Select one article.Select an article from a refereed journal pertaining to ‘diversity in workplace’. The article to be reviewed must have been published within the past 5 years. You are to submit your chosen article along with this assignment.(“Refereed” means that the article has been formally reviewed by a group of peer researchers.)Write a ReviewWrite a review of the article according to the following format:Introduction:State the Objectives, Article Domain and Audience. You may adopt the following sample:State the objectives (goals or purpose) of the article.What is the article’s domain (topic area)?Audience: State the article’s intended audience. At what level is it written, and what general background should the reader have; what general background materials should the reader be familiar with to understand the article? (8)Brief SummaryFor your article review, you do not have to spend much space summarizing the article. Instead the analysis of the article is more important. Thus, in this section, you are only required to summarise the article only very briefly (1 paragraph).(6) Results/ FindingsVery briefly summarise the important points (observations, conclusions, findings). Do not repeat lists of items in the articles. Just summarise the essence of these if you feel they are necessary to be included . (1-2 paragraphs).(6)AnalysisHow do you find the article’s models, frameworks, theory, and guidelines, etc. applicable to the stakeholders. (2-3 paragraphs). (10)ContributionsHow does this article contribute to the knowledge in a research field, to researchers and managers / policy makers (2-3 paragraphs)?(10)(Total : 40)(GRAND TOTAL : 100)Assignment Format:Use double spacing and 12-font size Times New Roman.This assignment should contain about 3000-5000 words (15-20 pages).Provide references: References should use the American Psychological Association (APA) format.References should be current (year 2010 and onwards).