institute of Public
Health, United Kingdom Government, and WHO.
The report was copy-edited by Lucy Hyatt, designed by
Ben Murray and team at BMD Graphic Design, and indexed
by Liza Furnival.

Note from the chair
The Commission on Social Determinants of Health
was set up by former World Health Organization
Director-General JW Lee. It was tasked to collect,
collate, and synthesize global evidence on the social
determinants of health and their impact on health
inequity, and to make recommendations for action to
address that inequity.
The Commissioners, secretariat and, indeed, everyone
connected to the Commission were united in three
concerns: a passion for social justice, a respect for
evidence, and a frustration that there appeared to
be far too little action on the social determinants of
health. To be sure, there were examples of countries
that had made remarkable progress in health some of
which, at least, could be attributed to action on social
conditions. These examples encouraged us. But the
spectre of health inequity haunts the global scene. A
key aim of the Commission has been to foster a global
movement on social determinants of health and health
equity. We are encouraged by the signs.
We judge that there is enough knowledge to
recommend action now while there needs to be an
active research programme on the social determinants
of health. The Final Report of the Commission on
Social Determinants of Health sets out key areas – of
daily living conditions and of the underlying structural
drivers that influence them – in which action is needed.
It provides analysis of social determinants of health
and concrete examples of types of action that have
proven effective in improving health and health equity in
countries at all levels of socioeconomic development.
Part 1 sets the scene, laying out the rationale for a
global movement to advance health equity through
action on the social determinants of health. It illustrates
the extent of the problem between and within
countries, describes what the Commission believes the
causes of health inequities are, and points to where
solutions may lie.
Part 2 outlines the approach the Commission took
to evidence, and to the indispensable value of
acknowledging and using the rich diversity of different
types of knowledge. It describes the rationale that
was applied in selecting social determinants for
investigation and suggests, by means of a conceptual
framework, how these may interact with one another.
Parts 3, 4, and 5 set out in more detail the
Commission’s findings and recommendations. The
chapters in Part 3 deal with the conditions of daily
living – the more easily visible aspects of birth, growth,
and education; of living and working; and of using
health care. The chapters in Part 4 look at more
‘structural’ conditions – social and economic policies
that shape growing, living, and working; the relative
roles of state and market in providing for good and
equitable health; and the wide international and global
conditions that can help or hinder national and local
action for health equity. Part 5 focuses on the critical
importance of data – not simply conventional research,
but living evidence of progress or deterioration in the
quality of people’s lives and health that can only be
attained through commitment to and capacity in health
equity surveillance and monitoring.
Part 6, finally, reprises the global networks – the
regional connections to civil society worldwide, the
growing caucus of country partners taking the social
determinants of health agenda forward, the vital
research agendas, and the opportunities for change at
the level of global governance and global institutions –
that the Commission has built and on which the future
of a global movement for health equity will depend.
Our thanks are due, in particular, to the invaluable and
seemingly inexhaustible commitment and contributions
of the Commissioners. Their collective guidance and
leadership underpins all that the Commission has
Michael Marmot, Chair
Commission on Social Determinants of Health
The Commissioners
Michael Marmot
Frances Baum
Monique Bégin
Giovanni Berlinguer
Mirai Chatterjee
William H. Foege
Yan Guo
Kiyoshi Kurokawa
Ricardo Lagos Escobar
Alireza Marandi
Pascoal Mocumbi
Ndioro Ndiaye
Charity Kaluki Ngilu
Hoda Rashad
Amartya Sen
David Satcher
Anna Tibaijuka
Denny Vågerö
Gail Wilensky

Our children have dramatically different life chances
depending on where they were born. In Japan or
Sweden they can expect to live more than 80 years; in
Brazil, 72 years; India, 63 years; and in one of several
African countries, fewer than 50 years. And within
countries, the differences in life chances are dramatic
and are seen worldwide. The poorest of the poor have
high levels of illness and premature mortality. But poor
health is not confined to those worst off. In countries
at all levels of income, health and illness follow a social
gradient: the lower the socioeconomic position, the
worse the health.
It does not have to be this way and it is not right that
it should be like this. Where systematic differences
in health are judged to be avoidable by reasonable
action they are, quite simply, unfair. It is this that we
label health inequity. Putting right these inequities – the
huge and remediable differences in health between and
within countries – is a matter of social justice. Reducing
health inequities is, for the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health (hereafter, the Commission), an
ethical imperative. Social injustice is killing people on a
grand scale.
A new global agenda
for health equity

The social determinants of
health and health equity
The Commission, created to marshal the evidence on what
can be done to promote health equity and to foster a global
movement to achieve it, is a global collaboration of policy-
makers, researchers, and civil society led by Commissioners
with a unique blend of political, academic, and advocacy
experience. Importantly, the focus of attention embraces
countries at all levels of income and development: the global
South and North. Health equity is an issue within all our
countries and is affected significantly by the global economic
and political system.
The Commission takes a holistic view of social determinants
of health. The poor health of the poor, the social gradient
in health within countries, and the marked health inequities
between countries are caused by the unequal distribution of
power, income, goods, and services, globally and nationally, the
consequent unfairness in the immediate, visible circumstances
of peoples lives – their access to health care, schools, and
education, their conditions of work and leisure, their homes,
communities, towns, or cities – and their chances of leading a
flourishing life. This unequal distribution of health-damaging
experiences is not in any sense a ‘natural’ phenomenon but
is the result of a toxic combination of poor social policies
and programmes, unfair economic arrangements, and bad
politics. Together, the structural determinants and conditions
of daily life constitute the social determinants of health and are
responsible for a major part of health inequities between and
within countries.
The global community can put this right but it will take
urgent and sustained action, globally, nationally, and locally.
Deep inequities in the distribution of power and economic
arrangements, globally, are of key relevance to health equity.
This in no way implies ignoring other levels of action. There
is a great deal that national and local governments can do;
and the Commission has been impressed by the force of civil
society and local movements that both provide immediate local
help and push governments to change.
And of course climate change has profound implications for
the global system – how it affects the way of life and health of
individuals and the planet. We need to bring the two agendas of
health equity and climate change together. Our core concerns
with health equity must be part of the global community
balancing the needs of social and economic development of
the whole global population, health equity, and the urgency of
dealing with climate change.
A new approach to development
The Commission’s work embodies a new approach to
development. Health and health equity may not be the aim
of all social policies but they will be a fundamental result.
Take the central policy importance given to economic
growth: Economic growth is without question important,
particularly for poor countries, as it gives the opportunity to
provide resources to invest in improvement of the lives of their
population. But growth by itself, without appropriate social
policies to ensure reasonable fairness in the way its benefits are
distributed, brings little benefit to health equity.
Traditionally, society has looked to the health sector to
deal with its concerns about health and disease. Certainly,
maldistribution of health care – not delivering care to those
who most need it – is one of the social determinants of
health. But the high burden of illness responsible for appalling
premature loss of life arises in large part because of the
conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and
age. In their turn, poor and unequal living conditions are the
consequence of poor social policies and programmes, unfair
economic arrangements, and bad politics. Action on the social
determinants of health must involve the whole of government,
civil society and local communities, business, global fora,
and international agencies. Policies and programmes must
embrace all the key sectors of society not just the health sector.
That said, the minister of health and the supporting ministry
are critical to global change. They can champion a social
determinants of health approach at the highest level of society,
they can demonstrate effectiveness through good practice,
and they can support other ministries in creating policies
that promote health equity. The World Health Organization
(WHO), as the global body for health, must do the same on
the world stage.
Closing the health gap in a generation
The Commission calls for closing the health gap in a
generation. It is an aspiration not a prediction. Dramatic
improvements in health, globally and within countries, have
occurred in the last 30 years. We are optimistic: the knowledge
exists to make a huge difference to people’s life chances and
hence to provide marked improvements in health equity. We
are realistic: action must start now. The material for developing
solutions to the gross inequities between and within countries
is in the Report of this Commission.

Three principles of action
1 Improve the conditions of daily life – the circumstances in
which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
2 Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and
resources – the structural drivers of those conditions of
daily life – globally, nationally, and locally.
3 Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the
knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the
social determinants of health, and raise public awareness
about the social determinants of health.
The Commission’s overarching
Improve Daily Living Conditions
Improve the well-being of girls and women and the circumstances in which their children are born, put major
emphasis on early child development and education for girls and boys, improve living and working conditions and
create social protection policy supportive of all, and create conditions for a flourishing older life. Policies to achieve
these goals will involve civil society, governments, and global institutions.
Tackle the Inequitable Distribution
of Power, Money, and Resources
In order to address health inequities, and inequitable conditions of daily living, it is necessary to address inequities –
such as those between men and women – in the way society is organized. This requires a strong public sector that
is committed, capable, and adequately financed. To achieve that requires more than strengthened government – it
requires strengthened governance: legitimacy, space, and support for civil society, for an accountable private sector, and
for people across society to agree public interests and reinvest in the value of collective action. In a globalized world,
the need for governance dedicated to equity applies equally from the community level to global institutions.
Measure and Understand the Problem
and Assess the Impact of Action
Acknowledging that there is a problem, and ensuring that health inequity is measured – within countries and
globally – is a vital platform for action. National governments and international organizations, supported by WHO,
should set up national and global health equity surveillance systems for routine monitoring of health inequity and the
social determinants of health and should evaluate the health equity impact of policy and action. Creating the
organizational space and capacity to act effectively on health inequity requires investment in training of policy-makers
and health practitioners and public understanding of social determinants of health. It also requires a stronger focus on
social determinants in public health research.
These three principles of action are embodied in the three
overarching recommendations above. The remainder of the
Executive Summary and the Commission’s Final Report is
structured according to these three principles.

1. Improve Daily Living Conditions
Evidence for action
Investment in the early years provides one of the greatest
potentials to reduce health inequities within a generation
(ECDKN, 2007a). Experiences in early childhood (defined as
prenatal development to eight years of age), and in early and
later education, lay critical foundations for the entire lifecourse
(ECDKN, 2007a). The science of ECD shows that brain
development is highly sensitive to external influences in early
childhood, with lifelong effects. Good nutrition is crucial and
begins in utero with adequately nourished mothers. Mothers
and children need a continuum of care from pre-pregnancy,
through pregnancy and childbirth, to the early days and years
of life (WHO, 2005b). Children need safe, healthy, supporting,
nurturing, caring, and responsive living environments.
Preschool educational programmes and schools, as part of the
wider environment that contributes to the development of
children, can have a vital role in building children’s capabilities.
A more comprehensive approach to early life is needed,
building on existing child survival programmes and extending
interventions in early life to include social/emotional and
language/cognitive development.
Effects of combined nutritional supplementation and psychosocial stimulation on stunted children in a
2-year intervention study in Jamaicaa.
Baseline 6 mo 12 mo 16 mo 24 mo
a Mean development scores (DQ) of stunted groups adjusted for initial age and score compared with a
non-stunted group adjusted for age only, using Griffiths Mental Development Scales modified for Jamaica.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Grantham-McGregor et al. (1991).
and stimulated
The inequities in how society is organized mean that the
freedom to lead a flourishing life and to enjoy good health
is unequally distributed between and within societies. This
inequity is seen in the conditions of early childhood and
schooling, the nature of employment and working conditions,
the physical form of the built environment, and the quality of
the natural environment in which people reside. Depending
on the nature of these environments, different groups will
have different experiences of material conditions, psychosocial
support, and behavioural options, which make them more or
less vulnerable to poor health. Social stratification likewise
determines differential access to and utilization of health care,
with consequences for the inequitable promotion of health and
well-being, disease prevention, and illness recovery and survival.
Early child development (ECD) – including the physical,
social/emotional, and language/cognitive domains – has a
determining influence on subsequent life chances and health
through skills development, education, and occupational
opportunities. Through these mechanisms, and directly, early
childhood influences subsequent risk of obesity, malnutrition,
mental health problems, heart disease, and criminality. At
least 200 million children globally are not achieving their full
development potential (Grantham-McGregor et al., 2007). This
has huge implications for their health and for society at large.

What must be done
A comprehensive approach to the early years in life
requires policy coherence, commitment, and leadership
at the international and national level. It also requires a
comprehensive package of ECD and education programmes
and services for all children worldwide.
Commit to and implement a comprehensive
approach to early life, building on existing child
survival programmes and extending interventions in
early life to include social/emotional and language/
cognitive development.
• Set up an interagency mechanism to ensure policy
coherence for early child development such that, across
agencies, a comprehensive approach to early child
development is acted on.
• Make sure that all children, mothers, and other caregivers
are covered by a comprehensive package of quality early
child development programmes and services, regardless of
ability to pay.
Expand the provision and scope of education to
include the principles of early child development
(physical, social/emotional, and language/cognitive
• Provide quality compulsory primary and secondary
education for all boys and girls, regardless of ability to
pay. Identify and address the barriers to girls and boys
enrolling and staying in school and abolish user fees for
primary school.
Where people live affects their health and chances of leading
flourishing lives. The year 2007 saw, for the first time, the
majority of human beings living in urban settings (WorldWatch
Institute, 2007). Almost 1 billion live in slums.
Evidence for action
Infectious diseases and undernutrition will continue in
particular regions and groups around the world. However,
urbanization is reshaping population health problems,
particularly among the urban poor, towards non-communicable
diseases, accidental and violent injuries, and deaths and impact
from ecological disaster (Campbell & Campbell, 2007; Yusuf et
al., 2001).
The daily conditions in which people live have a strong
influence on health equity. Access to quality housing and
shelter and clean water and sanitation are human rights and
basic needs for healthy living (UNESCO, 2006a; Shaw, 2004).
Growing car dependence, land-use change to facilitate car
use, and increased inconvenience of non-motorized modes of
travel, have knock-on effects on local air quality, greenhouse
gas emission, and physical inactivity (NHF, 2007). The planning
and design of urban environments has a major impact on
health equity through its influence on behaviour and safety.
The balance of rural and urban dwelling varies enormously
across areas: from less than 10% urban in Burundi and Uganda
to 100% or close to it in Belgium, Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, Kuwait, and Singapore. Policies and
investment patterns patterns reflecting the urban-led growth
paradigm (Vlahov et al., 2007) have seen rural communities
worldwide, including Indigenous Peoples (Indigenous Health
Group, 2007), suffer from progressive underinvestment in
infrastructure and amenities, with disproportionate levels
of poverty and poor living conditions (Ooi & Phua, 2007;
Eastwood & Lipton, 2000), contributing in part to out-
migration to unfamiliar urban centres.
The current model of urbanization poses significant
environmental challenges, particularly climate change – the
impact of which is greater in low-income countries and among
vulnerable subpopulations (McMichael et al., 2008; Stern,
2006). At present, greenhouse gas emissions are determined
mainly by consumption patterns in cities of the developed
world. Transport and buildings contribute 21% to CO2
emissions (IPCC, 2007), agricultural activity accounts for about
one fifth. And yet crop yields depend in large part on prevailing
climate conditions. The disruption and depletion of the climate
system and the task of reducing global health inequities go
hand in hand.
What must be done
Communities and neighbourhoods that ensure access to basic
goods, that are socially cohesive, that are designed to promote
good physical and psychological well-being and that are
protective of the natural environment are essential for health
Place health and health equity at the heart of urban
governance and planning.
• Manage urban development to ensure greater availability
of affordable housing; invest in urban slum upgrading
including, as a priority, provision of water and sanitation,
electricity, and paved streets for all households regardless
of ability to pay.
• Ensure urban planning promotes healthy and safe
behaviours equitably, through investment in active
transport, retail planning to manage access to unhealthy
foods, and through good environmental design and
regulatory controls, including control of the number of
alcohol outlets.
Promote health equity between rural and urban areas
through sustained investment in rural development,
addressing the exclusionary policies and processes
that lead to rural poverty, landlessness, and
displacement of people from their homes.
• Counter the inequitable consequences of urban growth
through action that addresses rural land tenure and rights
and ensures rural livelihoods that support healthy living,
adequate investment in rural infrastructure, and policies
that support rural-to-urban migrants.
Ensure that economic and social policy responses to
climate change and other environmental degradation
take into account health equity.

Fair Employment and Decent Work
Employment and working conditions have powerful effects on
health equity. When these are good, they can provide financial
security, social status, personal development, social relations
and self-esteem, and protection from physical and psychosocial
hazards. Action to improve employment and work must be
global, national, and local.
Evidence for action
Work is the area where many of the important influences
on health are played out. (Marmot & Wilkinson, 2006). This
includes both employment conditions and the nature of
work itself. A flexible workforce is seen as good for economic
competitiveness but brings with it effects on health (Benach
& Muntaner, 2007). Evidence indicates that mortality is
significantly higher among temporary workers compared to
permanent workers (Kivimäki et al., 2003). Poor mental health
outcomes are associated with precarious employment (e.g.
non-fixed term temporary contracts, being employed with no
contract, and part-time work) (Artazcoz et al., 2005; Kim et
al., 2006). Workers who perceive work insecurity experience
significant adverse effects on their physical and mental health
(Ferrie et al., 2002).
The conditions of work also affect health and health equity.
Adverse working conditions can expose individuals to a range
of physical health hazards and tend to cluster in lower-status
occupations. Improved working conditions in high-income
countries, hard won over many years of organized action and
regulation, are sorely lacking in many middle- and low-income
countries. Stress at work is associated with a 50% excess risk of
coronary heart disease (Marmot, 2004; Kivimäki et al., 2006),
and there is consistent evidence that high job demand, low
control, and effort-reward imbalance are risk factors for mental
and physical health problems (Stansfeld & Candy, 2006).
Fixed term
Non-fixed term
No contract
Men Women
Prevalence of poor mental health among manual workers in Spain by type of contract.
Source: Artazcoz et al., 2005

What must be done
Through the assurance of fair employment and decent working
conditions, government, employers, and workers can help
eradicate poverty, alleviate social inequities, reduce exposure to
physical and psychosocial hazards, and enhance opportunities
for health and well-being. And, of course, a healthy workforce
is good for productivity.
Make full and fair employment and decent work a
central goal of national and international social and
economic policy-making.
• Full and fair employment and decent work should be
made a shared objective of international institutions and
a central part of national policy agendas and development
strategies, with strengthened representation of workers in
the creation of policy, legislation, and programmes relating
to employment and work.
Achieving health equity requires safe, secure, and
fairly paid work, year-round work opportunities, and
healthy work-life balance for all.
• Provide quality work for men and women with a living
wage that takes into account the real and current cost of
healthy living.
• Protect all workers. International agencies should support
countries to implement core labour standards for formal
and informal workers; to develop policies to ensure a
balanced work-home life; and to reduce the negative
effects of insecurity among workers in precarious work
Improve the working conditions for all workers to
reduce their exposure to material hazards, work-
related stress, and health-damaging behaviours.
1997 2002 2007
Central & South East Europe
East Asia
South East Asia & Pacific
South Asia
Latin America & Caribbean
Middle East
North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Regional variation in the percentage of people in work living on US$ 2/day or less.
2007 figures are preliminary estimates.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from ILO (2008).

All people need social protection across the lifecourse, as young
children, in working life, and in old age. People also need
protection in case of specific shocks, such as illness, disability,
and loss of income or work.
Evidence for action
Low living standards are a powerful determinant of health
inequity. They influence lifelong trajectories, among others
through their effects on ECD. Child poverty and transmission
of poverty from generation to generation are major obstacles
to improving population health and reducing health inequity.
Four out of five people worldwide lack the back-up of basic
social security coverage (ILO, 2003).
Redistributive welfare systems, in combination with the
extent to which people can make a healthy living on the
labour market, influence poverty levels. Generous universal
social protection systems are associated with better population
health, including lower excess mortality among the old and
lower mortality levels among socially disadvantaged groups.
Budgets for social protection tend to be larger, and perhaps
more sustainable, in countries with universal protection
systems; poverty and income inequality tend to be smaller
in these countries compared to countries with systems that
target the poor.
Extending social protection to all people, within countries and
globally, will be a major step towards securing health equity
within a generation. This includes extending social protection
to those in precarious work, including informal work, and
household or care work. This is critical for poor countries
in which the majority of people work in the informal
sector, as well as for women, because family responsibilities
often preclude them from accruing adequate benefits under
contributory social protection schemes. While limited
institutional infrastructure and financial capacity remains an
important barrier in many countries, experience across the
world shows that it is feasible to start creating social protection
systems, even in low-income countries.
What must be done
Reducing the health gap in a generation requires that
governments build systems that allow a healthy standard of
living below which nobody should fall due to circumstances
beyond his or her control. Social protection schemes can be
instrumental in realizing developmental goals, rather than being
dependent on achieving these goals – they can be efficient
ways to reduce poverty, and local economies can benefit.
Establish and strengthen universal comprehensive
social protection policies that support a level of
income sufficient for healthy living for all.
• Progressively increase the generosity of social protection
systems towards a level that is sufficient for healthy living.
• Ensure that social protection systems include those
normally excluded: those in precarious work, including
informal work and household or care work.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Family policy
generosity %
Total family policy generosity and child poverty in 20 countries, circa 2000.
Net benefit generosity of transfers as a percentage of an average net production worker’s wage.
The poverty line is 50% of median equivalized disposable income.
AUS = Australia; AUT = Austria; BEL = Belgium; CAN = Canada; FIN = Finland; FRA = France;
GER = Germany; IRE = Ireland; ITA = Italy; NET = the Netherlands; NOR = Norway; SWE =
Sweden; SWI = Switzerland; UK = the United Kingdom; USA = the United States of America.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Lundberg et al. (2007).

Access to and utilization of health care is vital to good and
equitable health. The health-care system is itself a social
determinant of health, influenced by and influencing the effect
of other social determinants. Gender, education, occupation,
income, ethnicity, and place of residence are all closely linked
to people’s access to, experiences of, and benefits from health
care. Leaders in health care have an important stewardship role
across all branches of society to ensure that policies and actions
in other sectors improve health equity.
Evidence for action
Without health care, many of the opportunities for
fundamental health improvement are lost. With partial
health-care systems, or systems with inequitable provision,
opportunities for universal health as a matter of social
justice are lost. These are core issues for all countries.
More pressingly, for low-income countries, accessible and
appropriately designed and managed health-care systems will
contribute significantly to the achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). Without them, the chances of
meeting the MDGs are greatly weakened. Yet health-care
systems are appallingly weak in many countries, with massive
inequity in provision, access, and use between rich and poor.
The Commission considers health care a common good, not
a market commodity. Virtually all high-income countries
organize their health-care systems around the principle of
universal coverage (combining health financing and provision).
Universal coverage requires that everyone within a country
can access the same range of (good quality) services according
to needs and preferences, regardless of income level, social
status, or residency, and that people are empowered to use these
services. It extends the same scope of benefits to the whole
population. There is no sound argument that other countries,
including the poorest, should not aspire to universal health-care
coverage, given adequate support over the long term.
The Commission advocates financing the health-care system
through general taxation and/or mandatory universal insurance.
Public health-care spending has been found to be redistributive
in country after country. The evidence is compellingly in
favour of a publicly funded health-care system. In particular,
it is vital to minimize out-of-pocket spending on health care.
The policy imposition of user fees for health care in low- and
middle-income countries has led to an overall reduction in
utilization and worsening health outcomes. Upwards of 100
million people are pushed into poverty each year through
catastrophic household health costs. This is unacceptable.
Health-care systems have better health outcomes when built
on Primary Health Care (PHC) – that is, both the PHC model
that emphasizes locally appropriate action across the range
of social determinants, where prevention and promotion are
in balance with investment in curative interventions, and an
emphasis on the primary level of care with adequate referral to
higher levels of care.
In all countries, but most pressingly in the poorest and
those experiencing brain-drain losses, adequate numbers
of appropriately skilled health workers at the local level are
fundamental to extending coverage and improving the quality
of care. Investment in training and retaining health-care
of ARI
of diarrhoea
of fever
Use of
f p
Use of basic maternal and child health services by lowest and highest economic quintiles, 50+ countries.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Gwatkin, Wagstaff & Yazbeck (2005).
47.6 48.2

workers is vital to the required growth of health-care systems.
This involves global attention to the flows of health personnel
as much as national and local attention to investment and skills
development. Medical and health practitioners – from WHO
to the local clinic – have powerful voices in society’s ideas of
and decisions about health. They bear witness to the ethical
imperative, just as much as the efficiency value, of acting more
coherently through the health-care system on the social causes
of poor health.
What must be done
Build health-care systems based on principles of
equity, disease prevention, and health promotion.
• Build quality health-care services with universal coverage,
focusing on Primary Health Care.
• Strengthen public sector leadership in equitable health-
care systems financing, ensuring universal access to care
regardless of ability to pay.
Build and strengthen the health workforce, and
expand capabilities to act on the social determinants
of health.
• Invest in national health workforces, balancing rural and
urban health-worker density.
• Act to redress the health brain drain, focusing on
investment in increased health human resources and
training and bilateral agreements to regulate gains and

2. Tackle the Inequitable Distribution of Power,
Money, and Resources
Policy coherence is crucial – this means that different
government departments’ policies complement rather than
contradict each other in relation to the production of health
and health equity. For example, trade policy that actively
encourages the unfettered production, trade, and consumption
of foods high in fats and sugars to the detriment of fruit
and vegetable production is contradictory to health policy,
which recommends relatively little consumption of high-
fat, high-sugar foods and increased consumption of fruit and
vegetables (Elinder, 2005). Intersectoral action (ISA) for health
– coordinated policy and action among health and non-health
sectors – can be a key strategy to achieve this (PHAC, 2007).
Reaching beyond government to involve civil society and
the voluntary and private sectors is a vital step towards action
for health equity. The increased incorporation of community
engagement and social participation in policy processes helps to
ensure fair decision-making on health equity issues. And health
is a rallying point for different sectors and actors – whether it
is a local community designing a health plan for themselves
(Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania’s Healthy City
Programme) or involving the entire community including
local government in designing spaces that encourage walking
and cycling (Healthy by Design, Victoria, Australia)
(Mercado et al., 2007).
Inequity in the conditions of daily living is shaped by deeper
social structures and processes. The inequity is systematic,
produced by social norms, policies, and practices that tolerate
or actually promote unfair distribution of and access to power,
wealth, and other necessary social resources.
Every aspect of government and the economy has the
potential to affect health and health equity – finance, education,
housing, employment, transport, and health, just to name six.
Coherent action across government, at all levels, is essential
for improvement of health equity.
Evidence for action
Different government policies, depending on their nature,
can either improve or worsen health and health equity
(Kickbusch, 2007). Urban planning, for example, that produces
sprawling neighbourhoods with little affordable housing, few
local amenities, and irregular unaffordable public transport
does little to promote good health for all (NHF, 2007). Good
public policy can provide health benefits immediately and in
the future.
94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98
Changes in bicycle-related head and other injuries in Canadian provinces with and without mandatory
helmet legislation.
Legislation introduced across provinces between 1995 and 1997.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Macpherson et al. (2002).
‘Other’ injury rate,
legislation provinces
Head injury rate,
legislation provinces
Head injury rate,
no legislation provinces
‘Other’ injury rate,
no legislation provinces

Making health and health equity a shared value across sectors is
a politically challenging strategy but one that is needed globally.
What must be done
Place responsibility for action on health and health
equity at the highest level of government, and ensure
its coherent consideration across all policies.
• Make health and health equity corporate issues for the
whole of government, supported by the head of state,
by establishing health equity as a marker of government
• Assess the impact of all policies and programmes on
health and health equity, building towards coherence in
all government action.
Adopt a social determinants framework across the
policy and programmatic functions of the ministry
of health and strengthen its stewardship role in
supporting a social determinants approach across
• The health sector itself is a good place to start building
supports and structures that encourage action on the
social determinants of health and health equity. This
requires strong leadership from the minister of health,
with support from WHO.

Fair Financing
Public finance to fund action across the social determinants of
health is fundamental to welfare and to health equity.
Evidence for action
For countries at all levels of economic development, increasing
public finance to fund action across the social determinants
of health – from child development and education, through
living and working conditions, to health care – is fundamental
to welfare and health equity. Evidence shows that the
socioeconomic development of rich countries was strongly
supported by publicly financed infrastructure and progressively
universal public services. The emphasis on public finance,
given the marked failure of markets to supply vital goods and
services equitably, implies strong public sector leadership and
adequate public expenditure. This in turn implies progressive
taxation – evidence shows that modest levels of redistribution
have considerably greater impact on poverty reduction than
economic growth alone. And, in the case of poorer countries, it
implies much greater international financial assistance.
Low-income countries often have relatively weak direct tax
institutions and mechanisms and a majority of the workforce
operating in the informal sector. They have relied in many cases
on indirect taxes such as trade tariffs for government income.
Economic agreements between rich and poor countries that
require tariff reduction can reduce available domestic revenue
in low-income countries before alternative streams of finance
have been established. Strengthened progressive tax capacity
is an important source of public finance and a necessary
prerequisite of any further tariff-cutting agreements. At the
same time, measures to combat the use of offshore financial
centres to reduce unethical avoidance of national tax regimes
could provide resources for development at least comparable
to those made available through new taxes. As globalization
increases interdependence among countries, the argument for
global approaches to taxation becomes stronger.
Aid is important. While the evidence suggests that it can and
does promote economic growth, and can contribute more
directly to better health, the view of the Commission is
that aid’s primary value is as a mechanism for the reasonable
distribution of resources in the common endeavour of social
development. But the volume of aid is appallingly low. It is low
in absolute terms (both generic and health specific); relative
to wealth in donor countries; relative to the commitment
to a level of aid approximating 0.7% of their gross domestic
product (GDP) made by donors in 1969; and relative to the
amounts required for sustainable impact on the MDGs. A
step-shift increase is required. Independent of increased aid, the
Commission urges wider and deeper debt relief.
The quality of aid must be improved too – following the Paris
agreement – focusing on better coordination among donors
and stronger alignment with recipient development plans.
Donors should consider channelling most of their aid through
a single multilateral mechanism, while poverty reduction
planning at the national and local levels in recipient countries
would benefit from adopting a social determinants of health
framework to create coherent, cross-sectoral financing. Such
a framework could help to improve the accountability of
recipient countries in demonstrating how aid is allocated, and
what impact it has. In particular, recipient governments should
strengthen their capacity and accountability to allocate available
public finance equitably across regions and among population
The growing gap: per capita aid from donor countries relative to per capita wealth, 1960–2000.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Randel, German & Ewing (2004).
GNP per Cap
ODA per CapGNI per capita in
2002: $28,500
GNI per capita in
1960: $11,303
Aid per capita in
1960: $61
Aid per capita in
2002: $67

What must be done
Strengthen public finance for action on the social
determinants of health.
• Build national capacity for progressive taxation and assess
potential for new national and global public finance
Increase international finance for health equity, and
coordinate increased finance through a social determinants
of health action framework.
• Honour existing commitments by increasing global
aid to the 0.7% of GDP commitment, and expand
the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative; enhance action
on health equity by developing a coherent social
determinants of health focus in existing frameworks such
as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Fairly allocate government resources for action on the social
determinants of health.
• Establish mechanisms to finance cross-government action
on social determinants of health, and to allocate finance
fairly between geographical regions and social groups.

Consumption (kl/month)
Johannesburg water pricing. The existing subsidy structure (thin line) favours richer consumers (and allows
over-use), while the ideal tariff structure (thick line) favours adequate subsidized supply to poorer consumers
with disincentives for higher use.
hh = households.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from GKN (2007).
Ideal for hh
of 10
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101
Market Responsibility
Markets bring health benefits in the form of new technologies,
goods and services, and improved standard of living. But the
marketplace can also generate negative conditions for health
in the form of economic inequalities, resource depletion,
environmental pollution, unhealthy working conditions, and
the circulation of dangerous and unhealthy goods.
Evidence for action
Health is not a tradable commodity. It is a matter of rights
and a public sector duty. As such, resources for health must
be equitable and universal. There are three linked issues. First,
experience shows that commercialization of vital social goods
such as education and health care produces health inequity.
Provision of such vital social goods must be governed by the
public sector, rather than being left to markets. Second, there
needs to be public sector leadership in effective national and
international regulation of products, activities, and conditions
that damage health or lead to health inequities. These together
mean that, third, competent, regular health equity impact
assessment of all policy-making and market regulation should
be institutionalized nationally and internationally.
The Commission views certain goods and services as
basic human and societal needs – access to clean water, for
example, and health care. Such goods and services must be
made available universally regardless of ability to pay. In such
instances, therefore, it is the public sector rather than the
marketplace that underwrites adequate supply and access.
With respect both to ensuring the provision of goods and
services vital to health and well-being – for example, water,
health care, and decent working conditions – and controlling
the circulation of health-damaging commodities (for example,
tobacco and alcohol), public sector leadership needs to be
robust. Conditions of labour and working conditions are – in
many countries, rich and poor – all too often inequitable,
exploitative, unhealthy, and dangerous. The vital importance of
good labour and work to a healthy population and a healthy
economy demands public sector leadership in ensuring
progressive fulfilment of global labour standards while also
ensuring support to the growth of micro-level enterprises.
Global governance mechanisms – such as the Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control – are required with increasing
urgency as market integration expands and accelerates
circulation of and access to health-damaging commodities.
Processed foods and alcohol are two prime candidates for
stronger global, regional, and national regulatory controls.
In recent decades, under globalization, market integration has
increased. This is manifested in new production arrangements,
including significant changes in labour, employment, and
working conditions, expanding areas of international and global
economic agreements, and accelerating commercialization of
goods and services – some of them undoubtedly beneficial
for health, some of them disastrous. The Commission urges
that caution be applied by participating countries in the
consideration of new global, regional, and bilateral economic
– trade and investment – policy commitments. Before such

commitments are made, understanding the impact of the
existing framework of agreements on health, the social
determinants of health, and health equity is vital. Further,
assessment of health impacts over time suggests strongly
that flexibility, allowing signatory countries to modify their
commitment to international agreements if there is adverse
impact on health or health equity, should be established at the
outset, with transparent criteria for triggering modification.
Public sector leadership does not displace the responsibilities
and capacities of other actors: civil society and the private
sector. Private sector actors are influential, and have the power
to do much for global health equity. To date, though, initiatives
such as those under corporate social responsibility have shown
limited evidence of real impact. Corporate social responsibility
may be a valuable way forward, but evidence is needed to
demonstrate this. Corporate accountability may well be a
stronger basis on which to build a responsible and collaborative
relationship between the private sector and public interest.
What must be done
Institutionalize consideration of health and health
equity impact in national and international
economic agreements and policy-making.
• Institutionalize and strengthen technical capacities in
health equity impact assessment of all international and
national economic agreements.
• Strengthen representation of health actors in domestic
and international economic policy negotiations.
Reinforce the primary role of the state in the
provision of basic services essential to health (such
as water/sanitation) and the regulation of goods
and services with a major impact on health (such as
tobacco, alcohol, and food).

Gender Equity
Reducing the health gap in a generation is only possible if
the lives of girls and women – about half of humanity – are
improved and gender inequities are addressed. Empowerment
of women is key to achieving fair distribution of health.
Evidence for action
Gender inequities are pervasive in all societies. Gender biases in
power, resources, entitlements, norms and values, and the way
in which organizations are structured and programmes are run
damage the health of millions of girls and women. The position
of women in society is also associated with child health and
survival – of boys and girls. Gender inequities influence health
through, among other routes, discriminatory feeding patterns,
violence against women, lack of decision-making power, and
unfair divisions of work, leisure, and possibilities of improving
one’s life.
Gender inequities are socially generated and therefore can
be changed. While the position of women has improved
dramatically over the last century in many countries, progress
has been uneven and many challenges remain. Women earn
less then men, even for equivalent work; girls and women
lag behind in education and employment opportunities.
Maternal mortality and morbidity remain high in many
countries, and reproductive health services remain hugely
inequitably distributed within and between countries.
The intergenerational effects of gender inequity make the
imperative to act even stronger. Acting now, to improve gender
equity and empower women, is critical for reducing the health
gap in a generation.
What must be done
Gender inequities are unfair; they are also ineffective and
inefficient. By supporting gender equity, governments, donors,
international organizations, and civil society can improve the
lives of millions of girls and women and their families.
Address gender biases in the structures of society – in laws
and their enforcement, in the way organizations are run and
interventions designed, and the way in which a country’s
economic performance is measured.
• Create and enforce legislation that promotes gender
equity and makes discrimination on the basis of sex
• Strengthen gender mainstreaming by creating and
financing a gender equity unit within the central
administration of governments and international
• Include the economic contribution of housework, care
work, and voluntary work in national accounts.
Develop and finance policies and programmes that close
gaps in education and skills, and that support female
economic participation.
• Invest in formal and vocational education and training,
guarantee pay-equity by law, ensure equal opportunity
for employment at all levels, and set up family-friendly
Increase investment in sexual and reproductive health
services and programmes, building to universal coverage
and rights.

Nominal wages for women are significantly lower than for men.
4 countries in the Middle
East and North Africa
6 countries in East Asia
and Pacific
22 industrialized countries
10 countries in transition
8 countries in Latin
America and Caribbean
4 countries in
sub-Saharan Africa
0 20
40 60 80 100
Proportion of women’s wages to men’s wages outside of agriculture
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from UNICEF (2006).

Being included in the society in which one lives is vital to
the material, psychosocial, and political empowerment that
underpins social well-being and equitable health.
Evidence for action
The right to the conditions necessary to achieve the highest
attainable standard of health is universal. The risk of these rights
being violated is the result of entrenched structural inequities
(Farmer, 1999).
Social inequity manifests across various intersecting social
categories such as class, education, gender, age, ethnicity,
disability, and geography. It signals not simply difference but
hierarchy, and reflects deep inequities in the wealth, power,
and prestige of different people and communities. People who
are already disenfranchised are further disadvantaged with
respect to their health – having the freedom to participate
in economic, social, political, and cultural relationships has
intrinsic value (Sen, 1999). Inclusion, agency, and control are
each important for social development, health, and well-being.
And restricted participation results in deprivation of human
capabilities, setting the context for inequities in, for example,
education, employment, and access to biomedical and technical
Any serious effort to reduce health inequities will involve
changing the distribution of power within society and global
regions, empowering individuals and groups to represent
strongly and effectively their needs and interests and, in so
doing, to challenge and change the unfair and steeply graded
distribution of social resources (the conditions for health) to
which all, as citizens, have claims and rights.
Changes in power relationships can take place at various
levels, from the ‘micro’ level of individuals, households, or
communities to the ‘macro’ sphere of structural relations
among economic, social, and political actors and institutions.
While the empowerment of social groups through their
representation in policy-related agenda-setting and decision-
making is critical to realize a comprehensive set of rights and
ensure the fair distribution of essential material and social
goods among population groups, so too is empowerment for
action through bottom-up, grassroots approaches. Struggles
against the injustices encountered by the most disadvantaged in
society, and the process of organizing these people, builds local
people’s leadership. It can be empowering. It gives people a
greater sense of control over their lives and future.
Community or civil society action on health inequities cannot
be separated from the responsibility of the state to guarantee a
comprehensive set of rights and ensure the fair distribution of
essential material and social goods among population groups.
Top-down and bottom-up approaches are equally vital.
What must be done
Empower all groups in society through fair
representation in decision-making about how society
operates, particularly in relation to its effect on
health equity, and create and maintain a socially
inclusive framework for policy-making.
• Strengthen political and legal systems to protect human
rights, assure legal identity and support the needs and
claims of marginalized groups, particularly Indigenous
• Ensure the fair representation and participation of
individuals and communities in health decision-making as
an integral feature of the right to health.
Enable civil society to organize and act in a manner
that promotes and realizes the political and social
rights affecting health equity.
Age-adjusted mortality among men and women of the Republic
of Korea by educational attainment, 1993–1997.
Men Women
Source: Son et al., 2002

Good Global Governance
Dramatic differences in the health and life chances of peoples
around the world reflect imbalance in the power and prosperity
of nations. The undoubted benefits of globalization remain
profoundly unequally distributed.
Evidence for action
The post-war period has seen massive growth. But growth
in global wealth and knowledge has not translated into
increased global health equity. Rather than convergence,
with poorer countries catching up to the Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development, the latter period of
globalization (after 1980) has seen winners and losers among
the world’s countries, with particularly alarming stagnation
and reversal in life expectancy at birth in sub-Saharan Africa
and some of the former Soviet Union countries (GKN, 2007).
Progress in global economic growth and health equity made
between 1960 and 1980 has been significantly dampened
in the subsequent period (1980-2005), as global economic
policy influence hit hard at social sector spending and social
development. Also associated with the second (post-1980)
phase of globalization, the world has seen significant increase
in, and regularity of, financial crises, proliferating conflicts, and
forced and voluntary migration.
Through the recognition, under globalization, of common
interests and interdependent futures, it is imperative that the
international community re-commits to a multilateral system
in which all countries, rich and poor, engage with an equitable
voice. It is only through such a system of global governance,
placing fairness in health at the heart of the development
agenda and genuine equality of influence at the heart of its
decision-making, that coherent attention to global health
equity is possible.
What must be done
Make health equity a global development goal, and
adopt a social determinants of health framework to
strengthen multilateral action on development.
• The United Nations, through WHO and the Economic
and Social Council, to adopt health equity as a core
global development goal and use a social determinants of
health indicators framework to monitor progress.
• The United Nations to establish multilateral working
groups on thematic social determinants of health
– initially early child development, gender equity,
employment and working conditions, health-care systems,
and participatory governance.
Strengthen WHO leadership in global action on the
social determinants of health, institutionalizing social
determinants of health as a guiding principle across
WHO departments and country programmes.
Trend in the dispersion measure of mortality (DMM) for life expectancy at birth, 1950–2000.
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
–55 –60 –65 –70 –75 –80 –85 –90 –95 –2000
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Moser, Shkolnikov & Leon (2005).

3. Measure and Understand the Problem and Assess
the Impact of Action
even have basic systems to register all births and deaths. Failing
birth registration systems have major implications for child
health and developmental outcomes.
The evidence base on health inequity, the social determinants
of health, and what works to improve them needs further
strengthening. Unfortunately, most health research funding
remains overwhelmingly biomedically focused. Also, much
research remains gender biased. Traditional hierarchies
of evidence (which put randomized controlled trials and
laboratory experiments at the top) generally do not work for
research on the social determinants of health. Rather, evidence
needs to be judged on fitness for purpose – that is, does it
convincingly answer the question asked.
Evidence is only one part of what swings policy decisions –
political will and institutional capacity are important too. Policy
actors need to understand what affects population health and
how the gradient operates. Action on the social determinants
of health also requires capacity building among practitioners,
including the incorporation of teaching on social determinants
of health into the curricula of health and medical personnel.
The world is changing fast and often it is unclear the impact
that social, economic, and political change will have on health
in general and on health inequities within countries or across
the globe in particular. Action on the social determinants of
health will be more effective if basic data systems, including
vital registration and routine monitoring of health inequity
and the social determinants of health, are in place and there
are mechanisms to ensure that the data can be understood
and applied to develop more effective policies, systems, and
programmes. Education and training in social determinants of
health are vital.
The Social Determinants of Health:
Monitoring, Research, and Training
No data often means no recognition of the problem. Good
evidence on levels of health and its distribution, and on the
social determinants of health, is essential for understanding
the scale of the problem, assessing the effects of actions, and
monitoring progress.
Evidence for action
Experience shows that countries without basic data on
mortality and morbidity by socioeconomic indicators have
difficulties moving forward on the health equity agenda.
Countries with the worst health problems, including countries
in conflict, have the least good data. Many countries do not
Unregistered births (in thousands) in 2003 by region and level of development.
Region Births Unregistered children, n (%)
World 133 028 48 276 (36%)
Sub-Saharan Africa 26 879 14 751 (55%)
Middle East and North Africa 9790 1543 (16%)
South Asia 37 099 23 395 (63%)
East Asia and Pacific 31 616 5901 (19%)
Latin America and Caribbean 11 567 1787 (15%)
CEE/CIS and Baltic States 5250 1218 (23%)
Industrialized countries 10 827 218 (2%)
Developing countries 119 973 48 147 (40%)
Least developed countries 27 819 19 682 (71%)
CEE = Central and Eastern Europe; CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States.
Source: UNICEF, 2005

What must be done
There is enough evidence on the social determinants of
health to act now. Governments, supported by international
organizations, can make action on the social determinants of
health even more effective by improving local, national, and
international monitoring, research, and training infrastructures.
Ensure that routine monitoring systems for health
equity and the social determinants of health are in
place, locally, nationally, and internationally.
• Ensure that all children are registered at birth without
financial cost to the household.
• Establish national and global health equity surveillance
systems with routine collection of data on social
determinants and health inequity.
Invest in generating and sharing new evidence on
the ways in which social determinants influence
population health and health equity and on the
effectiveness of measures to reduce health inequities
through action on social determinants.
• Create a dedicated budget for generation and global
sharing of evidence on social determinants of health and
health equity.
Provide training on the social determinants of health
to policy actors, stakeholders, and practitioners and
invest in raising public awareness.
• Incorporate the social determinants of health into medical
and health training, and improve social determinants of
health literacy more widely. Train policy-makers and
planners in the use of health equity impact assessment.
• Strengthen capacity within WHO to support action on
the social determinants of health.

Above, we set out the key actions called for in the
recommendations. Here, we describe those on whom effective
action depends. The role of governments through public
sector action is fundamental to health equity. But the role is
not government’s alone. Rather, it is through the democratic
processes of civil society participation and public policy-
making, supported at the regional and global levels, backed
by the research on what works for health equity, and with the
collaboration of private actors, that real action for health equity
is possible.
Multilateral agencies
An overarching Commission recommendation is the need
for intersectoral coherence – in policy-making and action
– to enhance effective action on the social determinants of
health and achieve improvements in health equity. Multilateral
specialist and financing agencies can do much to strengthen
their collective impact on the social determinants of health and
health equity, including:
• Coherence in global monitoring and action: Adopt health equity
as a fundamental shared goal, and use a common global
framework of indicators to monitor development progress;
and collaborate in multi-agency thematic working groups
for coherent social determinants of health action.
• Coherent and accountable financing: Ensure that increases in
aid and debt relief support coherent social determinants
of health policy-making and action among recipient
governments, using health equity and social determinants of
health performance indicators as core conditions of recipient
• Improved participation of UN Member States in global governance:
Support equitable participation of Member States and other
stakeholders in global policy-making fora.
WHO is the mandated leader in global health. It is time to
enhance WHO’s leadership role through the agenda for action
on the social determinants of health and global health equity.
This involves a range of actions, including:
• Policy coherence globally and nationally: Adopt a stewardship
role supporting social determinants of health capacity-
building and policy coherence across partner agencies in the
multilateral system; strengthen technical capacity globally
and among Member States for representation of public
health in all major multilateral fora; and support Member
States in developing mechanisms for coherent policy and
ISA for social determinants of health.
• Measurement and evaluation: Support goal-setting on health
equity and monitoring progress on health equity between
and within countries as a core developmental objective;
support the establishment of national health equity
surveillance systems in Member States, and build necessary
technical capacities in countries; support Member States in
development and use of health equity impact assessment
tools and other health equity-related tools such as a national
equity gauge; and convene a regular global meeting as part
of a periodic review of the global situation.
• Enhancing WHO capacity: Build internal social determinants
of health capacity across the WHO, from headquarters,
through the Regional Offices, to Country Programmes.
National and local government
Underpinning action on the social determinants of health
and health equity is an empowered public sector, based
on principles of justice, participation, and intersectoral
collaboration. This will require strengthening of the core
functions of government and public institutions, nationally
and sub-nationally, particularly in relation to policy coherence,
participatory governance, planning, regulation development
and enforcement, and standard-setting. It also depends on
strong leadership and stewardship from the ministry of health,
supported by WHO. Government actions include:
• Policy coherence across government: Place responsibility for
action on health and health equity at the highest level of
government, and ensure its coherent consideration across
all ministerial and departmental policy-making. Ministers
of health can help bring about global change – they will be
pivotal in helping to create buy-in by the head of state and
from other ministries.
• Strengthening action for equity: Commit to progressive
building of universal health-care services; establish a central
gender unit to promote gender equity across government
policy-making; improve rural livelihoods, infrastructure
investment, and services; upgrade slums and strengthen
locally participatory health urban planning; invest in full
employment and decent labour policy and programmes;
invest in ECD; build towards universal provision in vital
social determinants of health services and programmes
regardless of ability to pay, supported by a universal
programme of social protection; and establish a national
framework for regulatory control over health-damaging
• Finance: Streamline incoming international finance (aid,
debt relief) through a social determinants of health action
framework, with transparent accountability; strengthen
revenue through improved progressive domestic taxation;
and collaborate with other Member States in the
development of regional and/or global proposals for new
sources of international public finance.
• Measurement, evaluation, and training: Build towards universal
birth registration; set cross-government performance
indicators for health equity through the establishment of a
national health equity surveillance system; build capacity to
use health equity impact assessment as a standard protocol in
all major policy-making; ensure training of practitioners and
policy-makers on the social determinants of health; and raise
public awareness of the social determinants of health.
Civil society
Being included in the society in which one lives is vital to the
material, psychosocial, and political aspects of empowerment
that underpin social well-being and equitable health. As
community members, grassroots advocates, service and
programme providers, and performance monitors, civil society
actors from the global to the local level constitute a vital
bridge between policies and plans and the reality of change
and improvement in the lives of all. Helping to organize and
promote diverse voices across different communities, civil
society can be a powerful champion of health equity. Many
of the actions listed above will be, at least in part, the result
of pressure and encouragement from civil society; many of
the milestones towards health equity in a generation will be
marked – achieved or missed – by the attentive observation of

civil society actors. Civil society can play an important role in
actions on the social determinants of health through:
• Participation in policy, planning, programmes, and evaluation:
Participate in social determinants of health policy-making,
planning, programme delivery, and evaluation from the
global level, through national intersectoral fora, to the local
level of needs assessments, service delivery, and support; and
monitor service quality, equity, and impact.
• Monitoring performance: Monitor, and report and campaign on,
specific social determinants of health, such as upgrading of
and services in slums, formal and non-formal employment
conditions, child labour, indigenous rights, gender equity,
health and education services, corporate activities, trade
agreements, and environmental protection.
Private sector
The private sector has a profound impact on health and well-
being. Where the Commission reasserts the vital role of public
sector leadership in acting for health equity, this does not imply
a relegation of the importance of private sector activities. It
does, though, imply the need for recognition of potentially
adverse impacts, and the need for responsibility in regulation
with regard to those impacts. Alongside controlling undesirable
effects on health and health equity, the vitality of the private
sector has much to offer that could enhance health and well-
being. Actions include:
• Strengthening accountability: Recognize and respond
accountably to international agreements, standards, and
codes of employment practice; ensure employment and
working conditions are fair for men and women; reduce
and eradicate child labour, and ensure compliance with
occupational health and safety standards; support educational
and vocational training opportunities as part of employment
conditions, with special emphasis on opportunities for
women; and ensure private sector activities and services
(such as production and patenting of life-saving medicines,
provision of health insurance schemes) contribute to and do
not undermine health equity.
• Investing in research: Commit to research and development in
treatment for neglected diseases and diseases of poverty, and
share knowledge in areas (such as pharmaceuticals patents)
with life-saving potential.
Research institutions
Knowledge – of what the health situation is, globally, regionally,
nationally, and locally; of what can be done about that
situation; and of what works effectively to alter health inequity
through the social determinants of health – is at the heart
of the Commission and underpins all its recommendations.
Research is needed. But more than simply academic exercises,
research is needed to generate new understanding and to
disseminate that understanding in practical accessible ways to
all the partners listed above. Research on and knowledge of
the social determinants of health and ways to act for health
equity will rely on continuing commitments among academics
and practitioners, but it will rely on new methodologies
too – recognizing and utilizing a range of types of evidence,
recognizing gender bias in research processes, and recognizing
the added value of globally expanded Knowledge Networks
and communities. Actions in this field of actors include:
• Generating and disseminating social determinants of health
knowledge: Ensure research funding is allocated to social
determinants of health work; support the global health
observatory and multilateral, national, and local cross-
sectoral working through development and testing of social
determinants of health indicators and intervention impact
evaluation; establish and expand virtual networks and
clearing houses organized on the principles of open access,
managed to enhance accessibility from sites in all high-,
middle-, and low-income settings; contribute to reversal of
the brain drain from low- and middle-income countries;
and address and remove gender biases in research teams,
proposals, designs, practices, and reports.
This question – is closing the health gap in a generation
feasible – has two clear answers. If we continue as we are,
there is no chance at all. If there is a genuine desire to change,
if there is a vision to create a better and fairer world where
people’s life chances and their health will no longer be blighted
by the accident of where they happen to be born, the colour of
their skin, or the lack of opportunities afforded to their parents,
then the answer is: we could go a long way towards it.
Action can be taken, as we show throughout the report. But
coherent action must be fashioned across the determinants
– across the fields of action set out above – rooting out
structural inequity as much as ensuring more immediate
well-being. To achieve this will take changes starting at the
beginning of life and acting through the whole lifecourse. In
calling to close the gap in a generation we do not imagine that
the social gradient in health within countries, or the dramatic
differences between countries, will be abolished in 30 years.
But the evidence, produced in the Final Report, both on the
speed with which health can improve and the means needed to
achieve change, encourage us that significant closing of the gap
is indeed achievable.
This is a long-term agenda, requiring investment starting now,
with major changes in social policies, economic arrangements,
and political action. At the centre of this action should be the
empowerment of people, communities, and countries that
currently do not have their fair share. The knowledge and the
means to change are at hand and are brought together in this
report. What is needed now is the political will to implement
these eminently difficult but feasible changes. Not to act will
be seen, in decades to come, as failure on a grand scale to
accept the responsibility that rests on all our shoulders.

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A new global agenda – the Commission on
Social Determinants of Health
Our children have dramatically different life chances depending
on where they were born. In Japan or Sweden they can expect
to live more than 80 years; in Brazil, 72 years; in India, 63 years;
and in one of several African countries, fewer than 50 years.
Within countries, the differences in life chances are dramatic
and are seen in all countries – even the richest. The balance
of poverty and affluence may be different in low-income
countries, but it is still true that the more affluent flourish and
the less affluent do not.
It does not have to be this way and it is not right that it should
be like this. It is not an unfortunate cluster of random events,
nor differences in individual behaviours, that consistently keep
the health of some countries and population groups below
others. Where systematic differences in health are judged to be
avoidable by reasonable action globally and within society they
are, quite simply, unjust. It is this that we label health inequity.
Traditionally, societies have looked to the health sector to
deal with its concerns about health and disease. Certainly,
maldistribution of health care – not delivering care to those
who most need it – is one of the social determinants of
health. But the high burden of illness responsible for appalling
premature loss of life arises in large part because of the
conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age
– conditions that together provide the freedom people need to
live lives they value (Sen, 1999; Marmot, 2004).
Poor and unequal living conditions are, in their turn, the
consequence of deeper structural conditions that together
fashion the way societies are organized – poor social policies
and programmes, unfair economic arrangements, and bad
politics. These ‘structural drivers’ operate within countries
under the authority of governments, but also, increasingly
over the last century and a half, between countries under the
effects of globalization. This toxic combination of bad policies,
economics, and politics is, in large measure, responsible for the
fact that a majority of people in the world do not enjoy the
good health that is biologically possible. Daily living conditions,
themselves the result of these structural drivers, together
constitute the social determinants of health.
Putting these inequities right is a matter of social justice.
Reducing health inequities is, for the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health (hereafter, the Commission), an ethical
imperative. The right to the highest attainable standard of
health is enshrined in the Constitution of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and numerous international treaties
(UN, 2000a). But the degree to which these rights are met
from one place to another around the world is glaringly
unequal. Social injustice is killing people on a grand scale.
We start from the proposition that there is no necessary
biological reason why a girl in one part of the world, say
Lesotho, should have a life expectancy at birth (LEB) shorter
by 42 years than a girl in another, say Japan. Similarly, there is
no necessary biological reason why there should be a difference
in LEB of 20 years or more between social groups in any given
country. Change the social determinants of health and there
will be dramatic improvements in health equity.
We call for the health gap to be closed in a generation. This
reflects our judgement that action – socially, politically, and
economically – would lead to dramatic narrowing of the
health differences between and within countries. This is not
to predict that the social gradient in health within countries,
or the dramatic differences between them, will be abolished in
30 years, but it is to demand that the appalling unfairness that
we see around the world be placed at the top of the agenda for
global, regional, and national action. The evidence, outlined in
this report, both on the speed with which health can improve
and the means needed to achieve change, encourages us that
significant closing of the gap is indeed achievable, but it will
take action starting now.
The Commission’s analysis, following the social determinants
of health as summarized above, leads to three principles of
1 Improve the conditions of daily life – the
circumstances in which people are born, grow,
live, work, and age.
2 Tackle the inequitable distribution of power,
money, and resources – the structural drivers of
those conditions of daily life – globally, nationally,
and locally.
3 Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand
the knowledge base, develop a workforce that
is trained in the social determinants of health,
and raise public awareness about the social
determinants of health.
While the report that follows is structured around these three
principles, there is not an implied order of action. Measuring
the problem and taking action to resolve it must proceed at
the same time. Taking action on the conditions of daily life and
on the structural drivers of those conditions should proceed
simultaneously. They are not alternatives.

The Commission’s work embodies a new approach to
development. Health and health equity may not be the aim
of all social policies but they will be a fundamental result.
Take the central policy importance given to economic
growth: Economic growth is without question important,
particularly for poor countries, as it gives the opportunity to
provide resources to invest in improvement of the lives of their
population. But growth for its own sake, without appropriate
social policies to ensure reasonable fairness in the way its
benefits are distributed, brings no benefit to health.
Health systems have an important role to play. Ministries of
health also have an important stewardship responsibility. The
health sector should work in concert with other sectors of
society. Health and health equity are important measures of the
success of social policies. But beyond the health sector, action
on the social determinants of health must involve the whole
of government, civil society1 and local communities, business,
global fora, and international agencies.
As processes of globalization bring us closer together as
peoples and nations, we begin to see the interdependence of
our aspirations – aspirations for human security, including
protection against poverty and exclusion, and aspirations for
human freedom (Sen, 1999), not just to grow and flourish as
individuals but to grow and flourish together. We recognize
the barriers to common global flourishing – particularly the
entrenched interests of some social groups and countries. But
we also recognize the value and necessity of collective action
– nationally and globally – to correct the corrosive effects of
inequality of life chances.
There is, at last, widespread recognition that disruption
and depletion of natural environmental systems, including
climate change, is not simply a technical discussion among
environmental experts but has profound implications for the
way of life of people globally and for all living organisms. It
was beyond the remit, and competence, of the Commission to
design a new international economic order that balances the
needs of social and economic development of the whole global
population, health equity, and the urgency of dealing with
global warming. But the sense of urgency and willingness to
experiment with innovative solutions is the spirit required to
deal with both issues.
In the spirit of social justice, the Commission was set up by
the late Director-General of WHO, Dr Jong Wook Lee. He
saw action on social determinants of health as the route to
achieving health equity. The Commission, created to marshal
the evidence on what can be done to promote health equity
and to foster a global movement to achieve it, is a global
collaboration of policy-makers, researchers, and civil society
led by Commissioners who contribute a broad range of
political, academic, and advocacy experience. Health equity
is, necessarily, a truly global agenda. The current Director-
General, Dr Margaret Chan, has embraced the Commission
with enthusiasm. She said:
“No one should be denied access to life-saving or health-
promoting interventions for unfair reasons, including those
with economic or social causes. These are some of the issues
being addressed by the Commission on Social Determinants
of Health … When health is concerned, equity really is a
matter of life and death.” (Chan, 2007)
Director-General Chan has committed WHO to action on the
social determinants of health, not only because it has the power
to do so, but because it has the moral authority.
The Commission seeks to foster a global movement for change.
The indications are clear: health is universally valued, and
people desire fairness. Where it has been studied, there is clear
evidence of concern about the unfairness of living conditions
(YouGov Poll, 2007) that lead to differences in levels of health
(RWJF Commission, 2008). We have already encountered a
great deal of support for our core conclusions. While WHO
is a central and vitally important actor in taking forward the
health equity agenda, the global movement is being built by
a host of stakeholders. It is clear, too, that changing the social
determinants of health and health equity is a long-term agenda
requiring sustained support and investment.
A key concern of the Commission from its inception has been
that implementing real change might be seen as unrealistic
– that superficial changes would be more attractive to those
who prefer to continue with ‘business as usual’. The evidence
is compelling that business as usual is increasingly unfeasible.
Among the enthusiasm for the work of the Commission, we
have also encountered two types of criticism aimed at the
social determinants of health: “We know it all already” and
“You have no evidence to support action”. Between the two
critiques, the Commission seeks to forge a new path to action.
We do know much about the social determinants of health, it
is true. Yet policy-making all too often appears to happen as
if there were no such knowledge available. And we do not yet
know enough. There is a pressing need to invest in a great deal
more research, bringing together different disciplines and areas
of expertise, to work out how social determinants create health
inequity, and how action on these determinants can produce
better, fairer health.
The Commission is unusual in having inspired and supported
action in the real world from its inception. Over three years,
a number of countries have signed up to the Commission’s
vision. Brazil, Canada, Chile, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya,
Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
each became partners of the Commission and have made
progress on developing policies, across government, on tackling
social determinants of health equity. More countries will
follow (Argentina, Mexico, Poland, Thailand, New Zealand,
and Norway have all expressed enthusiasm to join). From the
rota of nations, the Commission’s list of country partners is, as
1 Civil society refers to the arena of uncoerced collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values. In theory, its institutional forms are distinct
from those of the state, family, and market though, in practice, the boundaries between state, civil society, family, and market are complex. Civil society is
often populated by organizations such as registered charities, development nongovernmental organizations, community groups, women’s organizations,
faith-based organizations, professional organizations, trade unions, self-help groups, social movements, business associations, coalitions, and advocacy groups.

yet, relatively small. In many places, things have not changed
and will, without doubt, take much time to change. But our
country partners are a powerful expression of political will and
practical commitment. Is it feasible to do things differently? Yes.
These countries are already doing it. As Parts 3 and 4 of this
report show, partnerships with other countries, civil society,
WHO, other international bodies, and opinion formers are all
vital in pursuing the social determinants of health agenda.
WHO made inspiring declarations 60 years ago, at its birth,
and again 30 years ago, at Alma Ata. Those declarations are
consistent with the call that we are making today. Why will
things be any different now?
Better knowledge
There is now a great deal more knowledge, globally circulating,
on both the nature of the problem of health inequity and what
can be done to address the social determinants of health.
Better development
The dominant model of development is changing. The
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) reflect an
unprecedented global concern to effect real, sustainable change
in the lives of people in poor countries. There is growing
demand for a new approach to social development – one that
moves beyond an overriding focus on economic growth to
look at building well-being through the combined effects of
growth and empowerment (Stern, 2004).
Stronger health leadership
Convening the Commission, WHO signalled its desire to
do things differently. Its Member States, too, are increasingly
calling for a new model for health – from the point of view of
both social justice and increasingly unsustainable reliance on
the traditional health-care model.
An unsustainable status quo
What happens in one part of the world now has an impact
everywhere – financial crises, conflicts, population movement,
trade and labour, food production and food security, and
disease. The scale of inequity is simply unsustainable.
Underpinning the call for global human justice, the inescapable
evidence of climate change and environmental degradation
have set clear limits to a future based on the status quo and
are prompting an increasing global willingness to do things
The question – is closing the health gap in a generation feasible
– has two clear answers. If we continue as we are, there is no
chance at all. If there is a genuine desire to change, if there is
a vision to create a better and fairer world where people’s life
chances and their health will no longer be blighted by the
accident of where they happen to be born, the colour of their
skin, or the lack of opportunities afforded to their parents, then
the answer is: we could go a long way towards it.
Achieving this vision will take major changes in social policies,
in economic arrangements, and in political action. At the
centre of this action should be the empowerment of people,
communities, and countries that currently do not have their
fair share. The knowledge and the means to change are at hand
and are brought together in this Report. What is needed now
is the political will to implement these difficult but feasible
This is a long-term agenda, requiring investment across the
lifecourse and starting now. Not to act will be seen, in decades
to come, as failure on a grand scale to accept the responsibility
that rests on all our shoulders.

Global health inequity – the need for action
Yet the distribution of infant deaths is most unequal, both
between countries and within them. Fig. 2.1 shows variation
between countries in infant mortality from just over 20/1000
live births in Colombia to just over 120 in Mozambique.
And it shows dramatic inequities within countries – an
infant’s chances of survival are closely related to her mother’s
education. In Bolivia, babies born to women with no
education have infant mortality greater than 100 per 1000 live
births; the infant mortality rate of babies born to mothers with
at least secondary education is under 40/1000. All countries
included in Fig. 2.1 show the survival disadvantage of children
born to women with no education. If it is considered too
unrealistic to contemplate an infant mortality rate of 2 per
1000 live births in low-income countries, we must at least
acknowledge the scale of improvement in infant survival
apparently offered by educating girls and women.
“There are no conditions of life to which a man cannot get
accustomed, especially if he sees them accepted by everyone
around him.” (Tolstoy, 1877)
We have become all too accustomed to premature death
and disease and to the conditions that give rise to them. But
much of the global burden of disease and premature death is
avoidable, and therefore unacceptable. It is inequitable. Health
equity has two important strands: improving average health
of countries and abolishing avoidable inequalities in health
within countries. In both cases – average health of countries
and distribution within countries – the aim should be to bring
the health of those worse off up to the level of the best. If the
infant mortality rate in Iceland (WHO, 2007c) were applied
to the whole world, only two babies would die in every 1000
born alive. There would be 6.6 million fewer infant deaths in
the world each year.
Figure 2.1: Inequity in infant mortality rates between countries and
within countries by mother’s education.
t N
d R
r 1
No education
Secondary or higher
Data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS, nd) derived from STATcompiler. The
continuous dark line represents average infant mortality rates for countries; the end-points of
the bars indicate the infant mortality rates for mothers with no education and for mothers with
secondary or higher education.

LEB among indigenous Australians is substantially lower
(59.4 for males and 64.8 for females in the period 1996-
2001) than that of all Australians (76.6 and 82.0, respectively,
for the period 1998-2000) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Social Justice Commissioner, 2005).
In Europe, the excess risk of dying among middle-aged
adults in the lowest socioeconomic groups ranges from 25%
to 50% and even 150% (Mackenbach, 2005).
Health inequalities are observed among the oldest old. The
prevalence of long-term disabilities among European men
aged 80+ years is 58.8% among the lower educated versus
40.2% among the higher educated (Huisman, Kunst &
Mackenbach, 2003).
In the United States of America, 886 202 deaths would
have been averted between 1991 and 2000 if mortality rates
between whites and African Americans were equalized. This
contrasts to 176 633 lives saved by medical advances (Woolf
et al., 2004).
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one group of
conditions causing death globally. An estimated 17.5 million
people died from CVDs in 2005, representing 30% of all
global deaths. Over 80% of CVD deaths occur in low- and
middle-income countries (WHO, nd,a).
Of people with diabetes, 80% live in low- and middle-
income countries. Diabetes deaths are likely to increase by
more than 50% in the next 10 years without urgent action
(WHO, nd,c).
Mental health problems will become increasingly important.
It is estimated that unipolar depressive disorders will be
the leading cause of the burden of disease in high-income
countries in 2030, and it will be number two and three in
middle- and low-income countries, respectively (Mathers &
Loncar, 2005).
The lifetime risk of maternal death is one in eight
in Afghanistan; it is 1 in 17 400 in Sweden,
(WHO et al., 2007).
Maternal mortality is three to four times higher among
the poor compared to the rich in Indonesia (Graham et al.,
Every day, over 13 500 people worldwide die due to tobacco.
The total number of smoking deaths will increase from 5
to 8 million in the next 20 years. Soon, it will become the
leading cause of death in developing countries (as it is in
high-income countries) (Mathers & Loncar, 2005).
Worldwide, alcohol causes 1.8 million deaths (3.2% of the
total). Unintentional injuries alone account for about one
third of the 1.8 million deaths (WHO, nd,b).
Less Poor
Less Rich
Figure 2.2: Under-5 mortality rate per 1000 live births by level of household wealth.
Source: Gwatkin et al. (2007), using DHS data.
The social gradient is not confined to poorer countries. Fig. 2.3 shows national data for some areas of the United Kingdom
(England and Wales) for people classified according to levels of neighbourhood deprivation. As can be seen, the mortality rate
varies in a continuous way with degrees of deprivation (Romeri, Baker & Griffiths, 2006). The range is large: the difference in
mortality between the most and least deprived is more than 2.5-fold.

The poorest of the poor, around the world, have the worst
health. Those at the bottom of the distribution of global and
national wealth, those marginalized and excluded within
countries, and countries themselves disadvantaged by historical
exploitation and persistent inequity in global institutions
of power and policy-making present an urgent moral and
practical focus for action. But focusing on those with the least,
on the ‘gap’ between the poorest and the rest, is only a partial
response. Fig. 2.2 shows under-5 mortality rates by levels
of household wealth. The message here is clear: the relation
between socioeconomic level and health is graded. People
in the second highest quintile have higher mortality in their
offspring than those in the highest quintile. We have labelled
this the social gradient in health (Marmot, 2004).
The social gradient is not confined to poorer countries. Fig.
2.3 shows national data for some areas of the United Kingdom
(England and Wales) for people classified according to levels
of neighbourhood deprivation. As can be seen, the mortality
rate varies in a continuous way with degrees of deprivation
(Romeri, Baker & Griffiths, 2006). The range is large: the
difference in mortality between the most and least deprived is
more than 2.5-fold.
The implications of Figs. 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 are clear. We need
to be concerned with both material deprivation – the poor
material conditions of the 40% of the world’s population that
live on US$ 2/day or less – and the social gradient in health
that affects people in rich and poor countries alike.
Poverty is not only lack of income. The implication, both
of the social gradient in health and the poor health of the
poorest of the poor, is that health inequity is caused by the
unequal distribution of income, goods, and services and of the
consequent chance of leading a flourishing life. This unequal
distribution is not in any sense a ‘natural’ phenomenon but is
the result of policies that prize the interests of some over those
of others – all too often of a rich and powerful minority over
the interests of a disempowered majority.
People at the bottom of the range in Fig. 2.3 are rich by
global standards. They are all living on well above US$ 2/day.
They have clean water to drink, sanitary living conditions, and
infant mortality rates below 10 per 1000 live births, yet they
have higher mortality rates than those in the middle of the
socioeconomic range. Those in the middle certainly are not
materially deprived in the sense just described, but they too
have higher mortality than those above them – the greater the
social disadvantage, the worse the health. The steepness of the
gradient varies over time and across countries. It is likely, then,
that action on the social determinants of health would reduce
the social gradient in health (Marmot, 2004).
In rich countries, low socioeconomic position means poor
education, lack of amenities, unemployment and job insecurity,
poor working conditions, and unsafe neighbourhoods, with
their consequent impact on family life. These all apply to the
socially disadvantaged in low-income countries in addition
to the considerable burden of material deprivation and
vulnerability to natural disasters. So these dimensions of social
disadvantage – that the health of the worst off in high-income
countries is, in a few dramatic cases, worse than average health
in some lower-income countries (Table 2.1) – are important
for health.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Deprivation twentieth Most deprivedLeast deprived
England and Wales
Figure 2.3: Death rates, age standardized, for all causes of death by deprivation
twentieth, ages 15–64 years, 1999-2003, United Kingdom (England and Wales).
Dashed lines are average mortality rates for men and women in
some areas of the United Kingdom (England and Wales).

Table 2.1
Male life expectancy, between- and within-country
inequities, selected countries
Place Life expectancy at birth
United Kingdom, Scotland,
Glasgow (Calton)b
Indiaa 62
United States, Washington DC
Philippinesa 64
Lithuaniaa 65
Polanda 71
Mexicoa 72
United Statesa 75
Cubaa 75
United Kingdoma 77
Japana 79
Icelanda 79
United States, Montgomery
County (white)c
United Kingdom, Scotland,
Glasgow (Lenzie N.)b
a) Country data: 2005 data from World Health Statistics (WHO, 2007c).
b) Pooled data 1998-2002 (Hanlon, Walsh & Whyte, 2006).
c) Pooled data from 1997-2001 (Murray et al., 2006).
Health inequity, as the data above illustrate, is a concern for
all, in all countries worldwide. The urgency of that concern
is compounded by the fact that the pattern of the health
problems confronting countries, and requiring solutions, is
converging. While the poorest countries have a high burden
of communicable disease as well as non-communicable disease
and injury, in all other regions of the world non-communicable
diseases predominate (WHO, 2005c). The causes of heart
disease, cancer, and diabetes are the same wherever these
diseases occur. The action needed to combat them is likely,
therefore, to be similar in rich and poor countries alike. The
global picture of non-communicable and communicable
disease dictates the need for a coherent framework for global
health action.
The differences in health that we have illustrated above are
so large that it may strain credibility to envisage closing the
health gap in one generation. The fact is that health can
change dramatically in a remarkably short time. With health
equity, what can worsen can improve. The data show this.
Child mortality of 50 per 1000 is unacceptably high. That was
the situation in Greece and Portugal 40 years ago (Fig. 2.4).
The latest figures show them to be just above the levels for
Iceland, Japan, and Sweden. Egypt provides perhaps the most
striking example of rapid change – from 235 to 35 per 1000
in 40 years. The figures for Egypt are lower now than those of
Greece or Portugal 40 years ago.
But just as things can improve with remarkable speed, they can
also deteriorate fast. In the 30-year period between 1970 and
2000, infant mortality was falling in both Russian Federation
and Singapore. LEB, however, rose by 10 years in Singapore
and fell by 4 years in Russian Federation. The divergence arose
because of the rise in adult mortality in Russian Federation, a
rise itself associated with ‘shock therapy’ changes in political,
economic, and social systems in the country from 1992
onwards. Fig. 2.5 shows how quickly the magnitude of the
Figure 2.4: Under-5 mortality rates per 1000 live births, selected countries, 1970 and 2006
But just as things can improve with remarkable speed, they can also deteriorate fast. In the 30-year period between 1970 and 2000,
infant mortality was falling in both Russian Federation and Singapore. LEB, however, rose by 10 years in Singapore and fell by 4 years
in Russian Federation. The divergence arose because of the rise in adult mortality in Russian Federation, a rise itself associated with
‘shock therapy’ changes in political, economic, and social systems in the country from 1992 onwards. Fig. 2.5 shows how quickly the
magnitude of the social gradient in health can change for the worse, too, related to the level of educational attainment.
Source: (UNICEF, 2007c).
r 1
t N
e f
c o
f M

social gradient in health can change for the worse, too, related
to the level of educational attainment.
Bringing together global action for health equity under the
rubric of social determinants of health is new. The ideas
behind it are not. By one name or another, there is long
experience relevant to our present concerns. Over centuries,
collective actions, such as the emancipation of women,
universal franchise, the labour movement, and the civil rights
movement, have contributed to the improved living and
working conditions of millions of people worldwide. Although
not explicitly concerned with health, such movements have
advanced people’s ability, globally, to lead a flourishing life.
The good health of the Nordic countries has long attracted
attention. Analysis of the Nordic health improvements since
the latter part of the 19th century emphasized the importance
of civil rights, political rights, and social rights (Lundberg
et al., 2007). Important features of the Nordic experience
include commitment to universalist policies based on equality
of rights to benefits and services, full employment, gender
equity, and low levels of social exclusion. These are related to
a relatively compressed income distribution and the absence
of large differences in living standards between individuals and
population groups.
Some low-income countries, Costa Rica, China, India (State of
Kerala), and Sri Lanka, have achieved a level of good health out
of all proportion to expectation based on their level of national
income. This suggests strongly that good and equitable health
do not depend on a relatively high level of national wealth.
Cuba is another example. The lessons to be learned from these
countries emphasize the importance of five shared political
factors (Irwin & Scali, 2005):
• historical commitment to health as a social goal;
• social welfare orientation to development;
• community participation in decision-making processes
relevant to health;
• universal coverage of health services for all social groups;
• intersectoral linkages for health.
Founded in 1948, WHO embodied a new vision of global
health, defining health as, “a state of complete physical, mental
and social well being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity”. Thirty years later, in 1978, the community of
nations came together again in Alma Ata, where then Director-
General Halfdan Mahler advanced his vision that “Health for
All” implied removing the obstacles to health quite as much
as it did the solution of purely medical problems. The Alma
Ata declaration (WHO & UNICEF, 1978) promoted Primary
Health Care (PHC) as its central means towards good and fair
global health – not simply health services at the primary care
level (though that was important), but rather a health system
model that acted also on the underlying social, economic, and
political causes of poor health.
In the decades that followed, though, a social model of health
was not often seen in practice (Irwin & Scali, 2005). Neither
intersectoral action (ISA) nor comprehensive PHC were really
put into practice. Under the pressure of an ascendant global
package of market-oriented economic policies, including
significant reduction in the role of the state and levels of public
spending and investment, a different development model
was pursued from the 1980s. That model has been the target
of a great deal of deserved criticism. Structural adjustment
programmes, following the Washington consensus, had – and
continue to have, in other policy and programme forms – an
overreliance on markets to solve social problems that proved
damaging. It has been noted, too, that the set of economic
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Figure 2.5: Trends in male and female life expectancy at age 20,
by educational attainment, Russian Federation.
Educational attainment: elementary (open circles), intermediate (triangles), and university (filled circles).
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Murphy et al. (2006).

principles being promoted in low-income countries were not
the same as those being followed in high-income countries
(Stiglitz, 2002; Stiglitz, 2006).
The proponents of health for all did not disappear. They
remain numerous and vocal around the world. The PHC
movement has its strong advocates. Indeed, PHC plays a central
role in WHO’s current agenda and is the focus of the 2008
World Health Report. The 1986 Ottawa Charter on Health
Promotion, and its renewal in Bangkok in 2005, embraced a
global vision of public health action and the importance of
a social determinants approach (WHO, 1986; Catford, 2005).
The Latin American social medicine movement, Community-
Oriented Primary Care that started in pre-apartheid South
Africa (Kark & Kark, 1983) and spread to Canada, Israel, the
United States, and United Kingdom (Wales) (Abramson, 1988),
the community health movement in the United States (Geiger,
1984; Geiger, 2002; Davis et al., 1999), Canada (Hutchison,
Abelson & Lavis, 2001), and Australia (Baum, Fry & Lennie,
1992; Baum, 1995), the Village Health worker (Sanders, 1985)
and the People’s Health Movement, the General Comment on
the Right to Health, and the broad social vision of the MDGs
all reaffirm the central importance of health, the need for social
and participatory action on health, and the core human value
of equity in health (Tajer, 2003; PHM, 2000; UN, 2000a; UN,
2000b). The Commission acknowledges a great debt to these
movements, and builds on their achievements and continuing

Causes and solutions
Over 900 doctors and 2200 nurses trained in Ghana are
working in high-income countries. Ghana has 0.92 nurse per
1000 population; the United Kingdom has over 13 times as
many (WHO, 2006).
There will, of course, need to be a partnership with the
health sector in both disease control programmes and the
development of health systems. It is likely that paying attention
to the social determinants of health, including health care, will
make health services more effective. The health sector will
also play a leadership and advocacy role in the development
of policies to deal with the social determinants of health. But
lack of health care is not the cause of the huge global burden
of illness: water-borne diseases are not caused by lack of
antibiotics but by dirty water, and by the political, social, and
economic forces that fail to make clean water available to all;
heart disease is caused not by a lack of coronary care units but
by the lives people lead, which are shaped by the environments
in which they live; obesity is not caused by moral failure on the
part of individuals but by the excess availability of high-fat and
high-sugar foods. The main action on social determinants of
health must therefore come from outside the health sector.
Seeing health and its fair distribution as a marker of social and
economic development has profound implications. Where
policies – in whichever field of action – aim to improve well-
being in the population, health is a measure of success of those
policies. Health equity is a measure of the degree to which
those policies are able to distribute well-being fairly.
One set of the Commission’s recommendations deals with
the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work,
and age. But people’s lives are shaped by a wider set of forces:
economics, social policies, and politics. These, too, must be
addressed and much of the report and its recommendations
do this.
We stated that a toxic combination of poor social policies,
unfair economics, and bad politics is responsible for much
of health inequity. In low-income countries and some poor
communities in rich countries, this translates into material
deprivation: lack of the material conditions for a decent life.
No one who has experienced the slums that house 1 billion
of the world’s people, no one who has witnessed the lack of
opportunities for economic livelihood of the world’s rural
poor, can doubt the importance of combating poverty. The
toxic combination is also responsible for the social gradient in
health in those who are above the level of material deprivation
but still lack the other goods and services that are necessary for
a flourishing life.
There is no question that differences in health within and
between countries can change quickly. It is our judgement that
this process can be encouraged by better economic and social
At the heart of our concern is creating the conditions in which
people can lead flourishing lives. People need good material
conditions to lead a flourishing life; they need to have control
over their lives; and people, communities, and countries need
political voice (Sen, 1999). Governments can create conditions
for good and equitable health through careful use of social
and economic policy and regulation. Achievement of health
equity will take action across the whole range of government
supported by an international policy environment that values
holistic social development as well as economic growth. Money,
while by no means the whole solution, is critical. The minister
of finance may have more influence over health equity than
the minister of health, the global financial architecture more
influence than international assistance for health care.
But it is not just government that must act. Where government
lacks capacity or political will, there must be technical and
financial support from outside, and a push from popular action.
When people organize – come together and build their own
organizations and movements – governments and policy-
makers respond with social policies.
Of the 3 billion people who live in urban settings, about 1
billion live in slums. In most African countries, the majority
of the urban population live in slums. In Kenya, for example,
71% of the urban population live in slums; in Ethiopia, 99%.
It takes only 10-20 years for the urban population to double
in many African countries (World Bank, 2006b).
Half of the rural population in Mozambique has to walk for
longer than 30 minutes to get water; only 5% of the rural
population have access to piped water (DHS, nd).
Around 126 million children aged 5-17 are working in
hazardous conditions (UNICEF, nd,a).
In India, 86% of women and 83% of men employed in areas
outside the agricultural sector are in informal employment
(ILO, 2002).
In the African region, coverage for old-age income
protection is lower than 10% of the labour force (ILO, nd).

