Assignment: Final Project Milestone 1


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                                                          A City Museum: Focus

Recall that for the Final Project, you are the director of a museum and you must select a focus for the museum. When thinking about the appeal of a museum, you must think in terms of who will visit it and what it will mean to those visitors. Your audience will be mainly residents of the very city that you celebrate but, in order to be successful, your museum will also need to attract visitors from all over the world. How can you appeal to a worldwide audience?

In Final Project Milestone 1, you first give us some general information about your city, then select the museum’s focus. Then, you apply a wider, global lens to that choice.

To prepare for this Assignment:

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Review the “Final Project Summary” document in the Week 1 Learning Resources area.

Review the resources you chose using the guidelines provided in the “Student Contributed Resource Worksheet” document in this week’s Learning Resources area for applicability to this Assignment.

Write a 300-word proposal in which you do each of the following:

Offer a brief description of your city and its residents (geographical location, size, a breakdown of ethnicities & classes, major employers etc.)

Decide on your museum’s focus (Industry and Commerce, History, Science and Technology, or Arts and Culture) and describe concrete ways in which this focus is evident in or important to your city.

Explain how the focus you chose answers the needs of or represents the citizens of your city.

Describe how this focus is appealing to visitors from outside your city.


Writing in APA Style 7th Edition Example Paper

Student Name

Antioch University Santa Barbara

Course Name

Instructor Name

January 8, 2020

Title in bold, Capitalize All

of the Major Words; no

word limit.

Student Name, Institution,

Course Name & Number,

Instructor, and Due Date,

all on separate lines

Change from APA 6: No Running head
Every page has a page number in the header

Student Paper Example

Based on the Seventh Ed. of the

Publication Manual of the American

Psychological Association

Use same font size

for everything in the

entire document

APA 7 no longer requires

12-pt. Times New Roman.

Permitted fonts:

 12-pt. Times New


 11-pt. Georgia

 11-pt. Calibri

 11-pt. Arial

 10-pt. Lucida Sans


One blank double-spaced

line under title.

Entire document should be




This paper describes some basic parts of writing in APA style 7th Edition. These components

include seven major areas: the title page, abstract, formatting concerns for student writing, use

of language, in-text citations, the references page, and titles and figures. This paper also

provides examples of specific changes that are required by APA style 7th Edition.

Keywords: APA style, citations, frustration

Level 1


(see box below)

An abstract is a brief

comprehensive summary of the

contents of the paper, typically

no more than 250 words.

Abstracts are not usually

required for student papers.

Check with your instructor to

see if an abstract and/or

keywords are required for your


If you’re not required to

include an abstract, begin the

main text on this page.

Keywords are words, phrases,

or acronyms that describe the

most important aspects of your

paper. They are used for

indexing in databases and help

readers find your work during a


If required for your paper,

provide 3–5 keywords.

Keywords can be listed in any


Indent ½ inch.



Page number
1 inch margin

Headings: Use headings in your paper to distinguish between

main sections and sub-sections.

Format for the Five Levels of Headings in APA Style

Level Format

1 Centered, Bold, Capitalize Major Words
Text begins as a new indented paragraph.

2 Left Align, Bold, Capitalize Major Words
Text begins as a new indented paragraph.

3 Left Align, Bold Italic, Capitalize Major Words
Text begins as a new indented paragraph.

4 Indented, Bold, Capitalize Major Words. After a
period, text begins on the same line and continues.

5 Indented, Bold Italic, Capitalize Major Words. After
a period, text begins on the same line and continues.

Main sections (divisions)

of the body of your




Writing in APA Style 7th Edition Example Paper

Writing in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) is a regular practice

for students of higher degree programs in psychology and many programs in science. The new

edition of the manual has made several changes, such as endorsing the use of the singular they,

as exemplified in the next sentence. Each student writer who applies the new APA student

writing standards may encounter different challenges, however, they may use the resources

provided by the AUSB Writing Center for support in learning the relevant new rules.

