
Select one of the criminal gangs listed below and conduct research pertaining to the organization. Outline the history of the gang, their geographical location of operations, their primary criminal activities, their membership qualifications, any identifying marks, signs, patches, “colors” or tattoos they typically display and a description of the gang’s most notorious criminal act.  Finally outline what steps, based on this week’s studies, you would take as a law enforcement official in the gang’s area of operation to control the gang you chose.BloodsMara Salvatrucha (aka MS-13)18th Street GangMongolsNuestra FamiliaMexican MafiaSicilian Cosa Nostra (Mafia)Aryan BrotherhoodThe Latin KingsHells AngelsCripsPagansOutlawsBandidosWhite Power Skinhead Hammerskins InstructionsThis document should simulate a “gang file” as described in this week’s textbook chapters.  This report must be at least 3 pages of written text.The entire paper must be your original work.

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