The top fifth of the world’s people in the richest countries
enjoy 82% of the expanding export trade and 68% of foreign
direct investment – the bottom fifth, barely more than 1%
(UNDP, 1999).
In 1999, the developing world spent US$ 13 on debt
repayment for every US$ 1 it received in grants (World
Bank, 1999).
Of the population in the developed nations, 20% consume
86% of the world’s goods (UNDP, 1998).
In 1997, the East Asian financial crisis was triggered by
a reversal of capital flows of around US$ 105 billion, a
relatively small amount in global terms, but equivalent to
10% of the combined gross domestic product (GDP) of the
region. Similar shocks have since affected Russia and Brazil
(ODI, 1999).
Since 1990, conflicts have directly killed 3.6 million people,
(UNICEF, 2004). Sudan has 5.4 million internally displaced
people, Colombia 3 million, Uganda 2 million, Congo 1.7
million, and Iraq 1.3 million (UNHCR, 2005).
Many countries spend more on the military than on health.
Eritrea, an extreme example, spends 24% of GDP on the
military and only 2% on health. Pakistan spends less on
health and education combined than on the military (UNDP,
Each European cow attracts a subsidy of over US$ 2/day,
greater than the daily income of half the world’s population.
These subsidies cost the European Union (EU) taxpayer
about 2.5 billion per year. Half of this money is spent on
export subsidies, which damage local markets in low-income
countries (Oxfam, 2002).
Indigenous People worldwide are in jeopardy of
irrevocable loss of land, language, culture, and
livelihood, without their consent or control – a
permanent loss differing from immigrant populations
where language and culture continue to be preserved
in a country of origin. Indigenous Peoples are unique
culturally, historically, ecologically, geographically,
and politically by virtue of their ancestors’ original
and long-standing nationhood and their use of
and occupancy of the land. Colonization has de-
territorialized and has imposed social, political, and
economic structures upon Indigenous Peoples without
their consultation, consent, or choice. Indigenous
Peoples’ lives continue to be governed by specific and
particular laws and regulations that apply to no other
members of civil states. Indigenous People continue
to live on bounded or segregated lands and are often
at the heart of jurisdictional divides between levels of
government, particularly in areas concerning access
to financial allocations, programmes, and services.
As such, Indigenous Peoples have distinct status and
specific needs relative to others. Indigenous Peoples’
unique status must therefore be considered separately
from generalized or more universal social exclusion

Wealth is important for health. The relation of national income
to LEB is shown in Fig. 3.1 – the Preston curve (Deaton, 2003;
Deaton, 2004). At low levels of national income there is a steep
relation between income and LEB. This is consistent with the
benefits of economic growth improving life chances and health.
But there are two important caveats. First, at higher levels of
income, above about US$ 5000 at purchasing power parity2,
there is little relation between national income and LEB.
Second, there is great variation around the line. As described
earlier, there are notable examples – Costa Rica, India (Kerala),
Sri Lanka – of relatively poor countries and states achieving
excellent health without the benefit of great national wealth.
Among the lessons from those countries is the importance of
good social policy emphasizing education, particularly for girls
and women.
Economic growth gives the opportunity to provide resources
to invest in improvement of people’s lives. But growth per se,
without appropriate social policies, brings no benefit to health.
Economist Angus Deaton warns, “Economic growth is much
to be desired because it relieves the grinding material poverty
of much of the world’s population. But economic growth,
by itself, will not be enough to improve population health, at
least in any acceptable time. … As far as health is concerned,
the market, by itself, is not a substitute for collective action”
(Deaton, 2006a; Deaton, 2006b). Growth with equitable
distribution of benefits across populations is the key. Collective
action may involve building social institutions and adopting
regulations that both deliver people’s needs for housing,
education, food, employment protection, environmental
protection and remediation, and social security, and correct for
market failure (Stiglitz, 2006).
For any country – arguably most pressingly for countries with
low incomes – economic growth brings the possibility of great
benefit. But there has, to date, already been enormous global
growth in wealth, technology, and living standards. The issue
for the world is not whether it needs further economic growth
in order to relieve poverty and achieve the MDGs. To do that,
there is wealth and income in abundance. The question is how
it is distributed and used.
First, the benefits of economic growth over the last 25 years
– a period of rapid globalization – have been shared most
unequally among countries. Table 3.1 shows that in 1980 the
richest countries, containing 10% of the world’s population,
had gross national income 60 times that of the poorest
countries, containing 10% of the world’s population. By 2005
this ratio had increased to 122.
Table 3.1
Increasing income inequality among countries
Gross national income per capita in nominal US$
Year Richest
1980 US$ 11 840 US$ 196 60
2000 US$ 31 522 US$ 274 115
2005 US$ 40 730 US$ 334 122
*Containing 10% of the world’s population. Data derived from Table 1 in
the World Bank’s World Development Reports for 1982, 2002, and 2007,
respectively, and market exchange rates in the relevant years. The ratios
among these nominal US$ figures are comparable across years.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Pogge (2008).
0 10,000
South Africa
Equatorial Guinea
Spain Italy
GDP per capita, 2000, PPP $
, 2
30,000 40,000
Figure 3.1: The Preston Curve in 2000.
Circles have a
diameter proportional
to population size.
GDP per capita is in
purchasing power
parity (PPP) dollars.
2A purchasing power parity exchange rate equalizes the purchasing power of different currencies in their home countries for a given basket of goods.

Second, international flows of aid – grossly inadequate in
themselves, and well below the levels promised by Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) donor
countries in 1970 – are dwarfed by the scale of many poor
countries’ debt repayment obligations (UNDESA, 2006). The
result is that, in many cases, there is a net financial outflow
from poorer to richer countries – an alarming state of affairs.
These financial flows are themselves small in comparison with
the massive volumes of capital flowing through global financial
markets – at a rate of US$ 3.2 trillion per day in 2007 (HIFX,
2007) – with enormous potential, through capital flight, to
disrupt the socioeconomic development of low- and middle-
income countries.
It has been calculated that the annual cost of bringing the 40%
of the world’s population currently below the US$ 2/day line
up to it would be US$ 300 billion – less than 1% of the gross
national income of the high-income countries (Pogge, 2008).
We will make the point throughout this report that money
alone is not the central point. More important is the way the
money is used for fair distribution of goods and services and
building institutions within low-income countries. But this
simple calculation shows that there is no global shortage of
Third, income inequality applies not only between but also
within countries. The trend over the last 15 years has been
for the poorest quintile of the population in many countries
to have a declining share in national consumption (MDG
Report, 2007). There has been a vigorous debate as to whether
income inequality itself is a major contributor to the level of
health of a country (Wilkinson, 1996; Deaton, 2003). However,
72% 62% 63%
d K
d S
Figure 3.2: Proportion relatively poor pre- and post-welfare state redistribution, various countries.
Poverty threshold = 60% of median equivalent disposable income.
*For these countries, the poverty threshold before redistribution is calculated on incomes net income taxes.
Data from the Luxembourg Income Study.
Reprinted, with permission of the authors, from Lundberg et al. (2007) citing Ritakallio & Fritzell (2004).
Poverty rates post tax & transfers Poverty reduction by income redistribution
income inequality is one marker of the unequal distribution
of goods and services. There is therefore strong empirical
justification for a concern with growing income inequalities.
Governments have the power to reduce the effects of pre-
tax income inequality. Fig. 3.2 shows, for a number of high-
income countries, the effects of policy on poverty (Lundberg et
al, 2007). It takes a relative definition of poverty as below 60%
of median income and shows that in Nordic countries fiscal
policy leads to a much lower prevalence of poverty than in the
United Kingdom or the United States. Policy matters.
For countries at lower levels of national income, it should
be obvious that greater economic growth will have a much
smaller effect on income poverty the greater the income
inequalities. The United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) has calculated that in Kenya, for example, at current
economic growth rates, and with the present level of income
inequality, the median family in poverty would not cross the
poverty line until 2030. Doubling the share of income growth
enjoyed by the poor means that reduction in poverty would
happen by 2013. In other words, the MDG for reduction in
poverty implies attention to the distribution of income not just
economic growth.

Just as economic growth, and its distribution, is vitally
important for health, investment in health and its determinants
is an important strategy for boosting economic development
(CMH, 2001). Raising the health status of people lower down
the social hierarchy even to the population median level of
health would have a major impact on overall health and should
improve a nation’s productivity (Box 3.2) (Health Disparities
Task Group, 2004; Mackenbach, Meerding & Kunst, 2007).
A study in Canada shows that reducing health
disparities has the potential for major economic
benefits resulting from a reduction both in health-care
needs and in the costs of lost productivity.
Health-care spending in Canada is about 120 billion
Canadian dollars per year (with the institutionalized
population accounting for 26 billion Canadian dollars
and the household population accounting for 94 billion
Canadian dollars). The lowest income quintile of the
household population accounts for approximately
31% of the 94 billion Canadian dollars, approximately
double the utilization of the highest-income quintile.
The study reported that if the health status and
utilization patterns of those in the lower-income
groups equalled those with middle income, significant
savings on health-care costs could be possible.
In addition, the study reported that better health
enables more people to participate in the economy.
Reducing the costs of lost productivity by only 10-
20% could add billions of dollars to the economy.
Source: Health Disparities Task Group, 2004

: E
ce, actio
, acto

The nature of evidence and action
The values that inform the Commission’s approach to its task
were set out in Part 1: the importance of health and social
justice and the view that all individuals should be treated
with equal dignity. For policy, however important an ethical
imperative, values alone are insufficient. There needs to be
evidence on what can be done and what is likely to work in
practice to improve health and reduce health inequities.
An early decision was necessary on what constituted evidence.
In the medical care arena the hierarchy of evidence is fairly
clear. Does a new medical intervention work better than
existing therapies? Subject it to the benchmark randomized
controlled trial, which provides an unbiased estimate of effects
under carefully controlled conditions.
When it comes to the social determinants of health there are
two linked problems that make this an unrealistic ideal: the
nature of the intervention and the lack of evidence in areas
where it matters. In our judgement, as set out in this report,
global and national economic arrangements and social policies
are critical to people’s living and working conditions and hence
to health equity. For many of these areas it is difficult to see
how randomized controlled trials could be possible. Countries
do not lend themselves to randomization. Interventions such
as the development and implementation of laws that protect
gender equity, for instance, cannot be randomized across
countries. Had the Commission made a decision to rely
on evidence solely from well-controlled experiments, this
would be a short report with only biomedical evidence-based
recommendations and the conclusion that more research is
needed. Equity and social justice, even health, would not have
progressed much.
More research is needed. Although given the nature of the
interventions that this report considers in Parts 3-5, little of
it will look like a medical randomized controlled trial. But
this lack cannot be a barrier to making judgements with the
current evidence. The Commission took a broader view of
what constituted evidence (Kelly et al., 2006). In this report the
reader will find evidence that comes from observational studies
(including natural experiments and cross-country studies), case
studies, and field visits, from expert and lay knowledge, and
from community intervention trials where available. While the
Commission endeavoured to assemble globally representative
evidence, there are inevitably gaps, particularly in low- and
middle-income countries, possibly because the information
does not exist, was not published in an accessible manner, or is
not available in English, which has been the working language
of the Commission.
Strengthening health equity – globally and within countries
– means going beyond contemporary concentration on the
immediate causes of disease. More than any other global
health endeavour, the Commission focuses on the ‘causes of
the causes’ – the fundamental global and national structures
of social hierarchy and the socially determined conditions
these create in which people grow, live, work, and age. Fig. 4.1
shows the conceptual framework that was developed for the
Commission (Solar & Irwin, 2007). This framework suggests
that interventions can be aimed at taking action on:
The circumstances of daily life:
• differential exposures to disease-causing influences in
early life, the social and physical environments, and work,
associated with social stratification. Depending on the nature
of these influences, different groups will have different
experiences of material conditions, psychosocial support,
and behavioural options, which make them more or less
vulnerable to poor health;
• health-care responses to health promotion, disease
prevention, and treatment of illness;
And the structural drivers:
• the nature and degree of social stratification in society – the
magnitude of inequity along the dimensions listed;
• biases, norms, and values within society;
• global and national economic and social policy;
• processes of governance at the global, national, and local
By their nature many of the social determinants considered by
the Commission are relatively distant, spatially and temporally,
from individuals and health experience. This is challenging,
both conceptually and empirically, when trying to attribute
causality and demonstrate effectiveness of action on health
equity. In choosing the range of social determinants on which
to focus, the Commission’s selection was based on coherence
in the global evidence base – that is, a mixture of conceptual
plausibility, availability of supporting empirical evidence, and
consistency of relationship between and among populations
– and the demonstration that these determinants were
amenable to intervention. In addition, a few determinants were
identified that, while they had a strong plausible relationship
with health inequities, still lacked evidence on what could be
done to effect change.
On this basis, and underpinned by the conceptual framework,
the knowledge work stream of the Commission was established
primarily around nine Knowledge Networks whose themes
incorporated global issues, health systems level issues, and
a lifecourse approach to health. The Knowledge Networks
focused on early child development (ECD) (ECDKN),
employment conditions (ECOMNET), urban settings
(KNUS), social exclusion (SEKN), women and gender
equity (WGEKN), globalization (GKN), health systems
(HSKN), priority public health conditions (PPHCKN), and
measurement and evidence (MEKN). Gender issues have been
systematically considered in each of the other themes. Other

issues including food and nutrition, rural factors, violence and
crime, and climate change did not have a dedicated Knowledge
Network but are recognized as important factors for health
equity. The Commission deals with these in subsequent
chapters, providing some general recommendations but
without outlining the more specific steps of exactly how action
could happen.
Formulating the Commission’s recommendations about what
should be done in order to improve global health equity has
involved balancing the use of different types of evidence,
considering the scope and completeness of the evidence,
and assessing the degree to which action in these social
determinants of health has been shown to be possible and
effective. The recommendations made by the Commission
are: a) underpinned by an aetiological conceptual framework,
b) supported by a vast global evidence base that demonstrates
an impact of action on these social determinants of health
and health inequities (effectiveness), c) supported by evidence
on feasibility of implementation in different scenarios, and d)
supported by evidence showing consistency of effects of action
in different population groups and countries with different
levels of national economic development.
Globally it is now understood better than at any moment
in history how social factors affect health and health equity.
While information is always partial and the need for better
evidence remains, we have the knowledge to guide effective
action. By linking our understanding of poverty and the social
gradient, we now assert the common issues underlying health
inequity. By recognizing the nature and scale of both non-
communicable and communicable diseases, we demonstrate the
inextricable linkages between countries, rich and poor. Action
is needed on the determinants of health – from structural
conditions of society to the daily conditions in which people
grow, live, and work at all levels from global to local, across
government and inclusive of all stakeholders from civil society
and the private sector.
As we have pursued our work we have become convinced that
it is possible to close the health gap in a generation. It will take
a huge effort but it can be done. The chapters that follow in
Parts 3-5 show that there is urgent need for change – in how
we understand the causes of health inequities, in the way we
accept and use different types of evidence, in the way we work
together, and in the different types of action that is taken to
tackle global- and national-level health inequities. Action to
effect these interventions will be at global, national, local, and
individual levels.
In Chapter 1 we stated that the Commission’s analysis leads to
three principles of action:
1 Improve the conditions of daily life – the
circumstances in which people are born, grow,
live, work, and age.
2 Tackle the inequitable distribution of power,
money, and resources – the structural drivers of
those conditions of daily life – globally, nationally,
and locally.
3 Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand
the knowledge base, develop a workforce that
is trained in the social determinants of health,
and raise public awareness about the social
determinants of health.
Figure 4.1 Commission on Social Determinants of Health conceptual framework.
Source: Amended from Solar & Irwin, 2007
& political context
Social position
Health-Care System
Ethnicity / Race
Cultural and
societal norms
and values
Social, Health)
Material circumstances
Social cohesion
Psychosocial factors
Biological factors
Distribution of health
and well-being

The three principles of action identified by the Commission
are embodied in the three overarching recommendations below.
If action is taken in accordance with these recommendations,
and with the more detailed recommendations in subsequent
chapters, it will be possible to achieve a more equitable
realization of the rights to the conditions necessary to achieve
the highest attainable standard of health.
1. Improve Daily Living Conditions
Improve the well-being of girls and women and the
circumstances in which their children are born, put major
emphasis on early child development and education for
girls and boys, improve living and working conditions and
create social protection policy supportive of all, and create
conditions for a flourishing older life. Policies to achieve
these goals will involve civil society, governments, and
global institutions.
2. Tackle the Inequitable Distribution of Power, Money,
and Resources
In order to address health inequities, and inequitable
conditions of daily living, it is necessary to address inequities
– such as those between men and women – in the way
society is organized. This requires a strong public sector
that is committed, capable, and adequately financed. To
achieve that requires more than strengthened government
– it requires strengthened governance: legitimacy, space, and
support for civil society, for an accountable private sector,
and for people across society to agree public interests and
reinvest in the value of collective action. In a globalized
world, the need for governance dedicated to equity applies
equally from the community level to global institutions.
3. Measure and Understand the Problem and Assess
the Impact of Action
Acknowledging that there is a problem, and ensuring that
health inequity is measured – within countries and globally
– is a vital platform for action. National governments and
international organizations, supported by WHO, should
set up national and global health equity surveillance
systems for routine monitoring of health inequity and
the social determinants of health and should evaluate the
health equity impact of policy and action. Creating the
organizational space and capacity to act effectively on health
inequity requires investment in training of policy-makers
and health practitioners and public understanding of social
determinants of health. It also requires a stronger focus on
social determinants in public health research.
Parts 3-5 of the report are structured according to these three
principles. While the Commission’s recommendations as a
whole are aimed at addressing both the conditions of daily
living and the structural drivers that shape the distribution
of these, within each of the thematic chapters (5-16 within
Parts 3-5), recommendations are made relating to action that
tackles the structural drivers and immediate causes of inequities
in these themes. The recommendations range in character
from governance and policy matters to community action – a
combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches at the
global, regional, national, and sub-national levels.
While the Commission advocates strongly the central role of
government and the public sector in taking action on the social
determinants of health for health equity, it also recognizes the
plurality of actors across the field – global institutions and
agencies, governments themselves (national and local), civil
society, research and academic communities, and the private
sector. Each of these actors should be able to see themselves
clearly in the chapters that follow in Parts 3-5, and in the
implications of the recommendations for action. An overview
of the key areas for action and recommendations for each actor
is given below, pointing towards the specific recommendations
that can be found in each of the subsequent thematic chapters.
Multilateral agencies
An overarching Commission recommendation is the need
for intersectoral coherence – in policy-making and action
– to enhance effective action on the social determinants of
health and achieve improvements in health equity. Multilateral
specialist and financing agencies can do much to strengthen
their collective impact on the social determinants of health and
health equity, including:
• Coherent global monitoring and action: Adopt health equity
as a fundamental shared goal, and use a common global
framework of indicators to monitor development progress;
collaborate in multi-agency thematic working groups for
coherent social determinants of health action.
• Coherent and accountable financing: Ensure that increases in
aid and debt relief support coherent social determinants
of health policy-making and action among recipient
governments, using health equity and social determinants of
health performance indicators as core conditions of recipient
• Improved participation of UN Member States in global governance:
Support equitable participation of Member States and other
stakeholders in global policy-making fora.
WHO is the mandated leader in global health. It is time that
WHO’s leadership role is enhanced through the agenda for
action on the social determinants of health and global health
equity. This involves a range of actions, including:
• Policy coherence globally and nationally: Adopt a stewardship
role supporting social determinants of health capacity-
building and policy coherence across partner agencies in the
multilateral system; strengthen technical capacity globally
and among Member States for representation of public
health in all major multilateral fora; and support Member
States in developing mechanisms for coherent policy and
ISA for social determinants of health.
• Measurement and evaluation: Support goal setting on health
equity and monitor progress on health equity between and
within countries as a core developmental objective through
a global health equity surveillance system; support the
establishment of national health equity surveillance systems
in Member States, and build necessary technical capacities in
countries; support Member States in development and use
of health equity impact assessment tools and other health
equity-related tools such as a national equity gauge; and
convene a global meeting as part of a periodic review of the
global situation.

• Enhancing WHO capacity: Build internal social determinants
of health capacity across WHO, from headquarters, through
the Regional Offices, to Country Programmes.
National and local government
Underpinning action on the social determinants of health
and health equity is an empowered public sector, based
on principles of justice, participation, and intersectoral
collaboration. This will require strengthening of the core
functions of government and public institutions, nationally
and sub-nationally, particularly in relation to policy coherence,
participatory governance, planning, regulation development
and enforcement, and standard setting. It also depends on
strong leadership and stewardship from the ministry of health,
supported by WHO. Government actions include:
• Policy coherence across government: Place responsibility for
action on health and health equity at the highest level of
government, and ensure its coherent consideration across all
ministerial and departmental policy-making.
• Strengthening action for equity: Commit to progressive
building of universal health-care services; establish a central
gender unit to promote gender equity across government
policy-making; improve rural livelihoods, infrastructure
investment, and services; upgrade slums and strengthen
locally participatory health urban planning; invest in full
employment and decent labour policy and programmes;
invest in ECD; build towards universal provision in vital
social determinants of health services and programmes
regardless of ability to pay, supported by a universal
programme of social protection; and establish a national
framework for regulatory control over health-damaging
• Finance: Streamline incoming international finance (aid,
debt relief) through a social determinants of health action
framework, with transparent accountability; strengthen
revenue through improved progressive domestic taxation;
and collaborate with other Member States in the
development of regional and/or global proposals for new
sources of international public finance.
• Measurement, evaluation, and training: Build towards universal
birth registration; set cross-government performance
indicators for health equity through the establishment of a
national health equity surveillance system; build capacity to
use health equity impact assessment as a standard protocol in
all major policy-making; ensure training of practitioners and
policy-makers on the social determinants of health; and raise
public awareness about the social determinants of health.
Civil society
Being included in the society in which one lives is vital to the
material, psychosocial, and political aspects of empowerment
that underpin social well-being and equitable health. As
community members, grassroots advocates, service and
programme providers, and performance monitors, civil society
actors from the global to the local level constitute a vital
bridge between policies and plans and the reality of change
and improvement in the lives of all. Helping to organize and
promote diverse voices across different communities, civil
society can be a powerful champion of health equity. Many
of the actions listed above will be, at least in part, the result
of pressure and encouragement from civil society; many of
the milestones towards health equity in a generation will be
marked – achieved or missed – by the attentive observation of
civil society actors. Civil society can play an important role in
action on the social determinants of health through:
• Participation in policy, planning, programmes, and evaluation:
Participate in social determinants of health policy-making,
planning, programme delivery, and evaluation from the
global level, through national intersectoral fora, to the local
level of needs assessments, service delivery, and support, and
monitor service quality, equity, and impact.
• Monitoring performance: Monitor, and report and campaign on,
specific social determinants of health, such as upgrading of
and services in slums, formal and non-formal employment
conditions, child labour, indigenous rights, gender equity,
health and education services, corporate activities, trade
agreements, and environmental protection.
Private sector
The private sector has a profound impact on health and well-
being. Where the Commission reasserts the vital role of public
sector leadership in acting for health equity, this does not imply
a relegation of the importance of private sector activities. It
does, though, imply the need for recognition of potentially
adverse impacts, and the need for responsibility in regulation
with regard to those impacts. Alongside controlling undesirable
effects on health and health equity, the vitality of the private
sector has much to offer that could enhance health and well-
being. Actions include:
• Strengthening accountability: Recognize and respond
accountably to international agreements, standards, and
codes of employment practice; ensure employment and
working conditions are fair for men and women; reduce
and eradicate child labour, and ensure compliance with
occupational health and safety standards; support educational
and vocational training opportunities as part of employment
conditions, with special emphasis on opportunities for
women; and ensure private sector activities and services
(such as production and patenting of life-saving medicines,
provision of health insurance schemes) contribute to and do
not undermine health equity.
• Investing in research: Commit to research and development in
treatment for neglected diseases and diseases of poverty, and
share knowledge in areas (such as pharmaceuticals patents)
with life-saving potential.
Research institutions
Knowledge – of what the health situation is, globally, regionally,
nationally, and locally; of what can be done about that
situation; and of what works effectively to alter health inequity
through the social determinants of health – is at the heart
of the Commission and underpins all its recommendations.
Research is needed. But more than simply academic exercises,
research is needed to generate new understanding and to
disseminate that understanding in practical accessible ways to
all the partners listed above. Research on and knowledge of
the social determinants of health and ways to act for health
equity will rely on continuing commitments among academics
and practitioners, but it will rely on new methodologies
too – recognizing and utilizing a range of types of evidence,
recognizing gender bias in research processes, and recognizing
the added value of globally expanded knowledge networks and
communities. Actions in this field of actors include:
• Generating and disseminating evidence on the social determinants
of health: Ensure research funding is allocated to social

determinants of health work; support the global health
observatory and multilateral, national, and local cross-
sectoral working through development and testing of social
determinants of health indicators and intervention impact
evaluation; establish and expand virtual networks and
clearing houses organized on the principles of open access,
managed to enhance accessibility from sites in all high-,
middle-, and low-income settings; contribute to reversal of
the brain drain from low- and middle-income countries;
and address and remove gender biases in research teams,
proposals, designs, practices, and reports.
A central challenge for the Commission arises from the
pervasive nature of health inequities. To be sure, they are
bigger in scale in some countries than in others but they are
remarkably widespread. As will be seen from the subsequent
chapters in Parts 3-5, there are general principles that will
apply in all countries. There will need to be differences in
policies for low- and middle-income countries. The chapters
go some way to dealing with this issue. Experience suggests
that, although there are general principles, the precise nature
of policy solutions needs to be worked out in national and
local context.
Changes are required in the global economic environment if
the Commission’s proposals are to be beneficial to health in
the poorest countries and thus to global health equity. It will
require action to alleviate external economic pressures, expand
national policy space to act on health equity, redress public
sector financial constraints, improve national infrastructure and
human capacity, and solidify and upgrade women’s educational
gains. Implementing the Commission’s recommendations
requires changes in the operation of the global economy
to prevent market pressures and international commitments
from impeding implementation or giving rise to unintended
adverse effects.



: D
aily livin
s: R
s fo
r actio
The first of the Commission’s three
principles of action is:
Improve the conditions of daily life – the circumstances in
which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
Inequities in how society is organized mean that freedom
to lead a flourishing life and to enjoy good health is
unequally distributed between and within societies. This
inequity is seen in the conditions of early childhood
and schooling, the nature of employment and working
conditions, the physical form of the built environment, and
the quality of the natural environment in which people
reside. Depending on the nature of these environments,
different groups will have different experiences of material
conditions, psychosocial influences, and behavioural
options that make them more or less vulnerable to poor
health. Social stratification likewise determines differential
access to and utilization of health care, with consequences
for the inequitable promotion of health and well-being,
disease prevention, and illness recovery and survival.
Implicit in the work of the Commission is a lifecourse
perspective on how the social determinants of health
operate at every level of development – pregnancy and
childbirth, early childhood, childhood, adolescence, and
adulthood – both as an immediate influence on health and
to provide the basis for health or illness later in life.
The following chapters, Chapters 5–9, focus on the
conditions of daily life and make recommendations for
action, sequentially, relating to the conditions of early
life and through the school years, the social and physical
environment with a focus on cities, and the nature of
both employment and working conditions. The nature of
social protection, and in particular income protection, is
considered here as an essential resource for daily living.
The final chapter in Part 3 relates to the health-care

Equity from the start
children of primary-school age not in school (UIS, 2008).
Educational attainment is linked to improved health outcomes,
partly through its effects on adult income, employment, and
living conditions (Ross & Wu, 1995; Cutler & Lleras-Muney,
2006; Bloom, 2007). There are strong intergenerational effects
– educational attainment of mothers is a determinant of child
health, survival, and educational attainment (Caldwell, 1986;
Cleland & Van Ginneken, 1988).
Many challenges in adult society have their roots in the early
years of life, including major public health problems such as
obesity, heart disease, and mental health problems. Experiences
in early childhood are also related to criminality, problems in
literacy and numeracy, and economic participation (ECDKN,
Social inequities in early life contribute to inequities in health
later on, through ECD and educational attainment. Children
from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to do poorly
in school and subsequently, as adults, are more likely have lower
incomes and higher fertility rates and be less empowered to
provide good health care, nutrition, and stimulation to their
own children, thus contributing to the intergenerational
transmission of disadvantage (Grantham-McGregor et al.,
2007). The seeds of adult gender inequity are also sown in early
childhood. Gender socialization and gender biases in the early
years of life have impacts on child development, particularly
among girls. Early gender inequity, when reinforced by power
relations, biased norms, and day-to-day experiences, go on to
have a profound impact on adult gender inequity (ECDKN,
Much of child survival and development depends on factors
discussed in other chapters of this report. In the early years,
the health-care system has a pivotal role to play (ECDKN,
2007a). Mothers and children need a continuum of care from
pre-pregnancy, through pregnancy and childbirth, to the
early days and years of life (WHO, 2005b) (see Chapter 9:
Universal Health Care). Children need to be registered at birth
(see Chapter 16: The Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring,
Research, and Training). They need safe and healthy environments
– good-quality housing, clean water and sanitation facilities,
safe neighbourhoods, and protection against violence (see
Chapter 6: Healthy Places Healthy People). Good nutrition is
crucial and begins in utero with adequately nourished mothers,
underlining the importance of taking a lifecourse perspective
in tackling health inequities (ECDKN, 2007b). It is important
to support the initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour
of life, skin to skin contact immediately after birth, exclusive
breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life, and continued
breastfeeding through the second year of life, as is ensuring the
availability of and access to healthy diets for infants and young
children through improving food security (PPHCKN, 2007a;
Black et al., 2008; Victora et al., 2008).
More distally, child survival and development depend on
how well and how equitably societies, governments, and
international agencies organize their affairs (see Chapters 10
“Each one of you is your own person, endowed with rights,
worthy of respect and dignity. Each one of you deserves
to have the best possible start in life, to complete a basic
education of the highest quality, to be allowed to develop
your full potential and provided the opportunities for
meaningful participation in your communities.”
Nelson Mandela and Graça Machel (UNICEF, 2000)
Worldwide, 10 million children die each year before their fifth
birthday (Black, Morris & Bryce, 2003). The vast majority
of these deaths occur among children born in low- or
middle-income countries, and within these countries, among
children of more disadvantaged households and communities
(Houweling, 2007). Even in high-income countries such
as the United Kingdom, infant mortality is higher among
disadvantaged groups (Department of Health, 2007). There is
an urgent need to address these mortality inequities. Equally
important, at least 200 million children are not achieving their
full developmental potential, with huge implications for their
health and for society at large (Grantham-McGregor et al.,
2007). The figure of 200 million is certainly an underestimate,
as it is based on a definition of poverty at US$ 1/day, whereas
there is a stepwise effect of wealth on child development
(ECDKN, 2007a). Experiences in early childhood (defined as
prenatal development to 8 years of age), and in early and later
education, lay critical foundations for the entire lifecourse
(ECDKN, 2007a). It is better for the individual child, and
for society – in rich and poor countries alike – to provide a
positive start, rather than having to resort to remedial action
later on. Building on the child survival agenda, governments
can make major and sustained improvement in population
health and development, while fulfilling their obligations
under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, by
using a more comprehensive approach to the early years of life
(ECDKN, 2007a).
A more comprehensive approach to the early years in
The science of ECD shows that brain development is highly
sensitive to external influences in early childhood, starting in
utero, with lifelong effects. The conditions to which children
are exposed, including the quality of relationships and language
environment, literally ‘sculpt’ the developing brain (Mustard,
2007). Raising healthy children means stimulating their
physical, language/cognitive, and social/emotional development
(ECDKN, 2007a). Healthy development during the early years
provides the essential building blocks that enable people to lead
a flourishing life in many domains, including social, emotional,
cognitive, and physical well-being (ECDKN, 2007a).
Education, preschool and beyond, also fundamentally shapes
children’s lifelong trajectories and opportunities for health.
Yet despite recent progress, there are an estimated 75 million

and 14: Health Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes;
Political Empowerment – Inclusion and Voice). Gender equity,
through maternal education, income, and empowerment,
plays an important role in child survival and development (see
Chapter 13: Gender Equity). Children benefit when national
governments adopt family-friendly social protection policies
that allow an adequate income for all (see Chapter 8: Social
Protection Across the Lifecourse) and allow parents and caregivers
to balance their home and work life (see Chapter 7: Fair
Employment and Decent Work). Political leaders, nationally and
internationally, should play a key role in averting acute threats
to the development of young children, including war and
violence, child labour, and abuse (WHO, 2005a). Yet global
inequities in power influence the ability of poor countries
in particular to enact policies that are optimal for child
development (ECDKN, 2007a) (see Chapters 11, 12, and 15:
Fair Financing; Market Responsibility; Good Global Governance).
Children need supporting, nurturing, caring, and responsive
living environments. And they need opportunities to explore
their world, to play, and to learn how to speak and listen to
others. Schools, as part of the environment that contributes
to children’s development, have a vital role to play in building
children’s capabilities and, if they are truly inclusive, in
achieving health equity. Well-designed ECD programmes can
help to smooth the transition of children to primary school,
with benefits for subsequent schooling (UNECSO, 2006b).
Creating the conditions for all children to thrive requires
coherent policy-making across sectors. Parents and caregivers
can do a lot, but support is needed from government, civil
society organizations, and the wider community. The neglect
of children worldwide has occurred largely in the watch
of governments. Civil society organizations therefore have
an important role to play in advocating and improving the
conditions for healthy child development.
While environments strongly influence ECD, children are
social actors who shape, and are shaped by, their environment
(ECDKN, 2007b). The appreciation of the relational nature of
the child and the environment has implications for action and
research, with the need to recognize the importance of giving
children greater voice and agency (Landon Pearson Resource
Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children’s Rights,
Early child development: a powerful equalizer
Investments in ECD are one of the most powerful that
countries can make – in terms of reducing the escalating
chronic disease burden in adults, reducing costs for judicial
and prison systems, and enabling more children to grow
into healthy adults who can make a positive contribution to
society, socially and economically (ECDKN, 2007a; Engle et
al., 2007; Schweinhart, Barnes & Weikart, 1993; Schweinhart,
2004; Lynch, 2004). Investment in ECD can also be a powerful
equalizer, with interventions having the largest effects on the
most deprived children (Scott-McDonald, 2002; Young, 2002;
Engle et al., 2007). If governments in rich and poor societies
were to act while children were young by implementing
quality ECD programmes and services as part of their
broader development plans, these investments would pay for
themselves many times over (Schweinhart, Barnes & Weikart,
1993; Schweinhart, 2004; Lynch, 2004). Unfortunately, most
investment calculus in health and other sectors discounts such
future benefits and values disproportionately those benefits
seen in the immediate to short term.
Reducing health inequities within a generation requires a
new way of thinking about child development. An approach is
needed that embraces a more comprehensive understanding of
the development of young children, including not just physical
survival but also social/emotional and language/cognitive
development. Recognizing the role of ECD and education
offers huge potential to reduce health inequities within a
generation. It provides a strong imperative for action early in
life, and to act now. Inaction has detrimental effects that can last
more than a lifetime.
The Commission argues that a comprehensive approach
to child development, encompassing not just child survival
and physical development but also social/emotional and
language/cognitive development, needs to be at the top of
the policy agenda. This requires commitment, leadership, and
policy coherence at the international and national level. It also
requires a comprehensive package of ECD interventions for all
children worldwide.
Changing the mindset
The Commission recommends that:
5.1. WHO and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) set
up an interagency mechanism to ensure policy
coherence for early child development such that,
across agencies, a comprehensive approach to
early child development is acted on (see Rec 15.2;
The development of young children is influenced by actions
across a broad range of sectors, including health, nutrition,
education, labour, and water and sanitation. Similarly, many
players within and outside the UN system have a bearing
on ECD. These include UNDP, Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNICEF, UN
Population Fund (UNFPA), World Food Programme (WFP),
UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT),
International Labour organization (ILO), the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), UN Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), WHO,
Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the World
Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and International
Organization for Migration (IOM), as well as civil society
Commit to and implement a comprehensive approach to early life, building on existing child survival programmes
and extending interventions in early life to include social/emotional and language/cognitive development.

organizations. Many of these agencies do not have improving
ECD as an explicit goal, yet they can have an important
bearing on it, positively or negatively.
An interagency mechanism should be set up to ensure a
comprehensive, coherent approach to ECD. The interagency
mechanism can take various forms. A good model is a so-called
sub-committee, such as the UN System Standing Committee
on Nutrition (SCN) (Box 5.1). Such a committee would
bring together not only relevant UN agencies and government
actors, but also civil society organizations and professional ECD
networks (see Chapter 15: Good Global Governance).
Following the SCN model, key activities of the interagency
mechanism could include: (i) the development and
implementation of a strategy for high-level advocacy and
strategic communication, (ii) tracking and reporting on
progress towards a healthy start in life for all children, (iii)
facilitating the integration of ECD into MDG-related activities
at the country level through the UN coordination system, (iv)
mainstreaming human rights approaches – in particular, the
rights in early childhood as embodied in General Comment
7 on Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood (UN,
2006a) – into the work of the interagency mechanism, and
(v) identifying key scientific and operational gaps (Standing
Committee on Nutrition, nd,b). At the country level, the
interagency group can promote an approach in which policy
makers, practitioners, researchers, and civil society actors form
integrated ECD networks to ensure open-access sharing and
dissemination of research and practice findings.
Ensuring policy coherence for ECD, nationally and
internationally, requires that international organizations, WHO
and UNICEF in particular, strengthen their leadership on and
institutional commitment to ECD. Within these organizations,
many programmes have a bearing on child development,
including programmes on child survival, immunization,
reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS. ECD should explicitly
be taken into account in these programmes. This requires
dedicated staff and financing for ECD, in order to:
• play a critical role in advocacy for ECD as a key social
determinant of health;
• provide technical support for inclusion of ECD in national-
level policies and international development frameworks
(such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers [PRSP]);
• provide technical support to regions, countries, and
partners for integration of simple ECD interventions (such
as Integrated Management of Childhood Illness [IMCI]
Care for Development, see Box 5.7) in health services and
community health initiatives;
• take responsibility for gathering evidence on the
effectiveness of ECD interventions, especially those that are
connected to the health-care system;
• support countries in gathering national statistics on and
setting up monitoring systems for ECD.
Ensuring a comprehensive approach to ECD requires that
international organizations and donors support national
governments in building capacity and developing financing
mechanisms for implementation of such an approach. A global
funding strategy needs to be established to assist countries that
are signatories of the Convention of the Rights of the Child
to truly implement the UN Committee on the Rights of the
Child’s General Comment 7, regarding child rights in early
A comprehensive approach to early childhood in
The Commission recommends that:
5.2. Governments build universal coverage of a
comprehensive package of quality early child
development programmes and services for
children, mothers, and other caregivers, regardless
of ability to pay (see Rec 9.1; 11.6; 16.1).
An integrated policy framework for early child
A healthy start for all children is best served by an integrated
policy framework for ECD, designed to reach all children. This
requires interministerial coordination and policy coherence,
with a clear articulation of the roles and responsibilities of
each sector and how they will collaborate. Better collaboration
between the welfare and education sector, for example, can
facilitate the transition from pre-primary programmes to
primary education (OECD, 2001). ECD should be integrated
into the agendas of each sector to ensure that it is considered
routinely in decision-making (see Chapter 10: Health Equity in
all Policies, Systems, and Programmes).
The mandate of the SCN is to promote cooperation
among UN agencies and partner organizations
in support of community, national, regional, and
international efforts to end malnutrition in all of its
forms in this generation. It will do this by refining the
direction, increasing the scale, and strengthening the
coherence and impact of actions against malnutrition
worldwide. It will also raise awareness of nutrition
problems and mobilize commitment to solve them at
global, regional, and national levels. The SCN reports
to the Chief Executives Board of the UN. The UN
members are the Economic Commission for Africa,
FAO, International Atomic Energy Agency, International
Fund for Agricultural Development, ILO, UN, UNAIDS,
UNDP, UN Environment Programme, UNESCO,
UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UN Research Institute
for Social Development, UN University, WFP, WHO,
and the World Bank. The International Food Policy
Research Institute and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
are also members. From the outset, representatives
of bilateral partners have participated actively in SCN
activities, as have nongovernmental organizations
Reproduced, with permission of the UN, from
Standing Committee on Nutrition (nd,a).

Implementing a more comprehensive approach to early life
includes extending quality interventions for child survival
and physical development to incorporate social/emotional
and language/cognitive development. ECD programmes and
services should comprise, but not be limited to, breastfeeding
and nutrition support, comprehensive support to and care
of mothers before, during, and after pregnancy – including
interventions that help to address prenatal and postnatal
maternal mental health problems (Patel et al., 2004) (see
Chapter 9: Universal Health Care) – parenting and caregiver
support, childcare, and early education starting around age
3 (see Action area 2, below) (ECDKN, 2007a). Also, services
are needed for children with special needs, including those
with mental and physical challenges. Such services include
early detection, training caretakers to play and interact with
their children at home, community-based early intervention
programmes to help children reach their potential, and
community education and advocacy to prevent discrimination
against children with disabilities (UNICEF, 2000; UNICEF,
2007a ). Interventions are most effective when they provide a
direct learning experience to the children and their caretakers
and are high intensity, high quality, of longer duration, targeted
towards younger and disadvantaged children, and built onto
established child survival and health programmes to make ECD
programmes readily accessible (Engle et al., 2007).
Implementing an integrated policy framework for ECD
requires working with civil society organizations, communities,
and caregivers. Civil society can advocate and initiate action
on ECD, and can be instrumental in organizing strategies at
the local level to provide families and children with effective
delivery of ECD services, to improve safety and efficacy of
residential environments, and to increase the capacity of local
and relational communities to better the lives of children
(ECDKN, 2007a).
Most countries do not have an integrated policy framework
for ECD. At the same time, there are examples of interventions
from around the world that illustrate what can be done.
From single to comprehensive packages of ECD services
The implementation of programmes and services that seek
to improve the development of young children can follow a
number of models. Some are directed to single issues, such as
early literacy (Box 5.2), while others deal with ECD more
comprehensively (see Boxes 5.3 and 5.4).
Interventions that integrate the different dimensions of child
development, among others by incorporating stimulation
(interaction between caregivers and children, which is
related to brain development) and nutrition, are particularly
successful (Engle et al., 2007). They tend to result in sustained
improvements in physical, social/emotional, and language/
cognitive development, while simultaneously reducing the
immediate and future burden of disease, especially for those
who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged (ECDKN, 2007a).
This is illustrated in Fig. 5.1, which shows that the mental
development of stunted children who were given both food
supplementation and psychosocial stimulation was about as
good as that of non-stunted children (Fig. 5.1).
Reach Out and Read is a United States national
non-profit organization that promotes early literacy
by giving books to children and advice to parents
attending paediatric examinations about the
importance of reading aloud for child development
and school readiness. At every check-up, doctors
and nurses encourage parents to read aloud to their
young children, and offer age-appropriate tips and
encouragement. Parents who may have difficulty
reading are encouraged to invent their own stories
to go with picture books and spend time naming
objects with their children. Also, providers give every
child between the ages of 6 months and 5 years
developmentally appropriate children’s books to keep.
In literacy-rich waiting-room environments, often with
volunteer readers, parents and children learn about
the pleasures and techniques of looking at books
together. Parents who have received the intervention
were significantly more likely to read to their children
and have more children’s books at home. Most
importantly, children who received the interventions
showed significant improvements in preschool
language scores – a good predictor of later literacy
Source: ECDKN, 2007a

Supplemented and stimulated
Baseline 6 mo 12 mo 16 mo 24 mo
Figure 5.1: Effects of combined nutritional supplementation and psychosocial
stimulation on stunted children in a 2-year intervention study in Jamaica.a
aMean development scores (DQ) of stunted groups
adjusted for initial age and score compared with a
non-stunted group adjusted for age only, using Griffiths
Mental Development Scales modified for Jamaica.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from
Grantham-McGregor et al. (1991).
Young children in poor Jamaican communities face
overwhelming disadvantages, among others of
poverty. The Malnourished Children’s Programme
addresses the nutritional and psychosocial needs
of children admitted to the hospital for malnutrition.
Hospital personnel observed that, before initiation
of their outreach programme, many children who
recovered and were sent home from the hospital had
to be readmitted for the same condition shortly after.
To address this, follow-up home visits were set up
to monitor children discharged from hospital. During
home visits, staff focus on stimulation, environmental
factors potentially detrimental to the child’s health,
the child’s nutritional status, and the possible need
for food supplementation. Parents participate in
an ongoing weekly parenting education and social
welfare programme. They are helped to develop
income-generating skills, begin self-help projects,
and find jobs or shelter.Unemployed parents are
also provided with food packages, bedding, and
clothing. In addition, there is an outreach programme
in poor communities, including regular psychosocial
stimulation of children aged 3 and under, supported by
a mobile toy-lending library.
Adapted, with permission of the publisher, from Scott-
McDonald (2002).
Even more integrated packages of services can be provided,
including stimulation, nutrition, parental education, and various
forms of family support (Box 5.3).
Starting early in life, using a lifecourse approach
Younger children tend to benefit more from ECD
interventions than older children, emphasizing the importance
of providing programmes and services as early in life as possible
(Engle et al., 2007). Some factors need to be addressed before
birth – even before conception. Box 5.4 illustrates how child
development and nutrition problems can be addressed through
a lifecourse perspective, including not just children, but also
pregnant and lactating mothers and adolescent girls.
Prioritizing the provision of interventions to the socially
most disadvantaged
Within a framework of universal access, special attention to the
socially disadvantaged and children who are lagging behind in
their development will help considerably to reduce inequities
in ECD. An important reason is that ECD interventions tend
to show the largest effect in these disadvantaged groups (Scott-
McDonald, 2002; Young, 2002; Engle et al., 2007).
Unfortunately, children in the poorest households and
communities are usually least likely to have access to ECD
programmes and services (UNESCO, 2006b). When new
interventions are introduced, the better off tend to benefit

first (Victora et al., 2000; Houweling, 2007). This seems to
be the case for the Integrated Management of Childhood
Illness programme which, when implemented under routine
conditions, does not preferentially reach the poor (PPHCKN,
2007a). On the other hand, examples from, among others, the
Philippines illustrate that reaching disadvantaged children is
feasible (Box 5.5). In countries where resources are limited,
priorities must be set such that the most vulnerable children
are reached first, while universal coverage should remain the
longer-term goal (ECDKN, 2007a).
Reaching all children
A core objective should be universal coverage for quality ECD
interventions (Box 5.6), with special attention to the most
deprived. Universal access must include equal access for girls
and boys as a matter of course. Low-income countries should
strive to progressive realization of universal coverage, starting
with the most vulnerable. Governments need to develop
strategies for scaling up effective programmes from the local
to the national level, without sacrificing the characteristics
of the programme that made it effective. It is important that
implementation integrity and accountability at the local level
are sustained, even when programmes are scaled up to the
national level (ECDKN, 2007a).
The ICDS is one of the largest child development and
child nutrition programmes in the world, currently
serving more than 30 million children. The services
include support for pregnant and lactating mothers
and adolescent girls, among others through improving
their access to food. They also include childcare
centres, preschool education, growth monitoring
for children aged 0-5 years, supplementary feeding
for malnourished children, assistance for child
immunization, and some emergency health care (Engle
et al., 2007). The results of the programme appear
to be mixed, with positive results on malnutrition
and child motor and mental development in some
states (Engle et al., 2007; Lokshin et al., 2005). Within
states, poorer villages were more likely to be served.
However, states with high levels of child malnutrition
have lowest programme coverage and lowest
budgetary allocations from the central government
(Das Gupta et al., 2005). An evaluation by the World
Bank found “only modest positive effects, probably
because of low funding, work overload of community
workers, and insufficient training”
(Engle et al., 2007).
“A programme in the Philippines provides health,
nutrition and early education services to young
children in marginalized communities. Involving
various ministries at the national level, and extension
agents and Child Development Officers at the
community level, the programme helps track every
child’s growth; monitors access to iodized salt,
micronutrients, clean water and a toilet; and counsels
parents on nutrition and child development.”
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from UNICEF
Cuba’s Educa a Tu Hijo (Growing-up with your child)
programme is generally thought to be an important
factor in Cuba’s educational achievements at the
primary school level (UNICEF, 2001). The programme,
introduced in 1985, is a non-formal, non-institutional,
community-based, family-centred ECD service
under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education
(Preschool Education). The programme operates with
the participation of the Ministries of Public Health,
Culture, and Sports, the Federation of Cuban Women,
the National Association of Small Farmers, the National
Committee for the Defence of the Revolution, and
student associations. This extended network includes
52 000 Promotres (teachers, pedagogues, physicians,
and other trained professionals), 116 000 Executors
(teachers, physicians, nurses, retired professionals,
students, and volunteers), and more than 800 000
families. During the 1990s the programme was
extended, reaching 99.8% of children aged 0-5
years in 2000 – probably the highest enrolment rate
in the world.
Source: CS, 2007

Building onto established child survival and health
programmes to make early child development interventions
readily accessible
Health-care systems are in a unique position to contribute to
ECD (see Chapter 9: Universal Health Care). Given the overlap
in underlying determinants of survival/physical development
and social/emotional and language/cognitive development,
the health-care system can be an effective site for promoting
development in all domains. The health-care system is a
primary contact for many child-bearing mothers and, in many
instances, health-care providers are the only professionals with
whom families come into contact in the early years of the
child’s life (ECDKN, 2007a). Health-care systems can serve
as a platform for information and support to parents around
ECD, and they can link children and families to existing
community-based ECD services. When ECD programmes and
services become integral components of established health-care
services, such as the IMCI (Box 5.7), they can become a highly
effective way of promoting ECD (ECDKN, 2007a).
Acting on gender inequities
An important aspect of the quality of ECD programmes
and services is the promotion of gender equity. Early gender
socialization, the learning of cultural roles according to one’s
sex and norms that define ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, can have
large ramifications across the lifecourse. Girls, for example,
may be required to care for their younger siblings, which can
prevent them from attending school. Preschool programmes
that take care of the younger siblings can contribute to solving
this problem.
An important strategy in promoting positive gender
socialization for young boys and girls is through
developmentally appropriate, gender-sensitive, and culturally
relevant parenting programmes (Koçak, 2004; UNICEF, 1997;
Landers, 2003). These seek to raise awareness among parents
and caregivers of their role in helping their children to develop
self-esteem and confidence as a boy or girl from the beginning
of their lives. Gender-biased expectations of boys and girls
can be brought up during group discussions with fathers and
mothers as well as other caregivers and preschool teachers.
Involving fathers in child-rearing from their children’s birth
is another important strategy for improving child health and
developmental outcomes, while promoting gender equity.
Fathers can enjoy their fatherhood roles while establishing a
positive and fulfilling relationship with their children and can
be a positive role model for both their daughters and sons.
Parenting programmes in, for example, Bangladesh, Brazil,
Jamaica, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey, and Viet Nam include
specific activities to engage fathers more actively in the
upbringing of their children (Koçak, 2004; UNICEF, 1997;
Landers, 2003).
Involving communities
The involvement of communities, including mothers,
grandmothers, and other caregivers, is key to the sustainability
of action on ECD. This includes involvement in the
development, implementation, monitoring, and reviewing of
ECD policies, programmes, and services (ECDKN, 2007a).
It can build a common purpose and consensus regarding
outcomes related to the needs of the community, foster
partnership among the community, providers, parents, and
caregivers, and enhance community capacity through active
involvement of families and other stakeholders (ECDKN,
2007a). Box 5.8 shows how an ECD project in the Lao
People’s Democratic Republic was community driven, at
all stages, from identification of need to implementation.
Community participation and community-based interventions
do not absolve governments from their responsibilities.
However, they can ensure stronger relationships between
government, providers, the community, and caretakers
(ECDKN, 2007a) (see Chapter 14: Political Empowerment
– Inclusion and Voice).
The scope of education
While the Commission has not investigated education through
a dedicated Knowledge Network, broad areas for attention
have emerged from the Commission’s work. The Commission
recognizes the critical importance of education for health
equity. Education, formal and informal, is understood as a
lifelong process starting at birth. The focus in this section is on
education from pre-primary to the end of secondary school,
with an emphasis on extending the comprehensive approach
to education that incorporates attention to children’s physical,
social/emotional, and language/cognitive development.
In partnership with UNICEF, WHO has developed a
special early childhood development component,
called Care for Development, intended to be
incorporated into existing IMCI programmes. Care
for Development aims to enhance awareness among
parents and caregivers of the importance of play
and communication with children by providing them
with information and instruction during children’s
clinical visits. Evidence has shown that Care for
Development is an effective method of supporting
parents’ and caregivers’ efforts to provide a
stimulating environment for their children by building
on their existing skills. Health-care professionals are
encouraged to view children’s visits for acute minor
illnesses as opportunities to spread the messages
of Care for Development, such as the importance of
active and responsive feeding to improve children’s
nutrition and growth, and the importance of play and
communication activities to help children move to the
next stages in their development.
Sources: ECDKN, 2007a; WHO, nd,d

The Commission recommends that:
5.3. Governments provide quality education that pays
attention to children’s physical, social/emotional,
and language/cognitive development, starting in
pre-primary school.
In every country children, particularly those from the poorest
communities, would benefit immensely from early education
programmes. Expanding and improving early childcare and
education is part of the UNESCO Education for All strategy
(UNESCO, 2006b; UNESCO, 2007a). The Commission
supports the UNESCO Education for All goals (summarized in
Box 5.9).
Providing quality pre-primary education
Extending the availability of quality pre-primary school, which
adopts the principles of ECD, to all children and making
special efforts to include those from socially disadvantaged
backgrounds requires a commitment from the highest level
of government and from ministries responsible for care
and education of young children. It requires joint working
across health and education sectors, and review of existing
pre-primary provision involving broad consultation with
families, communities, nongovernmental and civil society
organizations, and preschool providers to identify needs and
develop a comprehensive strategy. Areas to be addressed in
strategy development include: levels of funding, infrastructure
(including buildings and facilities), support for children with
special educational needs, ratio of staff to children, recruitment,
support and training of preschool staff, and the nature of the
preschool programme.
The Women’s Development Project worked to promote
various development initiatives for women in five Lao
provinces. After 5 years, interest developed and a
need was identified to address child development
issues more directly. The Early Childhood and Family
Development Project grew out of this. Project-
planning workshops were organized in villages in
the initial steps of development and implementation.
Village-level planning resulted in agreement on needs
and objectives, an understanding of overall design,
assessments of resources and constraints, activity
planning, setting up the project committee, and criteria
for selecting village volunteers. The community-
based curriculum-development process focused
on participatory input at the local level to create a
curriculum that could be adapted to the particular
needs of different ethnic groups. The process focused
on village data collection and needs assessment.
Analysis of existing traditional knowledge was
used as a basis for curriculum development. One
of the notable activities was a village engagement
agreement signed by village members and the village
development committee. It was based on a child
rights framework and included actions that could be
taken immediately while waiting for needed external
Source: ECDKN, 2007a
Expand the provision and scope of education to include the principles of early child development (physical,
social/emotional, and language/cognitive development).
Expand and improve early childcare and education.
Provide free and compulsory universal primary
education by 2015.
Ensure equitable access to learning and life-skills
Achieve a 50% improvement in adult literacy rates.
Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary
education by 2005 and at all levels by 2015.
Improve all aspects of the quality of education.
Source: UNESCO, 2007a

Quality primary and secondary education
There is emerging evidence that integrating social and
emotional learning in curricula in primary and secondary
schools as well as attention to the children’s physical and
cognitive/language development improves school attendance
and educational attainment (CASEL, nd), and potentially
would have consequent long-term gains for health. Social
and emotional learning comes under the broad umbrella of
life-skills education, which is incorporated into UNICEF’s
definition of quality education (UNICEF, nd,b). The Education
for All goals include equitable access to ‘life skills’ as a basic
learning need for young people, to be addressed either
through formal education or non-formal settings (UNESCO,
2007a). The Commission endorses increased attention to life
skills-based education in all countries as a way of supporting
healthy behaviours and empowering young people to take
control of their lives. UNICEF has highlighted the importance
of life-skills education for HIV/AIDS prevention and a
comprehensive approach to quality education that responds to
learners’ needs and is committed to gender equity (UNICEF,
Making schools healthy for children is the basis for the
FRESH (Focusing Resources on Effective School Health)
Start approach (Partnership for Child Development, nd), a joint
initiative by WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, the World Bank, and
other partners to coordinate action to make schools healthy
for children and improve quality and equity in education,
contributing to the development of child friendly schools (Box
Innovative, context-specific, school-based interventions can
be developed to tackle health challenges faced by young
people. For example, in Australia the MindMatters programme
(Curriculum Corporation, nd) has been developed to promote
mental health in schools, and in the United States the Action
for Healthy Kids programme addresses the growing obesity
epidemic (Action for Healthy Kids, 2007). These programmes
demonstrate how working across sectors and involving a
range of both governmental and NGOs can address health
challenges in the school setting. Out-of-school programmes in
non-formal settings can also be developed to achieve similar
objectives using the same approach.
Barriers to education
The Commission recommends that:
5.4 Governments provide quality compulsory
primary and secondary education for all boys
and girls, regardless of ability to pay, identify and
address the barriers to girls and boys enrolling
and staying in school, and abolish user fees for
primary school (see Rec 6.4; 13.4).
Barriers to education include issues of access to education and
quality and acceptability of education. In many countries, but
particularly low-income countries, it is children from families
on low incomes and with parents with little education who
are less likely to attend school and more likely to drop out
of school. Poverty relief and income-generating activities
(discussed in Chapters 7 and 8: Fair Employment and Decent
Work; Social Protection across the Lifecourse) together with
measures to reduce family out-of-pocket expenditure on
school attendance, school books, uniforms, and other expenses
are critical elements of a comprehensive strategy to make access
to quality education a reality for millions of children.
Other policies aimed at encouraging parents to send their
children to school vary by country but include provision
of free or subsidized school meals (Bajpai et al., 2005) and
providing cash incentives conditional on school attendance,
removal of school fees (Glewwe, Zhao & Binder, 2006),
and provision of free deworming tablets or other health
interventions, for example, the Malawi School Health Initiative
(Pasha et al., 2003). Context-specific analyses are needed to
identify barriers to education and to develop and evaluate
policies that encourage parents to enrol and keep children in
In Chile, the expansion of pre-primary education for
socially disadvantaged children began by extending
provision first for ages 5-6, then ages 4-5, then ages
3-4. The programme focuses on integrating quality
education, care, nutrition, and social attention for the
child and his or her family care (JUNJI, nd).
Expansion of preschool education in Sweden was
achieved with a government commitment that
preschool education should have an emphasis on
play, children’s natural learning strategies, and their
comprehensive development. It was a policy goal to
integrate this comprehensive approach to education
into the entire education system (Choi, 2002).
UNICEF has developed a framework for child
friendly schools that takes a rights-based approach
to education. Child friendly schools create a safe,
healthy, gender-sensitive learning environment, with
parent and community involvement, and provide
quality education and life skills. This model or similar
models are now developed or being developed in
more than 90 countries, and adapted as national
quality standard in 54 countries.
Source: UNICEF, nd,d

Of note, there has been rapid expansion of primary education
in low-income countries over recent years, a trend attributed,
in part, to the abolition of school fees in a number of countries.
As the Kenyan experience highlights (Box 5.12), abolishing
primary school fees needs to be complemented by hiring and
training teachers, building more schools and classrooms, and
providing educational materials. Increased access to primary
school needs to be accompanied by attention to quality of
education. In addition, expansion of primary education will
require investments in secondary education to increase capacity
for the new entrants, assuming they reach secondary level. The
transition from primary to secondary school is a critical point
for girls and for gender equity (Grown, Gupta & Pande, 2005).
A major investment is required by national governments
– allocating sufficient funds to school infrastructure
development, the recruitment, training, and remuneration of
staff, and the provision of educational materials. Supporting
low- and middle-income countries to do this requires donor
countries to fulfil their aid commitments (see Chapter 11: Fair
Financing). The annual external financing requirement to meet
the ‘Education for All’ goals is estimated to be about US$ 11
billion per annum (UNESCO, 2007a).
Educating girls
There needs to be a particular effort in securing primary
and secondary education for girls, especially in low-income
countries (UNESCO, 2007a, Levine et al., 2008). Abolishing
user fees for primary education is a critical step. In response to
continued challenges to gender equity in education, Task Force
3 on Education and Gender Equality of the UN Millennium
Project identified the need to strengthen opportunities for
secondary education for girls while simultaneously meeting
commitments to universal primary education as key to
achieving MDG 3 – promote gender equality and empower
women (Grown, Gupta & Pande, 2005).
Strategies for promoting secondary education for girls include
increasing access and retention. Interventions to improve both
the physical and social environment (Rihani, 2006) include
building functional toilets/latrines for girls and female teachers
and creating a safe environment for girls (WHO, 2005a) by
The total fertility rate in sub-Saharan Africa is 5.5
(UNDP, 2007); Niger and Uganda have particularly high
fertility rates (Niger 7.4, Uganda 6.7). Nearly 44% of
the total population of sub-Saharan Africa is under
15 years old, compared with approximately 18% in
high-income OECD countries. With so many children
of school age, some countries in sub-Saharan Africa
face particular challenges in ensuring high-quality
education for all.
When Kenya abolished school fees in 2003, there was
an immediate influx of 1.3 million children into the
school system, overwhelming school infrastructure
and teachers. School enrolments since 2002 increased
by 28% while the total number of teachers increased
by only 2.6% between 2002 and 2004; in some areas
the ratio rose to one teacher for 100 pupils.
Source: Chinyama,2006
introducing and enforcing codes of conduct. Measures to
improve the relevance and quality of schooling (Rihani, 2006)
include teacher training and curriculum reform to reduce
gender biases and introducing frameworks for participation of
girls in decisions about their schooling. Other interventions
include targeted scholarships for girls, such as the Bangladesh’s
Female Secondary School Assistance Programme (WGEKN,
2007; SEKN, 2007), and programmes that address the needs of
pregnant schoolgirls, such as the Botswana Diphalana Initiative
(WGEKN, 2007).
Early childhood offers huge opportunities to reduce health
inequities within a generation. The importance of early
child development and education for health across the
lifecourse provides a strong imperative to start acting now.
Inaction will have detrimental effects that can last more
than a lifetime. A new approach is needed that embraces
a more comprehensive understanding of early child
development and includes not just physical survival but also
social/emotional and language/cognitive development. This
approach should be integrated into lifelong learning.

Healthy places – healthy people
“Rapid and chaotic urbanisation is being accompanied by
increasing inequalities which pose enormous challenges to
human security and safety”
Anna Tibaijuka, Executive Director UN-HABITAT
(UN-HABITAT, 2007b)
Where people live affects their health and chances of leading
flourishing lives. Communities and neighbourhoods that
ensure access to basic goods, that are socially cohesive, that are
designed to promote good physical and psychological well-
being, and that are protective of the natural environment are
essential for health equity.
The growth of urbanization
The year 2007 saw, for the first time, the majority of human
beings living in urban settings (WorldWatch Institute,
2007), and almost 1 billion people living in life-threatening
conditions in urban slums3 and informal settlements. By 2010
it is expected that 3.48 billion people worldwide will live
in urban areas. The growth of the ‘megacity’, massive urban
agglomerations of 10 million inhabitants and upwards, is an
issue of importance for global health and health equity. But
a very real challenge for the future is the growth of around
500 ‘smaller’ cities of 1-10 million people – cities that are
characterized by outward sprawl.
The regions of the world with the fastest growing urban
populations are also the regions with the highest proportion
of slum dwellers (Table 6.1). Data from around 2003 show
that almost half of all urban dwellers in developing regions
live in slums, and this rises to four out of five urban dwellers
in the poorest countries. But slums are not only a problem of
low- and middle-income countries; 6% of urban dwellers in
high-income regions live in slums.
In Nairobi, where 60% of the city’s population live in slums,
child mortality in the slums is 2.5 times greater than that in
other areas of the city.
In Manila’s slums, up to 39% of children aged between 5 and
9 are already infected with TB – twice the national average.
The push from rural to urban living
While urban living is now the dominant form globally, the
balance of rural and urban dwelling varies enormously across
areas – from less than 10% urban in Burundi and Uganda to
100% or close to it in Belgium, Kuwait, Hong Kong SAR,
and Singapore. Policies and investment patterns reflecting the
urban-led growth paradigm (Vlahov et al., 2007) have seen
rural communities worldwide, including Indigenous Peoples
(Indigenous Health Group, 2007), suffer from progressive
underinvestment in infrastructure and amenities, with
disproportionate levels of poverty and poor living conditions
(Ooi & Phua, 2007; Eastwood & Lipton, 2000), leading
ultimately to out-migration to unfamiliar urban centres. This,
combined with population growth and stagnant agricultural
productivity, saw sub-Saharan Africa experience one of
the highest rates of urban growth internationally between
the 1960s and 1990s (140%), with rural-urban migration
accounting for roughly half of this (Barrios et al., 2006). These
major inequities, to the disadvantage of rural conditions,
contribute to the stark health inequities between urban and
rural dwellers in many low-income countries (Houweling et
al., 2007).
Vulnerability in urban settings
Following the current trajectory of urban growth, city
populations will age and there will be more urban sprawl and
greater numbers of people living in poverty, slums, and squatter
settlements (Campbell & Campbell, 2007). The proportion of
the older adult population residing in cities in high-income
countries matches that of younger age groups and will rise at
the same pace. In low- and middle-income countries, however,
the share of older people in urban communities will multiply
16 times from about 56 million in 1998 to over 908 million
in 2050 (WHO, 2007d). Similarly, people with disabilities
are vulnerable to health threats, particularly in urban areas
due to the challenges of a high population density, crowding,
unsuitable living design, and lack of social support (Frumkin et
al., 2004).
“A warmer world with a more intense water
cycle and rising sea levels will influence many key
determinants of wealth and wellbeing, including
water supply, food production, human health,
availability of land, and the environment” (Stern,
The current model of urbanization poses significant
environmental challenges, particularly climate change – the
impact of which is greater in low-income countries and
among vulnerable subpopulations (McMichael et al., 2008;
Stern, 2006) (Fig. 6.1). At present, greenhouse gas emissions
are determined mainly by consumption patterns in cities of
high-income countries. However, rapid development and
concurrent urbanization in poorer regions means that low- and
middle-income countries will be both vulnerable to health
hazards from climate change and an increasing contributor to
the problem (Campbell-Lendrum & Corvalan, 2007).
3 The general definition of slums used by UN-HABITAT denotes ‘a wide range of low-income settlements and/or poor human living conditions.’ These
areas generally share four characteristics: buildings of poor quality; overcrowding (in, for instance, the number of persons per room); inadequate provision of
infrastructure and services; and relatively low price. In many, there is a fifth characteristic – insecurity – because of some aspects of illegality (especially for
squatters) or no legal protection for the inhabitants (those who rent).

Figure 6.1: Deaths from climate change.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from WHO (2005e).
Estimates by WHO
sub-region for 2000
(WHO World Health
Report, 2002). Copyright
WHO 2005. All rights
Table 6.1: Urban and slum-dwelling households, circa 2003
Total urban
population (millions)
Urban populations
as % of total
Urban slum
Slum population
as % of total urban
World 2923 47.7% 924 31.6%
Developed regions 902 75.5% 54 6.0%
Europe 534 73.6% 33 6.2%
Other 367 78.6% 21 5.7%
Developing regions 2022 40.9% 870 43.0%
Northern Africa 76 52.0% 21 28.2%
Sub-Saharan Africa 231 34.6% 166 71.9%
Latin America and the
399 75.8% 128 31.9%
Eastern Asia 533 39.1% 194 36.4%
Eastern Asia excluding China 61 77.1% 16 25.4%
South-central Asia 452 30.0% 262 58.0%
South-East Asia 203 38.3% 57 28.0%
Western Asia 125 64.9% 41 33.1%
Oceania 2 26.7% 0 24.1%
Transition countries 259 62.9% 25 9.6%
Commonwealth of
Independent States
181 64.1% 19 10.3%
Other Europe 77 60.3% 6 7.9%
Least developed countries 179 26.2% 140 78.2%
UN-HABITAT 2003 and other UN data: Reproduced from KNUS (2007).

Transport and buildings contribute 21% to CO2 emissions
– a major contributor to climate change (IPCC, 2007). Rural
agriculture poses a major challenge. Crop yields, which
feed rural and urban dwellers alike, depend in large part on
prevailing climate conditions. Worldwide, agricultural activity
accounts for about one fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions
(McMichael et al., 2007).
New urban health
Infectious diseases and undernutrition will continue in
particular regions and groups around the world. However,
urbanization itself is re shaping population health problems,
particularly among the urban poor, towards non-communicable
diseases and injuries, alcohol- and substance-abuse, and impact
from ecological disaster (Campbell & Campbell, 2007; Yusuf et
al., 2001).
Obesity is one of the most challenging health concerns to have
arisen in the past couple of decades. It is a pressing problem,
particularly among socially disadvantaged groups in many cities
throughout the world (Hawkes et al., 2007; Friel, Chopra &
Satcher, 2007). The shift in population levels of weight towards
obesity is related to the ‘nutrition transition’ – the increasing
consumption of fats, sweeteners, energy-dense foods, and
highly processed foods. This, together with marked reductions
in energy expenditure, is believed to have contributed to the
global obesity epidemic. The nutrition transition tends to begin
in cities. This is due to a variety of factors including the greater
availability, accessibility, and acceptability of bulk purchases,
convenience foods, and ‘supersized’ portions (Dixon et al.,
2007). Physical activity is strongly influenced by the design of
cities through the density of residences, the mix of land uses,
the degree to which streets are connected and the ability to
walk from place to place, and the provision of and access to
local public facilities and spaces for recreation and play. Each
of these plus the increasing reliance on cars is an important
influence on shifts towards physical inactivity in high- and
middle-income countries (Friel, Chopra & Satcher, 2007).
Violence and crime are major urban health challenges. Of the
1.6 million violence-related deaths worldwide (including those
from conflict and suicide) that occur each year, 90% happen
in low- and middle-income countries (WHO, 2002a). In the
informal settlements of large cities, social exclusion and threat
of violence are highly prevalent (Roberts & Meddings, 2007).
In North American and European cities, and increasingly in
the cities of other high-income countries, violence and crime
have become concentrated problems in urban neighbourhoods,
especially those with large-scale housing estates in suburbs.
Alcohol is implicated in injury and violence in low-, middle-
, and high-income countries – figures from WHO suggest
that of the large number of deaths associated with alcohol
globally, 32% are from unintentional injuries and 14% are from
intentional injuries (Roberts & Meddings, 2007). The highest
burden of alcohol-related disease in the world is in the region
of the former Soviet Union and Central Asia, where it amounts
to 13% of the total disease burden (PPHCKN, 2007b).
Urban areas are by far the most affected by road-traffic injuries
and vehicle-related air pollution, with approximately 800 000
annual deaths from ambient urban air pollution and 1.2 million
from road-traffic accidents (Roberts & Meddings, 2007; Prüss-
Üstün & Corvalán, 2006). The decline in road-traffic deaths
between 1987 and 1995 in highly motorized countries (Fig.
6.2) offers hope for other countries where motorization is on
a steep upward slope – illustrating the positive effects of policy
initiatives such as traffic planning, safer roads and cars, and safer
driving due to, for example, compulsory and enforced seat-belt
wearing and punishment for driving under the influence of
About 14% of the global burden of disease has been attributed
to neuropsychiatric disorders, mostly due to depression and
1987 1988 1989
1980 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Figure 6.2: Percentage changes in road-traffic deaths since 1987.
HMC = highly motorized countries: North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Western Europe; CEE = Central and Eastern
Europe; LAC = Latin/Central America and the Caribbean; Mena = Middle East and North Africa.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Jacobs et al. (2000).

other common mental disorders, alcohol- and substance-use
disorders, and psychoses (Prince et al., 2007). The burden of
major depression is expected to rise to be the second leading
cause of loss of disability-adjusted life years in 2030 and will
pose a major urban health challenge.
These emerging health problems, in countries with different
levels of infrastructure and health system preparedness, pose
significant health equity challenges in the 21st century.
Improvements over the last 50 years in mortality and morbidity
in highly urbanized countries such as Japan, the Netherlands,
Singapore, and Sweden, are testimony to the potential of
modern cities to promote health. They also show that this
is only achievable as long as there are supportive political
structures, financial resources applied in an appropriate manner,
and social policies that underpin the equitable provision of the
conditions in which people are able to thrive (Galea & Vlahov,
If urbanization continues unabated along its current path, it
will present humanity, within a generation, with social, health,
and environmental challenges on a scale unprecedented in
human history. There is urgent need for a new approach to
urbanization and a new paradigm of urban public health, with
action in three key areas:
• Within cities, new models of governance are required to
plan cities that are designed in such a way that the physical,
social, and natural environments prevent and ameliorate the
new urban health risks, ensuring the equitable inclusion of
all city dwellers in the processes by which urban policies are
• Sustained investment in rural areas – making them viable
places for flourishing living – must balance investment in
cities in national development plans.
• Underpinning these areas of action is the development
of adaptation and mitigation strategies for environmental
change that take into account the social and health equity
While the Commission did not consider rural health issues
in detail, it recognizes the need for a sustainable development
strategy based on balanced rural-urban growth. An overarching
recommendation to this effect is made in this chapter. Similarly,
climate change was outside the remit of the Commission, but
there are clear opportunities for simultaneously improving
health equity and cutting greenhouse gas emissions
through action in the urban and rural sectors. A general
recommendation in relation to climate change and health
equity is made at the end of this chapter and picked up again
in Part 6: Building a Global Movement.
Guiding urban development in a manner that places the well-
being of all people and environmental sustainability at its core
will require strategic participatory planning, including city,
county, and regional planning policy, embracing the dimensions
of transport, housing, employment, social cohesion, and
environmental protection.
The Commission recommends that:
6.1. Local government and civil society, backed by
national government, establish local participatory
governance mechanisms that enable communities
and local government to partner in building
healthier and safer cities (see Rec 14.3).
Participatory urban governance
Despite the evidence of the importance of community
participation in addressing urban living conditions (Box 6.1),
the resources and control over decision-making processes often
remain beyond the reach of people normally excluded at the
local and community level.
‘Healthy Settings’ refers to places and social contexts that
promote health. In particular, the Healthy Cities movement is an
existing local governance model that may be adapted worldwide
to promote health equity (WHO Healthy Cities, nd; Alliance
for Healthy Cities, nd; PAHO, 2005). The Healthy Settings
approach has been applied not only to cities but municipalities,
villages, islands, marketplaces, schools, hospitals, prisons,
restaurants, and public spaces. More recently, the Healthy Cities
principles have been used to develop initiatives that recognize
the shifting demographic towards an ageing population (The
Age-Friendly Cities initiative). At its best, the Healthy Cities
model provides a ‘neutral game board’ where all parties in a city
can come together to negotiate healthy outcomes in relation
to a diverse range of city activities including planning, housing,
environmental protection, style of health services, and responses
to issues such as injury prevention and drug and alcohol
control. Some evaluation and assessment of Healthy Settings has
been conducted at city and regional levels, but there has been
no systematic review at the global level. It is important that
researchers and government evaluate, where possible, the health
equity impacts of Healthy Cities/Settings type programmes,
formal or otherwise, in order to build evidence for relevant and
effective local government actions.
Improving urban living conditions
Applying healthy urban design principles, a city would be
designed for a dense, residentially mixed population with easy
access to services, including designated commercial and non-
commercial land use, with land also set aside for protection of
natural resources and recreation. Such an urban development
agenda also considers the supply of basic amenities and
sufficiently developed infrastructure (Devernman, 2007).
Low- and middle-income countries are not likely, in the near
future, to be able to provide all the funds needed to create an
entirely healthy living environment. Funding from more affluent
countries will be required to support the plans made by peoples
and governments in less affluent countries (Sachs, 2005).
Place health and health equity at the heart of urban governance and planning.

One of the biggest challenges facing cities is access to adequate
shelter for all. Not only is the provision of shelter essential,
but the quality of the shelter and the services associated with
it, such as water and sanitation, are also vital contributors to
health (Shaw, 2004).
The Commission recommends that:
6.2. National and local government, in collaboration
with civil society, manage urban development to
ensure greater availability of affordable quality
housing. With support from UN-HABITAT
where necessary, invest in urban slum upgrading
including, as a priority, provision of water and
sanitation, electricity, and paved streets for all
households regardless of ability to pay (see Rec
Many cities in rich and poor countries alike are facing a crisis
in the availability of, and access to, affordable quality housing.
This crisis will worsen social inequities in general, and in health
in particular. In the United States, for example, inequities are
being exacerbated by neighbourhoods that have adopted low-
density-only zoning as a way to control growth. These have
become more exclusionary, leading to fewer African American
and Hispanic residents (NNC, 2001).
It is important therefore that local government regulates land
development for urban regeneration, ensuring reserved urban
land for low-income housing. Creating more equitable housing
development means reversing the effects of exclusionary
zoning through regional fair-share housing programmes,
inclusionary zoning, and enforcement of fair housing laws.
Taking an integrated approach, local authorities could use
criteria for distribution of affordable housing tax credits to
stimulate production of new affordable housing in proximity to
transit, schools, and commercial areas (Box 6.2) (NNC, 2001).
There is a role for local government to monitor the
health and health-equity impacts of housing, building, and
infrastructure standards. Domestic energy inefficiencies and
related fuel poverty4 have a number of effects on health and
are very socially patterned (Box 6.3). It is shocking that in an
economically rich country such as the Republic of Ireland, a
remarkable 17% of households are fuel poor (Healy, 2004).
The situation for slum dwellers needs immediate attention. The
improvement of slums is a huge investment but is nevertheless
affordable in most countries (Mitlin, 2007). The central goal
of UN-HABITAT, under the Economic and Social Council,
is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns
and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all
(UN-HABITAT, 2007a). An integrated strategic plan between
UN-HABITAT and WHO would provide the mandate and
Approximately 62% of Thailand’s slum population
lives in Bangkok and 1.6 million (20%) of Bangkok’s
population lives in slums. Nine communities along
the Bangbua canal in north Bangkok initiated a
slum upgrade project in the wake of a threatened
eviction due to a proposed highway construction
project. Through public hearings, it was decided that
the communities wanted to negotiate legal tenure
and upgrade the communities. The communities
worked with a governmental agency, the Community
Organization Development Institute (CODI), and an
NGO, the Chumthonthai Foundation, both of which
work within the national Baan Man Kong (secure
tenure) housing programme, in addition to the Treasury
Department, district offices, and local universities.
This project required action on two levels. The
operations level was primarily led by the community.
A working group was established to coordinate
the project overall. This working group conducted
workshops and action planning with each community
to develop the housing scheme and master plan
with the community. A network committee linked
the nine communities and encouraged participation.
Individual community committees communicated with
community members and gathered information for
planning and implementation. A community savings
group encouraged participation in a savings scheme
that was transparent and included a community-
auditing system. The policy level was primarily led
by governmental agencies. CODI provided loans for
urban poor housing and worked with other concerned
institutions on land tenure, capacity building, housing
design, and housing construction. The Treasury
Department was the landlord and landowner and
had provided 30-year leases to the participating
communities. The local district office provided building
permissions and coordinated with higher government
authorities. The local university provided technical
and support staff with knowledge about improving the
physical and social environment.
Housing units have been built in the pilot community
and construction began in January 2006 in three other
communities. Several lessons have been learned
from the Bangbua experience. At the institutional
level, there is recognition of the need for community
participation through community networks. At the
community level, the network demonstrated the ability
to engage the community in housing development,
to build community capacity, and to assure other
stakeholders of the communities’ commitment to
housing development, which in turn moved the
process of securing land tenure forward.
Source: KNUS, 2007
4 Fuel poverty is defined here as the inability to heat one’s home to an adequate (i.e. comfortable and safe) temperature, owing to low household income
and low household energy efficiency.

technical support for many low- and middle-income countries
worldwide to tackle these urban issues and, in doing so,
help work towards the MDGs (see Chapter 15: Good Global
Based on previous estimates (Garau et al., 2005), global slum
upgrading would cost less than US$ 100 billion. A ‘Marshall
plan for the world’s urban slums’ could be financed on a
shared basis, for instance by international agencies and donors
(45%), national and local governments (45%), and concerned
households themselves (10%), in the latter case helped by
micro-credit schemes.
“A slum dweller in Nairobi or Dar es Salaam, forced to
rely on private water vendors, pays 5 to 7 times more for
a liter of water than an average North American citizen”
(Tibaijuka, 2004)
Enabling slum upgrading will require the political recognition
of informal settlements, supported by regularization of tenure
in slum settlements in order to allow official (public or private)
utilities to extend infrastructure and services there (Box 6.5).
Such action will help to empower women and improve their
health by increasing access to basic resources such as water and
sanitation (WGEKN, 2007).
In June 2000, the state of California reformed its
tax credit programme for affordable rental housing.
The new programme establishes a point system that
prioritizes projects meeting sustainable development
goals (such as walking distance to transit and schools)
and projects in neighbourhoods where housing is an
integrated part of a comprehensive revitalization effort.
Source: NNC, 2001
Although outwardly affluent, the city of Torquay in
the south of England has pockets of deprivation.
Watcombe is an estate of former council-owned
properties with much higher levels of deprivation than
the regional average and the highest out-of-hours
visiting rate by family doctors in the town – 15%
above the town average. Half the estate population
was receiving benefits and 45% of children under 5
years old were living in single-parent households. A
randomized-to-waiting list design was agreed with
residents and the Council. The intervention comprised
upgrading houses (including central heating,
ventilation, rewiring, insulation, and re-roofing) in two
phases, a year apart.
Evaluation of the intervention was positive. The
interventions succeeded in producing warmer, drier
houses that were more energy efficient as measured
by changes in the indoor environment and energy
rating of the house. Residents appreciated the
improvements and felt their health and well-being had
improved as a result. Greater use of the whole house,
improved relationships within families, and a greater
sense of self-esteem were all mentioned as benefits.
For those living in intervention houses, non-asthma-
related chest problems and the combined asthma
symptom score for adults diminished significantly
compared with those living in control houses.
Source: Barton et al., 2007
Slum upgrading, providing the conditions necessary
for a decent quality of life for the urban poor in
Ahmadabad, India, cost only US$ 500/household.
This included community contributions of US$
50/household. Following the investment in these
slums, there was improvement in the health of the
community, with a decline in waterborne diseases,
children started going to school, and women were
able to take paid work, no longer having to stand in
long lines to collect water.