According to the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American

Psychological Association (2019), the style’s broad applicability “helps authors present their

ideas in a clear, concise, and organized manner” that “uniformity and consistency enables

readers to (a) focus on the ideas being presented rather than formatting and (b) scan works

quickly for key points” (p. xvii). Since this paper is mostly written in the seventh edition of APA

style, attentive readers will note that it has many examples of changes from the sixth edition.

Most of the rules demonstrated here are those a student will need to have some acquaintance

with in order to write easily according to the student writing guidelines, which are distinct from

APA’s new journal article reporting standards (Paiz et al., 2013).

The Structure of a Paper in APA Style

The APA style guidelines are designed for primary research papers that usually contain

the following sections: (a) introduction, (b) method, (c) results, (d) discussion, and (e)

references. However, the actual headings may vary depending on the type of paper one is

writing (American Psychological Association, 2019). For example, papers that do not describe

primary research or original experimental data may omit the method, results, and discussion

Level 1 heading


p. 2)

Use singular


New in APA 7:

Use “et al.” for three

or more


Title is bolded and

centered, Capitalize

All of the Major Words

Level 1 heading

(a main




after a


1 inch

margins on

all sides

Repeat title from Title page


sections (Xyers, Young, Zucherman, & Anne, 2019, p. 291). Some sections may be broken into

subsections, in which case the authors must use the appropriate headings and subheadings

(Xyers, Young, Zucherman, & Roberts, 2019, para. 4).

Organizing the Main Body

Most APA style papers written by students are not experimental; the organization of

headings and subheadings within the main body of the paper is therefore particularly

important. In certain cases, the author might use additional major sections, such as a literature

review, to introduce their own material.

Organizing the Main Body When There are Additional Content Concerns

In some common graduate assignments, students are instructed to compare therapeutic

models, provide possible interventions given specific presenting problems, or engage in case

study analyses. These papers may have particular sections (such as presenting problem, or

socio-cultural considerations of a given model).

Language Concerns in the Body of the Paper. Sometimes, writers who are just

becoming comfortable with APA style, or with academic writing in general, will mimic academic

language in ways subtly less clear than writers who use academic register fluently. For example,

one might write the following sentence, which sounds academic to the mental ear, but in which

almost everything is done poorly:

during the preparatory process of elucidating the critical and fundamental elements of

this theory for analysis, it would be observed that certain subjective elements of the

theory would be excessively situational to the point of being non-applicable outside of

the theorists’ particular circumstances. (Goodwin, 2012a)

Exception to “et al.” rule for 3 or more authors:

Include as many authors as needed to distinguish

between sources with the same first author(s).

Level 2


(a sub-


Level 3 heading (a

sub-section of the

Level 2 sub-section)

Level 4



p. 2)

If a


is 40 words

or more, use

a block quote

format: new




inch, double

space, no




Level 1

and 2

For block quotes,

period comes

before citation.


We observe that such a sentence serves little use beyond parody. The same sentiment can be

expressed in appropriate academic register in the following fashion: this theory is based on

subjective components and thus is not widely applicable (Goodwin, 2012b).

Language Concerns as Issues of Unstated Academic Expectation. Writers for whom the

distinction between the two earlier examples is unintuitive should not be dismayed. Graham

and Harris (1997) have shown that an academic style of writing is slowly learned, and is not

often intuitive. Often, the rules of academic English, and American academic English in

particular, are presented as assumptions rather than with explicit guidance (Graham & Harris,

1997). A student may look at their peers and see no one else asking questions about unclear

elements of an assignment, or unclear expectations, and try to muddle through on their own

rather than raising the issue. However, most academic expectations need to be explicitly taught

at some point, so students should not feel bad asking for clarification. Often, if one writer has a

question about the expectations, many others do also (S. Harter, personal communication,

September 30, 2018).

In-Text Citations and


The American Psychological Association (APA) encourages authors to cite any works

that have impacted their own (APA, 2019). In general, the style guide recommends

paraphrasing sources rather than using too many direct quotes, “because paraphrasing

allows you to fit material to the context of your paper and writing style” (APA, 2019, p. 270).

