Benchmark Data collection – Lost Revenue due to failure of implementing Telehealth Services for the company

The  purpose of this assignment is to conduct internal and external research  to determine viable solutions that could be implemented to solve an  identified problem.

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For this assignment, you will create an Excel  spreadsheet that summarizes the data collection you have completed. The  spreadsheet should indicate the date on which particular data were  collected, the source of the data collected, the type of data  (qualitative or quantitative), and a one- or two-sentence summary of the  data findings. Name the Excel spreadsheet as follows:  lastname.firstname.datacollection.xlsx.

Please note that as part  of the research process, taking the initiative to speak with management  and then requesting and reviewing business metrics and operations  reports will allow you to find the data you need for the project while  also showing your employer that you can be proactive and use critical  thinking to solve problems within the organization.

Part 1:

The  first step in data collection is to conduct research. You are looking  for specific, measurable data (statistics and numbers) related to how  the problem is affecting the organization. This information should be  recorded in the form of a chart or graph that presents the data so key  decision makers can see the “cost” of failing to address the problem.  Use the study materials for assistance with creating Excel graphs and  charts that can be used to illustrate your findings.

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Part 2:

Next,  conduct additional research to learn what has already been done to  address this problem within the organization. Ask questions and  interview individuals who assisted with the implementation of previous  solutions used to address the problem. Prior to meeting with  individuals, develop a list of questions about previous solutions.  Consider factors such as customer importance, efficiency, quality,  employee satisfaction, and cost effectiveness. You will want to make  sure you ask questions that allow you to gather measurable data and  include information about how successful previous solution options were  in addressing each of the problems. When you have completed your  research, the findings should be summarized in an illustration using at  least one chart or graph that represents the data you have collected.  Use the study materials for assistance with creating Excel graphs and  charts that can be used to illustrate your findings.

Part 3:

The  last step in determining potential solutions is to conduct external  research. Using Internet and industry resources, research ways other  companies have addressed this issue or one very similar to it. Look for  specific information related to the customer response, efficiency,  quality, employee satisfaction, and cost effectiveness of solutions  others have implemented. Find at least five potential solutions you can  consider for solving the problem you have identified. Your goal in  conducting this research is to find practical examples and measurable  data related to how other companies, and related industries, have  resolved the same problem or one very similar to it. When you have  completed your research, the findings should be summarized in an  illustration using at least one chart or graph, representing the data  you have collected. Use the study materials for assistance with creating  Excel graphs and charts, as this will help illustrate your findings.

Submit  the data collection Excel spreadsheet and the three data summary  charts/graphs you have created from the research conducted to your  instructor.

The three charts/graphs you create will be used again  in your Business Proposal Presentation in Topic 7, as well as within the  Final Business Proposal you will submit in Topic 8. Evidence of  revision from instructor feedback will be assessed on the final business  proposal.

General Requirements:

While  APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid  academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be  presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA  Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This  assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning  the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful  completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

BS Applied Management 

2.1 Analyze qualitative and quantitative methods of research.

2.2 Develop data collection plans for action research in organizations.  









Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
BUS-470 BUS-470-O500 Benchmark – Data Collection 75.0
Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (65.00%) 3: Satisfactory (75.00%) 4: Good (85.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Group 1 100.0%
Data Chart or Graph Summarizing Costs of Failure to Address the Problem (C2.1) 1

