Article Review 1

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the hottest issues in corporate boardrooms. Using a location where peer-reviewed, scholarly articles can be found, search for a peer-reviewed, scholarly article regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR).Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your article and what your view of CSR would be if you were the CEO of a large corporation. In your opinion, why have stakeholders given CSR more attention in recent years? Would you give CSR a significant portion of your corporate budget? Explain and defend your point of view with examples.Refer to your textbook for suggestions regarding how to form your ideas. Conclude your article critique by summarizing the main idea of the article you have chosen and indicating if you agree or disagree with the article’s author and why. You will need to identify and explain the author’s ideas. Include specific passages that support your description of the author’s point of view. Offer your own opinions and expand upon the scenario of being the CEO of a large company.Describe several points on the topic of CSR including ethics. For each of the points you mention, include specific supporting information from the textbook (you may summarize, quote, or paraphrase) to provide support for your point of view. Explain how the passages support your opinion. Write your critique in standard essay form with a minimum of 500 words in APA format.

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