Assignment Writing

Research and report on a topic that relates mathematics to art, music, science, or economics. The report is due on the last day of the module (Sunday at 11:59pm).Here are the requirements for your report:Include references to an individual or group who used (or uses) mathematics in their work.Describe the mathematical concepts that are present in the creative or scientific work and what you understand about the mathematics.Write your essay in your own words. Document all direct statements or restated ideas referenced in your essay using the APA citation style.Your essay must be at least one full, single-spaced page long.The essay must be followed by a reference page, which includes a citation and a link to the source(s) you used.Be sure to review the writing rubric your instructor will use to score this work. (See Evaluation Criteria below).IMPORTANT: Your essay must be in your own words. You may find the following links useful to avoid plagiarism:APA Citation Tip SheetWays to Avoid PlagiarismOne-minute Video on Avoiding PlagiarismMore information about how to avoid plagiarism, including information on free tutoring and using the Grammarly tool, is available on this Excelsior College Library page: Copyright and Avoiding Plagiarism.Before you submit this assignment to the dropbox below, be sure to upload a copy to the “Final” dropbox for this assignment on your work using a word processor (or other software, as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you upload it. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Browse My Computer” and find your file. Once you have located your file, click “Open” and, if successful, the file name will appear under the Attached Files heading. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Submit.”

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