5.0% Data chart or graph summarizing costs of failure to address the problem is not included. Data chart or graph summarizing costs of failure to address the problem is incomplete or incorrect. Data chart or graph summarizing costs of failure to address the problem is partially complete and correct and includes some relevant details. Data chart or graph summarizing costs of failure to address the problem is mostly complete and correct and includes relevant detail. Data chart or graph summarizing costs of failure to address the problem is complete and correct and includes relevant details.
Data Chart or Graph Summarizing Results of Previous Attempts to Address the Problem (C2.1) Data chart or graph summarizing results of previous attempts to address the problem is not included. Data chart or graph summarizing results of previous attempts to address the problem is incomplete or incorrect. Data chart or graph summarizing results of previous attempts to address the problem is partially complete and correct and includes some relevant details. Data chart or graph summarizing results of previous attempts to address the problem is mostly complete and correct and includes relevant detail. Data chart or graph summarizing results of previous attempts to address the problem is complete and correct and includes relevant details.
Data Chart or Graph Summarizing Potential Solutions for Addressing the Problem (C2.1) Data chart or graph summarizing at least five potential solutions for addressing the problem is not included. Data chart or graph summarizing at least five potential solutions for addressing the problem is incomplete or incorrect. Data chart or graph summarizing at least five potential solutions for addressing the problem is partially complete and correct and includes some relevant details. Data chart or graph summarizing at least five potential solutions for addressing the problem is mostly complete and correct and includes relevant detail. Data chart or graph summarizing at least five potential solutions for addressing the problem is complete and correct and includes extensive relevant details.
Excel Spreadsheet Summarizing Collected Data (C2.2) Excel spreadsheet, including date, source, type, and summary findings of collected data, is not included. Excel spreadsheet, including date, source, type, and summary findings of collected data, is incomplete or incorrect. Excel spreadsheet, including date, source, type, and summary findings of collected data, is partially complete and accurate. Excel spreadsheet, including date, source, type, and summary findings of collected data, is mostly complete and accurate. Excel spreadsheet, including date, source, type, and summary findings of collected data, is complete and accurate.
Research No outside sources were used to support the assignment. Few outside sources were used to support the assignment. Limited research is apparent. Research is adequate. Sources are standard in relevance, quality of outside sources, or timeliness. Research is timely and relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive and address all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.
Visual Appeal There are few or no graphic elements. No variation in layout or typography is evident. Color is garish or typographic variations are overused and legibility suffers. Background interferes with readability. Understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships is limited. Minimal use of graphic elements is evident. Elements do not consistently contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. There is some variation in type size, color, and layout. Thematic graphic elements are used but not always in context. Visual connections mostly contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size or color are used well and consistently. Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size or color are used well and consistently.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech. The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%


Source of Date Date Data Collected Description of Data Type of Data Anticipated Hypothesis Test



Writing a Problem Statement

Lukas Gorny

Grand Canyon University


August 15, 2020

Writing a Problem Statement

When writing a problem statement, it is important to clearly identify and state the organizational problem that needs to be resolved. To articulate this information clearly, use the following steps as building blocks to complete the final problem statement. The final problem statement you create should be supported with factual data (e.g., percentages, frequency, cost). Therefore, you are required to document sources at the end of the worksheet.

Original problem or focus question

The demand for substance abuse and mental health counseling is increasing. Because of COVID-19, many companies were forced to switch to Telehealth services. Results showed approximately 8.4 million (8.3%) of 100.9 million ED visits in the U.S. during this time period were for psychiatric or substance use-related diagnoses (Gramigna, 2020). COVID-19 and not being able to offer Telehealth services has resulted in a revenue loss for the company and potentially might lead to layoffs.
The implementation of Telehealth services will provide the company with the opportunity to provide mental health and substance abuse treatment remotely, thus generating revenue for the company and mitigating the loss during and after the pandemic.
Telehealth systems will be important long after COVID-19. It is estimated that The global market size for behavioral/mental healthcare is projected to be around $240 billion by 2026 (K, 2020).
Therefore, it is important for the company to acquire a Telehealth system so that the loss of potential clients can be mitigated, and the company can make adjustments to the growing demands of mental health and substance abuse individuals wanting to use Telehealth services.

Stakeholders who are most affected by the problem

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clinics

Type of problem

According to the NCBI (2012), the barriers to entry are money, regulations, hype, adoption, technology, evidence, and success.
Money: The company needs to make an initial investment to purchase the software and to setup their internal infrastructure to support telehealth services.
Regulations: Each state has different regulations which need to do be considered when performing telehealth visits. The company needs to be aware of all the regulations.
Adoption: The adoption of the new system needs to be easy and new and existing client data and information need to be accessible as before.
Security: Platform and software security has to be taken into consideration in order to guarantee the privacy of the client and be compliant with all the regulations.

Suspected cause(s) of the problem

· Since Telehealth is a relatively new application, many professionals with need to learn a new system
· Telehealth software is expensive
· Little is known about the long-term effectiveness of telehealth
· Regulations are different from state to state and not everyone can practice in every state
· Individual providers may resist solutions to licensing barriers because they do not want competition from another state’s telemedicine network.

