Assignment 2


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Assignment 2: The Gig Economy

Worth 240 points

Due March 2, 2020 by 9am

Uber is largely hailed as the advent of the gig economy, which is the idea that people will not work for any one employer, but instead will work on projects for any variety of companies desiring their services.  While creating a new type of entrepreneurship for individuals, it raises a host of new legal questions for companies around the law of agency.  Your boss has asked you to evaluate Uber’s legal exposure for the conduct of its drivers.

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Write an interoffice Memo in which you: 

1. Summarize the main principles of agency law and the term “scope of employment.”  How is this term applicable when it comes to Uber and its business and the liability for its drivers? (Remember to consider liability as to Uber employees and as independent contractors)

2. Recently, an Uber driver lost control and killed his passengers.  The driver was drunk.  Should Uber be liable for the conduct of its driver in this situation? Why or why not? Use the law of Agency to back up your argument. 

3. Identify the steps Uber should take to limit its legal exposure for the conduct of its drivers.

4. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment, one being the textbook. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference and proprietary Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Your Memo should include a heading, summary statement, background and recommendations.  See the link for information on formatting this Memo AND the attachment. There is no page requirement for this assignment, just be sure to answer all the questions specifically and directly.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

· Analyze and apply the concepts of ethical decision making, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

· Analyze and evaluate Agency Law pursuant to the employer and employee.

· Analyze and evaluate laws and regulations relative to product safety, liability and representations.

· Write clearly and concisely about law, ethics, and corporate governance using proper writing mechanics.

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