Assignment 80

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Assignment-3 (15%)

Semester : Fall Year : 2020

Course Title : Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sophomore Seminar

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Course Code : EECE200 Version : 4

Instructor(s) :

Dr. Svetlana Berjozkina (Includes names of all
instructors teaching this course)

No. of Pages : 8
(includes cover page) (Student Must Verify)

To be completed by the students
Student Name Student ID Major:

Section: O7 College: Engineering

Grading Scheme
Question Earned Points Max. Points Question Earned Points Max. Points

1 25 3 40

2 35

Total Earned Points Total Available Points Instructor Signature



Assessment Regulations:

 Plagiarism: In case of plagiarism, you will receive an email to resubmit your work, with the

following rule:

o Resubmission within 24h from email notification: 40% deduction

o Resubmission within 48h from email notification: 60% deduction.

o Failing to resubmit within two days after notification means that the assessment will


awarded 0.

 Late Submission: After the submission deadline, students have a maximum 2-days grace

period for late submissions with the following penalty (excluding Fridays):

o first day, within 24h from the deadline, 40% deduction

o Second day, within 48h from the deadline, 60% deduction.

o Failing to submit within two days after notification means that the assessment will be

awarded 0.

 Wrong Submission: Students have the full responsibility of:

o submitting the required documents within the deadline

o verifying that the correct files are submitted

o Verifying that the submitted files are not corrupted.

Resubmission of student’s work falls under late submission policy.


Question 1 [25 points]

a) What is meant by a violation of an honesty principle of professional ethics? Explain in

details and provide an example. [15 points]




























b) Identify at least four differences between professionals and non-professionals? Provide

two examples accordantly. [10 points]



























Question 2 [35 points]

a) You’re chatting about what you’d like to do when you leave a university. You haven’t decided

for certain yet, but you know it will be some activity. You are thinking of something that will

help you to make the greatest possible amount of money in the shortest possible time.

That’s what it’s all about right? You can give some to charity. Maybe.

Could you identify any ethical (personal or moral) issue in this situation? Explain your

opinion in details. [20 points]






















b) Refer to the NSPE code of ethics and list down all the references that deal with public

health. [15 points]



























Question 3: [40 points]


Engineer A, a licensed professional engineer with expertise in computer programming and
computer coding, is employed by Company X, which manufactures air pollution monitoring
equipment for power generation companies. Engineer A is asked to design, program, and develop
code for a new type of equipment the company is planning to develop. The computer code Engineer
A develops performs well during testing but causes the company’s equipment to reduce its pollution
monitoring capacity during peak periods of energy consumption, which decreases the amount of
actual pollution reported to the power generating companies—data that is then routinely reported
to state and federal officials. Company X officials advise Engineer A that this reduced capacity
feature will extend the life of the equipment and provide better value to power generation
companies who will purchase it.

a) Provide at least four NSPE Code of Ethics References applicable to this scenario. Provide a

number and also write the reference quoted. Refer to Clauses (Sections) of NSPE Code of

Ethics available on Moodle. [20 points]



















b) Would it be ethical for Engineer A to design, program, and develop code for a new type of

equipment the company is planning to develop for power generation companies with a

feature that reduces the amount of actual pollution reported to the power generation

companies—data that is routinely reported to state and federal officials? Explain your

opinion. [20 points]























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