Assignment of conservation biology

Assignment of conservation biologyPlease answers the questions below based on reading the chapters that I attached in thispost:I write with each question the chapter coming from.Chapter 3 is about where is the World’s Biodiversity Found?Question 1- A topic from my general zoology class…(Reading from Chapter 3 to answer)Top of FormThere’s no question that the arthropods are, by far, the most diverse animal group on the planet.  At least for the time being.  Here’s my question – why?  What’s so special about arthropods?Question2- New species are being discovered every day… …(Reading from Chapter 3 to answer)Top of Form…and they have to be named.  Two quests – find the coolest scientific binomial that you can.  And then, find a species named after someone you know.Question3- There aren’t enough taxonomists… …(Reading from Chapter 3 to answer)Top of FormTrue that.  Why do you think that’s the case?Bottom of FormBottom of FormQuestion4- How many species? …(Reading from Chapter 3 to answer)Top of FormOver the next century, we’re going to add tremendously to the number of species that we recognize.  In what taxonomic group do you think the greatest percentage increase will be seen?  Why?From Tragedy of the Commons articleQuestion5-What was the “tragedy of the commons”?…(Reading from Tragedy of the Commons article to answer)Top of FormYou know you’ve written a significant paper when the name becomes part of the vernacular.  This one did.  But exactly what does it mean?  What was the “commons” in Hardin’s paper?Question6-Count your blessings (Reading from Tragedy of the Commons article to answer)Top of FormWe don’t worry as much as we used to about the buildup of nuclear weapons (although that may be changing).  Hardin’s paper was (sort of) a response to another paper dealing with the arms race.  What did he mean when he said that some problems do not have a technological solution?Question7-Now, what IS a tragedy of the commons? (Reading from Tragedy of the Commons article to answer)Top of FormThey’re all around us – give me some examples.

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