A direct quote is best employed when the original author has stated a point particular

memorably, concisely, or effectively, or when the original author is providing a technical

Personal communication formatting example. Cite

in text but not on References page. (see p. 7)

Cite the

specific page

number of




citation style


citation style

2 Styles of In-

text Citations:

Narrative &


Level 4
Level 1



About page numbers:
 Use for direct quotes

 Use for paraphrases of information on a specific page
o Otherwise, optional for paraphrases

page #


definition or explanation of a term. Under other circumstances, a paraphrase is usually more

efficient than a direct quotation. Both paraphrased ideas as well as quotations need to be cited,

though; only common knowledge does not require a citation. A good general rule of thumb

might be: “when in doubt, cite it, and if you don’t have a citation, double-check” (S. Chase,

personal communication, August 12, 2017).

Writers using APA style should be careful to format their citations appropriately. Most

in-text citations follow the format of author and year in parentheses, providing page numbers

(or paragraph numbers) for every direct quotation. For paraphrases/summaries in your own

words, include a page number when information is from a specific page of a source; otherwise

a page number is optional, but may be helpful. The formatting of references in the references

list, however, is more complicated, and writers should check their work to ensure that they

have used the appropriate format for each citation, depending on the type of source.

Figures and Tables

As shown in Table 1, the seventh edition of APA has made some changes to the

formatting of figures and tables. For example, figures now use the same title format as tables

(see Figure 1).

Final Recommendations

APA style is an effective way of formatting and presenting complex material. APA can be

time-consuming to learn; visit us in the AUSB Writing Center for help with any of your APA


Personal communication formatting example. Cite
in text but not on References page. (see p. 7)

Use table and figure numbers to refer the reader to tables

and figures. Do not write “see the table above/below”.



American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (7th ed.).

Goodwin, J. (2012a). Made up examples of bad academic writing. Academic Writing, 343(1),


Goodwin, J. (2012b). Good reading is hard writing: Another made-up journal article about

academic writing. Reading & Writing, 25(3), 143–152.

Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (1997). It can be taught, but it does not develop naturally: Myths and

realities in writing instruction. School Psychology Review, 26(6), 414–424.

Paiz, J. M., Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, G., Franks, M., Paul, R.,

Keech, E., Ruiz, G., Allison, A., Caterelli, B., Zhou, M., Soong, R., Nguyen, Y., Bedo, O.,

Sanders, B., Howard, C., Denny, H., … Keck, R. (2013). Online writing: The challenges of

learning APA. Journal of Psychotherapy.

Xyers, K., Young, G., Zucherman, F., and Anne, A. (2019). Example with multiple authors. In G. Y.

Iwamasa & P. A. Hays (Eds.), Big Book of Examples (2nd ed., pp. 287–314). CRC Press.

Xyers, K., Young, G., Zucherman, F., and Roberts, B. (2019, June 1). Example citation for multiple

authors. BBC News.

New in APA 7:

 No place of publication for books  Leave hyperlinks

 Do not use “retrieved from” or a retrieval date unless the website content updates often by
design (e.g., social media)

Level 1 heading

When publisher & author are the same, omit that info.

Include DOI as

hyperlinked URL
Capitalize only

the first word

of a journal

article and



up to 20


References should be in

alphabetical order and

double spaced.

Exception: Do not include personal

communication on your References

page, e.g., emails or interviews, since

they are not recoverable. Instead,

cite them in-text. (See p. 6.)

The References provides the information necessary for a reader to

locate and retrieve any source you cite.

 Every source you cite must appear on your References page.

 References page only includes sources cited in the body of your paper.

Same author,

same year:

use a & b

Use a




Table 1

An Example of an APA Style Table

Table or Figure Change from 6th Edition

Table Mostly the same for simple tables, but avoid unnecessary

borders or shading in a table

Figure Now uses same title format as tables

Note. A table note may optionally be included under the table to clarify the contents of the

table for the readers of the manuscript.

Figure 1

Writing in APA Style

Note. A figure note may optionally be included under the figure to clarify the contents of the

figure for the readers of the manuscript.

Limited shading and borders now

preferred. (Do not use vertical

borders to separate data.)