Goal for improvement and long-term impact

· The business will be able to expand into a new area and generate more revenue.
· The business will be able to recuperate some of the losses during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering Telehealth services.
· Acquisition of new clients and existing client retention.

Impact to stakeholders

· Loss Revenue
· Loss of new and existing clients

Proposal for addressing the problem and determining impact from Christian worldview perspective

· Apply for Telehealth Licensure with the states
· Train staff.
· Research and acquire telehealth software.
· Introduce telehealth concept to the employees.
Impact from a Christian Worldview perspective
· Additional way to serve God and the needs of others.
· Ability to provide services for those that cannot afford to go into a clinic but need special attention
Internal impact from the Christian Worldview
· Managements should adopt Servant Leadership style within the organization and should train their staff on servant leadership
· Management should introduce servant leadership values.

Final problem statement

In the United States, the mental health and substance abuse industry is estimated to be $18.7 billion by the end of 2020. In March of 2020, demand went up by 50% when people were mostly looked up under stay at home orders. This resulted in approximately 8.4 million (8.3%) of 100.9 million ED visits in the U.S. during this time period were for psychiatric or substance use-related diagnoses (Gramigna, 2020).
CNBC reported that virtual health-care interactions were on pace to top 1 billion by the end of 2020 (Coombs, 2020). The demand for substance abuse and mental health counseling has been increasing steadily over the last couple of years but has really picked up stem during the pandemic. Many companies were able to quickly adopt to switch to online counseling via Telehealth Services.
By the company not being able to offer Telehealth services, it saw a decline in inpatient activity which resulted in a revenue loss. The loss of revenue could potentially result in cost cutting measures which would most likely affect the workforce, which is already strained. As of today, the Telehealth Services will provide the company with the opportunity to provide mental health and substance abuse treatments remotely, thus generating revenue for the company and mitigating the loss of revenue during the pandemic.
Even after the pandemic, it is estimated that revenue for mental health and substance abuse disorder services will be around $240 billion by 2026 (K, 2020).
Some of the problems and concerns that need to be addressed with the implantation of telehealth services will be money, regulations, adoption, and security. The company’s leadership also needs to take into consideration the internal and external factors, such as employee training, service accessibility, and security. Because of the complex implementation, management needs to be sensible to the employees and clients and should address and solve the problems from a Christian Worldview perspective.

Documentation of sources

Coombs, B. (2020). Telehealth visits are booming as doctors and patients embrace distancing amid the coronavirus crisis. Retrieved from
Gramigna, J., MA. (2020). ED visits for mental health have increased significantly in past decade. Retrieved from
Hambrick, B. (2020). Towards a Christian Perspective on Mental Illness. Retrieved from .
K, S. (2020). Telehealth Services and Mental Healthcare. Retrieved from (2012). Challenges in Telehealth. Retrieved from

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.



Brainstorming with an Affinity Diagram


Brainstorming with an Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming with an Affinity Diagram

Lukas Gorny

Grand Canyon University


August 15, 2020

1. Identify a high-level problem in your business or industry. Consider areas where the organization or department is not meeting metrics (example: low customer satisfaction, attrition problems, defects, etc.). Normally, the facilitator has identified the problem or issue prior to the meeting and introduces the problem or issue to the participants. The process of introducing the problem and explaining how it is defined in the context of the project increases understanding of the participants, as well as producing ideas that are aligned with the problem.


a demand for substance abuse and mental health counseling is increasing. Because of COVID-19, many companies were forced to switch to Telehealth services. Results showed approximately 8.4 million (8.3%) of 100.9 million ED visits in the U.S. during this time period were for psychiatric or substance use-related diagnoses (Gramigna, 2020). COVID-19 and not being able to offer Telehealth services has resulted in a revenue loss for the company and potentially might lead to layoffs.
The implementation of Telehealth services will provide the company with the opportunity to provide mental health and substance abuse treatment remotely, thus generating revenue for the company and mitigating the loss during and after the pandemic.
Telehealth systems will be important long after COVID-19. It is estimated that The global market size for behavioral/mental healthcare is projected to be around $240 billion by 2026 (K, 2020).
Therefore, it is important for the company to acquire a Telehealth system so that the loss of potential clients can be mitigated, and the company can make adjustments to the growing demands of mental health and substance abuse individuals wanting to use Telehealth services.