Air quality and environmental degradation
A significant urban health issue is the pollution generated
from the increased use of motorized transport. Pollution from
transport contributes to total air pollution, which is estimated
to be responsible for 1.4% of all deaths worldwide (WHO,
2002b). Transport accounts for 70-80% of total emissions
in cities in low- and middle-income countries and this is
increasing (Schirnding, 2002). There is a vicious cycle of
growing car dependence, land-use change to facilitate car use,
and increased inconvenience of non-motorized modes, leading
to further rises in car ownership, with its knock-on effects on
air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and physical inactivity
(NHF, 2007).
In order to address what is becoming a public health disaster, it
is important that national and local government, with private
sector collaboration, control air pollution and greenhouse
gas emissions from vehicles, primarily through investment in
improved technology, improved mass transport systems, and
congestion charges on private transport use. For example,
experiences from London (Box 6.6), Stockholm, and Singapore
show that introduction of congestion charges has an immediate
impact on the volume of car traffic, and subsequently on air
Urban planning and design that promotes healthy
behaviours and safety
The nature of the urban environment has a major impact on
health equity through its influence on behaviour and safety.
Indeed, many of the risks for the urban health trajectory that
is escalating towards non-communicable diseases and injuries
are behaviour related. This chapter concentrates primarily on
the role of urban design in relation to physical activity, diet,
and violence. Clearly, the nature of different places and settings
is also very influential on other behaviours such as smoking
and alcohol consumption. Recommendations relating to the
regulatory control of alcohol and tobacco are described in
Chapter 12: Market Responsibility.
The Commission recommends that:
6.3. Local government and civil society plan and
design urban areas to promote physical activity
through investment in active transport; encourage
healthy eating through retail planning to manage
the availability of and access to food; and reduce
violence and crime through good environmental
design and regulatory controls, including control
of the number of alcohol outlets (see Rec 12.3).
In 1972, the United Republic of Tanzania Government
recognized the importance of slums in shelter delivery
and subsequently endorsed Cabinet Papers 81 and
106 on National Urban Housing Policy and Squatter
Improvement Schemes, respectively. These initiatives
paved the way for the World Bank-funded Sites and
Services and Squatter Upgrading projects of the early
In the United Republic of Tanzania, except for slum
dwellers who live on hazardous lands, compensation
is paid if permanent properties are demolished.
Besides compensation, the 1995 Land Policy and
the subsequent 1999 Land Act provide room for
the regularization of slums. Land in the United
Republic of Tanzania is owned by the government
and is issued under leasehold. Recently, the Ministry
of Lands and Human Settlements Development
embarked on a project to formalize properties in
selected slums by issuing housing/property licences
for two years. In parallel to this, the Property and
Business Formalization Programme is under way. The
two projects are aimed at reducing urban poverty.
This needs to be seen in the broad framework of
the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction
of Poverty, which is organized in three clusters: 1)
growth and reduction of income poverty, 2) good
governance and accountability, and 3) improved
quality of life and social well-being.
Residents of 2 out of 17 wards of Arusha City in the
north part of the United Republic of Tanzania were
selected to pilot the Cities Without Slums Arusha
initiative. The two wards registered 20 Community
Development Committees (CDCs). Subsequently,
the CDCs identified the key environmental issues
affecting their areas – those that they could solve
themselves with minimal assistance from the
government (e.g. plot subdivision and issuance of
land titles, solid waste management, social services
improvement) and those that needed technical and
financial assistance from the city authority such as
water supply and major roads. While the CDCs were
prioritizing environmental problems and identifying
the resources within their reach, they also elected
members (from among their leaders) to represent
them in restructured City Council upgrading organs,
which included two ward planning committees, the
Municipal Team, and the Project Steering Committee.
The CDCs and these committees were specifically
incorporated into the traditional set-up of the local
government administrative structure in order to
broaden community participation at grassroots level
and improve good governance.
The Arusha City Council has started to upgrade some
of the identified major roads using its own resources,
particularly the road fund. The project cost for the
two wards (with a population of 60 993) is estimated
to be US$ 19 141 (approximately US$ 32/person).
Source: Sheuya et al., 2007

Planning tools to develop the local environment for health
purposes are beginning to emerge internationally and provide
guiding principles that may be adapted elsewhere (Box 6.7).
Diet and physical activity
Addressing the escalating problem of obesity in rich and poor
countries alike cannot be left to market forces, but requires
national and local government intersectoral approaches
involving agriculture, urban planning, health, and sustainable
The primary objective of the LCC was to address
the ever-increasing congestion problem that was
hampering business and damaging London’s status
as a world city. A major strength of the LCC is its
long-term incremental nature. The LCC area was
widened and the cost level raised 2.5 years after its
implementation. This is fundamental to a behaviour-
change programme, as it means that the public can
take decisions about their future behaviour based
on a firm expectation that the balance of financial
advantage will continue to move away from the car.
Key outcomes were:
Between 35 000 and 40 000 car trips/day switched
to public transport, creating an average 6 minutes’
additional physical activity per trip compared with
private motor transport.
Between 5000 and 10 000 car trips switched to
walking, cycling, motorcycle, taxi, or car share.
Cycling mileage within the zone rose by 28% in 2003
and by a further 4% in 2004.
Survey respondents reported improvement in comfort
and overall quality of walking and public transport
A large portion of the scheme revenues were
reinvested in improvements in public transport,
walking, cycling, and safe routes to schools.
Source: NHF, 2007
The Heart Foundation in Victoria, Australia, developed
Healthy by Design to assist local government and
associated planners in the implementation of a
broader set of Supportive Environments for Physical
Activity guidelines.
Healthy by Design presents design considerations
that facilitate ‘healthy planning’, resulting in healthy
places for people to live, work, and visit. Healthy by
Design provides planners with supporting research,
a range of design considerations to promote walking,
cycling, and public transport use, a practical design
tool, and case studies. The ‘Design Considerations’
demonstrate ways planners can improve the health of
communities through their planning and design. This is
encouraged by providing:
well-planned networks of walking and cycling routes;
streets with direct, safe, and convenient access;
local destinations within walking distance of homes;
accessible open spaces for recreation and leisure;
conveniently located public transport stops;
local neighbourhoods fostering community spirit.
Traditionally, planners consider a range of guidelines
that have an impact on health, safety, and access,
often in isolation from each other. The Healthy by
Design matrix has been developed as a practical tool
that demonstrates the synergies between the different
guidelines that influence built environment design, all
of which contribute to positive health outcomes.
Source: KNUS, 2007
development sectors. It is important that urban planning
prioritizes cycling and walking and provides affordable and
convenient mass transport and design spaces for recreation and
play – in all neighbourhoods – while paying careful attention
to the implications for violence and crime reduction. As
highlighted in the recent United Kingdom Building Health
report (NHF, 2007), a key mechanism to achieve this is through
transport ministries requiring local authorities not only to
adopt the policy of prioritizing pedestrians and cyclists in their

transport policy, supported perhaps by a motorized vehicle
congestion charge (as described above), but also to produce an
assessment of whether they have delivered that aspect of the
policy as part of their annual plan.
There are a small number of examples of local planning policy
that considers community-based and small-scale-retailer-
oriented solutions to the problems of equitable access to
healthy food. The city of Sam Chuk in Thailand restored its
major food and small goods market with the assistance of local
ISA that included architects. The markets are now designed
not only to provide greater availability of foodstuffs, but also
to be more welcoming and accessible to city residents. The
London Development Agency plans to establish a sustainable
food distribution hub to supply independent food retailers,
restaurants, and city-based institutions (Dixon et al., 2007).
One regulatory action that local government can effectively
adopt in order to reduce access to foods high in fats and salt
is the utilization, or strengthening, of planning regulations
to manage the proliferation of fast food outlets in particular
areas, for example, near schools and in socially disadvantaged
Undernutrition often sits alongside obesity among the urban
poor. It is necessary to establish food security policies and
programmes supported by national and/or local government
and civil society actors (Box 6.8).
Violence and crime
Ensuring that all groups in society live in safety and are secure
from crime and violence poses a major societal challenge.
Reducing the prevalence of violent behaviour involves
integrated strategies that target key domains for violence
prevention such as nurturing and safe relationships between
children and parents; reducing violence in the home; reducing
access to alcohol, drugs, and lethal means (Villaveces et al.,
2000); enhancing the life skills and opportunities of children
and youth; and improving criminal justice and social welfare
systems (WHO, 2008c). Newer approaches to violence
prevention include regulatory control – including alcohol
sales designed so that harmful drinking is reduced (Voas et al.,
2006) – conflict transformation, crime prevention through
environmental design, and community-based approaches to
social capital (WHO, 2007e; Roberts & Meddings, 2007).
The Commission points to the need for national and
local government to invest in street lighting, early closing
of nightclubs and bars, gun control, establishment of
neighbourhood watch initiatives, and educational and
recreational activities (including job training opportunities).
The WHO Safe Communities programmes concerned with
injury reduction (
en.htm) have been utilized with some success in various cities
throughout the world. It is recommended that these be adapted
in different contexts and monitored for their effectiveness for
health equity.
The Brazilian example (Box 6.9) illustrates the need for
integrated efforts, attentive to both national and local
specificities. A continuous dialogue with civil society and
authorities at different levels was a precondition for the success
of this initiative. The provision of financial support by local
government to local communities to develop and deliver
crime-prevention and dispute-resolution services will go a long
way to help rebuild trust and social capital within communities
and between communities and local authorities.
Helping to counter nationally inequitable consequences
of urban growth requires sustained investment in rural
development. Governments, national and local, are more likely
to meet these rural challenges if the challenges are integrated
into the broader context of economic and social policies aimed
at development and poverty reduction; these policies should be
included in documents such as the PRSP.
Achieving food security is imperative in poor urban
settings. To eradicate the problem of food insecurity,
there is a need to focus on the development of
policies covering enhanced productivity, increased
levels of employment, and improved access to
food and the market. The importance of urban and
peri-urban agriculture and livestock keeping in
sustaining the urban poor as well as social, economic,
and recreational values is being recognized and
appreciated globally. NEFSALF, initiated in January
2004, represents a mix of actors from the community,
government, and market sectors whose aim is to
promote urban and peri-urban agriculture. The forum
provides access to an elementary training course on
urban agriculture and livestock keeping. Farmers are
trained in farming as a business, group dynamics,
basic skills in crop and animal husbandry, and
environmental management.
Source: KNUS, 2007
Promote health equity between rural and urban areas through sustained investment in rural development,
addressing the exclusionary policies and processes that lead to rural poverty, landlessness, and displacement
of people from their homes.

The Commission recommends that:
6.4. National and local government develop and
implement policies and programmes that focus on:
issues of rural land tenure and rights; year-round
rural job opportunities; agricultural development
and fairness in international trade arrangements;
rural infrastructure including health, education,
roads, and services; and policies that protect the
health of rural-to-urban migrants (see Rec 5.4;
Land rights
For most of the poor in low- and middle-income countries,
land is the primary means of generating a livelihood.
Redistributive land reform has positive impacts on poverty
reduction and employment (Quan, 1997). An important
advance in favour of gender equity, in countries such as Brazil,
Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala,
Brazil has one of the highest homicide rates in
the world. Between 1980 and 2002, the national
homicide rate more than doubled, from 11.4 to
28.4 per 100 000 population. In São Paulo city, the
homicide rate more than tripled during the same
period, from 17.5 to 53.9 per 100 000 population.
Jardim Angela is a conglomerate of slums located
in the southern region of São Paulo city, with about
250 000 inhabitants. In July 1996, Brazil’s Veja
magazine reported an average homicide rate of 111
per 100 000 population, ranking this region as one
of the most violent in the world. Jardim Angela was
experiencing what has been termed the urban penalty,
which was characterized in this case by structural
violence, mistrust, and lack of social cohesion.
In 1996, a community integrated effort of 200
institutions called Fórum de Defesa da Vida (Life
Defense Forum) was created. Parallel to the creation
of this alliance, a social protection network involving
civil society was organized, capitalizing on community
capacity, social movements, and formal and informal
health and social services. This network engaged in a
broad range of community interventions ranging from
providing assistance to recently incarcerated children
to a collective initiative for rebuilding community
spaces. As a result of the investment in community
space, abandoned spaces such as squares, clubs,
and schools were rebuilt, providing space for sports,
complementary school activities, and alcohol- and
drug-abuse programmes. The community and
police also established a coalition aimed at securing
community welfare through surveillance of violence,
criminality, and drug traffic. A range of policies and
services were also implemented with community input
including closing times for bars, a programme for
victims of domestic violence, and health promotion
interventions aimed at reducing teen pregnancy.
In 2005, the homicide rate for the City and State of
São Paulo was 24 per 100 000 population and 18 per
100 000 population, respectively, reflecting a 51%
reduction in homicide for the State. More recently,
from January to July 2006, Jardim Angela experienced
a more than 50% reduction in reports of muggings,
assaults, pick pocketing, and car thefts compared with
previous years.
Source: KNUS, 2007
Honduras, and Nicaragua, has been legislation that contains
provisions for the mandatory joint adjudication and titling of
land to couples and/or that give priority to female household
heads or specific groups of women (Deere & Leon, 2003). It
is critical that national and local governments, in collaboration
with international agencies, enhance and enforce processes
of land tenure and land rights claims for rural communities,
particularly focusing on marginalized and landless groups.
Rural livelihoods
Wider investment in agriculture, support, and services is
needed to ensure viable rural communities (Montgomery et
al., 2004). Lessons from the Green Revolution highlight the
need for a multifaceted approach to sustainable agriculture and
livelihood support. These issues have been reflected in recent
recommendations from the Indian farmers representative body
(Box 6.10). A central element of a comprehensive approach to
rural health equity is an increase in rural household income,
The Indian National Commission on Farmers
and others have outlined an agriculture renewal
programme that consists of the following five
integrated and reinforcing action plans: soil health
enhancement; irrigation water supply augmentation
and demand management; credit and insurance;
technology (bridging the know-how-do-how gap); and
farmer-friendly markets. Overseeing the agriculture
renewal programme could be an Indian Trade
Organization to complement and challenge the World
Trade Organization (WTO). An underlying principle
of such an organization would be the recognition
of the need to ensure support for livelihood saving
and balanced support for commodities that can be
considered trade distorting in the global market and
damaging to health and health equity.
Source: Swaminathan, 2006

with particular focus on adequate household nutrition, through
strengthened support to agricultural development and rural
on- and off-farm job creation. In doing so, it is important to
ensure that local agriculture is not threatened by international
trade agreements and agriculture protection in rich countries
(World Bank, 2008) (see Chapter 12: Market Responsibility).
While safe, secure, year-round work is by far the preferred
option to help lift rural dwellers out of poverty, micro-credit
schemes, as a short-term measure, can empower impoverished
groups. The Bangladesh example (Box 6.11) highlights how
an integrated approach decreased levels of poverty by 30% in
three years.
Poverty and hunger in poor rural populations are inextricably
linked. Addressing widespread hunger and food security in
rural populations cannot be done without linking it with
work security and social security. This link has been well
recognized by Indian policy-makers who have designed Food-
for-Work and Employment Guarantee schemes with a food
security component (Dreze, 2003); in Ghana where food for
education initiatives are being expanded to help develop the
local agricultural economy (SIGN, 2006); and through the
Millennium Villages Project, which uses an integrated approach
to tackle the social determinants of health in African villages
(Millennium Villages Project, nd).
Rural infrastructure and services
The provision of infrastructure and access to quality and
culturally acceptable services are major health issues for rural
dwellers. Progress towards MDG 3 will be made by addressing
these issues through the improvement of rural women’s
access to time-saving technologies, particularly access to
water. Redressing the urban bias in infrastructure and services
investment requires investment in the rural sector to provide:
quality compulsory primary and secondary school education
regardless of ability to pay (see Chapter 5: Equity from the Start);
electricity; comprehensive primary health care (see Chapter
9: Universal Health Care); usable roads and accessible public
transport; and access to modern electronic communication.
The example from Thailand (Box 6.12) illustrates government
commitment to rural health through budget allocation and
regionally appropriate service development.
With funding from the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA), United Kingdom
Department for International Development (DFID),
EU, NOVIB (the Dutch affiliate of Oxfam), and WFP,
the BRAC is undertaking a multi-dimensional social
and economic development project focusing on the
ultra-poor – typically people who are too poor to
participate in micro-finance initiatives. Launched in
2002, this project provides income-generation skills
training, access to health services, a monthly stipend
(US$ 0.17/day) for subsistence, social development
training to promote greater awareness of rights and
social justice issues, and mobilization of local elites for
programme support. Evaluation found that 55% of the
5000 poorest households from the poorest districts
in the country were able to gain sufficient resources
to benefit from joining a micro-credit programme. The
proportion of people in these areas living on less than
US$ 1/day decreased from 89% to 59% during the
first three years of the project and chronic food deficit
fell from 60% to around 15% for project households.
Factors contributing to the success of this project
include: work with local elite to create an enabling
environment for the programme; the provision of
health education and identity cards to facilitate
access to local health facilities; the provision of
training and refresher training for income-generating
skills; and the installation of latrines and tube-wells
to improve sanitation.
Source: Schurmann, 2007
Since 1983, the Thai government health budget
allocation to rural district hospitals and health centres
has been greater than that given to urban hospitals. As
a result, there was extensive geographical coverage
of health services to the most peripheral level. Today,
a typical health centre and district hospital cover
populations of 5000 and 50 000, respectively. Health
centres are staffed by a team of 3-5 nurses and
paramedics, while a 30-bed district hospital is staffed
by 3-4 general physicians, 30 nurses, 2-3 pharmacists,
a dentist, and other paramedics – acceptable numbers
of qualified staff to provide health services. In addition,
there were integrations of public health programmes
(prevention, disease control, and health promotion)
at all levels of care. As all public health and medicine
graduates are produced by publicly funded medical
colleges, students are heavily subsidized by the
government. In return, mandatory rural service by new
graduates, notably at district hospitals, is enforced.
This plays a significant role in the functioning of
district hospitals. The programme started with medical
graduates in 1972; it later extended to other groups
including nurses, dentists, and pharmacists.
Source: HSKN, 2007

Rural-urban migration
Displacement from rural areas, either forced through war and
conflict or due to continual lack of rural resources, has resulted
in rural-urban migration on a massive scale. For example,
more than 40 years of armed conflict has given Colombia the
largest number of displaced people in the western hemisphere
(UNHCR, 2007) and the second highest proportion of
displaced people after Sudan (IDMC, 2007). Consequently, a
massive health burden is imposed on these populations. It is
important therefore that national and local governments, in
collaboration with international agencies, establish supportive
policies for rural-urban migrants, ensuring maintained rights of
access to essential services such as education and health.
Successful policies need to place services within reach of
migrant populations. For example, the use of outreach clinics
can ensure the provision of health services in areas where
internal migrants are found (IOM, 2006). However, for this to
be effective, migrants must be aware of the services available to
them. Governments should therefore promote these services
to internal migrants through advertisements in migrants’
languages and by adapting their practices – most notably their
opening hours and providing training for staff in multicultural
health-care delivery – to meet the needs of the particular
ethnic communities (Ingleby et al., 2005).
Ensure that economic and social policy responses to climate change and other environmental degradation
take into account health equity.
The natural environment
The disruption and depletion of natural environmental systems,
including the climate system, and the task of reducing health
inequities around the world go hand in hand. Ecological
damage is affecting the lives of everyone in society but it has
the greatest impact on the most vulnerable groups, including
Indigenous Peoples who are now surviving in fragile ecologies
due to unsustainable deforestation and intensive exploration
for minerals and other resource-based industries (Indigenous
Health Group, 2007). It is critical that the erosion of natural
resources through further environmental degradation is
stopped. In particular, there is an urgent need to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions (McMichael et al., 2008). Highly
related to the areas of action in this report is the development
of adaptation and mitigation strategies for environmental
change that take into account the social and health equity
dimensions. There is still a need for much research into
the type of action most likely to affect the triangulated
relationships between social factors, environmental change, and
health equity.
To begin with, the Commission recommends that:
6.5. International agencies and national governments,
building on the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change recommendations, consider the
health equity impact of agriculture, transport,
fuel, buildings, industry, and waste strategies
concerned with adaptation to and mitigation of
climate change.
As noted earlier, the detailed consideration and analysis of
specific policy options and development models to counter
climate change was outside the remit of the Commission.
The call, from the Stern Report (Stern, 2006) and others, has
been for international funding to support improved regional
information on climate change impacts. This offers a unique
opportunity, led by WHO, to integrate the climate change and
health equity agendas, ensuring information systems and policy
development go through a health equity filter.

Fair employment and decent work
Work and health inequities
Employment conditions
A number of employment-related conditions are associated
with poorer health status, including unemployment and
precarious work – such as informal work, temporary work,
contract work, child labour, and slavery/bonded labour.
Evidence indicates that mortality is significantly higher among
temporary workers compared to permanent workers (Kivimäki
et al., 2003). Poor mental health outcomes are associated with
precarious employment (e.g. informal work, non-fixed term
temporary contracts, and part-time work) (Artazcoz et al.,
2005; Kim et al., 2006). Workers who perceive work insecurity
experience significant adverse effects on their physical and
mental health (Ferrie et al., 2002).
Working conditions
The conditions of work also affect health and health equity.
Poor work quality may affect mental health almost as much as
loss of work (Bartley, 2005; Muntaner et al., 1995; Strazdins et
al., 2007). Adverse conditions that expose individuals to a range
of health hazards tend to cluster in lower-status occupations.
Work-related fatalities through hazardous exposures remain an
extremely serious problem (ILO, 2005) (Fig. 7.1). Stress at work
is associated with a 50% excess risk of coronary heart disease
(Marmot, 2004; Kivimäki et al., 2006), and there is consistent
“it is an absurdity to call a country civilized in which a
decent and industrious man, laboriously mastering a trade
which is valuable and necessary to the common weal, has no
assurance that it will sustain him while he stands ready to
practice it, or keep him out of the poorhouse when illness or
age makes him idle”
HL Mencken (nd)
Employment and working conditions have powerful effects on
health and health equity. When these are good they can provide
financial security, social status, personal development, social
relations and self-esteem, and protection from physical and
psychosocial hazards – each important for health (Marmot &
Wilkinson, 2006). In addition to the direct health consequences
of tackling work-related inequities, the health equity impacts
will be even greater due to work’s potential role in reducing
gender, ethnic, racial, and other social inequities. This has major
implications for the achievement of MDG 3.
Figure 7.1: Number of deaths from workplace exposure to
dangerous substances in different countries and regions.
MEC = Middle East Crescent; LAC = Latin America and the Caribbean; FSE = Formerly Socialist Economies; OAI = Other
Asia and Islands; SSA = sub-Saharan Africa; EME = Established Market Economies; IND = India; CHN = China.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from ILO (2005).

evidence that high job demand, low control, and effort-reward
imbalance are risk factors for mental and physical health
problems (Stansfeld & Candy, 2006).
The nature of employment and working arrangements
Since the increase in global market integration began in the
1970s, there has been an emphasis on productivity and supply
of products to global markets. Institutions and employers
wishing to compete in this market argue the need for a
flexible and ever-available global workforce. This brings with
it a number of major health-related changes in employment
arrangements and working conditions (Benach & Muntaner,
People’s economic opportunity and financial security is
primarily determined, or at least mediated, by the labour
market. In 2007, there were 3 billion people aged 15 years and
older in work. However, there are still 487 million workers
in the world who do not earn enough to lift themselves
and their families above the US$ 1/day poverty line and 1.3
billion workers do not earn above US$ 2/day (ILO, 2008). The
regional variation in working poor is significant (Fig. 7.2).
The increasing power of large transnational corporations
and international institutions to determine the labour policy
agenda has led to a disempowerment of workers, unions, and
those seeking work and a growth in health-damaging working
arrangements and conditions (EMCONET, 2007). In high-
income countries, there has been a growth in job insecurity
and precarious employment arrangements (such as informal
work, temporary work, part-time work, and piecework), job
losses, and a weakening of regulatory protections (see Chapter
12: Market Responsibility). Most of the world’s workforce,
particularly in low- and middle-income countries, operates
within the informal economy, which by its nature is precarious
and characterized by a lack of statutory regulation to protect
working conditions, wages, occupational health and safety
(OHS), and injury insurance (EMCONET, 2007; ILO, 2008)
(Fig. 7.3).
Central & South East Europe
East Asia
South-East Asia & Pacific
South Asia
Latin America & Caribbean
Middle East
North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
1997 2002 2007
Figure 7.2: Regional variation in the percentage of people in work living on US$ 2/day or less.
2007 figures are preliminary estimates.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from ILO (2008).

The formal economy, dominant in industrialized nations,
previously tended to be characterized by progressive labour
market policy-making, strong influence of unions, and
often permanent full-time employment. This has undergone
significant change (EMCONET, 2007). For example, Fig. 7.4
illustrates the increasing prevalence of temporary and part-time
work since the early 1990s across the European Union.
Vulnerable populations
Analyses by Heymann and colleagues (2006) of nationally
representative household surveys in Botswana, Brazil, Mexico,
Russian Federation, South Africa, the United States, and
Viet Nam found consistently that the protection and benefits
provided by work are poorer for women than men (Fig. 7.5)
(see also Chapter 13: Gender Equity).
Contributing family workers
Own-Account Workers
Wage and salary workers
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Developed Economies
and European Union
Central and South Eastern
Europe (non-EU) & CIS
Middle East
Latin America and
the Caribbean
North Africa
East Asia
South-East Asia and the Pacific
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Asia
Figure 7.3: Employment status as a percentage of total employment in all regions in 2007.
Contributing family workers and own-account workers are, by their nature, forms of precarious work.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from ILO (2008).
Fair employment requires freedom from coercion – including
all forms of forced labour such as bonded labour, slave labour,
or child labour. Globally, it is estimated that there are about
28 million victims of slavery, and 5.7 million children are in
bonded labour (EMCONET, 2007). Although major progress
has been made towards the elimination of the worst forms of
child labour (ILO, 2007a), there are still more than 200 million
children globally aged 5-17 years who are economically active
(ILO, 2006a). Increasing poor households’ income and ensuring
essential quality schooling will help to reduce the need for
children to work. It is estimated that 70% of child labourers in
India would go to school if it was available and free (Grimsrud,

1991 (EU12)
1995 (EU15)
2000 (EU15)
2005 (EU25)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Second job
Part-time work
Figure 7.4 Non-standard employment in the European Union (percentages).
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from Parent-Thirion et al. (2007).
Figure 7.5 Gender inequities in labour conditions.
* Job difficulties: lost pay or lost job promotions or difficulty retaining jobs.
Adapted from Heymann (2006). Average percentages based on selected countries.
40 36
Unable to get paid leave Did not have access to
health insurance
through job
Job difficulties* because
of need of care for
sick children

It is good for both the economy and health equity to make the
promotion of fair employment and decent work a central focus
in countries’ policy agendas and strategies for development.
The development, implementation, and enforcement of laws,
policies, standards, and working conditions to promote good
health must involve government, employers, workers, and
those seeking work. Such action at the national level will also
require efforts to create a more conducive global economic
The Commission recommends that:
7.1. Full and fair employment and decent work
be made a shared objective of international
institutions and a central part of national policy
agendas and development strategies, with
strengthened representation of workers in the
creation of policy, legislation, and programmes
relating to employment and work (see Rec 10.2;
14.3; 15.2).
A supportive international environment
The level and terms of work are increasingly determined by
economic developments at the global level, particularly in
low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, implementation
of the Commission’s recommendations is critically dependent
upon changes in the functioning of the global economy, both
to promote and sustain full employment globally and to foster
and support economic policies at the national level that will
contribute to the generation of fair and decent work. This
indicates a need for changes in the interactions of national
economies with global markets, and in the activities of
international institutions, for example, WTO Agreements and
IMF- and World Bank-supported programmes (see Chapters
12 and 15: Market Responsibility; Good Global Governance). It
is critical that UN bodies and other international agencies
dealing with the rights of workers have the power to influence
the adoption of fair employment practices among Member
States. While further consideration and analysis is needed of
specific policy options and development models, measures that
could potentially contribute to this process might include the
• Direct market constraints:
– reduced dependence on external capital through effective
financial sector regulation, appropriate use of capital
controls, and measures to mobilize and retain domestic
• Competitive constraints:
– an end to ‘dumping’ of products in low- and middle-
income country markets at prices below their cost of
– graduation of required labour standards and upward
convergence over time;
– an end to tariff escalation against exports from low- and
middle-income countries;
– reduced reliance on export markets through promotion of
the production of goods for the domestic market;
– promotion of intraregional trade among low- and middle-
income countries, including through the establishment
and strengthening of regional trade agreements;
– encouragement of shorter working hours in high-income
• International agreements:
– greatly increased emphasis on Special and Differential
Treatment for low- and middle-income countries in
future WTO Agreements;
– stronger safeguard provisions in WTO Agreements (and
bilateral and trade agreements) with respect to public
– increased access by (particularly smaller) low- and middle-
income countries to the WTO’s Dispute Settlement
Most of these measures require action at the international
level – either discretionary changes by individual governments
(in the case of increases in, or changes in the conditions
attached to, donor support) or collective action mediated by
international institutions.
Make full and fair employment and decent work a central goal of national and international social and
economic policy-making.
5 The term ‘fair employment’ complements the concept of decent work. It encompasses a public health perspective in which employment relations, as
well as all the behaviours, outcomes, practices and institutions that emanate or impinge upon the employment relationship, need to be understood as a key
factor in the quality of workers’ health. Fair employment implies a just relationship between employers and employees.
6 Decent work involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace, and social protection for families;
better prospects for personal development and social integration; freedom for people to express their concerns, organize, and participate in the decisions
that affect their lives; and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.

Fair representation of workers in developing the
national policy agenda
To date, relatively few countries have integrated employment
and working conditions into economic and social policies.
To make this happen means redressing the power balance
between private and public actors. Public sector leadership is
critical, nationally and globally, and requires mechanisms that
strengthen the representation of all workers and those seeking
work in the creation of policy, legislation, and programmes
relating to employment and work.
Historically, workers’ participation has been positively
associated with the development of collective labour rights,
the labour movement, and the policies and labour market
developed by modern welfare states (Box 7.1).
Unions are powerful vehicles through which protection for
workers – nationally and internationally – can be collectively
negotiated (see also Chapters 12 and 13: Market Responsibility;
Gender Equity). It is important that governments take
responsibility to ensure real participation of less powerful social
actors through the provision of state guarantee of the right to
collective action among formal and informal workers (Box
In Brazil, 45% of agricultural land is held by around
1% of landowners, while around 50% of proprietors
together own only roughly 2% of all arable land.
About 31 million Brazilian people (18.8% of the total
population) live in the countryside. These people,
known as agregados, are extremely poor and suffer
high rates of many psychosocial, educational, and
health problems.
In 1984, landless families organized into the
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra
(MST), or Movement of Rural Landless Workers.
MST is probably the largest social movement in
Latin America, with around 1.5 million members. Its
fundamental success has been the increasing number
of landless families being allocated their own piece of
land, rising from a few thousand to more than 300 000
in 2000 settlements.
Research has shown that members of MST
communities enjoy better health than other agricultural
workers. The improved health of MST community
members was attributed to a higher production of
livestock, better nutrition (partly due to a greater
diversity of produce), community support in case of
need, and direct involvement in community decisions.
MST has limitations but, from its inception, it has
acted as a catalyst for reform – not only agrarian
reform, but also reform of health, with a direct impact
on governmental decisions, influence on public
policies, and a role in the civil society council of the
Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas.
Source: EMCONET, 2007
Trade unions in Nepal have been collecting information
and formulating policy, and have included the child
labour issue in their workers’ education programmes.
One key issue in Nepal is bonded labour7. This affects
children as well, as whole families are bonded under
the kamaiya system. The unions, together with other
civil society groups, persuaded the government that
this system should be abolished and it was formally
abolished in 2000. The government’s decision wiped
the slate clean – all debts that were the foundation for
the bondage were declared illegal. In order to ensure
that former kamaiyas did not find themselves again in
such levels of poverty and need, unions worked with
the government to develop two important protective
measures: the minimum wage for agricultural workers
and the right for unions to organize in the informal
economy, including the informal agricultural sector.
These were two major steps that the unions did not
feel they could have achieved without their strong
position within the child labour movement.
Source: Grimsrud, 2002
7 Kamaiya is a traditional system of bonded labour in Nepal. The people affected by this system are also called kamaiya or kamaiyas. Traditionally, people
without land or work could get loans from landowners allowing them to feed themselves and survive. In exchange for this, they had to live and work on
the landowner’s land as quasi slaves. Debts were charged exorbitantly and whole families were forced into slave labour for years and even generations. The
kamaiya system existed in particular in western Nepal and affected especially the Tharu people and Dalits (‘untouchables’).

The Commission recommends that:
7.2. National governments develop and implement
economic and social policies that provide secure
work and a living wage that takes into account
the real and current cost of living for health (see
Rec 8.1; 13.5).
Towards full employment
At the 2005 world summit of the UN General Assembly,
governments reaffirmed their commitment to the generation
of full employment and decent work as one of the critical
pathways to addressing the challenge of persistent poverty
around the world. Full and productive employment and decent
work for all has also been introduced as a new target under
MDG 1 as a way to halve the proportion of people living
in extreme poverty by 2015. However, while governments
resolved to make the creation of full employment and decent
work for all a central objective of national and international
policies (UN, 2005), this commitment has not appeared
Reaching this goal is complex, requiring integrated economic
and social policy, and will require different mechanisms in
different country contexts. This could include domestic
action aimed directly at employment generation, for example,
through labour-intensive public works, local procurement
policies, expansion of income-generation programmes, and
support to small and medium enterprises. A starting point
is state provision of a quantum of jobs. This has different
implications for countries at different levels of development.
In low-wage settings such as India, where the infrastructure
and administrative capacity often exists, state-provided work
guarantees can act to lift people above the national poverty line
(Box 7.3).
In many OECD countries, where most of the workforce is
formal and there is relatively low unemployment, governments
are trying to reach full employment by first encouraging
jobseekers to become more active in their efforts to find work
– through job-search support, services such as job information
and matching, individualized counselling, and vocational
guidance and training – and second by requiring contact with
employment services as well as participation in programmes
after a certain period of unemployment (OECD, 2005).
Healthy living wage
Providing a living wage that takes into account the real and
current cost of living for health requires supportive economic
and social policy that is regularly updated and is based on
the costs of health needs including adequate nutritious food,
shelter, water and sanitation, and social participation (Morris
& Deeming, 2004). In low-income countries, competitive
advantage is heavily dependent on low labour costs, and this
may be compromised if provision of a regularly updated decent
living wage becomes a statutory requirement. It is timely that:
• governments, along with public health and social policy
researchers, should explore mechanisms to estimate the cost
of healthy living in order to calculate the living wage level in
each country (Box 7.4);
• in order to reach healthful employment equitably between
countries, as a first step, governments explore mechanisms to
create cross-country wage agreements, initially at regional
Achieving health equity requires safe, secure, and fairly paid work, year-round work opportunities, and healthy
work-life balance for all.
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005
obliges the Indian government to provide a social
safety net for impoverished rural households, through
the guarantee of 100 days of work, at minimum wage,
to one family member per household.
While its implementation is relatively recent and there
have been procedural difficulties, there is evidence
to show that it has had a positive impact in several
states where it has been implemented properly. It has
provided wage security for poor rural families, aided
economic empowerment of women, and created
public assets. In Rajasthan, where public awareness
of the programme is high, 77 days of employment per
rural household were provided in 2006/07. In Uttar
Pradesh, major improvements in public works are
observed as the scale of employment has increased;
minimum wages are being paid and delays to
payments have been reduced, and exploitation by
private contractors is being pushed out.
This is not to say the programme does not have its
difficulties, but transparency safeguards and the
capacity to enforce procedures have been critical in
making major progress. There is also a need to fairly
revise the payment rates and extend the number of
days and family members covered. To ensure social
inclusion, worksite facilities are needed for women
with children.
Source: The Hindu, 2008; Ganesh-Kumar et al., 2004

Training for work
A crucial part of a multifaceted policy approach to full and fair
employment is ensuring that people who are not in work, or
are changing work, are helped to gain the appropriate set of
skills and attributes to participate in quality work. This requires
the establishment of partnerships between government and
NGOs to develop a comprehensive set of programmes that
suit the needs of different populations such as people with a
An assessment was made of the cost of living among
single healthy men in the United Kingdom, aged 18-
30 years, living away from their family and on their
own. Based on consensual evidence, a basket of
commodities considered necessary for healthy day-
to-day living was priced including food and physical
activity, housing, household services, household
goods, transport, clothing and footwear, educational
costs, personal costs, personal and medical care,
savings and non-state pension contributions, and
leisure goods and leisure activities, including social
relationships. The total cost was considered indicative
of the minimum disposable income that is now
essential for health.
The minimum cost of healthy living was assessed
at £131.86/week (based on April 1999 prices).
Component costs, especially those of housing (which
represents around 40% of this total), depend on
geographical region and on several assumptions. In
today’s society, the disposable income that could
meet this minimal cost may be posited as a necessary
precondition of health. Pay from the national minimum
wage (in April 1999), £3.00 an hour at 18-21 years
and £3.60 at 22 years plus, translates into disposable
weekly income of £105.84 and £121.12, respectively,
for a 38-hour working week after statutory tax and
social security deductions. At 18-21, 51 hours, and at
22 years plus, 42.5 hours would have to be worked to
earn the income needed to meet the minimum costs of
healthy living.
Source: Morris et al., 2000
The Danish labour market is as flexible as the British
while offering employees the same level of security
as the Swedish. Flexible rules of employment, active
labour market policies with the right and duty to
training and job offers, relatively high benefits, and
a favourable business cycle lasting a decade have
repeatedly been offered as explanations for this
development. There are four elements of flexicurity in
the Danish context:
flexible labour market;
generous welfare schemes;
lifelong learning;
active labour market policy.
For lifelong learning, social partners are highly
involved and institutionally committed to the planning
and implementation of education policies, in particular
continuing vocational training (CVT) policies. A specific
institutional characteristic of the Danish CVT policy
is that it provides services and training for both the
employed and the unemployed. Under the formal
responsibility of the Ministry of Labour (now Ministry
of Education), but administered largely by the social
partners, CVT for unskilled workers was established
in 1960 and a similar system was established for
skilled workers in 1965. From the late 1980s, collective
agreements also included agreements on education,
usually entitling the employees to 2 weeks leave per
year to participate in job-relevant education.
The state is the main financer of the system. This
financing system externalizes the costs of training
and education from the firms, and indirectly serves
as a government subsidy to the competitiveness of
Danish industry. Partly as a result of this financing
arrangement and the extensive rights of participation
in CVT, Denmark has, for a number of years, ranked
consistently among the top performers in Europe
in relation to participation in CVT activities. Since
the CVT system is predominantly financed by the
public budget, CVT activities are more likely to
provide general rather than firm-specific skills, which
are transferable on the external labour market and
improve the functional flexibility of internal labour
Source: Madsen, 2006
disability or the long-term unemployed. Vocational training
content and delivery must meet the needs of the community
and, particularly as the workforce ages, retraining opportunities
are required that suit the needs of older people. Denmark’s
‘flexicurity’ system has been among the most successful in
training its workforce to ensure employability (Box 7.5).

Safe and decent work standards
The nature of employment and working conditions to which
people are exposed has a major impact on health and its social
distribution. Work must be fair and decent. The state plays
a fundamental role in the reduction and mitigation of the
negative health effects caused by inappropriate employment
and working conditions.
The Commission recommends that:
7.3. Public capacity be strengthened to implement
regulatory mechanisms to promote and enforce
fair employment and decent work standards for
all workers (see Rec 12.3).
Labour standards
The four core principles – freedom of association and the
effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
freedom from forced labour; the effective abolition of child
labour; and non-discrimination in employment – behind many
of the ILO standards provide the basis for fair employment
and decent work. The enforcement by government agencies of
internationally agreed labour standards and codes (ILOLEX,
2007) is an essential step towards health and health equity. In
addition, if basic labour standards are enforced, such as equal
remuneration for women and men, there is potential for
significantly reducing gender inequity (see Chapter 13: Gender
The effects of transnational corporations on employment
and working conditions and the cross-border nature of work
and labour provide a strong argument for an international
mechanism to support national governments to ratify and
implement core labour standards (see Chapter 12: Market
Responsibility). The development of administrative capacity,
infrastructure, and financial support to undertake the
recommendations must be supported in a coherent way
by the ILO and WHO with donors and representation of
formal and informal workers (see Chapter 15: Good Global
Governance). The capacity of low-income countries to enforce
labour standards may be relatively limited, particularly when
considered in the context of the wider set of recommendations
being made by the Commission. Labour standards should
be graduated according to levels of economic development
but with at least the four core principles being covered,
and consideration should be given to the feasibility of
implementation in a particular country of any international
enforcement mechanism. Once the basic four are established,
labour standards should be subject to a planned process of
upward convergence over time, to avoid adverse effects.
A long-term goal for countries should be the progressive
development and implementation of binding codes of
practice in relation to labour and OHS of both domestic and
international suppliers. Similarly, the establishment of domestic
disclosure regulations for companies – clear identification
of where products and their component parts are produced
and under what working conditions (EMCONET, 2007)
– as a long-term policy goal may contribute to equitable
employment and working conditions globally.
While a number of multinational corporations have adopted
voluntary codes of conduct and reportedly insist on the
same labour practices at their companies throughout the
world (
global_labor.htm), this represents a limited response to
the huge task ahead. As a starting point, regular public sector
monitoring of private sector voluntary codes of practice in
relation to labour and OHS standards can help reinforce their
impact and ensure accountability (see Chapter 12: Market
Responsibility). Consideration could also be given to changes
to company law to alter the objective function of publicly
quoted companies from maximization of shareholder value to
a broader set of social and environmental objectives, including
employment. However, such measures would need to be
coordinated internationally, to avoid companies migrating away
from countries making such a change, or companies based
in countries that retain the shareholder value maximization
principle taking over those in countries that adopt a different
objective function. In the same way that, during the past
two decades, the environmental movement has succeeded in
increasing the responsibility of private firms for environmental
degradation, a similar effort is now needed to address fair
employment and decent work.
Work-life balance
It is increasingly recognized that overwork and the resulting
imbalance between work and private life has negative effects
on health and well-being (Felstead et al., 2002). Rebalancing
work and private life requires government policy and legislative
support that provides parents the right to time to look after
children and the provision of childcare regardless of ability
to pay, plus work provisions such as flexible working hours,
paid holidays, parental leave, job share, and long-service leave
(Lundberg et al., 2007). This type of policy has begun to
emerge, mainly in high-income countries. Informal workers, as
with other protective legislation, are excluded from any such
provisions. It is timely therefore that government, with the
participation of workers – both formal and informal – develop
incentives to promote work-life balance policies and supportive
social protection policy (see Chapter 8: Social Protection Across
the Lifecourse), with clear mechanisms for financing and
Precarious work
The global dominance of precarious work, with its associated
insecurities (Wilthagen et al., 2003), has contributed
significantly to poor health and health inequities. The majority
of the world’s workforce is informal and is in an extremely
precarious position. Given the connection between precarious
jobs and poverty, women and their families will benefit from
policies addressing the problems of work insecurity, low pay,
and gender discrimination in informal work (see Chapter
13: Gender Equity). Also of note is the increasing number of
migrant workers internationally. While many are in high-
skilled work, large numbers of migrants, particularly illegal
migrants, experience unprotected and poor conditions, often
in the informal sector. Barriers are being erected to mobility
between potential migrants and demand for foreign labour in
host countries (see Chapter 9: Universal Health Care). This, plus
the lack of economic opportunity within countries, has led to
the smuggling and trafficking of people as a highly profitable
enterprise at the expense of gross violations of basic human
rights (ILO, 2006b).
The Commission recommends that:
7.4. Governments reduce insecurity among people in
precarious work arrangements including informal
work, temporary work, and part-time work
through policy and legislation to ensure that
wages are based on the real cost of living, social
security, and support for parents (see Rec 8.3).

Regulation to protect precarious workers
Government policy and legislation are needed to create more
security in different working arrangements, progressively
working towards greater stability within the different
dimensions of work. Some governments internationally are
exploring ways to strengthen the regulatory controls on
downsizing, subcontracting, and outsourcing (including supply
chain regulation) and developing laws that limit the use of
precarious work (Box 7.6).
The informal economy’s contribution to health equity
The informal sector has the potential to impact health equity
over and above the effects due to improvements in working
conditions. Bringing informal enterprises into the tax system
would provide governments with revenue that could be used
for public goods and therefore health benefits (Gordon & Lei,
2005). Government-led action such as the following may help
informal enterprises contribute to the development of the
nation at large:
• development of legislation and regulation to protect
working conditions, wages, OHS, and other benefits among
informal workers;
• extension of labour standards, and their enforcement by
government, employers, and workers organizations, to all
informal workers;
• development by national and local government of policies
targeted at the inclusion of informal businesses in the
formal sector, such as special taxation gradients that would
encourage small and home-based firms to register.
For many low- and middle-income countries, working towards
each of these labour standard recommendations must be done
while recognizing that, in general, the informal sector exists
because even the burden of existing taxation and regulation
is a serious constraint on the size of the formal sector. In the
absence of effective social protection mechanisms, people need
to earn incomes to survive, and are therefore driven into the
informal sector. The informal sector is able to operate outside
the reach of regulation and taxation because administrative
capacity is often inadequate to apply them effectively to
the tens or hundreds of thousands of micro-enterprises and
individuals that it comprises. In many of the poorest countries,
it is also likely that a large proportion of entrepreneurs in
the informal sector will have minimal levels of education or
literacy, severely limiting their ability to conform to regulatory
requirements. Addressing the regulatory issues as described
above must be part of a coherent economic and social policy
approach that includes social protection, education, and public
sector strengthening (see also Chapters 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, and 16:
Equity from the Start; Social Protection Across the Lifecourse; Health
Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes; Fair Financing;
Good Global Governance; Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring,
Research, and Training).
The role of workers and civil society in achieving better
employment conditions
Workers’ organizations play a critical role in the protection of
informal workers, and have become increasingly structured.
For example, since 1998, informal workers have been
Production in the global economy is composed
of an increasingly complex network of contractual
arrangements or supply chains. Modern business
practice, especially among large corporations,
depends heavily on the outsourcing of production of
goods and services to other firms or distant locations
(including internationally). Outsourcing occurs
through a variety of subcontracting arrangements,
including the provision of labour-only services and
partial or complete supply of services and goods.
Subcontracting can be multi-tiered, involving
numerous steps between the producer of a good or
service and the ultimate client. Subcontractors include
other firms, small businesses, and self-employed
workers. International studies have overwhelmingly
found that subcontracting leads to a deterioration of
OHS. The OHS risks linked to subcontracting include
financial/cost-cutting pressures on subcontractors,
disorganization/fracturing of OHS management, and
inadequate regulatory controls.
The legal framework and government and industry
response to these issues varies widely and has
generally been fragmented and inadequate.
Governments have recently begun to explore supply
chain regulation as a means of addressing the risk-
shifting associated with complex subcontracting
networks. The organization at the pinnacle of the
supply chain often exercises substantial control
over the parties it engages to perform tasks. This
control manifests itself in the financial dependence of
subcontractors (for future work) and in the terms of
contractual arrangements between the outsourcing
firm and its suppliers to secure quantity, quality,
timeliness, and price, and to allocate regulatory
risks. Unlike social protection laws, this private
regulatory control effectively spans international
borders. Nonetheless, governmental regulation of
these contractual arrangements, covering each step
and focusing responsibility at the top of the supply
chain, could establish the conditions, including OHS,
under which work is performed. This would need to be
supported internationally.
In Australia, laws integrating labour (pay, hours)
and OHS standards and workers’ compensation
entitlements and entailing mechanisms (including
mandatory codes) for transmitting legal responsibilities
to the head of the supply chain have been introduced
to protect home-based clothing workers and truck
drivers. A statutory licensing system covering labour
supply agencies (gang masters) in agriculture,
horticulture, and food processing has been introduced
in the United Kingdom.
Source: EMCONET, 2007

represented in Senegal by an autonomous federation, the
Informal and Rural Workers’ Federation. Unions in Ecuador
and Panama have established departments for rural and
indigenous workers. In Benin and Ghana, full-time officials are
responsible for the informal economy. In Canada, unions have
appointed both male and female Special Programme Union
Representatives with the mandate to organize atypical workers.
The example from the United States (Box 7.7) illustrates
how community action can act as an important adjunct and
impetus to government measures. Particularly where workers
are disempowered from influencing employers or market-
related issues, civil society in collaboration with unions can be
Improving working conditions
Improvements in employment arrangements need to be
dovetailed with a more proactive approach to work quality
(EFILWC, 2007) through the improvement of working
The Commission recommends that:
7.5. OHS policy and programmes be applied to
all workers – formal and informal – and that
the range be expanded to include work-related
stressors and behaviours as well as exposure to
material hazards (see Rec 9.1).
Protection for all
The health sector has a role and responsibility to lead
occupational health policy and programme development to
reach the formal and informal sectors. This could include:
• developing and strengthening occupational health legislation,
policy, and services to provide basic OHS coverage to all
• developing occupational training programmes targeting
informal workers and relevant social movements;
• establishing workers’ health as part of the primary health-
care function of the health-care system.
Over the past decade, the political antisweatshop
movement has become a major political claim maker
and transnational advocacy network. Large garment
corporations are vulnerable targets for antisweatshop
activism. Their buyer-driven character forces them
to survive in highly competitive markets. To make
a profit, they must compete with other sellers over
increasingly fickle (non-brand loyal) consumers looking
for good-quality clothing at very affordable prices. To
maintain and even improve their market shares and
profit margins, they outsource their manufacturing
to countries where labour is inexpensive and devote
considerable resources to competitive logo and
image marketing. In the weakly regulated setting of
outsourced garment manufacturing, worker welfare is
jeopardized by the fast and flexible production needed
to keep up with fashion-craving consumers.
The antisweatshop movement has used the vulnerable
and competitive image situation of the buyer-driven
corporate world to push to improve garment workers’
rights and social justice. Wanting profits and a good
image among consumers, logo garment corporations
are now forced to address sweatshop problems.
Two events in 1995 were crucial formative events in
North America: the establishment of the amalgamated
Union of Needle, Industrial, and Technical Employees
(UNITE! and now UNITE HERE!) and the police raid of
domestic sweatshops in El Monte, California. UNITE!
triggered a new union activism that used consumer
power to pry open space for organizing workers. The
El Monte raid was a wake-up call for civil society
and created a media sensation with ripple effects far
into the future. Shortly afterwards, the antisweatshop
movement gained momentum. Internet-based
advocacy groups such as Global Exchange used its
media talents to focus public and media attention
on celebrity corporate leaders. Old and new civil
society teamed up in the antisweatshop cause
– organizations representing church groups, student
groups, think tanks, policy institutes, foundations,
consumer organizations, international organizations,
local to global labour unions, labour-oriented groups,
specific antisweatshop groups, no-sweat businesses,
business investors, and international humanitarian and
human rights organizations, networks, and groups.
Noteworthy is the less common cooperation between
unions and consumers, as illustrated by the UNITE!
and National Consumers League’s Stop Sweatshop
campaign that reached out to more than 50 million
consumers globally. The antisweatshop campaign has
had success. For example, in Indonesia, exporting
and foreign textiles and footwear producers increased
wages 20-25% faster than others.
Source: Micheletti & Stolle, 2007
Improve working conditions for all workers to reduce exposure to material hazards, work-related stress, and
health-damaging behaviours.

Development work by national government, employers,
international agencies, and workers is needed to include
an OHS component in employment creation programmes,
subcontracting and outsourcing regulation, and trade
agreements. Monitoring their implementation, particularly
through strengthened enforcement of occupational health
legislation and inspection, would be an initial step towards
ensuring that policies and employment arrangements with
major global reach are conducive to health and health equity.
The breadth of occupational health and safety
Many work-related OHS policies and programmes still
concentrate on traditional workplace exposures. In Canada, for
example, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999,
is the main piece of legislation governing chemical substances
in Canada. The Chemicals Management Plan, announced in
December 2006 and the policy framework now being used,
aims to assess risks to human and environmental health posed
by both new and existing chemical substances (see www. While such OHS policies
remain of critical importance, particularly in low- and middle-
income countries, the evidence suggests the need to expand
the remit of OHS to include work-related stress and harmful
behaviours. The example from the United Kingdom (Box 7.8)
illustrates how employers working with workers’ unions can
develop workplace standards that recognize the psychosocial
environment as a legitimate component of working conditions.
The Health and Safety Commission identified
work stress as one of its main priorities under the
Occupational Health Strategy for Britain 2000:
Revitalising Health and Safety, which set out to
achieve, by 2010, a 30% reduction in the incidence
of working days lost through work-related illness and
injury; a 20% reduction in the incidence of people
suffering from work-related ill-health; and a 10%
reduction in the rate of work-related fatal and
major injuries.
In 2004, the United Kingdom Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) introduced management standards
for work-related stress. These standards cover
six work stressors: demands, control, support,
relationships, role, and change. A risk assessment tool
was released at the same time as the management
standards; this consists of 35 items on working
conditions covering the six work stressors. The HSE
management standards adopted a population-based
approach to tackling workplace stress aimed at
moving organizational stressors to more desirable
levels rather than identifying individual employees
with high levels of stress. Instead of setting reference
values for acceptable levels of psychosocial working
conditions that all employers should meet, the
standards set aspirational targets that organizations
can work towards.
The management standards are not in themselves a
new law but can help employers meet their legal duty
under the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 to assess the risk of stress-related
ill-health activities arising from work.
As part of a 3-year implementation programme, in
2006/07 the HSE actively rolled out management
standards to 1000 workplaces by providing support
for both conducting risk assessments and making
changes based on results of risk assessments. So far,
evaluations in workplaces adopting the management
standards approach have mostly been qualitative and
good practice case studies are being made available
on the HSE website ( A
national monitoring survey was conducted in 2004
before the introduction of the management standards,
to provide a baseline for future monitoring of trends in
psychosocial working conditions.
Source: EMCONET, 2007
Through the assurance of fair employment and decent
working conditions, government, employers, and workers can
help to eradicate poverty, alleviate social inequities, reduce
exposure to physical and psychosocial hazards, and enhance
opportunities for health and well-being. And, of course, a
healthy workforce is good for productivity.

Social protection across the lifecourse
income security. Income security typically provides protection
in periods in the lifecourse in which individuals are most
vulnerable (as children, when caring for children, and in old
age) and in case of specific shocks (such as unemployment,
sickness or disability, and loss of a main household income
earner). Specific labour protection and work-related benefits
are discussed in Chapter 7 (Fair Employment and Decent Work),
while provision of and access to quality education and health
care are discussed in Chapters 5 and 9 (Equity from the Start;
Universal Health Care).
The importance of social protection across the
Poverty and low living standards are powerful determinants
of ill-health and health inequity. They have significant
consequences for ECD and lifelong trajectories, among others,
through crowded living conditions, lack of basic amenities,
unsafe neighbourhoods, parental stress, and lack of food
security. Child poverty and transmission of poverty from
generation to generation are major obstacles to improving
population health and reducing health inequity (see Chapter
5: Equity from the Start). The influence of living standards on
lifelong trajectories is seen, for example, in the effect on self-
rated health at age 50+ of accumulated socioeconomic risk
factors across the lifecourse (Fig. 8.1).
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate
for the health and well-being of himself and of his family,
including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services, and the right to security in the
event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old
age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his
Article 25(a) of the United Nations Universal Declaration
on Human Rights (UN, 1948)
Four out of five people worldwide lack the back up of
basic social security coverage (ILO, 2003). Extending social
protection to all people, within countries and globally, will be a
major step towards securing health equity within a generation.
Not only is this a matter of social justice; social protection can
be instrumental in realizing developmental goals, rather than
being dependent on their achievement (McKinnon, 2007).
Social protection can cover a broad range of services and
benefits, including basic income security, entitlements to non-
income transfers such as food and other basic needs, services
such as health care and education (Van Ginneken, 2003),
and labour protection and benefits such as maternity leave,
paid leave, and childcare. In this chapter, we concentrate on
Figure 8.1 Poor self-rated health at age 50+ and accumulation of socioeconomic
risk factors over the lifecourse in Russian men and women in 2002.
Source: Nicholson et al., 2005
r p
r h
lth 5 Risk factors:
Ever hungry to bed at age
15 years
Adult household income
below median
Number of risk factors:

Redistributive welfare systems, in combination with the extent
to which people can make a healthy living through work,
influence poverty levels (Lundberg et al., 2007). While evidence
on the effects of these systems comes mainly from high-
income countries, where data are available and policies are
in place, it does show the potential effect of social protection
policies more widely. In the Nordic countries, for example,
poverty rates after taking into account taxes and transfers are
substantially lower than in Canada, the United Kingdom, and
the United States (although poverty rates are similar before
taking taxes and transfers into account) (see Fig. 3.2, Chapter
3). If poverty levels among vulnerable groups are compared,
variations between these countries in the prevalence of poverty
become even more distinct. As Fig. 8.2 shows, the relative
poverty rates among single parents, families with three or more
children, and individuals aged 65+ in the Nordic countries
are fairly low. It is important to highlight that this difference is
not only caused by welfare state redistribution, but by a more
indirect welfare state institution effect, namely, the extent to
which one can make a healthy living on the labour market.
Social security systems are vital; so is a minimum income that is
sufficient for healthy living and labour protection (see Chapter
7: Fair Employment and Decent Work).
Countries with more generous social protection systems tend
to have better population health outcomes, at least across high-
income countries for which evidence is available (Lundberg
et al., 2007). More generous family policies, for example, are
associated with lower infant mortality rates (Fig. 8.3). Similarly,
countries with a higher coverage and greater generosity of
pensions and sickness, unemployment, and work accident
insurance (taken together) have a higher LEB (Lundberg et
al., 2007), and countries with more generous pension schemes
tend to have lower old-age mortality (Lundberg et al., 2007).
Data on the association between the magnitude of health
inequities within countries and social protection policies
remain scarce, however, and more investment in comparable
data sources and methods is needed. The existing data from
high-income countries show that while relative mortality
inequities are not smaller in states with more generous,
universal, social protection systems, absolute mortality levels
among disadvantaged groups do appear to be lower (Lundberg
et al., 2007).
Figure 8.2 Relative poverty rates for three ‘social risk categories’ in 11 countries, circa 2000.
Poverty threshold = 60% of median equivalent disposable income. Equivalence scale; OECD scale.
Data source: the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).
Reprinted, with permission of the authors, from Lundberg et al. (2007).
d K
d S
Families with .
3+ children
Single Parents

Protection in working life
Providing a decent wage and work-related protections
and benefits including disability, employment injury, and
occupational disease compensation, maternity leave, and
pension benefits (EMCONET, 2007) will protect significant
numbers of people worldwide. Yet only a small fraction of the
world’s workforce is covered by such protection schemes. For
example, most workers receive no income during absences
from work due to illness. Workers suffering long-term disability
may also lose important skills and thus find it harder to find
work in the future, or at least to continue in the work for
which they have been trained. Also, the transformation of the
composition of the workforce, with an increasing proportion
of women working, often in precarious and informal forms of
work that lack social protection, underscores the importance
of universal social protection (EMCONET, 2007; WGEKN,
Vulnerability and older people
Global population ageing makes meeting social security needs
an increasingly important challenge. In the next 45 years, the
global population aged 60 years and over will triple. By 2050,
one third of the European population will be aged 60 and over
(UNDESA, Population Division, 2006). In low- and middle-
income countries, the proportion of older people is growing
even faster than in high-income countries. In these countries,
contributory pension schemes play little role, as many people
work in the informal sector. In sub-Saharan Africa and South
Asia, less than 19% of older people have a contributory pension
(HelpAge International, 2006a). At the same time, in many of
these countries, traditional social security arrangements are
weakening (McKinnon, 2007). Families are getting smaller, and
older people may have no living adult children or no children
willing or able to take care of them, for example, due to rural-
urban migration. Older people, particularly grandmothers,
are often carrying additional burdens, for example, taking
care of children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS (McKinnon,
2007). Older women are often hit particularly hard. Although
there is evidence that widowers are less able to care for
themselves and manage their lives than widows, the absolute
number of widows tends to be greater. Widowhood is when
the cumulative effect of women’s lower economic position
throughout their lives is felt. Widows tend to be poorer, with
higher rates of impoverishment and destitution, than widowers
and many other subsets of the population (WGEKN, 2007).
A number of low- and middle-income countries, including in
Africa, have started to set up social pension systems.
Social protection in a globalizing world
Social protection systems should be created as a social right of
all citizens. Yet, increasingly, large numbers of people are not
bound by a country because they are international migrants,
asylum seekers, or refugees. A concerted effort by donors,
national governments, and international organizations, led
by UNHCR, ILO and IOM, should be made to invest in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 8.3: Total family policy generosity and infant mortality across 18 countries, circa 2000.
Net benefit generosity of transfers as a percentage of an average net production-worker’s wage. Infant mortality
expressed as deaths per 1000 live births.
AUS = Australia; AUT = Austria; BEL = Belgium; CAN = Canada; DEN = Denmark; FIN = Finland; FRA = France;
GER = Germany; IRE = Ireland; ITA = Italy; JAP = Japan; NET = the Netherlands; NOR = Norway; NZL = New Zealand;
SWE = Sweden; SWI = Switzerland; UK = the United Kingdom; USA = the United States of America.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Lundberg et al. (2007).

developing realistic solutions that enhance health equity, to
address this growing problem.
Social protection is an important instrument to mitigate
some of the negative impacts of globalization (Van Ginneken,
2003) such as trade liberalization-related economic insecurity
and economy-wide shocks (GKN, 2007; Blouin et al., 2007).
Under conditions of market integration, poor countries in
particular have been losing important forms of public revenue
(GKN, 2007), which raises issues regarding the fairness in
global finance of public resources in low-income countries
(see Chapters 12 and 15: Market Responsibility; Good Global
Governance). Whereas trade liberalization and tax competition
can erode the ability and/or willingness of governments to
strengthen universal social protection systems, this is not
universally the case. Indeed, some of the East Asian countries
strengthened their social protection policies when faced with
economic downturn (Box 8.1). The resources available may
be further reduced by trade liberalization and tax competition
(GKN, 2007).
Much can be done to protect people and support them in
living flourishing lives. Social protection policies, particularly
income protection, can be an important, sometimes the only,
source of cash income for many households in poor and rich
countries alike. In poor countries, even small cash benefits
provided on a regular basis can have a large positive impact on
well-being and can help combat social exclusion (McKinnon,
2007). And social protection policies are cost effective.
Local economies benefit from the increase in disposable
incomes (McKinnon, 2007). Evidence suggests that income
redistribution, via taxes and transfers – the latter of which
are key to social protection – are more efficient for poverty
reduction than economic growth per se (Paes de Barros et al.,
2002; de Ferranti et al., 2004; Woodward & Simms, 2006a).
While limited institutional capacity remains an important
barrier, it is feasible even for poor countries to start building
social protection programmes, as shown by experience across
the world (McKinnon, 2007).
The Commission recommends that:
8.1 Governments, where necessary with help from
donors and civil society organizations, and where
appropriate in collaboration with employers,
build universal social protection systems and
increase their generosity towards a level that is
sufficient for healthy living (see Rec 7.2, 11.1).
Universal social protection systems across
the lifecourse
It is important for population health in general, and health of
lower socioeconomic groups in particular, that social protection
systems are designed such that they are universal in scope.
Universality means that all citizens have equal rights to social
protection. In other words, social protection is provided as a
social right (Marshall, 1950), rather than given to just the poor
out of pity (Lundberg et al., 2007). Universal approaches are
important for the dignity and self-respect of those who need
social protection the most. And because everybody benefits,
rather than just one group that is singled out, universal social
protection systems can enhance social cohesion (Townsend,
2007) and social inclusion (SEKN, 2007), and can be politically
Before the economic crisis, Republic of South Korea
already had a social protection system that was
far ahead of those of other East Asian countries. In
response to rising unemployment rates due to the
economic crisis, the Tripartite Commission (business-
labour-government) launched legislation extending
unemployment insurance to all sections of the
labour force. Eligibility for this Temporary Livelihood
Protection Program provided four main benefits to
the newly unemployed: direct cash transfer (US$
70/month), tuition fee waiver and lunch subsidies for
their children who were students, and a 50% reduction
in medical insurance premiums for 1 year. The success
of this programme and its significance in cushioning
the impact of the economic shock is evident in the
Minimum Living Standards Security Act, legislated
in 2000, which replaces (essentially incorporates)
the earlier programme and includes provisions for
food, clothing, housing, education, and health care,
subsidized through cash and kind transfers for
households who do not meet basic standards, with
benefits linked to participation in labour programmes
such as public works and job training.
Source: Blouin et al., 2007
Establish and strengthen universal comprehensive social protection policies that support a level of income
sufficient for healthy living for all.

more acceptable. Including the middle classes by means of
universal programmes can enhance willingness of large parts of
the population to pay the taxes needed to sustain universal and
generous policies (Lundberg et al., 2007). Budgets for social
protection tend to be larger, and perhaps more sustainable,
in countries with universal protection systems. And in these
countries, there tends to be less poverty and smaller income
inequity than in countries with systems that target the poor
(Korpi & Palme, 1998). Universal social protection systems can
be tax based, contribution based, or a combination of the two.
Universal social protection systems should protect all people
across the lifecourse – as children, in working life, and in old
age. Women and children are often the most unprotected
of the population. Women do most of the world’s work and
have a reproductive role, but in most countries they work
until they give birth, without access to maternity leave or
benefits. Addressing child poverty clearly requires strong social
protection measures, embedded within a broader set of policies
that protect and promote a healthy standard of living and social
inclusion of caregivers, including labour protection/rights,
minimum income, childcare, and allowing flexible working
hours. Box 8.2 describes the United Kingdom’s child poverty
strategy, which combines some of these elements.
Working age
The Commission emphasizes that everybody should be
protected against the financial consequences of inability to
work and loss of work, in a way that supports people to live
healthy and flourishing lives. This means that governments,
with employers, set up unemployment, sickness, and disability
benefit schemes. It also means attending to the needs of people
with disabilities and fighting discrimination of employers
against people with disabilities. Furthermore, it includes
treatment of physical and mental health problems, including
addiction, that hamper finding and/or keeping a job, and
providing lifelong opportunities for education and training
to keep people up to speed with the changing requirements
of the job market (see Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent
Work). Social protection measures for those out of paid work
can take different forms. In the EU, for example, a significant
proportion of social provisions consist of benefits that are
designed to replace or supplement earnings that individuals
cannot find in the labour market for temporary or more
durable reasons. Income replacement schemes usually take
the form of three distinct kinds of provision: unemployment
benefits (based upon previous earnings), unemployment
assistance, and guaranteed minimum schemes. Some countries,
such as India and South Africa, have set up employment
guarantee schemes (see Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent
Old age
Universal social pensions are an important element of a
social protection system. They can substantially improve
living standards for older people. Social pensions can raise
the social status of older people within households, promote
social inclusion and empowerment, and improve access to
services. Moreover, they can contribute to gender equity,
as women tend to live longer and often have less material
resources or access to contributory pensions. Especially in
low-income countries, social pension systems can also improve
the well-being of other household members including
children: the extra money that comes into the household can
help improve, for example, school enrolment and nutrition
(McKinnon, 2007). Thus, a social pension can help to break
the intergenerational poverty cycle. Already several low- and
middle-income countries have set up social pension schemes
(Box 8.3).
The national strategy to eradicate child poverty
introduced in the United Kingdom in 1997 includes
four elements: financial support for families,
employment-related opportunities and support,
tackling material deprivation through promoting
financial inclusion and improving housing, and
investing in public services. The strategy combines
universal and targeted approaches. In the 18 years
before the New Labour government took power, the
number of children living in relative poverty in the
United Kingdom had tripled to reach 34% or 4.3
million – the third highest rate in the industrialized
world. To date, the percentage reduction in child
poverty resulting from the strategy appears to have
been modest, although important in absolute terms.
Source: SEKN, 2007

Developing, implementing, and evaluating pilot projects
Addressing health equity through a social determinants
framework is a long-term investment. Low- and middle-
income countries cannot be expected to implement a fully
comprehensive suite of universal social protection policies
overnight. It is, however, feasible gradually to develop these
systems by developing and implementing pilot projects. Many
low- and middle-income countries are starting to experiment
with social protection programmes. These include social
pension schemes and cash transfer programmes. The latter are
being set up in Latin America, in particular (Fernald, Gertler &
Neufeld, 2008), but also in several African countries (Bhorat,
2003; Schubert, 2005; UNICEF, 2007b). Process and impact
evaluation tends to be rare, but is critical to the success of
scaling up pilot projects to the national level (McKinnon,
2007). An example of a well-evaluated (targeted) cash transfer
programme is Oportunidades in Mexico, which used randomly
assigned treatment and control groups (Box 8.6).
Successful pilot projects can be progressively rolled-out to the
national level, for example, starting with the most deprived
regions. Sustainable development and implementation of social
protection schemes are best achieved through piggybacking
onto existing institutional structures (McKinnon, 2007).
In Lesotho, for example, pensions are disbursed using the
countrywide post office network (Save the Children UK,
HelpAge International & Institute of Development Studies,
Scaling up social protection programmes to the national level
of course has implications for fiscal and institutional capacity
and infrastructure. The lack of capacity and infrastructure in
many low-income countries severely restricts programmes
aiming to extend social protection (SEKN, 2007). Donors
and international organizations, including the ILO, have an
important role to play in building capacity for social protection
in these countries. Building up universal social protection
systems will require changes in the global economy and
national economic policies, allowing all countries to reach the
level of development at which this is feasible and sustainable
in the long term (see Chapters 11 and 15: Fair Financing; Good
Global Governance).
Once systems are implemented, uptake is important. Civil
society organizations can play an important role in helping
people become aware of and access their social security
entitlements (HelpAge International, 2006a) (Box 8.4). They
can also play an important role in getting and keeping social
security high on the policy agenda, and in monitoring progress
on government commitments regarding social protection
(HelpAge International, 2006a).
In Bolivia, 59% of older people live on less than
a US$ 1/day. One annual payment of Bs 1800
(US$ 217) is available to all resident Bolivian citizens
over the age of 65. Recipients collect the one-off
annual payments in cash from affiliated banks,
which are usually in urban areas. The pension makes
up 1.3% of GDP. Half of recipients said that this
social pension was their only source of income. It is
generally spent on household expenses, but also on
basic medication. In addition, the pension provides
older people with capital that they can choose to
invest in income-generating activities or for younger
generations. Not only does this have a financial value,
but it also has a social value, increasing their status
within the family.
In 2004, 77% of those eligible were claiming the
entitlement. However, pension coverage is particularly
low among women. Unfortunately, they are also in
greatest need. One problem is that identification
documents are needed to register, and 16% of older
people who are eligible for the pension scheme do
not have identity documents, so cannot prove their
eligibility. Many older people in rural communities have
never had a birth certificate. HelpAge International,
an NGO, supports socio-legal centres in La Paz and
El Alto that help older people obtain a birth certificate
from the government registry office so that they can
receive their pension.
Reproduced, with minor editorial amendments, with
permission of HelpAge International, from HelpAge
International (2006b).
“In Bangladesh, an NGO, the Resource Integration
Centre, worked with older people in 80 villages to form
associations, which elected monitoring groups on
older people’s entitlements – the old age allowance,
widow’s allowance and access to health services.
They found that significantly fewer people were
receiving entitlements than were eligible – less than 1
in 10 in one area. The older people’s associations held
regular meetings with local government to help people
claim pension entitlements; as a result, pension
uptake increased five-fold, and banks improved their
procedures for serving older people.”
Reproduced, with permission of HelpAge International,
from HelpAge International (2006a).

The generosity of social protection systems
Health and health equity are influenced not just by the degree
of universalism, but also by the degree of generosity of social
protection policies (Lundberg et al., 2007). Governments
are advised to build up the generosity of social protection
systems towards a level that is sufficient for healthy living.
At the same time, minimum wages should also be sufficient
for healthy living (see Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent
Work), such that social protection policies and work policies are
Methods exist for calculating the minimum cost for healthy
living. One methodology, proposed by Morris et al. (2007)
(Box 8.5), builds a budget standard based on a basket of
commodities deemed essential for healthy living. While the
amount of money required for healthy living will be context
dependent, such a methodology, or similar, could be adapted
in all countries and used to inform minimum-wage and social
welfare-benefit levels.
Low-income countries generally have limited financial
resources to fund social protection programmes, and limited
capacity to raise such funds given that a large part of their
economy is informal and/or based on subsistence agriculture.
The resources available may be further reduced by trade
liberalization and tax competition (GKN, 2007). Resource
constraints will often limit the generosity of social protection
systems in low-income countries. Indeed, in practice the
benefit level of existing universal schemes in low- and
middle-income countries is often (very) limited (see Table
8.1). While insufficient and needing progressive strengthening,
even a small amount of money on a regular basis can make an
important difference in terms of well-being in poor countries
(McKinnon, 2007; HelpAge International, 2006a). Low- and
middle-income countries can progressively increase generosity
to a level sufficient for healthy living, gradually protecting
against a more comprehensive set of risks, where necessary
with the help of donors.
The Commission recommends that:
8.2 Governments, where necessary with help from
donors and civil society organizations, and where
appropriate in collaboration with employers,
use targeting only as back up for those who slip
through the net of universal systems.
While in many countries there may be a tendency to target
social protection programmes to the most deprived, there
are strong arguments for setting up universal protection
systems, even in poor countries. Universal approaches to social
protection tend to be more efficient than approaches that target
the poor. Targeting is often costly and administratively difficult
(HelpAge International, 2006a; McKinnon, 2007); universal
systems require less administrative and institutional capacity and
infrastructure. This is critical in settings where such capacity
and infrastructure are the more binding constraints (provided
donors contribute to or even cover the financial costs). In most
poor countries, leakage to the rich costs less than the costs of
means testing (World Bank, 1997). Moreover, targeting often
does not produce the desired results. For example, it may leave
out those who are just above the poverty line (McKinnon,
2007). Problems also include low uptake among eligible groups
and inefficiencies due to the complex administrative systems
required to monitor compliance, leading to irregular/erroneous
payments and increased fraud (HelpAge International, 2006a;
SEKN, 2007). Moreover, historical experience suggests that the
form that social protection systems take, universal or targeted,
tends to depend on what a system looks like from the outset:
countries that start with targeted systems tend to continue
along the same line (Pierson, 2000; Pierson, 2001; Korpi, 2001).
For these reasons, it is advisable to create universal protection
systems from the outset.
Despite these important drawbacks, means-tested or targeted
cash transfers can have a significant positive impact on
poverty reduction, living standards, and health and educational
outcomes. Oportunidades, the conditional cash transfer
programme in Mexico, for example, uses a combination of
geographic and household-level targeting, and has shown
important health effects (Box 8.6). Often, selective programmes
based on means testing will continue to exist as complements
to universal programmes (Lundberg et al., 2007). It is advised
that targeting is only used as a back up for those who slip
through the net of universal systems (Lundberg et al., 2007;
SEKN, 2007).
An assessment was made of the cost of living among
single people aged 65+ without significant disabilities
living independently in England. Based on consensual
evidence, a basket of commodities considered
necessary for healthy day-to-day living was priced
including food and physical activity, housing,
transport, medical care and hygiene, and costs
relating to psychosocial relations/social inclusion
(such as costs for telephone, newspapers, and small
gifts to grandchildren and others). The total cost was
considered indicative of the minimum disposable
income that is now essential for health. The minimum
cost of healthy living for this population group was
assessed at £131.00/week (England April 2007 prices).
This is substantially higher than the state pension for a
single person in April 2007 of £87.30, and the Pension
Credit Guarantee of £119.05 (which is means tested).
Source: Morris et al., 2007

Within universal social protection systems, conditionalities
are sometimes used to stimulate specific behaviours such as
use of health-care or education services. Again, an example is
Oportunidades. Such cash transfer schemes are being pursued
in many countries, including Brazil and Colombia, and in
the high-income city New York (Office of the Mayor, 2007).
Similarly, unemployment, disability, and sickness benefits, for
example, can be conditional on enrolling in schemes that help
find work. These conditionalities depend on the availability of
jobs, according to people’s capabilities, that provide long-term
security with an income that is at least sufficient for healthy
living (see Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent Work). While
such programmes can have important positive (health) effects,
the evidence for the added value of conditionalities per se
is inconclusive (SEKN, 2007). A cash transfer programme
in Ecuador showed positive effects on the physical, social-
emotional, and cognitive development of children, even
without conditionalities (Paxson & Schady, 2007).
Extending social protection systems to excluded
The Commission recommends that:
8.3. Governments, where necessary with help from
donors and civil society organizations, and where
appropriate in collaboration with employers,
ensure that social protection systems extend
to include those who are in precarious work,
including informal work and household or care
work (see Rec 7.4, 11.1, 13.3).
For all countries, rich and poor, it is important that social
protection systems also protect people normally excluded from
such systems: those in precarious work, including informal
work and household or care work (WGEKN, 2007). This is
particularly important for women, as family responsibilities
often preclude them from accruing adequate benefits under
contributory social protection schemes. Social protection
systems, including pension schemes, should be set up so that
they promote gender equity. A gender perspective must be
incorporated into the design and reform of pension systems
in order not to perpetuate gender inequities through social
protection policies (WGEKN, 2007).
Including all through tax- and aid-based security systems
In many low- and middle-income countries, the majority of
the population works in the informal sector and is therefore
generally excluded from contributory social security schemes.
In these countries, tax-based social protection programmes are
of growing interest (HelpAge International, 2007; McKinnon,
2007). A number of low- and middle-income countries have,
for example, set up universal or means-tested social pension
systems (HelpAge International, 2006a) (see Table 8.1). It costs
these countries 0.03-2% of GDP, depending on the size of
the transfer and the size of the eligible population (HelpAge
International, 2006a). Some are nationally financed, but for
others donor support is needed (through general budget
support and/or protected social protection sector programmes)
(HelpAge International, 2006a). A combination of higher
priority of social protection in public budgets and increased
official development assistance can make rolling out social
protection systems feasible in all countries (Mizunoya et al.,
2006; Pal et al., 2005). Long-term and predictable funding
mechanisms are needed and unpredictability of donor funding
can be an important obstacle to the creation of social pension
systems in many poor countries (HelpAge International, 2006a)
(see Chapter 11: Fair Financing). Governments are advised to
embed social security policies in poverty reduction strategies
to ensure necessary donor funding (HelpAge International,
2006a). Existing schemes in countries such as Bolivia, Lesotho,
Namibia, and Nepal show that creating a basic social protection
system is administratively and practically feasible in low-
An example of a conditional programme used to
stimulate specific behaviour is Oportunidades
(formerly Progressa), the conditional cash transfer
programme in Mexico. The programme involves
cash transfers to families provided that children aged
0-60 months are immunized and attend well-baby
clinics where their nutritional status is monitored.
These children are given nutritional supplements and
their parents are given health education. Pregnant
women receive prenatal care, lactating women receive
postpartum care, other family members receive
physical check-ups once per year (where they also
receive health education), and adult family members
participate in regular meetings where health, hygiene,
and nutritional issues are discussed. An evaluation
found that the programme had important health
effects. Children born during the 2-year intervention
period experienced 25% less illness in the first 6
months of life than control children, and children aged
0-35 months during the intervention experienced
39.5% less illness than their counterparts in the
control group. Children in the programme were
also one quarter as likely to be anaemic, and grew
on average 1 cm more. Finally, the effects of the
programme appear to be cumulative, increasing the
longer the children stayed in the programme.
Source: ECDKN, 2007b
Extend social protection systems to those normally excluded.

and middle-income countries, despite obvious challenges
(McKinnon, 2007) (Box 8.7). Setting up such systems requires
long-term national, and international, commitment.
The amount that pensioners receive from such schemes varies
widely between countries, from US$ 2/month in Bangladesh
and Nepal to US$ 140/month in Brazil. Few countries provide
a pension above the absolute poverty line of US$ 1/day;
all countries that do are middle- rather than low-income
countries (Table 8.1). Protection systems and their generosity
can be more rapidly increased with such external support (ILO,
Including all through contributory social security systems
Tax-based financing is not the only way to set up universal
social security systems in countries with a large informal sector.
Box 8.8 describes an innovative initiative in India to set up a
contributory social security system. The proposed system is
based on contributions by employers by way of tax on their
enterprise, by workers above the poverty line, and by the
Of the workforce in India, 93% is informal. These
workers have no security of work and income, nor
statutory social security. The Self-Employed Women’s
Association (SEWA), a union of 1 million women
workers in India, has been spearheading a national
campaign for basic social security for informal
workers. It developed a draft bill giving all informal
workers the right to social security including, as a
minimum, insurance, pension, and maternity benefits.
Several national unions have joined this campaign.
The national government set up a commission to
develop laws and policies for informal workers.
The commission developed a law that envisages
basic coverage – health insurance, life and accident
insurance, maternity benefits, and pension – for
the 380 million workers in the informal economy.
When fully implemented, these benefits will cost less
than 0.5% of Indian GDP. Contributions from the
government, employers as a group (by way of a tax on
their enterprises), and workers above the poverty line
will finance the social security coverage suggested by
the commission. Workers below the poverty line will
not need to provide any contributions. At the time of
writing, the bill is being reviewed and is expected to
be presented to Parliament in its next session.
Universal social protection systems are an important
component of policies that seek to enable healthy living for
all across the lifecourse – in rich and poor countries alike.
Administrative and institutional capacity remains a critical
barrier in many poor countries. Nevertheless, poor countries
can progressively expand such systems by starting pilot
projects and by gradually increasing the system’s generosity,
where necessary with help from donors.
Since 2004, Lesotho has had a universal social
pension scheme for all residents aged 70+ years. It is
financed out of domestic resources and costs 1.43%
of GDP. The benefit level is approximately the same
as the national poverty line (about US$ 21/month).
Monthly disbursement happens through the post
office network that exists both in rural and urban areas
(McKinnon, 2007). The age criterion of 70+, which
reduces the cost of the programme, means that only
a limited number of people benefit. The Government
of Lesotho plans to lower the age limit to 65+, which
would allow more people to benefit from the system.
Source: Save the Children UK, HelpAge International &
Institute of Development Studies, 2005

Table 8.1: Social pensions in low- and middle-income countries
Country Age
Universal (U)
or means
tested (M)
Amount paid
monthly (US$/
local currency)
% of
60+ years
% of people
60+ receiving
a social
Cost as %
of GDP
Low- (L)
or middle-
income (M)
Argentina 70+ M US$ 88 14% 6% 0.23% M
273 pesos
Bangladesh 57+ M US$ 2 6% 16%* 0.03% L
165 taka
Bolivia** 65+ U US$ 18 7% 69% 1.3% M
150 bolivianos
Botswana 65+ U US$ 27 5% 85% 0.4% M
166 pula
de Prestacao
67+ M US$ 140
300 reais
9% 5% 0.2% M
60+ men
55+ women
M US$ 140
300 reais
9% 27%*** 0.7% M
Chile 65+ M US$ 75 12% 51% 0.38% M
40 556 pesos
Costa Rica 65+ M US$ 26 8% 20% 0.18% M
13 800 colones
India 65+ M US$ 4 8% 13% 0.01% L
250 rupees
Lesotho 70+ U**** US$ 21 8% 53% 1.43% L
150 loti
Mauritius 60+ U US$ 60 10% 100% 2% M
1978 rupees
Moldova 62+ men M US$5 14% 12% 0.08% L
57+ women 63 lei
Namibia 60+ M US$ 28 5% 87% 0.8% M
200 dollars
Nepal 75+ U US$ 2 6% 12% unknown L
150 rupees
South Africa 65+ men M US$ 109 7% 60% 1.4% M
58+ women 780 rand
Tajikistan 63+ men M US$ 4 5% unknown unknown L
58+ women 12 somoni
Thailand 60+ M US$ 8 11% 16% 0.00582% M
300 baht
Uruguay 70+ M US$ 100 17% 10% 0.62% M
2499 pesos
Viet Nam 60+ M US$ 6 7% 2% 0.022% L
100 000 dong
Viet Nam 90+ U US$ 6 7% 0.5% 0.0005% L
100 000 dong
*Percentage of people aged 57+ years receiving a social pension; **paid annually; ***includes women 55+; ****universal with a few exceptions,
primarily people who are already receiving a substantial government pension (about 4% of those who would otherwise be eligible).
Reproduced, with permission of HelpAge International, from Help Age International (nd).

