
First Responders- Class 250 words

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You have just been elected sheriff to a rural county in California known for its significant Vietnamese population.  Because of the small tax base in the rural county, federal funding is an important part of your budget.  Your predecessor was investigated by the Justice Department for not ensuring all of your residents were provided adequate law enforcement services due to the language barrier. 

Author a plan to ensure all of your residents have language interpreters considering the following parameters and limiting factors:

  • There are four substations in the county

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  • Tight state budgets make it impossible to hire full-time interpreters since even one full-time position requires 5.28 persons to staff a single position 24 hours per day

  • What type of interpreting (of the four mentioned above) will be used?

  • What type of training will ensure accurate translation?

  • Account for turnover of interpreters

Security Systems Procedures and Development 250 words

Assignment 2

1. If you were giving advice to someone contemplating a career path in security/loss prevention, would you guide that person to a program in criminal justice or some other field such as computer science? Does the educational path have any impact on the type of positions that are available? Explain your answer in detail.

2. Explain your view of regulation in the security field. Should the government play a role, or should the industry regulate itself? Why do you feel the way you do?

3. What are the potential liabilities associated with limiting individual rights? Are the potential protections afforded by greater government scrutiny worth the reduction in individual freedom?

4. The Bill of Right of the United States Constitution provides for the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. All Americans have a reasonable right and a certain expectation of privacy in their work and personal lives. You are the Security Manager for a large facility that employees 25,000 employees primarily in a cubicle and open work environment. The facility is surrounded by a very large parking lot with few or no trees. You are asked by the CEO of Walsh Corporation to install closed circuit cameras (CCTV) in the facility and parking lot as a deterrence to would-be criminals.

A. What challenges are presented by installing CCTV cameras?

B. What might you do to advertise the fact CCTV cameras are in use?

    C. Where would CCTV cameras not be allowed under any circumstances?
    Traffic Law ad Accident Investigations
    Assignment 3

Part 1: Discuss what factors most influence crash fatalities. How do they differ based on the mode of transportation? Discuss your findings in a 1000 essay and support your position with at least three scholarly sources.

 Part 2: As a local Police Officer and Certified Child Passenger Safety Seat Technician for your city, you have been asked to represent your department at the Community Awareness Fair this weekend about the role of restraints and child safety seats in preventing crash fatalities in both adults and children. Organize and author a 250 word script for your two-minute elevator speech that you will use with attendees who approach your table. Where applicable, facts should be supported with data, and all sources should be cited.

I would like to give you the opportunity to rework this assignment submission.  There are notes on the attached word document. 

Please label your dropbox files using the initial of your first name, your last name – the class code – the module number.  This week’s label should read: T.Coring-CJ493-2

Please proofread your work.

Please use the required Title page format for this class. It is posted in the NEWS section of the classroom.

Undergraduate work for first year students, is expected to have a word count of 250 words for each essay.  Fourth year students should increase their word count for essay responses to 350-400 words per essay.  If the assignment expectations do not state the word count expectation, I, as an instructor revert to 250 words per essay. 

Consider writing your essays as if a stranger, without any access to the essay or scenario, is picking up your work and reading it.  The introduction should include sufficient information to inform the reader of what you are going to discuss and the background of what you have researched and are reporting. Then, write a factual paragraph responding to the essay question.  A third paragraph is applicable if you want to include your opinion or a current event that was in the news (local, state, national or world-wide).  Cite all of the sources you use in both paragraphs Then, close out with a conclusion that blends the introductions and the information from your factual (and opinion) paragraph.  This format will help your essays flow better and will build your word count. 

Section titles:  Section titles can come in two different formats.  Both are in bold.  Section titles which use a few words, like a title, should be in bold, and centered.  If you decide to use the entire question as a section title, remove the question number from it, bold it, and make the entire question left margin.  If you use the entire question, remember the content of the question does not count toward the word count expectation, and it will bring up your similarity score.  While I will examine the similarity score in your paper, some professors will not.  This week you numbered your responses. 

The classes are set up to take information from scholarly reading material. Whether it is your textbook or provided reading material or other media, the contents of your essays should contain information from this scholarly material and other research sources you find on your own.  Cite your sources.  And each essay should have scholarly sources cited, that you used to support what you are saying in your essays.

Undergraduate assignment submissions are expected to have a minimum of three scholarly sources.

I will accept a resubmission of this assignment, without any late penalty assessed no later than March 2, 2021 at 11:59pm PST.

The zero posted in the grade section is a placeholder. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you have.

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