2. Proceed by brainstorming causes for the problem. Participants should use a separate sticky note to identify each item they believe is a cause of the problem (see example below). “Why” questions are often very beneficial when thinking about the problem.

Example “Why” Question: Why is the substance abuse and mental health clinic losing revenue?


lack of Accessibility

Cost to acquire software

Lack of software

Lack of training

lack of expertise

people afraid of going out

no telehealth available

increased competition

didn’t anticipate the demand

lack of technical resources

lack of training

upfront investment

3. Next, sort the ideas into themes based upon commonalities.
The affinity diagram is attached as a separate jpeg file to the assignment. The below is image is a small representation of the actual Affinity Diagram.

4. Work with your counterparts to establish connections. Discuss the categories and examine how they could potentially link together.

Revenue is closely linked to external factors. When people are afraid of going out or there is a lack on how to access mental and substance abuse services, and they have no other means to get to the location or receive those services, the company will either loose existing clients that moved to a competitor that does support telehealth, or simple chose to forgo the service at that particular time, which also results in loss of revenue because the company cannot bill the insurance.
Leadership has also a connection with revenue even though it is not as strong. Telehealth Systems have been around for a long time and the company could have invested in the technology a long time ago. This shows a lack in leadership because they didn’t anticipate the demand, which was increasing even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

5. Use the connections to establish the root cause of the problem. Look at the established themes and ask “why” questions until the real root cause of the issue is identified (see example below). At this stage of the process, many people prefer the use of different colored sticky notes for the root causes that align to the ideas that have been brainstormed.

Defined Problem: The company is losing revenue and potential clients.

Why is the company losing revenue and potential clients?

· The company is losing revenue because of lower demand in services due to COVID-19 and because the competition is offering Telehealth services, which this company does not have.

Why is that?

· Many people don’t feel comfortable going to a clinic in person and prefer using online services. There is also a lot of competition in the market that offers Telehealth services which makes clients choose the competitor over this company. Also, because Telehealth services are improving, are more accessible, affordable, and because of the competitive market, patients have more providers to choose from.

Why is that?

· It is a safer to use Telehealth services than meeting with a counselor in person. As a result of COVID-19, there was a need and increase in people seeking and requiring mental health and substance abuse treatment. With telehealth, clients are able to safely seek or continue treatment. It is also a more convenient alternative during as well as after the COVID-19 pandemic to connect.

Why is that?

· Because the majority of the states were on lock down, many services didn’t operate as usual. Transportation services were limited, people were scared to leave their house, and the risk of potential exposure made people stay home and seek other alternatives to connect with counselors.

Why is that?

· Because of safety reasons and because some people do not like face to face meetings, especially because there is a lot of shame and guilt associated with admitting that there is a problem. Online services would have allowed the company to market to that segment of the population which would have benefited the company during and long after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is that?

· Telehealth services are less expensive and insurance companies are starting to cover the cost. Also, there is an increased demand because people’s schedules do not always allow them to travel to a physical facility. Furthermore, sometimes people cannot travel because of personal reasons, or they are intoxicated, or have too much anxiety to travel.

6. Finally, validate the root causes (or causes) of the problem. Validation of root causes requires collecting data and reviewing reporting or survey results. The validation phase separates the “noise” from real root causes of the problem. Noise is considered any item of low impact and low volume; however, it may be a recent event that individuals considered when brainstorming, like system downtime.

In the United States, the mental health and substance abuse industry is estimated to be $18.7 billion by the end of 2020. In March of 2020, demand went up by 50% when people were mostly looked up under stay at home orders. This resulted in approximately 8.4 million (8.3%) of 100.9 million ED visits in the U.S. during this time period were for psychiatric or substance use-related diagnoses (Gramigna, 2020).
CNBC reported that virtual health-care interactions were on pace to top 1 billion by the end of 2020 (Coombs, 2020). The demand for substance abuse and mental health counseling has been increasing steadily over the last couple of years but has really picked up stem during the pandemic. Many companies were able to quickly adopt to switch to online counseling via Telehealth Services.
By the company not being able to offer Telehealth services, it saw a decline in inpatient activity which resulted in a revenue loss. The loss of revenue could potentially result in cost cutting measures which would most likely affect the workforce, which is already strained.
Telehealth Services will provide the company with the opportunity to provide mental health and substance abuse treatments remotely, thus generating revenue for the company and mitigating the loss of revenue during the pandemic.
Even after the pandemic, it is estimated that revenue for mental health and substance abuse disorder services will be around $240 billion by 2026 (K, 2020). It is therefore important that the company’s leadership takes into consideration the external, internal, and revenue factors when considering whether to start to offer Telehealth services to new and existing clients.


