assingment 4


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ACTIVITY #4: “Please view lecture 10 before starting this activity.” Click on the ATTACHED DOCUMENT TO READ TWO PAGES.

***REFER TO Power Point slides 8, 9 and 10 from the lecture to get a better idea of what I’m looking for in your responses!!

  1. Due Mon. 4/5/21: Download the attached document, fill in your blanks with the corresponding information.
  3. Take your resting heart rate before exercise using the example in the video. This is your baseline.

    Next: Participate in 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise such as cycling, very brisk walking, jogging, aerobic dance/Zumba, lap swim. PLEASE NOTE: Exercise such as Yoga, weight training, slow walk, Pilates are NOT considered cardiovascular exercises. Take your heart rate again immediately after you stop. Count your number of beats per minute.

  4. Find your post cardio Heart rate and compare it to the range on the chart provided (also found in the Pp).
  5. Include in section number 3: Describe your aerobic fitness response using a paragraph of 200 words. 
  6. Describe: What do the numbers show you about your PERSONAL fitness level, your fitness goals, and how do they relate to YOU? Are you working at a challenging enough intensity (60%, 75%) etc. Do you need to work out with less intensity to meet your fitness goals? Are you an athlete and working towards improved sports performance?

Activity #4:

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Listen to Lecture recording for Week 10 before doing this activity will be most helpful!

Identifying your Heart Rate: What does it mean?

· The objective of this activity will give you information about your heart rate, so you have a baseline of information to improve your fitness goals.

· The second objective is to understand whether or not you need to lower or increase your intensity of exercise, depending on your aerobic fitness goals. (ie weight loss, increase sports performance, prepare for a 10K).

· The math calculations will give you a number showing you

· a) your low intensity range of heart beats per minute and

· b) your high intensity range of heart beats per minute, which you might expect for your age and fitness level after a session of aerobic exercise.

· Take your heart rate at rest for a baseline

· Calculate what range you need to be in (approximately) to meet your goals.

· Optional: Take a brisk walk, treadmill, jog for 30-45 minutes. Take your pulse (HR) again, by stopping briefly. See Chart Below.

1) Resting Heart Rate (RHR). How many beats per minute does your heart beat at rest? Listen to the Utube video and take your resting pulse, by counting the beats per minute. Your personal number should fall into the 60-70 beats per minute range. This will be considered your baseline for today.

2) To estimate your heart-rate range, use the following formulas. Find your HR (Heart Rate) for Moderate and Maximum effort in an aerobic session:

Example: 220 – ____ [your age] = ___ X.75 here {Subtract your age from 220}

After you subtract, then multiply the answer by X.75 or .60 or .90 etc.

Heart rate at the bottom of moderate= First: 220 – ___ [your age] =_____x .60 = _______

Heart rate at the top of moderate = 220 – ____ [age] x .75 = ________

Heart rate at the bottom of vigorous = 220 – ____ [age] x .75 =______

Heart rate at the top of vigorous = 220 – [age] x. 90) =_________

3) Use the number(s) you find and look at the chart below: Exercise Zones to find out what ranges your numbers fall into. Write a paragraph or two to describe how you see yourself in relation to the numbers on the chart. Since this is an online class, It may be unrealistic to expect all student will actually jog, walk, bike, etc. for 30 min. and take their heart rate. So, I’ve given students an option here. IF you don’t think you will realistically try an exercise session for this assignment, then complete the math calculations and let me know what you THINK you may need to improve…intensity, duration, etc. to meet your personal fitness goals.

 IF you like to exercise, your health is not an issue, take your heart rate when you’re resting right before you exercise. Then, complete a round of cardio of your choice for 30 min. Immediately after you stop, take your heart rate again (take your pulse) and calculate your numbers. Write them down. Look at the chart. Describe what zone(s) you fall into, and write about whether or not you are meeting your personal exercise goals. Are you doing too little, too much? Were you winded? Did you have to stop? Not intense enough or could you work out longer? For example…

 If you’re trying to lose weight do you need to increase your intensity? If you’re an athlete and trying to improve your sports performance, do you need to increase your intensity? Decrease?

Chapter 10

Aerobic Fitness Training: Steps for Success


This chapter will help you do the following:
Describe heart rate to determine exercise intensity and perceived exertion (Borg Scale)
Describe calories, and relation to heat
Describe exercise prescription in terms of appropriate intensity, duration and frequency
Outline exercise progression, mode and maintenance
Identify common injuries, and risks; first aid


Aerobic Fitness Prescription
Most individuals can improve aerobic fitness by gradually increasing the distance and pace of daily activities.
Seniors (Active aging adults ) need to train for independent living, to play with grandkids, travel, ADL (activities of daily living). Improved muscular fitness is essential for seniors.
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts utilize a systematic approach to training.
All should avoid overtraining and increasing load/intensity too rapidly. Excess aerobic training causes a decline in immune response and upper respiratory illness; excess muscle training can cause severe DOMS, injury
Approach exercise sensibly and with realistic expectations!!


