
Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that presents your complete personal model of leadership. The parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows:

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  1. Select values from the “Rokeach Values Survey” that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. Be sure to select values for all four of the levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. Be sure to incorporate the feedback from your instructor from your previous draft.
  2. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?
  3. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society?
  4. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the Christian World View, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior?

Page 1

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Rokeach Value Survey

On the following two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is

accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its

order of importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each list and think of how much each

value may act as a guiding principle in your life.

To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank

space next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the

number 2 in the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18

values on this page. The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18.

When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn the page and rank the next 18 values in the

same way. Please do each page separately.

When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order

should you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have completed the

ranking of both sets of values, the result should represent an accurate picture of how you really

feel about what’s important in your life.

Page 2

A Comfortable Life _____

a prosperous life

Equality _____

brotherhood and equal opportunity for all

An Exciting Life _____

a stimulating, active life

Family Security _____

taking care of loved ones

Freedom _____

independence and free choice

Health _____

physical and mental well-being

Inner Harmony _____

freedom from inner conflict

Mature Love _____

sexual and spiritual intimacy

National Security _____ Terminal Values

protection from attack

Pleasure _____

an enjoyable, leisurely life

Salvation _____

saved; eternal life

Self-Respect _____


A Sense of Accomplishment _____

a lasting contribution

Social Recognition _____

respect and admiration

True Friendship _____

close companionship

Wisdom _____

a mature understanding of life

A World at Peace _____

a world free of war and conflict

A World of Beauty _____

beauty of nature and the arts

Page 3

Ambitious _____

hardworking and aspiring

Broad-minded _____


Capable _____

competent; effective

Clean _____

neat and tidy

Courageous _____

standing up for your beliefs

Forgiving _____

willing to pardon others

Helpful _____

working for the welfare of others

Honest _____

sincere and truthful

Imaginative _____ Instrumental Values

daring and creative

Independent _____

self-reliant; self-sufficient

Intellectual _____

intelligent and reflective

Logical _____

consistent; rational

Loving _____

affectionate and tender

Loyal _____

faithful to friends or the group

Obedient _____

dutiful; respectful

Polite _____

courteous and well-mannered

Responsible _____

dependable and reliable

Self-controlled _____

restrained; self-disciplined

Creatinga Personal Model of Leadership


You will create a personal model of leadership based on your research and reflections on what you learn throughout this course.

What is a personal model of leadership?

Leadership is an important dimension of personal growth and development. Developing leadership qualities is a complex process that involves much more than simply selecting an appealing leadership model or participating in leadership training. Creating a satisfying personal model of leadership, which reflects one’s values and beliefs and impacts how one affects organizations, communities, and society, is a lifelong process.

What approach should I take to complete my personal leadership model?

Building a personal leadership model can be approached from both a systematic and holistic perspective. It also requires creativity, passion, and a framework that leaders can use as they explore various models of leadership over their lifetimes. The process of creating a personal model involves continuously exploring and analyzing various leadership models. You will find certain elements of these models appealing and might choose to integrate them into your own model. Others you will not want to include. It is important to weigh the elements against your own system of values and beliefs and select the ones that will most enrich your own model and the lives of those whom you lead.

What do I use to develop my personal model of leadership?

As you explore various leadership models, utilize the table provided below to breakdown, select, and record their appealing elements. You will complete the table as you move through the process of developing your leadership model throughout the course. This table will serve as a starting point or outline as you think through your personal model of leadership and write your paper.

How do I develop my personal model of leadership?

Creating a leadership model involves the following:

1. Select the basic values that will provide the foundation and identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. As you select values for your own model, link each one you choose to one of these following four perspectives:

a. Values that guide you from an individual or “I” perspective.

b. Values that guide you from an interpersonal perspective.

c. Values that guide you from an organizational perspective.

d. Values that guide you from a societal perspective.

2. Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose, including contributing to society. You will consider why the values you selected are meaningful and how you can utilize them to contribute to the greater good. Also, identify the impact of one’s contributions to self, others, organizations, and society. You will consider how the behaviors that result from your foundation of values impact the world around you in a positive and meaningful way.

Two Parts to Creating Your Personal Model of Leadership

You will write your personal model of leadership in two parts. You will submit Part 1 in Topic 5 and receive feedback from the instructor. You will write Part 2 in Topic 8 and combine it with Part 1 and your instructor feedback to create one integrated personal model of leadership (1,250-1,500 words). The two parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows:

Part 1:

Select values from the “Rokeach Values Survey” that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values (850-1,000 words). Be sure to select values for each of the following four levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. You will complete the “Rokeach Values Survey” located in topic materials to assist you in selecting your values.

Part 2:

Reflect on each of the following questions and address them in your personal model of leadership:

1. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?

2. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society?

3. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the Christian worldview, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the

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for assistance.

Is there an example that I may follow to craft my leadership model?

Below are definitions and an example you can follow as you use the provided table to think through and develop your own personal model of leadership.


Values and beliefs: A value or belief describes something that is important to you. It fits into the sentence: “I value…” Examples include integrity, respect, trust, high performance, making an impact, and a clean environment.

Behaviors and action: A behavior describes the visible actions that demonstrate (or are based on) a value. For example, if you believe in “trust” as a value, then the behavior may be, “I always keep private information shared with me in confidence to myself.”

Clear approach for creating meaning and purpose: This is the sense of meaning or purpose that you focus on based on your values. So, if you value protecting the environment, you might outline your approach for contributing to an organization that protects wildlife.

Impact: Impact is attaining positive results or improvements in your area of focus. So, if you are working in a wildlife organization, it could be saving the lives of wildlife or protecting a particular ecosystem.

Example Table

Personal Model of Leadership



Behaviors and Actions

Meaning and Purpose




I follow through with my commitments.

I want to be recognized for my integrity.

I feel good about my actions and behaviors.



I listen to others with the intent to understand their meaning and feelings.

People on my team treat each other with respect.

I have a high-performing team that meets or exceeds goals.

High Performance


I encourage my team to regularly meet or exceed its goals.

I define measurable results in a balanced scorecard.

My team measurably impacts the organization’s business results.

Protecting the Environment


I am an active member in an environmental group/organization.

I improve the lives of wild animals in Arizona by volunteering monthly in an environmental group.

Our group saves animals’ lives and preserves ecosystems.

Below is a blank table for your use. Copy and paste it into your own document and begin completing it as you start examining a variety of leadership models. Add to it as you are exposed to more leadership qualities that appeal to you. Utilize your completed table as a resource to draft your own personal leadership model. You do not need to submit this chart with your assignments.

Personal Model of Leadership



Behaviors and Actions

Meaning and Purpose


Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 4

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