Figure titles now parallel to table titles

(above the figure)

Figures and

tables are


Place each table on a separate page,

followed by each figure on a

separate page

Assignment: Final Project Milestone 1


A City Museum: Focus

Recall that for the Final Project, you are the director of a museum and you must select a focus for the museum. When thinking about the appeal of a museum, you must think in terms of who will visit it and what it will mean to those visitors. Your audience will be mainly residents of the very city that you celebrate but, in order to be successful, your museum will also need to attract visitors from all over the world. How can you appeal to a worldwide audience?

In Final Project Milestone 1, you first give us some general information about your city, then select the museum’s focus. Then, you apply a wider, global lens to that choice.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the “Final Project Summary” document in the Week 1 Learning Resources area.

Review the resources you chose using the guidelines provided in the “Student Contributed Resource Worksheet” document in this week’s Learning Resources area for applicability to this Assignment.

Write a 300-word proposal in which you do each of the following:

Offer a brief description of your city and its residents (geographical location, size, a breakdown of ethnicities & classes, major employers etc.)

Decide on your museum’s focus (Industry and Commerce, History, Science and Technology, or Arts and Culture) and describe concrete ways in which this focus is evident in or important to your city.

Explain how the focus you chose answers the needs of or represents the citizens of your city.

Describe how this focus is appealing to visitors from outside your city.

In order to receive full credit, all Assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an Assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Contact the Instructor area in the course navigation menu. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.

Assignment: Application: Student Contributed Resource

Jennifer Green

Walden University

IDST – 2050C

Paige Parker

October 11, 2020


Student Contributed Resource Worksheet

Directions: Please type your answers in the boxes provided. If you need more space, the box will expand as you write—so, there is no need to worry about space. Do not write your answers in a separate document because your Instructor uses the Rubric after each question to grade that section. You may also use the Rubric as a guide to make sure you completed the question correctly.

Quality of Life in Cities: Perspectives

1. Find one article from the library or credible Internet site that focuses on quality of life in a specific city or in cities generally.

Note: You may use articles by the authors listed in the Learning Resources section, but you may also include other authors.

Insert the requested information in the box below.

Author name: Richard Florida, Charlotta Mellander & Peter J. Rentfrow

Year and date of publication: 25 August 2011

Name of the article (or web article or website): The Happiness of Cities

Name of the publication (or website): Journal of Regional Studies

Volume and issue number (for magazine or journal articles): Vol 47 issue 4

URL (that is, the web address) of the website (if applicable):

Next, attempt to organize the information above into an APA-style reference. There are two examples in the following box, one for an article published in a magazine or journal and one for an article published on a website.

Insert APA reference below.

Example of an article published in a magazine or journal:

Kotkin, J. (2005). Cities: Places sacred, safe, and busy. The Next American City, (8), 19–22.

Example of an article published on a website:

Montgomery, C. (2013, November 1). The secrets of the world’s happiest cities. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Enter your attempt at an APA style reference:

Florida, Mellander, C & Rentfrow, P, J. (2011). The Happiness of Cities. Journal of Regional Studies,2011, 47 (4), 613-627. Retrieved from

Finally, post this reference to the course blog.

Question #1 Rubric (for Instructor use only)


Did the student find one academically appropriate source? _____ / 17.5 points

Did the student provide all the requested details about the source? _____/ 17.5 points

Did the student attempt to put the reference to the source in APA format? _____/ 17.5 points

Did the student post the reference to the course blog? _____ / 17.5 points

Instructor Comments:

70 Points


2. Write an annotation in the box below. An annotation summarizes the article and its point of view. It can be thought of as the explanation for why the article relates to the topic or an Assignment. Your annotation for this article should be 3–4 sentences.

Insert your answer below.

