Benchmark Southwest Transit


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n Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made and now your job is to present the recommendation to your director. Surprisingly though, a directive is issued informing management that only four people will be able to staff the team, which will of course increase the pressure finalizing the selection.

Consider the vision for a successful Southwest Transit marketing team composed in Topic 4. Narrow down the team selection to four individuals for presentation to the director. Decide which strategies will be most effective for leading the agreed-upon team. Compose a PowerPoint presentation (10-12 slides), then record your 5-7-minute presentation using YouTube Video, Loom, or Zoom. On the title slide of your PowerPoint presentation, provide the link to your YouTube, Loom, or Zoom video recording that you created. Your presentation should address the following:

  1. Who are the four team members, and what was the primary reason each person was selected? How difficult was it to come to a decision regarding team selection? Which potential team member was most difficult to come to a consensus about? Why?
  2. What are the primary strengths of the team? What are its potential weaknesses? How positive is the management team about the team’s potential? Justify your answers with evidence from ” Southwest Transit Team Member Profiles.”
  3. What strategies will be most effective for motivating the team, managing conflict, and ensuring success and fostering collaboration? Cite specific motivational theories, conflict-resolution strategies, and leadership strategies in your answer.
  4. Justify how the selected team embodies the values of Conscious Capitalism how the tenet of stakeholder orientation played a role in the team selection process. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.
  5. Describe how value is created for each stakeholder, and in what ways will the team positively impact the business as a whole?

You are required to use at least three academic references to strengthen and support your claims and recommendations. Ensure each content slide has supporting citations and specific examples.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MSL, Homeland Security and Emergency Management

2.2: Evaluate Strategies for effectively leading teams and fostering collaboration.

It is not unusual for organizations to have several people in leadership roles who participate in collaborative decision making for the benefit of the entire organization. Leading teams of diverse individuals is a significant challenge, and negotiating individual strengths, weaknesses, and personalities can be difficult. Nonetheless, as managers it is your responsibility to effectively lead teams through establishing expectations designed to motivate individuals, fostering critical decision-making skills, and improving communication and collaboration among teammates. For the assignments in Topics 4 and 5, as part of the management team at a successful, regional airline, Southwest Transit, you have been directed to form a team for a high-stakes, high-pressure project. Together, the management team will come to a consensus and a recommendation will be delivered to the director.

Begin by reading ” Southwest Transit Company Profile” and ” Southwest Transit Team Member Profiles.” In your assigned group, each CLC group member, will recommend a team of six people from the given Southwest Transit team member profiles, ensuring to provide an explanation for their choices. After reviewing the candidate recommendations from the other CLC group members, the CLC group as a unit will negotiate and agree upon a Southwest Transit team that will eventually be presented to the director.

Based on your understanding of the company, the project, and the people involved propose your team selection. Your proposal should be accompanied by a 1,000-1,250 explanation that addresses the following:

1. Why did your team select the six team members? Why did you decide against the others?

2. Identify the diverse factors that may drive the behavior of the selected team members, what specific motivation theories and strategies will the management team use to motivate this particular team of individuals? Why do you think they will work? What motivational strategies does the management team think would be ineffective for this team? Why? Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

3. What particular challenges or conflicts can the management team anticipate this team facing? What strategies might you apply to manage this team’s potential conflicts? (You will learn more about conflict management in Topic 5. It is acceptable to make relevant speculations based on what you know about the team members and conflict management at this point. You will have the opportunity to solidify your conflict management strategies in your Topic 5. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

4. Finally, summarize management team’s vision for the success of this team. Based on what you have identified as the selected team’s particular strengths and weaknesses, which specific leadership theories and strategies might you apply to ensure that the vision is ultimately successful? Why? Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

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