Universal health care
primary level of care, and focusing at least as much on
prevention and promotion as on treatment. Under these
conditions, health care can offer much more than treatment
for disease when it occurs. It can provide integrated, locally
relevant, high-quality programmes and services promoting
equitable health and well-being for all. And it can provide
a common platform of security and social cohesion across
societies and communities.
Inequitable distribution of health care
Health care is inequitably distributed around the world. The
pattern of inequity in utilization is pronounced in low- and
middle-income countries, but inequity is prevalent in high-
income settings too. In the United States, minorities are
more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer and
colorectal cancer than whites. Patients in lower socioeconomic
strata are less likely to receive recommended diabetic
services and more likely to be hospitalized for diabetes and
its complications (Agency for Health Care Research and
Quality, 2003). Inequities in health care are related to a host
of socioeconomic and cultural factors, including income,
ethnicity, gender, and rural/urban residency. As a fundamental
contributor to welfare in every country, this is unacceptable.
“No one should be denied access to life-saving or health-
promoting interventions for unfair reasons, including those
with economic or social causes”
Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General (Chan, 2008)
Health-care systems8 are a vital determinant of health. Yet,
with the exception of rich industrialized countries, they are
frequently chronically underresourced, and they are pervasively
inequitable. Over half a million women die each year during
pregnancy or delivery or shortly thereafter, virtually all in low-
and middle-income countries (WHO, 2005b). Lack of access to
and utilization of adequate maternity care is a key factor in this
appalling statistic. In many countries, both poor and rich, costs
of health care can lead to disastrous impoverishment. Every
30 seconds in the United States, someone files for bankruptcy
following a serious health problem (National Coalition on
Health Care, 2008). The health-care system needs to be
designed and financed to ensure equitable, universal coverage,
with adequate human resources. Health systems should be
based on the PHC model, combining locally organized action
on the social determinants of health as well as a strengthened
8 Defined as the health system, “including preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations” (WHR, 2000).
0 20 40 60 86
Private as % total health expend
Fitted values
Figure 9.1: Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) and private spending as
a % of total health spending in 2000.
Reprinted, with permission of Palgrave Macmillan, from Koivusalo & Mackintosh (2005).

The health-care system – more than treatment of
Health care absorbs around 10% of global GDP, most spent
in high-income countries compared with middle- and low-
income countries. As employers, health-care systems provide
work for around 59 million people (GKN, 2007). Health-
care systems offer benefits that go beyond treating illness
– especially where they are integrated with other services
such as ECD programmes (ECDKN, 2007a). They can protect
against sickness, generating a sense of life security, and can
promote health equity through attention to the needs of
socially disadvantaged and marginalized groups (HSKN, 2007).
Health-care systems contribute most to improving health and
health equity where the institutions and services are organized
around the principle of universal coverage (extending the same
scope of quality services to the whole population, according to
needs and preferences, regardless of ability to pay), and where
the system as a whole is organized around Primary Health
Care (including both the PHC model of locally organized
action across the social determinants of health, and the primary
level of entry to care with upward referral).
Health-sector reform
However, broad global currents of macroeconomic policy
change have strongly influenced health-sector reforms in
recent decades in ways that can undermine such benefits. These
reforms include encouragement of user fees, performance-
related pay, separation of the provider and purchaser functions,
determination of a package that privileges cost-effective
medical interventions at the expense of priority interventions
to address social determinants, and a stronger role for
private sector agents. These have been driven strongly by a
combination of international agencies, commercial actors, and
medical groups whose power they enhance (Bond & Dor,
2003; Homedes & Ugalde, 2005; Lister, 2007). The result has
been on the one hand an increasing commercialization of
health care, and on the other, a medical and technical focus in
analysis and action that have undermined the development of
comprehensive primary health-care systems that could address
the inequity in social determinants of health (Rifkin & Walt,
1986; Ravindran & de Pinho, 2005).
Opening the health sector to trade, reform processes have split
purchasers and providers and have seen increasing segmentation
and fragmentation in health-care systems. Higher private sector
spending (relative to all health expenditure) is associated with
worse health-adjusted life expectancy (Fig. 9.1), while higher
public and social insurance spending on health (relative to
GDP) is associated with better health-adjusted life expectancy
(Koivusalo & Mackintosh, 2005). Moreover, public spending
on health is significantly more strongly associated with lower
under-5 mortality levels among the poor compared to the rich
(Houweling et al., 2005). The Commission considers health
care a common good, not a market commodity.
Underlying these reforms is a shift from commitment
to universal coverage to an emphasis on the individual
management of risk. Rather than acting protectively, health
care under such reforms can actively exclude and impoverish.
Upwards of 100 million people are pushed into poverty yearly
through the catastrophic household health costs that result
from payments for access to services (Xu et al., 2007).
Runaway commodification of health and commercialization
of health care are linked to increasing medicalization of
human and societal conditions, and the stark and growing
divide of over- and under-consumption of health-care services
between the rich and the poor worldwide. The sustainability
of health-care systems is a concern for countries at all levels
of socioeconomic development. Acknowledging the problem
of sustainability in the context of a call for equitable health
care is a vital first step in more rational policy-making, as is
strengthening public participation in the design and delivery of
health-care systems. The inverse care law (Tudor-Hart, 1971),
in which the poor consistently gain less from health services
than the better off, is visible in every country across the globe.
A social determinants of health approach to health-care systems
offers an alternative – one that unlocks the opportunities for
greater efficiency and equity.
By early 2002, Thailand had achieved universal
health-care coverage, incorporating a comprehensive
package of curative services in outpatients, inpatients,
accident and emergency, high-cost care, drugs
provision reflecting the WHO Essential Drug Lists,
and personal preventive and promotion services,
with minimal exclusion (e.g. aesthetic surgery, renal
replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease).
The Universal Coverage scheme – primarily focusing
on the financing side – was characterized by clear
policy goals, defined participation, strong institutional
capacity, and very rapid implementation (12 months).
The agenda for universal coverage was set by the
Prime Minister after electoral victory in 2001; policy
formulation was led by civil servants supported by
policy reformers and researchers generating policy
options through research-policy linkages. Based on
previous experience of diverse health-care coverage
schemes, the new universal coverage policy:
rejected a fee-for-service model;
adopted a capitation fee (paid to health-care provider
from tax funds) as the payment method;
focused universal coverage on better use of primary
care, with proper referral processes.
Source: HSKN, 2007

The Commission recommends that:
9.1 National governments, with civil society and
donors, build health-care services on the principle
of universal coverage of quality services, focusing
on Primary Health Care (see Rec 5.2; 7.5; 8.1;
10.4; 13.6; 14.3; 15.2; 16.8).
Universal Primary Health Care
Virtually all high-income countries organize their health-care
systems around the principle of universal coverage (combining
mechanisms for health financing and service provision). But
commitment to universal care is not limited to high-income
countries. Thailand, for example, has shown leadership and
success (Box 9.1).
Primary Health Care (combining the PHC model of action
on the social determinants of health and an emphasis on the
primary level of care, with effective upwards referral) implies
comprehensive, integrated, and appropriate care, emphasizing
disease prevention and health promotion. Evidence supporting
the effectiveness of PHC approaches runs across the spectrum
from high- to middle- and low-income settings (Box 9.2).
In Costa Rica, strengthened primary care (with improved
access and the institution of multidisciplinary health teams)
resulted in a reduction in the national infant mortality rate
from 60 per 1000 live births in 1970 to 19 per 1000 in
1985. For every 5 years after the reform, child mortality was
reduced by 13% and adult mortality by 4%, independent of
improvements in other health determinants (PAHO, 2007;
Starfield, 2006; Starfield et al., 2005). Evidence of the success of
primary level services is also available from Africa (Democratic
Republic of the Congo formerly Zaire, Liberia, Niger),
Asia (China, India (the state of Kerala), Sri Lanka), and Latin
America (Brazil, Cuba) (De Maeseneer et al., 2007; Doherty
& Govender, 2004; Halstead et al., 1985; Macinko et al., 2006;
Starfield et al., 2005; Levine, 2004).
Primary Health Care – community engagement and
The PHC model emphasizes community participation
and social empowerment, even in the face of local power
imbalance, resource constraints, and limited support from
higher levels of the health system (Baez & Barron, 2006; Goetz
& Gaventa, 2001; Lopez et al., 2007; Vega-Romero & Torres-
Tovar, 2007). Social empowerment strategies can increase social
awareness of health and health-care systems, strengthening
Build health-care systems based on principles of equity, disease prevention, and health promotion.
Evidence, mainly from high-income countries, shows
that health-care systems that are organized around
the primary care level have better health outcomes
(Starfield et al., 2005).
Population health is better in geographic areas with
more primary care physicians.
Individuals who receive care from primary care
physicians are healthier.
There is an association between the special features of
primary level care (e.g. preventive care) and improved
health in the individuals who receive these services.
This last point suggests that it may not only be
improved access to curative care that renders primary
level care effective, but also its embodiment of the
principles of disease prevention and health promotion.
Source: HSKN, 2007
Social empowerment strategies include the following:
increasing citizens’ access to information and
resources and raising the visibility of previously
ignored health issues (the Panchayat Waves
community radio programme in India; the participatory
research and advocacy campaign on breast cancer in
the United Kingdom; the Community Working Group
on Health in Zimbabwe);
developing the consciousness, self-identity, and
cohesion that underlie social action (South African
study of micro-finance training and intimate partner
violence for poor rural women);
involving population groups in priority-setting for
planning (local theatre in the United Kingdom to
identify alternative policy solutions through local
Health Improvement Plans).
Source: HSKN, 2007

health literacy and mobilizing health actions (Goetz & Gaventa,
2001; Loewenson, 2003; Vega-Romero & Torres-Tovar, 2007)
(Box 9.3).
Bangladesh’s Urban PHC Project (Box 9.4) shows how public
awareness of health needs, and partnership between local
government and civil society, supports effective design and
management of health care for marginalized urban groups.
Governments can take action to promote accountability of
health-care systems to citizens (Murthy, 2007) (Box 9.5).
Evidence across the PHC literature supports the importance of
including intended beneficiary groups in all aspects of policy
and programme development, implementation, and evaluation.
Advocacy – spearheaded by civil society – is required to raise
attention and sustain support for services that address the health
needs of poor women. Sex-specific needs in health conditions
that affect both women and men must be considered, so that
treatment can be accessed by both women and men without
bias (WGEKN, 2007; Thorson et al., 2007; Bates et al., 2004;
Huxley, 2007).
With a demographic shift in many regions towards older
populations, health-care systems must focus on supporting
healthy ageing. Global LEB is expected to continue to increase
in both the developed and developing worlds so that the
percentage of the population over age 65 years is predicted
to increase from 7.4% in 2005 to between 13.7% and 19.1%
in 2050 (Musgrove, 2006). Most growth is expected to occur
in less-developed countries. Evidence suggests that disability,
usually due to chronic disease, is an important public health
problem from age 45 years onwards. Major causes of age-
related disability are neuropsychiatric disorders (the growing
prevalence of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease), sight and
hearing impairment, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, and injury.
Protective action on determinants of healthy ageing form the
wider social context in which health-care services must be
adapted (NAS Panel on Aging, 2006).
Prevention and promotion
Health care can do much more than treat disease when it
happens. Research shows how a significant proportion of the
global burden of both communicable and non-communicable
disease could be reduced through improved preventive
action (Lopez et al., 2006). Medical and health practitioners
have powerful influence in the way society thinks about and
provides health. They, alongside other advocates from across
the fields of political, economic, social, and cultural action
and activism, can bear witness to the ethical imperative, just
as much as the efficiency value, of acting on the social causes
of exposure and vulnerability to risk of poor health, and of
action further upstream still (PPHCKN, 2007c; see also WHO’s
Everybody’s Business: Strengthening Health Systems to Improve
Health Outcomes). The PPHCKN is producing work across its
departments showing how programmes can be better designed,
delivered, and monitored to recognize health inequities and
act on the social determinants of health. Options for action on
mental health (Table 9.1) provides an example.
Government actions that increase public
accountability in health care include the following:
legislation on the right to health, and on rights of
citizens to information and to participate in public
policy and budgeting (see Chapter 10: Health Equity in
All Policies, Systems, and Programmes);
legislation on the right of citizens to participate in
hospital management and health-service delivery,
and in quality assessments of provider clinics and
providers; establishment of mechanisms for self-
regulation by health professionals, and for protecting
patient rights;
strengthening gender equity accountability of health-
care systems through ombudsmen centres on sexual
and reproductive health and rights and national-
and state-level committees to monitor sexual and
reproductive health programmes.
Source: HSKN, 2007
The Urban PHC Project in Bangladesh is a partnership
between municipal governments and civil society
that aims to provide health services for populations
living in informal settlements. City Corporations are
working with 14 NGOs that set up health centres
with funding from the ADB, UNDP, DFID, CIDA, and
EU. The poorest women and children living in these
settlements are offered subsidized good-quality
primary health-care services and constitute 75% of
all beneficiaries. The ultra-poor receive services free
of cost. Coverage of primary care services increased
from 400 000 people in 2001 to 5 million in 2004
served by 124 primary care facilities.
Source: KNUS, 2007

Table 9.1: Mental health – determinants and interventions
Differentials Determinant Intervention
Lack of available services Improving availability of mental health services through
integration into general health care
Unacceptable services Ensuring that mental health staff are culturally and linguistically
Economic barriers to care Providing financially accessible services
Financial consequences of impact of
depression on productivity
Support to caregivers to protect households from financial
consequences of depression; rehabilitation programmes
Social consequences of depression Antistigma campaigns; promotion of supportive family and social
Financial consequences of depression
Reduce cost
Lifestyle consequences of depression Mental health promotion, including avoidance of substance abuse
Early developmental risks Promote ECD programmes
Early developmental risks, maternal
mental illness, weak mother–child
Mother–infant interventions, including breastfeeding
Developmental risks for adolescence Depression prevention programmes targeting adolescents
Development risks for older adults Education and stress-management programmes; peer support
Inaccessibility to credit and savings
Improve access to credit and savings facilities for poor
Violence/crime Violence/crime prevention programmes
Social fragmentation Promoting programmes building family cohesion and wider
social cohesion
Natural disasters Trauma and stress support programmes
Injury prevention Targeting conditions of multiple deprivation
Inadequate housing Housing improvement interventions
Poor neighbourhoods Relocation programmes
Unemployment Employment programmes, skills training
context and
Lack of government policy and
legislation; human rights framework
Strengthening mental health policy; legislation and service
Substance abuse Alcohol and drugs policies
Stigma Mental health promotion programmes
Unemployment Economic policies to promote stability and financial security, and
provide adequate funding for a range of public sector services
(health, social services, housing)
Financial insecurity Welfare policies that provide a financial safety net
Work stress Protective labour policies (e.g. restrictions on excessive shift work,
worker rights protection, job security)
Lack of education Mandating basic education, incentives, financial support
Source: PPHCKN, 2007d

Using targeted9 health care to build universal coverage
Coverage is not simply a matter of availability of drugs and
services. It implies adequate, quality services reaching, and
being utilized by, all those who need them. The Tanahashi
model (Fig. 9.2) demonstrates five levels or steps that
individuals, groups, or populations in need must pass through
to obtain effective services or interventions, and how the
proportion of people able to access care diminishes at each
stage. Traditional disease programmes focus on effective and
contact coverage. The PPHCKN is identifying entry points to
overcome barriers, improving national programmes at each step
(see Chapter 15: Good Global Governance).
In low-income countries, where public funding is limited
and public spending commonly pro-rich, some argue that
universal coverage is unlikely to be achieved in the short
term and, as a policy goal, distracts attention from the critical
need to experiment with other ways of extending health-
care coverage to poorer groups (Gwatkin et al., 2004). While
it is important that all countries build a universal health-
care system, ensuring that services preferentially benefit
disadvantaged groups and regions can be an important strategy
in the short term. Geographical or group-specific targeting and
universal access are not contradictory policy approaches. Brazil
and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Box 9.6) provide
examples of the way large-scale national targeted health-care
programmes can work towards universalism – establishing and
enlarging right of access, promoting utilization, and channelling
benefits, initially, towards the most disadvantaged groups in the
Yet care should be taken with targeting. Experience shows
that it is difficult to expand small-scale projects designed
preferentially to benefit the poor into national-scale action to
address inequity (Ranson et al., 2003; Simmons & Shiffman,
9 ‘Targeted’ refers to the range of social – including health-care – policy options whose central objective is to channel scarce health-care resources – in the
immediate or medium term – preferentially towards poor and disadvantaged groups and regions.
Total or Target Population in Need
Availability Coverage
Accessibility Coverage
Acceptability Coverage
Contact Coverage
Effective Coverage Identification and
implementation to
“scale up” each type of
Figure 9.2: Effective services for universal coverage.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Tanahashi (1978).

The Commission recommends that:
9.2 National governments ensure public sector
leadership in health-care systems financing,
focusing on tax-/insurance-based funding,
ensuring universal coverage of health care
regardless of ability to pay, and minimizing out-
of-pocket health spending (see Rec 10.4; 11.1;
Health-care financing – tax and insurance
Universal coverage requires that everyone within a country
can use the same range of (good quality) services according
to needs and preferences, regardless of income level, social
status, or residency, and that people are empowered to use
these services. It extends the same scope of benefits to the
whole population (though the range of benefits varies between
contexts), and it incorporates policy objectives of equity in
payments, financial protection (Box 9.7), and equity of access
to acceptable services.
There are a number of different models of health-care system
financing, from general taxation, through mandatory universal
insurance, to voluntary and community-based insurance
schemes, and direct, out-of-pocket payment. Of these, the
Commission advocates pre-payment methods of financing
through general taxation (Box 9.8) and/or mandatory universal
insurance for health equity (HSKN, 2007).
In Asia, public spending on health was redistributive in 10
of 11 countries, while four others achieved a pro-poor, or
even, distribution of health benefits (O’Donnell et al., 2007;
O’Donnell et al., 2005). In five of seven Latin American
countries, public spending on health was either proportionally
distributed across rich and poor groups or weighted to the
poor (PAHO, 2001). Even in Africa, where concern has been
expressed about inequity of public health-care expenditure,
spending was found to be redistributive in all of the 30
countries studied (Chu et al., 2004). Health-care spending
reached those in the lowest income categories (Kida &
Mackintosh, 2005).
Established in the 1990s, PSF involves the provision of
free universal access to primary care as the gateway
to a publicly funded unified health-care system. Under
the system, Family Health Teams (ESF) were set up
covering a population of between 3000 and 4000
people each, and consisting of a general practitioner,
a nurse, a nurse assistant, and a ‘community agent’
selected from the local population. Some ESFs also
had Oral Health Teams. Initially, PSF focused on poor
areas, but from 1998 onwards, the approach was
adopted by the Federal Government as a strategy
for transforming the existing national model of health
assistance, and financial incentives were given
to municipalities to encourage them to adopt the
By 2006, 82 million people (46% of the population)
were covered; coverage significantly increased in
poor regions in the north and northeast; coverage was
higher in cities with poorer populations.
Between 1988 and 2006, the programme created
330 000 new jobs.
Between 1998 and 2003, among cities with low
Human Development Index, those with high PSF
coverage saw the infant mortality rate decrease by
19%, while those with low PSF coverage saw it rise.
Barrio Adentro aims to transform the health-care
system and has been a catalyst for initiatives aimed
at wider social, political, cultural, and economic
development. The programme began with the
establishment of free primary care centres in informal
settlements in Caracas but expanded into a national
initiative providing primary health care to more than
70% of the population by 2006. In the early period of
development, Barrio Adentro staff identified illiteracy
and malnutrition as key priorities for public health and
in response the government announced additional
‘social missions’ to enhance rights to land, education,
housing, and cultural resources, and to promote
recognition for indigenous people.
By 2006, 19.6 million people (73% of the population)
were covered.
Between 2003 and 2005, there was an accelerated
decline in the infant mortality rate and prevalent
childhood diseases, with increased identification and
follow-up of chronic illnesses.
Source: SEKN, 2007
Ensure that health-care system financing is equitable.

The potential for redistributive health-care systems to offer
health equity gains is further suggested by evidence from
low- and middle-income countries that public health-
care spending has a greater impact on mortality among the
poor than the non-poor (Bidani & Ravaillon, 1997; Gupta,
Verhoeven & Tiongson, 2003; Wagstaff, 2003). So even where
the poor receive less of the public spending subsidy than the
rich, they may still secure relatively greater health gains than
richer groups (O’Donnell et al., 2005; Wagstaff et al., 1999).
This might be partly explained by the finding that health-care
use among the poor is significantly more strongly related to
public spending on health than health-care use among the
rich (Houweling, 2005). Clearly, the emphasis on progressive
tax-based health care depends on capacity to achieve adequate
levels of domestic revenue (and/or adequate international aid)
(see Chapter 11: Fair Financing).
Where taxation capacity and/or available sources of tax
are weak, an alternative form of pre-payment is a national,
mandatory health insurance scheme. However, especially in
low-income settings, such financing can be heavily reliant on
external funding, in the initial instance at least, and this raises
questions about long-term sustainability. The Ghana example
(Box 9.9) has shown signs of dependence, but also shows how
bold moves towards universal pre-payment are possible.
Smaller-scale insurance schemes may be useful as a way of
increasing health services among very poor communities and
households, but the small size of the risk pool, and the potential
for fragmentation among multiple schemes, can have a negative
impact on health equity. Strengthened risk sharing is associated
with better average LEB and more equitable child survival rates
(HSKN, 2007). The Thai case study (Box 9.10, Fig. 9.3) shows
how financial coverage was extended to lower-income groups
through the tax-funded Universal Coverage scheme, initially
complementing other health insurance schemes, but building
through the national insurance agency the potential to pool
funds across schemes.
The essence of financing arrangements for universal
coverage is to ensure protection against the financial
costs of ill-health for everyone. In the context of
low- and middle-income countries, financing universal
coverage essentially means substantially reducing
the often very high amounts paid out of pocket for
health care, and substantially increasing the share of
health financing that comes from tax funding and/or
contributory health insurance. The implications of
such changes for who pays and who benefits will
depend on the financing source(s), the scope of risk
pooling arrangements, the approach to purchasing,
and the determinants of use of services, including
the influence of any mechanisms designed to target
benefits to specific groups.
Source: HSKN, 2007
Areas where general tax funding makes up a greater
share (e.g. Hong Kong SAR, Sri Lanka, Thailand)
appear to have a more progressive pattern of health
financing than those dependent more on mandatory
social health insurance financing (e.g. Korea).
Source: HSKN, 2007
While a growing number of African countries are
considering or are in the early phases of introducing
mandatory health insurance, the Ghanaian
government has made the boldest moves in
this direction of any African country to date. The
government has made an explicit commitment to
achieving universal coverage under the National
Health Insurance (NHI), but recognizes that coverage
will have to be gradually extended and the aim is to
achieve enrolment levels of about 60% of residents
in Ghana within 10 years of starting mandatory health
insurance. Ghana’s NHI explicitly includes both those
in the formal and informal sectors from the outset,
building on a long Ghanaian tradition of community-
based health insurance schemes. Secondly, although
there are different sources of funding for the formal
and informal sectors, they will belong to one unified
scheme. It should be noted that there are signs of
severe financial stress in the Ghana health insurance
programme, deriving from its reliance on external
funding support.
Source: HSKN, 2007

Despite recent interest in social health insurance (Box 9.11),
progressive tax-based funding offers particular advantages
(Mills, 2007; Wagstaff, 2007). Examples of tax-based systems
include Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. In some
situations, such as falling employment, it may be difficult
to extend mandatory insurance; and even within insurance
systems, tax funding must be used fully or partially to subsidize
the costs of care provided to groups who are hard to reach
through insurance, such as the informally employed or self-
Community-based insurance schemes played an important role
in the evolution of universal coverage in Europe and Japan
(Ogawa et al., 2003), as well as in Thailand, and are currently
important in China and some African (Carrin et al., 2005)
and transitional countries (Balabanova, 2007). Although such
schemes may offer financial protection benefits to some among
In the process of health-care system reforms in
Thailand, a universal coverage model was built out
of pre-existing health insurance schemes, including
the Civil Service Medical Benefits Scheme (CSMBS)
and the Social Security Scheme (SSS). Direct taxation
was chosen as the funding mechanism for pragmatic
reasons – the desire for speedy implementation. It
has since been assessed as an equitable funding
model in comparison with social insurance or other
contributory schemes. Evidence from the Health and
Welfare Survey conducted by the National Statistical
Office indicates that, compared with the CSMBS
and SSS, the Universal Coverage scheme extended
benefits much more towards the poor. Where 52%
of beneficiaries under the CSMBS belonged to the
richest quintile, 50% of the Universal Coverage
scheme beneficiaries belong to the poorest two
quintiles. The scheme has resulted in a reduced
incidence of catastrophic health expenditure from
5.4% to 2.8-3.3%.
Source: HSKN, 2007
Figure 9.3 Extension of benefits to the poor through the Universal Coverage scheme.
CSMBS = Civil Service Medical Benefits Scheme; SSS = Social Security Scheme; UC = Universal Coverage Scheme; Q = wealth quintile.
Source: HSKN, 2007

Q5 (richest)
Q1 (poorest)
the poor, cross-national evidence suggests that limited coverage,
frequent exclusion of the very poorest, and weak capacity
can limit the impact they have on equity and undermine
their sustainability (Lagarde & Palmer, 2006; Mills, 2007).
There is evidence that micro-insurance schemes for health
suffer from similar problems and that, while they may offer
immediate opportunities to extend coverage to those normally
unable to achieve more formal insurance cover, they should
be carefully regulated and monitored (Siegel et al., 2001).
Separate insurance programmes may also face difficulties in
achieving high coverage of the target population (Mills, 2007).
Community-based and micro health insurance arrangements
should only be implemented with caution, therefore,
and efforts must be made to safeguard access for socially
disadvantaged groups.

Uganda introduced user fees on a universal basis
in 1993. Although revenue generation was relatively
low (generally less than 5% of expenditure), it was an
important source of funds for supplementing health
worker salaries, maintaining facilities, and purchasing
additional drugs. However, there was a dramatic
decline in the utilization of health-care services and
there were growing concerns about the impact on
the poor. User fees at public sector facilities were
abolished in March 2001, with the exception of
private wards. Utilization of health services increased
immediately and dramatically. The poor particularly
benefited from the removal of fees. Utilization of
health services (percentage who when sick sought
professional care) increased from 58% to 70% in the
case of the poorest quintile and from 80% to 85% for
those in the richest quintile. National immunization
coverage increased from 41% in 1999/2000 to 84% in
2002/03. This could not have been achieved without
significant government financial support. Moreover,
attention is required to other expenses such as drugs
and transport costs, and the elimination of unofficial
payments (Balabanova, 2007; O’Donnell et al., 2007).
Source: HSKN, 2007
There are circumstances, in rich and poor country contexts,
in which health-care users pay fees directly for services. In
instances where such direct fee paying does not exacerbate
inequity, it can be a component of health-care financing.
However, where user fees adversely impact social inequity, or
equity of health-care access, utilization, and/or benefit, they
should be removed. Systematic reviews of available evidence
clearly show that introduction of user fees in low- and middle-
income countries has led to falling utilization levels (Lagarde &
Palmer, 2006; Palmer et al., 2004) (Box 9.12). Out-of-pocket
payments generate utilization inequities and impoverish
women and lower-income and socially marginalized groups
(Box 9.13).
The concept of social health insurance is deeply
ingrained in the fabric of health-care systems in
Western Europe. It provides the organizing principle
and a preponderance of the funding in seven countries
– Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Since 1995, it has
also become the legal basis for organizing health
services in Israel. Previously, social health insurance
models played an important role in a number of other
countries that subsequently changed to predominantly
tax-funded arrangements in the second half of the
twentieth century – Denmark (1973), Italy (1978),
Portugal (1979), Greece (1983), and Spain (1986).
Moreover, there are segments of social health
insurance-based health-care funding arrangements
still operating in predominantly tax-funded countries
such as Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom,
as well as in Greece and Portugal. In addition, a
substantial number of central and eastern European
countries have introduced adapted social health
insurance models – among them, Hungary (1989),
Lithuania (1991), the Czech Republic (1992), Estonia
(1992), Latvia (1994), Slovakia (1994), and Poland
Amended, with permission of the publisher, from
Saltman et al. (2004).
The Commission recommends that:
9.3 National governments and donors increase
investment in medical and health personnel,
balancing health-worker density in rural and
urban areas (see Rec 6.4; 16.5).
There is often geographical imbalance in the distribution of
health workers within countries, which affects health-care
service equity. More equitable distribution of the health
workforce is likely to require national measures to improve
overall human resource availability, as well as differential
implementation between geographical areas to address the
particular needs of underserved areas.

The 2006 World Health Report (WHO, 2006) concludes
that the actions with the most potential to improve personnel
availability relate to salaries and payment mechanisms,
combined with availability of materials and equipment needed
and flexibility and autonomy to manage work. Experience in
eastern and southern Africa also suggests that non-financial
incentives (e.g. training, welfare provision, career paths, support,
and supervision) may play a significant role in motivating
health workers’ choice of whether to work and stay at
particular levels of service, and may have a more sustained
effect in situations of high inflation and economic instability
(Caffery & Frelick, 2006; Dambisya et al., 2005) (Box 9.14).
Human resources, both formal and informal, are an integral
part of health-care systems. A majority of the health workforce
is female, and the contributions of women to formal and
informal health-care systems are significant but undervalued
and unrecognized. This is partly due to the unavailability of
sex disaggregated data on the care economy (WGEKN, 2007).
Women providing informal or auxiliary health services should
be strongly supported in the health-care system, and closely
tied in with higher levels of care service.
Across the health-care system, health-care workers offer a
powerful lobby to lead the way in better integrating health
care and the social determinants of health. Community health
workers, while by no means the ‘magic bullet’ for health-care
systems, offer a number of potential benefits in sustaining and
developing health human resources. In most cases, community
health workers are associated with lower costs in terms of
training finance and time; they provide significant value to
local health services provision, with minimal risk of brain-
drain out-migration; depending on recruitment, they are often
more willing to be posted in (or indeed are recruited from)
rural areas; and they are often more conversant with the norms,
traditions, and health needs of the communities they serve
(Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, 2007).
Out-of-pocket payment by patients at the point of
service delivery negatively influences access to care.
In Asia, health-care payments pushed 2.7% of the
total population of 11 low- to middle-income countries
below the very low poverty threshold of US$ 1/day.
A cross-country study in sub-Saharan Africa found
that, “the poorer the quintile, the higher the rate
of use of private facilities for [acute respiratory
infection (ARI)], the lower the rate of treatment for
ARI, the higher the percentage of children that
lack immunization entirely, and the worse the child
mortality rate.”
In the United States, the average employee
contribution to company-provided health insurance
has increased more than 143% since 2000. Average
out-of-pocket costs for deductibles, co-payments
for medications, and co-insurance for physician and
hospital visits rose 115% during the same period.
The average out-of-pocket medical debt for those who
filed for bankruptcy in the United States was
US$ 12 000; 68% of those who filed for bankruptcy
had health insurance, and 50% of all bankruptcy
filings were partly the result of medical expenses
Source: HSKN, 2007
Build and strengthen the health workforce, and expand capabilities to act on the social determinants of health.
The internal brain drain in Thailand was reversed by
combined financial and non-financial incentives
for working in rural areas that included: changing
physicians’ status from civil servants to contracted
public employees; housing; and recognition;
support through a wider programme of sustained rural
The differential availability of doctors between the rural
northeast and Bangkok fell from 21 in 1979 to 8.6 in
Source: HSKN, 2007

Aid for the health workforce
Increases in aid and debt relief should contribute to the
strengthening of health-care systems, including contributing
to recurrent costs such as human resource recruitment and
training. This is not, however, always the case. Countries
applying for debt relief under the Highly Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC) initiative must complete a PRSP – a
national development plan – as part of the qualifying process.
Each PRSP (acting as a gateway more broadly for the flow of
aid to a given recipient) is moderated by means of a shorter
timeframe plan for controlling expenditure – the Medium-
Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). Although not
explicitly placing a cap on recurrent costs such as recruitment
and salaries for much-needed health-care staff, the MTEF
has been found to discourage such expenditure, leading to
underinvestment in the human capacity critical for health-care
systems (Box 9.15).
Global health initiatives (GHI) – such as the Global Fund
for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Global Alliance for
Vaccines and Immunisation, Stop TB, Roll Back Malaria,
and the Multi-Country AIDS Programme – have brought
significant new resources to international development and
health. There is, however, a danger that large new funding
lines, running parallel to national budgeting, distort national
priorities for allocation of expenditure and action (Box 9.16).
At the same time, GHI – often offering higher salaries than
those available in the public sector – may cream off health
human resources from the national health system, exacerbating
personnel scarcity.
The Commission recommends that:
9.4 International agencies, donors and national
governments address the health human resources
brain-drain, focusing on investment in increased
health human resources and training, and bilateral
agreements to regulate gains and losses.
Adequate numbers of appropriately skilled health workers
at the local level are fundamental to extending coverage,
improving the quality of care, and developing successful
partnerships with the community and other sectors (Kurowski
et al., 2007). In many parts of the world, however, low
wages coupled with lack of infrastructure and poor working
conditions lead to emigration of valuable and experienced
human resources (GKN, 2007). Some high-income countries
actively recruit doctors and nurses in Africa and Asia.
International action can help to redress this (Box 9.17).
Part of the approval process for many PRSPs
(conditional in the agreement and provision of debt
relief under the HPIC programme) is the completion
of an MTEF. MTEFs are set in negotiations between
ministries of finance and the IMF, which prioritize very
low inflation and avoiding fiscal deficits rather than
addressing poverty or health needs. This process
limits the size of the total budget and, within the
budget, non-discretionary expenditures such as debt
repayments tend to be prioritized, limiting sectoral
budgets. One study of four African countries found
that health ministries had difficulty influencing this
budget-setting process. Although the IMF stipulates
that ceilings are not placed on recurrent costs such
as the health sector wage bill, there is evidence that
in practice the MTEF process has had a suppressant
effect on adequate budget allocations to investment in
the health workforce.
Source: GKN, 2007
While GHIs have brought enormous new levels of
funding to health-care systems within low- and
middle-income countries (US$ 8.9 billion in 2006 for
HIV/AIDS alone), there is a concern that their vertically
managed programmes have potential to undermine
the population health orientation of health-care
systems and exacerbate health inequity. As the GHIs
provide an estimated 90% of total development
assistance for health (DAH) services, they have
become major actors in global health policy. All GHIs
need to plan for, finance, and address the impact on
health systems, in particular addressing any potential
drain on local and national health human resources.
Source: HSKN, 2007

Health-care systems are an important social determinant
of health. Strengthened focus on the primary level of
care, and wider action to build a broader Primary Health
Care orientation within the health-care system, including
community engagement in the assessment of needs, is vital.
Within countries, increased financial allocations to health
care are needed in almost every conceivable setting – most
pressingly in low-income countries. More than this, though,
equitable modes of financing, removing any costs at the
point of service that deter use or degrade equity of access
and benefit, are key. This means public sector, pre-payment
methods, with smaller-scale schemes used only as subsidiary
strategies. An adequate supply of health workers requires
not only investment in recruitment and training – including
improved training in the social determinants of health as a
core part of medical and health curricula – but also action
to stop the haemorrhage of health workers migrating out of
low- and some middle-income countries.
A number of policy options exist to address – and
stop – the brain drain of health human resources from
poorer countries. These include:
return of migrant programmes (costly and largely
restricted emigration (weak, resulting often only
in delaying migration) or immigration (modestly
successful, although criticized for singling out health
workers over other migrants);
bi/multilateral agreements to manage flow between
source and destination countries (somewhat
strengthening domestic health human resources in
source countries (strongly supported in the literature,
but questionable from the perspective of source
countries in the context of global markets);
restitution (including two-way health human resources
flows, and increased contribution from high-income
receiving countries to health and health-training
systems in low-income source countries).
Preference tends towards bilateral agreements and
restitution as promising policy areas.
Source: GKN, 2007



: P
er, m
ey, an
rces: R
s fo
r actio
The second of the Commission’s three
principles of action is:
Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and
resources – the structural drivers of the conditions of daily
life – globally, nationally, and locally.
That some people live with much and others with little;
that some enjoy long comfortable lives, while others live
short, and often brutal, ones – and that these differences
can be seen globally as well as within countries – is not a
condition of nature. Nor is it randomly assigned. Inequity
in the conditions of daily lives is shaped by deeper
social structures and processes; the inequity is systematic,
produced by policies that tolerate or actually enforce unfair
distribution of and access to power, wealth, and other
necessary social resources.
The chapters that follow map out some of the underlying,
more structural aspects of society that influence health
equity – social norms and political choices feeding into
processes of policy formation, and thus leading to the
inequitable conditions of growing, living, and working
described in Part 3. Across all of these, the collective value
of health equity, the vital role of public action, and thus
the centrality of empowered public sector leadership
emerges compellingly.
We are under no illusions, though, regarding the reality
of government around the world today. It is not always
benign, not always committed to social justice. In many
instances, even where commitment is strong, capacity (be
it institutional, financial, technical, or human) is weak or
underdeveloped. And where commitment and capacity
are strong, the wider global context can, increasingly,
act as a brake as much as an accelerator on the creation
of the conditions necessary for good and equitable
health. Building political will and institutional capacity is
central to all the Commission’s recommendations. And
that building process is not government’s alone. Rather,
it is through the democratic processes of civil society
participation and public policy-making, supported at the
regional and global levels, backed by the research on what
works for health equity, and with the collaboration of
private actors, that real action for health equity is possible.

Health equity in all policies, systems, and programmes
“If health is present in every dimension of life, it also
implies that risk is everywhere. This has significant
consequences for how we frame health policies and where we
assign responsibilities for health in society.”
Illona Kickbusch (2007)
Every aspect of government and the economy has the potential
to affect health and health equity – finance, education,
housing, employment, transport, and health, just to name six
(Marmot, 2007). While health may not be the main aim of
policies in these sectors, they have strong bearing on health
and health equity. A policy agenda that aims to address the
social determinants of health and that is pro-equity therefore
demands a relationship between health and other sectors (Vega
& Irwin, 2004) at global, national, and local levels.
Policy coherence
Different government policies, depending on their nature,
can either improve or worsen health and health equity. Urban
planning, for example, that produces sprawling neighbourhoods
with little affordable housing, few local amenities, and irregular
unaffordable public transport does little to promote good
health for all (NHF, 2007).
Policy coherence is crucial – this means that different
government departments’ policies complement rather than
contradict each other in relation to the production of health
and health equity. For example, trade policy that actively
encourages the unfettered production, trade, and consumption
of foods high in fats and sugars to the detriment of fruit and
vegetable production is contradictory to health policy, which
recommends relatively little consumption of high-fat, high-
sugar foods and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables
(Elinder, 2005). Working towards coherent policy involves a
process through which policies in all government departments
are checked for the extent to which they are consistent with
the goal of health equity.
A critical starting point for a social determinants approach to
health and health equity is, of course, within the health sector
itself. Resourced and organized well, it can offer benefits that
go beyond treating illness (see Chapter 9: Universal Health
Care). It can promote health equity through specific attention
to the circumstances and needs of socially disadvantaged and
marginalized groups (HSKN, 2007) and provide leadership in
promoting coherent policies across government (PPHCKN,
Recognizing the role of and barriers to intersectoral
action for health
ISA for health – coordinated policy and action among health
and non-health sectors – can be a key strategy to achieve
policy coherence and for addressing, more generally, the social
determinants of health and health equity (PHAC, 2007). The
1978 International Conference on Primary Health Care in
Alma Ata (WHO & UNICEF, 1978), the first International
Conference on Health Promotion in Ottawa in 1986 (WHO,
1986), the 1997 WHO Global Conference on Intersectoral
Action for Health and, more recently, the 2005 Bangkok
Health Promotion conference (WHO, 2005d) and the 2006
EU’s Finnish presidency theme of Health in All Policies (Stahl
et al., 2006) each recognized that political, economic, social,
cultural, environmental, behavioural, and biological factors
can all favour health or be harmful to it, and acknowledged
and legitimized the expansion of the territory of health and
proposed policy actions in all sectors of society.
While the global evidence base and strategic call for integrated
action on societal-level factors has been mounting, it is still
not systematically translated into policy approaches and even
less so into integrated pro-equity policy. Not all countries
are resourced to embrace such a policy response to health
equity. For many low- and middle-income countries, limited
investment over time in infrastructure and human resources
as a result of the structural adjustment policies of the 1980s
and 1990s has reduced state capacity, exacerbated by the
unprecedented double burden of infectious and chronic
diseases (Epping-Jordan et al., 2005). Others have argued that
the rhetoric of practicality and fiscal limitation has supported a
continuing silo focus on ‘disease-centred’ approaches, making
little impression on the burden of disease in low- and middle-
income countries (Magnussen et al., 2004). There is also the
recognition that ISA for health has a fundamental tension with
the structural framework within which government operates
(Vincent, 1999). And of course not only are there competing
mandates between government departments, there may be, and
often are, competing interests and ideologies and territorial
protection (Logie, 2006).
Although progress may be slow, public health systems are
being transformed from discrete interventions that address
specific diseases to broad social, cultural, and economic reforms
that tackle the root causes of ill health (Baum, 2008; Gostin
et al., 2004; Locke, 2004). Coherent policy-making and ISA
have been used globally to address a wide range of health
and socioeconomic public policy challenges, including action
on specific determinants of health and specific populations,
communities, diseases, and health behaviours (CW, 2007).
The global obesity epidemic is a good example of a socially
patterned health outcome that is a consequence of changes in a
constellation of social factors. The interconnected nature of the
causes of obesity has generated ISA often comprising coherent
sectoral responses and community-level action (Box 10.1).
To a lesser extent, broad policy frameworks that explicitly
address health equity – for example, Finland, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom (Stahl et al., 2006) – have outlined ISA as a
key strategy (PHAC, 2007).

Beyond government
Health can be a rallying point for different sectors and actors
– whether it is a local community designing a health plan
for themselves (Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania’s
Healthy City Programme), enabling citizens to vote for
priorities in local resource allocations for health (participatory
budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil), decreasing dengue incidence
(Marikina Healthy Cities Programme, Philippines), or
involving the entire community in designing shared spaces that
encourage walking and cycling (Healthy by Design, Victoria,
Australia) (Mercado et al., 2007). Involving key people and
institutions and reaching beyond government to involve civil
society are vital steps towards integrated action for health
The argument for a coherent approach to health equity
through action on the social determinants in all socioeconomic
and sociocultural contexts is unequivocal. There is, however,
no ‘one size fits all’ approach, but rather principles that can
be adapted to action in a range of contexts. In some contexts,
action within a single sector will have enormous impact on
health equity. In other cases, integrated action across sectors
will be vital.
Coherent action is needed within and between sectors at
all levels of governance, from global through to local. The
recommendations in this chapter draw on the learning from
the country work stream of the Commission (CW, 2007;
PHAC, 2007; PHAC & WHO, 2008b) and concentrate
particularly on national government with some reference
to global input from WHO and the role of civil society at
the national and local levels. See Chapter 15 (Good Global
Governance) for more details on ISA and policy coherence at
the international level and Chapter 12 (Market Responsibility)
for coherence of contributions from the private sector.
Health equity as a marker of societal progress
The Commission recommends that:
10.1. Parliament and equivalent oversight bodies adopt
a goal of improving health equity through action
on the social determinants of health as a measure
of government performance (see Rec 13.2; 15.1).
Making health equity a marker of the progress of society
requires its adoption and leadership at the highest political
level within a nation. Parliament, or other governing body,
is a key institution for promoting health equity through
its representative, legislative, and oversight roles (Mususka
& Chingombe, 2007). As the experience from the United
Kingdom demonstrates, political leadership at the cabinet level
is pivotal. During the 1980s and 1990s, the evidence assembled
in the Black Report made little impact on government policy.
Since 1997, with a fresh look at health inequities in the
Acheson Report, there has been political will and the United
Kingdom government has made social justice a priority of its
socioeconomic policy, with a cross-government strategy to
reduce health inequities (see Box 10.3).
The health sector is a defender of health, advocate of health
equity, and negotiator for broader societal objectives. It is
important therefore that ministers of health, supported by the
ministry, are strongly equipped to play such a stewardship role
within government, as was the case in the United Kingdom.
Improving the understanding among all political actors of
the social determinants of health can help to prepare the
political ground (see Chapter 16: Social Determinants of Health:
Monitoring, Research, and Training). Similarly, the strategic
presentation of information on the health equity situation,
Obesity is becoming a real public health challenge
in transitioning countries, as it already is in high-
income nations. Obesity prevention and amelioration
of existing levels require approaches that ensure an
ecologically sustainable, adequate, and nutritious
food supply; material security; a built habitat that
lends itself to easy uptake of healthier food options
and participation in both organized and unorganized
physical activity; and a family, educational, and work
environment that positively reinforces healthy living
and empowers all individuals to make healthy choices.
Very little of this action sits within the capabilities or
responsibilities of the health sector. Positive advances
have been made between health and non-health
sectors – for example, healthy urban living designed
by urban planners and health professionals working
together, and bans on advertisements for foods high
in fats, sugars, and salt during television programmes
aimed at children. However, a significant challenge
remains: to engage with the multiple sectors outside
health in areas such as trade, agriculture, employment,
and education, areas in which action must take place
if we are to redress the global obesity epidemic.
Source: Friel, Chopra & Satcher, 2007
Place responsibility for action on health and health equity at the highest level of government, and ensure its
coherent consideration across all policies.

demonstrating the costs of health inequity, highlighting
synergies between sectors, and highlighting opportunities for
intervention, are vital actions that encourage political uptake
and can be spearheaded by ministers of health.
Policy coherence – mechanisms to support health
equity in all policies
In addition to strong political support and leadership, reaching
the goal of health equity through cross-government policy
coherence requires the creation or strengthening of processes
and structures within government and other agencies. It
requires transparent information links across government
departments, information, and analytical resources (Picciotto et
al., 2004).
The Commission recommends that:
10.2. National government establish a whole-of-
government mechanism that is accountable to
parliament, chaired at the highest political level
possible (see Rec 11.1; 11.2; 11.5; 12.2; 13.2; 16.6).
A whole-of-government mechanism concerned with health
and health equity can take various forms. For example, a
number of Southern African Development Community
countries have set up parliamentary portfolio committees
to track the activities of government sectors such as health,
education, mining, agriculture, and transport. A number of the
reform programmes in East and Southern Africa have been
accompanied by specialist professional support and specific
budgets for the work of the portfolio committees. The example
of the Zambian parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health,
Community Development, and Social Welfare illustrates a
comprehensive approach to tackling HIV/AIDs that actively
involved various sectors (Box 10.2).
Identifying win-win policy solutions
Central to the effectiveness of a whole-of-government
mechanism is the assembly of support-of-government
and administrative actors with broad mandates and a clear
articulation of the benefits for each sector. It is helpful to
identify priorities within different sectors and establish agreed
short- and long-term health equity goals and objectives that
integrate health equity policy elements into the agendas of
each sector (CW, 2007). Finding policy solutions that both
meet the needs of the different sectors and lead towards a
shared vision will help to create political and administrative
buy-in. The Health in All Policies Initiative in the state of
South Australia provides an example of work undertaken
recently in a high-income country to build on an existing
state Strategic Plan and develop the skills and mechanisms
for a whole-of-government approach to health and health
equity (see
Adapting to the context
Depending on the level of support provided by political
contexts, different policy and sectoral approaches to action
on the social determinants of health are more or less feasible
(PHAC, 2007). For example, in contexts where equity is high
The Zambian Portfolio Committee on Health,
Community Development, and Social Welfare
undertook an analysis of the HIV and AIDS situation
in 1999, in collaboration with both the government
and NGO stakeholders. Concerned with the rising
HIV/AIDS statistics, the Committee undertook a
performance review of government policy on HIV/AIDS
in 2000. The Committee also undertook a comparative
study visit to Senegal on HIV and AIDS. Arising
from this, the Committee made recommendations
that would see greater participation of Members
of Parliament (MPs) in health matters that relate to
HIV/AIDS. The recommendations contained in the
Committee’s report to Parliament in November 2002
included, among others, the following ISAs:
Government should consider facilitating the
establishment of reproductive health activities
encompassing HIV/AIDS/sexually transmitted infection
(STI) prevention and control in all constituencies.
In order to sensitize the labour force, trade unions, in
conjunction with the Zambia Federation of Employers
and Chamber of Commerce and Industry, should
incorporate HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities
in their programmes at work places.
In order to sensitize school children to the danger of
HIV/AIDS, government should consider introducing
sex education encompassing HIV/AIDS into the school
Government should regulate social activities that are
suspected of promoting the spread of HIV, such as the
sale of alcohol and opening and closing times of bars
and nightclubs.
The government, NGOs, and community-based
organizations should work together to set up
telephone hotlines and to provide free information and
counselling to the public.
The Government and all stakeholders should, as
a matter of urgency, approach international drug
companies and funding agencies to negotiate for a
significant reduction in the cost of antiretroviral drugs
to improve accessibility among those in need.
MPs and other decision-makers should strengthen
their knowledge about the HIV/AIDS situation in
Zambia, including awareness of the main opportunities
and challenges faced by the country.
Source: Musuka & Chingombe, 2007

on the social and political agendas and there are resources and
infrastructure to support action, health equity among whole
populations is often the goal and lends itself to whole-of-
government, health-in-all-policy approaches – such as in Cuba,
Norway, United Kingdom (England) (Box 10.3), Finland (Stahl
et al., 2006), and New Zealand.
In other contexts, ISA may not be feasible. In these instances,
attention to the nature of policy and action within sectors,
working towards coherent policies, will help reach the goal of
improved health and health equity. As the Sri Lanka example
illustrates (Box 10.4), despite the Sri Lankan Prime Minister’s
recognition of and commitment to ISA, existing structures and
capacities were not able to support it. What did result, however,
was coherent and effective action within the different sectors,
which in turn helped to ensure the adoption of primary health
care as the main approach to health.
It is important to continue supporting innovative government
management models and incentive structures that can
encourage intersectoral cooperation such as work on priority
objectives between health and one other ministry. For example,
in Mozambique, the Ministry of Health worked with the
Ministry of Public Works to develop water and sanitation
interventions to reduce infant mortality. In Brazil, there has
been collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the
The Acheson report on health inequities exposed the
limitations of individual agendas within social justice
and health inequities and the importance of joined-up
action. In 2002, as part of the formal government-wide
spending negotiations, the Department of Health and
the Treasury led discussions between 18 departments
to inform a delivery plan for the targets and identify the
contribution required from each part of government.
The Treasury’s financial and political authority was
instrumental and brought departments to the table to
engage in a cross-cutting goal. It facilitated agreement
between departments to combine expertise and
resources behind government priorities.
The 2003 Programme for Action identified 82 funded
commitments, owned by 12 government departments,
which in the following 3 years would lay a foundation
for achieving the 2010 targets and provide a
sustainable impact on the wider determinants of
health. The Programme for Action provided a strategic
framework to direct all actions towards a single goal.
This prescribed coordination at both national and
local levels of government and strong performance
management systems to drive delivery. An open
process of regular audit, reporting, and review
provides understanding of the target trajectory and
the ability to refine the approach. Status reports were
published in 2005 and 2008.
The target has put pressure on the government
to coordinate activities. This has required good
communication between departments and Treasury
leadership. National frameworks now mandate health
inequities as a top priority for health planners and local
government, while central guidance and support has
targeted underperforming areas and promoted best
practice. The current Secretary of State for Health has
made health inequities his priority, challenging the
National Health Service, which has its 60th anniversary
in 2008, to live up to its founding principles of
universality and fairness.
Source: Hayward, 2007
Sri Lanka underwent a rapid health transition during
the period 1950-1975 that prolonged life and reduced
mortality and fertility. The improvement in health
occurred simultaneously with improvement in other
states of well-being. Each sector simultaneously
pursued its goals to improve the conditions for
which it was responsible. Intersectoral processes
did not lead to clearly articulated programmes of
ISA for health in which the sectors other than health
identified their contribution to health and consciously
coordinated their activities to produce a desired health
outcome. This failure is attributed to the existing
structures of decision, the lack of capacity to identify
intersectoral links and become proactive on them, and
the prevailing administrative culture.
The Sri Lankan case demonstrates processes that for
the most part act independently of each other but act
simultaneously to improve well-being as a whole with
health as an integral component. These processes
required (1) an overall social development strategy,
(2) a political process that evolves a high degree of
consensus for such a strategy, (3) as far as possible
equal weight and commitment to be given to each of
the key indicators, and (4) shared responsibility for the
programme at the highest level of government.
Source: PHAC & WHO, 2008

ministry responsible for family affairs in producing a National
Programme of Food and Nutrition (Box 10.5).
There are existing planning frameworks based on ISA for
health, such as the WHO Stepwise framework for preventing
chronic disease (Box 10.6), that countries could adapt to their
health needs.
Financing intersectoral action
A central component of efforts that support ISA within
government is adequately resourced cross-government
infrastructures and actions using a variety of financing
mechanisms (see Chapter 11: Fair Financing). ISA as a condition
of funding could be used. The Government of Canada uses this
approach for its Population Health Fund, which provides grants
and contributions to academic, community, and voluntary
sector organizations to advance policy and programme
objectives related to children, older people, and other
population groups and to advance approaches to address the
social determinants of health using ISA. In-kind resources have
been used by sectors that are constrained by the limitations of
funding agreements to contribute non-financial resources (e.g.
people, information, expertise, physical space, and technology)
to support shared objectives. In-kind arrangements between
organizations can offer greater flexibility to adapt to the
changing needs of intersectoral work in the different stages of
policy development, implementation, and evaluation.
Government policy impact on health equity
Identifying whether government policies meet the goal
of improving health and health equity requires different
government departments to set short- and medium-term
objectives, with associated indicators against which progress
can be measured. In developing policy, prior assessment of its
potential short- and long-term impact on health equity can
help inform policy changes before their implementation.
The Commission recommends that:
10.3. The monitoring of social determinants and
health equity indicators be institutionalized
and health equity impact assessment of all
government policies, including finance, be used
(see Rec 12.1; 15.1; 16.2; 16.7).
Incorporating routine information on equity-related aspects
of population health and social determinants into a national
health surveillance system can act not only as a mechanism to
inform pro-equity health policy development and measure its
success, but also as a tool to support cross-sectoral action on the
social determinants of health (Box 10.7) (see also Chapter 16:
Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training).
PNAN offers an assurance to all citizens of the
necessary conditions for permanently accessing
sufficient amounts of basic quality foods, without
compromising access to other basic needs. It has
been implemented in close alignment with the
Family Health Programme. Together these different
policies have helped promote, for example, exclusive
breastfeeding until 6 months of age and regulation of
advertisements for children’s food in the media.
Source: Buss & Carvalho, 2007
The Stepwise framework offers a flexible and practical
public health approach to assist ministries of health
in balancing diverse needs and priorities while
implementing evidence-based interventions such
as those recommended by the WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the WHO
Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.
The framework is guided by a set of principles based
on a public health approach to chronic disease
prevention and control:
The national level of government provides the unifying
framework for chronic disease prevention and control,
so that actions at all levels and by all stakeholders are
mutually supportive.
ISA is necessary at all stages of policy formulation and
implementation because major determinants of the
chronic disease burden lie outside the health sector.
Policies and plans focus on the common risk factors
and cut across specific diseases.
Population-wide and individual interventions are
Locally relevant and explicit milestones are set for
each step and at each level of intervention, with a
particular focus on reducing health inequities.
In recognition that most countries will not have the
resources to immediately do everything implied by
the overall policy, activities that are immediately
feasible and likely to have the greatest impact for the
investment are selected first for implementation. This
principle is at the heart of the Stepwise approach.
Source: WHO, 2005c

Health equity impact assessment is an emerging support tool
for building policy coherence for health equity. It is used to
assess the potential health equity consequences of policy, which
it feeds back into the decision-making process and which can
also be used to engage the relevant ministries and stakeholders
in dialogue (Douglas & Scott-Samuel 2001). The tool more
commonly used at the moment, Health Impact Assessment
(HIA), could be adapted for health equity assessment purposes
(Box 10.8) (see Chapter 16: The Social Determinants of Health:
Monitoring, Research, and Training for more detail on how to
undertake health equity impact assessment).
New Zealand has initiated a whole-of-government
approach to reducing inequities in health, especially
with regard to the ways in which ethnicity and
socioeconomic inequities interact. Key policy
documents released in 2000 and 2002 have
embedded a health inequity focus into all levels of
the work of the health sector and have provided
a template (the Reducing Inequalities in Health
Framework) for how action to reduce health inequities
could be achieved. New Zealand has performed
particularly well in steadfastly monitoring inequities
and reporting those inequities in ways that best
facilitate action. This has been achieved through a
number of mechanisms, including a strong emphasis
on ethnicity recording in the health sector, the
routine matching of census with mortality records,
and widespread use of a census-based small area
deprivation measure, the New Zealand Deprivation
Index. These approaches have boosted cross-
sectoral interest in inequities, facilitated discussion in
academic and policy circles about the root causes of
inequities, and provided social agencies with evidence
on which they can plan programmes and policies to
address health inequities in their respective areas.
Source: WHO & PHAC, 2007
In 2000, the London Health Commission (LHC) was
established as an independent commission by the
Mayor as part of the implementation of the first
London Health Strategy. Its overall aim was to reduce
health inequities in the capital and to improve the
health and well-being of all Londoners by raising
awareness of health inequities and promoting
coordinated action to improve the determinants
of health across London. The LHC achieves its
goals through influencing key policy-makers and
practitioners, supporting local action, and driving on
specific priority issues through joint programmes.
The LHC has completed HIAs on all of the mayoral
statutory strategies and some of the non-statutory
strategies. The general approach to these has been
the following:
establishing a steering group;
screening and scoping of draft strategy;
rapid appraisal of evidence;
policy appraisal stakeholder workshop;
reporting recommendations to mayor;
recommendations into final strategies;
monitoring and evaluation;
publishing evidence reviews and HIA reports.
An independent evaluation showed that the LHC’s
HIAs were making a difference to London’s strategies
and the approach is cost effective. HIAs increased
stakeholder awareness of the impact of their wider
policies on health. This prompted earlier consideration
of health in strategy development and contributed to
the further development of HIA methods and tools and
the evidence base.
Source: NHS, 2000
Get the health sector right – adopt a social determinants framework across the policy and programmatic
functions of the ministry of health and strengthen its stewardship role in supporting a social determinants
approach across government.

Action within the health sector
Ultimately, to address the social determinants of health and
health equity requires action across the whole of government
and other key stakeholders. However, the health sector
itself is a good place to start building support and structures
that encourage action on the social determinants of health
and health equity. And the minister of health, supported by
the executive branch of government, must provide strong
stewardship for ISA for health and health equity, committing
time and financial resources to the development of relevant
skills and capacity among the health workforce and providing
reward structures for intersectoral working.
The Commission recommends that:
10.4. The health sector expands its policy and
programmes in health promotion, disease
prevention, and health care to include a social
determinants of health approach, with leadership
from the minister of health (see Rec 9.1).
Skills and capacity
Taking a social determinants approach within the ministry of
health will require not only political will but adequate finances
and personnel within the ministry. It is likely to require
broadening the skills and knowledge mix of programme staff
due to:
• the necessity to diversify and target the set of interventions
to cater for the specific needs and circumstances of different
population groups;
• the expanding range of up-stream interventions required to
influence the social determinants before they manifest in
differential vulnerabilities and health outcomes;
• requirements for policy and public dialogue, cross-
programme and -sector coordination, and understanding
and management of complex social, economic, and political
change processes.
Closer links between a diversity of complementary disciplines
such as public health, health promotion, urban planning,
education, and social sciences will help expand the conceptual
and practical ways of working together in a social determinants
of health framework. Development is needed of formal
and vocational training that includes the spectrum of social
determinants of health (see Chapter 16: Social Determinants of
Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training). The example from
Cuba illustrates how ISA was progressively built up in the
country, incorporating skills development as a central backbone
to ISA for health (Box 10.9).
Financial support for action on the social determinants of
Critical to the successful application of a social determinants
of health framework within the ministry of health’s policy and
programmatic focus is resource allocation at a level that makes
a demonstrable difference (see Chapter 11: Fair Financing).
Learning from different countries’ methods of raising money
for health promotion activities (IUHPE, 2007), hypothecated
taxation from, for example, tobacco could create a sustainable
source of money for action that utilizes a social determinants of
health framework. Dedicating a certain percentage of national
health insurance funds to action on social determinants of
health is another way to ensure resource allocation. Supporting
such resource generation and allocation requires incentive
structures within the ministry of health, including financing
and departmental awards to increase accountability on social
determinants of health and health equity issues, ensuring that
health sector programmes monitor equity impacts.
Institutional strengthening
Institutionalizing, implementing, and managing health
equity in all policies, systems, and programmes requires,
among other things recommended elsewhere in this report,
technical capacity and knowledge of the social determinants
of health. These are skills that are rarely taught in public
health, management, and policy institutions. In particular,
the workforces in the ministry of health in many countries
lack training in areas that are important for addressing the
social determinants of health such as social epidemiology,
intersectoral planning and policy-making, and monitoring/
evaluation related to the health sector and ISA. Ministries
of health in few countries have experience in developing
economic and political arguments for tackling the social
The development of the Cuban public health system
has gone through three phases, with an evolving
emphasis on intersectoral collaboration. A focus on
curative medicine and coverage extension in the
1960s gave way to a greater emphasis on prevention,
regulation, and risk groups in the 1970s and
1980s, with a growing use of intersectoral planning
commissions and the development of polyclinics
that provided holistic approaches to treatment.
In the 1990s, the focus expanded to embrace
family and community health, with an even greater
focus on ISA through the creation of local health
councils and the enshrinement of ISA as one of the
central principles of public health delivery. Training
programmes were developed and implemented to
strengthen intersectoral collaboration skills among
public health professionals and decision-makers. A
team from the National Health School has carried out
a systematic evaluation of intersectoral activities using
a standardized questionnaire and methodology that
addressed a number of key intersectoral dimensions,
including level of knowledge about ISA among players
in the health sector and other sectors, and presence
of ISA in the strategic objectives of municipalities and
municipal health councils.
Source: WHO & PHAC, 2007

determinants of health; in supporting consensus and common
agendas among sectors; and in managing interests and processes
across sectors. While basic skills can be taught relatively quickly,
countries need mechanisms to institutionalize ongoing learning
and foster the development of new skills relevant to addressing
social determinants of health and health equity (CW, 2007).
The Commission recommends that:
10.5. WHO support the development of knowledge
and capabilities of national ministries of health
to work within a social determinants of health
framework, and to provide a stewardship role in
supporting a social determinants approach across
government (see Rec 15.3; 16.8).
WHO is the UN specialised agency mandated to lead on
health and health equity globally. It has been central to
the work of the Commission and will be critical to the
sustainability of action on the social determinants of health
and health equity. Part of WHO’s responsibility includes
providing technical capacity and knowledge building on the
social determinants of health within Member States. The
country work stream of the Commission led by WHO aimed
to promote, demonstrate, and bridge knowledge to policy
and implementation in order to address socially determined
health inequities. WHO identified a core group of interested
governments in all regions of the world to work with in order
to build the basis for change in the future, and to identify new
ways that WHO can support work on social determinants of
health and health equity in the context of national policy-
making and planning. It is critical that WHO build on the
country work, supporting existing partner countries and
encouraging action on the social determinants of health and
health equity in new countries (see Part 6).
Chapter 16 (Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research,
and Training) outlines various recommendations specific to
WHO. It is critical to ISA that WHO share the evidence and
learning from the Commission across countries and use this to
support ministries of health to play a stewardship role in:
1. making the argument for such an approach and increasing
the visibility of social determinants of health and health
equity issues;
2. creating national and local institutional structures to take
forward the social determinants of health and health equity
3. developing a national action plan in relation to this;
4. developing the appropriate workforce competencies through
short- and long-term training programmes.
WHO has already moved to transform some of its
organizational structures in order to better support ministries
of health in their efforts to develop and implement national
policy on social determinants of health and health equity.
In addition to regional focal points to coordinate social
determinants of health work, Regional Offices have initiated
work to strengthen the evidence base, advocate social
determinants of health policies and programmes, foster
partnerships between countries, and support ISA. Coherence
between the strategic actions of WHO regional and national
offices is necessary to promote coherence between different
government departments within Member States.
The Commission established the PPHCKN based within
WHO headquarters (see Chapter 9: Universal Health Care). This
network focused on WHO programmes and health conditions,
with the aim of expanding the definitions and practices of
what constitutes public health actions and interventions
to include the social determinants and how public health
programmes are organized. Key learning from this network
highlights the need to articulate and provide evidence of
the relationship between socioeconomic status and health
outcomes; to advocate social and economic change; to enhance
the evidence base for social determinants of health and
inequity in health; and to strongly advocate the need for and
benefits of social interventions to prevent increased prevalence
of HIV, tobacco use, malnutrition, diabetes, alcoholism, risky
sex, indoor air pollution, and transgenerational effects of under-
5 mortality. WHO must now transfer to ministries of health in
In the early 1990s, the All India Institute of Hygiene
and Public Health (AIIHPH) initiated a conventional
STI treatment and prevention programme in a red-
light district in north Kolkata. The Sonagachi HIV/
AIDS International Project (SHIP) was implemented
through an intersectoral partnership of WHO, AIIHPH,
the British Council, and a number of ministries and
local NGOs. Sex workers in the area were poor and
marginalized. The project quickly moved beyond
traditional treatment and education modalities to
focus on the empowerment of the sex workers. Key
interventions during the first five years included
vaccination and treatment services for the sex
workers’ children, literacy classes for the women,
political activism and advocacy, micro-credit schemes,
and cultural programmes. The sex workers created
their own membership organization, the Durbar Mahila
Samanwaya Committee (DMSC), that successfully
negotiated for better treatment by madams, landlords,
and local authorities. In 1999, the DMSC took over
management of SHIP, and has since expanded to
include 40 red-light districts across West Bengal. It
has an active membership of 2000 sex workers and
has established a financial cooperative. The strong
occupational health focus and the emphasis on giving
sex workers more control over their bodies and living
and working conditions has resulted in low rates of
HIV infection and STIs in Sonagachi relative to the rest
of the country.
Source: WHO & PHAC, 2007

Member States and other global institutions the learning from
this innovative introduction of a social determinants of health
framework to health outcome-focused programmes.
The health sector as a catalyst beyond government
A central element of ISA is increased social participation
in policy processes (see Chapter 14: Political Empowerment
– Inclusion and Voice). Ministries of health can act as a catalyst
to involve key people and institutions and reach beyond
government to involve those affected by policies (Box 10.10).
While highest-level government oversight is needed to push
and coordinate ISA and to ensure sustainability, local-level
government and community ownership is a prerequisite to
sustained results. Government-NGO collaboration can increase
the reach of action and win early results (Box 10.11). There are
many existing intersectoral programmes and frameworks, such
as Healthy Cities, Municipalities, Villages and Islands, that take
a social determinants approach to health and health equity, that
may be explored for their applicability in different contexts.
The private sector has a major responsibility both in the
production of health inequity and in solving the problem of
inequity. Effective engagement of the private sector for health
equity is critical and discussed in more detail in Chapters 7, 12,
and 15 (Fair Employment and Decent Work; Market Responsibility;
Good Global Governance). An example of the global recognition
of the role the private sector plays in health is the WHO Diet
and Physical Activity Strategy, which specifically requested
companies to be more engaged in tackling diet- and activity-
related ill-health. A review of the practices of 25 of the
world’s largest food companies by Lang and colleagues (2006)
identified that only four had any policies on food advertising
and only six had policies specifically relating to children.
Making health equity a shared value across sectors
is politically challenging but is needed globally. The
recommendations outlined in this chapter illustrate the need
for commitment at the highest level of government to health
and health equity through a social determinants framework.
Attention within the health and non-health sectors to
ensure that the nature of their policies do not have negative
consequences for health and health equity is critical. And
integrated action, both within government and with the
voluntary and private sectors, is an important element of a
concerted approach to health equity.

Following the principles of primary health care as
expressed in the Alma Ata Declaration, in 1986
Indonesia launched the integrated health posts
(Posyandus). While these achieved impressive
coverage, with 254 154 Posyandus operating in 2004,
the quality and general performance is varied and has
deteriorated considerably. One contributing reason
has been drop-out of the health volunteers associated
with economic and ideological transition, reducing
voluntarism, and collectivism.
To redress the situation, the District Health Office
initiated and spearheaded a mechanism to coordinate
multisectoral interventions to rejuvenate community
health development. It mobilized support from the
highest political authority in the district and enrolled
an NGO as partner. In January 2005, the elected head
of Lumajang district launched GERBANGMAS as a
strategy of community empowerment and the local
government defined three functions of the Posyandus:
community education, community empowerment, and
community service.
The multisectoral village GERBANGMAS teams are
provided with a general budget allocation from the
local government, which is matched by the community
and used for activities as well as to provide
incentives for health workers. To guide investment
and development, 21 indicators have been defined.
Only about one third of these are traditional health
indicators, such as use of family planning. The rest
address determinants of health, including poverty
reduction, literacy, waste management, housing, and
mobilization of youth and the elderly. One proof of
the functioning of the village team is that 12 sectoral
bodies, including fisheries, public works, labour and
transmigration, agriculture, and religious offices,
provide budget support through the village team. All
indicators have improved, both the health-specific and
the upstream determinants of health.
Source: PPHCKN, 2007c

Fair financing
“Equity is complementary to the pursuit of long-term
prosperity. Greater equity is doubly good for poverty
reduction. It tends to favour sustained overall development,
and it delivers increased opportunities to the poorest groups
in a society.” Francois Bourguignon (2006)
For countries at all levels of economic development, increasing
or re-allocating public finance to fund action across the
social determinants of health – from child development
and education, through living and working conditions,
to health care – is fundamental to improved welfare and
health equity. Within countries, adequate financial resources,
progressively obtained, proportionately invested across the
social determinants of health, and allocated equitably across
population groups and regions, are fundamental. Given the
drastic limits on domestic financing in low-income countries,
official financial flows in the form of aid and debt relief are
critical to addressing dramatic global health inequities. In
1970, rich countries pledged to give 0.7% of their GDP in
official development assistance (ODA). Thirty-five years later,
they were managing an average of 0.33%. The annual global
requirement for health-related aid – that is, DAH, defined as
aid allocated to activities with health as their main purpose
– is estimated at US$ 27 billion in 2007, simply to finance
basic life-saving health services. In 2005, the total external
debt owed by developing countries was US$ 2.7 trillion, with
a servicing bill of US$ 513 billion in that year. We should, as
Sachs suggests, “recognise the iron laws of extreme poverty …
A typical sub-Saharan African country has an annual income
of perhaps $350 per person per year … The government might
be able to mobilise 15 per cent of the $350 in taxes from
the domestic economy. That produces a little over $50 per
person per year in total government revenues (and in many
countries much less). This tiny sum must be divided among all
government functions: executive, legislative, and judicial offices;
police; defence; education and so on” (Sachs, 2007).
The importance of public finance
Health equity relies on an adequate supply of and access
to material resources and services; safe, health-promoting
living and working conditions; and learning, working, and
recreational opportunities. Supply of and access to these,
in turn, requires public investment and adequate levels of
public financing, and/or regulation of markets where private
provision can be an effective and efficient means of equitable
access. All of this implies the need for more and fairer forms
of public financing. The emphasis on public financing is
related to the importance of public goods in building action
on the social determinants of health, and the importance of
public investment in order to reach all socioeconomic groups.
Traditionally, governments are expected to play an active role
in providing public goods. Left solely to the market, such
goods are undersupplied (GKN, 2007). Even where goods and
services can be efficiently and equitably provided through the
private sector, it is vital to ensure the effective authority and
capacity of the government to manage market regulation (see
Chapter 12: Market Responsibility). Coherent national action
on social determinants of health and health equity requires the
adoption – and financing – of ‘health in all policies’ (Stahl et al.,
2006; see Chapter 10: Health Equity in All Policies, Systems, and
In any country, economic inequality – including inequity
in public financing – needs to be addressed to make
progress towards health equity. Universal public services and
infrastructure played a vital role in the historical development
of today’s rich countries (Szreter, 2004). Yet there is still
considerable inequity in the financing of public services within
countries. Whether the issue is health care, transportation
infrastructure, or social protection, those social groups and
regions with the highest need often receive proportionately
the least public investment. The prevalence of an urban bias in
public investment is reflected in worse health outcomes and
lower service use in rural areas, especially in low- and middle-
income countries.
Recently, it has been calculated that, “each $1 of
poverty reduction … requires $166 of additional
global production and consumption, with all its
associated environmental impacts which adversely
affect the poorest most. Coupled with the constraints
on global growth associated with climate change,
and the disproportionately adverse net impact of
climate change on the poor, this casts serious doubt
on the dominant view that global growth should
be the primary means of poverty reduction. Rather
than growth, policies and the global economic
system should focus directly on achieving social and
environmental objectives.”
The Commission does not underestimate the critical
value of economic growth. But it does point to the
serious potential environmental consequences, and
minor impact on poverty, of growth models that are
inattentive to the distribution of the benefits of growth.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from
Woodward & Simms (2006b).

