AWS Evaluation Report


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The leadership of GTR is considering AWS for their enterprise cloud solution, but some members of the leadership team are skeptical of this solution. They have asked you, as a solution architect, to provide them with a report describing the advantages and disadvantages of the AWS. Based on what you learned in the materials this week and any personal experience with the solution, answer the following:

Submit a 2- to 3-page evaluation report of the AWS cloud solutions, including:

  • An explanation of the reasons for switching to cloud architecture from on-premises, in general
  • A description of the purpose of AWS
  • A description at least two advantages of using AWS*
  • A description at least two disadvantages of AWS*
  • A chart with AWS’s primary competitors and a brief description of strengths and cautions. (Tip: pick 2 to 3 competitors and focus on general strengths and cautions relevant to GTR.)
  • Add anything else you feel your leadership team would need to know.

*The advantages and disadvantages should be relevant to GTR, who has retail operations in 10 states and 5 countries and is experiencing rapid growth. For example, one consideration could be if AWS does not operate in a country where GTR does business, is there an impact?

Cite all sources using APA format and give attribution where appropriate.

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