Article Review ( teaching case study)

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Article Classification


this value is used for classification rather than scoring purpose






Yes, it is the most



Does the manuscript identify a research

question or set of theories of potential

interest to


Does the manuscript specify the academic

perspective on the question or theories?

Does the manuscript present one or more

descriptions of real

world situations related

to the questions/theories employing a

narrative format?

Does the manuscript analyze how the

situations conform or fail to conform to the

existing perspectives?

Does this manuscript identify the

management implications of the situation or

situations described and their relationship

to theory?

2. Manuscript Ratings

This section contains key review questions presented as a scale

Sufficiency of tag line ( is the tagline engaging and descriptive)

Needs substantial rewriting       Needs tuning       Satisfactory as is       Will sell the article!       Not Provided      

Adequacy of keywords ( Will the keywords adequately aid in search )

Too few or too general       Additional keywords would be useful       Satisfactory as is       Will make the article easy to find!       Not Provided      

Quality of executive summary Does the executive summary capture the essence of the article and make the potential reader want to dig deeper

Does not convey the sense of the article, or is too difficult to understand       Should be tuned further to convey the message and engage the potential reader       Satisfactory as is       Will ensure that the potential reader becomes an actual reader!       Not Provided      



Adequate but could be improved



The significance of the issues being considered

( Dose the manuscript present a story that deals with an important issue )

The degree to which the outcomes of the story are likely to be either novel or confusing to practicing managers

(dose the manuscript present a story that readers are unlikely to be familiar with

The degree to which the author’s analysis or theory being presented offers a convincing explanation for the findings

Does the case provide a strong and logical explanation for what is observed in the case?

Sufficiency of the reviewer appendix
does the manuscripts reviewer appendix present enough information on the background of the research the conduct of the literature review and the methodology to administrate the rigor behind the research

Summary: Is the writing itself of sufficient quality for publication? Pacifically we are interested in grammar spelling and follow

No       Barely       With some improvement       Yes      




With some improvement


Summary: Is the manuscript sufficiently well organized to warrant publication? (are you able to follow the sequence of the ideas presented?)

Summary: Are the ideas being conveyed by the manuscript interesting? (were you engaged the manuscript or would you be war to be improved )

Overall: How would you recommend disposing of this manuscript?

To avoid multiple rounds of back and forth revisions and resubmission information since typically either rejects or accepts( subject to specific revision )manuscripts after the first round of reviewers thus revise and resubmit is not an option that we typically over

Reject       Reject, but encourage authors to consider the reviewer comments and, if they can be incorporated into a new paper, consider a resubmission       Accept, subject to the specific recommendations made in the next section       Accept as-is, with encouragement to consider reviewer suggestions     

· Teaching case studies

· It’s clear on teaching objective

· IS the Case Study Easy to Read

· use good content.

· Collect information from sources.

· Identify and establish the issue/problem which used to teach a concept or theory

The opening paragraph should make clear:

Who the main protagonist is

Who the key decision maker is

What the nature of the problem or issue is

When the case took place, including specific dates.

Why the issue or problem arose.

The body of the case should:

Tell the whole story – usually in a chronological order.

Typically contain general background on business environment, company background, and the details of the specific issue(s) faced by the company

Tell more than one side of the story so that students can think of competing alternatives

The concluding paragraph should:

Provide a short synthesis of the case to reiterate the main issues, or even to raise new questions

Final thoughts on writing

What makes a great teaching case?

· Written in the case teaching narrative style, not in the style of a research article

· Submitting a case that has been classroom tested and therefore is much more robust

· Objectivity and considering all sides of a dilemma

· Fit with the objectives of the publication it is included

· Allowing for relevant learning outcomes and enabling students to meet them effectively.

What makes a good teaching note?

· Clear learning objectives

· Suggested class time, broken down by topics.

· Suggested student assignment

· Brief description of the opening and closing 10-15 minutes and case synopsis.

· Challenging case discussion questions with sample answers

· Supporting materials – worksheets, videos, readings, reference material, etc

· Target audience identified.

· If applicable, an update on ‘what actually happened.’

Common review feedback comments

1. The case requires additional information in order to be taught

2. A lack of detail

3. Suggested answers are not supported by the case

4. Learning objectives which apply a model without a purpose

5. No sample answers

6. Not written in the third person or past tense

7. No analysis or lessons learned

Qualitative Review

-Comment on the significance of the case being described

the purpose of this question is to let the author(s) know how you perceived importance of the research question

Comment on the degree to which the findings being examined are likely to be either novel or confusing to practicing managers

try to list 3 or more valuable or potentially valuable contributions of the manuscript. In considering these remember that the manuscript has already passed desk review and at least in the eyes of the editor in chief it must have some potential value we need the authors to know that we are examining their work with the goal of finding value

Comment on the degree to which the analysis or theory being presented offers a convincing explanation for the findings

this involves the assessing logical flow of the manuscript

Comment on the presentation of findings. Specifically, are they written in a manner likely to engage readers?

the mission is to present research in manner that is accessible to practicing managers . indicate if an over -abundance of academic Jargon is used.

Comment on the reviewer appendix

what changes , if any could be made to their viewer I’ve been things to order the ministrat the rigor of the research

In what broad ways could the manuscript be improved?

Focus on big picture issues and make sure that suggestions are actionable so that the editor can use them when responding to the authors.

suggestions such as,, too long,, ,,not well organized,, or this is not research are generally not helpful.

Instead, try to be specific in how any problem can be remedied. for example ,,to reduce the length of the manuscript you could focus the literature review more directly on the research topic omitting (some specific example ) or ,,the paper made follow better if the limitations section were not placed at the very end of the paper the last thing the reader sees,, and so forth

Specific items that can be improved or corrected (include line numbers where possible

in this section you can identify examples of bad wording spelling error messing references grammatical inconsistencies and other specific defect that can readily be addressed prior to resubmission


Article Classification

this value is used for classification rather than scoring purpose




Yes, it is the most

Does the manuscript identify a research
question or set of theories of potential
interest to

Does the manuscript specify the academic
perspective on the question or theories?

Does the manuscript present one or more
descriptions of real

world situations related
to the questions/theories employing a
narrative format?

Does the manuscript analyze how the
situations conform or fail to conform to the
existing perspectives?

Does this manuscript identify the
management implications of the situation or
situations described and their relationship
to theory?

1. Article Classification

(this value is used for classification rather than scoring purpose)

No Somewhat Yes

Yes, it is the most


Does the manuscript identify a research
question or set of theories of potential

interest to managers?

Does the manuscript specify the academic

perspective on the question or theories?

Does the manuscript present one or more

descriptions of real-world situations related

to the questions/theories employing a

narrative format?

Does the manuscript analyze how the
situations conform or fail to conform to the

existing perspectives?

Does this manuscript identify the
management implications of the situation or
situations described and their relationship

to theory?

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