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Approaches to physical security (APS) is embedded with measurable techniques to protect buildings, property, assets and resources against intruders. Effective execution of physical security approaches in private and public organizations facilities involves multiple levels of protection such as outer perimeter, inner perimeter, and interior of the facility.


  1. Outer Perimeter Security

The outer perimeter often controls persons who walk and drive on the grounds of the facility. Do not forget that outer perimeter security includes high-security fence, high-security doors, high-security windows, high-security gate and remotely operated garaged.


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  1. Natural Access Control

Natural access control utilizes landscaping features to guide people entering and exiting the property, help to decreased rates of unnoticed access into the facility. Natural access control often measures, interfere, and lowered risk of preventing intruders’ willingness to come closer to the property.


Dr. Armbruster, a pediatrician signed a lease agreement to establish his clinic in the heart of the city of Saint Louis, Missouri. He is very concerned about alarming rates of insecurity within the locale. You have been retained a physical security analyst, which of these security perimeters will you consider suitable for Dr. Armbruster’s new clinic.

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