Economic growth and distribution
The view that economic growth alone can solve the global
poverty problem has been widely challenged – not least by
Szreter (2004), Sachs (2005), and UN-HABITAT (2006).
Instead, both more equitable within-country distribution of
resources and increased international financial transfers are
necessary to reduce poverty and improve health, not only
under the ethical imperative to alleviate avoidable suffering,
but equally at the pace expressly desired by governments
through the MDGs (KNUS, 2007). Studies in Latin America
strongly suggest that even a little redistribution of income
through progressive taxation and targeted social programmes
can go further in terms of poverty reduction than many years
of solid economic growth, because of the extremely unequal
distribution of income and wealth in most countries in the
region (Paes de Barros et al., 2002; de Ferranti et al., 2004;
Woodward & Simms, 2006b) (Box 11.1).
Domestic revenues
Critical weaknesses – in particular for developing countries
– exist in the current domestic and international arena of
public financing. Low-income countries often have weak
income tax institutions and mechanisms and a majority of the
workforce operating in the informal sector. These countries
are relatively more reliant on import tariffs for public revenue.
Trade liberalization has seriously reduced the availability of
such tariff revenues since the 1970s (GKN, 2007) (Fig. 11.1).
Many countries have not been able to replace these losses
with other sources of public revenues or taxation. As a
consequence, a majority of low-income countries have
seen a net decline in overall public revenues (however, for
many low income countries, this trend has been arrested or
reversed since 1998). Middle-income countries have fared
slightly better, but in general trade liberalization has translated
into a reduced capacity of national governments to support
public expenditures in health, education, and other sectors
(Baunsgaard & Keen, 2005; Glenday, 2006). High-income
countries, with already well-established taxation systems
and existing public infrastructures, have been able to move
away from tariff revenues with minimal loss in fiscal capacity.
But increasing intensity of global tax competition (real or
perceived) has also had negative effects on national fiscal
capacity, even in high-income countries (Tanzi, 2001; Tanzi,
2002; Tanzi, 2004; Tanzi, 2005).
Aid and debt relief
Strengthening adequate domestic public financing for action
on health equity and the social determinants of health will be
a medium- to long-term process. In the shorter term, many
resource-poor countries will continue to rely on external
financing through aid and debt relief. Solid evidence now exists
that aid financing can contribute both to general economic
growth in recipient countries (McGillivray et al., 2005) and
more directly to improved health (Mishra & Newhouse, 2007).
However, the total flow of aid remains chronically low relative
to the scale of need and, in the case of the majority of donors,
far below the 0.7% of GDP commitment made by OECD
countries in 1969. Donors continue to appear ambivalent
about the value of aid, with persistent failure to meet the 0.7%
of GDP commitment and a consistent shortfall between funds
committed and those actually disbursed. In 2005, only 70% of
aid committed was actually delivered. A considerable portion of
aid remains tied to donor country trade and security interests,
while there is evidence that donor allocations follow their own
geostrategic interests as much as – if not more than – global
conditions of need (Box 11.2).
Figure 11.1 Proportion of tariffs in total revenue by region, 1980–1998.
Source: GKN, 2007
70 66 65
31 32
14 14
29 30
26 25
21 24 24
9 8 9
21 20
l A

There is also evidence of what might be called a trust deficit
between donors and recipients, leading to multiple and onerous
conditions placed on aid that heighten transaction costs on often
weak recipient country bureaucracies and constrain recipients’
freedom to determine developmental and financing priorities. The
net effect is periodic, effectively punitive, reversals in aid flows that
create volatility (Fig. 11.2, Box 11.3), which has been shown to
harm health (Bokhari, Gottret & Gai, 2005).
Development assistance for health
The part of total global aid allocated to action on health
(DAH) tends to be confined largely to financing action within
the health sector. Much aid for health remains locked within
a range of narrowly defined health interventions, privileging
treatment over investment in prevention. The large (US$ 15
billion) allocation of finance for action on HIV/AIDS under
the Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is
a good example of this (Fig. 11.3, Box 11.4).
Meanwhile, the considerable weight of remaining debt,
some of it unquestionably ‘odious’, continues to draw public
resources away from developmental investments. Debt crises
among developing countries were the result of rising prices of
oil; poor needs assessments and loan designs (both on creditor
and debtor sides) and high rates of loan diversion; worsening
loan repayment conditions; and both falling prices and falling
Over 60% of the total increase in ODA between
2001 and 2004 went to Afghanistan, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, and Iraq – in spite of the fact that
the three countries account for less than 3% of the
developing world’s poor. Much of the ODA increase in
2005 can be accounted for by debt relief to Iraq and
Even though aid to health has been increasing, aid
volatility not only reduces the capacity of recipient
governments to plan expenditure, but it is also directly
and negatively associated with health outcomes.
Econometric analysis of child mortality across 75
developing countries between 1995 and 2000 found
that, “both low levels [of aid] and high volatility of donor
funding for health explained the relatively slow progress
of some countries in reducing under-five mortality”.
Source: Bokhari, Gottret & Gai, 2005
Figure 11.2 Official development assistance disbursements for health in selected countries.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from World Bank (2006a).
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
ODA disbursements for health

Figure 11.3 Changes in spending allocation under the President’s Emergency Plan
for AIDS Relief, 2004–2006.
Source: USAID, 2006
2004 2005 2006
Strengthen public finance for action on the social determinants of health.
developed-country demand for the exports of indebted
countries. The hardest-hit countries, the HIPCs, have seen a
massive increase in debt over the past four decades, while their
per capita incomes have stagnated. Debt is negatively associated
with social sector spending, in particular adversely affecting
public investment in non-wage goods such as infrastructure
(GKN, 2007).
Debt relief, while promising, remains limited largely to HIPC
qualifying countries, leaving other resource-poor countries
unjustifiably without relief on repayments. It is, in any case,
a slow process with – again as with aid – onerous conditions
that limit national capacity to invest in needed social sector
spending (Box 11.5). Figures for the 35 of the 40 HIPCs
located in sub-Saharan Africa underline the basic problem
– while these countries have received US$ 294 billion in loans
and paid back US$ 268 billion between 1970 and 2002, they
were still left with a debt stock of US$ 210 billion circa 2004
(UNCTAD, 2004).
Besides aid and debt relief, conditions for growth and improved
domestic public finance capacity can be supported by the
international community through several avenues – for
example, clearer global agreements and more efficient global
action to extend security to countries at risk of conflict;
expanded action to monitor production of and trade in
natural resources; increased international legislative standards
for rich country business relations with low- and middle-
income trading partners; and support for the development
of preferential trade agreements that allow for protection to
countries attempting to build the capacity to engage on viably
competitive terms in the global marketplace (Collier, 2006).
The Commission recommends that:
11.1 Donors, multilateral agencies, and Member
States build and strengthen national capacity for
progressive taxation (see Rec 8.1; 8.3; 9.2; 10.2).
Progressive taxation
Strengthening domestic revenues for equitable public
finance requires stronger progressive taxation. This implies
strengthening tax systems and capacities, particularly building
institutional capacity in low-income settings (Box 11.6).
Taxation should focus on direct – such as income or property
taxes – over indirect forms – such as trade or sales taxes10. Tax
regimes in East Asia between 1970 and 1999 showed a strong
and persistent emphasis on direct tax, with less emphasis on
10 In relation to taxation and transnational corporations, measures to reduce capital flight and tax avoidance via transfer pricing are probably at least as
important as the reduction of tax incentives for investing in export processing zones (GKN, 2007).

other types, while tax regimes in sub-Saharan Africa showed
a heavy reliance on indirect – sales and trade – taxes (Fig.
11.4). Notwithstanding other contributing factors, East Asia
saw strong growth and improvements in health throughout
the period, while sub-Saharan Africa experienced large-scale
stagnation and, in some cases, decline.
Many countries, with relatively weak tax systems and high
rates of informal labour complicating tax efforts, have relied
on indirect tax revenues, such as trade tariffs, as income for
public spending. High- and middle-income countries should
not demand further tariff reductions in bilateral, regional,
and world trade negotiations with low-income countries still
reliant on tariffs for public revenue. And low-income countries
should be extremely careful in agreeing to reduce tariffs
prior to creating or improving alternative revenue streams.
Dedicated aid and technical support should be made available
to strengthen capacity for direct taxation in the longer term.
Multilateral efforts are required not only to reduce the adverse
impact of trade and financial market liberalization on national
fiscal resources, but also to strengthen a globally enforceable
framework to reduce international tax avoidance and capital
flight (Box 11.7).
Measures to combat the use of offshore financial centres
to avoid national tax regimes would provide resources for
development at least comparable to those made available
through new taxes. One estimate is that the use of offshore
financial centres for tax avoidance costs developing countries
US$ 50 billion per year in lost revenues (Oxfam Great Britain,
2000). The value of (personal) assets held in offshore accounts
has been put at between US$ 8 and US$ 11.5 trillion, not
including real estate (Tax Justice Network, 2005). The losses
due to this tax avoidance amount to at least US$ 160 billion
annually – that is, about the estimated value of the additional
development assistance required to reach the MDGs (UN
Millennium Project, 2005). Curbing tax avoidance would
increase the fiscal capacity of governments in rich and poor
countries alike. It would also reduce economic inequities, since
most of the opportunities in question are available only to the
A breakdown of PEPFAR allocations between 2004
and 2006 not only shows a preference for investment
in treatment over prevention, but a significant shift in
funding away from preventive action, from over one
third in 2004 to less than one quarter two years later.
PEPFAR is one of the most significant single lines
of international health funding in the last 20 years.
It is important money, but it highlights a worrying
discontinuity between donor rhetoric and the reality of
donor practice, which continues to privilege medical
and curative intervention, particularly where that meets
the requirements of a domestic policy agenda.
The Commission recommends that:
11.2 New national and global public finance
mechanisms be developed, including special
health taxes and global tax options (see Rec 9.2;
There are further options for strengthening public finance,
used in low-, middle-, and high-income countries but perhaps
particularly relevant in terms of immediate capacity to leverage
additional finance in low-income settings. New health taxes
have been introduced or are being considered in several
countries: Ghana’s value added tax levy of 2.5%; Zimbabwe’s
3% personal and income tax levy for HIV/AIDS; and tobacco
and alcohol taxes in Thailand (HSKN, 2007). Tax collection
efficiency has improved in South Africa; in Bolivia tax reform
increased revenue sixfold in the 1980s (Wagstaff, 2007).
Tax in a globalized world
The increasingly globalized nature of economic practices,
including offshore tax havens, provides a strong argument
in favour of the development of a system of global taxation
– not least in recognition of interdependent interests and the
increasing importance of global public goods for population
health. A tax on airline tickets, with revenues specifically
targeted for purchase of drugs to treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,
and malaria and to support public health systems in poor
countries, has already been implemented by several countries
(Farley, 2006; Ministries of the Economy, 2006). A tax on
foreign currency transactions to reduce financial instability (the
Tobin Tax) was originally proposed by economist James Tobin.
This – and similar tax proposals – was subsequently identified
as one among many potential sources of revenue for financing
health systems in low- and middle-income countries, moving
closer to the mainstream of development policy thought
(Gottret & Schieber, 2006). One estimate is that such a tax
at a very low rate (0.02%) would raise US$ 17-35 billion per
year, with higher estimates available in the literature (Nissanke,
Increase international finance for health equity, and coordinate increased finance through a social
determinants of health action framework.

An alternative proposal to the Tobin Tax is the Currency
Transaction Development Levy, designed as a ‘solidarity
levy’ specifically to generate new global public finance for
development (Hillman et al., 2006). The Currency Transaction
Development Levy could be implemented unilaterally by
countries or currency unions. It is estimated that it could
raise US$ 2.07 billion annually if implemented by the United
Kingdom, US$ 170 million if implemented by Norway, and
US$ 4.3 billion if implemented throughout the Euro zone
(Hillman et al., 2006). Although cautious about the merits
of a currency transaction tax, the UN High-level Panel on
Financing for Development (Zedillo et al., 2001) stressed the
need for new sources of development financing, and proposed
the establishment of an International Tax Organization to
limit tax competition and evasion. Whatever may be the
merits of any single proposal, taxing financial transactions to
raise revenue for development is now widely regarded as both
feasible and appropriate. As in the case of debt cancellation, if
Develop efficient and just tax systems. A basic
requirement for strengthening public revenues is a
broad based tax system. Taxation should be based on
ability to pay, and rich individuals, large landowners,
and private companies should be taxed accordingly.
Governments should use fiscal policies actively to
reduce disparities in income and wealth distribution.
Strengthen tax authorities and financial
administrations. In many countries, the tax
administration still needs to be developed, or at least
strengthened. This involves a legal framework as well
as necessary staff and technical infrastructure.
Effective taxation of transnational corporations. An
essential element of an efficient tax system includes
the effective taxation of transnational corporations. Tax
holidays or tax incentives for transnational investors in
EPZs [export processing zones] are counterproductive
in this regard.
Binding regulations on transparency of payment
flows. Taxes and royalties from foreign investments
in the oil, natural gas, and mining sectors are of great
importance to resource-rich countries … but are often
not disclosed by governments or by the companies
involved. Therefore, all publicly-traded companies
should be required to disclose information about
taxes, royalties, fees, and other transactions with
governments and public sector entities in all of the
countries in which they operate.
Combating corruption and bribery. More decisive
rules and procedures are necessary both in affected
countries and at the international level. The UN
Convention Against Corruption, which came into
force in December 2005, should be ratified as soon as
possible and implemented.
Strengthened international tax cooperation. Pivotal
to the success of national tax reforms is improved
cooperation between governments on the international
level. A better-coordinated [international] tax policy
would benefit the majority of countries (with the
exception of some of the more aggressive tax havens).
As yet, there is no intergovernmental global forum to
deal with questions of taxation. For years, there have
been calls for the creation of an International Tax
Organization to close this global governance gap. It
should be established under the auspices of the UN.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from
Martens (2007).
Nepal spends more on debt than education. It has
only one teacher to every 180 children. Debt relief is
likely to be delayed by conditions set by creditors.
Chad spent US$ 66 million on debt service in 2006.
It is one of the many countries charging some kind
of fee for school. Only one third of girls in Chad go
to school. Globally, another US$ 17 billion per year is
needed to provide education for all girls and boys. In
2005, developing countries altogether spent 30 times
this amount on servicing debt. The World Bank and
IMF say that Kenya’s debt is ‘sustainable’ and it is
therefore not eligible for debt relief. Kenya’s last two
budgets allocated US$ 350 million more to paying
debts than to education. Over 1 million Kenyan
children do not go to primary school. Repeated
studies have shown the positive impact of debt
relief on social services, most of them agreeing that
education is the biggest winner. After receiving debt
relief, Malawi, and Uganda, and United Republic
of Tanzania all abolished primary school fees. This
helped over 1 million more children into school in each
country. Debt relief paid for training of 4000 teachers
each year in Malawi, and salaries for 5000 community
teachers in Mali.
Source: Jubilee Debt Campaign, 2007

any such new revenue-raising initiatives are to be effective, they
must be genuinely additional to existing development finance,
rather than merely substituting for current revenue streams.
The Commission recommends that:
11.3 Donor countries honour existing commitments
by increasing aid to 0.7% of GDP; expand the
Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative; and coordinate
aid use through a social determinants of health
framework (see Rec 13.6; 15.2).
Critiques of aid’s relation to economic growth in recipient
countries contributed to a downturn, prominently in the
1990s, in ODA (Friedman, 1958; Bauer, 1981; Boone, 1996;
Easterly, 2006; Quartey, 2005; Rajan & Subramanian, 2005;
Schneider, 2005; Svensson, 2000). New empirical analysis
– partly the result of improving data – shows a more positive
relation between ODA and growth (GKN 2007). Meta-
analyses report consistently positive associations across
dozens of individual empirical studies (Clemens et al., 2004;
McGillivray et al., 2005). Collier and Dollar (2000) estimate
that aid sustainably lifts around 30 million people per annum
out of absolute poverty. While the Commission endorses the
contribution of aid to economic growth, the emphasis should
be on its contribution to meeting basic health-related needs.
Development assistance for health
DAH, in reality aid primarily devoted within the health
sector, has increased substantially in recent years (Fig. 11.5).
However, total DAH remains too low to cover the need for
health services. The Commission on Macroeconomics and
Health estimated that aid for health needs to rise to around
US$ 34 per capita per annum by 2007, rising again to US$ 38
per capita by 2015 (recently re-estimated to be closer to
US$ 40 per person), in order to “deliver basic treatment and
care” (CMH, 2001).
The total volume of DAH must increase. But beyond aid
allocated as finance to basic health-related interventions, the
Commission urges donor and recipient countries to adopt a
more comprehensive social determinants of health framework
to advance the volume of aid as a whole, the coordination
of contributions, and the alignment of aid spending with the
wider development plans of recipient countries, following the
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in 2005.
A social determinants of health framework for aid
Aid coordination and alignment can be improved through
increasing the emphasis on globally pooled funds, multilaterally
managed and transparently governed. Recipients’ eligibility
and donor allocations would be determined according to
agreed needs and developmental objectives (broadly following
Figure 11.4 Taxation in East Asia (left) and sub-Saharan Africa (right), 1970–79, 1980–89, and 1990–99.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Cobham (2005).
1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99
Other tax
Trade tax
Sales tax
Direct tax
Taxation in East Asia Taxation in sub-Saharan Africa
Fairly allocate government resources for action on the social determinants of health.

Globalization has limited the ability of governments
to collect taxes by increasing the opportunity of
corporations and wealthy individuals to minimize their
tax liabilities by shifting assets, transactions, and even
themselves from high- to low-tax jurisdictions. The
former Chief of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department has
identified a number of ‘fiscal termites’ that diminish
the fiscal capacity of governments in rich and poor
countries alike. These include the hypermobility
of financial capital and of high-income individuals
with highly marketable skills as, “high tax rates on
financial capital on highly mobile individuals provide
strong incentives to taxpayers to move the capital
to foreign jurisdictions that tax it lightly or to take up
residence in low tax countries”. A termite not identified
here, but one of increasing concern, arises from
the growing importance of intra-firm trade among
components of transnational corporations – according
to one estimate, one third of total world trade in the
late 1990s. This creates multiple opportunities for
corporations to reduce their tax liabilities through
transfer pricing (setting the price for goods and
services between actors within an organization,
allowing for artificially low turnover reporting in
higher-tax environments). One recent estimate is that
such mispricing accounted for financial outflows of
over US$ 31 billion from Africa to the United States
between 1996 and 2005.
Source: GKN, 2007
the major elements of the social determinants of health
framework), with multi-year stability of donor inputs and
recipient receipts. The establishment of a new multilateral
institution dedicated to an expanded, reliable, more coherent
system of global aid may seem unrealistic. However, the
example provided by the International Finance Facility for
Immunization (Box 11.8), and the ongoing processes of UN
reform, suggest that such innovations are not only viable, but
necessary (see Chapter 15: Good Global Governance).
In the more immediate term, the proportion of aid that is tied
– for example, to donor trade interests – should be reduced,
and the proportion provided as general budget support should
be substantially increased (Box 11.9). Donors have recognized
for some time the cross-sectoral nature of health and the
imperative to act not just on the immediate causes of poor
health and health inequity but on the wider determinants.
Beyond the rhetoric, however, donor practices in aid in general
and in health in particular remain heavily sector-specific and
technocratic (Sachs, 2004). The advantage of general budget
support aid is that it provides a ‘purer’ form of aid support
to the whole of the recipient government. The proviso
to a recommendation to increase general budget support
Figure 11.5 Development assistance for health 1973–2004: 5-year moving average, commitments.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from DAC (2005).
1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003
Constant (2004 prices)
Trend (growth rate: 5.4%)

– to reduce the risk of such aid leaking away from health-
related activities – is that the money is tied to specific social
determinants of health action plans, and that recipients honour
their accountability to such plans.
The PRSP constitutes perhaps the major organizing framework
for development spending under the IMF’s Poverty Reduction
and Growth Facility. The PRSP is supposed to promote
within-country consensus on development needs and
coherence in development planning. As such, it presents a real
opportunity to strengthen aid coordination and alignment
through a framework of sectoral investments very similar to the
social determinants of health framework.
However, criteria for PRSP process and performance – in
particular, heavy emphasis on macroeconomic controls –
appear to have had an adverse impact on national policy space
and public spending on, for example, education and health care,
even when development assistance funds for these have been
available (Ambrose, 2006; Ooms & Schrecker, 2005). While the
IMF does not explicitly set limits on health spending, its overall
policies and targets – partly articulated through the PRSP’s
MTEF – limit the resources available for health care and health
personnel, and health ministries have difficulty influencing the
budget-setting process (Wood, 2006).
From a social determinants of health point of view, the Poverty
Reduction Strategy Process has been something of a missed
opportunity. PRSPs hold great promise for more accountable
cross-sectoral working, yet governments, led principally
by finance ministries, are not seizing the opportunity, nor
Traditional forms of international aid have flowed
predominantly outside the formal budget processes
of recipient countries. This means of delivery has
been criticized for its negative impact on recipient
government capacity to plan expenditure. Policy
conditions and spending restrictions have further
restricted the national policy space of recipient
countries in taking action on the social determinants
of health – in particular, for example, where aid is
not allowed to flow to core institutional costs such
as the public sector wage bill. A key mechanism to
finance and strengthen recipient countries’ capacity
to plan cross-sectoral developmental action is the
shift among donors to general budget support.
Under general budget support, aid flows through
government budgetary processes, enhancing recipient
governments’ control over the development and
enactment of policies that the aid is designed to
finance. General budget support currently comprises a
relatively small component of overall aid, but there are
indications that it will increase.
Source: GKN, 2007
The International Finance Facility for Immunization
Company (IFFIm) is a new multilateral development
financing institution, supported by sovereign donors
(currently the governments of France, Italy, Norway,
South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and the United
Kingdom). President Lula of Brazil has also pledged
the support of Brazil. The World Bank is the Treasury
Manager for IFFIm. IFFIm’s financial base consists of
legally binding payment obligations from sovereign
donors. It is intended that IFFIm borrow operating
funds in the international capital markets over the
next 10 years, up to a prudently limited proportion of
the sovereign obligations making up its financial base
(gearing ratio).
IFFIm’s central aim is to help save more children’s
lives and to do so faster, in order to support the
achievement of the MDGs. The Facility was designed
to accelerate the availability of funds to be used for
health and immunization programmes in 70 of the
poorest countries around the world. By investing
most resources initially – ‘frontloading’ – the funding
programme is designed to increase significantly the
flow of aid, and to ensure reliable and predictable
funding flows for immunization programmes and
health system development during the years up to
and including 2015. An anticipated IFFIm investment
of US$ 4 billion is expected to help prevent 5 million
child deaths between 2006 and 2015 and more than
5 million future adult deaths by protecting more than
500 million children in campaigns against measles,
tetanus, and yellow fever.
Amended, with permission, from

are international agencies providing them with adequate
incentives, support, and opportunities to do so. Many PRSPs
remain devoid of attention to major determinants of health,
such as employment. Properly used, through more inclusive
and responsive national stakeholder consultations, the PRSP
provides a potentially powerful tool for organized action by
aid recipient governments and civil society partners on poverty
reduction, using a social determinants of health framework
(Box 11.10).
Debt relief
Debt cancellation for HIPCs has made possible increases
in public spending on such basic needs as health care and
education in several recipient countries (World Bank
Independent Evaluation Group, 2006). However, its ‘success’ has
been uneven, and an urgent need exists for more debt relief,
deployed more effectively in support of social determinants of
A first mechanism for augmented relief is redefining the
level of sustainable debt service of low- and middle-income
countries such that it is consistent with achieving basic health-
related needs. The Millennium Project recommended that debt
sustainability should be redefined as the level of debt consistent
with achieving the MDGs, which for many HIPCs will require
100% debt cancellation and for middle-income countries, more
debt relief than has been on offer (UN Millennium Project,
2005). A second mechanism is a separate debt relief initiative
for heavily indebted middle-income economies, housed either
at the World Bank or IMF. This would help middle-income
countries to avoid a future debt crisis and to protect social
expenditures in the face of a high debt burden (Dervis &
Birdsall, 2006). A third option is a feasible net revenue approach
to debt forgiveness, based on a per capita minimum income of
US$ 3/day at purchasing power parity (Edward, 2006). Using
this approach, Mandel finds that 31-43% of all outstanding
developing country debt – affecting 93 to 107 nations – needs
to be cancelled if poverty is to be reduced and the MDGs met
(Mandel, 2006). Extended debt relief should be conditional on
clear commitments by recipient governments to measurable
increase in social sector spending, allowing for regular
evaluation of performance by civil society actors. The benefits
of debt relief will only be apparent if they are truly additional
to revenue already raised from development assistance (Bird &
Milne, 2003; Arslanalp & Henry, 2006).
Strengthening the PRSP requires:
more explicit emphasis on the PRSP as a process of
national cross-sectoral coherence in decision-making
and ISA;
more support from donors and national governments
for funding cross-sectoral work on the social
determinants of health;
more international focus on increasing ISA in the
health field, led by WHO;
more support to health ministries attempting to
engage with finance ministries and the IMF on the size
of the health budget;
assured access to flexibilities in expenditure planning
(MTEF) for key recurrent costs (such as health human
Source: GKN, 2007
The Commission recommends that:
11.4 International finance institutions ensure
transparent terms and conditions for
international borrowing and lending, to help
avoid future unsustainable debt.
Future debt responsibility
The international community should recognize that, given the
large capital requirements of poor countries, borrowing on
international markets will be inevitable in the future. There is
evidence that indebted countries in receipt of relief have seen
their total stock of debt start to rise again after 2000 (Fig. 11.6).
Future international credit arrangements need to expand
the focus from narrow indicators of economic sustainability
towards an agreement on the need for ‘debt responsibility’.
The concept of debt responsibility has economic, social, and
political aspects. Broader measures of economic vulnerability
must be used when assessing the likelihood of a country
encountering debt problems – these might include the
country’s dependence on primary commodities and the
frequency of natural disasters or the size of the HIV/AIDS
epidemic. But the concept of debt responsibility goes further
than this. More transparency is needed in the process of
incurring debt itself: government borrowers and lenders should
be subject to legislative scrutiny, with public participation in
important economic decisions. The strong creditor control over
the HIPC process has re-invigorated calls for a more balanced
approach to debt cancellation. The UN Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD) (2006) and debt campaigners
have called for reforms to the international financial
architecture to ensure an orderly bankruptcy procedure and
independent arbitration between creditors and debtors. It
is worth recalling, in relation both to aid increase and debt
reduction, that recipients of increasing resources must be
accountable to demonstrable improvements in social spending
for social determinants of health action, and verifiable positive
trends in health equity.

The Commission recommends that:
11.5 National and local governments and civil society
establish a cross-government mechanism to
allocate budget to action on social determinants
of health (see Rec 10.2).
Fair allocation
Many governments recognize the need to increase public
sector spending across a coherent set of policies and
interventions that act on health. For health to be considered in
all aspects of policy-making, it needs to be budgeted for in the
plans and actions of individual ministries and departments (Box
11.11; see Chapter 10: Health Equity in All Policies, Systems, and
The Commission recommends that:
11.6 Public resources be equitably allocated and
monitored between regions and social groups, for
example, using an equity gauge (see Rec 5.2; 14.3;
In addition to financing coherent cross-sectoral policies for
poverty reduction and the social determinants of health, there
is a need to ensure that such financing is allocated fairly across
national regions, to address geographical inequity. An approach
to this is the equity gauge (Box 11.12). The development
and testing of a model equity gauge – with potential to be
generalized to address wider social determinants of health
– for dissemination and use among Member States might be
taken up as a collaborative endeavour led by WHO and the
World Bank, working with civil society actors such as the
Global Equity Gauge Alliance (GEGA) (see Chapter 16: Social
Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training).
Adequate public finance, equitably sourced and coherently
spent, is vital to progress on health equity. In the long term,
capacity to tax and commitment to progressive taxation
are key to fair financing within countries. In the more
immediate future, higher levels of better-coordinated aid
and debt relief, applied to poverty reduction through a social
determinants of health framework, are a matter both of life
and death and of global justice.
Figure 11.6 Total external debt of Highly Indebted Poor Countries, 1970–2004 (billions of dollars).
Reprinted, with the permission of the authors, from UNCTAD (2006).
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004
l e
l d
t (
Total HIPCs (42 countries)
Decision point countries
under the enhanced
HIPC initiative
Countries yet to reach
the decision point

The lack of financial mechanisms to support ISA has
been identified as a common barrier to ISA. However,
a number of models highlight financial tools and
mechanisms that may hold promise, and which may
be applied nationally and internationally:
Financial allocations exclusively for ISA, with clear
criteria on what does or does not constitute ISA. This
can be combined with regulations that provide legal
instruments to enforce ISA in certain situations.
ISA as a condition of funding (see Chapter 10: Health
in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes).
Cost-sharing or resource pooling involves financial
contributions by a range of government and NGOs
for a specific population or issue that aligns with the
organizations’ mandates. This can include in-kind
resource contributions (e.g. people, information,
expertise, physical space, and technology) by sectors
or organizations that have limited financial resources.
To ensure geographic coverage, including underserved
areas, and to sustain comprehensive service
availability in all countries, it is important to implement
mechanisms that allocate available tax funding
between populations and areas relative to need – for
example, allocating budgets between geographic
areas on the basis of formulae that weight population
numbers according to need rather than on the basis
of historical expenditure patterns. Experience shows
the real potential of such mechanisms even in low-
income contexts, despite informational and political
challenges. Where a patchwork of financing sources
exists (including, for example, international funding
and community-based health insurance revenue), the
resource allocation mechanism should take account
of all funding sources to ensure an overall distribution
that is equitable.
An equity gauge is an active approach to addressing
inequities in health that not only monitors inequities,
but also incorporates concrete actions to bring about
sustained reductions in unfair disparities in health and
health care. In this sense, an equity gauge functions
more like a thermostat than a thermometer, not just
measuring – or gauging – equity and inequity, but
also triggering actions to reduce inequities. An equity
gauge seeks to reduce unfair disparities in health
through three broad spheres of action, referred to as
the pillars and each essential to an effective equity
gauge: (a) assessment and monitoring, to analyse,
understand, measure, and document inequities; (b)
advocacy, to promote changes in policy, programmes,
and planning; and (c) community empowerment, to
support the role of the poor and marginalized as active
participants in change rather than passive recipients of
aid or help.
Source: HSKN, 2007

Market responsibility
“Imagine a trading regime in which trade rules are
determined so as to maximize development potential,
particularly of the poorest nations in the world. Instead
of asking ‘how do we maximize trade and market access?’
negotiators would ask ‘how do we enable countries to grow
out of poverty?’”
Dani Rodrik (2001)
Markets can bring health benefits in the form of new
technologies, goods and services, and improved standard
of living. But the marketplace can also generate negative
conditions for health. Commercialization of vital social goods
such as education and health care, and the increased availability
of and access to health-damaging commodities, can and do
produce health inequity. A key objective of economic policy
should be the creation of an environment that generates
livelihoods that promote health equity for all people. This
implies a set of commitments to equitable distribution of
resources; effective national and supranational regulation of
those products, activities, and conditions that damage health or
lead to health inequities; and enforceable social rights. Markets
are important. But renewed government leadership is urgently
needed to balance public and private sector interests – as is a
global economic system which supports that leadership.
Global market integration
Key features of globalization in the past three decades have
been the integration of most of the world’s countries into
the global marketplace and the spread of market relations
into increasingly more areas of social life within those
countries. This process has been facilitated by such measures
as liberalization of trade regimes and deregulation in selected
domestic markets. Consequences, in countries rich and poor
alike, have included the emergence of genuinely global labour
markets (although not labour mobility), extensive privatization,
and a commensurate scaling back of the state. These processes
have intensified the commodification and commercialization of
vital social determinants of health including water, health care,
and electrical power. They have also increased the availability of
health-damaging products such as processed foods high in fats,
sugars, and salt, and tobacco and alcohol. The public sector’s
role in regulating the market to achieve collective objectives
such as health equity has, in many cases, been severely
Evidence suggests that globalization’s enlarged and deepened
markets are inherently ‘disequalizing’ (Birdsall, 2006). They
reward more efficiently countries that already have productive
assets – financial, land, physical, institutional, and human capital
– over those primarily low- and middle-income countries that
lack them. Globalization also favours already-rich countries,
and groups within countries, because they have greater
resources and power to influence the design of the rules. Thus
markets and their effects require moderation in favour of those
whom they put at relative disadvantage, not only with regard to
stronger public sector leadership within countries, but in terms
of major improvements in global governance of, for example,
international financial markets (see Chapter 15: Good Global
Governance). The banking crisis arising in 2008 out of ‘sub-
prime’ mortgages bears witness to the disproportionate risks
borne by some social groups, notably the poor, and the need
for stronger regulation.
Even globalization’s vaunted ‘winners’, such as China,
achieved much of their growth without adhering to anything
approximating free market policies. Most of China’s poverty
reduction and improvements in population health occurred
before integration into the global market. Between 1952 and
1982, infant mortality fell from 200 to 34 per 1000 live births
and LEB increased from about 35 to 68 years (Blumenthal
& Hsiao, 2005). Indeed, it is since China deregulated its
domestic markets and accelerated export-oriented industrial
development that both income inequality and inequity in
access to health care have increased dramatically (Akin et al.,
2004; Akin et al., 2005; French, 2006; Dummer & Cook, 2007;
Meng, 2007). Today there are large health differences between
China’s coastal regions and the interior provinces. More
broadly, the period of market integration has seen income
inequality, within and between countries, rise sharply.
Trade and investment – inequitable global negotiations
Structural inequities in the global institutional architecture
maintain unfairness in trade-related processes and outcomes.
Trade and investment agreements have often been
characterized (a) by asymmetrical participation among
signatory countries, especially low-income countries
with relatively weak trade-negotiating capacity, and (b) by
inequalities in bargaining power that arise from differences
in population size and national wealth. Such agreements
are often entered into without adequate assessment of the
full scale of the social risks – including risk of increasing
inequality and health inequity – that they entail. This is partly
because government departments or ministries and civil
society organizations with mandates and expertise relevant to
public health seldom participate in trade negotiations. Global
institutions and processes, such as the Codex Alimentarius
Commission (Box 12.1), show how health and health equity
perspectives have been underrepresented in critical areas of
international economic negotiations.
Bilateral investment agreements constitute another example of
international trade-related arrangements that underestimate or
actively exclude health issues. Aside from the fact that bilateral,
and regional, agreements can undermine or adversely impact
the health conditions of multilateral agreements (see TRIPS
below), evidence suggests that frameworks such as bilateral
investment agreements are disproportionately concerned with
facilitating foreign direct investment and are comparatively
inattentive to health.

Transnational corporate influence
Transnational corporations that organize production across
multiple national borders have flourished as trade liberalization
has broadened and deepened. The revenues of Wal-Mart, BP,
Exxon Mobil, and Royal Dutch/Shell Group all rank above
the GDP of countries such as Indonesia, Norway, Saudi Arabia,
and South Africa (EMCONET, 2007). The combination
of binding trade agreements that open domestic markets
to global competition and increasing corporate power and
capital mobility have arguably diminished individual countries’
capacities to ensure that economic activity contributes to
health equity, or at least does not undermine it. This is not to
suggest that private sector actors (individuals or corporations)
are innately bad. Rather, it is to state that many have grown
immensely powerful in economics and in political influence,
and that their power must be accountable to the public good as
well as dedicated to private economic ends.
Protecting public provision and regulating private
Public sector leadership relative to the private sector should
be strengthened in two respects: protecting equitable access to
goods and services critical to well-being and health (such as
water), and controlling availability of goods and services that
are harmful. The question of which goods and services require
protected status or regulatory control will vary from one
country context to another, but examples can be given:
An estimated 1.2 billion people worldwide, almost all of
them in low- and middle-income countries, lack access
to improved water supplies (UNESCO, 2006a). Ensuring
people’s access to water and sanitation is essential to life, and
a clear responsibility of the state. Globalization has spurred
new insight into provision of water and sanitation services,
especially where government capacity is weak. That said, the
role of the public sector – not least a historical track record
in the equitable management of water provision – remains
central. The examples given (Box 12.2) show the potential
adverse impacts of water privatization. There is a much larger
evidence base (Loftus & McDonald, 2001; Jaglin, 2002; Budds
& McGranahan, 2003; McDonald & Smith, 2004; Galiani et
al., 2005; Mehta & Madsen, 2005; Debbane, 2007; Aiyer, 2007)
suggesting that wholesesale privatization of water should be
Health care
Health sector reform has focused on a narrow conception of
technical and economic efficiency, privileging ‘cost-effective’
medical intervention, and increasing commercialization – in
spite of significant evidence of cost-ineffectiveness. Available
evidence indicates that commercialization in health services,
including health insurance, creates inequities in access
(Barrientos & Lloyd-Sherlock, 2000; Bennett & Gilson,
2001; Cruz-Saco, 2002; Barrientos & Peter Lloyd-Sherlock,
2003; Hutton, 2004) and in health outcomes (Koivusalo &
Mackintosh, 2005), whether such commercialization is led
Since 1993, the French company Suez-Lyonnaise
has been the major partner in the privatized utility
company supplying water to Buenos Aires’ 10 million
inhabitants, one of the largest water concessions in
the world. Utility prices were raised by more than 20%
after privatization. Poorer families – if connected to the
supply at all – could no longer afford to pay their water
In September 1999, the international water-led
consortium Aguas del Tunari was awarded a 40-year
concession for the water and sanitation system of
Cochabamba, the third largest city in Bolivia. Water
tariffs increased by up to 200% in order to cover the
costs of a massive engineering scheme.
Sources: Loftus & McDonald, 2001; http://www.foe.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an important
body that has been jointly formed by FAO and WHO
to, “develop food standards, guidelines and related
texts such as codes of practice under the Joint
FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main
purposes of this Programme are protecting health
of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices
in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all
food standards work undertaken by international
governmental and non-governmental organizations”.
The Codex has assumed much greater power since
the establishment of the WTO. Codex standards are
used by the WTO as benchmarks in the event of trade
disputes. It is important that FAO and WHO ensure
the impartiality of this body. Current arrangements
suggest biased participation and inequitable
representation, resulting in an imbalance between the
goals of trade and consumer protection. A review in
1993 found 26 representatives from public interest
groups compared with 662 from industry.
Source: Friel et al., 2007

by domestic or foreign actors. Almost all health systems are
‘mixed’, involving both private and public initiatives. The
Commission recognizes this. A key issue is, therefore, how
much and how well government is able to oversee the function
of its mixed system, plan fair provision, and regulate private
sector input. In middle-income countries, higher levels of
commercialization are systematically associated with worse
and more unequal health-care access and health outcomes
(HSKN, 2007). In low-income settings, unregulated fee-for-
service commercialization is particularly damaging to health
outcomes. In terms of health equity, publicly financed health
care, regardless of ability to pay, is the preferred policy option.
(See Chapters 9 and 11: Universal Health Care; Fair Financing).
Work – both its availability and the conditions in which it
is undertaken – is critical to people’s social functioning and
equitable health. Global market integration and liberalization
have had a heavy impact on labour and working conditions.
The emergence of a ‘new international division of labour’ is
exemplified by the relocation of labour-intensive production
(e.g. in the textile and garment industries) to sites in the
developing world selected on the basis of low wages and
minimal protection for workers, often located in EPZs (Fröbel
et al., 1980). Even in the richest economies there are segments
of the labour force where conditions are very poor. Legislation
and formal regulatory frameworks promoting healthy work,
and protecting workforces, are often poorly developed or
enforced, both internationally and nationally. Labour standards
are not a component of global trade agreements and although
they are included in some bilateral or regional agreements,
they are often ambiguous or lack enforcement provisions. (See
Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent Work).
Food, tobacco, and alcohol
Trade reforms, and the growing influence of foreign direct
investment, can affect diet and the nutrition transition
by removing barriers to entry for transnational food
companies and supermarkets expanding into new markets.
Trade liberalization – opening many more countries to the
international market – combined with continuing food
subsidies has increased the availability, affordability, and
attractiveness of less healthful foodstuffs, and transnational food
companies have flooded the global market with cheap-to-produce,
Figure 12.1 Fast food consumption (1995 and 1999) in selected countries.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Hawkes (2002).
Source: Euromonitor data in Hawkes (2002).
ina Ind
Number of transactions at chained burger and chicken outlets in selected countries, 1995 & 1999
A study using 1998 data in China found that medical
costs for premature tobacco deaths amounted to
US$ 2.76 billion, or 6% of all Chinese medical costs.
In India in 2000, the Indian Council of Medical
Research estimated the costs of three major tobacco-
related diseases (cancer, heart disease, and chronic
obstructive lung disease) at 270 billion rupees
(US$ 5.8 billion), more than the direct contribution of
the tobacco industry to Indian government revenue of
70 billion rupees (about US$ 1.5 billion).
Source: PPHCKN, 2007c

energy-dense, nutrient-empty foods (Fig. 12.1). (See Chapter 6:
Health Places Healthy People).
Increased global market integration has also seen expanding
production and consumption of health-damaging commodities
such as tobacco and alcohol. Currently, more than 1.3 billion
people smoke cigarettes worldwide – more than 1 billion men
and about 250 million women – one in five of the world’s
population and one in three of all those over 15 years old. That
figure is expected to rise to more than 1.7 billion by 2025 if
the global prevalence rate of tobacco use remains unchanged
(PPHCKN, 2007c). Box 12.3 outlines the costs of smoking.
There are nearly 2 million alcohol-related deaths per year, of
the same order as HIV/AIDS at 2.9 million. Absolute levels of
alcohol-related disease and disability are as high in the poorest
countries of Africa and America as in Western Europe and
North America. Alcohol-related disease is highest in the former
Soviet Union and Central Asia, amounting to 13% of the
total burden. In the Russian Federation itself it is even higher
(PPHCKN, 2007b). A society without effective alcohol policies
is likely to experience a sharp rise in alcohol problems during
economic development. The transition in the former Soviet
Union is a striking example. In the Russian Federation, the
‘shock therapy’ and economic liberalization in 1992 included
a total deregulation of trade in alcoholic beverages. The
subsequent mortality rise in the Russian Federation has been
linked to a rise in binge drinking of alcohol (Leon et al., 1997;
PPHCKN, 2007b).
The Commission recommends that:
12.1 WHO, in collaboration with other relevant
multilateral agencies, supporting Member States,
institutionalize health equity impact assessment,
globally and nationally, of major global, regional,
and bilateral economic agreements (see Rec 10.3;
A key recommendation from the Commission is that caution
be applied by participating countries in the consideration
of new global, regional, and bilateral economic (trade and
investment) policy commitments. Before such commitments
are made, understanding the impact on health and health
equity is vital. WHO should re-affirm its global health
leadership by initiating a review of trade and investment
agreements – working collaboratively with other multilateral
agencies – with a view to institutionalizing health equity
impact assessment as a standard part of all future agreements.
WHO can also strengthen the capacity of Member States, their
ministries of health, and civil society organizations to prepare
positions for bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations.
To do this, WHO will need to augment its existing research
and policy expertise, including economics, law, and the social
sciences. Specific attention needs to be given to addressing
trade-related negotiations on domestic regulation, subsidies,
and government procurement – and those affecting globally
organized production and financial markets – and trade in
goods and services with direct effects on health. This may
Institutionalize consideration of health and health equity impact in national and international economic
agreements and policy-making.
WHO is working with WTO, the World Bank, World
Intellectual Property Organization, UNCTAD,
international experts, and trade and health policy-
makers from 10 countries to develop a diagnostic
tool and companion workbook on trade and health.
This new phase of work adopts a more systematic
and broader perspective on the linkages between
trade and health. The diagnostic tool examines five
components of that relationship: 1) macroeconomics,
trade, and health; 2) trade in health-related products,
including medicines and intellectual property-
related issues; 3) trade in products hazardous to
health, such as tobacco products; 4) trade in health
services – e-commerce, health tourism, foreign direct
investment in health, cross-border movement of
health professionals; and 5) trade in foodstuffs. The
diagnostic tool and its companion workbook, which
document best practices, data sources, decision
trees, and international norms and standards, will be
ready for implementation in 2009. The implementation
of the diagnostic tool will enable policy-makers to
develop national policies and strategies related to
trade and health and to identify their capacity-building
needs in this area. In recent years, there has been
a substantial increase in the amount of external
resources provided to developing countries for
capacity building in trade. ‘Aid for trade’ presents an
opportunity to support countries to develop capacity
on trade and health.
Source: WHO,
tradewp/en/index.html and personal communication

require collaboration with other UN agencies, such as
UNCTAD, ILO, FAO, UNESCO, and the UN Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, to create a cross-sectoral and
more extensive evidence base for understanding issues related
to global economic governance, globalization, and social
determinants of health. WHO is already engaging with other
global institutions, and has made support for Member States
in trade negotiation capacity a priority (Box 12.4). However,
such support needs to be much more effectively focused on the
issue of health equity.
Health equity impact assessment in economic
Since the health equity implications of international
agreements and their impact on national policies and
programmes are not always fully evident, health equity impact
assessment is key to coherent cross-government policies and
programmes. It is essential that health equity assessment be
applied to policies or major programmes outside the health
sector, too (MEKN, 2007a) (see Chapter 16: The Social
Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training).
Examples from Slovenia and Thailand, although focused on
general health rather than health equity, demonstrate the
feasibility and potential of such assessment processes (Boxes
12.5 and 12.6).
The institutionalization of health equity impact assessment
is clearly still in its infancy – and presents real issues in
terms of required technical skills and institutional capacity
in many countries, especially those with low and middle
incomes. However, the example of environmental impact
assessment provides some basis for optimism. Notwithstanding
serious recognized shortfalls in the methodology, conduct,
and enforcement of environmental impact assessment,
environmental impact has become – in the space of a
generation – a widely acknowledged criterion in the processes
of policy-making across the board.
Flexibility in agreements
Commitment to trade agreements should not constrain
signatory countries, after signing, from acting to mitigate
unforeseen adverse impacts on health and health equity.
There is a clear need for more flexibility in the way signatory
status to international agreements can be modified over time.
The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) provides
exceptions in cases of environmental or health hazard, but
the provision is narrow and appears to require demonstration
of actual harm, limiting national capacity to exercise
precautionary measures (Box 12.7). Although flexibilities
In December 2001, the Slovenian Ministry of
Health and the WHO European Region proposed to
undertake an HIA of agriculture, food, and nutrition
policies, stimulated by Slovenia’s application to
join the EU and the influence that the Common
Agricultural Policy legislation would have on national
agricultural policy. The results of the HIA were
presented to the Intergovernmental Committee on
Health. Recommendations covered agricultural
issues including the fruit and vegetable, grain, and
dairy sectors and rural development funding. An
unforeseen outcome of the HIA was that the health
and agricultural sectors began to support each other
in the types of policies that they wanted implemented
in Slovenia after EU accession. The EU negotiations
were very successful and Slovenia was allocated more
than other accession countries.
Source: MEKN, 2007a
Among low- and middle-income countries, only
Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand have some policy
procedures or frameworks to support HIA. Thailand
is the only country that has been successful at
explicitly introducing HIA as part of its recent health
sector reforms. HIA is now required as part of the new
National Health Act 2002. National and regional HIAs
have been focused on infrastructure or development
projects, seeking to balance the health of local
communities with other policy pressures.
For example, the HIA of Pak Mon Hydro Power Dam
showed that the local villages had suffered due to a
reduction in fishery resources, which had a negative
impact on local income and socioeconomic status.
The HIA has led to the needs of the local villages
being taken into account and mitigation measures
initiated to improve rural livelihoods by changing
the dam opening frequency to aid a return of the
fishing industry. Thailand has also developed HIA at
a national policy level, for example, looking at the
health and economic effects of sustainable agriculture.
The Thai example shows that it is possible in a short
timescale to implement a strong and effective system
of HIA of policy if there is government commitment,
the presence of a policy framework, and sufficient
Source: Lock, 2006

are formally written into the Trade-related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreements, governments
– particularly in many low- and middle-income countries with
limited technical and institutional capacity – have in many
cases derived only limited benefit from such flexibilities, and
have in others been encouraged not to use them at all (Box
At a more general level, international market-related trade
agreements could include more strongly worded provisions
by which countries with widely different needs and
developmental strategies can opt out of their signatory status
(for limited periods and under transparent conditions) where
domestic conditions – including evidence of adverse impact on
health and health equity – suggest the need (Box 12.9).
The Commission recommends that:
12.2 Government policy-setting bodies, with support
from WHO, ensure and strengthen representation
of public health in domestic and international
economic policy negotiations (see Rec 10.2).
In principle, GATS only applies to sectors that
governments voluntarily release to the market.
However, Article 6.4 appears to imply that all service-
sector regulations can be contested across the board.
This contradicts assurances given by the WTO and
governments supporting the agreement that GATS
rules will only apply in those sectors that governments
have offered up. Furthermore, the agreement contains
a stringent article that prevents countries from altering
commitments (part of the GATS rules) once they have
been set.
gats_stealing_water ; Woodward, 2005; Adlung,
2005; Mehta & Madsen, 2005
GKN makes several recommendations on trade-
related agreements in intellectual property rights (IPR)
and TRIPS:
Avoid further concessions in bilateral or free trade
agreements that increase the level of IPR protection
for pharmaceuticals and, if such concessions have
already been made, provide for compensatory
measures to support access to drugs.
Maximize use of the flexibilities provided by TRIPS and
explore the use of compulsory licences of patented
essential medicines.
WHO should evaluate mechanisms other than
patents, such as contests, public-interest research
funding, and advance purchase agreements, to
encourage development of drugs for diseases
that disproportionately affect developing countries
and assist member countries to implement such
These are supported by recommendations from the
Commission on Intellectual Property Rights.
Sources: GKN, 2007; Commission on Intellectual
Property Rights, 2002
“The WTO has in place a ‘safeguard’ designed
to protect countries from a surge in imports. The
Agreement on Safeguards allows (temporary)
increase in trade restrictions under a very narrow
set of conditions, primarily demonstrable threat to
a domestic industry … A broader interpretation of
safeguards would acknowledge that countries may
legitimately wish to restrict trade or suspend existing
WTO obligations – exercising ‘opt-outs’ – for reasons
going beyond competitive threats to their industries
… Developmental priorities are among such reasons,
as are distributional concerns or conflicts with
domestic norms or social arrangements … The current
agreement could be recast as an ‘Agreement on
Developmental and Social Safeguards’, which would
permit the application of opt-outs under a broader
range of circumstances.”
Reproduced, with permission of the author, from
Rodrik (2001).

Health is implicated across the breadth of WTO trade
agreements. But throughout the field of trade negotiation
processes, the voice of public health has too often been absent
or muted. Supported by WHO, Member States can strengthen
their capacity to represent health interests in the consideration
of trade (Box 12.10).
The Commission recommends that:
12.3 National governments, in collaboration with
relevant multilateral agencies, strengthen public
sector leadership in the provision of essential
health-related goods/services and the control of
health-damaging commodities (see Rec 6.3; 7.3).
The areas covered below are illustrative examples, not an
exhaustive list.
It is vital to ensure – through regulation (nationally) and
development assistance (internationally) – that equity in access
remains central to all water policy. It must be recognized that
a ‘full-cost pricing’ approach to extending vital services to the
poor is indifferent to equity concerns. To the extent that cost
recovery is required in such services, systematic cross-subsidies
are needed to ensure all households have sufficient access to
meet all basic needs independently of ability to pay (Box 12.11,
Fig. 12.2).
In Malaysia, the Ministry of Health was proactive in the
decision to import generic antiretroviral drugs under
the ‘government use’ provision of TRIPS, even in the
face of strong opposition from within the national
government cabinet. In Sri Lanka in 2003, activists
and advocates challenged a TRIPS-related bill in
the Supreme Court that would knowingly increase
inequity, denying people equal access to equal health
services. In national GATS negotiations, the Pakistani
Ministry of Health made an offer on professional
services in the health sector that excluded health
services provided by public institutions. The objective
of this exclusion was to ensure future regulatory
flexibility to improve accessibility to health services
through subsidies, universal service obligations, or
other measures.
The Secretariat of the Common Market on Eastern
and Southern Africa is coordinating comprehensive
assessments of the state of trade in services (including
health services) in this region, in preparation for
economic partnership agreements with the EU and
GATS negotiations. Low-income countries may
not have the resources to create a distinct unit or
committee to deal with trade and health, and regional
collaboration may be the best way to ensure internal
Amended, with permission of the publisher, from
Blouin (2007).
Reinforce the primary role of the state in the provision of basic services essential to health (such as water/
sanitation) and the regulation of goods and services with a major impact on health (such as tobacco, alcohol,
and food).
A central challenge in the market management of
access to water and sanitation services is the design
of a subsidized tariff. The slope and shape of the
tariff curve determines whether the overall impact
is progressive. Subsidies that cover a small basic
amount do not ensure equitable access if the price
rises sharply once this amount has been consumed.
This has been the unintended effect of Free Basic
Water in Johannesburg and Durban, South Africa,
where minimally adequate use is unaffordable for
many households.
Source: GKN, 2007

Health care
A core objective of all health-systems policy must be to
ensure that everyone has access to competent, quality care
independently of ability to pay (see Chapter 9: Universal
Health Care). Theoretically, market regulation can shape the
role and behaviour of the private sector within the health
system. In practice, evidence that it can do so in ways that
enhance health equity is lacking. Until governments have
demonstrated their ability to effectively regulate private
investment and provision in health services in ways that
enhance health equity, they should avoid making any health
services commitments in binding trade treaties that affect their
capacities to exercise domestic regulatory control. It is not clear
that any government, anywhere in the world, has met this test
(HSKN, 2007; GKN, 2007). The example of health insurance
is instructive. It is clear that health insurance can support
health-care financing, but it must not, in so doing, undermine
health equity (Box 12.12).
National governments, working in collaboration with
employers and workers’ organizations, should adopt and
effectively implement the ILO’s four core labour standards
(see Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent Work). However,
caution is required in processes of enforcing internationalized
labour standards by way, for example, of ‘social clauses’ in
trade agreements. These can be used by countries with greater
resources for compliance to protect domestic industries
through invoking sanctions on poor compliance, often in
low- and middle-income countries. Rather than the WTO
penalizing countries that fail in their obligations, it would be
better to increase the power of those organizations (such as
the UN Environment Programme, ILO, FAO, WHO) with the
specialized knowledge to make good adjudications. The role
of workers themselves in promoting and protecting decent
working conditions (Box 12.13) can be critical.
Figure 12.2 Johannesburg water – convex tariff curve and ideal-type concave curve.
hh = households.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from GKN (2007).
JohannesburgIdeal for hh of 10
Health insurance not only shelters people from large
out-of-pocket payments, but also allows for pooling
(i.e. spreading financial risks among the participants).
However, it is unlikely that the expansion of private
foreign insurance will have a large-scale positive
impact on improving access to services. Given costs
and marked evidence of market failure in private health
insurance, this is arguably not a viable option for risk
pooling at the national level in low- and middle-income
countries. The evidence from Latin America shows
that private insurers, be they foreign or domestic,
tend to serve the higher-income and lower-risk groups
who can pay relatively high financial contributions to
receive coverage. In Chile, for example, elderly people
and women of fertile age face much higher premiums.
One way to address this discrimination is to introduce
regulations to limit such behaviour by insurers. A major
caveat here, though, is that there is very little evidence
of countries actually doing this.
Source: HSKN, 2007

In countries where many rely on agriculture for basic
household living, governments should act to protect the
livelihoods of farming communities exposed to cost and
competition pressures through agricultural trade agreements
(Box 12.14) (see Chapter 6: Healthy Places Healthy People).
Recent evidence on trade reforms and food security suggest
that a key policy lesson for developing countries is that,
“trade reform can be damaging to food security in the short
to medium term if it is introduced without a policy package
designed to offset the negative effects of liberalization” (GKN,
2007). Where agricultural trade reform and liberalization is
being pushed forward, a targeted subsidy for agricultural inputs
is one measure highlighted to manage the initial negative
Governments will need to develop regulatory strategies to
address the impact of globalized food production and trade on
the nutritional quality of national and local diets. Food-related
policy-making and trade agreements need to concentrate on
the three key aspects of nutrition and health equity: availability,
accessibility, and acceptability. The example of controls on
consumption of soft drinks (Box 12.15) offers some broader
insights into options for action.
Under the Multi-fibre Arrangement (1974-2004,
abolished under the WTO Uruguay Round Agreement),
Bangladesh saw massive growth of its garment
industry. Ready-made garments are now the leading
national export – accounting for around three
quarters of annual export receipts, the overwhelming
majority of exports – and the industry employs an
estimated 2.5 million workers. Garment-manufacturing
employers sought women employees because they
provided low-cost labour, were perceived to be
docile, and had low occupational mobility. Previously
there had been little attention to women’s rights, with
minimal avenues for women to exercise leadership.
Women had few opportunities to access the formal
labour market and there was highly discriminatory
investment in girls’ education and health compared
to boys’. The garment industry has begun to change
women’s position. Approximately 80% of employees
in the garment industry are women and women’s
employment in non-export industries is estimated
to be 7%. Increased female employment is leading
to increased attention to women workers’ rights;
increased activities aiming to organize women and
cultivate female leaders; more workforce options for
women with relatively higher and more regular wages;
more support in households for girls’ education due to
the incentive of future income; greater ability among
women to negotiate public spaces when commuting
and working; increased empowerment of women as
their economic role in households increases their
power; and increased preference for delayed marriage
and childbirth.
But wages in the garment industry are low, there is
high stress, and working conditions are poor and
hazardous. Research conducted in Dhaka in 2006
reported women regularly working 80 hours per week
for 5 pence an hour. The factories included in the
research were supplying the United Kingdom stores
Primark, Tesco, and Asda, which have all made a
commitment to pay a minimum wage of £22 a month
– calculated as a living wage in Bangladesh. Workers
in the industry went on strike led by the National
Garment Workers Federation and won a 50% rise
in the minimum wage to £12 a month – progress,
even if still well below a living wage. The case study
of the Bangladesh garment industry powerfully
illustrates the benefits that can accrue when major
companies locate in low-income countries, but also
points to the potentially profound social changes that
this can trigger even when conditions fall far short
of good labour practice. The contribution could be
much greater if private sector companies took their
‘corporate social responsibility’ more seriously. As
elsewhere, the emphasis here is that globalization can
bring tremendous benefits but that, unregulated, it
will certainly not benefit all, and will harm many. The
implication is not to resist the globalization processes
of market integration, but to make them better and
Source: SEKN, 2007

There are a number of examples of approaches
to market regulation in the field of foods. Limiting
availability can be an effective means of limiting
consumption … A first step is to consider limiting
availability in places that specifically target children,
schools being the notable example. In Brazil, laws
have recently been passed in three municipalities
to ban the sale of certain foods in school cafeterias,
including soft drinks. In Oman, Saudi Arabia, and
the United Arab Emirates, carbonated soft drinks
are banned in schools. This policy is also being
implemented in the United States. Price has a very
real effect on consumption, although increasing prices
raises issues of equity … Packaging regulations are
another possible option. In Mexico, there were limits
on packaging until 1991. As a result, up to 75% of
Coke sold was in the single serve glass bottle, limiting
Options for action:
Begin a dialogue about whether regulating or setting
standards for the marketing of fatty, sugary, and salty
processed foods would be appropriate and, if so,
at what scale: local, national, or international. This
dialogue should include the food industry alongside
international, governmental, and NGOs.
Carry out an econometric analysis to gain greater
understanding of the effects of global brands of
processed foods on consumption patterns (as
opposed to local or regional brands), and of the
effects of marketing these products relative to other
factors that influence food choice.
Amended, with permission of the publisher, from
Hawkes (2002).
Effective agricultural development – development that
generates jobs and widely shared growth in income
– depends on land distribution patterns, access to
inputs such as capital and labour, environmental
conditions, and access to markets. Strong agricultural
development and equitable land distribution together
provide a solid basis for economic growth and poverty
reduction. Farmers’ prosperity depends on their
resource base and their market power. For low-income
countries whose economies are still heavily dependent
on agriculture, sequencing of reforms is critical.
Raising agricultural productivity and creating non-
agricultural employment should precede trade reforms
such as the reduction of tariffs on crops grown by low-
income households.
WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture (Uruguay Round)
discourages or prohibits national policies that seek
to manage agricultural price or production. For the
majority of developing countries, the demands of
food security make it important to be able to provide
production incentives, for example, stable domestic
prices (almost impossible in an open global market).
Recognizing the potential that new negotiations
may limit further national policy space to promote
food security, FAO advocates special and differential
treatment at the WTO, where developing countries
would have greater flexibility in the application of the
WTO rules:
Numbers of subsistence and resource-poor
farmers. Where governments allocate most or all
support to such farmers, they should be exempt from
any further cuts to domestic support.
Economic vulnerability. Where countries are highly
dependent on the export of just one or two crops,
FAO recommends allowing high government spending
levels to support productivity increases, improved
standards, and phased programmes to buy out less
efficient producers.
Physical vulnerability. Temporary special and
differential treatment may be needed for countries
whose producers suffer a disaster, such as an
earthquake, flood, or war. In such cases, governments
may need a period of unrestricted investment to build
up herds or restore perennial crops.
Source: GKN, 2007

Tobacco and alcohol
The development of the WHO’s FCTC is an excellent
(if rare) example of coherent, global action to restrain
market availability of a lethal commodity (Box 12.16). The
Commission urges the 12 countries in Africa, 13 countries
in the Americas, 12 countries in Europe, and 5 countries in
the Middle East that are not part of the FCTC to ratify and
enforce the FCTC. This includes G8 countries – Italy, Russian
Federation, and the United States – as well as WHO’s host
country, Switzerland.
Strategies at the global and national levels need to be
complemented by actions at the local policy level and
behaviour-change interventions. An example of such a strategy
includes local taxation policy – though the potential for
exacerbating inequity through taxation that impacts regressively
on the poorest needs to be taken into account – and a wider
set of supply-and-demand measures (Box 12.17).
Learning from the FCTC, the Commission urges WHO
to initiate a discussion with Member States on regulatory
action for alcohol control (Boxes 12.18 and 12.19). The
WHO European Region suffers the highest levels of alcohol-
related disease and violence, with very large differences in
alcohol-related mortality between countries. European policy
discussion has been characterized by a conflict of view: is
alcohol a commodity like any other, or should it be seen as
a public health concern, whose trade could be regulated to
protect people’s health? The Commission urges governments in
the WHO European Region and globally to work together to
limit alcohol-related harm.
A responsible private sector
Private sector actors can behave in ways that undermine
public interest, but they can also contribute powerfully to
public good. There is some evidence of small moves towards
greater social contribution, but it is of limited credibility.
Corporate social responsibility has been promoted as a vehicle
for improving the positive social impacts of private sector
actors. To date, however, corporate social responsibility is often
little more than cosmetic. One of its principal shortcomings
is that, being voluntary, it lacks enforcement (Box 12.20), but
also that little evaluation has been attempted. An exception to
this problem is the Ethical Trading Initiative. An independent
evaluation of the impact of the Ethical Trading Initiative Code
of Labour Practice, for example, reported a number of areas
of improvement (Barrientos & Smith, 2007). But voluntary
initiatives will inevitably be limited in their impact. Corporate
accountability may be a more meaningful approach.
Clear evidence exists that trade liberalization,
when applied to tobacco, leads to adverse health
consequences. World Bank research found that
reduced tariffs in some parts of Asia resulted in a 10%
increase in smoking rates above what it would have
been without trade liberalization. Increases within
certain population groups, such as teenage males
(18.4% to 29.8% in 1 year) and teenage females (1.6%
to 8.7%) in Republic of Korea was even starker. To
prevent trade policy taking precedence over health
protection, health organizations and WHO have urged
the exclusion of tobacco from trade treaties. The
FCTC notably acknowledges the link between trade
and tobacco but contains no provisions to address it.
Sources: GKN, 2007; Gostin, 2007
In its report on “Thailand – restrictions on importation
of and internal taxes on cigarettes,’’ the 1990 General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Panel decided
that, “GATT-consistent measures could be taken to
control both the supply of and demand for cigarettes,
as long as they were applied to both domestic and
imported cigarettes on a national-treatment basis’’. It
was therefore concluded that the restriction of foreign
imports of cigarettes was not necessary if other
measures could be taken. The future harmonization
of tobacco control policies, including price
increases, ad valorem taxes, and advertising bans,
could be introduced as long as the policies did not
discriminate between foreign and domestic products.
Thus, the Panel provided a general mechanism for
tightening tobacco control without breaking WTO
rules. Following the GATT Panel decision, Thailand
maintained its advertising ban and has upheld other
strict measures to control tobacco use. Thailand’s
strong legislation is a model of what countries can
do when confronted with multinational tobacco
companies and their advertising.
Source: Bettcher et al., 2000

There is substantial evidence that an increase in
alcohol prices reduces consumption and the level
of alcohol-related problems. In most countries
and especially in countries with low alcohol tax
rates, tax-induced price increases on alcoholic
beverages lead to increases in state tax revenues
and decreases in state expenses related to alcohol-
related harms. The effects of price increases, like
the effects of other alcohol control measures, differ
among countries depending on such factors as the
prevailing alcohol culture and public support for
stricter alcohol controls. However, the effects on
alcohol-related harms are definite and the costs low,
making it a cost-effective measure. In addition, stricter
controls on the availability of alcohol, especially
via a minimum legal purchasing age, government
monopoly of retail sales, restrictions on sales times,
and regulation of the number of distribution outlets,
are effective interventions. Given the broad reach of
all these measures, and the relatively low expense of
implementing them, they are highly cost effective.
Worldwide, alcohol taxation – in the form of special
excise duties, value added taxes, and sales taxes
– has proven among the most popular and effective
societal-level intervention to reduce the overall
volume of drinking and, in turn, may particularly
reduce alcohol-attributable chronic health problems.
Taxation policies rely on the economic law of supply
and demand: adding a tax increases the price of
alcohol. The higher price then means that consumers
can afford to buy less of their preferred alcoholic
beverage. Taxation policies may be bolstered by
the concentration of market power in government-
controlled alcohol monopolies that control prices,
production, imports, and sales. This approach has
been prevalent in North America and parts of South
America, Eastern Europe, and the Nordic countries.
In the latter, careful tinkering with alcohol controls has
produced remarkable success with changing patterns
of consumption as well, for example by reducing
the availability of forms of alcohol that tend to be
consumed in binge drinking and by promoting lower-
strength beverages, such as low-alcohol content beer.
Source: PPHCKN, 2007b
While it is fair to say that corporate social
responsibility makes a positive contribution to the
human rights of those working in transnational
corporations, it is also fair to say that it only makes
a difference to those few corporations targeted by
consumers or who are already thinking ethically and
responsibly. Other industries are not so well inclined.
Such anomalies, and the somewhat piecemeal
approach of the corporate social responsibility
movement, should alert global citizens to the need for
a more systematic approach.
Source: Kemp, 2001

Civil society action, especially by trade unions, including action
by stakeholders and consumers, can increase pressure for greater
social accountability by private sector organizations, including
demanding greater formal regulatory action (Box 12.21).
The marketplace and private sector actors have, without
doubt, great power in influencing social conditions,
including many if not all the major social determinants of
health. But that influence – globally, regionally, nationally,
and locally – must be benign. From fair participation
in the global institutions through which market policies
are formulated, through trade and investment-related
agreements, to the regulation of commercial activities and
products, the role of the public sector, both to provide and to
regulate, remains vital.
In recognition of the limits of voluntary initiatives, a
number of international civil society organizations
have formed a social movement focusing on corporate
accountability and fair-trade and market-access
issues for poor countries more generally (War on Want,
Christian Aid, World Development Movement, Trade
Justice Movement coalition, Third World Network,
Oxfam, International Gender and Trade Network).
One approach has been to target shareholders in an
attempt to gain support for resolutions to be passed
at Annual General Meetings. These would require
companies to appoint independent auditors to ensure
that workers in supplier factories and farms are
guaranteed decent working conditions, a living wage,
job security, and the right to join a trade union of their
choice. Given the emphasis on shareholder value, and
the leverage of institutional shareholders, it should be
noted that the effectiveness of this kind of civil society
action is unproven.
Source: SEKN, 2007

Gender equity
“ [T]here is the need to look at women’s issues in a holistic
manner and to address them as part of overall societal and
developmental concerns. It will not be possible to attain
sustainable development without cementing the partnership
of women and men in all aspects of life.”
Gertrude Mongella (1995)
Gender inequities are pervasive in all societies. Gender biases
in power, resources, entitlements, norms, and values and in the
organization of services are unfair. They are also ineffective and
inefficient. Gender inequities damage the health of millions
of girls and women (WGEKN, 2007). They influence health
through, among other routes, discriminatory feeding patterns,
violence against women, lack of access to resources and
opportunities, and lack of decision-making power over one’s
own health. Furthermore, survival and development of all
children, boys and girls, are strongly related to the position of
women in society (Caldwell, 1986; Cleland & Van Ginneken,
1988). It has been estimated, for example, that women’s lower
status in South Asia is the strongest contributor to child
malnutrition in that region (Smith & Haddad, 2000).
Gender relations of power are expressed through norms and
values, and internalized through socialization. These are manifest
in the extent to which: laws promote gender equity, women
earn the same income as men for equivalent work, and women’s
economic contributions are included in national accounts.
Moreover, gender biases tend to be reproduced in the way in
which organizations are structured and programmes are run.
Currently, an estimated 495 million women
worldwide are illiterate (64% of all illiterate
adults). (UNESCO, 2007a)
In daily life, gender relations of power often underpin
unequal access to and control over material and non-material
resources and unfair divisions of work, leisure, and possibilities
of improving one’s life. Girls in some countries are fed less
and are more physically restricted (WGEKN, 2007). Gender
inequities in education, particularly secondary education,
remain large. Women have less land, wealth, and property in
almost all societies, yet they have higher burdens of work in
the ‘economy of care’ – ensuring the survival, reproduction,
and security of people, including young and old. For many
women, childcare responsibilities represent the single most
important barrier to participation in the waged labour market
(Barriento, Kabeer & Hossain, 2004). Yet even where women
do increasingly enter the labour market, they continue to
bear unequal burdens for childcare and unpaid work in the
household (WGEKN, 2007). The deepening of such a double
burden has implications for women’s health, both their
occupational health and the consequences of insufficient rest
and leisure (WGEKN, 2007). Moreover, the feminization of
work forces has been simultaneous with increased casualization
(WGEKN, 2007). In addition, women are typically employed
in lower paid, less secure, and informal occupations (WGEKN,
2007). Even for equivalent work, women worldwide are paid
20-30% less then men (Fig. 13.1) (UNICEF, 2006).
An extreme, though common, manifestation of gender
inequity is intimate partner violence. While widespread, and
with serious consequences for health and well-being, intimate
partner violence remains widely ignored in policies and
services (WHO, 2005a).
Within the health sector, gender power relations translate into
differential access to and control over health resources within
and outside families; unequal divisions of labour and benefits
in formal, informal, and home-based parts of the health-care
system (see Chapter 9: Universal Health Care); and gender biases
in the content and process of health research (see Chapter 16:
Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training).
Moreover, in recent years, the attention and resources for
sexual and reproductive health and rights have weakened,
largely due to political forces that influence the allocation of
aid (Glasier et al., 2006). Both within and outside the health
sector, gender inequity means reduced voice, decision-making
power, authority, and recognition for women relative to men.
Fig. 13.2 shows that the proportion of women who have a final
say in decision-making on their own health care varies strongly
across low- and middle-income countries, from below 20% in
Burkina Faso to around 88% in Jordan.
Even in places where gender inequities are less obvious,
women usually still have less access to political power and
lower participation in political institutions, from the local
municipal council or village to the national parliament and the
international arena (UN, 2006b; WGEKN, 2007).
Gender inequities can be reduced. In fact, the position of
women has changed dramatically over the last century in many
countries, although progress has been uneven. Legislation,
technology, and structural changes have contributed to the
empowerment of women in many countries. Use of modern
contraceptives has given women, in many cases, more control
over their bodies and reproductive lives, and declining fertility
rates have substantially reduced the time women spend
on bearing and raising children. Literacy and educational
attainment among girls and women have risen, and there has
been a steady increase in the proportion of women in the
labour force (UNICEF, 2006b). However, much remains to be
Education, training, and skills development are important for
the empowerment of women. In addition, gender inequities
in the labour market, including the pay gap, must be addressed.
Furthermore, it is important that the political and financial
commitment to reproductive and sexual health and rights are
strengthened. The intergenerational effects of gender inequity
make the imperative to act even stronger. Acting now, to
improve gender equity and empower women is critical for
reducing the health gap in a generation.

0 20
Proportion of women’s wages to men’s wages outsite of agriculture
40 60 80 100
4 areas in the Middle
East and North Africa
6 areas in East Asia
and Pacific
22 industrialized areas
10 areas in transition
8 areas in Latin
America and Caribbean
4 areas in
sub-Saharan Africa
Figure 13.1: Level of wages for women compared with men in selected areas.
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from UNICEF (2006).
Middle East and North Africa: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, West Bank and Gaza Strip. East Asia and Pacific: Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand. Industrialized countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Sweden,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom.Countries in transition: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Romania, Turkey, Ukraine. Latin America and Caribbean: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru.
Sub-Saharan Africa: Botswana, Eritrea, Kenya, Swaziland.
d R
Figure 13.2: Percentage of women who have a final say in decision-making
regarding their own health care, 2001–2005.

The Commission recommends that:
13.1 Governments create and enforce legislation
that promotes gender equity and makes
discrimination on the basis of sex illegal
(see Rec 14.1).
The success of interventions to improve gender equity
– whether to increase access to education, to reduce all types
of violence against women, or to protect women and girls
from discrimination and exploitation in labour markets – is
dependent on a legislative environment that protects and
promotes gender equity. This may require legislative reform:
repealing discriminatory laws, developing and implementing
laws and regulations that protect and promote gender equity,
and harmonizing legislation with human rights treaties (WHO,
2005a) (Box 13.1). Among other things, governments must
guarantee women and girls equal property and inheritance
rights (Grown, Gupta & Pande, 2005). In sub-Saharan Africa,
for instance, these rights are important in enabling girls and
women to manage the strains of being heads of households and
primary caregivers for those living with HIV/AIDS (WGEKN,
Effective implementation requires addressing the judicial
capacity to interpret and use such laws and sensitizing legal
and justice systems (including police forces, investigators,
lawyers, judges), community leaders, and health-care workers to
the particular needs of women (WHO, 2005a; WHO, 2007b).
It includes, for example in the case of violence, ensuring
that women who bring complaints of violence are treated
professionally and respectfully, protecting their safety
as witnesses and taking measures to deter further violence
(WHO, 2005a).
Effective enforcement and implementation of laws that support
gender equity requires appropriate budgeting. Budgeting must
be sufficient to reach the entire target population and address
the magnitude of the problem (Box 13.2). Resource allocation
that is mainstreamed into government budget line items, rather
than depending on discretionary funds, is essential to successful
Effective implementation of laws that promote gender equity
also requires that women know of and are empowered to
claim their rights and challenge gender inequity – by means of
expanding their capabilities, particularly through education and
paid employment (WGEKN, 2007). Civil society organizations
and national governments can play an important role in raising
awareness among women about their legal rights (WGEKN,
2007) (Box 13.3).
In Kenya, the International Commission of Jurists, on
the basis of an investigation revealing the extent of
bias against women in family law, successfully lobbied
for and established a Family Division within the High
Court of Kenya to focus on arbitration of divorce,
maintenance, and family property, and to undertake
training to correct gender bias within the judicial
system. Subsequent efforts have focused
on using the Convention on the Elimination of All
forms of Discrimination Against Women as a guiding
instrument in judicial practice, to align national policy
with international human rights standards.
Source: WGEKN, 2007
A study by the International Center for Research on
Women in 2002 compared budgetary allocations and
spending to implement laws on domestic violence in
a sample of Latin American and Caribbean countries.
It showed that funding for domestic violence
programmes is typically insufficient to reach the
entire target population and address the magnitude
of the problem. Moreover, much of the funding
was discretionary, from ministries’ budgets and
international donors (Luciano et al., 2005).
Source: WGEKN, 2007
Address gender biases in the structures of society – in laws and their enforcement, in the way organizations
are run and interventions designed, and the way in which a country’s economic performance is measured.

