ASD Case Study


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Assignment Directions

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to use special education methodologies by creating a case study portfolio.

Select one student from your fieldwork experience who has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, or use a student profile provided by your instructor. Develop a case study portfolio for the student in which you, in your own words, describe the student, analyze the student’s needs, and develop an instructional and behavioral plan to support an individualized education program (IEP). Include the following information in your case study portfolio:

1. Based on the selected student, write an analysis that includes the language, culture, and family background of the student as it influences student development and learning. Address specific strengths and needs in the following areas:

a. Academic achievement (reading, mathematics, and written expression)

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b. Functional performance (social, emotional, behavioral, and physical development)

c. Communication skills

2. Based on the analysis of the selected student, provide three measurable goals and supporting objectives for each of the following areas: academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills. Provide baseline data collected to justify the goals.

3. Classify each of the goals and supporting objectives as either instructional or behavioral, and identify appropriate accommodations or modifications that will assist the selected student. Using these goals, objectives, accommodations, and modifications, create an instructional and behavioral plan to support the student.

4. Identify the service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale. Justify how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

5. Recommend related services and assistive technologies to augment communication, mobility, or academic achievement specific to the selected student’s needs. Prepare a plan for using these services and assistive technologies to promote the student’s digital citizenship and responsible social interactions while utilizing these services and assistive technologies.

Signature Assignment and Rubric


Course ID: SPE/576

Course Title: Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Assignment Title:

Signature Assignment: ASD Case Study*

Total Number of Points: 100

Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) Assessed

PSLO 4: Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

University Learning


(ULGs) Assessed

ULG 1: Professional Competence and Values

ULG 3:


ULG 5: Collaboration

Assignment Directions

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to use special education methodologies by creating a case study portfolio.

Select one student from your fieldwork experience who has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, or use a student profile provided by your instructor. Develop a case study portfolio for the student in which you, in your own words, describe the student, analyze the student’s needs, and develop an instructional and behavioral plan to support an individualized education program (IEP). Include the following information in your case study portfolio:

Based on the selected student, write an analysis that includes the language, culture, and family background of the student as it influences student development and learning. Address specific strengths and needs in the following areas:

a. Academic achievement (reading, mathematics, and written expression)

b. Functional performance (social, emotional, behavioral, and physical development)




Based on the analysis of the selected student, provide three measurable goals and supporting objectives for each of the following areas: academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills. Provide baseline data collected to justify the goals.

Classify each of the goals and supporting objectives as either instructional or behavioral, and identify appropriate accommodations or modifications that will assist the selected student. Using these goals, objectives, accommodations, and modifications, create an instructional and behavioral plan to support the student.

Identify the service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale. Justify how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

Recommend related services and assistive technologies to augment communication, mobility, or academic achievement specific to the selected student’s needs. Prepare a plan for using these services and assistive technologies to promote the student’s digital citizenship and responsible social interactions while utilizing these services and assistive technologies.

SPE/576 v5

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Signature Assignment: ASD Case Study*
SPE/576 v5

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Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Signature Assignment Rubric

Total Points Available: 100

Specific examples, citations from the profile, and peer-reviewed research are included to support the analysis.

Analysis includes a description and analysis of the language, culture, and family background of the student as it influences student development and learning, and of the student’s specific strengths and needs in academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills.


Professional Competence and Values,
PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

ULG: Professional Competence and Values,
PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

PSLO/ULG Alignment

Assignment Criteria/PSLO Dimension

Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Approaches Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations



Professional Competence and Values,



PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

Profile Analysis

(Weight 18%)

Analysis includes a description and analysis of the language, culture, and family background of the student as it influences student development and learning, and of the student’s specific strengths and needs in academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills.

Analysis includes a limited description and analysis of the language, culture, and family background of the student as it influences student development and learning, and of the student’s specific strengths and needs in academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills.

Analysis is not included.

(Weight 18%)

Portfolio includes three measurable goals and supporting objectives for each academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills that are written in common language. Goals and objectives align to the summary and student profile. Relevant data are provided to justify the goals and objectives.

Specific examples and documentation are included to support the goals and objectives.

Portfolio includes three measurable goals and supporting objectives for each academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills that are written in common language. Goals and objectives align to the summary and student profile. Relevant data are provided to justify the goals and objectives.

