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related to a threat to confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data

Read and respond to below student’s discussions (150 words) reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, and offering suggestions.

#1. Posted by Teja

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Data security plays a prominent role in present businesses. In general, the CIA Triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability is mainly considered as a core underpinning of information technology (Williams, et al., 2019). Due to this each and every security control, as well as a security vulnerability, are mainly viewed within the light of various key concepts. In order to analyze the security program for a comprehensive, it is very essential for an organization to understand the complete CIA triad. Likely confidentiality deals with data, objects along with certain resources that are protected from unauthorized access. Integrity deals with the data that is secured from various kinds of unauthorized changes for easily securing reliable and correct forms of data. Likely availability is determined the authorized users gain easy access for various systems as well as required that required by the information systems.  

In the article, the authors illustrated the overall analysis of availability. Because this is mainly considered as the pillar of information security. Authors stated that “the rate of denial of service attack majorly continues to be one of the common threat in present emerging cybersecurity world” (Mir & Quadri, 2016). In general, information security mainly revolves all over various models that are identified to be three security attributes. The CIA model of information security depends on more realistic dependence. Apart from maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of data, it is very essential to maintain information available. Because of availability key role because that extensively diverse within computer science information technology and applications. The availability mainly revolves over defining authorized parties, enabling access to data, reliable access to data, and requirement intended for assuring the information systems to work promptly. 

Information security is one of the utmost important interests within the field of technology. In an article, the authors asserted that “ systems, as well as network technology, is one of the major key factors within IT with respect to various applications” (Alhassan & Adjei-Quaye, 2017). Likewise, security is one of the most important factors for networks and applications. Developing a secure network within the organization will deal with access, confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and non-reputation. To secure these factors in recent years the homeland security came into existence. Because of the bad actors within the firm or premises will commit fraudulent activities (Watson-Williams, 2020). These activities are performed by considered various hacking tools as well as techniques, user error, social engineering, denial of service attack, etc. Further many cybersecurity threats will target confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of organizational data.  In order to secure their accountability mainly organizations focus on developing a  cyber threat intelligence program.  

Furthermore analyzing the CIA triad is necessary to develop various cybersecurity policies. In an article, the authors proclaimed that “data security extensively deals with integrity, the identity of the sender as well as the identity of receivers” (Moghaddasi, Sajjadi, & Kamkarhaghighi, 2016). In relation to this, the data security management extensively deals with the endless evolutionary process along with executing new developments within the information technology. Hence likely to prevent various kinds of threats it necessary to adopt the method of developing data confidentiality like cryptography. Executing well-determined data security management will help the organizations to easily improve their information standards and overcome various kinds of cyber threats by securing their CIA triad. 

Topic: Discuss the risk and costs of compromised data integrity breaches. Focus on integrity not confidentiality. Look at military, education, science, medicine, finance, utilities, municipalities, etc.

Read and respond to below two student’s discussions. (150 words for each response) reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions

#1. Posted by Mahesh

An accurate output requires an accurate input. Incorrect data entry can start a complex loop that may be very difficult and intensive in person-hours to identify and rectify.  Assume of the management has not out in place proper mechanisms to control the quality of data and how it is maintained, it would in the end result in poor customer or transaction experience. As the Internet becomes the worlds largest playground, there is also an ocean of data which motivates hackers and other non ethical actors to breach data to in the end get hands on personal information. 

Even with mechanisms in place, large organizations with a rich technology team, it is a complex job to safeguard data from integrity breaches. Much before the damage control, it is a scenario that is difficult to mitigate. Since in the modern days, several databases are interacting with each other and sharing data and at the times that the data is not being used, it still needs to be protected and this needs to be cost efficient. 

“When flimsy cyber defense fails, Format Preserving Encryption prevails” ― James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

The consequences depending on the data involved if the integrity of the data is compromised, there can be theft of intellectual property, there can be manipulation of confidential data, leak of confidential data, loss of data privacy, tarnished brand name and huge sums of compensation and legal involvement. The consequences continue in other forms and are not limited since Faulty data, disrupted data analysis incorrect artificial intelligence that ultimately lead to inaccurate conclusions. 

“Information is a significant component of most organizations’ competitive strategy either by the direct collection, management, and interpretation of business information or the retention of information for day-to-day business processing. Some of the more obvious results of IS failures include reputational damage, placing the organization at a competitive disadvantage, and contractual noncompliance. These impacts should not be underestimated.”
― The IIA Research Foundation

The cost of breach in a corporate model as described by the Ponemon Institute is generally calculated by a mathematic formula stated as Cost Per Record x Number of Record = Cost of breach. The process of associating a potential cost of data breaches has lead the management to invest more in cyber security. Insurance is also a popular option amongst corporates to protect themselves against data breaches and cyber attacks, the estimated value of a high risk potential loss can be upwards of One Hundred million US Dollars. 

“This next president is going to inherit the most sophisticated and persistent cyber espionage cultures the world has ever seen, He needs to surround himself with experts that can expedite the allocation of potent layers of next generation defenses around our targeted critical infrastructure silos.”
― James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

Web applications Layer is commonly known as a popular mitigation strategy. there are several cyber security tools that have sharpened thier approach towards data breaches and offer a large variety of solutions and protection from various levels of breaches.

#2. Posted by Swathi

Risk and costs of compromised data integrity breaches

Definitely we all know it is very difficult for the organisation to become very successful in the market because there are various problems and challenges with the organisation faces in the market whenever the company is achieving various task and objective in the trade. One of the very useful tool for every organisations is Data integrity because whenever the organisation is having Data integrity in the company’s system then the data of the organisation is very useful for the company as it can be used by the organisation to make various tactics which can be executed by the employees of the organisation any time they want in the markets and therefore one of the major challenge with the organisation faces some letter to the Data integrity of the company is Data integrity breaches. One of the major risk if the organisation is compromising Data integrity breaches in the company’s systems is definitely the organisation will lose all the important data in the business which can be very problematic for the association’s because definitely without appropriate data it will be impossible for the organisation to conduct various activities in the purpose of the company and due to this it is always difficult for the association’s if the organisation is compromising with Data integrity breaches in the company system (Kaptein, 1999).

“An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.”

For Military

Military is a important part of the society because definitely the people in the military sacrifice their life so that we will be protected in our own country from various kind of terrorist attacks in the society and therefore whenever the military is creating any kind of strategies than it is for the safety of the society which need to be protected from various kind of terrorist attack in the market. Therefore in the case of military if the military is compromising Data integrity breachesthan definitely one of the major risks which the military will face is the leakage of the plan and the leakage of the information which the officersof military are making in order to keep the society save from many kind of terrorist attack in the market. Definitely if the military is compromising Data integrity breaches then it will be a major question on the security of the military as Sooner or Later it will impact the strategy of the military negatively (Kaptein et al, 2001).

“How did Abraham know that it was God that bid him offer his son, being a breach of the sixth commandment?”

For Education

The education sector of the country is a very useful and a very important factor of any country because definitely the future of the country is dependent upon how useful the education sector is because it will give proper education to the people of the countries which have them to grow positively in the society. Various factors which are very important for education sector which needs to take very seriously by the society and therefore if the education sector is compromising the Data integrity breaches then definitely it will be a very problematic as well as terrible part of the country because it will affect the whole lifestyle of the people negatively because the whole education sector will get impacted adversely and all of this can happen because of compromising factor which was done by the education sector with Data integrity breaches (LeClair, 1998).

“I don’t like people recognizing me all around the world. I really don’t like that, as it’s breach of my privacy.”

Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover in 350 words or more. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection?

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