There can be powerful organized opposition to changes that
seek to promote gender equity. Usually, reform will take a
long period of preparation, especially if there is an organized
opposition that can use the threat of change as a way to
mobilize fears on cultural or religious grounds. Local groups
of advocates, especially women’s organizations or human rights
groups, can play a strong role in this struggle. In Pakistan, for
example, civil society organizations have played an important
role in legislative changes that make it easier for women to
prove a rape allegation (Box 13.4). Therefore, support should
be provided to local women’s organizations for the long term
(WGEKN, 2007).
Some practices, like female genital mutilation, may change
more readily as a result of community-level interventions
than through legislation and policing (Box 13.5). Legislation
against female genital mutilation alone is insufficient. Indeed,
if not well designed and implemented in consultation with
community leaders and civil society organizations, legislation
and sanctions can have negative consequences, such as driving
the practice underground (WHO, 2008b).
Changing societal norms regarding gender inequity and
practices that harm girls and women requires working with
boys and men, as the example on female genital mutilation
illustrates. Lessons from programmes that seek to challenge
gender stereotypes and inequitable normative systems include:
offering young men opportunities to interact with gender-
equitable role models in their own community setting and
promoting more gender-equitable attitudes in small group
settings and in the wider community (Box 13.6) (see Chapter
5: Equity from the Start).
Gender mainstreaming
The Commission recommends that:
13.2 Governments and international institutions set
up within the central administration and provide
adequate and long-term funding for a gender
equity unit that is mandated to analyse and to
act on the gender equity implications of policies,
programmes, and institutional arrangements (see
Rec 10.2; 15.2).
Not only bias in the design and implementation of legal
systems needs to be addressed. Gender discrimination and
bias in the way organizational structures of governments and
institutions and the mechanisms through which strategies
and policies are designed and implemented need attention
too (Ravindran & Kelkar-Khambete, 2007). This requires a
systematic integration of a gender perspective at all levels – as
opposed to an add-on activity – in the way organizations are
structured and function and in the way policies, programmes,
and services are designed and implemented, that is, gender
mainstreaming (Ravindran & Kelkar-Khambete, 2007). This is
the process of assessing the implications for women and men of
any planned action so that women and men benefit equitably
(ECOSOC, 1997; Ravindran & Kelkar-Khambete, 2007).
Whereas gender mainstreaming is increasingly recognized as
important, implementation requires substantial strengthening.
Gender mainstreaming must be understood properly,
owned institutionally, funded adequately, and implemented
effectively, and needs to be supported by a catalytic gender
unit with strong institutional positioning, authority, and
budget (WGEKN, 2007). The Commission recommends that
national governments and international institutions, with
The Women’s Legal Aid Centre in United Republic
of Tanzania raises awareness among women about
how to acquire, dispose of, and mortgage land, to
have title deeds of land owned, and to participate in
land-related decision-making, while providing legal aid
services. In addition, the Centre provides training to
police, magistrates, and judges about women’s rights
to property.
Source: WGEKN, 2007
According to the Human Rights Commission of
Pakistan, there is a rape every 2 hours and a gang
rape every 8 hours in the country. The small but
articulate women’s movement together with the
human rights movement in Pakistan has been
struggling for change in a political situation made
increasingly complicated by the wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq. Their efforts have recently borne fruit with
the passing by the National Assembly and Upper
House of the 2006 Protection of Women Bill, which
transfers the jurisdiction over rape cases from sharia
to civil courts. It also makes it easier for a woman
to prove a rape allegation without being charged for
adultery. Although consideration of the Bill had to be
postponed earlier because of Islamist opposition, it
has been signed into law. Yet, more will be needed for
it to be fully implemented and endorsed.
Source: WGEKN, 2007

assistance from, among others, WHO, set up a gender unit that
supports the consideration of gender equity implications of
policies, programmes, and institutional arrangements across the
organization. In Sweden, for example, the Division of Gender
Equality within the central administration is responsible for the
coordination of gender mainstreaming activities (Box 13.7).
There are a variety of other strategies for mainstreaming
gender within organizations, policy-making processes, and
design of programmes and interventions (Ravindran &
Kelkar-Khambete, 2007) (Box 13.8). Effective organizational
mainstreaming is facilitated by placing responsibility for
mainstreaming gender with senior management, and by
allocating adequate financial and human resources for a central
unit with gender expertise.
When planning for gender mainstreaming, it is useful to
examine whether enabling conditions are present. If not,
preparatory work will be required to create these conditions,
even while work is being initiated for mainstreaming gender
(Ravindran & Kelkar-Khambete, 2007). Enabling conditions
include the presence of political will, the establishment of legal
and constitutional frameworks that support gender equity, and
the presence of a strong women’s movement (Ravindran &
Kelkar-Khambete, 2007) (Box 13.9).
Multi-pronged education approaches have succeeded
in changing attitudes and norms regarding female
genital mutilation in some cases. Examples of success
include the Senegal project that is now a regional
model endorsed by UNICEF. Its success involves
public declaration of intent to abandon the practice,
and a slow but steady human rights education
programme that encourages villagers to make up
their own minds about the practice. More generally,
effective programmes typically have the following
features: (i) inclusion of men in interventions that
attempt to change attitudes; (ii) careful selection of
the right group leaders/facilitators for projects, and
agreement on criteria for selection of participants;
(iii) reproductive health and rights education
classes that lift the taboo on talking about health
problems associated with female genital mutilation;
(iv) collaboration with the community to design an
alternative rite of passage; and (v) education with a
focus that is much wider than female genital mutilation
to include rights, health, and development.
Source: WGEKN, 2007
Stepping Stones is a behavioural intervention
programme that seeks to reduce HIV transmission
through building stronger, more gender-equitable
relationships. Using both men’s and women’s groups,
the programme applies principles of participatory
learning and skill building, including critical reflection
and drama. Rigorous evaluations of the programme
in South Africa have shown a reduction in STIs
in women, changes in men’s sexual risk-taking
behaviour, and a reduction in their use of violence
against women.
Source: WGEKN, 2007
The main goal of gender mainstreaming in Sweden
is to tackle the structural roots of gender inequity in
society at large. Having such a goal is far from being
the norm even within the EU. In Sweden, it involves
taking gender relations into account in all activities
by public, private, and voluntary organizations
through systematic gender analysis in the design and
delivery of all policies and services. This has been
made possible by the key role played by technical
experts in defining objectives and methods. This has,
however, been stronger at the central government
level than at the municipal level. A second important
success factor in Sweden is effective coordination
across sectors and different bodies. Coordination is
provided by the Division of Gender Equality within the
central administration. Yet most important has been
the forging of a broad social consensus across the
political spectrum that insulates gender mainstreaming
to some extent from the vagaries of democratic
Source: WGEKN, 2007

Including women’s economic contribution in national
The Commission recommends that:
13.3 Governments include the economic contribution
of household work, care work, and voluntary
work in national accounts and strengthen the
inclusion of informal work (see Rec 8.3).
National accounts provide data on economic activities within
a country and measure a nation’s production, income, and
wealth. The UN System of National Accounts (UNSNA), set
up as guide for countries to develop their national accounting
systems and to facilitate cross-country comparisons, defines
economies in terms of market transactions (Waring, 2003).
Unpaid work, mostly done by women – in the home and as
caregivers – remains excluded from national accounts, thus
making these activities invisible in national statistics. Unpaid
work in Canada has an estimated value of 33% of GDP, with
nearly two thirds of this unpaid work being done by women
(data for 1998) (Hamdad, 2003). “Lack of visibility of women’s
economic contribution to the economy results in policies
which perpetuate economic, social and political inequities
between women and men. If you are invisible as a producer
in a nation’s economy, you are invisible in the distribution of
benefits”, such as credit facilities or training (Waring, 2003).
It is critical that women and girls who function as ‘shock
absorbers’ for families, economies, and societies through their
responsibilities in caring for people are supported through
resources, infrastructure, and effective policies and programmes
(WGEKN, 2007). Making them visible in national accounts is
an important first step (Waring, 1988; Waring, 1999).
Women’s contributions to the global, national, and local
economy need to be recognized and made visible through
new accounting systems (Waring, 2003). While in 1993 the
UNSNA rules were revised, they still did not account for
activities both produced and consumed within the same
household (Waring, 2003). Several techniques of measuring and
valuing unpaid work have been proposed, and some countries,
such as Canada (Box 13.10), are using these techniques to
estimate the value of unpaid work. The various methods
available have their advantages and disadvantages, and further
work on the development and use of techniques is necessary.
Apart from household work, care work, and voluntary work,
many women have paid informal work. The inclusion of paid
informal work in national accounts needs to be strengthened
as it remains inadequately covered. There are methodologies
to include such work within the existing accounting systems
(Delhi Group on Informal Sector Statistics, nd).
The Management Improvement Programme in Chile
works as a group incentive linked to institutional
performance: all staff in a public institution receive a
bonus of up to 4% of their salaries if the institution
attains programme management targets that have
been approved by the Ministry of Economics. The
Management Improvement Programme of each
institution is prepared considering a group of common
areas for all institutions in the public sector. One
of these areas is gender planning. The proposal is
presented yearly, together with the proposed budget,
to the Ministry of Economics. The incorporation of a
gender planning component implies the introduction
of the gender approach in the budgetary cycle. This
makes it possible to integrate gender considerations
in the routine and habitual procedures of public
administration, permanently introducing modifications
into the daily dynamics of the institutions and their
standardized procedures. Thus, public institutions
need to incorporate this dimension into all their
strategic products, making it possible to allocate
the public budget in a way that responds better to
men’s and women’s needs and contributes to the
reduction of gender inequities. The implementation
of this incentive mechanism constitutes an important
innovation: for the first time a concept of gender
equity is integrally associated with budgetary
management in Chile.
Source: WGEKN, 2007
Organized efforts by feminist movements across the
globe in the 1970s demanded changes in legislation,
policies, programmes, and services affecting
women’s health. Women’s health centres were
established in many countries of the North and also
in some countries of the South. Grassroots activism
to promote women’s control over their fertility and
sexuality, to demystify medical knowledge, and to
advocate women-centred policies and programmes
was widespread in many developing countries. All
these contributed to the emergence of an International
Women’s Health Movement in the early 1980s,
providing further impetus to women’s health advocacy.
One outcome of advocacy was the development of
women’s health policies in some countries.
Source: Ravindran & Kelkar-Khambete, 2007

Education and training
The Commission recommends that:
13.4 Governments and donors invest in expanding
girls’ and women’s capabilities through
investment in formal and vocational education
and training (see Rec 5.4).
Promoting gender equity and empowering women is a key
development strategy and is embedded within the framework
of the MDGs (MDG 3). Expanding girls’ and women’s
capabilities through education underpins the empowerment of
women. A number of initiatives improve girls’ enrolment and
retention rates in schools and address the barriers to education
for girls, as discussed in Chapter 5 (Equity from the Start). At
the same time there is a pressing need to expand formal and
vocational educational opportunities to the millions of adult
women who have received little or inadequate education.
Existing initiatives were considered insufficient to achieve the
Education for All goal of halving adult illiteracy rates by 2015
(UNESCO, 2007b). In response UNESCO has launched the
Literacy Initiative for Empowerment, a framework for literacy
development that will be implemented in 35 countries with
literacy rates lower than 50% or with more than 10 million
illiterate people (UNESCO, 2007b). The initiative stresses
respect for learners and their needs and the importance of
engaging learners as partners in learning. It is a partnership
between governments, civil society, development agencies,
international organizations, the private sector, universities, the
media, and learners themselves.
Engaging people in assessing their own needs is integral to the
social determinants of health approach. An innovative model
that takes a literacy-based approach to alleviating poverty in
Bangladesh, particularly among rural women, is outlined in
Box 13.11.
Statistics Canada is one of the leading country
agencies in development and use of techniques to
measure and value unpaid work. Canada’s General
Social Survey includes time-use surveys every six
years. It collects information on the time spent on
households’ unpaid work. This time-use information
is combined with imputed hourly cost to estimate the
value of unpaid work. There are different methods to
impute the hourly cost of unpaid work, including the
opportunity cost method (i.e. forgone employment
income) and the market replacement method (i.e.
costs if replacement labour had to be bought on the
open market). The estimated value of unpaid labour
can vary widely according to the method used. In
Canada, it varied from 33% to 52% of GDP (in 1998)
depending on the method used.
Source: Hamdad, 2003
Develop and finance policies and programmes that close gaps in education and skills, and that support female
economic participation.
Despite improvements in recent years following
a range of initiatives to expand education in
Bangladesh, women’s literacy rate overall is
low (UNESCO, 2007a). The Ganokendra-based
programme was set up in 1992 by the Dhaka Ahsania
Mission, a Bangladesh NGO, and now operates
in over 800 communities, benefiting more than
400 000 people. Ganokendras take a literacy-based
approach to alleviating poverty and empowering
women. Ganokendras are organized and run by the
local community, with strong participation by women,
and develop their range of activities in response to
locally identified needs. Men, women, and children
participate in Ganokendra activities, but the majority
of members are women. In addition to developing
women’s literacy skills and providing basic education
for illiterates, the Ganokendras act as community
centres for training and for discussing important
issues. They develop activities linked with social
and environmental programmes, and many provide
micro-credit services. In addition, Ganokendras act
to bring people in the community together, providing
opportunities to network with each other and with
NGOs and government agencies, enabling improved
access to available services.
Source: Alam, 2006; UNESCO, 2001

Initiatives to make vocational training available to women can
provide them with skills to enhance their income-generating
ability. A number of such initiatives have been set up across
the world. In the United Kingdom, for example, an education
programme has been set up in recent years in response to the
report of the Women and Work Commission (2006) (Box
Economic participation
The Commission recommends that:
13.5 Governments and employers support women
in their economic roles by guaranteeing pay-
equity by law, ensuring equal opportunity for
employment at all levels, and by setting up
family-friendly policies that ensure that women
and men can take on care responsibilities in an
equal manner (see Rec 7.2).
Improving girls’ enrolment and retention rates at all levels
of education is often insufficient to address the next level
of constraints, that is, economic participation. Where strong
gendered norms persist, even those girls who do attend school
may eventually take up gender-stereotyped roles (WGEKN,
2007). Breaking these barriers requires action to remove labour
market biases and barriers (WGEKN, 2007).
Guaranteeing pay-equity by law
Across the world, women earn between 30% and 60% less then
men, due to a combination of so-called women’s jobs, wage
differentials, and differences in participation in the labour force
(UNICEF, 2006). Even for equivalent work, women generally
As part of an action plan in response to the Women
and Work Commission’s report, the United Kingdom
government has piloted skills coaching schemes
aimed at helping low-skilled women return to work. In
addition, they have developed a programme to broker
links between employers and training providers. A
Women’s Enterprise Task Force has been set up to
work with Regional Development Agencies to pilot
various approaches to supporting women in setting up
Source: Department for Communities and Local
Government, 2006
earn less then men (Cohen, 2007; Hartmann, Allen & Owens,
1999). This has important consequences for poverty levels,
for example among children of single mothers (Hartmann et
al., 1999). Differences in accumulated earnings can also result
in large gender gaps in pension benefits (Cohen, 2007; US
Social Security Administration, 2004). Poverty and low pension
benefits are associated with worse health outcomes (see
Chapter 8: Social Protection across the Lifecourse), while income
in the hands of women can be particularly beneficial for the
health of their children (UNICEF, 2006).
Action at all levels is required to tackle this unjust situation.
Laws that oblige employers to achieve and maintain pay equity
can be powerful instruments to help eliminate the pay gap. The
ILO adopted the “Resolution concerning the promotion of
gender equality, pay equity and maternity protection”, which
calls on all governments and social partners (trade unions and
the employers or their representative organizations) to take
specific actions to address the gender wage gap (ILO, 2004a).
More specifically, the resolution proposes that social partners
negotiate the introduction of gender neutral job evaluation
schemes, statistical indicators, and gender and race reviews at
the workplace (Box 13.13).
Unions are powerful vehicles in pressing for ‘equal pay for
work of equal value’ laws. They can gather information to
gauge the extent of the problem using, for example, the Code
of Practice on the Implementation of Equal Pay for Work of
Equal Value issued by the European Commission (European
Commission, 1996; Gender Promotion Programme ILO, 2001).
In Quebec, as in the rest of Canada, women earn
about 70% of men’s pay for equivalent work. Trade
unions in Quebec have committed themselves to
the ‘equal pay for work of equal value’ struggle and
were involved in a long lobbying effort that led to
the adoption of a law on pay equity. After women
mobilized and the unions lobbied, the Quebec
Government brought in a law that obliges employers
to achieve and maintain pay equity within their
enterprises. Under the law, all enterprises with 50
or more employees must draw up a pay equity
programme. It includes four stages: (1) identifying
the predominantly female and predominantly male
job categories within the enterprise; (2) describing
the method and tools for assessment (of the job
categories); (3) assessing the job categories,
comparing them, estimating the wage gaps, and
calculating the necessary pay adjustments; and (4)
determining how the wage adjustments are to be paid.
Adapted, with permission of the publisher, from Côté

Ensuring equal opportunity for employment at all levels
In addition, measures are needed to support women to equally
progress in work, to be on a par with men. Governments and
employers need to use a multi-pronged approach, including
enforcement of anti-discrimination legislation at the workplace
and ensuring that women are not penalized financially for
motherhood (ILO, 2004b). It will also include providing
management training, mentors, and role models at the highest
levels, and admittance to formal and informal networks and
channels of communication at work (ILO, 2004b). Some
countries use quotas as an instrument to help women break
through the glass ceiling. In Norway, for example, at least
40% of board members in state-owned enterprises must be
women. Equal employment opportunity policies – including
recruitment, job assignment, career planning, grading, wages,
transfer, and promotion – should be closely monitored. The
procedures should be transparent, objective, and fair (ILO,
The quality and conditions of work matter as much as
gender inequities in work opportunities. One key element of
improving the quality of work is the implementation of sexual
harassment policies and provision of education about sexual
harassment to create a climate of respect in the workplace
(ILO, 2004b).
Family-friendly policies
Family-friendly policies are important to ensure equal
opportunities for employment for women and men (see
Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent Work). Governments and
employers should take measures that allow women and men
to take on work and care responsibilities in an equal manner.
These include the provision of quality childcare facilities,
policies on flexible working hours and parental leave for men
and women, and programmes to transform male and female
attitudes to caring work so that men begin to take an equal
responsibility in such work (WGEKN, 2007; ILO, 2004b).
Quality childcare, irrespective of ability to pay, not only allows
women to enter the labour market, it also prevents young
children being left home alone or in the care of older siblings
– which can have serious health consequences (Heymann,
2006) – and allows girls to go to school instead of looking after
younger siblings (UNICEF, 2006). Even in poor countries,
childcare facilities are feasible, as illustrated in Box 13.14.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights
The Commission recommends that:
13.6 Governments, donors, international organizations,
and civil society increase their political
commitment to and investment in sexual and
reproductive health services and programmes,
building to universal coverage (see Rec 9.1; 11.3).
Gender inequities have a strong bearing on the reproductive
and sexual health and rights of women. Critical problems
related to gender inequity, such as intimate partner violence,
can remain invisible in the process of service delivery for
reproductive health. For example, intimate partner violence
during pregnancy, which is more common than hypertension
or pre-eclampsia – for which pregnant women are routinely
assessed during antenatal visits – is rarely addressed by
reproductive health services (Glasier et al., 2006). Reproductive
and sexual health programmes and services can and should be
structured such that they empower women to make informed
sexual and reproductive choices across the lifecourse, giving
them autonomy over their reproductive lives. Strengthening
SEWA is a trade union of poor, self-employed women.
Its members expressed the need for childcare, which
would allow them to work without jeopardizing their
children’s safety and development. Working closely
with the government, SEWA’s 100 childcare centres
are managed by cooperatives of childcare providers,
which have been formed with SEWA’s support. Each
serves 35 children, ranging from birth to 6 years of
age. They focus on the overall development of the
children, including their physical and intellectual
growth. The teachers hold regular meetings with the
mothers, where they discuss and give suggestions
for the child’s development. Children are regularly
weighed and records of their growth are properly
maintained. The childcare centres double as centres
for childhood immunization and antenatal and
postnatal care. SEWA’s studies show important
impacts of childcare provision: mothers reported
income increases of over 50%, with spin-offs to,
among others, child nutrition. They said that for the
first time they could bring vegetables and lentils to
feed their children. They also reported ‘peace of mind’,
knowing that their children were well looked after
while they were at work. Furthermore, older siblings,
especially girls, entered school for the first time as
they were released from childcare responsibilities.
Also, the physical growth of young children improved
significantly with the nutrition at the centres, as did
their cognitive skills. All children started primary school
at the age of 6 years and the majority continued until
high school.
Adapted, with permission of the author, from SEWA
Social Security (nd).
Reaffirm commitment to addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights universally.

political and financial commitment to the goal of universal
sexual and reproductive health is critical, including funding of
relevant research.
The first decades of the second half of the 20th century
saw a strong focus on population control. Family planning
programmes were set up and carried out with more concern
for targets and macroeconomic outcomes than for the welfare
and rights of individual women. The UN Conference on
Population and Development in 1994 in Cairo marked a
paradigm shift, from population control to reproductive health
and rights. Central to the concept of reproductive health and
rights is the, “recognition that advancement of gender equality
and equity and the empowerment of women, the elimination
of all kinds of violence against women, and ensuring women’s
ability to control their own fertility, are cornerstones of
population and development-related programmes” (Glasier
et al., 2006). As such, reproductive health is an empowering
concept, emphasizing sexual and reproductive rights and
seeking to enable women to achieve autonomy over their
reproductive lives. The reproductive health paradigm
emphasizes the importance of seeking to understand women’s
individual experiences and constraints and the social factors
that influence sexual and reproductive health across the
lifecourse (Langer, 2006). It is an integral part of the social
determinants of health agenda.
In 1994, delegates from 179 countries and 1200 NGOs agreed
to provide universal access to reproductive health by 2015
(Glasier et al., 2006) and, more recently, this was agreed as a
target for the MDGs. Progress towards the goal of universal
access to reproductive health has, however, been uneven. While
the lifetime risk of maternal death in Ireland is only 1 in
47 600, it is 1 in 8 in Afghanistan (UNICEF, 2007c). Also
within countries, inequities are huge. In Indonesia, for example,
maternal mortality is three to four times higher among the
poor compared to the rich (Graham et al., 2004). In low- and
middle-income countries, 65% of the births without a skilled
birth attendant occur among the rural poor (Houweling et
al., 2007). Providing access to reproductive health services to
internally displaced women and, more generally, women in
countries of conflict and other crises also remains a critical
challenge (Hargreaves, 2000; Petchesky et al., 2007).
In the 21st century, attention has been distracted by new
global priorities (Fathalla, 2006). Delinked from HIV/AIDS,
sexual and reproductive health has failed to attract the financial
resources that were expected from the donor community,
especially in fields of family planning, unsafe abortion, and STIs
(Langer, 2006). The success of family planning programmes
in reducing fertility rates led to reduced investment in family
planning services, “with disastrous consequences in countries
with still low contraceptive rates” (Glasier et al., 2006). In
addition, there have been attempts to roll back agreements
made in Cairo (Fathalla, 2006). Ideological resistance to
the sexual and reproductive health and rights paradigm, in
particular to issues related to sexuality, abortion, and services to
adolescents, has had detrimental impacts on access to services
that particularly benefit women (Langer, 2006; Fathalla, 2006).
It is crucial that governments and donors reaffirm their
commitment to reproductive health and rights and re-
establish sexual and reproductive health as a key health and
development priority (Glasier et al., 2006; Fathalla, 2006).
There are movements in a positive direction. In 2004, all WHO
Member States (only the United States disassociated itself from
the strategy) endorsed the WHO global reproductive health
strategy to accelerate progress towards international goals and
targets relating to reproductive health (Glasier et al., 2006). In
2007, at the World Summit review of the MDGs at the UN,
world leaders reaffirmed commitment to, “achieving universal
access to reproductive health by 2015”, as set out in the Cairo
conference (Fathalla, 2006). While initially omitted from the
MDG framework, a specific target on reproductive health
(“achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health”)
was included in the 2007 revision. Strengthened political and
financial commitment is needed to implement the sexual and
reproductive health target under the MDGs. This includes
financing civil society organizations that are committed to
taking forward reproductive health and rights.
The knowledge and technologies for achieving the target of
sexual and reproductive health for all are available (Glasier et
al., 2006). “Five core components of sexual and reproductive
health care are improvement of antenatal, peri-natal,
postpartum and newborn care, provision of high-quality
services for family planning, including infertility services,
elimination of unsafe abortions, prevention and treatment of
sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, reproductive
tract infections, cervical cancer and other gynaecological
morbidities, and promotion of healthy sexuality” (Glasier et al.,
2006). The reduction of sexual and intimate partner violence
is also a critical area for intervention. While the availability
of high-quality sexual and reproductive health services is
obviously crucial (Glasier et al., 2006) (see Chapter 9: Universal
Health Care), they should be embedded in an approach that
also tackles the underlying societal and cultural roots of gender
Gender inequities are socially governed and can be changed
to improve the health of millions of girls and women
worldwide. Action includes ensuring that laws protect and
promote gender equity and addressing gender biases in
organizational structures and policies. In some regions,
education and training of women is a priority; in other
regions, alleviating the constraints on their economic,
social, and political participation at all levels has become
a higher priority. Finally, it is crucial that governments
and donors reaffirm their commitment to addressing sexual
and reproductive health and rights, as this commitment is

Political empowerment – inclusion and voice
“People all over the world resent loss of control over
their lives, over their environment, over their jobs, and,
ultimately, over the fate of the Earth. Thus, following an
old law of social evolution, resistance confronts domination,
empowerment reacts against powerlessness, and alternative
projects challenge the logic embedded in the new global
order, increasingly sensed as disorder by people around the
Castells 1997:69 (Oldfield & Stokke, 2004)
Being included in the society in which one lives is vital to the
material, psychosocial, and political aspects of empowerment
that underpin social well-being and equitable health. In this
chapter we consider the role of power as a major structural
driver of health inequities. Any serious effort to reduce health
inequities will involve political empowerment – changing
the distribution of power within society and global regions,
especially in favour of disenfranchised groups and nations.
The manifestation of power imbalance
The right to the conditions necessary to achieve the highest
attainable standard of health is universal (UN, 1948). However,
the risk of having one’s rights violated is not universal and
this inequity in risk of violation results from entrenched
structural inequities (Farmer, 1999). Manifesting across a range
of intersecting social categories – class, education, gender, age,
ethnicity, disability, and geography – social inequity reflects
deep and entrenched inequities in the wealth, power, and
prestige of different people and communities. People who are
already disenfranchised are further disadvantaged with respect
to their health.
Health equity depends vitally on the empowerment of
individuals and groups to represent their needs and interests
strongly and effectively and, in so doing, to challenge and
change the unfair and steeply graded distribution of social
resources (the conditions for health) to which all men and
women, as citizens, have equal claims and rights (CS, 2007).
Underlying the structural drivers of inequity in daily living
conditions addressed throughout this report is the unequal
distribution of power. Inequity in power interacts across four
main dimensions – political, economic, social, and cultural
– together constituting a continuum along which groups are,
to varying degrees, excluded or included. The political dimension
comprises both formal rights embedded in legislation,
constitutions, policies, and practices and the conditions in
which rights are exercised including access to safe water,
sanitation, shelter, transport, energy, and services such as health
care, education, and social protection. The economic dimension is
constituted by access to and distribution of material resources
necessary to sustain life (e.g. income, employment, housing,
land, working conditions, livelihoods). The social dimension
Figure 14.1 Net secondary school attendance ratio by males and females.
Net secondary school
attendance ratio refers to the
number of children attending
secondary school who are of
official secondary school age,
expressed as a percentage of
the total number of children of
official secondary school age.
These data come from national
household surveys.
Reprinted, with permission of
the author, from UNICEF
d S
d C
l A
d N
h A
d P
d C
Male Female

Figure 14.2 Age-adjusted mortality among men and women of
the Republic of Korea by educational attainment, 1993–1997.
Source: Son et al., 2002
Men Women
Figure 14.3 Full immunization rates among the poorest and richest population quintiles (regional averages).
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Gwatkin & Deveshwar-Bahl (2001).
76.0 75.2
South Asia Middle
East, North
South East
t f
Poorest Quintile
Richest Quintile

is constituted by proximal relationships of support and
solidarity (e.g. friendship, kinship, family, clan, neighbourhood,
community, social movements) and the cultural dimension relates
to the extent to which a diversity of values, norms, and ways
of living contribute to the health of all and are accepted and
respected (SEKN, 2007).
Having the freedom to participate in economic, social,
political, and cultural relationships has intrinsic value (Sen,
1999). Inclusion, agency, and control are each important for
social development and health (Marmot, 2004). Restricted
participation also results in deprivation of fundamental
human capabilities, setting the context for differentials in, for
example, employment, education, and health care. For instance,
differential access to education (Fig. 14.1) leads to inequity in
all-cause mortality (Fig. 14.2).
Underdevelopment of potential leads to other inequities. Lack
of access to quality education can lead to exclusion from the
labour market or inclusion on appallingly poor terms, leading
to relatively low income and poor household conditions (such
as living space, nutrition, and other contributors to ill health).
The global growth in precarious employment and child and
bonded labour both reflects and reinforces a disempowerment
of workers and their industrial and political representatives. The
political, economic, financial, and trade decisions of a handful
of institutions and corporations are having a profound effect on
the daily lives of millions of people (EMCONET, 2007) whose
own voice and aspirations are not listened to or are dismissed
by more powerful interests.
There are major social inequities, too, in the enjoyment of
technical and biomedical advances. Analysis of the DHS for 42
countries (Gwatkin & Deveshwar-Bahl, 2001) illustrates the
marked socioeconomic inequalities in full immunization, with
higher rates among the rich compared to the poor virtually
everywhere (Fig. 14.3).
Identity and agency
The differential status some groups enjoy and the differential
opportunities for participation by specific populations is
clearly manifested in the treatment of indigenous cultures
– their world views, values, and aspirations – on the part of
governments and those who deliver direct services (Indigenous
Health Group, 2007). The persistent inequity in the health
conditions of Indigenous populations goes to the heart of the
relationship between health and power, social participation, and
empowerment (Indigenous Health Group, 2007). Regaining
personal and cultural continuity has massive implications for
the health and well-being of these communities, as shown in
youth suicide rates among First Nations youth in Canada (Fig.
Unfair denial of participation and disempowerment can also
lead to conflict. In conflict settings, people suffer a range of
physical and social deprivations including lack of security,
displacement and loss of social networks and family structure,
loss of livelihood, and food insecurity and poor physical and
social environments (Watts et al., 2007). The disempowerment
of individuals, communities, and even countries that is
associated with conflict brings a multitude of health concerns.
As with other dimensions of inequity, the needs of people
in conflict must be represented in the construction and
strengthening of economic and social policy and systems.
Issues of power imbalance relate not only to individuals
and communities. Some countries remain profoundly
disempowered through lack of resources relative to others.
National poverty combines with and exacerbates unequal
capacity in multilateral negotiating environments, leading to
treaties and agreements that do not consistently represent their
best interests (see Chapter 15: Good Global Governance). This has
major implications for how nations can create conditions that
support health and health equity.
Figure 14.4 First Nations youth suicide rates, by cultural continuity factors.
Proxy measure of cultural continuity factors: land claims, self-government, education services, police and fire
services, health services, and cultural facilities.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Chandler & Lalonde (1998).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Factors Present

Political empowerment for health and health equity requires
strengthening the fairness by which all groups in a society are
included or represented in decision-making about how society
operates, particularly in relation to its effect on health and
health equity. Such fairness in voice and inclusion depends on
social structures, supported by the government, that mandate
and ensure the rights of groups to be heard and to represent
themselves – through, for example, legislation and institutional
capacity – and on specific programmes supported by those
structures, through which active participation can be realized.
Beyond these, fairness depends on the growth of civil society
organizations, networks, and movements and their progressive
ability to challenge inequity and push for the installation of
equity – in general and in relation to health – in the centre of
all existing and emerging political debates.
Legislation for political empowerment – rights and
The right to the conditions necessary to achieve the highest
attainable standard of health – Article 12 of the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – is
principally concerned with disadvantaged groups, participation,
and accountability and lies at the heart of the health and
human rights movement (Hunt, 2007). General Comment
14 (2000) is a substantive instrument which confirms that the
right to the conditions for health not only encompasses access
to health care, but also includes the underlying determinants
of health, such as safe water, adequate sanitation, a healthy
environment, health-related information, and freedom from
discrimination (UN, 2000a). Fundamental to the progressive
realization of this right is the ratification, operationalization,
and monitoring of General Comment 14 and associated
actions. WHO, in collaboration with other international
agencies and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to
the Highest Attainable Standard of Health (see Chapter 15:
Good Global Governance), supports states in the adoption and
implementation of General Comment 14.
Central to fair participation is the right to a legal civic identity.
People cannot claim their rights – access to education and
social assistance, health care, or civic participation and human
security – without a legalized identity (Box 14.1) (Acosta,
2006). It is important therefore that countries, supported
by international agencies and donors, strengthen the legal
and institutional framework to ensure the right to a legal
civic identity (see Chapter 16: Social Determinants of Health:
Monitoring, Research, and Training).
Underpinning the realization of rights, fair participation, and
inclusion in decision-making and action that affects health and
health equity are transparent, accountable, and participative
Empower all groups in society through fair representation in decision-making about how society operates,
particularly in relation to its effect on health equity, and create and maintain a socially inclusive framework for

political and legal systems that build on and reinforce authentic
The Commission recommends that:
14.1 National government strengthens the political
and legal systems to ensure they promote the
equal inclusion of all (see Rec 13.1; 16.1).
One of the most equitable and inclusive political reforms is
that which addresses the marked global gender inequities. This
requires the participation of women in policy and decision-
making processes and will increase the probability of gender-
sensitive planning and delivery. For example, national-level
legislative reform in India that ensured a minimum number of
women in village council seats proved critical to the political
empowerment of women and, subsequently, to action at the
local level that was responsive to local needs (Box 14.2).
Indigenous Peoples’ lives continue to be governed by specific
and particular laws, regulations, and conditions that apply to
no other members of civil states. Indigenous People continue
to live on bounded or segregated lands and are often at the
heart of jurisdictional divides between levels of governments,
particularly in areas concerning access to financial allocations,
programmes, and services. As such, Indigenous Peoples have
distinct status and specific needs relative to others.
The Commission recommends that:
14.2 National government acknowledges, legitimizes,
and supports marginalized groups, in particular
Indigenous Peoples, in policy, legislation, and
programmes that empower people to represent
their needs, claims, and rights
As noted by the UN, Indigenous People have the right to,
“special measures for immediate and continuing improvement
of their economic and social conditions, including in the
areas of employment, vocational training and retraining,
housing, sanitation, health and social security”. In addition,
the Declaration of Indigenous Peoples, which was recently
passed by the UN Human Rights Council, states that,
“Indigenous People have the right to determine and develop
all health, housing and other economic and social programs
affecting them and, as far as possible, to administer such
programs through their own institutions”. These realities imply
Indigenous Peoples’ rights to autonomy and self-determination.
It is important that the UN finalizes the Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples and obtains ratification from and
encourages implementation by all Member States.
How the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is
operationalized for health and health equity within different
sociopolitical contexts will require careful consideration, led
by Indigenous Peoples. The example of the British Columbia
Tripartite Health Plan – including elements of legislation,
participatory governance, and responsive health services – offers
Through the Indian national parliament, the 73rd
Amendment to the Indian Constitution, enacted in
1993, legislated that one third of village council seats
be for women. This is considered one of the strongest
reform measures to change the pre-existing norm
whereby women had very little representation in
political bodies. Women’s organizations have been
active in training elected women. There are over 1
million elected women representatives on village
councils, exercising authority over budgets and setting
local policy priorities.
Source: Indian Government, 1992
Of Bolivia’s population, 55% is of Quechua or Aymara
origin. It is estimated that nearly 9 out of 10 people
in Bolivia’s rural and indigenous communities do
not possess identity cards, while more than half do
not have the birth certificates needed to acquire
one. Without a birth certificate, children cannot go
to school – closing off a potential escape route from
poverty. Without an identity card, people cannot vote,
have limited legal rights, and are effectively excluded
from accessing social and health services. These
services include Bolivia’s national health insurance for
mothers and pregnant women, which was introduced
to combat the country’s high maternal and child
mortality rates and yet is closed to women who cannot
produce their identity cards.
Through the Right to Identity project, the United
Kingdom DFID is working with Bolivia’s National
Electoral Court, nongovernmental organizations, and
communities to make it easier for people to register
and receive their identity cards and to raise awareness
of their rights as citizens.
Source: DFID, 2008

one participative framework for moving forward (Box 14.3).
The apology issued by the new Australian Labour Government
in February 2008 to Indigenous Peoples who were stolen
from their families as children and forced to live with foster
parents or in group homes was an example of a government
recognizing the unique history of colonization on Indigenous
Peoples and the need for special measures (The Age, 2008). The
apology was accompanied by a pledge to reduce the gap in
LEB between indigenous and other Australians in a generation
(25 years).
Fair participation in policy-making
Good governance is the foundation for successful action
and requires attention to trust, reciprocity, and social
accountability mechanisms (KNUS, 2007). For this to happen,
fair participation in governance is essential. Indeed, an integral
feature of the right to health is the active and informed
participation of individuals and communities in health
decision-making that affects them.
“The difference between tokenism and meaningful
participation is some kind of follow up and being included
from beginning to end.” (Landon Pearson Resource Centre
for the Study of Childhood and Children’s Rights, 2007)
The Commission recommends that:
14.3 National- and local-level government ensure the
fair representation of all groups and communities
in decision-making that affects health, and in
subsequent programme and service delivery and
evaluation (see Rec 6.1; 7.1; 9.1; 11.6).
All members of society – including the most disadvantaged and
marginalized – are entitled to participate in the identification
of priorities and targets that guide the technical deliberations
underlying policy formulation. Moreover, participation should
not be limited to the design of programme delivery, but rather
be seen as the contextual process itself, through which policy
is made, converted into programmes and services, delivered,
experienced, and evaluated.
The recommendations for ISA in Chapter 10 (Health
Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes) offer processes
and mechanisms through which different social groups
and communities can participate in policy development,
implementation, and evaluation. Much can be learned from
existing practices. The establishment of a governance support
network, perhaps through the Economic and Social Council,
operating at the global, regional, and national levels would
facilitate the identification and sharing of successful practices
(e.g. Alliance for Healthy Cities, European Network of Healthy
Cities, Municipalities Network, and the Pan-American Health
Organization [PAHO]).
The mandatory representation of civil society within a whole-
of-government mechanism, as in Uganda for example, is an
important element of coherent and needs-driven policy for
health and health equity (Box 14.4).
The Social Inclusion Initiative from South Australia (Box
14.5) illustrates the value of political recognition and strong
commitment to inclusion and health equity. It demonstrates
the merit of having an independent unit that facilitates, rather
The British Columbia Tripartite Health Plan is an
unprecedented agreement signed on 11 June 2007
by the Government of Canada, the Province of British
Columbia, and the First Nations Leadership Council
of British Columbia. The Plan commits the parties
to collaborate in developing practical and innovative
solutions that will support fundamental improvements
in the health of First Nations in British Columbia. It
reflects a shared vision of partnership to develop, test,
and implement new ways of planning and delivering
health programmes and services. Central to the
Plan is a commitment to create a new governance
structure that will enhance First Nations’ control of
health services and promote better integration and
coordination of services to ensure improved access to
quality health care by all First Nations living in British
Source: Government of Canada, 2007
Uganda now actively encourages participation in
health decision-making. The Constitution underlines
the importance of, “active participation of all citizens
at all levels” and civil society organizations have
been involved in the preparation of Uganda’s Poverty
Eradication Action Plan.
Uganda has a new policy of decentralization in the
health sector. Within district health systems, there
are four levels of organization and administration, the
lowest being Village Health Teams, also known as
Village Health Committees. From the right-to-health
perspective, these Village Health Teams play a pivotal
role in providing grassroots community participation in
the health sector.
Source: Hunt, 2006

than manages, the processes of engagement required for social
inclusion, and of having a strategic plan and setting targets for
Societal fairness is rooted not just in an equity focus in central
national policy-making. That focus is stimulated by, and feeds
into, local conditions of inclusion and fair representation. One
way to support this is to make building a healthy and equitable
community a local statutory requirement. This can be done
through the development of a democratically sanctioned,
statutory, strategic local development plan that is regularly
monitored and reviewed (Box 14.6). The provision of statutory
funding to support community engagement and participation
in the process is critical. Annual monitoring and reporting will
help measure progress against a set of specific targets including
health equity impact (LHC, 2000).
The Social Inclusion Initiative is the Government
of South Australia’s response to addressing
social exclusion through: facilitating joined-up
implementation of programmes across government
departments, sectors, and communities; sponsoring/
employing innovative approaches; developing
partnerships and relationships with stakeholders; and
focusing on outcomes.
The Social Inclusion Initiative works across
government and nongovernment sectors using
a model that reflects the Government of South
Australia’s and the public’s concern for a particular
issue, or for a particular group whose circumstances
currently or potentially exclude them from living
healthy and fulfilled lives.
The Social Inclusion Board consists of the Chair
and 9-10 Board members who are generally well-
known community members or high-level experts in
their field. The Chair and Social Inclusion Board are
independent of government but strongly embedded
in a process that is supported by, and closely linked
to, government. There is a close working relationship
between the Chair of the Social Inclusion Board
and the Premier (head of state), and also between
the Chair and the Executive Director of the Social
Inclusion Unit (SIU). The Social Inclusion Board has
stated terms of reference and is responsible for:
providing leadership to the work of the SIU to ensure
that government receives expert policy advice on
identified social policy issues and a coordinated and
integrated approach to developing, implementing,
and reviewing the directions of government to reduce
social exclusion;
providing recommendations, information, and
advice to the Premier and Cabinet, including advice
on potential priorities for government funding
providing guidance, support, and advice to the SIU
in addressing issues identified by the Premier and
developing strategies to deal with the causes of social
exclusion and to provide leadership to influence and
shape national social justice policy;
assisting the SIU to develop and maintain appropriate
engagement mechanisms across government, the
community, and stakeholders;
providing advice and information to the SIU to assist
in research activities;
reporting on a quarterly basis to the Premier.
Source: Newman et al., 2007
In London, the Greater London Authority Act 1999
instituted the Greater London Authority (GLA). This Act
confers the responsibility for developing and delivering
an overarching spatial development plan (the London
Plan), plus associated strategies for air quality,
biodiversity, ambient noise, municipal waste, culture,
transport, and economic development. The Act also
includes a statutory responsibility for the Mayor and
the GLA to promote health, address equity, and ensure
sustainable development.
The GLA provides a good platform for partnership
working at a city level as it brings together the
Mayor, a separately elected Assembly, the London
Development Agency, the London Fire and
Emergency Planning Authority, the Metropolitan
Police, and Transport for London. London also has
a specific partnership body to improve health and
reduce inequities in the form of the London Health
Commission, which brings together all the statutory,
public, private, academic, and voluntary agencies that
can influence the social determinants of health.
Source: LHC, 2000

Financial support for fair participation
An essential element of a supportive and inclusive governance
structure for health equity is financial support for communities
and local governments to partner in building healthier and
more equitable societies. The example from Porto Alegre in
Brazil illustrates the significant effect on population health
of a participatory budgeting programme, instituted by the
municipal government in an attempt to utilize citizens’ unique
knowledge and perspective in solving the many problems
facing the city (Box 14.7).
Similarly, the example from Venezuela (Box 14.8) illustrates a
model of participatory governance underpinned by principles
of participatory budgeting and legislative support for
community participation.
Bottom-up approaches to health equity
While the empowerment of social groups through their
representation in policy-related agenda-setting and decision-
making is critical, so too is empowerment for action through
bottom-up, grassroots approaches (Sibal, 2006). The struggles
against the injustices encountered by the most disadvantaged in
society, and the process of organizing these people, builds local
people’s leadership. It is empowering. It gives people a greater
sense of control over their lives and future. This empowerment
permeates all aspects of their lives. If they have a sick child, for
example, they seek care rather than leaving it to ‘fate’. Better
still, they take early action such as immunizing the child, so that
sickness is prevented in the first place.
Evidence from interventions for youth empowerment,
HIV/AIDS prevention, and women’s empowerment suggest
that, “the most effective empowerment strategies are those
that build on and reinforce authentic participation ensuring
autonomy in decision-making, sense of community and local
bonding, and psychological empowerment of the community
members themselves” (WGEKN, 2007).
The Commission recommends that:
14.4. Empowerment for action on health equity
through bottom-up, grassroots approaches
requires support for civil society to develop,
strengthen, and implement health equity-oriented
The enactment of legal changes to recognize and support
community empowerment initiatives will ensure the
comprehensive inclusion of disadvantaged groups in action
at global, national, and local levels concerned with improving
health and health equity. The support of women’s efforts to
coordinate through resourcing – by donors and governments
– of women’s organizations is also important for gender equity
(Box 14.9).
As the SEWA example illustrates, building their own
organizations has been one of the ways that women have
chosen to promote solidarity, offer support, and collectively
work for change. These organizations are of various sizes,
from small village-based or neighbourhood groups to large
movements. It is imperative to support and encourage such
Porto Alegre instituted participatory budgeting
and allowed all citizens to vote on the municipal
budget. The city provided training sessions so that
community members could understand and engage
in budgetary discussions. This training was invaluable
for members of society who directly represented larger
communities in the Regional Plenary Assemblies.
Government officials and community representatives
jointly ran these assemblies, which met twice
annually. Cooperation between officials and civilians
led to a proposed budget, which would then be
put to a vote in the communities at large. While city
officials provided guidance and helped settle difficult
budgetary issues, the proposed and finalized budgets
were created by the citizens of Porto Alegre.
The participatory budgeting programme spurred
greater civil society activity, community input, and
tangible improvements in city life. Of the city’s total
population, 8% (100 000 people) directly participated
in budgeting; 57.2% of citizens assert that the
population always or almost always “really decides”
upon public works. The new budget allowed the
housing department to offer assistance to 28 862
families, against 1714 for the comparable period of
1986-1988. The rubbish collection system reaches
virtually all households and has included a separate
collection of recyclables since 1990. Virtually all the
people of Porto Alegre have water piped to their
homes and most have good-quality sanitation and
drainage. Participatory budgeting devolved power
from the city council and provided citizens with
tools for change. Porto Alegre now has the highest
standard of living and the highest LEB of any Brazilian
metropolitan centre.
Source: KNUS, 2007
Enable civil society to organize and act in a manner that promotes and realizes the political and social rights
affecting health equity.

organizations and movements in a way that preserves and
protects their autonomy and promotes their long-term
sustainability, including self-reliance. This could be done in a
number of ways:
• providing resources as seed money, revolving funds, and
matching funds to women’s organizations; combinations of
these could be used;
• providing platforms for exposure and networking;
• providing capacity-building support through training
courses, funds for leadership, and management development.
An example from Japan shows how a partnership of people
organizing themselves to solve their own public health issues
and other concerns with government and nongovernmental
organizations can work well, providing the community leads
the agenda and is adequately resourced (Box 14.10). This
The Venezuelan Constitution firmly establishes the
right to health and the citizen’s duty to take an active
part in the management of health. The draft bill of the
new General Health Law declares that participation
and social control in health is a constitutional right
of all citizens and that they have the right to make
decisions, intervene, and exercise direct control, with
autonomy and independence, in all matters related
to the formulation, planning, and regulation of health-
sector policies, plans, and projects, as well as the
evaluation, control, and monitoring of health-sector
management and financing.
Mission Barrio Adentro is a key element in the
proposal for social inclusion embodied in the 1999
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The Mission, established in 2003, has become a
national public health programme committed to wiping
out the national health-care deficit. Mission Barrio
Adentro promotes specific actions for the intervention
and participation of community leaders in the design
and control of health management. Since January
2004, the main purpose of Mission Barrio Adentro has
been to provide the population with complete primary
health-care coverage.
In the administrative structure of Mission Barrio
Adentro, individuals are responsible for coordinating
brigades of physicians by parishes, municipalities, and
regions in collaboration with neighbourhood health
committees, which participate integrally in the drafting
of health policies, plans, projects, and programmes,
as well as execution and evaluation of the Mission’s
management. In 2006, there were 150 registered
committees associated with Barrio Adentro and the
other Social Missions. The mandate of the health
committees is to identify the priority health problems
in the community, prioritize these, and decide on
the main actions that the community should take to
address them. Operation of the health committees is
regulated by the Community Councils Law of 6 April
2006, which mandates that the health committees
work in concert with other community organizations
affiliated with the community council. Among other
responsibilities, the community councils administer the
budgets allocated to each community, including the
budgets of the health committees.
Source: PAHO, 2006
Like other poor self-employed women, the vegetable
sellers of Ahmedabad, India, live in poor conditions.
SEWA, a union of almost 1 million workers, is an
example of collective action by these women to
challenge and change these conditions.
Frequently harassed by local authorities, the vegetable
sellers campaigned with SEWA to strengthen their
status through formal recognition in the form of
licences and identity cards and representation on the
urban boards that govern market activities and urban
development. That campaign, started within Gujarat,
subsequently went all the way to the Supreme Court
of India.
To strengthen control over their livelihoods, all SEWA
members linked together to set up their own wholesale
vegetable shop, cutting out exploitative middlemen.
SEWA also organizes childcare, running centres for
infants and young children, and campaigns at the
state and national level for childcare as an entitlement
for all women workers. Further, SEWA members
are improving their living conditions through slum
upgrading programmes to provide basic infrastructure.
This happens in partnerships with government, civil
society organizations, and the corporate sector. In
order to solve the problem of access to credit, the
SEWA Bank provides small loans and banking facilities
to poor self-employed women. The bank is owned
by its members, and its policies are formulated by an
elected board of women workers.
Source: SEWA Bank, nd

requires the development of mechanisms to bring together
public, private, and civil society sectors, and the definition of
roles and mechanisms for international and national actors to
support popular action.
While it is critical that community members share control over
processes that affect their lives, without political commitment
and leadership and allocation of resources such initiatives can be
short lived, as the Bangladesh example illustrates (Box 14.11).
There are notable examples where an explicit rights agenda
has been successfully applied to global governance. In the case
of TRIPS and AIDS medicines, civil society-driven action
from South Africa, with worldwide take-up, created a ‘norm
cascade’ leading to immediate and structural changes not only
in the market accessibility of life-saving drugs, but in the global
understanding of questions of intellectual property and the
application of appropriate norms for global health equity
(Box 14.12).
Government initiatives have sought to promote
community participation in the delivery of essential
services. For example, the government’s 5-year
(1998-2003) Health and Population Sector Programme
included a component to motivate service users to
monitor the performance of public providers at the
local level. Selected nongovernmental organizations
formed local stakeholder committees and provided
training/capacity building in participation and
deliberation for service users. Women and men, elite
and landless people were transparently recruited
to participate in committees. There was strong
and varied participation and diverse membership;
awareness about public health facilities was raised;
community demand for public health was increased
and doctors were pressured to be present during
working hours and not to levy illegal fees. However,
more negatively, community awareness about the
committees and the opportunities they offered to
provide feedback to the health-care system was
low. The committees lacked the authority and
political capability to enact decisions and, with the
implementation of the new health-sector programme
in 2003, which did not continue these stakeholder
committees, most have disbanded. The 5-year plan
for 1998-2003 also experimented with community
ownership of health facilities. The community was
expected to donate the land, and construction costs
were shared between the local community and central
government. However, membership of the community
groups was biased towards the local elite and relatives
of the chairperson. Leadership was poor and, in the
absence of defined structures, unequal relationships
between rich and poor and men and women were
reproduced, and little value was attached to the voices
of those with low status.
Source: SEKN, 2007
The population of the Kamagasaki district is estimated
at 30 000 people, of which approximately 20 000
people are day labourers and the rest are general
households or self-employed workers. The most
significant problem for the workers is that they are not
assured prerequisites of health such as food, housing,
employment, and social inclusion.
A movement of regeneration began in 1999, with
nongovernmental organization support groups
appearing alongside longstanding church initiatives
and increased activity by labour unions. At the same
time, the Kamagasaki Community Regeneration
Forum – the first grassroots group for community
development in the area – was established. This
group began to create and build community bonds
and encourage new businesses. The Forum has been
working to rebuild the Kamagasaki district, which was
once seen as a socially excluded community, through,
“rediscovering local assets and (human) resources,
empowering the assets and resources by networking
them, and developing the capability of living”.
The Forum has achieved a number of milestones.
Since it held the first political debate and voter drive
in Kamagasaki in 2003, the district registered the only
increase in electoral participation in Nishinari Ward
and Osaka as a whole in the general election of that
year. Politicians have begun to canvass for support
in the district. The increased registration was partly
the result of private initiatives to increase provision
of permanent accommodation for workers in former
lodges. In 2000, the Forum created the opportunity for
labourers/homeless people to obtain public livelihood
assistance after some owners of cheap lodging
hotels converted their hotels into ‘Supportive Houses’
– small-room apartments adjusted to people in special
need and providing support services to help residents
maintain their self-reliance. This arrangement made
it possible for day labourers and homeless people
to apply for public assistance. The 10-year national
homeless law, which clarifies the responsibility of city
and state authorities for the problem, should also
prove a positive development.
Source: KNUS, 2007

Social movements
For changes in power, there also needs to be space for
challenge and contest by social movements. Although social
movements and community organizations tend to mobilize
around concrete issues in local everyday life, their actions are
clearly rooted in and address structures and processes that
extend far beyond this local realm. These movements tend to
take one of three forms: political societies (e.g. political parties,
pressure groups, lobbying groups), which seek influence within
the political arena; civil societies such as trade unions, peasant
organizations, and religious movements; and civil-political
societies that combine or link the activities of political and civil
societies (e.g. labour movements, women’s movement, anti-
apartheid movement).
The People’s Health Movement (http://phmovement.
org/) is a large global civil society network of health activists
supportive of the WHO policy of Health for All and organized
to combat the economic and political causes of deepening
inequities in health worldwide and to call for the return to the
principles of Alma Ata. Support for People’s Health Movement
and other similar civil society organizations such as the global
antipoverty movement and labour movement will help to
ensure that action on the social determinants of health is
developed, implemented, and evaluated.
“The human right to health requires the provision
of essential medicines as a core duty that cannot
be traded for private property interests or domestic
economic growth. This right may provide a means of
achieving a more public health-oriented formulation,
implementation and interpretation of trade rules by
domestic courts, governments and the WTO alike. The
growing power of this right is similarly reflected in an
emerging jurisprudence where medicines have been
successfully claimed under human rights protections”.
A decade ago, the high cost of AIDS medicines led
WHO and UNAIDS to advise that treatment was
not a wise use of resources in poorer countries.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS was preferred over treatment.
There was no international funding for developing
countries to purchase drugs and companies gave
extremely limited price concessions. A dramatic
battle for AIDS medicines ensued that peaked in 2001
in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Association
case in South Africa. Between 1997 and 2001, the
United States and 40 pharmaceutical companies
used trade pressures and litigation to prevent the
South African government from passing legislation to
access affordable medicines. Industry claimed that
the legislation (and the parallel importing it authorized)
breached TRIPS and South Africa’s Constitution
and threatened industry’s incentive to innovate new
medicines. The pharmaceutical companies went to
court in South Africa. An extraordinary level of public
action accompanied the case, attracting global
censure against the corporations. In April 2001, the
pharmaceutical companies withdrew their case.
A norm cascade followed, with a sharp upsurge at
the UN in international statements on treatment as a
human right and articulations of state obligations on
antiretroviral therapy. The same year saw the WTO
issue its Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health.
These rhetorical commitments were matched by
considerable policy and price shifts. Antiretroviral
therapy prices in many low-income countries dropped
from US$ 15 000 to US$ 148-549 per annum. New
global funding mechanisms were created, such as
the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and
Malaria, the United States PEPFAR and the World
Bank Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Program for Africa.
In 2002, WHO adopted the activist goal of placing
3 million people on antiretroviral therapy and, in
late 2005, shifted upwards to the goal of achieving
universal access to treatment by 2010, a goal similarly
adopted by the UN General Assembly and by the
G8. In 5 years, access to antiretroviral therapy in
sub-Saharan Africa has increased from under 1% to
current levels of 28%.
Source: Forman, 2007
A society concerned with better and more equitably
distributed health is one that challenges unequal power
relations through participation, ensuring all voices are
heard and respected in decision-making that affects health
equity. Being more inclusive requires social policies, laws,
institutions, and programmes to protect human rights. It
requires inclusion of individuals and groups to represent
strongly and effectively their needs and interests in the
development of policy. And it requires active civil society
and social movements. It is clear that community or civil
society action on health inequities cannot be separated from
the responsibility of the state to guarantee a comprehensive
set of rights and ensure the fair distribution of essential
material and social goods among population groups (Solar
& Irwin, 2007). Top-down and bottom-up approaches are
equally vital.

Good global governance
Opportunities and threats
Globalization has brought new opportunities for equitable
health. But it has also brought threats and risks. “Global
markets have grown rapidly without the parallel development
of economic and social institutions necessary for their smooth
equitable functioning. At the same time, there is concern about
the unfairness of key global rules … and their asymmetric
effects on rich and poor countries” (World Commission on
the Social Dimension of Globalization, 2004). The current
picture of globalization includes ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ among
the world’s countries. In order to address the risks of inequity
in globalization, and to manage the potential of globalization
for better and fairer health, there is the need now for new
forms of global governance. Globalization offers unprecedented
opportunities for the realization of health equity through
effective governance. But what it offers as opportunity,
improperly managed it equally offers as threat (Box 15.1).
Aspects of globalization, such as trade liberalization and market
integration between countries, have brought major shifts
in countries’ national productive and distributive policies.
‘Structural adjustment’ – a core global programmatic and policy
influence from the 1970s onwards – framed the emergence of
a dominant (sometimes referred to as ‘neoliberal’) orthodoxy
in global institutions. Designed to reduce inflation in indebted
developing countries, decrease public spending, and promote
growth – all strongly oriented towards supporting debt
repayment – adjustment policies promoted trade liberalization,
privatization, and a reduced role for the public sector. This
had a severe adverse impact on key social determinants of
“We are indeed witnessing, and living in, a new and very
important stage in global history.”
Kemal Dervis (2005)
Dramatic differences today in the health and life chances of
peoples around the world reflect a deep, longstanding, and
growing imbalance in the power and prosperity of nations.
In 2000, the average member of the world’s top wealth decile
owned nearly 3000 times the mean wealth of the bottom
decile (Davies et al., 2006). From the poorest to the richest
nations, the difference in LEB is over 40 years – four decades
of life denied. The costs of information and communication
technologies – vital aspects of globalization’s growth – are 170
times higher in some low-income countries than in high-
income ones. While the risks associated with globalization
– related to health, trade and finance, or human security – are
increasingly transnational and disproportionately experienced
in low- and middle-income countries, the benefits remain
profoundly unequally distributed in favour of high-income
regions. It is imperative that the international community
recommits to a multilateral system in which all countries, rich
and poor, engage with an equitable voice. It is only through
such a system of global governance, placing fairness in health
at the heart of the development agenda and genuine equity of
influence in the centre of its decision-making, that coherent
attention to global health equity, realizing the rights of all
people to the conditions that create health, is possible.
The policy influences that can endanger health equity
technological advances, leading to rapidly decreasing
costs for transportation, communication, and
information processing that, alongside institutional
changes such as trade liberalization, facilitate the
global reorganization of productive activity in ways
that can enhance inequity;
an increase in the value of foreign direct
investment relative to trade, reflecting the growing
interchangeability of direct investment and trade in the
production and provision of goods and services;
an increase in the importance of ‘off-shored’ or ‘out-
sourced’ production, often undertaken by independent
contractors rather than subsidiaries or affiliates of a
parent firm, frequently giving rise to poorer working
a drastic increase in flows of hypermobile portfolio
investment (‘hot money’), increasing the risk of
currency crises;
increased competition for investment and a
consequent shift of power from local and national
authorities to decision-makers in international financial
markets, creating policy influence that may harm
health equity.
Source: GKN, 2007

health – including health care and education – across most
participating countries. Many countries, without doubt, stood
to benefit from reducing runaway inflation and improving
fiscal management. But it is not clear that the harsh degree and
policy straitjacket that structural adjustment imposed produced
the anticipated benefits, much less whether the health and
social costs were warranted (Jolly, 1991).
Persisting poverty
While debate may continue about the relationship between
trade liberalization and growth, it is clear that increasing trade
on improved terms is desirable – assuming it is within the
ecological imperatives of sustainable resource use. However,
the relationships among globalization, growth, and poverty
reduction are deeply problematic. Overall, the number of
people living at or under US$ 1/day dropped by 414 million
between 1981 and 2003. However, much of this was caused
by sharp reductions in poverty in China (Chen & Ravallion,
2004). Globalization’s rising tide has not lifted all boats, or lifted
them very far – nor has it kept pace with population growth.
In sub-Saharan Africa during this period, the number of people
living on US$ 1/day or less doubled, and the number living on
US$ 2/day or less almost doubled.
Global health inequity
Growth in global wealth and knowledge has not translated,
either, into increased global health equity. Rather than
convergence, with poorer countries catching up to the OECD,
there has instead been a dispersion of life expectancies across
countries and regions, with some improving, others stagnating,
and others getting worse (Fig. 15.1).
While LEB continues to converge and plateau across high-
income countries, and is rapidly converging towards high-
income country levels in middle-income countries, in
many countries of sub-Saharan Africa and in the transition
economies, LEB in 2006 was lower than in 1990. Much of
this is due to dramatic reversals in the transition economies of
the former Soviet Republics and the HIV/AIDS pandemic
(although very recently, since 2005, estimated mortality due
to HIV/AIDS has been declining in sub-Saharan Africa).
However, regression analysis undertaken by the GKN suggests
that other factors, such as those driven by dominant market-
oriented economic policies, have contributed to the dispersion
of regional performances in LEB. While OECD countries saw
a net increase of around 3 years in LEB, sub-Saharan Africa saw
a loss of around 6 years.
As well as increasing inequity in health between countries, the
recent phase of globalization has exacerbated health inequity
within them, too. Trade liberalization and market integration,
contributing to the emergence of a global labour market, have
increased the requirement for labour flexibility, resulting in
increasing job insecurity (see Chapter 7: Fair Employment and
Decent Work). Increasing demand for labour, while providing
new opportunities for women’s participation in the labour
force, has also maintained inequitable gender differentials in
conditions of employment, contributing at the same time to a
double burden of labour for women who remain responsible
for the family and household (see Chapter 13: Gender Equity).
Gains in income through expanded markets and increased
productivity have not flowed equally through societies. The
World Bank concedes that, “labour market changes will lead
to increased economic inequality in countries accounting for
86% of the developing world’s population over the period
until 2030, with the ‘unskilled poor’ being left further behind”
(World Bank, 2007).
The effects of globalization on health inequity within countries
can also be detected in trade agreements that restrict the
use of tariffs, reducing income to the public purse in poor
countries with weak direct tax capacities, thus reducing public
sector spending in key social determinants such as health and
Figure 15.1 Life expectancy at birth (in years) by region, 1950–2005.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Dorling et al. (2006).
Northern America
Latin America & Caribbean

education (see Chapter 11: Fair Financing). Trade liberalization
has been associated with increasing commercialization of health
care – exacerbating inequities in access and benefit among
poorer groups – and with increasing cost of access to life-
saving drugs under the intellectual property rights regime (see
Chapter 12: Market Responsibility) (GKN, 2007).
The renewed need for global governance
Alongside trade liberalization, patterns of economic growth,
and divergence in health conditions, globalization has seen
the rise of other acute risks to health equity. Massive growth
in fast-moving capital has increased volatility in international
financial markets and led to an increasingly frequent tendency
to financial crisis (Box 15.2). Persistent poverty and growing
economic inequality, often associated with transnational
exploitation of countries’ natural resources, contribute to
rising levels of intranational conflict, with increasing impact
on civilian populations (Box 15.3). Conflict, poverty, and
economic motivation have all contributed to a significant rise
in the total number of people migrating within and across
national boundaries (Box 15.4).
The nature of contemporary financial flows, their potential
benefits and evident dangers, makes a strong case for
strengthened global financial governance. The influence
of global governance over conflicts can be strengthened
in a number of ways: improving equitable distribution of
benefits from national and transnational production and
trade, particularly with respect to natural resources; creating
international security measures, including control of the global
Under contemporary globalization, increasing volumes
of ‘hypermobile’ capital flow into and out of countries
at a rate ungovernable by any single government
or treasury. Alongside this increase in transnational
capital movement, the global rate of financial crises
has risen – crises such as those in Mexico in 1994,
Asia in 1997, Russian Federation in 1998, and
Argentina in 2001. Such crises have a major impact
on key determinants of health, not least through
governments’ capacity for public sector investment
and the stability of labour markets.
Associated with – and reinforcing – global poverty
and economic inequity, conflict remains a scourge
worldwide, and the marker of failure in global and
national governance. In 1990, there were 502 000 war
deaths worldwide, making conflict the third leading
cause of violent death globally. Since the start of the
1990s, conflicts have directly killed 3.6 million people
and displaced 50 million. Contemporary conflict is
often a phenomenon of poverty in the developing
world. More precisely, it is predominantly a tragedy
affecting sub-Saharan Africa. Of the 49 conflicts
worldwide since 1990, 90% occurred in this region.
Major causes of conflict – in particular increasingly
civilianized intranational conflict – alongside low
national income and poverty are matters of justice,
distribution of access to resources, ethnic identity, and
social exclusion.
As conflicts have flared up, so people have been
displaced – both within and between countries. Since
the late 1970s, the number of external and internal
refugees has increased constantly. According to the
World Refugee Survey (1996), in 1995 there were 5.2
million refugees in sub-Saharan Africa as a whole,
with the biggest group being in Democratic Republic
of Congo (formerly Zaire) (1.3 million), followed by
United Republic of Tanzania (0.7 million), and Guinea
(0.6 million). The number of internally displaced
people was even greater and was estimated at over
8 million people in Africa alone. Migration – both
forced and voluntary – is another critical field in which
human action and well-being depend on a level of
governance above the national. In addition to forced
displacement and the enormous human and health
impacts, globalization has also seen an acceleration
of emigration of labour from poor countries. Of
particular relevance here is the major movement of
health workers – doctors, nurses, and other skilled
health personnel – out of low-income countries, with
significant impact on health-care capacity within those
countries experiencing a brain drain.

trade in arms; and strengthening coherent and timely financing
and action for humanitarian intervention in fragile and
conflict-affected states (Collier, 2006). The influence of global
governance over population migration can be strengthened
through: more effective policy and financing mechanisms
supporting refugees and internally displaced populations;
greater global cooperation on the establishment of ‘portable
rights’ accruing to all cross-border migrants, honoured by all
recipient governments; and reciprocal arrangements with regard
to health workers between countries losing and countries
gaining capacity.
Globalization provides real and considerable opportunities for
improved health equity. However, while ‘thick’ governance
has evolved in the global plane for actions, agreements, and
controls relating to economic, trade, finance, and investment
relations, global governance related to health and social
equity remains ‘thin’. The World Commission on the Social
Dimension of Globalization, 2004, and the Helsinki Process
on Globalisation and Democracy, are two recent multilateral
efforts to advocate a new form of globalization that both
recognizes social obligations and incorporates new institutions
for global governance. Strengthening the management, at
the global level, of integrated economic activity and social
development offers a more coherent way for nations to ensure
fairer distribution of globalization’s undoubted benefits and
fairer protection against its potential harms.
Time for change
The multilateral system is complex, influencing global health in
a variety of ways. From the General Assembly, where Member
States come together (at least in principle) as equal entities, to
the Security Council with the original five permanent seats
from the OECD; from the Economic and Social Council,
mandated to coordinate intergovernmental action and the
work of the specialized UN agencies such as WHO supported
by the World Health Assembly, to the international finance
institutions (the World Bank and IMF) and the WTO, where
economic policies have conflicted with imperatives of social
development; from regional bodies with great strength, such as
the EU, to others striving to achieve appropriate global voice:
the multilateral system is the most powerful space in which
countries, representing populations, can engage in the pursuit
of what is globally efficient and globally fair.
But the multilateral infrastructure – created in the years
immediately following the Second World War – of the United
Nations, the UN agencies, and the major international
finance institutions is now approximately 60 years old. The
nature of global systems and the requirements of good global
governance have changed considerably. There is both the need
for and opportunity to rethink the mandates and organization
of the global system (GKN, 2007) – not least reflecting the
UN’s own ongoing reform process. While the Commission
recognizes the limitations of its mandate and competence, it
cannot fail to note the prevalence of poor democratic function
and unbalanced influence. Almost any meaningful reform to
improve the governance and democratic functioning of the
multilateral system as a whole depends to a significant extent
on reform of the Security Council (Box 15.5).
One approach to Security Council reform – noting the
reform paralysis of individually entrenched national interests
of those with and without membership – is the option to
strengthen regional representation. Each region could have its
own Security Council secretariat in New York. This would
strengthen support to its elected members and promote
common regional policies without the need for Charter
revision. This would help small and poor nations to enlarge
their capacity to participate in the Security Council on a
strong footing (Paul & Nahory, 2005).
Few global institutions have been as influential in the
development of policies and programmes, both internationally
and nationally, as the international finance institutions – the
World Bank and the IMF. Over the last 30 years, these two
institutions have taken on a powerful voice in the field of
global governance, not only in their direct financing relations
with countries, but also indirectly through their influence over
the dominant paradigm of development policy and practice.
While their influence and expertise are in little doubt, their
institutional processes and democratic credentials – to enable
the diverse perspectives of countries’ development priorities,
including priority for health equity – are, to say the least,
questionable (Box 15.6).
The Security Council reflects the global power
structure of 1945, when most of today’s nations were
still under colonial rule. In 1965, under pressure from a
growing membership, the UN added four new elected
members to the Security Council, bringing its total
membership to 15. But the five principal Second World
War allies clung to their privileged status. They remain
‘permanent’ and have the power to veto any Security
Council decision. This arrangement makes the
Security Council both undemocratic and ineffective.
The five veto-wielding permanent members prevent
many issues from reaching the Security Council’s
agenda and they often selfishly bar widely agreed
and much-needed initiatives. Despite the 10 elected
members, the Security Council remains geographically
unbalanced and seriously unrepresentative.

Globalization points to the interdependence of nation-states
and peoples, and the proportional benefit, not to say necessity,
of cooperation in areas of common interest. A concept of
global public goods has emerged – the shared management of
conditions and resources vital to all people, and which lie outside
the capacity of individual countries to control. So far it has
encompassed issues such as climate change and environmental
controls, peace and security, disease control, and knowledge.
Beyond these – and arguably underpinning them all – is the
concept of social justice, of equity and hence of health equity,
not simply within countries, but between them too.
The Commission recommends that:
15.1 By 2010, the Economic and Social Council,
supported by WHO, should prepare for
consideration by the UN the adoption of health
equity as a core global development goal, with
appropriate indicators to monitor progress both
within and between countries (see Rec 10.1; 10.3;
Health equity – a global goal
Reducing health inequities between and within countries
requires policy coherence at the global level, just as it does at
the national level (see Chapter 10: Health in All Policies, Systems,
and Programmes). By adopting health equity between, as well
as within, countries as a core measure of development, the
Economic and Social Council can use its coordinating function
to improve coherence of actions on the social determinants of
health across UN agencies (Box 15.7).
Multilateral coherence
The 61st session of the UN General Assembly, “Strengthening
the Economic and Social Council” (14 November 2006),
presented an opportunity for the Economic and Social Council
to lead on globally coherent action for development and health
equity. First, the Council can direct its standing Commission
for Social Development to adopt health equity as a theme for
the 2009-2010 biennial review, focusing on the development of
a multilateral framework for action on the social determinants
of health. Second, it can ensure a standard report-back on
progress in health equity to the Annual Ministerial Review
process. Third, although it appears primarily focused on
Representation in decision-making on the Executive
Boards of the IMF and the World Bank is based on
the economic contribution (and thus, to a large extent,
the wealth) of Member States. Developed countries,
accounting for 20% of IMF members and 15% of
the world’s population, have a substantial majority
of votes in both institutions. Developing countries,
by contrast, are seriously underrepresented. The
weighted voting system gives the United States alone,
and any four other G7 members acting together
without the United States, the ability to block policy
decisions in the 18 areas requiring a qualified majority
of 85% of the votes. The Chief Executive Officers of
the World Bank and the IMF are effectively appointed
by the United States and the EU, respectively, and
Executive Board discussions and decision-making
remain secretive. Despite efforts to engage with
a broader range of stakeholders, improve public
information systems, and provide fuller reporting of
activities, the transparency of key decision-making
processes remains inadequate.
Source: GKN, 2007
Make health equity a global development goal, and adopt a social determinants of health framework to
strengthen multilateral action on development.
The Economic and Social Council is the principal
organ to coordinate the economic, social, and related
work of the 14 UN specialized agencies, functional
commissions, and five regional commissions. It also
receives reports from 11 UN funds and programmes.
The Council serves as the central forum for discussing
international economic and social issues, and for
formulating policy recommendations addressed to
Member States and the UN system. It is responsible
for: promoting higher standards of living, full
employment, and economic and social progress;
identifying solutions to international economic, social,
and health problems; facilitating international cultural
and educational cooperation; and encouraging
universal respect for human rights and fundamental
Source: ECOSOC, nd

improving multilateral response to humanitarian crises, the
Development Cooperation Forum, established to meet every
other year from 2008, can usefully serve to raise key emerging
areas of global health concern, including issues around equity.
The Millennium Development Goals
The MDGs are a profound statement of the concerted will
of the global community to act decisively. They offer a strong
platform on which the Commission sees its agenda building.
The MDGs reflect a growing consensus on the need for global
actors to work together for coherent social and economic
development. Unfortunately, the MDGs also reflect an
inattention to health equity within countries. There is a clear
opportunity here, both for leadership from WHO and coherent
collaboration for equity across the multilateral system, to look
again at the MDGs and advance equity as a core marker of
achievement (Box 15.8).
Multilateral agencies are already playing vital roles in the
development of global standards for policy and action across
a range of social determinants of health, through global,
international, and regional agreements and governance
mechanisms, including ILO’s Global Campaign on Social
Security and Coverage for All and the Decent Work agenda,
the UNDP Poverty Reduction Programmes, the Economic
Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean Social
Cohesion Contract, the PAHO Health Exclusion Initiative,
the UN Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur
on the Right to Health, and the EU Annual Joint Reports
on Social Protection and Social Inclusion (SEKN, 2007). But
there are greater opportunities still to be gained from closer
policy and programme planning between relevant multilateral
agencies, strengthening their own collective governance.
The Commission urges the relevant global agencies to take a
further step. Improving global governance for health equity
depends on multilateral agencies working more coherently
to a common set of overarching objectives, underpinned by a
common vision of issues to be addressed and shared indicators
by which to measure the impact of their actions. For this, the
agencies would benefit from a more systematic, shared set
of data (combining the data sets they already use, but adding
measures of health equity) (see Chapter 16: Social Determinants
of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training).
The Commission proposes that the multilateral community
revise existing global development frameworks to incorporate
health equity and social determinants of health indicators
more coherently. Such a revised framework would require
global credibility and buy-in from Member States, much in
the way the Human Development Index and the Common
Country Assessment have achieved, or are achieving, common
recognition and use. The Commission’s proposed framework
would incorporate indicators of progress on the social
determinants of health and on health equity. Jointly developed
and rigorously tested, this framework of social development
The MDGs are a set of eight poverty alleviation goals
set out by the UN at the Millennium Summit in 2000.
All the MDGs relate to action on social determinants
of health. The global consensus represented by the
MDGs is a new point of departure for the development
community. The UN Millennium Project and scores
of other decision-makers, activists, bilateral aid
organizations, and communities are already deeply
immersed in efforts to achieve the MDGs. Yet this
global effort could still benefit from explicit and
systematic commitment to equity at the country level.
Well-defined, equity-sensitive targets – linked to
relevant data sources – are necessary to ensure that
poor, marginalized, and vulnerable groups are given
opportunities for improved health and access to health
Source: Wirth et al., 2006
At the 2000 Lisbon European Council, heads of state
formulated a strategy to combat social exclusion in the
EU and have an impact on the eradication of poverty
by 2010. The strategy underlined the need to improve
the understanding of social exclusion and to organize
policy cooperation across member states based
on an ‘Open Method of Coordination’. All member
states were to adopt common objectives in the fight
against poverty and social exclusion and produce
biannual National Action Plans on Social Inclusion,
providing data on poverty and social exclusion in their
countries. Common social inclusion indicators – the
Laeken Indicators – would be used. New member
states agreed to produce mandatory Joint Inclusion
Memoranda outlining their country situation and
political priorities on poverty and social exclusion prior
to full membership.
Source: SEKN, 2007

and health equity could be supported by the planned global
health observatory (WHO) and would constitute the basis
for regular, periodic global report-back to the Economic and
Social Council. This is covered in more detail in Chapter
16 (Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and
Training). A similar adaptable framework could also be used
by participating countries to formulate their own national
social determinants of health plans, indicators, and reporting,
strengthening health and health equity objectives – and thus
coherence of aid allocations – within the wider Poverty
Reduction Strategy Process (see Chapter 11: Fair Financing).
This will be a progressive process. By agreeing fundamental
goals – including health equity as central among these – global
agencies can build towards shared indicators. The regional
example of social exclusion indicators agreed progressively,
under opt-in mechanisms, among EU Member States provides
a possible model of how a cross-agency focus on health
equity as a core developmental objective and shared marker of
progress might be built (Box 15.9).
The Commission recommends that:
15.2 By 2010, the Economic and Social Council,
supported by WHO, prepare for consideration
by the UN the establishment of thematic social
determinants of health working groups – initially
on early child development, gender equity,
employment and working conditions, health-care
systems, and participatory governance – including
all relevant multilateral agencies and civil society
stakeholders, reporting back regularly (see Rec
5.1; 6.2; 9.1; 13.2).
By adopting social determinants of health as targets for
collaborative action, relevant multilateral agencies could form
working groups, reporting regularly on progress in their
determinant field, under an umbrella framework of social
determinants of health and health equity indicators (as above).
There are examples of this kind of cross-agency working group
– such as the UN system Standing Committee on Nutrition
(see Chapters 5, 6, and 7: Equity from the Start; Healthy Places
UN-HABITAT and WHO have identified three relevant
interventions to jumpstart a response from the health
sector for healthy urbanization: an urban health equity
assessment and response tool (Urban HEART) that
enables ministries of health to track areas of rapid
urbanization and monitor health inequity; a global
report on urban health; and a joint UN-HABITAT/WHO
global meeting on healthy urbanization to coincide
with the biannual World Urban Forum of UN-HABITAT,
possibly in 2010. There are also tools for reducing
health inequity in urban settings, that is, a ‘social
technology grid’ and a training module (the Healthy
Urbanization Learning Circle) to link public health and
community efforts at the municipal level.
KNUS, 2007
ILO and PAHO are jointly developing a strategy for
the, “extension of social protection in health”. The
strategy to extend social protection to heath is defined
by PAHO and ILO as, “public interventions oriented to
guarantee all citizens access to effective health care
and to reduce the negative impact, both economic
and social, of (i) adverse personal circumstances
(including for example, disease and unemployment)
(ii) collective risks such as natural disasters and over
population and/or (iii) the specific risks experienced by
vulnerable social groups.” Unlike policies directed at
the social management of risk, PAHO conceptualizes
social protection in health as a human right not only
an economic risk. As proposed by PAHO, the right
to social protection in health has three components:
(i) guaranteed access to health services with the
elimination of economic, social, geographic, and
cultural barriers; (ii) guaranteed financial security of
households; and (iii) guaranteed quality of health care
that is respectful of human dignity.
Source: SEKN, 2007

Healthy People; Fair Employment and Decent Work). The working
groups could also build on existing interagency collaborations.
WHO, for example, works with a range of major UN agencies
(such as UNICEF, UN-HABITAT, ILO, and the World Bank)
(Boxes 15.10 and 15.11).
Such working groups could further strengthen the coherence of
programmes and delivery at country level by complementing
in-country frameworks for unified action (Box 15.12).
Champions for global health governance
If social, economic, and political justice are central concerns of
the growing apparatus of global governance, health equity must
be a core marker of the success of such governance. Installing
health equity as a shared concern and a key indicator of action
across the community of multilateral actors requires global
leadership – champions to maintain global focus on progress
towards health equity.
From the global to the national level, the Framework
of Unified UN Action seeks to bring together the
work of disparate UN agencies at country level
to reduce duplication and increase the synergies
across agencies and donors. Pilot work in eight
countries is currently testing a model in which
UN agencies operate through a single ‘resident
coordinator’ providing support for the development
and implementation of comprehensive National
Development Plans aimed at achieving the MDGs.
Source: SEKN, 2007
Canada’s former ambassador to the UN, Stephen
Lewis, was named Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s
Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2001. In
this role, Lewis was described as, “one of our most
powerful weapons in the war against the epidemic”.
The Special Envoy’s role has been one of advocacy,
raising issues of attention to gender as a key driver
in the pandemic, the condition of orphans, access
to treatment, and the quantity of aid being directed
towards action on HIV/AIDS.
“The world has been terribly delinquent,” in
responding to the AIDS crisis in Africa, he said, as
were some African leaders. Even in the late 1990s,
“a lot of them simply weren’t engaged … and their
countries were clearly in terrible trouble. To be fair to
them, the world wasn’t engaged either…. Everybody
was … frozen in time, while all around us this
pandemic was wreaking havoc.”
Underlying it all, Mr. Lewis asserted, has been an
exponential increase in understanding of the scope
and nature of the AIDS crisis in Africa – most critically
its links to gender oppression. “Finally the world
seems to understand that [in Africa] this is a gender-
based pandemic. Unless there is recognition that
women are most vulnerable … and you do something
about social and cultural equality for women, you’re
never going to defeat this pandemic.”
Reproduced, with permission of the publisher, from
UN (2001).
A Special Envoy for Global Health Equity
The appointment of Special Envoys can be interpreted as the
tipping point at which an issue becomes fully acknowledged as
global, urgent, and possible to address. A central objective in the
appointment of a Special Envoy is to drive all relevant actors
towards more concerted multilateral action (Box 15.13).
A Permanent Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health
There are clear links between a ‘rights’ approach to health and
the social determinants of health approach to health equity.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights points to the
interdependence of civil, cultural, economic, political, and
social rights – dimensions of social exclusion highlighted in
the social determinants of health framework. The right to
health, as set out by the existing Special Rapporteur, Professor
Paul Hunt, presents a compelling case for action on the social
determinants of health (Box 15.14).

The Commission recommends that:
15.3 WHO institutionalizes a social determinants of
health approach across all working sectors, from
headquarters to country level (see Rec 10.5; 16.8).
There is evidence of fragmentation and competition among
major global actors with significant roles in the social
determinants of health (from the World Bank, WTO, and major
UN agencies, through G8, to other groupings of countries) and
national social development initiatives (Deacon et al., 2003).
International funding for global health has also diversified
in recent decades, with corresponding changes in processes
and structures of accountability. The budget of the Gates
Foundation, for example, has at times exceeded WHO’s core
budget (Kickbusch & Payne, 2004). The Commission strongly
supports WHO in renewing its leadership in global health and
its stewardship role across the multilateral system. Central to
this renewed leadership, however, is the need for WHO itself
to achieve institutional renewal through installing a social
determinants of health approach across its programmes and
This work is already under way. One of the Commission’s
Knowledge Networks, working on priority public health
conditions (PPHCKN), was convened from within WHO
itself, reaching across all major offices and health condition
programmes as well as involving academia and field researchers,
projects, and nongovernmental organizations working in
countries. The PPHCKN collaboration has adopted and
utilized an analytical framework, applying it to many of the
main public health conditions that the WHO works on starting
at the conventional level of health outcomes, but working
upstream to analyse deeper, more structural causal factors and
“The right to health includes the right to health care
– but it goes beyond health care to encompass
adequate sanitation, healthy conditions at work, and
access to health-related information, including on
sexual and reproductive health. It includes freedoms,
such as the right to be free from forced sterilization
and discrimination, as well as entitlements, such as
the right to a system of health protection. The right
to health has numerous elements, sort of sub-rights,
including maternal, child and reproductive health.
Like other human rights, the right to health has a
particular preoccupation with the disadvantaged,
vulnerable, and those living in poverty. Although
subject to progressive realization, the right imposes
some obligations of immediate effect, such as the
obligations of equal treatment and non-discrimination.
It demands indicators and benchmarks to monitor the
progressive realization of the right.”
Reprinted, with permission of the author, from Hunt
Strengthen WHO leadership in global action on the social determinants of health, institutionalizing social
determinants of health as a guiding principle across WHO departments and country programmes.
thus identifying a wider field of entry points at each of the five
levels of the framework (Fig. 15.2). WHO has also appointed
regional focal points for action on the social determinants of
health, to work closely with Member States, supporting the
Commission’s country work stream and stimulating policy and
action for health equity.
Condition-specific programmes have significant appeal and
thus the ability to raise funding. About two thirds of WHO’s
budget is devoted to these programmes; on a global scale,
programmes focusing on a single or a very limited number of
diseases are flourishing. The PPHCKN is developing action
points for programmes to elaborate a social determinants
of health approach. The work started by the PPHCKN has
already shown potential to engender support for change across
WHO (Box 15.15).
Institutionalization of social determinants of health
action across WHO will require significant investments
in organizational capacity building (see Chapter 16: Social
Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and Training).
Globalization is a fact. It has the potential to generate
considerable benefits, including great advances in global
health. As things stand, however, that benefit is not
in evidence. Instead, what we see is growing inequity
both across and within regions and countries. Increased
integration between peoples in the economic domain has
not been balanced by commensurate attention to the wider
imperatives of fair social development. For this to happen,
the architecture of global governance needs to be reformed
and extended – opening its forums of policy-making more
equitably to all, and setting at the heart of its concerns the
equitable health and well-being of all.

Figure 15.2 Priority public health conditions – causal pathways for health action.
Socio-economic context & position
Differential exposure
(Social & physical environment)
Differential vulnerability
(Population group)
Start Differential health outcome
Differential consequences
Flow of Analysis
We are attempting to establish the causal
pathways that lead to observed differen-
tial health outcomes, i.e. to explain –
therefore the analysis would naturally
start with the outcome [1]. As the
consequences could feed back to both
social position and vulnerability, it is
natural to analyse consequences next [2].
There after conduct an explanatory
inquiry ‘up-the-stream’. i..e. [3, 4, 5]
Progress on social determinants of health action,
embodied in the PPHCKN, is already under way in
WHO, including:
leading a conceptual shift in WHO, through review of
technical guidelines on diseases and determinants,
and reviewing other aspects of priority national
programmes showing how health promotion and
prevention activities, coupled with disease-specific
programmes, have successfully addressed social
determinants of health and health equity;
influencing condition-specific programmes to better
do what they are currently doing (prevent, detect,
treat, cure), but also to advocate social change as
a means for sustainable improvement of population
health to figure more prominently across WHO;
encouraging WHO to take an even stronger political
leadership role to position health and health equity
as intrinsic global values and not merely a means to
economic growth;
measuring sustainability and institutional commitment
to the social determinants of health collaboration
across WHO and within programmes by resource
allocation and staff profiles – commitment to social
determinants action, to more programmatic work
linked to social patterns of disease, and to change
at country-level working, including the adoption of
a social determinants of health action framework by
Source: PPHCKN, 2007c


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The third of the Commission’s three
principles of action is:
Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the
knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the
social determinants of health, and raise public awareness
about the social determinants of health.
A society that is concerned with health and health
equity acknowledges the existence of all its citizens
and the importance of their well-being. It measures the
extent of health problems and health inequity, and their
determinants, and uses evidence to design and adjust
policies and programmes to maximize health benefit for all.
The world is changing fast and often it is unclear the
impact that social, economic, and political change will
have on health in general and on health inequities within
countries and across the globe in particular. Action on
the social determinants of health will be more effective if
basic data systems, including vital registration and routine
monitoring of health inequity and the social determinants
of health, are in place and there are mechanisms to ensure
that the data are understood and applied to develop more
effective interventions.
Creating the organizational space, mandate, and capacity
to act effectively on health inequity depends on a better
understanding – among political actors, practitioners, and
the general public – of how population health is affected
by social determinants. WHO needs to help build capacity
at the international, national, and local level and assert
its leadership role by increasing its capacity to advise on
policies for health equity and provide technical support
on the social determinants of health. There is definitely
enough evidence to act now. Dedicated efforts to
strengthen, and share, the global evidence base on health
equity and the social determinants of health are needed to
improve our capacity to act.

