Assignment Week 1

In your own words, provide a 100-word discussion of each of the following eight topics. Each mini-essay earns from zero to three points. Points earned are based on a writing skills rubric. The maximum points available for this assignment is 24 points.

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Responses that are less than 100 words in length will earn zero points.

The writing skills rubric is as follows:

3 points: Essay demonstrates excellent composition skills including a clear and thought-provoking thesis, appropriate and effective organization, lively and convincing supporting materials, effective diction and sentence skills, and perfect or near perfect mechanics including spelling and punctuation. The writing perfectly accomplishes the objectives of the assignment.

2 points: Essay contains above average composition skills, including a clear, insightful thesis, although development may be insufficient in one area and diction and style may not be consistently clear and effective. Shows competence in the use of mechanics. Accomplishes the goals of the assignment with an overall effective approach.

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1 point: Composition skills may be flawed in either the clarity of the thesis, the development, or organization. Diction, syntax, and mechanics may seriously affect clarity. Minimally accomplishes the majority of the goals of the assignment.

0 points: Composition skills may be flawed in two or more areas. Diction, syntax, and mechanics are excessively flawed. Fails to accomplish the goals of the assignment.

Regarding style, your assignment must adhere to the relevant guidelines established by the American Psychological Association (APA) in its most current edition. Students unfamiliar with the APA style requirements should immediately contact the National University Writing Center for direction and assistance.

Topic #1: Compare and contrast managed care and case management.

Topic #2: Discuss four milestones in the history and evolution of case management systems.

Topic #3: Compare and contrast acute care case management vs. palliative care case management.

Topic #4: Discuss the role of the case manager in the areas of management and leadership.

Topic #5: Discuss the role of the case manager in the areas of provision of case management services and outcomes evaluation.

Topic #6: Discuss the case manager’s utilization of negotiating skills. Provide an example of such a negotiation.

Topic #7: Discuss the history of Medicare and compare and contrast Medicare Part A vs. Medicare Part B.

Topic #8: Discuss the history of Medicaid and describe the categories of Medicaid eligibility. What is the primary function of Medicaid?

Very Important:  Responses that are less than 100 words in length will earn zero points.

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