
Assignment: Final Reflection

A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it.
—Frederick Douglass (Douglass, 1999)

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Like a great nation, an organization can only grow and succeed when the individuals with it take the time to reflect on lessons learned. Throughout this course, you have been given the opportunity to explore many topics related to how HR departments can become more strategically linked to organizations. Now it is time to reflect on what you have examined in this course through your Discussions and Assignments and Instructor feedback. Through reflections that includes observation, synthesis, and analysis, not only HR professionals, but every employee in an organization reaps the benefits.

For this Reflection:

  • Consider how your view of the HR profession as a strategic partner within an organization has changed since the beginning of the course.
  • Reflect on practical applications of Human Resources as a strategic business partner.
  • Consider how the various functions of HR support the strategy of an organization.
  • Consider how insights gained in the course will have an impact on your career.

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