The social determinants of health:
Monitoring, research, and training
“We must never forget: evidence has great strategic and
persuasive power at the policy level.”
Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO (Chan, 2007)
Evidence-based policy-making on the social determinants
of health offers the best hope of tackling health inequities
(MEKN, 2007a). This requires good data on the extent of the
problem, and up-to-date evidence on the determinants and
on what works to reduce health inequities. It also requires
an understanding of the evidence, among policy-makers and
practitioners, such that social determinants of health are acted
Action on the social determinants of health to improve
overall health outcomes and reduce health inequities will
be much more effective if basic data systems are in place,
nationally and internationally, and there are mechanisms to
ensure that the data can be understood and applied to develop
more effective interventions. These processes are essential for
knowing the magnitude of the problem, for understanding
who is most affected and whether the situation is improving
or deteriorating over time, and for assessing entry-points for
intervention and evaluating the impact of policies (MEKN,
2007b). Well-presented data can provide a stimulus for political
action (CW, 2007). Globally, health monitoring systems are
in different stages of development. Some countries have
little routinely collected health data of any kind. Others have
routine health information systems, but do not monitor health
inequities. Still other countries measure health inequities
routinely, but lack data on the determinants of health inequities
so that entry-points for policies cannot be detected (MEKN,
2007a). Countries with the worst health problems, including
countries in conflict, have the least good data.
One important element of a basic health information system
is a comprehensive good quality civil registration system. Yet
many births and deaths remain unregistered, particularly in
low- and middle-income countries (UNICEF, 2005; UNICEF,
2007c) (Table 16.1). Within countries, underregistration of
births is disproportionately high among poor households and
communities (UNICEF, 2007c). “The challenges encountered
by parents in registering the birth of their children often signal
and overlap with broader patterns of social exclusion and
lack of access to social services” (UNICEF, 2007c). In many
countries, high costs of birth registration are an important
reason for underregistration (UNICEF, 2007c).
Table 16.1
Unregistered births (in thousands) in 2003, by region
and level of development
Region Births Unregistered
children, n (%)
World 133 028 48 276 (36%)
Sub-Saharan Africa 26 879 14 751 (55%)
Middle East and North Africa 9790 1543 (16%)
South Asia 37 099 23 395 (63%)
East Asia and Pacific 31 616 5901 (19%)
Latin America and Caribbean 11 567 1787 (15%)
CEE/CIS and Baltic States 5250 1218 (23%)
Industrialized countries 10 827 218 (2%)
Developing countries 119 973 48 147 (40%)
Least developed countries 27 819 19 682 (71%)
CEE = Central and Eastern Europe; CIS = Commonwealth of
Independent States.
Source: UNICEF, 2005
Failing birth registration systems not only violate the right of
a child to a name and nationality (Convention on the Rights
of the Child, article 7), but also have major implications for
health and developmental outcomes. Children that are not
counted do not count: they have problems accessing essential
health services and enrolling into school (UNICEF, 2005).
Civil registration systems play critical legal functions – by
establishing and protecting identity and citizenship they can
help protect against exploitation such as child labour and can
help protect property rights. Developing and maintaining a
functioning birth registration system as part of a comprehensive
civil registration system can protect disadvantaged children
from the further disadvantage throughout their lives that
comes from not being registered at birth (UNICEF, 2005).
Vital registration has been shown to be of major importance
for social and economic development in early industrializing
countries (Szreter, 2007; Lundberg et al., 2007). The last 50
years have seen little improvement in such systems in low- and
middle-income countries (Mahapatra et al., 2007).
Although vitally important, basic data by themselves do not
indicate what works best to improve health and reduce health
inequities. The underlying causes of health inequity need
to be understood, and evidence is needed on what types of
intervention work best to reduce the problem. The evidence

base needs strengthening in several respects. First, most health
research (funding) remains overwhelmingly biomedically
focused, whereas the largest health improvements arguably
come from improvements in the social determinants of health
(IUHPE/CEU, 1999; Woolf et al., 2004; Woolf et al., 2007;
Szreter, 2002; Szreter, 1988). More interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary research on the social determinants of health
is needed. Generating evidence on what works to reduce
health inequities is a complex process. Randomized controlled
trials are often not practically and/or ethically feasible.
Moreover, evidence on the social determinants of health can
be context dependent. Responses to inequities will reflect a
wide range of factors, including the culture and history of a
country, its political environment, and the strength of civil
society. Understanding the impact that context has on health
inequities and the effectiveness of interventions requires a rich
evidence base that includes both qualitative and quantitative
data. Evidence needs to be judged on fitness for purpose – that
is, does it convincingly answer the question asked – rather
than on the basis of strict traditional hierarchies of evidence
(MEKN, 2007a).
The social determinants of health agenda is fundamentally
political and hence requires political action. Evidence is,
however, vital. Problem recognition and definition as well as
formulation of solutions are crucial, in addition to political will.
Policy actors need to recognize and understand the problem
of health inequity, its determinants, and the possible solutions
– and to feel that they have the organizational space and
mandate and the resources to define appropriate action. This
requires investment in training of policy-makers and advisors,
medical and health practitioners, and other practitioners (such
as urban planners) and in increasing public understanding of
social determinants of health.
Birth registration systems
The Commission recommends that:
16.1 Governments ensure that all children are
registered at birth without financial cost to the
household. This should be part of improvement
of civil registration for births and deaths (see Rec
5.2; 14.1).
Improving birth registration should be one of the highest
priorities in building capacity for routine monitoring of health
inequity, particularly in low- and middle-income countries
(Braveman, 1998). This requires that governments give greater
priority to the development of capacity and infrastructure
for civil registration in their national health and development
plans, including in their allocation of financial and human
resources (Mahapatra et al., 2007; Setel et al., 2007). National
governments must be responsible for setting up a birth
registration system as part of a comprehensive, high-quality
civil registration system. Death registration, including cause of
death, should be strengthened by improving routine registries
or (in the short term) through improving alternative methods,
such as verbal autopsies (Murray et al., 2007).
The health-care system can play an important role, and indeed
has a responsibility, in the development and strengthening of
a civil registration system. Working closely with registration
authorities and national statistics offices, it can inform, promote,
and support the establishment and maintenance of such a
system (Setel et al., 2007). Health-care providers can, for
example, provide information to caregivers on how to obtain
birth registration. Conversely, information on health and child
development can be provided to parents when they register the
birth of their child (UNICEF, 2005). The quality of cause-of-
death registration can be improved by enhancing the training
of physicians in the completion of cause-of-death forms
(Mahapatra et al., 2007).
Efforts to improve overall birth registration levels should be
combined with specific efforts that seek to reduce inequities
in birth registration between social groups and regions within
countries (UNICEF, 2005). Mapping of registration coverage
can be used to identify regions with the highest levels of
underregistration and to plan registration campaigns (UNICEF,
2005). Specific mechanisms to improve coverage and reduce
inequities in coverage will be context specific. A first priority
is abolishing registration fees and penalties for late registration.
If distance is a problem, mobile units or house-to-house
registration campaigns can be useful (UNICEF, 2005). In
settings where a lack of knowledge is a problem, information
and awareness-raising campaigns reaching all regions and social
groups are an option (UNICEF, 2005). Governments can work
with civil society organizations and other local organizations
such as schools and health centres, or camps for internally
displaced persons, to increase coverage (UNICEF, 2005).
Improving civil registration systems requires the trust and
participation of citizens (Setel et al., 2007). Their privacy needs
to be protected through functioning data protection systems.
Individuals, in particular vulnerable groups, should be protected
from abuse of civil registration by governments and others
(Setel et al., 2007).
Developing and strengthening civil registration systems that
are sustainable in the long term requires enduring political
and financial commitment, nationally and internationally, from
governments, donors, and international organizations (Setel
et al., 2007; Mahapatra et al., 2007). Donors and international
agencies should recognize that birth registration – as part of
a functioning, complete civil registration system – is a key
component of the development infrastructure (Mahapatra et
al., 2007). WHO has a key role to play in providing technical
support to countries. In addition, international efforts are
Ensure that routine monitoring systems for health equity and the social determinants of health are in place,
locally, nationally, and internationally.

needed to improve the quality and comparability of vital
statistics, such as through the Health Metrics Network (Setel et
al., 2007; Mahapatra et al., 2007; Health Metrics Network, nd).
Support for civil registration also needs to be built into projects
funded by international agencies (Mahapatra et al., 2007). The
World Bank, for example, can build this into its financing of
health systems development and reform, while UNICEF could
more actively promote death registration in addition to its
efforts to improve birth registration (Mahapatra et al., 2007).
National health equity surveillance systems
The Commission recommends that:
16.2 National governments establish a national health
equity surveillance system, with routine collection
of data on social determinants of health and
health inequity (see Rec 10.3).
A health equity surveillance system routinely collects, collates,
and disseminates information on health, health inequities, and
health determinants in a coherent fashion. Many countries
and international organizations already collect data on the
social determinants of health in one form or another. National
and global health equity surveillance systems can build on
these existing efforts, and would add two important things.
First, while most existing data systems only present country
averages, a health equity surveillance system would present data
stratified by social groups within countries, and would include
measures of inequity in health and determinants between these
groups. Second, while data on different social determinants
of health are currently dispersed across a multitude of
information systems, a health equity surveillance system would
bring together in one place data on a broad range of social
determinants of health.
Building a minimum health equity surveillance system
It is recommended that all national governments build towards
a comprehensive health equity surveillance system (see Box
16.3), where necessary with technical assistance from WHO.
Such a surveillance system can be built progressively, depending
on a country’s stage of development and existing health
information system. The first requirement is that governments
ensure the availability of basic mortality and morbidity
data, stratified by socioeconomic group and by regions
within countries. Experience from work for the EU shows
consistently that countries without basic data on mortality
and morbidity by socioeconomic indicators are incapable of
moving forward on the health equity agenda (Mackenbach &
Bakker, 2003); the same is arguably true for countries outside
the EU. A framework for a minimum health equity surveillance
system is presented in Box 16.2.
In order to build a minimum health equity surveillance system,
all countries need to:
• immediately build routine health statistics where they
do not exist; even in areas of conflict/emergency, cluster
sample health and living conditions surveys can be feasible
(Burnham, 2006; UNDP & Ministry of Planning and
Development Corporation, 2005), albeit difficult;
• improve routine health statistics in such a way that it will
be possible to follow health and mortality trends separately
for men and women and for different social strata, using
nationally representative data;
• where reliant on surveys, improve:
– representativeness – nationally representative while also
addressing the problem of missing data for vulnerable
groups such as the homeless, mobile groups, Indigenous
– statistical power – sufficient to disaggregate the majority
of health outcomes and determinants for relevant social
strata, and to monitor time-trends in health inequity;
– data quality and methods – reliability, validity, sample and
estimation methods, statistical techniques;
– consistency/comparability of data collection – to allow
for comparisons over time and across countries;
– geo-referencing – to facilitate data linking;
– frequency with which surveys are conducted -ideally at
least every five years;
• improve knowledge about health and mortality across all
ages and social strata in poor countries. Survey data, in
particular the DHS, have been invaluable for the description
of inequities in childhood mortality and its determinants in
low- and middle-income countries. Their widespread use
shows that such surveys are feasible in these countries. It is
important to set up systems that will provide information on
adult health as well, for example by extended DHS.
The health equity surveillance system should be coordinated
nationally so that it can be useful for national and local health
policy-makers. Governments, where necessary with help from
donors, should provide sufficient long-term core funding
to a central agency that coordinates national health equity
“In Africa, South Africa is one of the best-documented
cases in which the absence of good data for cause
of death allowed-for a time-poor national policies
to continue, and the improved use of existing data
for vital events has led to changes in policy and
programme priorities. …In the early 2000s, this
country’s available data for vital events pointed
unambiguously at a huge increase in adult deaths.
Absent information about the causes of those deaths,
however, provided an opportunity for a government
that was officially sceptical of AIDS to persist in
casting doubt on the true effects of the epidemic in
their country. Authorities in Cape Town participated in
analysis of existing information about cause of death,
particularly about AIDS and homicide, and gained an
appreciation of the value of locally generated data for
local decision making.”
Reproduced, with permission of the publisher, from
Setel et al. (2007).

surveillance. WHO should play a crucial role in supporting
health equity surveillance systems at the Member State level.
This should include providing technical support for systems
improvement; improving quality and comparability of data
(across countries and over time); and building capacity at the
country level to use the data for policy-making, public health
programme development, and analysis. Initiatives such as the
Health Metrics Network could also support building technical
capacity for health equity surveillance (Health Metrics
Network, nd). In addition, experience could be drawn from
existing initiatives to monitor health equity, such as the EU
Health Monitoring Programme (EU, 1997).
Towards a comprehensive health equity surveillance
Data on the most important social determinants of health
should be collected and analysed together with health data.
The surveillance system should provide data on a range of
social determinants of health along the causal pathway, ranging
from daily living conditions to more structural drivers of
health inequities (Solar & Irwin, 2007). The system should be
structured so that it is possible to follow time-trends on social
determinants of health separately for men and women and for
different social strata.
Box 16.3 provides an example of what a framework for
health equity surveillance could look like. It should include
information on health inequities and determinants and the
consequences of ill-health. Health information should be
presented in a stratified manner, using both social and regional
stratifiers. While health information for specified social
groups should be included, the absolute level of health of
disadvantaged groups in particular is an important indicator
for policy-makers. In addition, measures that summarize the
magnitude of health inequity between population groups
should be included. It is advisable to include both a measure of
relative and a measure of absolute health inequity, as these types
of measure are complementary and findings can depend on
which type is used. When interpreting inequality patterns and
trends, policy-makers, planners, and researchers should be clear
about which type of summary measure they are using. Simple
measures of health inequity – such as the rate ratio and rate
difference – can, for research purposes, be complemented with
more complex measures of health inequity (such as the relative
index of inequality) (Kunst & Mackenbach, 1994; Mackenbach
et al., 1997; MEKN, 2007b; Vågerö, 1995). Information on the
distribution of the population across social and regional groups
needs to be included in the surveillance system as the size of
the groups will determine the population impact of the health
The framework in Box 16.3 shows broad categories of health
outcomes and determinants for which indicators will need to
be developed using a participatory process at the international
and national level. The broad categories are derived from
the work of the Commission, as laid out in this report. The
framework clearly describes the importance of monitoring
beyond the health-care sector (CW, 2007). Ideally, a core set
of indicators that are comparable across countries should be
developed, under the stewardship of WHO and in consultation
with stakeholders at the country and international level (see
Chapter 15: Good Global Governance, recommendation 15.1).
These should include human rights-based health indicators
to enable monitoring and evaluation of progressive realization
of the right to the conditions for health (UN, 2000a). At the
country level, modules and specific indicators for national- and
local-level adaptation could be developed within this coherent
A minimum health equity surveillance system
provides basic data on mortality and morbidity by
socioeconomic and regional groups within countries.
All countries should, as a minimum, have basic health
equity data available that are nationally representative
and comparable over time. Ideally, mortality is
estimated on the basis of complete, good-quality
registries of vital events, while morbidity data could
be collected using health interview surveys (Kunst &
Mackenbach, 1994). In many low- and middle-income
countries, health surveys will remain an important
source of information on mortality in the near future.
Health outcomes:
mortality: infant mortality and/or under-5 mortality,
maternal mortality, adult mortality, and LEB;
morbidity: at least three nationally relevant morbidity
indicators, which will vary between country contexts
and might include prevalence of obesity, diabetes,
undernutrition, and HIV;
self-rated mental and physical health.
Measures of inequity:
In addition to population averages, data on health
outcomes should be provided in a stratified manner
including stratification by:
at least two social markers (e.g. education, income/
wealth, occupational class, ethnicity/race);
at least one regional marker (e.g. rural/urban,
Include at least one summary measure of absolute
health inequities between social groups, and one
summary measure of relative health inequities
between social groups (see Box 16.3).
Good-quality data on the health of Indigenous Peoples
should be available, where applicable.

Include information on:
health outcomes stratified by:
– sex
– at least two socioeconomic stratifiers (education,
income/wealth, occupational class);
– ethnic group/race/indigeneity;
– other contextually relevant social stratifiers;
– place of residence (rural/urban and province or
other relevant geographical unit);
the distribution of the population across the
a summary measure of relative health inequity:
measures include the rate ratio, the relative index
of inequality, the relative version of the population
attributable risk, and the concentration index;
a summary measure of absolute health inequity:
measures include the rate difference, the slope index
of inequality, and the population attributable risk.
mortality (all cause, cause specific, age specific);
mental health;
morbidity and disability;
self-assessed physical and mental health;
cause-specific outcomes.
Daily living conditions
health behaviours:
– smoking;
– alcohol;
– physical activity;
– diet and nutrition;
physical and social environment:
– water and sanitation;
– housing conditions;
– infrastructure, transport, and urban design;
– air quality;
– social capital;
working conditions:
– material working hazards;
– stress;
health care:
– coverage;
– health-care system infrastructure;
social protection:
– coverage;
– generosity.
Structural drivers of health inequity:
– norms and values;
– economic participation;
– sexual and reproductive health;
social inequities:
– social exclusion;
– income and wealth distribution;
– education;
sociopolitical context:
– civil rights;
– employment conditions;
– governance and public spending priorities;
– macroeconomic conditions.
economic consequences;
social consequences.

In some countries, there are already initiatives to monitor
health inequities and the social determinants of health in a
comprehensive way (CW, 2007) (Box 16.4).
The role of communities in health equity surveillance
Involving local communities is an integral part of the overall
health equity surveillance process. This is especially important
because, if the ground realities with regard to equity are to
be assessed accurately, then it is those who are excluded who
can provide evidence of changes, if any. Community-based
monitoring can, for example, expose various conditions at the
grassroots level, such as lack of services and resources for HIV-
related treatment (Box 16.5). Another example is the issue of
sex determination tests and declining female sex ratio in India.
It was community health and women’s groups who exposed the
practice of sex determination followed by abortion, as they had
been monitoring changes in births by gender at the local level.
Not only can community monitoring provide authentic
and reliable data, it can also be empowering for local people
(Boxes 16.5 and 16.6). Building capacity to collect and analyse
data is often a precursor to community action on the social
determinants of health and can enable communities to make
choices and decisions on issues affecting their lives. Giving
communities access to or even control over their own data and
monitoring can facilitate action on the social determinants
of health. Typically, data are collected locally but go up to
administrators and policy-makers and are rarely given back to
local people. They do not see changes, if any, nor how their
community fares compared to others. This need not be the case
(Box 16.6).
As part of monitoring progress since the Acheson
inquiry in 1997, the Department of Health is reviewing
trends in health inequity and the social determinants
of health. The review includes a number of health
outcomes by social class, together with data on a
broad range of social determinants ranging from
health behaviours, through health systems and
health-care use, to material conditions, employment
arrangements, and social and economic policies,
following broadly the framework laid out in Box 16.3.
Source: Health Inequalities Unit, 2008; Department of
Health, 2005
GEGA seeks to reduce health inequities through an
equity gauge approach that includes assessment and
monitoring, advocacy, and community empowerment.
In at least 10 countries, an equity gauge is active. A
diverse set of societal actors can be involved in an
equity gauge, including communities, civil society
organizations, researchers, policy-makers, the media,
health workers, and local government. Monitoring
of health inequities is linked to social and political
mobilization. The HIV Gauge in South Africa, for
example, uses community monitoring and evaluation
to assess whether or not key services and resources
for HIV-related treatment are present. The findings
of this monitoring activity are used in community
advocacy and to develop local solutions to factors
impeding the take-up of HIV-related services.
Sources: GEGA, nd; Health Systems Trust, nd
Nongovernmental organizations can play an important
role in community monitoring. For example, the
Dutch nongovernmental organization Connect
International funds and facilitates local partner
organizations to carry out community development
programmes in several African countries. The
partners conduct household surveys on health and
the social determinants of health in the communities
in Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania, and
Zambia in which they work. The surveys serve to
evaluate the community development programmes
and provide insight into the strengths and weaknesses
of health and social determinants in each involved
village. Local health workers in the villages and staff of
the local partner organizations are trained to conduct
the surveys. The results of the surveys are presented
back to and discussed with the communities, which
are actively involved in discussing progress made and
setting priorities for further improvement based on the
outcome of the surveys.
Source: Connect International, nd

A global health equity surveillance system
The Commission recommends that:
16.3 WHO stewards the creation of a global health
equity surveillance system as part of a wider
global governance structure (see Rec 15.1).
A global health equity surveillance system would systematically
collate and make publicly accessible, for all countries globally,
data on health inequities and determinants. Such a surveillance
system is an important element of good global governance (see
Chapter 15: Good Global Governance). A global health equity
surveillance system would build on, and add to, national health
equity surveillance systems. It could be based on a similar
framework to that laid out in Box 16.3 for national surveillance
systems. In addition to within-country inequities, the global
surveillance system should monitor inequities in health
outcomes between countries (Box 16.7), and the determinants
of these inequities. These determinants can, among others,
be found at the level of the global environment, such as
between-country wealth differences, the amount of global
funds spent on social determinants of health work (compared
with disease-specific funds), WHO allocation to health equity
and social determinants of health work, the extent to which
overseas aid spending commitments are met, and the scale of
debt relief. These are illustrations of determinants of between-
country health inequities. A coherent framework with core
indicators for global health equity surveillance needs to be
developed, under the stewardship of WHO and involving
stakeholders at the country level as well as from international
organizations and research institutes (see Chapter 15: Good
Global Governance).
Several methods for measuring global health inequity
have recently been developed. These include the
dispersion measure of mortality (Moser, Shkolnikov &
Leon, 2005), cluster analysis (Ruger & Kiml, 2006), and
application of the slope index of inequality – generally
used for measuring within-country health inequities
– to measure inequities between countries (Dorling,
Shaw & Davey Smith, 2006). Using the dispersion
measure of mortality, for example, it has been shown
that global mortality convergence (from 1950-55 to
1985-90) has been replaced by divergence since the
mid-1980s (Moser, Shkolnikov & Leon, 2005) (Fig.
16.1). Further research into ways to measure global
health inequity and its determinants is needed. It is
important to develop targets globally for reduction of
health inequities between and within countries, with
regular monitoring of progress.
Figure 16.1 Trend in the dispersion measure of mortality for life expectancy at birth, 1950–2000.
DMM = dispersion measure of mortality.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Moser, Shkolnikov & Leon (2005).

The role of WHO and the UN system
Monitoring and surveillance of population health worldwide
is one of the core functions of WHO. The Commission
endorses the establishment of a global health observatory
that would, “collect, collate and disseminate data on priority
health problems” (WHO, 2008a). It is critical that global
health equity surveillance is a key component of such an
observatory. While involving stakeholders from Member
States, international organizations, and research institutes, the
specific global health equity component of a global health
observatory could perform several key activities: development
of a coherent monitoring framework with core indicators
that are comparable across countries; provision of standards
and guidelines for health equity surveillance; development of
interactive and rapidly updated national, regional, and global
profiles on inequities in health and the social determinants of
health tailored to different target audiences; and provision of
a transparent data and evidence platform that can be used and
improved by all stakeholders as inputs for policies, programmes,
or advocacy.
As part of a wider UN process for more coherent planning
(see Chapter 15: Good Global Governance), WHO can steward
improvements in coordination and cooperation between
countries and international agencies to reduce fragmentation
and duplication of requests to countries in data collection
and reporting (UNICEF, 2007c). This includes facilitating
interagency discussions on technical and methodological issues,
such as the standardization of indicators; identifying key gaps
in data availability; and developing strategies to overcome these.
Such a role requires that WHO builds internal capacity to
monitor health equity and the social determinants of health.
A global health equity surveillance system, to be most effective,
will need to be UN-system wide and invite partners in civil
society, the private sector, and all levels of government (see
Chapter 15: Good Global Governance). Championing the
collection and monitoring of stratified data on health outcomes
and the social determinants of health across the UN system
is an important role of WHO. Importantly, within the UN
system, the General Assembly and national PRSPs could focus
on health equity, and the MDGs could include a health equity
component. The Common Country Assessment, which is a
common instrument across the UN system to monitor and
analyse countries’ development, could become an important
monitoring device by inclusion of indicators on health equity
and the social determinants of health. The UN Country Teams,
made up of specialized organizations including WHO, could
provide a mechanism to implement this. As part of the global
health equity surveillance system, it is recommended that the
UN system creates a process towards a comprehensive set of
globally agreed long-term health equity targets with interim
benchmarks (see Chapter 17: Sustaining Action Beyond the
Commission on Social Determinants of Health).
Using surveillance data for policy-making
As part of global and national surveillance systems, data on
health inequities and determinants should be made publicly
available and accessible and disseminated widely for advocacy
purposes and to support coherent policy-making. This requires
that results are made accessible for a non-technical audience on
a routine basis. Raw data need to be made publicly accessible
for research purposes. National health equity surveillance
data need to be reported to, among others, national policy-
makers and WHO. Global health equity surveillance data need
to be reported to the Economic and Social Council, other
international bodies, and back to national governments (see
Chapter 15: Good Global Governance).
There should be a clear process, with a feedback loop, from
data on health inequities to policy-making, such that data are
drawn upon in the development of national and sub-national
policies and in the design of public health programmes (Box
16.8). The policy implications of observed health patterns and
trends (Braveman, 1998) for all sectors, not just the health-
care sector, should be assessed on an ongoing basis. Key
constituencies should be involved in this process, including
policy-makers, practitioners from different sectors, researchers
from a variety of disciplines, civil society, and community
organizations. Their knowledge and experience can aid the
interpretation of the data, and their involvement is key for
mobilization to implement policy and create and sustain
political will (Braveman, 1998).
At the time of the health system reform in Mexico in
2000, half of Mexican families, most of them poor, had
no protection against the financial consequences of
ill-health. The reform of the Mexican health system
invested heavily in the generation and application of
knowledge. National health accounts showed that
more than half of all health expenditure in Mexico was
out-of-pocket. As a consequence, many households
were driven below the poverty line or forced deeper
into poverty. This evidence created public awareness
of a reality that had hitherto been outside the policy
debate – namely, that health care itself could become
a direct cause of impoverishment. Major legislative
reform was undertaken to establish a system of
protection in health and was approved by all political
parties in the Mexican Congress. The new public
voluntary scheme, called Seguro Popular, came into
effect on 1 January 2004. It will expand until universal
coverage is achieved in 2010.
Periodic national income and expenditure survey
analyses show a reduction in the number of
households affected by catastrophic health-care
payments and a major increase in the use of early
detection services for several non-communicable
Source: MEKN, 2007a

Expanding the knowledge base
The Commission recommends that:
16.4. Research funding bodies create a dedicated
budget for generation and global sharing of
evidence on social determinants of health and
health equity, including health equity intervention
The scope of public health research
The work of the Commission clearly shows the importance
of broadening the scope of public health research to include
a stronger emphasis on the social determinants of health.
It requires that funding bodies, including national health,
medical, and social research councils, invest more in research
on the social determinants of health and in the multi- and
interdisciplinary research that this entails, rather than the
disease-specific biomedical focus of research funding that
currently prevails (Global Forum for Health Research, 2006;
Sanders et al., 2004; McCoy et al., 2004).
The themes of all the chapters in this report require more
research on what works to reduce health inequities (see
Chapter 17: Sustaining Action Beyond the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health). Three broad areas need particular
investment. First, research on determinants of health inequities,
rather than determinants of average population health, need
further study. Second, more research is needed on what
works to reduce health inequities in what circumstances,
and how best to implement interventions such that they
contribute to a reduction of these inequities (Box 16.9). This
research should take into account the complexity of these
interventions. There is some experience with the evaluation
of complex interventions (such as Head Start and Moving
to Opportunity in the United States and Health Action
Zones in the United Kingdom). But compared to biomedical
science, funding in the development of appropriate methods
for these types of evaluation has been negligible. The global
Healthy Cities movement has been most important for a
broad approach to improving health, but there has been little
systematic evaluation. The third area for investment is the
development of methods for measuring and monitoring health
inequities and for evaluating the impact of population-level
interventions (MEKN, 2007b). WHO could lead a process
to bring together, from a range of disciplinary backgrounds,
researchers experienced in using methods to evaluate complex
interventions. WHO could also lead investment by national
governments in multinational intervention studies that use
context-appropriate methods but that can be compared across
national borders.
Broadening the definition of evidence
Action on the social determinants of health is best served
through developing a rich and diverse evidence base. This
should include evidence from multiple disciplines and
methodological traditions (Box 16.10), as well as systematic
collection of knowledge and experience from key stakeholders
involved, especially from practitioners and the planned
beneficiaries of the interventions. This is particularly important
as evidence on the social determinants of health is often
context dependent. Evaluations of social determinants of
health interventions require rich qualitative data in order to
understand the ways in which context affects the intervention
and the reasons for its success or failure. What counts as
legitimate evidence should be determined on the basis of
‘fitness for purpose’ rather than on a single hierarchy of
evidence (which traditionally puts randomized controlled
trials and laboratory experiments at the top) (MEKN, 2007a).
Whereas no single approach to the generation of evidence or
data should be privileged over others, all types of evidence can
be assessed using the following criteria: making explicit the
specific research questions the evidence seeks to answer within
the broader field of social determinants of health research;
The reform of the Mexican health system invested
heavily in the generation and application of
knowledge. The impact assessment and evaluation
experience established under Mexico’s conditional
cash transfer programme Oportunidades is being
applied to the health system reform, which saw
the introduction of a popular health insurance,
Seguro Popular. In addition to its technical aspects,
rigorous evaluation has political value to assure
the continuity of innovations through changes in
administration. In the case of Oportunidades, scientific
evidence persuaded the government not only to
continue with the programme, but also to expand
it. The encouraging results shown by the continuing
assessment of Seguro Popular may serve once again
to maintain the reform through future changes of
Source: MEKN, 2007a
Invest in generating and sharing new evidence on the ways in which social determinants influence population
health and health equity and on the effectiveness of measures to reduce health inequities through action on
social determinants.

transparency (especially making all forms of potential bias
explicit); and relevance for different population groups and
contexts (MEKN, 2007a).
Addressing gender biases in research
Medical research may not always deal objectively with gender
issues (Begin, 1998). Much research is gender biased – both in
terms of what is studied, as well as in terms of how the research
is done (Williams & Borins, 1993; Eichler, Reisman & Borins,
1992). Health problems that particularly affect women, for
example, tend to be more slowly recognized. Some of women’s
health complaints are brushed away as psychological, without
including them as objects of research (Begin, 1998). Interaction
between gender and other social factors is often not recognized
and sex-disaggregated data are often not collected (Iyer, Sen &
Östlin, 2007). Methods used in medical research and clinical
trials for new drugs can lack a gender perspective and exclude
women from study populations. Biases also include a gender
imbalance in ethical committees and research-funding and
advisory bodies, and differential treatment of women scientists
(WGEKN, 2007).
Mechanisms and policies need to be developed to ensure
that gender biases in both the content and processes of health
research are avoided and corrected (WGEKN, 2007). These
mechanisms and policies include:
• ensuring collection of data disaggregated by sex and other
stratifiers in individual research projects as well as through
larger data systems;
• including women in clinical trials and other health studies in
appropriate numbers;
• analysing data generated from clinical trials and other health
studies using gender-sensitive tools and methods;
• strengthening women’s role in health research, among others
by redressing the gender imbalances in research committees
and funding, publication, and advisory bodies.
Strengthening global generation, sharing, and
accumulation of evidence
The production and synthesis of evidence and the production
of evidence-based guidance on the social determinants of
health is resource intensive. There is a need for international
collaboration to ensure knowledge accumulation and to
prevent unnecessary duplication of effort. Mechanisms for
global knowledge sharing and accumulation need to be
improved, for example, by creating a ‘clearing house’ for
evidence on interventions on the social determinants of
health. Creating such a clearing house could, for example, be
a function of the global health observatory. Building on the
experience of the Commission, this should include not just
technical information, but also learning from practice, policy-
makers, and civil society. A clearing house could also help
translate findings on the effectiveness of interventions from one
setting to another. For this to happen, dialogue and exchange
of experience between governments, donors, development
partners, and civil society should be facilitated. The importance
for all countries of knowledge accumulation and exchange on
health equity justifies international investment (EUROTHINE,
Statistical data are essential to describe the extent
of a public health problem but do little to explain the
experience of that problem or its impact on people’s
lives. Yet providing a sense of the lived experience
is important for explanatory purposes, as well as for
advocacy and giving politicians and others the rich
story that can turn hearts and minds (Baum, 1995). For
example, policy-makers are often at a loss to explain
why people smoke despite the evidence of its negative
impact on health. Graham (1987) used qualitative
research to show that for poor women smoking can
be a coping mechanism in response to the demands
of living in poverty and being a mother. Qualitative
evidence can also help explain counterintuitive
findings from statistical analyses. Some research
on social capital and health, for example, found that
participation in community life can be a predictor
of poorer health status. The statistical analysis that
reveals this pattern says nothing of the reasons for
it. The complementary qualitative data provided
accounts of participation and suggested that a likely
factor was the conflict that not infrequently occurs
when people are involved in community groups
(Ziersch & Baum, 2004).

Training and education on the social determinants of
Training of medical and health professionals
The Commission recommends that:
16.5 Educational institutions and relevant ministries
make the social determinants of health a standard
and compulsory part of training of medical and
health professionals (see Rec 9.3).
Medical and health professionals, including physicians, nurses,
auxiliary personnel, and community workers, need to be aware
of health inequities as an important public health problem.
They also need to understand the importance of social factors
in influencing the level and distribution of population health.
Unfortunately, in most medical and health curricula, there is
too little place for training on the social determinants of health.
Ministries of health and education, in collaboration with
medical, nursing, public health, and health management
schools, need to make the social determinants of health a
standard and compulsory part of the curriculum of medical
and health practitioners. All health professionals need to
receive such training at a basic level as a minimum. In
addition, dedicated groups of people can be trained at a more
specialist level such that they, as members of the public health
community, can take the issue forward.
The health-care sector has an important stewardship role in
ISA for health equity (see Chapter 10: Health Equity in all
Policies, Systems, and Programmes). This requires an understanding
among policy-makers and professionals in the health-care
sector of how social determinants influence health. Health
professionals also need to understand how the health-care
sector – depending on its structure, operations, and financing
– can exacerbate or ameliorate health inequities. They need to
understand their role in the equitable provision of quality care.
Health workers and other professionals, for example, need to be
trained in good communication and listening skills and in how
to tailor their communication to meet their patients’ needs
(Kickbusch, Wait & Maag, 2006). They also need to be aware
of how gender influences health outcomes and health-seeking
behaviour. This requires the integration of gender into the
curriculum of health personnel as part of training on the social
determinants of health (Box 16.11).
The recommended reorientation of the health-care sector
towards a greater importance of prevention and health
promotion (see Chapters 9 and 10: Universal Health Care;
Health Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes) requires
a reorientation in the skills, knowledge, and experience of
the health personnel involved and an enhancement of the
professional status and importance of these areas. Prevention
and health promotion should certainly be given a more
prominent place in the medical curriculum.
Making the social determinants of health a standard and
compulsory part of medical training and training of other
health professionals requires that textbooks and teaching
materials are developed for this purpose. There is an urgent
need to develop, among other things, a virtual repository of
teaching and training materials on a broad range of social
determinants of health that can be downloaded without cost.
Furthermore, opportunities for interdisciplinary professional
training and research on social determinants of health are
needed. In low-income countries this can be done, for
example, through regional centres of excellence and/or
distance education models (Box 16.12).
Provide training on the social determinants of health to policy actors, stakeholders, and practitioners and
invest in raising public awareness.
Over the past decade there have been efforts to
integrate gender into the medical curriculum in training
institutions in a range of developed and developing
countries including the Netherlands, Sweden,
Australia, Canada, the United States, the Philippines,
and India.
In the Netherlands, for example, a countrywide
initiative to integrate gender into the medical
curriculum of the eight medical schools was
undertaken in 2002. A review of the initiative
found that the integration was largely successful.
Key obstacles included the continued low priority
accorded to gender within the medical curriculum and
lower levels of support for the initiative among male
medical educators.
In India, the Gender Mainstreaming in Medical
Education project is an important initiative that
not only focuses on medical schools, but also
takes a broader view of gender mainstreaming
through collaboration with health professionals
and nongovernmental organizations. The project is
intended to gender-sensitize medical students by
incorporating the gender perspective into textbooks as
well as by training a core group of medical educators
in gender issues.
Source: Govender & Penn-Kekana, 2007

The Commission recommends that:
16.6 Educational institutions and relevant ministries
act to increase understanding of the social
determinants of health among non-medical
professionals and the general public (see Rec
Training of other practitioners and policy actors
Training and education on the social determinants of health
needs to be extended to other practitioners, policy actors, and
stakeholders. Professionals, such as urban planners, transport
planners, teachers, and architects, are in a privileged position
to act on the social determinants of health. Improving the
understanding of what affects population health and the social
gradient in health prepares the ground so that the evidence
can be understood and acted on, providing a basis for ISA.
Training of non-medical practitioners requires that schools of
social work and faculties of education collaborate in making
training on the social determinants of health a standard part of
the curriculum. There is an urgent need to develop training
and learning resources that demonstrate the central messages
about how population health is improved not through action
on high-risk individuals but mainly through action that
addresses the characteristics of entire societies (Rose, 1985)
and about the implication of the health gradient for improving
population health (Graham & Kelly, 2004).
Raising awareness about the social determinants of health
The understanding of the social determinants of health among
the general public needs to be improved as a new part of health
literacy. Health literacy is the, “ability to access, understand,
evaluate and communicate information as a way to promote,
maintain and improve health in a variety of settings across the
life-course” (Rootman & Gordon-El-Bihbety, 2008). “It is
The ECDVU is an innovative approach to building
leadership and capacity on ECD. It is a North-South
institution currently working closely with academic
institutions in Ghana, Malawi, and United Republic
of Tanzania and with academic, governmental, and
nongovernmental groups in other parts of sub-
Saharan Africa and the Middle East and North Africa.
International and local partner funds have allowed the
delivery of a combination of web-based and face-to-
face leadership courses designed to advance country-
identified, intersectoral ECD initiatives. An external
evaluation at the conclusion of a pilot delivery noted
that the ECDVU has been, “singularly successful in
meeting and exceeding all of its objectives”.
Source: ECDKN 2007b
a critical empowerment strategy to increase people’s control
over their health, their ability to seek out information and
their ability to take responsibility” (Kickbusch, Wait & Maag,
2006). Poor health literacy is prevalent, even in high-income
countries, and is likely to contribute to health inequities
between social groups (Kickbusch, Wait & Maag, 2006) (Box
The scope of health literacy should be expanded to include
the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and communicate
information on the social determinants of health. Improving
health literacy is an important element of strategies to
reduce health inequity. This requires good, reliable, accessible
information tailored to the needs and circumstances of
different social groups (Kickbusch, Wait & Maag, 2006).
Health literacy is not just about the individual’s ability to read,
understand, and act on health information, but also the ability
of public and private sector actors to communicate health-
related information in relevant and easy-to-understand ways.
This requires improving awareness and knowledge of health
literacy among health professionals. Also, policies need to be
developed on the use of clear language and visual symbols
in health communications (Rootman & Gordon-El-Bihbety,
Health literacy initiatives are ideally developed, funded, and
implemented through coordinated countrywide strategies
(Rootman & Gordon-El-Bihbety, 2008). This requires long-
term investment (Kickbusch, Wait & Maag, 2006). Countries
can create a multi-stakeholder ‘Council on Health Literacy’, at
arm’s length from government, to monitor and assess progress,
facilitate partnerships between organizations, and provide
strategic direction for health literacy (Rootman & Gordon-El-
Bihbety, 2008).
One in five adults in the United Kingdom has problems
with the basic skills needed to understand simple
information that could lead to better health. Poorer
groups are less likely to seek information or help for
health problems.
Amended, with permission of the publisher, from
Kickbusch, Wait & Maag (2006).

Building capacity for health equity impact assessment
The Commission recommends that:
16.7. Governments build capacity for health equity
impact assessment among policy-makers and
planners across government departments (see Rec
10.3; 12.1)
Raising awareness of the importance of social determinants
of health and health equity among policy actors is important
but, in itself, not enough. Implications for health and health
equity need to be routinely considered in policy-making
and practice. Health equity impact assessment is one of the
tools recommended by the Commission (see Chapters 10
and 12: Health Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes;
Market Responsibility). It is a tool to help decision-makers
to systematically assess the potential impact of policies,
programmes, projects, or proposals on health equity in a given
population with the aim of maximizing the positive health
equity benefits and minimizing the potential adverse effects on
health equity (MEKN, 2007b).
Health equity impact assessment is important for several
reasons. First, the extent to which the health sector achieves its
objectives is strongly influenced by other sectors. It is therefore
crucial that the health and health equity impact of policies
and programmes in all sectors, not just the health sector,
are assessed. Second, with the best intentions, policies and
programmes can have unintended effects that may be prevented
following systematic health equity impact assessment. And
finally, solutions to improve health and reduce health inequities
cannot be universally applied to all contexts. Proposed policies
and programmes must therefore be reviewed in context
(MEKN, 2007a).
Health equity impact assessment of policies and programmes
must happen as a matter of course – that is, it should be
a routine procedure in policy development. Considerable
learning from the environmental sector and review of
environmental policies provides a sound basis that health equity
impact assessment can provide a concrete tool to enable all
actors to work together to develop more equitable policies and
There are three important elements of strengthening capacity
for health equity impact assessment.
• Investment in training, tools, and resources. Routine
consideration of health and health equity impacts in policy
development requires capacity building among policy-
makers and planners across all sectors, not just the health
sector, locally, nationally, and internationally. Currently,
there are too few people able to assess health equity impact
to allow for such routine consideration. Training of health
equity impact assessment practitioners is therefore a matter
of urgency (Wismar et al., 2007). Training opportunities
need to be expanded and tools and resources need to
be developed (Harris, 2007) (see Box 16.15). Equity
considerations need to be systematically included in
training on health impact assessment. Health equity impact
assessment could also be included in public health courses
(Wismar et al., 2007).
• Creation of national and regional support centres. National or
regional centres can be created or strengthened to support
health equity impact assessment with technical leadership,
advice, and guidance (Wismar et al., 2007). In addition,
organizational commitment to health impact assessment can
be promoted through general education and communication
strategies that raise awareness of the scope and purpose of
such assessment among users and key stakeholders (Wismar
et al., 2007). WHO can be instrumental in creating or
strengthening these support centres.
• Ensuring budgeting for health equity impact assessment across
departments. Routine consideration of health equity impacts
requires that such assessment is adequately resourced through
An example of capacity building for health impact
assessment is the ‘Learning by Doing’ approach
that was part of the New South Wales Health Impact
Assessment Project. Learning by Doing includes
formal training, access to resources and technical
support, and continued building of consensus on the
scope of health impact assessment. An equity focus
needs to be incorporated into all training on health
impact assessment.
Source: Harris, 2007
The Australian Better Health Initiative is part of a
Council of Australian Governments Reform Package,
which aims to improve health for all Australians. As
part of the development of the Implementation Plan for
New South Wales, a Rapid Equity Focussed Impact
Assessment was conducted. Eight initiatives were
assessed on their potential equity impacts, looking
at inequities by age, gender, place of residence,
ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Concrete
recommendations were formulated on how to improve
the equity focus and potential positive impacts on
health equity of the Initiative.
Source: Harris, Harris & Kemp, 2006

factoring it into every department’s work plans (Wismar et
al., 2007), with separate funding for health equity impact
assessment support centres. There are indications that the
benefits of health equity impact assessment far exceed the
costs (Wismar et al., 2007).
Strengthening capacity at WHO
The Commission recommends that:
16.8. WHO strengthens its capacity to provide
technical support for action on the social
determinants of health globally, nationally, and
locally (see Rec 5.1; 9.1; 10.5; 15.3).
WHO plays a key stewardship role in action on the social
determinants of health and health equity. In order to fulfil
this role effectively, WHO needs to strengthen its institutional
capacity – at global, regional, and country levels – relating
to the social determinants of health. Member States can
strengthen WHO and other UN agencies with mandates
related to the social determinants of health through core
(regular budget) funding. Within WHO, it is important that this
priority is reflected by allocating substantial and commensurate
core funding support. This commitment should extend to an
increase in the proportion of staff with social science and other
disciplinary backgrounds (PHM, Medact & GEGA, 2005).
WHO’s stewardship role with regard to action on the social
determinants of health implies specific action affecting WHO’s
core functions:
• Provide leadership to Member States and global and local
actors on actions to promote effective public policies that
will address the social determinants of health.
• Articulate evidence-based initiatives to mainstream the social
determinants of health approach across governments and
within WHO’s programmes.
• Stimulate the development, synthesis, dissemination, and
translation of new knowledge to support cross-sectoral
implementation of actions on the social determinants of
health at country level.
• Develop standards and guidelines for policy implementation
of the social determinants of health approach for achieving
health equity.
• Provide technical support and build sustainable institutional
capacity of governmental and nongovernmental institutions
to implement a social determinants of health agenda
(see Chapter 10: Health Equity in all Policies, Systems, and
• Monitor health inequities at global, regional, and country
levels and assess their trends as related to the social
determinants of health (see also recommendation 16.3).
Some mechanisms that may facilitate the achievement of
strengthened WHO capacity include the establishment of:
• groups consisting of WHO Member States to guide policy
coherence in WHO on the social determinants of health
closely linked with broader strategies such as PHC, human
rights, MDGs, and health and poverty reduction;
• external expert groups to advise WHO on evidence-based
• cross-sectional internal technical groups to steer effective
institutional mainstreaming of social determinants of
health, such as the PPHCKN (see Chapter 15: Good Global
Governance) (PPHCKN, 2007c).
Promotion of development through a social determinants of
health approach that particularly addresses health equity implies
specific action concordant with WHO’s agenda. WHO should:
• work with Member States to strengthen health systems
such that they provide equitable and accessible primary and
tertiary health care across communities and support people
and organizations to act on the conditions that affect health;
• harness research, information, and evidence on the social
determinants of health in order to guide policy and
programmatic decisions at national and local levels;
• enhance partnerships between UN agencies and other
international organizations, donors, civil society, the private
sector, and community members to take evidence-based
action to address the social determinants of health needs
articulated by countries and communities;
• improve performance of its own work in promoting the
social determinants of health approach and its technical
work with countries through comprehensive programme
monitoring and performance measures.

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Sustaining action beyond the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health
Taking action on the social determinants of health and health
equity is an ambitious agenda that needs global champions,
committed leadership, and bold action at all levels. The
foundations have been laid. The Commission was designed
with the intention that it would be a broad partnership of
those who do research, those who devise policy, those who
implement policy, and those who advocate and act. The
effect of top-down political commitment and policy action
combined with bottom-up action from communities and civil
society groups has been called ‘the nutcracker effect’ (Fig. 17.1)
(Baum, 2007).
Foundations for sustained action
Global leaders
It is vital that the international and global policy environment
supports action on the social determinants of health and health
equity. To this end, the Commissioners – including former
heads of government, government ministers, national policy-
makers, and international advisors; leaders in international
organizations; leading academics; and representatives of civil
society – are a vital resource. Together they constitute a small
but powerful caucus of global champions, advocating the
adoption of a social determinants approach to health and health
equity. Building leadership within the UN system – in global
governance, policy-making, and development financing – and
through global social movements will help to establish health
equity as a priority on the global agenda for the 21st century.
The Commission worked closely with WHO at country,
regional, and global levels. Although the judgements reached by
the Commission are independent of WHO’s decision-making
process and governing bodies, it is of course critical that WHO,
the UN body mandated to provide leadership in global health,
takes the recommendations forward.
And there are positive signs. Already WHO is taking steps to
institutionalize the social determinants of health approach
across all its working sectors. This is laid out in WHO’s
Medium Term Strategic Plan for 2008-2013 (MTSP) (WHO,
2007a) – which includes the strategic objective, “to address
the underlying social and economic determinants of health
through policies and programmes that enhance health equity
and integrate pro-poor, gender-responsive, and human rights-
based approaches” – and the organization-wide expected
results that are being used to measure accomplishment of the
objective (Box 17.1). According to the MTSP, the objective is
underpinned by an approved budget of almost US$ 66 million
for the 2008-2009 biennium.
Figure 17.1 Cracking the nut of health equity.
Cartoon by Simon Kneebone. Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Baum (2007).

To implement these expected results at a technical level, WHO
has followed three strategies: mainstreaming health equity
across programmes, strengthening cross-cutting functions
related to health equity, and enhancing its existing monitoring
capacities. As part of mainstreaming, WHO began a review
of the potential for programmes to improve efficiency and
equity in 2006 under a cross-programmatic network, the
PPHCKN, which is looking at ways to incorporate social
determinants of health approaches and address equity more
directly through global and national health programmes. WHO
has appointed regional focal points to coordinate action on
the social determinants of health and supported analysis and
dissemination of existing data at the national and regional level
from an equity perspective.
The Commission supports the aims of these various processes
and calls on all countries to initiate the development of action
plans on social determinants of health to improve health equity.
Country partners
Action at country level is one of the primary vehicles for
using the Commission’s global evidence base, implementing
the recommendations of the Commission, and sustaining
awareness and understanding of social determinants of health
among political leaders, ministers of health, and other major
The Commission collaborated with a number of partner
countries, supporting the development of national policies
aimed at reducing health inequities through a variety of
mechanisms. Brazil, Canada, Chile, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Kenya, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Sweden, and the United
Kingdom each became a Commission ‘country partner’,
through a formal process of a written letter of commitment
to making progress on the social determinants of health to
improve health equity. As the work of the Commission gained
momentum, other supportive countries added both to the
accumulation of technical work on tackling social determinants
for health equity (e.g. Norway provided case studies on ISA)
and to sharing experiences and advice on improving policy
coherence in this field (e.g. Thailand).
The Commission’s formal country partners continue to create
momentum for change in different ways, which has been
documented (for more on the Country work stream, see CW,
2007). Some countries focused on generating political interest
in social determinants of health. Others, such as Brazil, Canada,
and Chile, established new mechanisms and institutional
structures to promote intersectoral policy development. Brazil,
for instance, launched a National Commission on Social
Determinants of Health in March 2006. The Public Health
Agency of Canada set up the Canadian Reference Group, an
influential advisory group making real political progress in
advancing the social determinants of health agenda in Canada
and internationally. In England, the Scientific Reference Group
advises on policy and has developed indicators to measure
health inequities.
Another approach countries used was to explore processes for
inter-country sharing of lessons and joint research initiatives
(e.g. Canada, Chile, Sweden; in the United Kingdom:
England and Scotland). A Nordic reference group, set up
with representatives from five countries, fed the Commission
evidence on national policies from that region. A similar group
was established in East Asia. These models of collaboration
between countries of similar sociopolitical context could be
utilized elsewhere.
Joint efforts by all the various Commission country partners
have amplified the call to tackle the social determinants of
health inequities in different regional and global public health
and human development fora. More countries will follow
– Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, and Thailand have
all expressed enthusiasm. In Australia, a social determinants of
health approach has been established as a central element in
the government’s plan, announced in 2007, to close the LEB
gap between Indigenous Peoples and the overall population
within a generation (COAG, 2007). The aim for the future is
that more countries will engage politically with the approach
set out in this report and that this political process will translate
into policies and programmes that measurably improve
population health and reduce health inequities.
SO7: “To address the underlying social and economic
determinants of health through policies and
programmes that enhance health equity and integrate
pro-poor, gender-responsive, and human rights-based
Expected Result 7.1: Significance of social and
economic determinants of health recognized
throughout the organization and incorporated into
normative work and technical collaboration with
Member States and other partners.
Expected Result 7.2: Initiative taken by WHO in
providing opportunities and means for intersectoral
collaboration at national and international levels in
order to address social and economic determinants
of health and to encourage poverty reduction and
sustainable development.
Expected Result 7.3: Social and economic data
relevant to health collected, collated, and analysed on
a disaggregated basis (by sex, age, ethnicity, income,
and health conditions such as disease or disability).
Expected Result 7.4: Ethics- and rights-based
approaches to health promoted within WHO and at
national and global levels.
Expected Result 7.5: Gender analysis and responsive
actions incorporated into WHO’s normative work and
support provided to Member States for formulation of
gender-sensitive policies and programmes.

In addition to the cities represented in the KNUS, the cities of
New York, Glasgow, London, and New Orleans have all made
links with the Commission and are working to take the agenda
forward through a sharing of practice-based evidence. The
Healthy Cities movement (coordinated by the WHO Regional
Office for Europe) and the WHO Kobe Centre’s healthy
urbanization programme are both strong allies.
Civil society
Civil society groups are powerful protagonists in the global
health equity agenda. From the beginning, the Commission
actively sought the involvement of representatives of civil
society groups in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
Members of civil society groups were engaged in the
Commission’s knowledge-gathering processes. They helped to
shape the Commission’s thinking and will be active partners
for change in the future (for more on the Civil Society work
stream, see CS, 2007).
Building and sharing knowledge
The Commission has built a global evidence base for
understanding the social determinants of health and
establishing effective action to promote health equity. To
support that process, the Commission created nine Knowledge
Networks – including academics and practitioners from
universities and research institutions, government ministries,
and international and civil society organizations around the
world. These networks, in a variety of forms, will continue
to generate global knowledge for action. The Commission
built further evidence-gathering partnerships through two
continuing regional networks (the Nordic and Asian networks)
and with researchers in additional key thematic areas, such as
ageing, Indigenous Peoples, food and nutrition, violence and
conflict, and the environment. The reports produced by the
Knowledge Networks and all other background papers and
reports, including reports from the Country and Civil Society
work streams, are available on the Commission’s website: www.
An unfinished agenda
The list of determinants of health inequities explored by the
Commission was not exhaustive. Other areas of vital global
importance, such as climate change, were not addressed in
detail. The Commission recognizes this critical agenda, and the
amount of work already ongoing to address it, and aligns itself
with the goals of equitable and sustainable development.
Climate change
Climate change stands out as a priority area for attention in
relation to health inequities. Climate change, urbanization,
rural development, agriculture, and food security are
intertwined determinants of population health and health
equity. It is critical to ensure that economic and social
policy responses to climate change and other environmental
degradation take into account health equity. But much more
analysis of the relationship between social determinants,
environmental change, and health inequities is needed to
inform the necessary development of policy and practice. The
Stern report demonstrated compellingly that if action is not
taken, the overall costs of climate change will be equivalent
to losing at least 5% of global GDP each year (Stern, 2006).
Therefore, the investment that takes place in the next 10-20
years will have a profound and long-lasting effect not only on
the climate but on the health of our children and our children’s
children. It is likely that effects will be stronger among those at
socioeconomic disadvantage.
Research agenda
The Commission has brought together an unprecedented
global evidence base on social determinants of health and
action for health equity. There is a need, though, to expand
the scope of evidence across thematic areas and across country
contexts. In addition, the social and economic drivers of health
inequities are dynamic, changing over time. A regular review
of key research gaps can help to identify the most pressing
research needs. Some of the overarching research needs that
have emerged from the work of the Commission are:
1. The determinants of health inequities in addition to the
determinants of average population health:
• understanding reasons for the relationship between social
stratification and health outcomes;
• understanding the interaction between aspects of
stratification (for example, gender, ethnicity, and income)
and health inequities;
• quantifying the impact of supra-national political,
economic, and social systems on health and health
inequities within and between countries.
2. Interventions, global to local, to address the social
determinants of health and health equity:
• evaluating the impact of societal-level action (policies and
programmes) on health inequities;
• research on the social, economic, and health costs and
benefits of reducing health inequities.
3. Policy analysis:
• analysing policy processes towards health equity-related
• understanding contextual barriers and enablers to ISA and
coherence in national and local governance and policy-
• identifying current good practice and developing tools for
4. Monitoring and measurement:
• developing new methodologies for measuring and
monitoring health inequities, and for assessing the impact
of population-level interventions.
Goals and targets for health equity
The Commission has made its recommendations and has set
global challenges. Progress towards health equity requires goals
and measurable objectives along the way. Goals and targets
can redirect policy, improve resource allocation, and improve
development outcomes. Regular public reporting, and the
development of data systems, globally and nationally, ensure
that the world can see which targets are being met and where
further efforts are needed.
This has been seen with the MDGs. The MDGs have also
brought into focus the importance of good statistics in
setting and monitoring major targets in development policy.
Achieving the health-related MDGs and targets at the country
level implies a reduction of absolute between-country health
inequities. Currently, these goals do not embody a perspective
of health equity within countries. Indeed, the MDGs for health

outcomes are formulated in terms of population averages,
rather than including the distribution of health outcomes
within and between countries.
Extending beyond the current focus of the MDGs and their
timeline of 2015, the Commission concerns itself certainly
with the health inequity between countries, but also with the
social gradient in health within high-, middle-, and low-
income countries, and with the impact on adult mortality
due to communicable and non-communicable diseases and
The goal that the Commission would like to see the world
– its leaders, international organizations, national governments,
and civil society groups – aspire to is:
Close the health gap in a generation
Progress towards this aspirational goal requires a narrowing of
the gap between the worst off and the best off over time. It
also involves a progressive flattening of the health gradient by
improving the health of all social groups to a level closer to that
of the most advantaged.
It is for international agencies and national governments to
develop detailed goals and targets for health equity and the
social determinants of health through consultative processes
and to institute action plans that demonstrate clearly how the
targets are to be achieved and what resources will be required.
As a starting point, the Commission proposes three targets
(below). They are challenging and illustrate the scale of the
problem. However, if pursued through action as recommended
by the Commission, much will be done towards closing the
health gap in a generation. The Commission urges WHO to
develop these health equity targets in consultation and to take
the lead in achieving them.
Target 1: Reduce by 10 years, between 2000 and 2040, the
LEB gap between the one third of countries with the
highest and the one third of countries with the lowest
LEB levels, by levelling up countries with lower LEB.
Halve, between 2000 and 2040, the LEB gap
between social groups within countries, by
levelling up the LEB of lower socioeconomic
Target 2: Halve, between 2000 and 2040, adult mortality rates
in all countries and in all social groups within countries.
In effect, achieving this target means reducing
the gap in adult mortality between and within
countries by half.
Target 3: Reduce by 90%, between 2000 and 2040, the under-
5 mortality rate in all countries and all social groups
within countries, and reduce by 95%, between 2000
and 2040, the maternal mortality rate in all countries
and all social groups within countries.
In effect, achieving this target means reducing
the gap in under-5 mortality between and within
countries by 90%, and reducing the gap in
maternal mortality between and within countries
by 95%.
As stated in Chapter 1, while we do not anticipate the absolute
abolition of health differences in a generation, we do see
the potential to reduce – dramatically – inequity within and
between countries. In order to define the targets set out here,
past trends of well-performing groups of countries were
projected forward. In the case of Target 1 (LEB), the trend
between 1950 and 1980 was considered – a period when
there was a reduction in the global LEB gap. In some cases,
in particular in the case of within-country inequities in LEB,
few data were available to use as a basis to define the target.
Target 3 roughly projects MDGs 4A and 5A11 to 2040. Targets
2 and 3 are based on the principle that decreases in mortality
should be at least proportional across countries and across social
groups within countries. More specifically, countries and social
groups with the highest mortality levels should achieve at least
the same proportional mortality decline as countries and social
groups with lower mortality levels. Achieving these targets,
with the above principle, will assure that absolute mortality
inequities between countries and between social groups within
countries will decline. Relative inequities will either stay
the same or, if a more than proportional mortality increase
is achieved, will decline. More ambitiously, the Commission
would like to see accelerated improvement within social groups
and countries with worse health outcomes.
Achieving the targets will be challenging. First, it is well
known that the world is having serious difficulty with
achieving MDGs 4 and 5, in particular in sub-Saharan Africa
but also in countries in other regions. India, for example, is
not on track to meet MDG 4 (Countdown Group, 2008).
Similarly, these countries and regions will face great challenges
achieving the magnitude of mortality reductions laid out above.
It is, however, a global responsibility to achieve these goals,
not least because of the global-level determinants of health
inequities between and within countries. The strong declines
in childhood mortality between 1950 and 1980 suggest that it
should be feasible to achieve MDG 4 and Target 3 for under-
5 mortality. Indeed, there are countries that are performing
well on MDGs 4 and 5. Indonesia and Peru, with their 6.2%
and 7.1% average annual reduction in under-5 mortality, for
example, are on track to reach MDG 4 (Countdown Group,
2008) as well as Target 3 for under-5 mortality. Reduction in
under-5 mortality in India (less then 3% per year) is, however,
insufficient to meet MDG 4 (Countdown Group, 2008).
Achieving these Targets will require commitment to sustained
investment in the social determinants of health, and will only
be realistic if very strong and focused efforts are made – with
particular attention to those countries and regions that are
currently not expected to meet the MDGs. Yet while highly
ambitious, achieving the Targets is possible with sufficiently
proactive measures. In India maternal mortality in 2005 was
450 per 100 000 live births; in China the rate is one tenth
that in India, namely 45 per 100 000 live births (Countdown
Group, 2008). Target 3 means that maternal mortality in India
in 2040 – more than three decades from now – should be 22.5
per 100 000 live births, in absolute terms not much less than
China’s maternal mortality rate today.
These Targets are proposed for consultation and further
development. The process of setting targets, if carried out in a
consultative fashion, can itself build collaborative partnerships
11 MDG 4A: Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-5 mortality rate. MDG 5A: Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the
maternal mortality ratio.

that support achievement of the intended outcomes
(Kickbusch, 2003). Steps towards achieving and, importantly,
monitoring the targets can be taken now, as outlined in the
recommendations throughout this report. Countries and
international organizations are invited to reassess existing
targets and incorporate an equity component within them.
The general principle of at least proportional mortality decline
across countries and social groups may be applied across a
number of existing targets.
It is critical that international organizations and countries
integrate measures of health equity and the social determinants
of health in their existing monitoring systems. Targets for the
social determinants of health and health equity will need to
be defined on the basis of the framework laid out in Chapter
16 (The Social Determinants of Health: Monitoring, Research, and
Table 17.1: Milestones towards health equity
Date Milestone
November 2008 Global conference: “Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action on the Social
Determinants of Health”.
2008–09 Creation of post-Commission global alliance to take forward the social determinants of health agenda in
partnership with WHO.
2008–09 Economic and social costing of Commission recommendations and costs of not taking action.
2009 Meetings of Commissioners and social determinants of health champions to advance global plan for
dissemination and implementation of Commission recommendations.
2009 World Health Assembly resolution on social determinants of health and health equity.
2008–13 Research funders progressively dedicate more resources to research on social determinants of health,
especially in areas highlighted by the Commission.
2008–13 Increasing numbers of countries adopt a social determinants of health approach to health equity and develop
and implement social determinants of health policies, so that by 2013 at least 50% of all low-, middle-, and
high-income countries have a committed plan for action to reduce health inequity through action on the
social determinants of health, with evidence that they are implementing the plan.
2009–10 The Economic and Social Council, supported by WHO, set up a UN interagency mechanism for social
determinants of health with working groups dedicated to specific thematic areas, initially on ECD, gender
equity, employment and working conditions, health-care systems, and participatory governance, including all
relevant multilateral agencies and civil society stakeholders.
2010 The Economic and Social Council, supported by WHO, prepare for consideration by the UN the adoption
of health equity as a core global development goal, with appropriate indicators to monitor progress both
within and between countries.
2010 1st Report on Health Equity (report on global and national health equity surveillance framework indicators
and targets) to 1st Global Forum of UN Member States on social determinants of health and health equity.
2013 Review of progress on WHO social determinants of health targets.
2015 MDG target date; review of progress from health equity perspective: second 5-yearly global health equity
report and Global Forum.
2020–2040 5-yearly reviews of progress on reducing health inequities within and between countries.
Milestones towards health equity – short- to medium-
term deliverables
Having proposed recommendations for action and suggested
targets, it is also important that milestones be set. Using these,
it will be possible to monitor the progress of action on the
social determinants of health and health equity within the
global and national arenas and also help to ensure international
institutions, national governments, civil society, and the
private sector are held to account. To initiate such a process,
the Commission outlines below a timeline of key but partial


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Improve Daily Living Conditions
Improve the well-being of girls and women
and the circumstances in which their children
are born, put major emphasis on early child
development and education for girls and
boys, improve living and working conditions
and create social protection policy supportive
of all, and create conditions for a flourishing
older life. Policies to achieve these goals will
involve civil society, governments, and global
Chapter 5: Equity from the Start
Action Area 1: Commit to and implement a comprehensive
approach to early life, building on existing child survival
programmes and extending interventions in early life to
include social/emotional and language/cognitive development.
The Commission recommends that:
5.1. WHO and UNICEF set up an interagency mechanism
to ensure policy coherence for early child development such
that, across agencies, a comprehensive approach to early child
development is acted on (see Rec 15.2; 16.8).
5.2. Governments build universal coverage of a
comprehensive package of quality early child development
programmes and services for children, mothers, and other
caregivers, regardless of ability to pay (see Rec 9.1; 11.6; 16.1).
Action Area 2: Expand the provision and scope of education
to include the principles of early child development (physical,
social/emotional, and language/cognitive development).
The Commission recommends that:
5.3. Governments provide quality education that pays
attention to children’s physical, social/emotional, and language/
cognitive development, starting in pre-primary school.
5.4. Governments provide quality compulsory primary
and secondary education for all boys and girls, regardless of
ability to pay, identify and address the barriers to girls and
boys enrolling and staying in school, and abolish user fees for
primary school (see Rec 6.4; 13.4).
Chapter 6: Healthy Places Healthy People
Action Area 1: Place health and health equity at the heart of
urban governance and planning.
The Commission recommends that:
6.1. Local government and civil society, backed by national
government, establish local participatory governance
mechanisms that enable communities and local government to
partner in building healthier and safer cities (see Rec 14.3).
6.2. National and local government, in collaboration with
civil society, manage urban development to ensure greater
availability of affordable quality housing. With support
from UN-HABITAT where necessary, invest in urban slum
upgrading including, as a priority, provision of water and
sanitation, electricity, and paved streets for all households
regardless of ability to pay (see Rec 15.2).
6.3. Local government and civil society plan and design
urban areas to promote physical activity through investment
in active transport; encourage healthy eating through retail
planning to manage the availability of and access to food; and
reduce violence and crime through good environmental design
and regulatory controls, including control of the number of
alcohol outlets (see Rec 12.3).
Action Area 2: Promote health equity between rural and urban
areas through sustained investment in rural development,
addressing the exclusionary policies and processes that lead to
rural poverty, landlessness, and displacement of people from
their homes.
The Commission recommends that:
6.4. National and local government develop and implement
policies and programmes that focus on: issues of rural
land tenure and rights; year-round rural job opportunities;
agricultural development and fairness in international trade
arrangements; rural infrastructure including health, education,
roads, and services; and policies that protect the health of rural-
to-urban migrants (see Rec 5.4; 9.3).
Action Area 3: Ensure that economic and social policy
responses to climate change and other environmental
degradation take into account health equity.
The Commission recommends that:
6.5. International agencies and national governments,
building on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
recommendations, consider the health equity impact of
agriculture, transport, fuel, buildings, industry, and waste
strategies concerned with adaptation to and mitigation of
climate change.
Chapter 7: Fair Employment and Decent
Action Area 1: Make full and fair employment and decent
work a central goal of national and international social and
economic policy-making.
The Commission recommends that:
7.1. Full and fair employment and decent work be made
a shared objective of international institutions and a central
part of national policy agendas and development strategies,
with strengthened representation of workers in the creation of
policy, legislation, and programmes relating to employment and
work (see Rec 10.2; 14.3; 15.2).

Action Area 2: Achieving health equity requires safe, secure, and
fairly paid work, year-round work opportunities, and healthy
work–life balance for all.
The Commission recommends that:
7.2. National governments develop and implement economic
and social policies that provide secure work and a living wage
that takes into account the real and current cost of living for
health (see Rec 8.1; 13.5).
7.3. Public capacity be strengthened to implement regulatory
mechanisms to promote and enforce fair employment and
decent work standards for all workers (see Rec 12.3).
7.4. Governments reduce insecurity among people in
precarious work arrangements including informal work,
temporary work, and part-time work through policy and
legislation to ensure that wages are based on the real cost of
living, social security, and support for parents (see Rec 8.3).
Action Area 3: Improve working conditions for all workers to
reduce exposure to material hazards, work-related stress, and
health-damaging behaviours.
The Commission recommends that:
7.5. OHS policy and programmes be applied to all workers
– formal and informal – and that the range be expanded
to include work-related stressors and behaviours as well as
exposure to material hazards (see Rec 9.1).
Chapter 8: Social Protection
Across the Lifecourse
Action Area 1: Establish and strengthen universal
comprehensive social protection policies that support a level of
income sufficient for healthy living for all.
The Commission recommends that:
8.1. Governments, where necessary with help from donors
and civil society organizations, and where appropriate in
collaboration with employers, build universal social protection
systems and increase their generosity towards a level that is
sufficient for healthy living (see Rec 7.2; 11.1).
8.2. Governments, where necessary with help from donors
and civil society organizations, and where appropriate in
collaboration with employers, use targeting only as back up for
those who slip through the net of universal systems.
Action Area 2: Extend social protection systems to those
normally excluded.
The Commission recommends that:
8.3. Governments, where necessary with help from donors
and civil society organizations, and where appropriate in
collaboration with employers, ensure that social protection
systems extend to include those who are in precarious work,
including informal work and household or care work (see Rec
7.4; 11.1; 13.3).
Chapter 9: Universal Health Care
Action Area 1: Build health-care systems based on principles of
equity, disease prevention, and health promotion.
The Commission recommends that:
9.1 National governments, with civil society and donors,
build health-care services on the principle of universal coverage
of quality services, focusing on Primary Health Care (see Rec
5.2; 7.5; 8.1; 10.4; 13.6; 14.3; 15.2; 16.8).
Action Area 2: Ensure that health-care system financing is
The Commission recommends that:
9.2. National governments ensure public sector leadership
in health-care systems financing, focusing on tax-/insurance-
based funding, ensuring universal coverage of health care
regardless of ability to pay, and minimizing out-of-pocket
health spending (see Rec 10.4; 11.1; 11.2).
Action Area 3: Build and strengthen the health workforce, and
expand capabilities to act on the social determinants of health.
The Commission recommends that:
9.3. National governments and donors increase investment in
medical and health personnel, balancing health-worker density
in rural and urban areas (see Rec 6.4; 16.5).
9.4. International agencies, donors and national governments
address the health human resources brain drain, focusing on
investment in increased health human resources and training,
and bilateral agreements to regulate gains and losses.

Tackle the Inequitable Distribution of
Power, Money, and Resources
In order to address health inequities, and
inequitable conditions of daily living, it is
necessary to address inequities – such as
those between men and women – in the way
society is organized. This requires a strong
public sector that is committed, capable,
and adequately financed. To achieve that
requires more than strengthened government
– it requires strengthened governance:
legitimacy, space and support for civil
society, for an accountable private sector,
and for people across society to agree
public interests and reinvest in the value of
collective action. In a globalized world, the
need for governance dedicated to equity
applies equally from the community level to
global institutions.
Chapter 10: Health Equity in All Policies,
Systems, and Programmes
Action Area 1: Place responsibility for action on health and
health equity at the highest level of government, and ensure its
coherent consideration across all policies.
The Commission recommends that:
10.1. Parliament and equivalent oversight bodies adopt
a goal of improving health equity through action on the
social determinants of health as a measure of government
performance (see Rec 13.2; 15.1).
10.2. National government establish a whole-of-government
mechanism that is accountable to parliament, chaired at the
highest political level possible (see Rec 11.1; 11.2; 11.5; 12.2;
13.2; 16.6).
10.3. The monitoring of social determinants and health
equity indicators be institutionalized and health equity impact
assessment of all government policies, including finance, be
used (see Rec 12.1; 15.1; 16.2; 16.7).
Action Area 2: Get the health sector right – adopt a social
determinants framework across the policy and programmatic
functions of the ministry of health and strengthen its
stewardship role in supporting a social determinants approach
across government.
The Commission recommends that:
10.4. The health sector expands its policy and programmes
in health promotion, disease prevention, and health care
to include a social determinants of health approach, with
leadership from the minister of health (see Rec 9.1).
10.5. WHO support the development of knowledge and
capabilities of national ministries of health to work within
a social determinants of health framework, and to provide a
stewardship role in supporting a social determinants approach
across government (see Rec 15.3; 16.8).
Chapter 11: Fair Financing
Action Area 1: Strengthen public finance for action on the
social determinants of health.
The Commission recommends that:
11.1. Donors, multilateral agencies and Member States build
and strengthen national capacity for progressive taxation (see
Rec 8.1; 8.3; 9.2; 10.2).
11.2. New national and global public finance mechanisms be
developed, including special health taxes and global tax options
(see Rec 9.2; 10.2).
Action Area 2: Increase international finance for health equity,
and coordinate increased finance through a social determinants
of health action framework.
The Commission recommends that:
11.3. Donor countries honour existing commitments by
increasing aid to 0.7% of GDP; expand the Multilateral Debt
Relief Initiative; and coordinate aid use through a social
determinants of health framework (see Rec 13.6; 15.2).
11.4. International finance institutions ensure transparent
terms and conditions for international borrowing and lending,
to help avoid future unsustainable debt.
Action Area 3: Fairly allocate government resources for action
on the social determinants of health.
The Commission recommends that:
11.5. National and local governments and civil society
establish a cross-government mechanism to allocate budget to
action on social determinants of health (see Rec 10.2).
11.6. Public resources be equitably allocated and monitored
between regions and social groups, for example, using an equity
gauge (see Rec 5.2; 14.3; 16.2).

Chapter 12: Market Responsibility
Action Area 1: Institutionalize consideration of health and
health equity impact in national and international economic
agreements and policy-making.
The Commission recommends that:
12.1. WHO, in collaboration with other relevant multilateral
agencies, supporting Member States, institutionalize health
equity impact assessment, globally and nationally, of major
global, regional and bilateral economic agreements (see
Rec 10.3; 16.7).
12.2. Government policy-setting bodies, with support from
WHO, ensure and strengthen representation of public health in
domestic and international economic policy negotiations (see
Rec 10.2).
Action Area 2: Reinforce the primary role of the state in the
provision of basic services essential to health (such as water/
sanitation) and the regulation of goods and services with a
major impact on health (such as tobacco, alcohol, and food).
The Commission recommends that:
12.3. National governments, in collaboration with relevant
multilateral agencies, strengthen public sector leadership in the
provision of essential health-related goods/services and control
of health-damaging commodities (see Rec 6.3; 7.3).
Chapter 13: Gender Equity
Action Area 1: Address gender biases in the structures of society
– in laws and their enforcement, in the way organizations
are run and interventions designed, and the way in which a
country’s economic performance is measured.
The Commission recommends that:
13.1. Governments create and enforce legislation that
promotes gender equity and makes discrimination on the basis
of sex illegal (see Rec 14.1).
13.2. Governments and international institutions set up within
the central administration and provide adequate and long-
term funding for a gender equity unit that is mandated to
analyse and to act on the gender equity implications of policies,
programmes, and institutional arrangements (see Rec 10.2;
13.3. Governments include the economic contribution of
household work, care work, and voluntary work in national
accounts and strengthen the inclusion of informal work (see
Rec 8.3).
Action Area 2: Develop and finance policies and programmes
that close gaps in education and skills, and that support female
economic participation.
The Commission recommends that:
13.4. Governments and donors invest in expanding girls’
and women’s capabilities through investment in formal and
vocational education and training (see Rec 5.4).
13.5 Governments and employers support women in their
economic roles by guaranteeing pay-equity by law, ensuring
equal opportunity for employment at all levels, and by setting
up family-friendly policies that ensure that women and men
can take on care responsibilities in an equal manner (see Rec
Action Area 3: Reaffirm commitment to addressing sexual and
reproductive health and rights universally.
The Commission recommends that:
13.6. Governments, donors, international organizations,
and civil society increase their political commitment to and
investment in sexual and reproductive health services and
programmes, building to universal coverage (see Rec 9.1; 11.3).
Chapter 14: Political Empowerment
– Inclusion and Voice
Action Area 1: Empower all groups in society through fair
representation in decision-making about how society operates,
particularly in relation to its effect on health equity, and create
and maintain a socially inclusive framework for policy-making.
The Commission recommends that:
14.1. National government strengthens the political and legal
systems to ensure they promote the equal inclusion of all (see
Rec 13.1; 16.1).
14.2. National government acknowledges, legitimizes, and
supports marginalized groups, in particular Indigenous Peoples,
in policy, legislation, and programmes that empower people to
represent their needs, claims, and rights.
14.3. National- and local-level government ensure the fair
representation of all groups and communities in decision-
making that affects health, and in subsequent programme and
service delivery and evaluation (see Rec 6.1; 7.1; 9.1; 11.6).
Action Area 2: Enable civil society to organize and act in a
manner that promotes and realizes the political and social rights
affecting health equity.
The Commission recommends that:
14.4. Empowerment for action on health equity through
bottom-up, grassroots approaches requires support for civil
society to develop, strengthen, and implement health equity-
oriented initiatives.
Chapter 15: Good Global Governance
Action Area 1: Make health equity a global development
goal, and adopt a social determinants of health framework to
strengthen multilateral action on development.
The Commission recommends that:
15.1. By 2010, the Economic and Social Council, supported
by WHO, should prepare for consideration by the UN the
adoption of health equity as a core global development goal,
with appropriate indicators to monitor progress both within
and between countries (see Rec 10.1; 10.3; 16.3).
15.2. By 2010, the Economic and Social Council,
supported by WHO, prepare for consideration by the UN
the establishment of thematic social determinants of health
working groups – initially on early child development, gender
equity, employment and working conditions, health-care
systems, and participatory governance – including all relevant
multilateral agencies and civil society stakeholders, reporting
back regularly (see Rec 5.1; 6.2; 9.1; 13.2).
Action Area 2: Strengthen WHO leadership in global action
on the social determinants of health, institutionalizing social
determinants of health as a guiding principle across WHO
departments and country programmes.
The Commission recommends that:
15.3. WHO institutionalizes a social determinants of health
approach across all working sectors, from headquarters to
country level (see Rec 10.5; 16.8).

Measure and Understand the Problem
and Assess the Impact of Action
Acknowledging that there is a problem, and
ensuring that health inequity is measured
– within countries and globally – is a vital
platform for action. National governments
and international organizations, supported
by WHO, should set up national and global
health equity surveillance systems for routine
monitoring of health inequity and the social
determinants of health and should evaluate
the health equity impact of policy and
action. Creating the organizational space
and capacity to act effectively on health
inequity requires investment in training of
policy-makers and health practitioners and
public understanding of social determinants
of health. It also requires a stronger focus on
social determinants in public health research.
Chapter 16: Social Determinants of Health:
Monitoring, Training, and Research
Action Area 1: Ensure that routine monitoring systems for
health equity and the social determinants of health are in place,
locally, nationally, and internationally.
The Commission recommends that:
16.1. Governments ensure that all children are registered at
birth without financial cost to the household. This should be
part of improvement of civil registration for births and deaths
(see Rec 5.2; 14.1).
16.2. National governments establish a national health equity
surveillance system, with routine collection of data on social
determinants of health and health inequity (see Rec 10.3).
16.3. WHO stewards the creation of a global health equity
surveillance system as part of a wider global governance
structure (see Rec 15.1).
Action area 2: Invest in generating and sharing new evidence
on the ways in which social determinants influence population
health and health equity and on the effectiveness of measures
to reduce health inequities through action on social
The Commission recommends that:
16.4. Research funding bodies create a dedicated budget
for generation and global sharing of evidence on social
determinants of health and health equity, including health
equity intervention research.
Action area 3: Provide training on the social determinants
of health to policy actors, stakeholders, and practitioners and
invest in raising public awareness.
The Commission recommends that:
16.5. Educational institutions and relevant ministries make the
social determinants of health a standard and compulsory part of
training of medical and health professionals (see Rec 9.3).
16.6. Educational institutions and relevant ministries act to
increase understanding of the social determinants of health
among non-medical professionals and the general public (see
Rec 10.2).
16.7. Governments build capacity for health equity impact
assessment among policy-makers and planners across
government departments (see Rec 10.3; 12.1).
16.8. WHO strengthens its capacity to provide technical
support for action on the social determinants of health globally,
nationally, and locally (see Rec 5.1; 9.1; 10.5; 15.3).

Commissioner Biographies
Michael Marmot is Chair of the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health. He is Director of the International
Institute for Society and Health and Head of the Department
of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College
London. In 2000, he was knighted for services to epidemiology
and understanding health inequalities.
Frances Baum is Head of Department and Professor of
Public Health at Flinders University and Foundation Director
of the South Australian Community Health Research Unit.
She is Co-Chair of the Global Coordinating Council of the
People’s Health Movement.
Monique Bégin is Professor at the School of Management,
University of Ottawa, Canada, and twice-appointed Minister
of National Health and Welfare. She was the first woman from
Quebec elected to the House of Commons.
Giovanni Berlinguer is a Member of the European
Parliament. He has recently been a member of the
International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (2001–2007)
and rapporteur of the project Universal Declaration on
Mirai Chatterjee is the Coordinator of Social Security for
India’s Self-Employed Women’s Association, a trade union
of over 900 000 self-employed women. She was recently
appointed to the National Advisory Council and the National
Commission for the Unorganised Sector.
William H. Foege is Emeritus Presidential Distinguished
Professor of International Health, Emory University. He was
Director of the United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Chief of the CDC Smallpox Eradication
Program, and Executive Director of The Carter Center. He
also served as Senior Medical Advisor for the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation.
Yan Guo is a Professor of Public Health and Vice-President
of the Peking University Health Science Centre. She is Vice-
Chairman of the Chinese Rural Health Association and Vice-
Director of the China Academy of Health Policy.
Kiyoshi Kurokawa is Professor at the National Graduate
Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo. He also serves as a Member
of the Science and Technology Policy Committee of the
Cabinet Office. Previously he was President of the Science
Council of Japan and the Pacific Science Association.
Ricardo Lagos Escobar is the former President of Chile, and
former Education Minister and Minister of Public Works. An
economist and lawyer by qualification, he also worked as an
economist for the United Nations.
Alireza Marandi is Professor of Pediatrics at Shaheed
Beheshti University, Islamic Republic of Iran. He is former
two-term Minister of Health (and Medical Education). In
addition, he served as Deputy Minister and Advisor to the
Minister. He was recently elected to be a member of the
Iranian Parliament.
Pascoal Mocumbi is the High Representative of the
European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Mozambique.
Prior to that, he headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
Ministry of Health.
Ndioro Ndiaye is the Deputy Director-General of the
International Organization for Migration and was formerly
Minister for Social Development and Minister for Women’s,
Children’s and Family Affairs in Senegal.
Charity Kaluki Ngilu is Minister of Health of Kenya. Before
taking office, she was a member of the National Assembly of
Kenya representing the Democratic Party. Since 1989, she has
been the leader of the Maenbeleo ya Wanawake organization,
the national women’s movement.
Hoda Rashad is Director and Research Professor of the
Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo.
She is a member of the Senate, one of the two parliamentary
bodies in Egypt. She serves on the National Council for
Women, which reports to the President of Egypt.
Amartya Sen is Lamont University Professor and Professor of
Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University. In 1998, he
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics.
David Satcher is Director of the Center of Excellence on
Health Disparities and the Satcher Health Leadership Institute
Initiative. He served as United States Surgeon General and
Assistant Secretary for Health. He also served as Director of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Anna Tibaijuka is Executive Director of UN-HABITAT. She
is also the founding Chairperson of the independent Tanzanian
National Women’s Council.
Denny Vågerö is Professor of Medical Sociology and Director
of CHESS (Centre for Health Equity Studies) in Sweden. He
is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and of
its Standing Committee on Health.
Gail Wilensky is a senior fellow at Project HOPE, an
international health education foundation. Previously she
directed the Medicare and Medicaid programmes in the
United States and also chaired two commissions that advise the
United States Congress on Medicare.