The article called The Happiness of cities explores some of the major aspects that defines what makes citizens of a place to be happy. We are introduced to the factors which are considered crucial by people when they want to live in a place or when they consider their place to be the best place to live in as compared to other places. Some of the things described to create happiness in a city in a city include the citizens income connection, the aspect of human capital, housing, equality in the way of life and socio-economic factors such as employment opportunities. The article relates to the topic because it portrays some of the major important things that many cities should strive to build on to make their citizens comfortable in their daily lives. Secondly, these things that have been described to contribute to the happiness of a city are also important when it comes to convincing other people to immigrate in terms of investments, education and even business activities. The article can be described as an academic masterpiece which is not only educational but also insightful as to how we gauge the quality of happiness in our respective cities across the world.


Question #2 Rubric (for Instructor use only)

Did the student provide an explanation for why the article relates to the topic? _____/30 points

Instructor Comments:

30 Points


Worksheet Total Points

100 points


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Final Project: A City Museum

In the middle of California’s San Joaquin Valley, or better known as the Central Valley lies the city of Merced (Merced County, 2019). Merced is one the world’s leading regions for agricultural operations, which is probably why agricultural industries offer the most employment opportunities in and around Merced (Living in Merced County, 2019). Besides its agricultural qualities, Merced is also known for its ethnically/culturally diverse population of people; with roughly half of Merced’s population being white and the other half being either Hispanic, Asian, black, mixed, or some other race (, 2019). Merced’s diversity has a major influence on recreational and cultural activities within the community (Quality of life, 2019). For instance, Merced has various types of dance classes for both children and adults; from hula dance and ballet to contemporary dance and tap dancing. Merced also features many parks; the Bear Creek bike path (that runs straight through Merced); an art museum, known as the Multicultural Arts Center; and the Merced Playhouse where shows and plays are put on for attending audiences. These are only some of the activities that are offered to Merced’s residents that are based on people’s cultural and ethnic differences.

According to the American Alliance of Museums (AAM, 2019), museums (in general) tell a story through the preserved artifacts they exhibit. All museums tell a different version of a story about the world and the cultural heritage of humankind (AAM, 2019). Aside from gaining an understanding of the times throughout history, museums can also influence the overall quality of life within an entire city through the emotions, wonder, and joy that observers develop as they take in the reality of what the world was, is, and could be.

In order to create an effective museum experience, it is important to take the surrounding region and its people into consideration when deciding on what the focus of a museum will be (Interdisciplinary perspectives in urban studies, n. d.). For instance, implementing an agricultural museum into the city of Merced may be an effective use for public space, as the museum would give residents insight into the agricultural processes that are responsible for building and maintaining their ever-growing city. This aspect alone would relate directly to the residents of Merced, especially those who were born and raised.

According to an article titled, ‘Merced County Agriculture’ (Norton, Castillo, Doll, & Stoddard, 2011), Merced has been known for top quality agricultural products, and are also partnered with other agricultural professionals around the world who are large investors and/or buyers of Merced’s commercial crops and/or other agricultural services (Norton, Castillo, Doll, and Stoddard, 2011). It is for this reason that an agricultural museum might appeal to non-residents as well; not only nation-wide, but even world-wide. Also, the agricultural industry is a main contributor to the flow of revenue and, as previously stated is also the number one employer in the entire Central Valley; in turn these aspects influence the overall economic health of the city (Norton, Castillo, Doll, & Stoddard, 2011). In other words, the city of Merced has been built and sustained by agricultural productivity; what better way to share the history of Merced than to implement an agricultural museum to teach and inspire, not only Mercedians but anyone who would like to gain insight into the birth of a city and its growth in California.

Anon. (2019). Retrieved from
Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion – American Alliance of Museums. (2019). Retrieved from
Laureate Education (Producer). (n. d. – d.). Interdisciplinary perspectives in urban studies [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author
Lim, S. (August 19, 2017). Merced County farmers organized 100 years ago | Merced Sun-Star. Retrieved from
Living in Merced, CA – Merced livability. (2019). Retrieved from
Living in Merced County | Merced County, CA – Official website. (2019). Retrieved from

Merced County – Central California. (2019). Retrieved from

Norton, M., Castillo, A., Doll, D., & Stoddard, S. (October 2011). Merced County Agriculture | UC Cooperative Extension. Retrieved from

Quality of Life | City of Merced: Office of Economic Development. (2019). Retrieved from

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