Portfolio includes three measurable goals and supporting objectives for each academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills. Goals and objectives indirectly align to the summary and student profile. Minimally relevant data are provided to justify the goals and objectives.

Portfolio does not include goals and supporting objectives for each academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills.

ULG: Professional Competence and Values,
PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

Accommodations or Modifications

(Weight 18%)

Portfolio classifies each of the goals and supporting objectives as instructional or behavioral and includes appropriate accommodations or modifications that are directly related to student needs. Permitted accommodations for state and district assessments are identified.

Specific applications for the selected student are included to create equity and access to the general education curriculum.

Portfolio includes a comprehensive, research-based instructional and behavioral plan to support the selected student that uses the goals, objectives, accommodations, and modifications identified.

Portfolio classifies each of the goals and supporting objectives as instructional or behavioral and includes appropriate accommodations or modifications that are directly related to student needs. Permitted accommodations for state and district assessments are identified.

Portfolio includes a detailed instructional and behavioral plan to support the selected student that uses the goals, objectives, accommodations, and modifications identified.

Portfolio classifies each of the goals and supporting objectives as instructional or behavioral and includes accommodations or modifications that are indirectly related to student needs. Permitted accommodations for state and district assessments are identified.

Portfolio includes an instructional and behavioral plan that provides limited support to the selected student using the identified goals, objectives, accommodations, and modifications.

Portfolio does not classify each of the goals and supporting objectives as instructional or behavioral, and does not include accommodations or modifications.

Portfolio does not include an instructional and behavioral plan.

Least Restrictive Environment Rationale

(Weight 18%)

Portfolio includes identification of the service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale.

The portfolio includes alternative service delivery models based on changing circumstances or student’s changing needs.

Portfolio includes a comprehensive justification of how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination. Justification provides suggestions for future student growth and is based on peer-reviewed research.

Portfolio includes identification of the service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale.

Portfolio includes a detailed justification of how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

Portfolio includes identification of the service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale. Rationale is misaligned with selected service delivery model.

Portfolio includes a limited justification of how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

Portfolio does not include identification of service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale.

Portfolio does not include a justification of how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

ULG: Professional Competence and Values,

PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

Integration of Assistive Technology

(Weight 18%)

Portfolio includes related services and assistive technologies. A rationale for the selected services and technologies is provided for the selected student.

Portfolio includes a detailed plan for using these services and assistive technologies to promote the selected student’s digital citizenship and responsible social interactions while utilizing these services and assistive technologies.

Portfolio includes a plan for using assistive technologies to extend student learning by communicating and collaborating with students of other cultures, grade levels, or learning communities.

Portfolio recommends related services and assistive technologies to augment communication, mobility, or academic achievement specific to selected student’s needs.

Portfolio includes a detailed plan for using these services and assistive technologies to promote the selected student’s digital citizenship and responsible social interactions while utilizing these services and assistive technologies.

Portfolio includes services and assistive technologies.

Portfolio includes a limited plan for using these services and assistive technologies to promote the selected student’s digital citizenship and responsible social interactions while utilizing these services and assistive technologies.

Portfolio does not include services and assistive technologies.

PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

Quality of Written Communication

(Weight 5%)

Writing is exceptionally concise, sophisticated, and engaging to the audience.

Organization and use of transitions are effective.

Writing is free of mechanical errors.

Language is clear, logical, and audience-appropriate.

Organization is clear and consistent.

Any minor mechanical errors or typos are not distracting to the reader.

Language is appropriate and usually accurate, but can be vague or redundant.

Paragraph breaks and transitions for organization are used inconsistently.

Some mechanical errors may distract the reader.

Language is misused or too casual for academic writing.

Paragraph breaks and transitions for organization are missing.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors severely disrupt fluency for the reader.

PSLO: #4 Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

Use of APA Format/Style

(Weight 5%)

APA style is used without errors.

Accurate citations and references are included.

All key elements of APA style are present with few errors.

Correctly formatted in-text citations and references are included.

Some elements of APA style are missing.

In-text citations, where necessary, are used but formatted incorrectly and not referenced.

APA style is not followed. Several elements of APA style are missing.

In-text citations and references are missing.

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