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ADB Asian Development Bank
AFRO African Regional Office (WHO)
CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All
forms of Discrimination Against Women
CIDA Canadian International Development
CMH Commission on Macroeconomics and
DAC Development Assistance Committee
DAH Development assistance for health
DALY Disability-adjusted life year
DFID Department for International
DHS Demographic and Health Surveys
ECD Early child development
ECDKN Early Childhood Development
Knowledge Network of the Commission
on Social Determinants of Health
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council
EMCONET Employment Conditions Knowledge
Network of the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health
EMRO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia
and the Pacific
EU European Union
EURO European Regional Office (WHO)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations
FCTC Framework Convention on Tobacco
FDI Foreign direct investment
FGM Female genital mutilation
G7/8 Group of Seven/Eight
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GBS General budget support
GDP Gross domestic product
GEGA Global Equity Gauge Alliance
GHI Global Health Initiative
GKN Globalization Knowledge Network of the
Commission on Social Determinants of
GNI Gross national income
GNP Gross national product
HALE Health-adjusted life expectancy
HDI Human Development Index
HEIA Health Equity Impact Assessment
HIA Health Impact Assessment
HIV/AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus/auto-
immune deficiency syndrome
HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Country
HSKN Health Systems Knowledge Network of
the Commission on Social Determinants
of Health
ISA Intersectoral action
ILO International Labour Organization
IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood
IMF International Monetary Fund
IOM International Organization for Migration
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
KN Knowledge Network
KNUS Knowledge Network on Urban Settings of
the Commission on Social Determinants
of Health
LEB Life expectancy at birth
MEKN Measurement and Evidence Knowledge
Network of the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework
NGO Nongovernmental organization
ODA Official development assistance
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
PAHO Pan-American Health Organization
PEPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
PHC Primary Health Care
PPHCKN Priority Public Health Conditions
Knowledge Network of the Commission
on Social Determinants of Health
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

SCN UN System Standing Committee on
SAP Structural Adjustment Programme
SDH Social determinants of health
SEARO South-East Asian Regional Office (WHO)
SEKN Social Exclusion Knowledge Network of
the Commission on Social Determinants
of Health
SEWA Self-Employed Women’s Association
STI Sexually transmitted infection
TRIPS Trade-related Intellectual Property Rights
UN United Nations
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements
UNHCR Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNSNA UN System of National Accounts
UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for
Social Development
WFP World Food Programme
WGEKN Women and Gender Equity Knowledge
Network of the Commission on Social
Determinants of Health
WHO World Health Organization
WPRO Western Pacific Regional Office (WHO)
WTO World Trade Organization

Box 3.1: Inequity and Indigenous Peoples – the
effects of a toxic combination of policies
Box 3.2: Investing for health and economic return,
Box 5.1: Example of an interagency mechanism
– the UN System Standing Committee on
Box 5.2: Stimulating reading out loud – United
Box 5.3: A comprehensive approach to addressing
early child development challenges in
Box 5.4: Starting interventions before conception
– the Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS), India
Box 5.5: Reaching marginalized communities in
the Philippines
Box 5.6: Universal child development services in
Box 5.7: Building early child development onto
existing health programmes and services
Box 5.8: Village-based early child development
curriculum development in the Lao
People’s Democratic Republic
Box 5.9: UNESCO Education for All goals
Box 5.10: Country approaches to pre-primary
Box 5.11: Child-friendly schools
Box 5.12: Kenya – abolition of school fees
Box 5.13: Demand for quality education, sub-
Saharan Africa
Box 6.1: Improving living conditions and securing
tenure in Thailand
Box 6.2: California tax credit programme
Box 6.3: South coast of England: a randomized trial
of housing upgrading and health
Box 6.4: Slum upgrading in India
Box 6.5: City-wide upgrading in the United
Republic of Tanzania
Box 6.6: The London Congestion Charge (LCC)
Box 6.7: Healthy by Design, Melbourne, Australia:
an innovative planning tool for the
development of safe, accessible, and
attractive environments
Box 6.8: The Nairobi and Environs Food security,
Agriculture and Livestock Forum
Box 6.9: Community mobilization against violence
in Brazil
Box 6.10: India – sustainable agriculture
Box 6.11: Bangladesh Rural Advancement
Committee (BRAC) and micro-credit
Box 6.12: Thai rural health services
Box 7.1: Work and health among the landless and
small landed farming population of Brazil
Box 7.2: Nepal – child labour
Box 7.3: Indian National Rural Employment
Guarantee Programme
Box 7.4: Essential income for healthy living
Box 7.5: Flexicurity and lifelong learning in
Box 7.6: Strengthening government control on
Box 7.7: Fair-wear – workers and civil society
Box 7.8: National-level action to tackle workplace
Box 8.1: Strengthening social protection during
economic crisis – the case of Republic
of South Korea
Box 8.2: National strategy to eradicate child
poverty in the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
Box 8.3: Universal social pension – Bolivia
Box 8.4: Promoting accountability to older people
and uptake of pensions – Bangladesh
Box 8.5: Minimum income for healthy living
Box 8.6: Oportunidades – conditional cash transfer
Box 8.7: Universal social pension system in Lesotho
Box 8.8: Setting up a contributory social security
system in India
Box 9.1: Thailand – achieving universal health care
Box 9.2: Primary Health Care, primary level care,
and population health
Box 9.3: Examples of social empowerment
Box 9.4: Urban Primary Health Care – Bangladesh
Box 9.5: Government action for public
accountability in health care

Box 9.6: Brazil – the Family Health
Programme (PSF)
Box 9.7: Equity and protection
Box 9.8: Progressive health-care funding – evidence
from middle-income countries
Box 9.9: Mandatory health insurance in Ghana
Box 9.10: Thailand – tax-financed universal health
Box 9.11: Social health insurance
Box 9.12: Uganda – user fees imposition and
Box 9.13: Out-of-pocket spending and health equity
Box 9.14: Reversing the internal brain drain in
Box 9.15: Debt relief, poverty reduction, and paying
for health workers
Box 9.16: Global health initiatives
Box 9.17: Policy options to stop health human
resources brain drain
Box 10.1: Intersectoral action on obesity
Box 10.2: Zambia Portfolio Committee on Health,
Community Development, and Social
Box 10.3: Cross-government action on health
inequities in the United Kingdom
Box 10.4: Sri Lanka – a coherent sectoral approach
to health
Box 10.5: Brazil National Programme of Food and
Nutrition (PNAN)
Box 10.6: Stepwise framework for preventing
chronic disease
Box 10.7: Monitoring health inequities in New
Box 10.8: Health impact assessment of the London
Health Strategy
Box 10.9: Cuba – tools to monitor and evaluate the
effectiveness of intersectoral action
Box 10.10: Active involvement of the affected
community – sex workers in Kolkata
Box 10.11: The GERBANGMAS movement in
Lumajang district in Indonesia – a revival
of Primary Health Care within the new
economic context of Indonesia
Box 11.1: Economic growth and social policies
Box 11.2: Global aid and global need
Box 11.3: Aid volatility
Box 11.4: Aid and HIV/AIDS
Box 11.5: Debt relief and social spending
Box 11.6: Strengthening national and international
Box 11.7: Tax competition and ‘fiscal termites’
Box 11.8: The International Finance Facility for
Box 11.9: Enhancing the coherence of aid – shifting
to general budget support
Box 11.10: Strengthening the Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper
Box 11.11: Financing action across the social
determinants of health
Box 11.12: Fairly apportioning finance – the equity
gauge approach
Box 12.1: Representation within the Codex
Alimentarius Commission
Box 12.2: Water privatization, Argentina and Bolivia
Box 12.3: The costs of smoking
Box 12.4: WHO: diagnostic tool and companion
workbook in trade and health – a priority
for 2008/09
Box 12.5: Health impact assessment in Thailand
Box 12.6: Slovenia – health impact assessment of
agriculture, food, and nutrition policies
Box 12.7: General Agreement on Trade in Services
Box 12.8: WTO Agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Box 12.9: Safeguarding health and health equity in
Box 12.10: Health participation in trade negotiations
– government, civil society, and regions
Box 12.11: Designing water tariffs for equity
Box 12.12: Regulating health insurance for equity
Box 12.13: Transforming exploitation in the garment
industry – Bangladesh
Box 12.14: Protecting agricultural livelihoods
Box 12.15: Market regulation and nutrition – soft
Box 12.16: The Framework Convention on Tobacco
Box 12.17: Thailand – strategies to control tobacco
Box 12.18: Evidence for alcohol control
Box 12.19: Strategies to control alcohol
Box 12.20: Building corporate social responsibility
– push from below
Box 12.21: Civil society – influencing shareholders
Box 13.1: Correcting gender bias in family law in
Box 13.2: Budgeting for implementation of laws on
domestic violence in Latin America
Box 13.3: Civil society raising awareness about property
rights in the United Republic of Tanzania
Box 13.4: Changing jurisdiction over rape cases in
Box 13.5: Changing norms regarding female genital

Box 13.6: ‘Stepping Stones’, South Africa
Box 13.7: Mainstreaming – Sweden’s gender equality
Box 13.8: Gender mainstreaming in the Chilean
government – Management Improvement
Box 13.9: Advocacy for gender equity
Box 13.10: Measuring the contribution of unpaid
work – Statistics Canada
Box 13.11: Ganokendras – people’s learning centres in
Box 13.12: Supporting women in developing skills
and careers – United Kingdom
Box 13.13: The right to equal pay in Quebec, Canada
Box 13.14: Providing childcare services in India
Box 14.1: Identity and rights in Bolivia
Box 14.2: Indian legislative support for women
Box 14.3: Canada: the British Columbia Tripartite
Health Plan – First Nations
Box 14.4: The Ugandan Constitution and citizen’s
Box 14.5: South Australia’s Social Inclusion Initiative
Box 14.6: Statutory participatory planning in the
United Kingdom
Box 14.7: Participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre,
Box 14.8: Barrio Adentro – the right to health and
social inclusion in the Bolivarian Republic
of Venezuela
Box 14.9: Legal support for community
empowerment – the Self-Employed
Women’s Association, India
Box 14.10: Japan – the power of the community
Box 14.11: Community participation in Bangladesh
Box 14.12: Taking action on rights and trade: the case
of AIDS medicines
Box 15.1: Globalization – policy influences that can
endanger health equity
Box 15.2: Global finance
Box 15.3: Global conflict
Box 15.4: Global migration
Box 15.5: Security Council reform
Box 15.6: Time to rethink global economic
Box 15.7: The Economic and Social Council
Box 15.8: Health equity at the heart of global
health governance – the Millennium
Development Goals
Box 15.9: Social exclusion – the European Union
‘Open Method of Coordination’
Box 15.10: World Health Organization and UN-
Box 15.11: Pan-American Health Organization and
International Labour Organization
Box 15.12: The Framework of Unified UN Action
Box 15.13: The Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in
Box 15.14: The right to health – the right to the
conditions for health
Box 15.15: Institutional changes in social determinants
of health across the World Health
Box 16.1: Vital statistics – crucial for policy-making
Box 16.2: A minimum health equity surveillance
Box 16.3: Towards a comprehensive national health
equity surveillance framework
Box 16.4: Monitoring the social determinants of
health in England
Box 16.5: An equity gauge approach to monitoring
Box 16.6: Engaging communities in the
implementation, interpretation, and
follow-up of household surveys
Box 16.7: Measures of global health inequity
Box 16.8: Mexico – using evidence to reform the
national health system
Box 16.9: Mexico – evaluating popular health
insurance (Seguro Popular)
Box 16.10: The power of qualitative data in
understanding the social determinants of
Box 16.11: Integrating gender into the medical
Box 16.12: Capacity building on early child
development – the Early Childhood
Development Virtual University (ECDVU)
Box 16.13: Poor health literacy – also a problem in
rich countries
Box 16.14: Health equity impact assessment
Box 16.15: Expanding capacity for health equity
impact assessment
Box 17.1: WHO Strategic Objective (SO) Number
7 and related Organization-wide Expected

Fig. 2.1: Inequity in infant mortality rates between
countries and within countries by
mother’s education.
Fig. 2.2: Under-5 mortality rate per 1000 live
births by level of household wealth.
Fig. 2.3: Death rates, age-standardized, for all
causes of death by deprivation twentieth,
ages 15–64 years, 1999–2003, England
and Wales.
Fig. 2.4: Under-5 mortality rates per 1000 live
births, selected countries, 1970 and 2005.
Fig. 2.5: Trends in male and female life expectancy
at age 20, by educational attainment,
Russian Federation.
Fig. 3.1: The Preston Curve in 2000.
Fig. 3.2: Proportion relatively poor pre- and
post-welfare state redistribution,
various countries.
Fig. 4.1: Commission on Social Determinants
of Health conceptual framework.
Fig. 5.1: Effects of combined nutritional
supplementation and psychosocial
stimulation on stunted children in a
2-year intervention study in Jamaica.
Fig. 6.1: Deaths from climate change.
Fig. 6.2: Percentage changes in road-traffic
deaths since 1987.
Fig. 7.1: Number of deaths from workplace
exposure to dangerous substances in
different countries and regions.
Fig. 7.2: Regional variation in the percentage
of people in work living on US$ 2/day
or less.
Fig. 7.3: Employment status as a percentage of total
employment in all regions in 2007.
Fig. 7.4: Non-standard employment in the
European Union (percentages).
Fig. 7.5: Gender inequities in labour conditions.
Fig. 8.1: Poor self-rated health at age 50+ and
accumulation of socioeconomic risk
factors over the life course in Russian men
and women in 2002.
Fig. 8.2: Relative poverty rates for three ‘social risk
categories’ in 11 countries, circa 2000.
Fig. 8.3: Total family policy generosity and infant
mortality across 18 countries, circa 2000.
Fig. 9.1: Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE)
and private spending as a percentage of
total health spending in 2000.
Fig. 9.2: Effective services for universal coverage.
Fig. 9.3: Extension of benefits to the poor through
Universal Coverage scheme.
Fig. 11.1: Proportion of tariffs in total revenue by
region, 1980–1998.
Fig. 11.2: Official development assistance
disbursements for health, selected
Fig. 11.3: Changes in spending allocation under
the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief, 2004–2006.
Fig. 11.4: Taxation in East Asia and sub-Saharan
Africa, 1970–79, 1980–89, 1990–99.
Fig. 11.5: Development assistance for health
1973–2004, 5-year moving average,
Fig. 11.6: Total external debt of Highly
Indebted Poor Countries, 1970–2004
(billions of dollars).
Fig. 12.1: Fast food consumption (1995 and 1999) in
selected countries.
Fig. 12.2: Johannesburg water – convex tariff curve,
and ideal-type concave curve.
Fig. 13.1: Level of wages for women compared with
men in selected countries.
Fig. 13.2: Percentage of women who have a final say
in decision-making regarding their own
health care, 2001–2005.
Fig. 14.1: Secondary school attendance ratio by
males and females.
Fig. 14.2: Age-adjusted mortality among men and
women of the Republic of Korea by
educational attainment, 1993–1997.
Fig. 14.3: Full immunization rates among the
poorest and richest population quintiles
(regional averages).
Fig. 14.4: First Nations youth suicide rates, by
cultural continuity factors.
Fig. 15.1: Life expectancy (in years) by region,
Fig. 15.2: Priority public health conditions – causal
pathways for health action.
Fig. 16.1: Trend in the dispersion measure of
mortality for life expectancy at birth
Fig. 17.1: Cracking the nut of health equity.

Table 2.1: Male life expectancy, between-
and within- country inequities,
selected countries.
Table 3.1: Increasing income inequality
among countries.
Table 6.1: Urban and slum-dwelling households,
circa 2003.
Table 8.1: Social pensions in low- and middle-
income countries.
Table 9.1: Mental health – determinants and
Table 16.1: Unregistered births (in thousands) in
2003, by region and level of development.
Table 17.1: Milestones towards health equity.

Acheson Report (1998) 111, 113, 183
acronyms 225–226
action (on social determinants of health)
actors 22–23, 44–46
assessing impact 20–21, 44, 206
financial support 116
intersectoral see intersectoral action
key areas 2, 26–27, 43–44
sustaining 194–198
adult mortality rates 31, 197
advocacy 97, 150
Afghanistan 154
Age-Friendly Cities initiative 63
ageing, healthy 97
climate change and 62
development and support 69–70
protecting livelihoods 140, 141
small farmers 77
sustainable 69
aid 12, 121–122
delivery of committed 121–122, 126
economic growth and 126
enhancing coherence 127–129
health-related see development assistance for health
health workforce 105
international flows 38
recommendations 204
social determinants of health framework 126–129
social protection 91–92
volatility 122
see also donors
air pollution 62, 66
airline tickets, tax on 124
alcohol 30, 62
control 142, 143
markets 134–135
urban planning aspects 66, 68
Alma Ata declaration (1978) 28, 33
Argentina 133, 195
asylum seekers 86–87
Australia 195
health equity impact assessment 190
indigenous peoples 160
policy coherence 112
school-based interventions 58
social inclusion initiative 160–161
urban planning and design 67
autonomy 159–160
community participation 164
garment industry 140
social pensions 89
Urban Primary Health Care project 97
women’s literacy 151
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) 70
Barrio Adentro, Venezuela 163
Baum, Frances 207
Bégin, Monique 207
behaviours, promoting healthy 66–68
Benin 82
Berlinguer, Giovanni 207
birth registration systems 20, 178, 179–180, 206
Bolivia 89, 124, 133, 159
bottom-up approaches 162–165
Bourguignon, F 120
brain drain, health workers 35, 105, 106
Brazil 195
crime and violence prevention 68, 69
family health programme (PSF) 99, 100
food market regulation 141
Movement of Rural Landless Workers (MST) 77
participatory governance 162
programme of food and nutrition (PNAN) 113–114
breastfeeding 50
bribery 125

gender equity initiatives 147
health equity impact assessment 190–191
participatory 162
see also financing
business as usual, beyond 27–28
California, tax credit programme 65
Canada 39, 195
cycle safety 10
equal pay for women 152
financing intersectoral action 114
First Nations 157, 159–160
measuring unpaid work 150, 151
poverty 85
working conditions 82, 83
capacity building
early child development 189
health equity impact assessment 190–191
ministries of health 116
see also training
capital flight 124, 127
cardiovascular disease (CVD) 30
cash transfer programmes 89, 90–91
Castells, M 155
Chad 125
Chan, Margaret 27, 94, 178
feasibility of 28
global movement for 27
Chatterjee, Mirai 207
child under-5 mortality rates
inequities 30, 31, 32, 50
proposed target 197
childcare 145, 153
early development see early child development
nutrition 3, 50, 52, 53–54, 55
poverty 7, 88
rights 52, 178
social protection 88
working 35, 74, 77
Chile 58, 139, 150, 195
China 33, 132, 134, 197
chronic disease prevention 114
Chumthonthai Foundation 64
cities 196
see also urban areas
civil society 196
defined 27
early child development interventions 51, 53
employment conditions 81–82
fair allocation of budgets 130
gender equity issues 147, 148
implications of recommendations 22–23, 45, 202, 204, 205
improving housing 64–65
local participatory governance 63
political empowerment 160, 162, 165
private sector accountability and 144
sexual and reproductive health services 153–154
social protection schemes 87, 89, 90, 91
universal health care 96
urban planning and design 66–68
climate change 63, 196, 202
mitigation 71
urbanization and 4, 60–62
closing the health gap in a generation 1, 26, 197–198
feasibility 23, 28, 32–33
Codex Alimentarius Commission 132, 133
Colombia 71
Commission on Social Determinants of Health 1
contextual framework 42–43
recommendations see recommendations, Commission’s
three principles of action 2, 26–27, 43–44
Common Country Assessment 185
Common Market on Eastern and Southern Africa 138
empowerment 160–161, 162–164
health equity surveillance 183
health insurance schemes 102
integrated action for health 111
Community Development Committees (CDCs), Arusha,
United Republic of Tanzania 66
community health movement 34
community health workers 104
community involvement
early child development 56, 57
intersectoral action 117, 118, 119
prevention of violence 69
Community Organization Development Institute (CODI) 64
Community-Oriented Primary Care 34
community participation
empowering effect 162–164

financial support 162
improving urban living conditions 64
policy-making 160–162
primary health care (PHC) model 96–97
conceptual framework, Commission’s 42–43
conflicts, armed 36, 71, 157, 168
congestion charges 66, 67
Connect International 183
Convention of the Rights of the Child 52, 178
corporate social responsibility 142–144
corruption 125
cost-sharing 131
Costa Rica 33, 96
country partners 27–28, 195
crime 62, 66, 68, 69
Cuba 33, 55, 116
currency transaction development levy 125–126
cycling 10, 67–68
death registration systems 178, 179–180
Deaton, Angus 37
debt 120, 122–123
feasible net revenue approach 129
relief 105, 123, 125, 129
repayments 36, 38
responsibility 129
trends 129, 130
Declaration of Indigenous Peoples 159–160
Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) 157, 180
Denmark 79
depression 62–63
deprivation, material 31–32, 35
Dervis, K 166
development assistance, official (ODA) 120, 121–122, 126
see also aid
development assistance for health (DAH) 120, 122–123, 126,
diabetes 30
urban planning aspects 66, 67–68
see also food
Diet and Physical Activity Strategy, WHO 118
disabled people 97
social protection 86, 88
urban areas 60
disease prevention 97, 116
dispersion measure of mortality 19, 184
displaced people see refugees and displaced people
doctors see health workers
donors 12
delivery of committed aid 121–122, 126
health care 103, 105
implications of recommendations 203, 204
social determinants of health framework 126–129
social protection schemes 87, 89, 90, 91–92
supporting progressive taxation 123
universal health care 96
dumping of products 76
early child development (ECD) 3–4, 50–59
benefits of investing in 51
capacity building 189
changing the mindset 51–52
community involvement 56, 57
comprehensive approach 52–56
evidence for action 3
integrated policy framework 52–53
lifecourse approach 54
prioritizing socially disadvantaged 54–55
promoting gender equity 56
recommendations 4, 202
universal coverage 55
using existing health programmes/services 56
see also education
early child development knowledge network (ECDKN) 42
Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU)
economic agreements 12
health equity impact assessment 135–136
inequitable global negotiations 132
public health representation 137–138
recommendations 205
see also trade agreements
Economic and Social Council 160, 169, 170–171, 172–173,
198, 205
economic contribution, measuring women’s 150
economic crises, social protection during 87
economic growth 1, 27, 37–39
aid and 126
benefts of investing in health 39
distribution 37–38, 120, 121
social policies and 37

ethnic minority groups 30
European Union (EU)
combating social exclusion 171, 172
employment arrangements 74, 75
health equity surveillance systems 180, 181
social protection measures 88
assembling 42
broadening definition 186–187
international collaboration 187
judging 43
need for 178–179
qualitative 187
sources 42
see also research
exercise see physical activity
export processing zones (EPZs) 125, 134
family planning 154
farmers, small 77
fathers, involving 56
female genital mutilation 148, 149
feminist movements 149, 150
financial crises 168
financial governance, global 168–169
financing 12–13, 120–130
action on social determinants of health 116
aid and debt relief 121–123
domestic revenues 121
economic growth and 120, 121
evidence for action 12
fair 123–130, 131
health care 8, 100–103, 104
intersectoral action 114, 130, 131
participation in policy-making 162
public, importance 120–121
recommendations 13, 204
see also aid; budgeting; money
fiscal termites 127
‘flexicurity’ system, Denmark 79
Foege, William H. 207
access to healthy 68
fast 134–135
market regulation 140, 141
markets 134–135
economic participation, gender equity 152–153
economics, need for fairer 35
Ecuador 91
education 50, 56–59
barriers to 58–59
effect of inequitable access 18, 155, 156, 157
girls and women 59, 151–152, 205
life expectancy and 33
maternal 29
oldest old 30
pre-primary 57, 58
primary 58, 59
recommendations 4, 202
in rural areas 70
scope 56–58
secondary 58, 59
social determinants of health 188–191, 206
see also early child development; schools
Education for All strategy 58, 59, 151
Egypt 32
employment 5–6, 72–83
arrangements 73–74, 75
conditions 72
equal opportunities 152–153
evidence for action 5
fair 76–83
family-friendly policies 153
full 78
recommendations 6, 202–203
supportive international environment 76
see also labour; work
employment conditions knowledge network (EMCONET)
political see political empowerment
primary health care (PHC) 96–97
women 151, 154, 162–163
energy efficiency 64, 65
England see United Kingdom
change 27
degradation 66, 71
early child development and 51
see also living environment
EPZs see export processing zones
equity gauge approach 130, 131, 183
Ethical Trading Initiative 142

policy coherence 110
security 68, 70
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) 51, 133,
136, 141
foreign currency transactions, tax on 124–126
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) 142
FRESH Start initiative 58
fuel poverty 64
Ganokendras, Bangladesh 151
garment industry 82, 140
Gates Foundation 174
gender equity 16–17, 145–154
action towards improving 147–154
advocacy 150
early years of life 50, 51, 56
economic participation 152–153
education and training 56, 59, 151–152
evidence for action 16
health care 97, 145, 146
land rights 69
legislation 147–148
medical curriculum 188
national accounts 150
political empowerment 159
recommendations 16, 205
research 187
sexual and reproductive health 153–154
social protection 91, 152
work 74, 75, 145, 146, 152–153
see also women
gender equity unit, proposed 148–149
gender mainstreaming 148–149, 150
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 142
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) 136–137,
General Comment on the Right to Health 34
genital mutilation, female 148, 149
geographic areas
allocation of resources 130, 131
see also rural areas; urban areas
Gerbangmas movement, Indonesia 119
Ghana 70, 82, 101, 124
girls 16–17
caring for younger siblings 56, 153
education 59, 151–152, 205
see also women
Global Equity Gauge Alliance (GEGA) 130, 183
global governance 19, 166–174
actions for good 170–174
champions 173
need for change 169–170
recommendations 19, 205
renewed need 168–169
global health inequity 167–168
global health initiatives (GHI) 105
global leaders 194
global movement for change 27
global public goods 124, 170
globalization 14–15, 19, 27
inequitable effects 132
opportunities and threats 166–167
poverty and 167
social protection and 86–87
taxation and 124–126
globalization knowledge network (GKN) 42, 137
goals, health equity 196–198
fair participation 160–162, 163
global see global governance
governments (national)
civil registration systems 179–180
early child development and 50–51, 202
employment and work practices 78, 81
fair allocation of budgets 130
gender equity legislation 147–148
gender mainstreaming 148–149
health care 96, 103, 105
health equity impact assessment 190–191
health equity surveillance systems 180–181
implications of recommendations 22, 45, 202–206
improving health equity 111
improving housing 64–65
market controls 138–142
participatory urban governance 63
policy see policy
political empowerment 159, 160
public accountability in health care 97
rural development 69–71
sexual and reproductive health services 153–154
social protection schemes 87, 90, 91
transport policy 66

recommendations 206
role of communities 183
using data for policy-making 185
health expenditure 36
“Health for All” approach 33, 34
health gap, closing see closing the health gap in a generation
health impact assessment (HIA) 115, 136
health inequities 1, 26, 29–34
causes and solutions 35–39
between and within countries 29, 167–168
feasibility of change 32–33
global 167–168
in health conditions 30
measuring and understanding 20–21, 44, 206
poorest of the poor 31–32
social gradient 31
structural drivers see structural drivers
health insurance 100–103, 116
evaluation 186
private, regulation 139
social 102, 103
health literacy 189
Health Metrics Network 180, 181
health promotion 97, 116
health sector 117
action within 116
recommendations 204
reform 95, 185
representation in trade agreements 137–138
stewardship role 111–112
health services, rural 70–71
health systems knowledge network (HSKN) 42
health workers 103–105
aid for 105
brain drain 35, 105, 106
rural–urban distribution 103–104
training 188
Healthy Cities movement 63, 111, 186, 196
healthy eating, promoting 66, 67–68
Healthy Settings approach 63
heart disease 35
Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy 169
high-income countries
development assistance 120
domestic revenues 121
inequity in health conditions 30
women’s contribution in national accounts 150
gradient, social see social gradient in health
Greece 32
greenhouse gas emissions 60–62, 63, 66, 71
Guo, Yan 207
returns from investing in 39
right to 158, 165, 173, 174
urban populations 62–63
WHO definition 33
health and safety, occupational see occupational health and
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK 83
health care 94–106
financing 8, 100–103, 104
gender equity 97, 145, 146
inequitable distribution 94
private sector regulation 133–134
public accountability 97
regulation to ensure equity 139
social determinants of health approach 116
Tanahashi model 99
targeted 99
universal see universal health care
health-care systems 95
civil registration and 179
early child development role 50, 56
role 27, 35
health equity 110–119
coherent approach 10–11, 111–118
as global goal 170, 171
goals and targets 196–198
mainstreaming 195
as marker of societal progress 111–112
milestones 198
sectors and actors involved 110–111
health equity impact assessment 114–115
building capacity 190–191
economic agreements 135–136
recommendations 206
health equity surveillance systems 180–185
comprehensive 181–183
global 184–185
minimum 180–181
national 180–183

poor health literacy 189
poverty rates 38, 85
social gradient in health 31–32
social protection systems 85
structural drivers of health inequities 36
Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) 105, 123, 129, 130
aid allocations 122, 123, 124
community involvement 117
gender equity issues 147, 149
policy coherence 112
prevention 58
special envoy for Africa 173
supply of medicines 164, 165
homicide rates 69
household surveys 183
housing 64–65, 66, 202
human resources, health see health workers
human rights see rights
Hunt, Paul 173, 174
identity, legal civic 158, 159
immunization 128, 156, 157
life expectancy at birth and 37
minimum for healthy living 78, 79, 90
protection see social protection
redistribution 85, 87
security 84
unequal distribution 31, 37–38
India 197
childcare services 153
costs of smoking 134
early child development interventions 55
empowerment of women 159
health equity surveillance 183
intersectoral action 117
rural development programmes 69–70
rural employment guarantee programme 78
slum upgrading 65
social security system 92
indicators 171–172
development 181
indigenous peoples 4, 36, 157
identity and rights 159
political empowerment 159–160
recommendations 205
Indonesia 82, 119, 154, 197
infant mortality rates 29, 85, 86
informal economy 81, 82
information systems, health 178
infrastructure, rural 70–71
injuries 62, 68
institutional strengthening 116–118
insurance, health see health insurance
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), India 55
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) 52, 55,
intellectual property rights (IPR) 137
interagency approach, early child development 52
intergenerational effects 50, 84
international agencies/institutions 73
fair employment/decent work 76
gender mainstreaming 148–149
health human resources brain drain 105
implications of recommendations 202–203, 205
sexual and reproductive health services 153–154
International Finance Facility for Immunization 127, 128
International Labour Organization (ILO)
gender equity 152, 153
labour standards 80
market responsibility 136, 139
social protection 89, 172
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
fair employment and 76
health-care financing 105, 128, 129
need for change 169, 170
International Tax Organization, proposed 125–126
intersectoral action (ISA) 10, 110, 160
adapting to context 112–114
community involvement 117, 118, 119
financing 114, 130, 131
within health sector 116
institutional strengthening 116–118
obesity 110, 111
training needs 116, 189
intimate partner violence 145, 147, 153
inverse care law 95
investment, inequitable negotiations 132
Iran, Islamic Republic of 195
Ireland, Republic of 64, 154

life-skills education 58
lifecourse approach
early child development 54
social protection 84–92
female 145, 151
health 189
stimulating early 53
livelihoods, rural 69–70
living conditions, daily 3–9
inequity in 26, 35
recommendations 44, 202–203
as target for action 42
living environment 4, 60–71
health inequities 60–63
interventions to improve 63–71
see also rural areas; urban areas
local government
fair allocation of budgets 130
fair participation 160
implications of recommendations 22, 45, 202, 204, 205
improving housing 64–65
intersectoral action involving 118, 119
participatory local governance 63
rural development 69–71
transport policy 66
urban planning and design 66–68
congestion charge 67
health strategy (LHC) 115
statutory participatory planning 161
London Development Agency 68
low-income countries
barriers to education 58–59
fair employment/decent work 78, 80, 81
financing public services 12, 120, 121, 124
with good health 33
health care 99, 101
inequity in health conditions 30
intersectoral action (ISA) 110
older people 86, 88, 89
social gradient in health 31
social protection 87, 88, 89, 90, 91–92, 93
structural drivers 36
trade-negotiating capacity 132
Jamaica 3, 54
Japan 163–164
justice, social 26
Kenya 59, 68, 125, 147, 195
Kerala, India 33
Kickbusch, I 110
building and sharing 196
expanding 186–187
see also evidence
Knowledge Networks 42–43, 196
Kurokawa, Kiyoshi 207
child 35, 74, 77
forced 74
globalization aspects 167
market regulation 139–140
regulating standards 80, 134, 139
see also employment; work
Lagos Escobar, Ricardo 207
land rights 69
landless people 77
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 56, 57
leaders, global 194
Lee, Jong Wook 27
gender equity 147–148
political empowerment 158–160
Lesotho, social pensions 89, 92
Lewis, Stephen 173
life expectancy
educational attainment and 33
private sector spending and 94, 95
social gradient 32
life expectancy at birth (LEB) 26, 167
changes over time 32–33
differences within countries 30
dispersion measure of mortality 19, 184
national income and 37
proposed target 197
social protection systems and 85

Machel, G 50
Mahler, Halfdan 33
Malawi 125
Malaysia 138
Mali 125
malnutrition, childhood 3, 53–54
Mandela, Nelson 50
Marandi, Alireza 207
markets 14–15, 132–144
employment practices and 76
evidence for action 14
global integration 132
private sector regulation 133–135
public sector controls 138–142
recommendations 15, 205
transnational corporate influence 133
see also economic agreements; trade
Marmot, Michael 207
maternal mortality 30, 154, 197
maternity care 94
measurement and evidence knowledge network (MEKN) 42
measuring and understanding health inequities 20–21, 44, 206
medical education 188
Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) 105
megacities 60
men, changing attitudes 148, 149
Mencken, HL 72
mental health 30, 62–63, 98
Mexico 141, 195
health system reform 185
Oportunidades 89, 90–91, 186
micro-credit schemes 70
micro health insurance schemes 102
middle-income countries
debt relief 129
financing public services 121
health-care financing 101
inequity in health conditions 30
intersectoral action (ISA) 110
older people 86, 88, 89
social protection 88, 89, 90, 91–92, 93
structural drivers 36
internal 71
international 80, 86–87
see also refugees and displaced people
global 168
global governance 169
health workers 35, 105, 106
milestones, health equity 198
military expenditure 36
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 28, 34, 171–172
employment and work targets 78
gender equity 151
health equity targets and 196–197
reproductive health target 154
universal health care and 8
Millennium Villages Project 70
minister of health 116
ministries of education 188, 206
ministries of health 116–118, 188, 204
Mocumbi, Pascoal 207
flows between countries 36, 38
inequitable distribution 10–19, 44, 109, 204–205
see also financing
Mongella, G 145
monitoring 20–21, 178
enhancing capacity for 179–185
health equity impact assessment 114–115
recommendations 21, 204, 206
mortality rates
inequities 29, 30, 31, 32
proposed targets 197–198
see also adult mortality rates; child under-5 mortality rates;
infant mortality rates; maternal mortality
motor vehicles, air pollution 62, 66
Mozambique 113, 183, 195
multilateral agencies
good global governance proposals 171–174
health equity impact assessment 135–136
implications of recommendations 22, 44, 204, 205
need for change 169–170
social determinants of health framework 126–129
supporting progressive taxation 123
multilateral coherence 170–171
multinational corporations see transnational corporations
Nairobi and Environs Food Security, Agriculture and Livestock
Forum (NEFSALF) 68
national accounts, gender equity 150

gender equity 152
social 88, 89, 91–92, 93
People’s Health Movement 34, 165
Philippines 55
physical activity 62, 66, 67–68
Poland 195
coherence 10–11, 110, 112–114
identifying win–win solutions 112
impact on health equity 114–115
recommendations 11, 204
representation of workers 77
fair participation 160–162
health equity impact assessment and 190–191
using surveillance data 185
political empowerment 18, 155–165
bottom-up approaches 162–165
evidence for action 18
legislation 158–160
participation in policy-making 160–162
recommendations 18, 205
political factors, good and equitable health 33
gender equity 145
need for improvements 35
poorest of the poor 31–32
Portugal 32
poverty 35
catastrophic health costs causing 95
child 7, 88
financial flows for reducing 120, 121
globalization and 167
in high-income countries 38, 85
income distribution and 38
lifecourse effects 84
national 157
workers 73
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) 52, 69, 105,
128–129, 185
power 155–165
health inequities and 155–157
imbalance, manifestations 155–157
inequitable distribution 10–19, 44, 109, 204–205
see also empowerment
pre-conception interventions 54, 55
pre-payment methods, health-care financing 100–102
national governments see governments
Ndiaye, Ndioro 207
Nepal 77, 125, 197
Netherlands 183
New Zealand 115, 195
Ngilu, Charity Kaluki 207
Niger 59
non-communicable diseases 62–63
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
community monitoring 183
training for work 79
Nordic countries 33, 38, 85, 195
‘norm cascade’ 164, 165
norms, changing societal 148, 149
Norway 153, 195
nurses see health workers
nutcracker effect 194
early childhood 3, 50, 52, 53–54, 55
pre-conception 54, 55
transition 62
obesity 35, 62, 110, 111
occupational health and safety (OHS) 80, 81, 82–83, 203
official development assistance (ODA) 120, 121–122, 126
offshore financial centres 124
older people
economic vulnerability 35, 86
health care 97
health inequities 85
social pensions 88, 89, 91–92, 93
urban areas 60
oldest old 30
Oman 141
Oportunidades, Mexico 89, 90–91
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) countries 78, 167, 169
Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion (1968) 34
out-of-pocket payments, health care 103, 104
outsourcing 81, 82
Pakistan 138, 148
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) 172
availability 86

Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 122,
123, 124
Preston curve 37
prevention, disease 97, 116
primary care 96
primary health care (PHC) 96–97
community engagement and empowerment 96–97
model 8, 33, 94, 96
movement 34
revival in Indonesia 119
universal 96
priority public health conditions knowledge network
(PPHCKN) 42, 97, 98, 99, 117, 174, 175,
private sector
action for health equity 118
corporate social responsibility 142–144
health-care expenditure 94, 95
implications of recommendations 23, 45
regulation 133–135
psychosocial stimulation, young children 53–54
public awareness, raising 189
public goods 120
global 124, 170
qualitative data 187
randomized controlled trials 42, 179
rape 148
Rashad, Hoda 207
Reach Out and Read 53
recommendations, Commission’s 2, 43–44, 202–206
contextualization 46
implications for different actors 22–23, 44–46
see also action
refugees and displaced people 71, 86–87, 168
see also migrants
registration systems, civil 20, 178, 179–180, 206
reproductive health services 153–154, 205
research 20–21, 178–179, 186–187
gender biases 187
institutions 23, 45–46
needs 196
recommendations 21, 206
scope 186
see also evidence
fair allocation 130, 131
health equity impact assessment 190–191
inequitable distribution 10–19, 44, 109, 204–205
pooling 131
see also financing; health workers
rights 158–159
children 52, 178
to health 158, 165, 173, 174
indigenous people 159–160
legal civic identity 158, 159
women 153–154
road-traffic injuries 62
Rodrik, D 132
rural areas 4, 63
daily living conditions 35
employment 70, 78
health care 103–104
infrastructure and services 70–71
investing in development 68–71
land rights 69
landless and small farmers 77
livelihoods 69–70
migration away from 71
natural environment 71
recommendations 4, 202
relative neglect 60
Russia 32–33, 135
Safe Communities programmes 68
Satcher, David 207
Saudi Arabia 141
schools 51
child friendly 58
promoting attendance 58–59
see also education
Security Council 160
Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), India 92, 153,
Sen, Amartya 207
Senegal 82, 149
sex determination tests 183
sex discrimination
legislation 147–148
see also gender equity

tax- and aid-based systems 91–92
universal 87–89, 90–91, 92
social security see social protection
socioeconomic status 30
soft drinks 141
South Africa
AIDS medicines 164, 165
gender equity 149
monitoring 180, 183
tax collection 124
water provision 14, 138, 139
South Korea, Republic of 18, 87
Spain 5
Special Envoy
for Global Health Equity 173
HIV/AIDS in Africa 173
Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health 173, 174
Sri Lanka 33, 113, 138, 195
Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) 52
Stepping Stones, South Africa 149
Stepwise framework, WHO 114
Stern report (2006) 196
stewardship role
health sector 111–112
ministries of health 117–118
WHO 181, 184, 191
stimulation, psychosocial, young children 53–54
stress, work-related 5, 83
‘structural adjustment’ 166–167
structural drivers 26, 36, 109
as target of action 42
subcontracting 81
subsidies 36
suicide 157
surveillance systems see health equity surveillance systems
sweatshops 82
Sweden 149, 195
Tanahashi model, health care 99
Tanzania, United Republic of 10, 66, 125, 183
targets, health equity 196–198
tax avoidance 124, 127
taxation 12
direct and indirect 124, 126
financing health care 100–103
financing social protection 91–92
sex workers 117
sexual and reproductive health 153–154, 205
sexual harassment, workplace 153
shareholders, influencing 144
shelter 64–65
sickness benefits 88
Singapore 32
skills development 116–117, 152
slavery 74
Slovenia 136
slums 35, 60
defined 60
proportion living in 60, 61
upgrading 64–65, 66
smoking 30, 134
see also tobacco
social determinants of health 1, 26
social disadvantage
early child development interventions 54–55
intergenerational transmission 50
pre-primary education 57, 58
in rich countries 31–32
social exclusion 171, 172
social exclusion knowledge network (SEKN) 42
social gradient in health 30, 31–32
change over time 32–33
in rich countries 31–32
social health insurance 102, 103
social inclusion 18, 158–165, 205
social movements 165
social policies
economic growth and 37
need for improved 35
social protection 7, 84–92
across lifecourse 84–86
action towards universal 87–92
contributory systems 92
evidence for action 7
excluded groups 91–92
gender equity 91, 152
generosity 90–91
globalization aspects 86–87
health and 84–87, 172
pilot projects 89
recommendations 7, 203
targeted or means-tested 90–91

globalization and 124–126
progressive 123–124
recommendations 13, 204
special health levies 124
strengthening systems 123–124, 125, 127
tobacco and alcohol 142, 143
Thailand 195
distribution of health workers 104
health impact assessment 136
health taxes 124
promoting healthy eating 68
rural health services 70
tobacco control 142
universal health care 95, 96, 102
upgrading slums 64
Tibaijuka, Anna 60, 207
control 142
health-related costs 134
markets 134–135
related deaths 30
as source of finance 116
Tobin Tax 124–125
Tolstoy, Leo 29
global governance 168–169
human rights and 164, 165
inequities 36
liberalization 121, 134–135, 166–168
policy coherence 110
tariffs 76, 121, 124
WHO diagnostic tool and companion workbook 135
trade agreements 12
developing protective 123
fair employment practices and 76
flexibility 136–137
health equity impact assessment 135–136
health inequities and 167–168
inequitable global negotiations 132
public health representation 137–138
Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
137, 138, 164, 165
trade unions 77, 81–82, 112, 144, 152
training 20–21, 179, 188–191
health equity impact assessment 190
medical and health professionals 188
other practitioners and policy actors 116, 189
recommendations 21, 206
women 151–152, 205
for work 79
see also education
transnational corporations
employment and work conditions 73, 80
market influences 133, 134–135
taxation 123, 125, 127
Uganda 59, 103, 125, 160
UN-HABITAT 60, 64–65, 172, 202
under-5 mortality rates see child under-5 mortality rates
undernutrition 68
unemployment 88
Education for All strategy 57, 151
Literacy Initiative for Empowerment 151
unions see trade unions
United Arab Emirates 141
United Kingdom (UK) 195
child poverty eradication strategy 88
health equity surveillance 183
healthy living wage 79
housing 65
improving health equity 111, 113
intersectoral action 113
poverty rates 38, 85
social gradient in health 31, 32
statutory participatory planning 161
women’s training programme 152
workplace stress 83
see also London
United Nations (UN)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs 136
early child development and 51–52
framework of unified action 173
health equity surveillance 185
reform 169
Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) 52
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 51, 52, 58
civil registration systems 180
recommendations 202
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) 129, 136
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 38
United Nations System of National Accounts (UNSNA) 150

inequities in access 35, 133
privatization 133
water-borne diseases 35
welfare, social see social protection
whole-of-government approaches 112–114, 115, 160
see also intersectoral action
widows 86
Wilensky, Gail 207
women 16–17
education and training 151–152, 205
empowerment 151, 154, 162–163
equal employment opportunity 152–153
health workers 104
legal rights 147, 148
measuring economic contribution 150
movements 149, 150
older 86
pay-equity by law 152, 205
political empowerment 159
research involving 187
rights 153–154
sexual and reproductive health services 153–154
social protection 91, 152
violence against 145, 147, 153
widowed 86
workers 140
see also gender equity; girls
women and gender equity knowledge network (WGEKN) 42
work 5–6, 72–83
conditions 72–73, 82–83, 134
decent 76–83
equal pay for women 152, 205
evidence for action 5
gender equity 74, 75, 145, 146, 152–153
hazardous 72
health inequities and 72–74
informal 35, 73, 80–82, 150
precarious 72, 73, 74, 80–82, 91
recommendations 6, 202–203
rural areas 70, 78
standards 80
temporary/part-time 72, 74
training 79
unpaid 150, 151
see also employment; labour
United States
antisweatshop movement 82
early child development interventions 53, 58
health care 94
housing 64, 65
poverty rates 38, 85
soft drinks regulation 141
Universal Declaration on Human Rights 84, 173
universal health care 8–9, 95, 96–106
evidence for action 8–9
recommendations 9, 203
universal sexual and reproductive health services 153–154
universal social protection systems 87–89, 90–91, 92
urban areas 4, 196
daily living conditions 35
evidence for action 4
growth in 60, 61
health concerns 62–63
health workers 103–104
improving living conditions 63–66
migration to 71
participatory governance 63, 202
planning and design 66–69, 110
recommendations 4, 202
vulnerability 60–62
urban settings knowledge network (KNUS) 42, 196
urbanization 60, 63
user fees, health care 103
Vågerö, Denny 207
Venezuela 99, 162, 163
Village Health worker movement 34
violence 62
intimate partner (domestic) 145, 147, 153
urban planning and design issues 66, 68, 69
vital statistics 178, 179–180
vocational training 79
vulnerable populations
employment 74
social protection 86
wage, living 78, 79
Wales see United Kingdom
equitable access 14, 138, 139

fair representation 77
healthy living wage 78, 79
organizations 77, 81–82
role of 139, 140
social protection 86, 88
working groups, proposed 172–173
work–life balance 80
World Bank
civil registration systems 180
debt relief 129
fair employment 76
need for change 169, 170
World Commission on the Society Dimension of Globalization
World Health Organization (WHO) 1, 27, 28
Alma Ata declaration (1978) 28, 33
definition of health 33
diagnostic tool and companion workbook in trade and
health 135
Diet and Physical Activity Strategy 118
early child development role 51–52
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) 142
good global governance 170, 171, 172–173, 174
health equity impact assessment 135
health equity surveillance systems 181, 184–185
healthy urbanization interventions 172
implementing action 194–195
implications of recommendations 22, 44–45, 202, 204, 205,
institutional changes 174, 175
Medium Term Strategic Plan for 2008–2013 (MTSP) 194,
proposed health equity targets 197–198
research interventions 186
Safe Communities programmes 68
Stepwise framework 114
stewardship role 181, 184, 191
strengthening capacity 191
support to ministries of health 117–118
World Trade Organization (WTO) 76, 133, 137, 138, 141, 165
Zambia 112, 183
Zimbabwe 124


Reducing health inequities
is, for the Commission on
Social Determinants of
Health, an ethical imperative.
Social injustice is killing
people on a grand scale. /social_determinants
ISBN 978 92 4 156370 3

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Opportunities and challenges in public and
community engagement: the connected for
cognitive health in later life (CHILL) project
Caroline Lee1* , Tom Mellor2, Peggye Dilworth-Anderson3, Tiffany Young4, Carol Brayne5 and Louise Lafortune5

  • Plain English summary
  • Two goals of public health research are to understand what causes disease and ill health, and what can be done to
    prevent it. To develop appropriate and effective actions, we need to know what resources are available to
    communities, and what are the beliefs and values that influence behaviour. This means that research needs to be
    carried out close to the people it affects, to better understand context and environment, as well as people’s
    understandings and interpretations of health and health risk.
    Connected for Cognitive Health in Later Life (CHILL) was a project developed to test whether engaging local
    residents in research might be a good way of firstly: raising awareness of research findings in the community; and
    secondly, affecting mid-life behaviours in favour of ageing well and reducing risk of dementia. We investigated
    perceptions of ageing and how to age ‘well’ in a town whose population health is ranked worse than the regional
    average. Project activities involved: identifying and engaging with stakeholders; conducting ‘mini’ street interviews;
    holding community workshops; and taking part in a large community event.
    This paper describes the process of carrying out the research, and presents a flavour of some of the information
    captured on context and local understanding of dementia risk. It then goes on to discuss in more depth some of
    the challenges in attempting to involve people in shaping research and intervention development, before offering
    some conclusions and suggested next steps for researchers.

  • Abstract
  • Background
  • Identifying risk of disease and ill health, and developing prevention strategies, are key objectives in
    public health research. However, poor understanding of the impact of local context, including cultural and ethnic
    differences, challenges our ability to develop actions that are acceptable and meaningful to local communities. This
    suggests a need for research embedded in sub-populations, seeking to better understand context, understanding
    and interpretation of health and health risk.

  • Methods
  • Against a backdrop of wide inequalities in health, the Connected for Cognitive Health In Later Life (CHILL)
    project began work in a locality with worse than regional average health outcomes aiming to co-develop a project
    investigating perceptions of ageing and how to age ‘well’. Another goal was to test the potential for using
    Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) as a way of communicating research knowledge, raising awareness
    (Continued on next page)

    * Correspondence:
    1Cambridge Institute of Public Health, Forvie Site, University of Cambridge
    School of Clinical Medicine, Box 113, Cambridge Biomedical Campus,
    Cambridge CB2 0SR, UK
    Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
    reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
    the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
    ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42

    (Continued from previous page)

    and understanding amongst community members of mid-life risk factors for developing dementia. A four-part
    scoping study was embarked on, including: stakeholder identification and engagement; street interviews;
    community workshops; and a wider public engagement event.

  • Results
  • Whilst the project was able to stimulate interest, gain involvement from a small group of residents, and
    successfully engage members of the public, it was not possible, within the relatively short timescale of the scoping
    project, to achieve the depth of community involvement necessary to co-design and seek additional funding for
    collaborative research activities.

  • Conclusions
  • A number of challenges were encountered in scoping CBPR on this particular topic and location.
    Potential explanations include lack of ‘readiness’ or ‘capacity’ amongst the local population, and a very limited
    timescale for the scoping research to adapt and respond to this. This has significant implications in terms of time
    and effort necessary to build infrastructure to support research partnerships if researchers wish to engage
    successfully with members of the public on population health in the future.

    Keywords: Public health, Community engagement, Public engagement, Participatory research, Risk factors, Dementia

    Identifying risk and developing prevention strategies are key
    objectives in public health research. Yet poor understanding
    of the impact of local context, or cultural and ethnic differ-
    ences, challenges our ability to develop actions that are
    acceptable and meaningful to local communities. This sug-
    gests a need for research embedded in sub-populations,
    seeking to better understand context, understanding and in-
    terpretation of health and health risk.
    Interest in place-based, and community engaged, ap-

    proaches has been growing in national public health
    contexts, as evidenced by recent guidance issued by
    NICE and Public Health England (PHE) [1, 2]. Devolu-
    tion in local government and budgetary challenges in all
    areas of public life further emphasise a policy shift and
    pragmatic service response focusing on prevention,
    self-management and local assets [3]. The research was
    inspired largely by this ‘place-based’ discourse, though we
    acknowledge that different definition and layers of ‘com-
    munity’ exist, with individuals potentially belonging to
    several concurrently. Each layer, as well as intersectional-
    ity, are important to the creation of health in places.
    Against a backdrop of wide inequalities in health, the

    Connected for Cognitive Health In Later Life (CHILL)
    study began work in a locality reporting worse than
    county-average health outcomes, such as poor
    self-reported health status and limitations in day-to-day
    activities [4], aiming to co-develop a project investigating
    perceptions of ageing and how to age ‘well’. Cambridge-
    shire, UK, has significant inequalities in health, with the
    district of Fenland having poorer outcomes than others
    [5]. In terms of issues in ageing, we now have sufficient
    evidence that mid-life behaviours influence risk of dis-
    ability, dementia, and chronic non-communicable health
    conditions in later life [6]. Regional population statistics

    enable us to pinpoint the areas faring worse, for example
    in terms of health and disability in mid to late life, which
    in turn offers an opportunity to target messages about
    modifiable risk factors.
    Following a period of consultation with regional and

    local stakeholders in health, public health, community
    engagement and third sector organisations, a locality
    within Fenland was selected to scope out feasibility of
    conducting contextualised and participatory research on
    this aspect of health. Whilst not the ‘worst’ performing
    in terms of health outcomes and deprivation indicators,
    the selected locality performed poorer than county aver-
    age on many health indicators, and had not benefited
    from any investment in community engagement or
    place-based initiatives, unlike some ‘more deprived’ lo-
    calities in the area. At the time of the scoping, an initia-
    tive grounded in building on community strengths or
    ‘assets’ was being launched in this and neighbouring
    towns, and we anticipated that the scoping study would
    dovetail with the introduction of Community Develop-
    ment Worker (CDW) support in engaging residents on
    the ground.

    The CHILL project aimed to assess the feasibility of
    adopting a Community Based Participatory Research
    (CBPR) approach to communicate knowledge from re-
    search around mid-life risk factors for dementia, and en-
    gage communities in making sense of that knowledge
    within their own lives, local context and choices around
    health and lifestyle. The intention was to explore and
    communicate research topics in ways that are more cre-
    ative, inclusive and accessible than traditional research
    methods, e.g. employing diagramming, audio-visual ma-
    terial, and small focus groups. A longer term aim was to

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 2 of 12

    contribute to better description and understanding of
    the influence of community and beliefs on modifiable
    risk factors for dementia, and to co-develop responses
    (whether formal requiring resources, or informal ‘proble-
    m-solving’) reflecting local needs and assets.
    The core output of the scoping phase (January to July

    2016) was intended to establish a ‘working group’ of
    community members who would continue to work col-
    laboratively to investigate these public health messages
    in the context of the everyday lives of residents. In the
    longer term, this group could potentially go on to
    co-develop local ‘interventions’ in support of cognitive
    health in later life, potentially accessing a newly available
    grant fund for community groups with the support of
    the CDW.

    Community based participatory research (CBPR)
    CBPR is included in the collaboration and partnership
    branch of the PHE ‘family’ of community engaged ap-
    proaches [2], yet there is limited experience of CBPR in UK
    public health research, with academic expertise concen-
    trated primarily in the US [7, 8], developing countries, and
    often on a particular ethnic group [9, 10] or essentially ‘cap-
    tive’ research communities, such as prisoners [11].
    CBPR is described as “The blending of principles and

    methods of scientific research with those of community
    organising” ([8], pp136]). The approach encompasses
    mixed and varied methods which can be chosen to
    maximise engagement and co-production of the com-
    munity in the research. Participatory Appraisal (PA) is
    another term associated with community-based re-
    search, and is closely aligned with CBPR. On the ground,
    PA activities typically foster communities generating
    their own knowledge and understanding through com-
    munity assessment employing participatory methods
    [12]. For this reason, we refer to some of the exercises
    employed in the scoping project as aligned with a PA ap-
    proach. PA implies that the expert-learner role is re-
    versed between researcher and community member and
    advocates that the community is responsible for change
    [13]. CBPR, however, crucially involves partnership be-
    tween communities, organisations and researchers, each
    sharing expertise and decision-making. As well as
    encompassing specific methodological principles, CBPR
    also represents a theory of change that anticipates the
    ‘community’ becoming mobilised to respond to a
    question through the research process itself. Thereby,
    both community and research process are agents and
    mechanisms of change. Figure 1 presents Wallerstein’s
    logic model for this [14], which was used to frame
    the scoping work.
    Preliminary work on the ‘context’ aspects of this model

    began in the 9 months before on the ground activities
    took place, with a long period of intelligence gathering

    and consultation with regional and local public health,
    primary care, community health, ageing and dementia
    community and voluntary sector stakeholders. This fed
    into the background picture of policies and activities in-
    fluencing public health and community engagement on
    the ground. Relevant initiatives had been pinpointed,
    with key developments in Asset Based Community De-
    velopment (ABCD) [15, 16], in particular, a key influen-
    cer in selecting locality in anticipation of synergies,
    cooperation and information sharing on the ground. Ref-
    erence to context continued throughout, and a group
    discussion was carried out with two key individuals
    employed by such initiatives to reflect on the experience
    of community development, engaging residents in be-
    haviour change, and actions to engage with residents.
    In attempting to engage residents in research findings

    and questions on a given topic, CHILL aimed to develop
    foundations for future participatory research with goals
    of transmitting evidence on dementia risk, and
    co-developing context-relevant responses. The scoping
    study was therefore structured according to three stages,
    all supportive of the first of the spheres (Context) illus-
    trated in Fig. 1, and aimed to result in sufficient engage-
    ment to be moving to the second sphere (Group
    Dynamics and Equitable Partnerships), concerned with
    establishing partnerships.

    Stage 1: Public perceptions and interest in topic
    Despite the intention to undertake a participatory and
    empowering approach to research, there was an immedi-
    ate paradox in that a research ‘topic’ of academic interest
    (risk factors for dementia in mid-life) had already been
    set for the project. This meant, rather than focusing on
    work with residents to identify their own priority topic,
    step one of ‘scoping’ instead involved stimulating public
    interest in the project, and in hearing research messages
    on the academic topic of interest. Researchers contacted
    and met stakeholders and frontline health promotion
    workers, local shops and businesses and key community
    organisations with possible reach to residents in mid-life
    (e.g. library and adult learning, community centres, sec-
    ondary schools, Weightwatchers, Slimming World, and
    local churches). Access to important locations for publi-
    cising the project was negotiated through the Clinical
    Commissioning Group (CCG – statutory organisations of
    the English National Health Service responsible for plan-
    ning and commissioning health care services for their
    local area), community pharmacy area lead, manager of
    the town supermarket, the leisure/fitness centre, and the
    town library. A visual presence was created, using a logo
    combining the project name with the town coat of arms.
    Leaflets and flyers were designed, a project Facebook
    and web page set up, − and publicity shared via two
    Facebook pages recommended by stakeholders as

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 3 of 12

    frequently accessed by residents, as well as the town’s

    Stage 2: Understanding context
    Rapid street interviews, dubbed ‘Vox pops’, were con-
    ducted and audio recorded to gather a flavour of initial
    responses to key words and impressions of mid-life risk
    factors for dementia. Researchers asked a few short
    questions to capture people’s understanding of the terms
    ‘cognitive’, ‘brain health’ and ‘dementia’, as well as what
    they knew about modifiable risk and protective factors
    for dementia. Whilst ‘cognitive’ is not a term in common
    usage outside of clinical settings, we were interested in
    whether it was understood and prompted association
    with the brain, or brain training activities often pro-
    moted as protective of memory and recall. Rather than
    assuming it would not be understood, and limiting re-
    sponses generated, both ‘brain’ and ‘cognitive’ were
    terms used as prompts during these exchanges.
    Thirty five community based individuals and organisa-

    tions were contacted about the project and its goal of
    engaging residents with research findings. In addition to
    project publicity, leafleting and social media, a long list
    of organisations and stakeholders were contacted and in-
    volved in discussions to assist access to local residents.

    These included: the leisure centre, community pharmacy
    branches, the GP surgery, the community centre, the li-
    brary service, adult learning, early years education set-
    tings/nurseries, primary and secondary schools, the Fire
    and Police Services, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society, The
    Rotary Club, the supermarket, the town council, The
    Working Men’s Club and The Conservative Club.
    The second activity involved small group workshops

    with residents held in well-known and accessed commu-
    nity locations, both in the evening and weekend morn-
    ings. The purpose of the workshops was to hear about
    research evidence on risk factors for dementia, listen to
    local voices collected in the ‘Vox Pops’ in order to
    present a snapshot of local awareness and key questions,
    and introduce the CHILL project and initial purpose of
    engaging with local residents to think about research
    messages within a local context.
    Creative approaches, in line with tools employed in PA

    to investigating local context ([2] pp25, [13]), were dem-
    onstrated as ‘taster’ exercises encouraging residents to
    think about different areas of risk highlighted by re-
    search in the context of the town where they lived. Asset
    mapping was also introduced, and participants engaged
    in diagramming some of the opportunities in the town
    in terms of key modifiable risk areas (e.g. diet, activity,

    Fig. 1 CBPR for health: a Logic Model

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 4 of 12

    social activity, lifelong learning and weight manage-
    ment). Town maps were distributed to help pinpoint
    key physical resources/assets, such as buildings and
    the location of key organisations and community
    groups. An adapted Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppor-
    tunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis in relation to
    the Town’s capacity to support protective factors for
    healthy brain ageing was also carried out. The asset
    mapping and SWOT analysis provided some indicative
    data regarding social, cultural and environmental con-
    text for the community, as well as some insights into
    history of collaborative ventures, response to commu-
    nity consultation, and resulting trust or mistrust of
    attempts at engagement.
    A second meeting using ‘body maps’ was held, explor-

    ing key influencers on individual behaviour and lifestyle
    choices (Fig. 5). The aim was to stimulate thinking about
    context and why research messages, even if increasingly
    well publicised in mainstream media, may not impact
    behaviour at individual and community levels.
    Residents attending meetings became an informal

    working group of 12 for the CHILL project, communi-
    cating between face-to-face meetings via email.

    Stage 3: Public engagement in research messages
    The final task of the scoping phase was to plan the pro-
    ject’s market stall at the mid-summer town festival. The
    group collaboratively agreed that the objective of the
    working group attending the festival was to share re-
    search evidence on risk with the wider public, to raise
    awareness of risk factors, and to garner interest in join-
    ing the CHILL working group. The group also deter-
    mined that the mechanism for communicating the
    research messages should be fun and in keeping with a
    celebratory event. A smoothie bike (a stationary push
    bike fitted with a blender to make fruit drinks by pedal

    power) became the embodiment of two key behaviours
    to modify risk, healthy diet and physical activity, and the
    Rio Olympics theme of the festival was adopted into
    posters and postcards depicting the 5 Olympics rings
    (Fig. 2) as modifiable risk factors for dementia.
    Through the establishment of a working group, the

    hope was for a fledgling ‘platform’ for CBPR to be devel-
    oped, involving residents as co-researchers who could
    investigate commonly held beliefs around health, bar-
    riers and facilitators to lifestyle changes.

    The following section presents our findings in relation
    to the key ‘scoping’ objectives of: baselining awareness
    and knowledge translation; understanding local context;
    and co-development in partnership with local people.

    Public engagement – awareness and knowledge
    Two public engagement activities took place: one to
    gather a flavour of understanding and level of interest in
    the topic; and the second to communicate research mes-
    sages on risk in a creative and engaging way. Both of
    these were successful in their objectives, as defined by
    depth of data gathered, and number of members of the
    public engaged with, numbers engaging in the core ac-
    tivity, and information distributed. The range of ques-
    tioning was small, as detailed above, and data saturation
    was quickly reached from the Vox pops (n = 16), i.e. re-
    sponses to the word prompts returned nothing new, and
    we were able to identify common questions and beliefs
    about cognitive health held amongst these local resi-
    dents. For example, in terms of awareness of cognitive
    health, dementia and mid-life risk factors, researchers

    Fig. 2 Mid-summer town festival poster/postcard

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 5 of 12

    asked if people had questions about risk of dementia,
    and whether they wanted to know more. Many did:

    “What actually causes it? What causes brain cells to
    die away?”

    “When my elderly father went into a care home, and
    you look around and you think well some of these people
    are really on the ball and others aren’t. What’s made
    the difference? What’s made some of them cope better
    and be able to stay more active and more ‘with it?”

    “What is it that causes it, and why in some cases it
    obviously accelerates quicker than in others, and what
    we can do to prevent that?”

    Yet, there was also a minority who did not want to
    know more:

    “Not something I worry about – if things are ok I don’t
    tend to worry about it.”

    Community workshops – understanding context
    The community workshops that followed the Vox Pop ex-
    ercise were attended by two small groups of local residents
    (workshop 1, N = 11, workshop 2, N = 5) and the exercises
    carried out provided tasters of activities typical of a Par-
    ticipatory Appraisal (PA) process, as well as producing in-
    dicative data on local context and culture. Figures 3 and 4
    illustrate ideas generated by the asset-mapping and
    SWOT exercises carried out by residents considering the
    local resources that could be protective of brain health,

    challenges in the town, what was supportive to health, and
    where there may be opportunities to do more. Figure 5 il-
    lustrates the second-stage exercise aiming to encourage
    residents to think about the interaction between ‘internal’
    and ‘external’ influencers on health promoting behaviours,
    including e.g. place/context, beliefs, and family and
    Whilst the above provide some insight into local con-

    text and influencers, the numbers reached were small
    and hence, results cannot be assumed to be representa-
    tive of the local mid-life community as a whole.

    Engagement and co-development
    In addition to presenting research evidence on risk and
    to exploring community responses, the community
    workshops had the additional purpose of stimulating
    interest in engaging in research as a working group.
    Even though efforts were made to publicise the project
    and community workshops through locally-supported
    venues and channels of communication, the majority of
    residents who attended the workshops were reached via
    face to face meetings, and via the Vox Pop exercise.
    Strong links resulted from meeting with the town coun-
    cil and key individuals with a community engagement
    and health promotion remit on the ground.
    At the outset, we had hoped that the scoping study

    would open the door to community members becoming
    peer-researchers to survey residents and gather data
    aiming to describe the influence of community and cul-
    ture on modifiable risk factors for dementia – i.e. to ad-
    dress context. However, without some pre-existing
    foundations of engagement to build on, our expectations
    were unrealistic within timescale and resources. As

    Fig. 3 Asset mapping exercise

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 6 of 12

    noted in the Communities in Control study, an evalu-
    ation of a UK place-based initiative of resident needs-led
    action called Big Local, the extent and speed of collective
    action in support of public health is heavily influenced
    by a number of factors. These include;: the relative ‘start-
    ing points’; the cohesiveness of local identities’; and the
    presence of community activists and existing organisa-
    tions and structures [17, 18]. This suggests, therefore,
    that some localities require more time to build connec-
    tions and structures in support of articulating their own
    priorities than others. Even though CDWs had been
    appointed to work in the area during the scoping phase,
    they did not start until mid-way through the project,

    and as they were not local residents, were also starting
    engagement activities from scratch.
    Our limited success in engaging residents as a forma-

    lised working group (the foundations to CBPR), perhaps
    reflects that some of these building blocks were not well
    developed in this locality. Key voices in the community
    themselves reflected that it was frequently the ‘same
    people’ involved in everything. This suggests that, des-
    pite the town apparently having a range of activities to
    offer (as indicated by workshop ‘asset mapping’ exer-
    cises), the existing groups and associations rely heavily
    on a core of individuals, and do not necessarily reach
    members of the wider community.

    Fig. 4 ‘SWOT’ analysis (local assets and healthy ageing)

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 7 of 12

    Evidence for this potential lack of ‘readiness’ or ‘cap-
    acity’ for engagement was highlighted in a group discus-
    sion between the lead researcher and two community
    engagement workers as one of a number of challenges
    encountered in engaging this community.

    “Challenges of raising awareness, getting word out that
    there’s a new project, then getting commitment and
    willingness to take responsibility – people don’t want
    that, they don’t want to be part of a committee”
    (Community Development Worker 1)

    “Hard to promote what we’re doing – it’s a free service
    but it is hard to get engagement – healthy eating
    groups – no one wants to book in” (Community
    Development Worker 2)

    An obvious additional tension, not to be under
    -emphasised, lies between the premise in CBPR that re-
    search direction and priorities should be agreed with the

    community, the relatively limited engagement with
    residents had been achieved, and the practice that this
    ‘research idea’ ultimately belonged to the academic ‘part-
    ner’. To what extent was the research topic one deemed
    to be a priority by residents, if at all? What research pri-
    orities did they have? Paradoxically, in adhering as
    closely as possible to an ethos of co-production and
    co-design in shaping the direction of CHILL, and en-
    couraging the group to set their own agenda, we discov-
    ered that asking people to engage with researchers in
    something not yet well defined was extremely challen-
    ging. Co-construction of what to study and focus re-
    search on was an unfamiliar way of working, with
    residents seemingly more familiar or comfortable with
    direction than collaboration.
    Pursuing the goal of jointly agreed priorities with those

    who were ‘at the table’ with CHILL was also difficult due
    to limited capacity – the individuals engaging with the
    project already having several professional and voluntary
    commitments, and little to no spare time or energy for
    new ventures.

    Fig. 5 Body mapping exercise

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 8 of 12

    Key informants working in Community Development
    confirmed that it was difficult to engage residents in the
    locality both in services and in health-related projects, and
    especially so for a 40–65 year old ‘sandwich’ generation,
    who not only tend to be working, but also have caring re-
    sponsibilities both for children and older parents.

    “You get more engagement from the older generation –
    mid-life is difficult to engage with.” (CE worker 2)

    A member of the research team also reflected on this

    “The easy bits are finding out what people’s questions
    are (about dementia), bringing people together and
    giving some research messages. But the concept of then
    steering a group, deciding where to go with it, you can
    see people pulling back from that idea physically.”

    The ideas generated in the community workshops
    from the asset mapping and SWOT analysis exercises
    enabled residents to highlight community assets and
    begin to reflect on gaps and opportunities to develop
    local resources and activities in support of brain health/
    reduction of mid-life risk factors. This indicated that
    there was scope for, and potential interest among, local
    residents to engage in PA methods, whether or not as
    part of a broader programme of CBPR. However, deeper
    engagement with sufficient numbers of residents to drive
    a working group was a difficult next step to bridge. This
    meant that ultimately, it was not possible in this locality
    at this time to develop beyond the scoping project, into
    a further piece of work embedding a CBPR partnership
    to address risk factors for dementia in mid-life.

  • Discussion
  • Three inter-related challenges can be identified in the
    CHILL experience: 1/ limited engagement of residents
    (numbers reached and range of interest groups repre-
    sented); 2/ lack of ‘readiness’ or ‘capacity’ to drive re-
    search or action; and, 3/ lack of infrastructure in support
    of collaborative research or action with residents.
    All of these are central tenets to successful community

    engagement, as highlighted by the research and method-
    ology literature [19]. For example, the Scottish Commu-
    nity Development Centre reported on the importance of
    community infrastructure and existing groups to suc-
    cessful community engagement ([20] pp3, [21]):

    “The quality of the community engagement process is
    affected by the level of existing community
    infrastructure and the availability of groups to engage
    with. Where there is an element of community

    infrastructure in place, quality of process is, in turn,
    affected by the community groups’ ability to engage
    with the wider community and a diverse range of

    The Communities in Control study highlights three in-
    dicators of ‘collective control’ which are pertinent to our
    experience in scoping CBPR [22]. 1/ The ‘Power to’,
    which can be seen as a virtual or physical ‘infrastruc-
    ture’- the existence or “creation of organizational struc-
    tures and arrangements that enable people to come
    together in collective decision making and direct action”;
    2/ the ‘Power within’, which maps to ideas of capacity,
    the “development of skills, confidence and critical aware-
    ness at a group level that equip people with the ability
    and drive to take action together”; and 3/ the ‘Power
    with’, mapping to establishing and growing “links and al-
    liances that develop with other groups or organisations in
    pursuit of common goals or interests” ([22], p1]).
    Public Health England brought out national guidance

    on community centred approaches in 2015 [2], offering
    a ‘family’ of practical evidence-based approaches with
    potential to produce evidence and practical information
    in support of commissioning and practice. The experi-
    ence of CHILL suggests that some elements in the fam-
    ily are perhaps only feasible once other elements have
    occurred. Specifically, in the case of CBPR, we observe a
    need to attend to community infrastructure before col-
    laboration and partnerships for co-productive research
    can occur. Essentially, this refers both to the concept of
    community ‘readiness’, and ‘capacity’, described in the lit-
    erature as critical for effective engagement activity to
    progress. This assertion is supported by Letcher and Per-
    low in their CBPR study embedded within a pre-existing
    Time Bank [23], and by the evaluation of the Communi-
    ties that Care programme [24].
    A criticism of the CHILL project can certainly be lev-

    elled at the pre-definition of research focus, and this
    makes it challenging to assess the influence of this im-
    mediate constraint on engagement with residents in the
    locality against the assertions made around ‘readiness’
    and infrastructure. Nevertheless, we would argue there
    is sufficient literature around challenges 2 and 3,
    highlighted above and below, to support our evidence
    suggesting that elements of these were at play.
    Much of the CBPR literature [21] is grounded either

    in the US experience or developing countries, and it
    may be that funding programmes and relative advance-
    ment of asset based approaches to community develop-
    ment, compared to the UK, has created a foundation for
    this kind of work in certain communities of interest. It
    may also be that place-based community remains stronger
    in some parts of the world compared to other areas. In
    some areas ‘community’, in the sense of ‘neighbourliness’

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 9 of 12

    and willingness to ‘pull together’, is often said to have been
    eroded, whilst in other parts, local residents are mobilising
    their assets, and volunteering is strong. Despite some
    strong grass roots action, in England, communities (how-
    ever defined) outside large and well-resourced initiatives
    such as ‘Big Local’ or ‘Well London’ [25, 26] may never-
    theless be unused to being asked to direct or co-produce
    new activities, much less to come up with research ques-
    tions and priorities for investigation. Hence, there may be
    a considerable gap between what a community engaged
    research approach expects from the public, and what
    people are prepared to take on.
    So, where does this leave us in terms of identifying risk

    and developing prevention strategies? How do we ensure
    in the future we can move beyond the relatively attain-
    able objectives of communicating research, raising
    awareness and understanding of dementia risk, towards
    a better understanding of locality-sensitive influences on
    behaviour, and the development of appropriate
    place-based interventions?
    Is a minimum level of ‘readiness’ or ‘capacity’, in all

    partners, an essential starting point for undertaking
    CBPR? The Community Development world has moved
    on to embrace ABCD, the clinical world to embrace Pa-
    tient and Public Involvement (PPI) [27], and public
    health research to see the value, legitimacy and potential
    impact of community-engaged research. Yet, it cannot
    be assumed that residential areas and ‘communities’ have
    been on the same journey, and there is potentially a mis-
    match. The challenge now, if we believe in the ability of
    CBPR to deliver on the longer term goals, is to find the
    right bridge for the gap observed here, and likely in
    many other UK and international localities.
    It seems sensible to suggest that an assessment of the

    level of exposure and involvement of the population or
    community of interest to community based research/PA
    activities early on in the project is needed to determine
    the level of work needed to build partnerships. We could
    further argue that there needs to be discussion about in-
    tegrating an additional ‘middle stage’ in community en-
    gaged development and research initiatives which
    reflects a recognition that embedding meaningful patient
    and public involvement (PPI) in public health research
    has taken considerable time, training and resources. This
    middle stage in community-centred, participatory public
    health research may require activities and resources to
    support residents, communities and researchers together
    to agree the role of community members in public
    health, especially if it is to be actively engaged in
    decision-making, developing and directing activities, ra-
    ther than as passive receivers of increasingly limited
    statutory services.
    This rationale also brings us to a final limitation of the

    scoping study – timeframe. While methodological texts

    tend to describe CBPR as a drawn-out process and long
    term commitment [8], CHILL had relatively limited re-
    search capacity and timeframe from concept to end of
    scoping – approximately 18 months – a challenging time-
    frame given the range of limitations described above.
    At the end of this scoping work, we are left with a

    question. If we recognise the importance of infrastruc-
    ture and capacity for effective CBPR on broad public
    health research questions, or community engaged re-
    search within localities, will research funding follow that
    secures researchers time and resources (perhaps along-
    side community development workers) to identify local
    infrastructure, listen to local people, raise awareness of
    the value of research, and create capacity to conduct or
    engage with it?

    The investment in this scoping study was worthwhile in
    contributing to a better understanding of opportunities
    and challenges of aspiring to community engaged and
    participatory work with new ‘research communities’.
    The alignment of work to the preliminary stages in a
    CBPR logic model was helpful in generating a depth of
    understanding and concern over dementia risk, reaching
    residents with research messages around mid-life risk
    factors for dementia, and carrying out elements of Par-
    ticipatory Appraisal, such as mapping local assets ac-
    cording to what is supportive of, or a challenge to,
    cognitive health. Community engagement in hearing and
    interpreting research findings, although ‘light touch’ by
    involvement definitions, enables relationships between
    researchers and residents to develop, identifying those
    interested and in a suitable position to engage. Developing
    the level of engagement further into co-design, commu-
    nity research and ultimately co-development of local ini-
    tiatives in support of cognitive health was beyond the
    capacities both of the project and of the community at this
    time. Although integral to CBPR, without infrastructure
    or without additional capacity for engagement within
    existing arrangements, we find ourselves stymied at the
    ‘foundation’ stage. Hence, our conclusions are threefold:

    � We have a better understanding and recognition of
    the importance not just of ‘foundations’ for CBPR,
    but also the work and time required to build capacity
    and trust in some UK communities to want to engage
    more deeply with researchers. (In this case on
    dementia risk, but also potentially on prevention of
    other health issues and conditions); and

    � (in this instance) there was a lack of infrastructure
    and readiness/capacity for engagement in research.

    � In order to move forward with community engaged
    or participatory research at a ‘whole community’ (as
    opposed to interest or patient-group) level, there

    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 10 of 12

    seems to be a need for a physical or virtual ‘infra-
    structure’ for community engagement in research
    that all sectors of the community could become in-
    volved with.

    These findings are important for both research and
    community development practitioners aiming to engage
    communities with little history of participation (other than
    perhaps as service users) with statutory or voluntary sec-
    tors and participatory approaches in broad action, such as
    on inequalities or whole-population behaviours.

  • Abbreviations
  • ABCD: Asset Based Community Development; CBPR: Community Based
    Participatory Research; CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group;
    CDW: Community Development Worker; CHILL: Connected for Cognitive
    Health in Later Life; CIC: Communities In Control; PA: Participatory Appraisal;
    SWOT: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

  • Acknowledgements
  • With thanks to the residents who have worked with us on CHILL, to
    Cambridgeshire County Council, Care Network and other individuals and
    organisations who supported and facilitated this work. We also wish to thank
    Andy Cowan for his administrative support throughout in preparing publicity
    materials for CHILL, design and upkeep of web pages, and in preparation of
    the final manuscript.

  • Funding
  • This project and fieldwork was funded by the Gillings School of Public
    Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill/University of Cambridge
    Collaborative Research Award, and an additional grant from the University of
    Cambridge, and was supported by the NIHR School for Public Health

  • Availability of data and materials
  • The primary data used in this review is available from the corresponding
    author on reasonable request.

  • Authors’ contributions
  • LL supervised the study. CL managed the project on a day to day basis,
    obtaining ethical approval, producing research materials and fieldwork tools.
    CL and TM designed the scoping stages and carried out fieldwork. PD-A and
    TY input into the overall approach taken by the study, provided invaluable
    expertise support and advice throughout. CL led the reporting and all
    authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript.

  • Ethics approval and consent to participate
  • Ethical approval for this project was given by the University of Cambridge
    Humanities and Social Science Department Research Ethics Committee,
    January 2016.

  • Consent for publication
  • Written consent has been obtained from all individuals from whom
    quotations have been obtained, in accordance with our approved ethical
    processes and procedures.

  • Competing interests
  • All authors declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted
    work; no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an
    interest in the submitted work in the previous 3 years; no other relationships
    or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.

  • Publisher’s Note
  • Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
    published maps and institutional affiliations.

  • Author details
  • 1Cambridge Institute of Public Health, Forvie Site, University of Cambridge
    School of Clinical Medicine, Box 113, Cambridge Biomedical Campus,
    Cambridge CB2 0SR, UK. 2Creative Research Collective, Cambridge, UK.
    3Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina
    Chapel Hill (UNC), Chapel Hill, USA. 4North Carolina Translational and Clinical
    Science Institute, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA.
    5Cambridge Institute of Public Health, Forvie Site, University of Cambridge
    School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK.

    Received: 17 May 2018 Accepted: 22 October 2018

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    Lee et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2018) 4:42 Page 12 of 12


      Plain English summary
      Community based participatory research (CBPR)
      Stage 1: Public perceptions and interest in topic
      Stage 2: Understanding context
      Stage 3: Public engagement in research messages

      Public engagement – awareness and knowledge translation
      Community workshops – understanding context
      Engagement and co-development
      Availability of data and materials
      Authors’ contributions
      Ethics approval and consent to participate
      Consent for publication
      Competing interests
      Publisher’s Note
      Author details

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