Assignment 2: Analysis of a Small Business

Assignment 2:  Analysis of a Small Business:Purpose: This assignment is a three staged assignment.  Students will analyze a small business meeting the criteria presented.  Students will identify the business early in the course and select a business that allows for a student-conducted interview.  In completing this assignment, students will look closely at the marketing strategy, the industry, and the role of human resources within the business.Outcomes Met:         demonstrate an understanding of the small business environment and how to manage in a global marketplace         develop critical managerial skills and processes to assess and analyze key elements of emerging enterprise organizationsInstructions:  Stage One (5%)Step 1:  In completing the first stage of analyzing a small business, identify a small business that you are either familiar with or a customer of that meets the following criteria:Must have a minimum of five employeesMust have been in business for at least three yearsStep 2:  In preparation for stage 2, determine whether the small business owner is willing and available for a student-conducted interview.Step 3:  Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font.  The final product will be no more than one page in length excluding the title page.Step 4:  Follow this format:         Title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name;         Introduction;         Body, in paragraph form using headings:Identify the name of the company and give a brief overview of the business the company performsOne paragraph describing the qualifications in terms of having a minimum of five employees and having an existing business for at least three years.Provide a rationale for selected this businessStage Two (20%)The second stage of assignment 2 is the analysis in the form of a PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation.  In this presentation, students will determine the marketing strategy and human resource approach of the small business. Note:  Consider making a visit to the location and/or interview the business owner.Step 1:  Create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation.  The final product will be between 15-20 slides in length that includes a title slide and a slide for references.  If you are unfamiliar with creating a PowerPoint presentation or a Prezi presentation, review these resources:         PowerPoint 2013 Training – Creating a Presentation – Part 1 – PowerPoint         How to create a Prezi – Turn your Prezi into a masterpiece! Video 1 2:  Review the grading rubric for the assignment;Step 3:  The presentation will include the following elements:         Determine the marketing strategy of the small business;         Discuss the human resource approach of the small business;         Research the industry information and discuss how the small business compares with the industry in which it operates;Step 4:  Use the note section of PowerPoint to provide detailed information on each slide;Step 5:  Include at least two scholarly references from research done outside of the classroom. Step 6:  Graphics are acceptable if they relate to the organization; clip art is not allowed;Step 7:  Using the grading rubric as a comparison, read through the paper to ensure all required elements are presented.  This step is probably the most critical and can result in many lost points if instructions are not followed.Step 8: Proofread the slides for spelling and grammatical issues.Rubric Name: Assignment #2, Stage 1     CriteriaOutstandingGoodFailureName of Company and Brief Overview1.75 pointsName of company and brief overview provided1.3125 pointsName of company provided but no overview0 pointsName of company and brief overview not provided.Qualifications1.5 pointsQualifications thoroughly discussed.1.125 pointsQualifications are briefly presented.0 pointsQualifications not discussed.Rationale1.75 pointsStrong rationale provided1.3125 pointsRationale is provided but not strong.0 pointsNo rationale provideOverall ScoreOutstanding4.25 or moreGood3.5 or moreFailure0 or more    Rubric Name: Assignment #2, Stage 2       CriteriaOutstandingSuperiorGoodSubstandardFailureContent: Marketing Strategy2 pointsMarketing strategy is clearly, accurately and comprehensively explained delivering all relevant information.(1.8 – 2)1.7 pointsMarketing strategy is explained accurately but could be more comprehensively or clearer with more relevant information.  (1.6 – 1.79)1.5 pointsMarketing strategy is explained but needs more clarification on some aspects. (1.4 – 1.59)1.3 pointsMarketing strategy is discussed superfically or only partially discussed.(1.2 – 1.39)0 pointsMarketing strategy is not discussed.(0 – 1.19)Content: Human Resource Approach2 pointsHuman resource approach is clearly, accurately and comprehensively explained delivering all relevant information.(1.8 – 2)1.7 pointsHuman resource approach is explained accurately but could be more comprehensively or clearer with more relevant information.  (1.6 – 1.79)1.5 pointsHuman resource approach is explained but needs more clarification on some aspects. (1.4 – 1.59)1.3 pointsHuman resource approach is discussed superfically or only partially discussed.