K, S. (2020). Telehealth Services and Mental Healthcare. Retrieved from

Gramigna, J., MA. (2020). ED visits for mental health have increased significantly in past decade. Retrieved from

Coombs, B. (2020). Telehealth visits are booming as doctors and patients embrace distancing amid the coronavirus crisis. Retrieved from



Five Why’s Root Cause Analysis


Five Why’s Root Cause Analysis

Five Why’s Root Cause Analysis and Validation

Lukas Gorny

Grand Canyon University


August 15, 2020

Five Whys Root Cause Analysis

Defined Problem: The company is losing revenue and potential clients.

Why is the company losing revenue and potential clients?

· The company is losing revenue because of lower demand in services due to COVID-19 and because the competition is offering Telehealth services, which this company does not have.

Why is that?

· Many people don’t feel comfortable going to a clinic in person and prefer using online services. There is also a lot of competition in the market that offers Telehealth services which makes clients choose the competitor over this company. Also, because Telehealth services are improving, are more accessible, affordable, and because of the competitive market, patients have more providers to choose from.

Why is that?

· Is it a safer to use Telehealth Services than meeting with a counselor in person. As a result of COVID-19, there was a need and increase in people seeking and requiring mental health and substance abuse treatment. With telehealth, clients are able to safely seek or continue treatment. It is also a more convenient alternative during as well as after the COVID-19 pandemic to connect.

Why is that?

· Because the majority of the states were on lock down, many services didn’t operate as usual. Transportation services were limited, people were scared to leave their house, and the risk of potential exposure made people stay home and seek other alternatives to connect with counselors.

Why is that?

· Because of safety reasons and because some people do not like face to face meetings, especially because there is a lot of shame and guilt associated with admitting that there is a problem. Online services would have allowed the company to market to that segment of the population which would have benefited the company during and long after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is that?

· Telehealth services are less expensive and insurance companies are starting to cover the cost. Also, there is an increased demand because people’s schedules do not always allow them to travel to a physical facility. Furthermore, sometimes people cannot travel because of personal reasons, or they are intoxicated, or have too much anxiety to travel.

Finally, validate the root causes (or causes) of the problem. Validation of root causes requires collecting data and reviewing reporting or survey results. The validation phase separates the “noise” from real root causes of the problem. Noise is considered any item of low impact and low volume; however, it may be a recent event that individuals considered when brainstorming, like system downtime.

In the United States, the mental health and substance abuse industry is estimated to be $18.7 billion by the end of 2020. In March of 2020, demand went up by 50% when people were mostly looked up under stay at home orders. This resulted in approximately 8.4 million (8.3%) of 100.9 million ED visits in the U.S. during this time period were for psychiatric or substance use-related diagnoses (Gramigna, 2020).

CNBC reported that virtual health-care interactions were on pace to top 1 billion by the end of 2020 (Coombs, 2020). The demand for substance abuse and mental health counseling has been increasing steadily over the last couple of years but has really picked up stem during the pandemic. Many companies were able to quickly adopt to switch to online counseling via Telehealth Services.

By the company not being able to offer Telehealth services, it saw a decline in inpatient activity which resulted in a revenue loss. The loss of revenue could potentially result in cost cutting measures which would most likely affect the workforce, which is already strained. Telehealth Services will provide the company with the opportunity to provide mental health and substance abuse treatments remotely, thus generating revenue for the company and mitigating the loss of revenue during the pandemic.

Even after the pandemic, it is estimated that revenue for mental health and substance abuse disorder services will be around $240 billion by 2026 (K, 2020). It is therefore important that the company’s leadership takes into consideration the external, internal, and revenue factors when considering whether to start to offer Telehealth services to new and existing clients.


K, S. (2020). Telehealth Services and Mental Healthcare. Retrieved from

Gramigna, J., MA. (2020). ED visits for mental health have increased significantly in past decade. Retrieved from

Coombs, B. (2020). Telehealth visits are booming as doctors and patients embrace distancing amid the coronavirus crisis. Retrieved from

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