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Week-13 Assignment

This week we will focus on a Specific topic “IOT threats to database Security”

Please submit below two questions which relates to above mentioned topic. It is important that you use your own words. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software.

  1. An annotated reference list of  at least five references. Annotations are notes. In this case write two paragraphs about each source. The first is a summary of what the source informs and the second is why it is valuable.(Use References attached )
  2. A one page single spaced summary   of what you learned about this topic. it should be written in essay format  with no bullet or numbered lists. It must include quotes from your sources  which must be surrounded by quotation marks and cited in-line. It must have an informative title which should not be too broad but should focus attention on your topic.


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Joshi N. (2019, May 23). 8 types of security threats to IoT. Retrieved from Allerin:

Ranger S. (2020, Feb 3). What is the IoT? Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things right now. Retrieved from

Rouse M, .. (2019, July). database (DB). Retrieved from

Rouse M. (n.d.). internet of things (IoT). Retrieved from,human%2Dto%2Dcomputer%20interaction.

Unit 42. (2020, March 10). 2020 Unit 42 IoT Threat Report. Retrieved from Paloalto:

Yehuda Y. (2019, August 28). Database Security Threats and Countermeasures. Retrieved from

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