(1.2 – 1.39)0 pointsHuman resource approach is not discussed.(0 – 1.19)Content: Comparison of Business with Industry2 pointsHow the small business compares with the industry in which it operates is clearly, accurately and comprehensively explained delivering all relevant information.(1.8 – 2)1.7 pointsHow the small business compares with the industry in which it operates is explained accurately but could be more comprehensively or clearer with more relevant information.  (1.6 – 1.79)1.5 pointsHow the small business compares with the industry in which it operates is explained but needs more clarification on some aspects. (1.4 – 1.59)1.3 pointsHow the small business compares with the industry in which it operates is discussed superfically or only partially discussed.(1.2 – 1.39)0 pointsHow the small business compares with the industry in which it operates is not discussed.(0 – 1.19)Slide Creation and Transition1 pointPresentation flows well and logically; transitions are smooth, interesting and enhance presentation(0.9 – 1)0.85 pointsPresentation flows well; smooth transitions used on most slides(0.8 – 0.89)0.75 pointsPresentation flows well; smooth transitions used on some slides(0.7 – 0.79)0.65 pointsPresentation is unorganized; very few transitions and/or they distract from presentation(0.6 – 0.69)0 pointsPresentation has no flow; no transitions used(0 – 0.59)Critical Thinking/Reasoning4 pointsConcepts and ideas are fully developed. Thinking is consistent in accurately interpreting questions and material/provides solid assumptions, reasoning and evaluation with sound conclusions. Reader can easily follow the author’s logic and reasoning.(3.6 – 4)3.4 pointsConcepts and ideas are developed. Thinking is mostly consistent in accurately interpreting questions and material/ provides good assumptions, reasoning and evaluation with sound conclusions. Reader can easily follow the author’s logic and reasoning. (3.2 – 3.59)3 pointsConcepts and ideas are mostly developed but may need clarification on some aspects of thinking, reasoning or evaluation.   Conclusions are drawn.  Reader follows the author’s logic but occasionally there are areas that are unclear.(2.8 – 3.19)2.6 pointsConcepts and ideas are not cohesive.   Misinterprets questions or material; ignores or superficially evaluates, justifies little and seldom explains reasoning; draws unwarranted conclusions.  At times, the reader must attempt to determine the author’s train of thought.   (2.4 -2.8)0 pointsConcepts and ideas are not fully developed or presented in a cohesive manner. Misinterprets questions or material.(0 – 2.39)Application of Resources4 pointsArguments or positions are well-supported with evidence from the readings/experience; ideas go beyond the course material and recognize implications and extensions of the material and concepts.(3.6 – 4)3.4 pointsArguments or positions are mostly supported by evidence from the readings and course content; ideas presented demonstrate understanding of the material and concepts.(3.2 – 3.59)3 pointsArguments are more often based on opinion or unclear views than on position grounded in the readings of material or external sources of material.(2.8 – 3.19)2.6 pointsArguments are frequently illogical and unsubstantiated; Limited use of facts in case study and essential information presented in resources; May resort to ad hominem attacks on the author instead of making meaningful application of the material.(2.4 -2.8)0 pointsArguments lack meaningful explanation or support of ideas.  Does not provide facts presented in case study.(0 – 2.39)Attention to Instructions2 pointsdemonstrated full understanding of requirements responded to each aspect of assignment(1.8 -2.0)1.7 pointsdemonstrated understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment(1.6 – 1.79)1.5 pointsdemonstrated some understanding of requirements; missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment(1.4 – 1.59)1.3 pointsfailed to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment(1.2 – 1.39)0 pointsdid not demonstrate understanding of assignment requirements(0 – 1.19)Writing Mechanics1 pointStrictly adheres to standard usage rules of written English, including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  No errors found.  No jargon used.(0.9 -1.0)0.85 pointsAdheres to standard usage of mechanics:  conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  One to three errors found.(0.8 – 0.89)0.75 pointsMinimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics:  conventions of English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  Four to 10 errors found.(0.7 – 0.79)0.65 pointsDoes not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics:  conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  More than 10 errors found.(0.6 – 0.69)0 pointsDoes not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics:  conventions of written English largely incomprehensible and errors are too plentiful to count.(0 – 0.59)Overall ScoreOutstanding18 or moreSuperior16 or moreGood14 or moreSubstandard12 or moreFailure0 or more

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