Fitness Prescription: Use as a starting point, but adapt the program to meet your personal goals for health, fitness, or sports performance
Intensity: Generally reflects the energy requirements of the exercise, the rate of oxygen consumption and the calories of energy expended per minute.
Duration: Time, distance and calories. Roughly jogging 1 mile burns 100 calories
Frequency: Number of exercise sessions per week
Side note: The calorie (technically a kilocalorie) is a unit of energy defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temp of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.


ACSM Recommendations for Exercise


FITT similar to intensity, duration, frequency model


Figure 10.1 Aerobic Training Zone


Aerobic Intensity


Identify your training Heart rate:
How many beats per min. does your heart beat at rest? To find out, complete activity.
Take your pulse at rest (RHR=resting heart rate)
Count # of beats per minute at rest

Next: Calculate your HR Max= (220-_____age)
Next: Calculate (220-your age) x .60 = _____Low intensity or…
multiply x .75=____ for higher intensity



Measures of Exercise Intensity
Perceived exertion RPE (Table 10.4 pg. 197)


Borg’s rate of Perceived exertion RPE


Fitness Prescription
Exercise duration and intensity are inversely related; an increase in one requires a decrease in the other.
Time, Distance, Calories
Low-fit people need less intensity and duration than fit people do to elicit a training effect. In time, as fitness improves they need to extend duration to 200 calories or more.
Longer workouts of 35 min. or more


Fitness Prescription
Changes in fitness are directly related to frequency of training when it is considered independent of the effects of intensity, duration, program length, and initial level of fitness.
Three days per week for low-fit people are sufficient to improve aerobic fitness. But for training….
Six days per week is more than twice as effective as three days per week.
The body needs time to respond to the training stimulus and time to recover.


Fitness Prescription
Mode of exercise
Health benefits occur regardless of the exercise you select.
However, improvements in fitness are specific to the manner of training.
If you want to improve your running, train by running for example; same for swimming, cycling.
Where does cross-training fit in this? To avoid overuse injuries, or boredom try more than one mode of exercise to train some muscles while resting others.


Training progression refers to how we gradually increase the overall training load.
Gradual progress allows time for muscles to rest, recovery, and adjustments to training.
Meet the “health goal” by doing 30 min. of moderate activity most days of the week, if you’ve been sedentary and start at the bottom of your training zone (easy).
Then train at 2-3 or 3-4 days per week, adjusting duration and intensity as you go.
If you want to increase overload during fitness prescription
First: duration and frequency
Second: intensity


Mode and Achievement
The best exercise is the one you enjoy and will continue to do regularly.
Achievement takes time. Two main factors:
Age and initial level of fitness influence rate of improvement.
When you follow your exercise prescription, you should see improved energy and vigor within weeks, improved self-concept and body image will follow, and performance will show change within a month.
Don’t expect to undo years of inactivity, or remove fat that accumulated over a decade, in a few short weeks.


Aerobic fitness maintenance
Once you’ve achieved a level of fitness that meets your needs, you may be able to maintain your fitness with three sessions per week.
Does a previously fit person regain fitness more quickly than one who has not been fit? More research needed.


Training Tips
What to wear
Time of day
Where to walk or run
What to wear-comfort
Time of day-Most times
Where to


Common Injuries
Blisters-Use good fitting shoes/socks
Muscle soreness-warm up/stretch
Muscle cramps-dehydration/electrolytes
Bone bruises-shoes/socks!
Ankle problems-RICES
Calf or Achilles tendon injuries-RICE
Shin splints
Knee problems-ACL, meniscus, patella
Stitch-side pain
Use of NSAID’s, anti-inflammatory



Stressful Exercise
Sudden vigorous exercise-failure to warm up can result in electrocardiogram abnormalities regardless of age/fitness. Inadequate blood flow
Although exercise in not inherently stressful, studies indicate that unfamiliar exhausting, and competitive exercise can be stressful for some.
Body reacts to the threat of perceived stress by secreting a group of hormones (epinephrine) that assist the body for “fight or flight”. The body does not differentiate between physical and mental threat.
Some people thrive on the excitement of sport to keep them active and enjoy the challenge, excitement and exhaustion.


Manipulation of intensity, duration, and frequency of aerobic exercise brings about improvements in fitness.
The type of improvement desired will dictate the aerobic fitness program chosen
If your goal is health, focus on duration. If your goal is improved VO2max, and/or sports performance, focus on intensity.
Adopt an active lifestyle change gradually and enjoy the experience, the adaptations, and the amazing results.
Although it’s important to understand the following topics…
Excessive emphasis on intensity, heart rate, VO2 max, Lactate thresholds, etc. can take the joy out of regular activity…move beyond and listen to your body!!! Use the RPE (rate of perceived exertion).


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