Ashworth Semester Exam PY36S Ethics in Technology


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PY36S : Ethics in Technology

Question 1

Tablets, abacuses, and manual tables:

are no longer used, because of the proliferation of calculators and computers.

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are examples of aids to manual calculating.

were developed in Western Europe in the late Middle Ages.

replaced Hindu-Arabic numerals as the preferred way to do calculations.

Question 2

A key application that first made personal computers more attractive to business was:

desktop publishing.


the spreadsheet program.

the World Wide Web.

Question 3

The idea that social and economic inequalities must be to the greatest benefit of the least-advantaged members of society is called:




the difference principle.

Question 4

According to Kant, the moral value of an action depends upon:

its consequences.

the underlying moral rule.

how closely it aligns with Biblical teachings.

how closely it aligns with the law.

Question 5

Which of the following rights is NOT a right of a copyright holder?

The right to reproduce the copyrighted work

The right to distribute the work to the public

The right to perform the work in public

The right to prevent others from producing competitive works

Question 6

The Financial Services Modernization Act:

allows banks to offer insurance and stock brockerage services.

requires banks to disclose their privacy policies to consumers.

requires banks to inform consumers how they can “opt out” of having their confidential information released to other companies.

All of the above

Question 7

A software program that responds to commands sent by a command-and-control program located on an external computer is called a:





Question 8

Determining that a person is who he or she claims to be on a computer is called:





Question 9

Computers that process data from sensors as events occur are called:

distributed computers.

event-driven simulations.

pseudo-sensory systems.

real-time systems.

Question 10

According to Max Weber, the growth of capitalism was stimulated by a new attitude toward work brought about by:

the Industrial Revolution.

the Protestant Reformation.

the English Civil War.

the Lisbon earthquake of 1755

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