Audience analysis


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Week 3 Assignment 2

Planning the Presentation Assignment

You have been recently promoted as junior vice president of human resources at your organization. You need to prepare your first presentation on appropriate communication to a group of 20 newly hired employees for their orientation. The profile of the group is as follows:

  • 15 entry-level with no corporate      experience, of which 5 have no job experience whatsoever. 
  • 5 upper-level hires, of which 3 hold      higher designations than yours. Their age ranges between 17 to 55 years.
  • Of these 20, 6 are Hispanic, 2 are      Asian, 2 are African-American, and 10 are Caucasian.
  • 60% of the group are women.
  • 2 disabled employees, one of whom has      a hearing disability while the other uses a wheelchair.

Perform an audience analysis while planning your presentation. Ensure that you consider issues such as arrangement of the room, content and length of the presentation, and handouts and visual aids.

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