Assembly Language assignment

Student ID: 3056651

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COSC 2425 – Project 1

You will write a simple assembly language program that performs a few arithmetic operations. This will require you to establish your programming environment and create the capability to assemble and execute the assembly programs that are part of this course.

Your North Lake College student ID number is a 7-digit number. Begin by splitting your student ID into two different values. Assign the three most significant digits to a variable called ‘left’ and the four least significant digits to a variable called ‘right’.

You must choose the data type that is appropriate for the range of decimal values each variable can store. You will choose a data type when you define each of the variables in your program. Try to make efficient use of memory.

Calculate the sum of the two variables ‘left’ and ‘right’. Store this result in a variable called ‘total’.

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Calculate the positive difference between the variables ‘left’ and ‘right’. Store this result in a variable called ‘diff’.

Define a character string called ‘message’ that contains the characters, “Hello world!”.

Define an array of data type WORD called ‘Array’ that is initialized to the following values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64.

Write assembly language code using what you know so far (do not look ahead in the book just yet) to determine the length of ‘Array’. Store this value in a variable called ‘ArrayLength’.

Move the contents of the variable ‘left’ into the EAX register.

Move the contents of the variable ‘right’ into the EBX register.

Move the contents of the variable ‘total’ into the ECX register.

Move the contents of the variable ‘diff’ into the EDX register.

Move the contents of the variable ‘ArrayLength’ into the ESI register.

Call the author’s DumpReg routine to display the contents of the registers.

Submit your assembly language source code and a screen shot of the output packaged as a single file in “.ZIP” format. Call your file where “First Initial” is the first letter in your first name and “Last Initial” is the first letter in your last name. If your name were John L. Smith, the file would be called, “”.

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