Argumentative Essay

Write me a non plagiarized essay for the book Picking cotton by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino.

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ENGL1302 – 8-Week Online Anytime Writing Project #3 – The Argumentative Essay


This is where all of your research and ideas come together – The Final Argumentative Research Essay. Here you are expected to craft a strong argument based upon your thematic exploration of the nonfiction book Picking Cotton. It is expected that there will be similarity between parts of your Response Essay and parts of your Argumentative Essay. I asked you to write the Response Essay to start getting ideas about what to focus on for this final essay!

Essay Requirements

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1. MLA Formatting

2. Direct and Arguable Thesis at the end of the Introduction

3. 1000 words MINIMUM (
not including the Work Cited page

4. 6 paragraphs MINIMUM

a. Introduction, 3 body paragraphs (minimum), 1 Refutation/Concession paragraph (minimum), conclusion

5. Work Cited page with at least 4 entries

a. One entry MUST be Picking Cotton

b. One entry MUST be a scholarly essay from a Library Database

6. 4 quotations (or instances of paraphrase) MINIMUM

a. at least 1 per body paragraph

b. at least 1 in the Refutation

c. at least 1 from Picking Cotton

7. Grammar and Spelling

We are going to work on completing this final essay in a series of steps. These steps are aimed at keeping you on track so you do not fall behind. Remember,
research is time consuming!
Do not put off your research. In fact, if at all possible I recommend you start your research early. This is why I am including information and assignments in Week 5 that aren’t due until Week 6.

In an effort to alleviate some of the burden of research, the final group work assignment is focused on the SHARING of research. While you might not all be focused on the same specific argument, you will find that many of the themes are interlinked and research for one can be used for multiple arguments. You will be using the discussion boards to share your research beginning with Step 3.

Below are the steps you will take to write this essay. This list is just an overview, and the description of each step tells you where to find more detailed information and instructions.

Step 1 – The Working Thesis (25-point WP#3 Assignment)

Due Date: Sunday 21 February (Blackboard Upload)


1. MLA Formatted document

2. A SINGLE sentence that presents the main idea (or central message, argument, etc.) of your essay

a. Yes, this will almost certainly change as you research, draft, revise, and edit your essay.

More detailed information and instructions in the Week 5 Agenda folder.

Step 2 – The Supplemental Reading Assignment (10-point WP#3 Assignment)

Due Date: Sunday 21 February (Turnitin Assignment)

1. Select an article from the list of 5 in the Week 5 Agenda folder.

2. Summarize, Assess, and Reflect upon that article in a single paragraph.

3. Upload your SAR to the Turnitin Assignment in the Week 5 Agenda folder.

More detailed information and instructions are located in the Week 5 Agenda Folder.

Step 3 – The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Board (25-point Group Assignment)

Due Date: Sunday 28 February (Discussion Board – 4 posts minimum, 1 can be the Supplemental Reading Assignment)

1. Upload a Summary, Assessment, and Reflection paragraphs for four articles you have researched to the appropriate Group Discussion Board

a. 1 can be the paragraph on the article you chose in Step 2!

The goal of step 3 is to help your groupmates with their research!

More detailed information and instructions are in the Week 5 Agenda Folder.

Step 4 – The First Draft (50-point WP#3 Assignment)

Due Date: Tue 03 March 2021 (Turnitin Assignment)

Don’t forget to upload the first draft to Smarthinking!

More detailed information is in the Week 6 Agenda folder

Step 5 – Smarthinking Response (10-point WP#3 Assignment)

Due Date: Sun 7 March NLT (Blackboard Assignment)

When you get the Smarthinking Response Document

1. Download the Smarthinking Response Document and save it to your computer.

2. Upload the entire Smarthinking Response Document to the Step 4 Blackboard Assignment

*Not receiving the Smarthinking Response Document in time to upload it to Blackboard will NOT be accepted as an excuse for failing to complete this step!

More detailed information and instructions are in the Week 6 Agenda folder

Step 6 – Final Draft Turnitin Submission (100-point WP#3 Assignment)

Due Date: Sunday 7 March 2021 NLT 11:59 (Turnitin Assignment)

Important Notes:

1. No late submissions of this essay will be accepted. Failure to submit this essay by the deadline will result in an automatic failure of the course.

2. There will not be an opportunity to revise this essay.

See the next page for tips on the First and Final Drafts!

Do your First and Final Drafts have everything they need?

1. In the first paragraph:

a. Introduce the topic or issue.

b. Explain why this topic/issue is important.

c. Include a clear and direct thesis that forms a debatable argument

2. In the body paragraphs (3 minimum):

a. Implement strong topic sentences that guide the content of each individual body paragraph

b. Introduce a minimum of three separate and distinct pieces of evidence from the class readings and/or additional research that support your thesis or argument.

3. In the refutation/concession paragraph (1 minumum)

a. Refute a position held by those opposed to your thesis using at least 1 piece of evidence from the class readings and/or additional research

4. In the conclusion:

a. Wrap up your response using the
So What conclusion.

i. Rephrase and restate the thesis/argument

ii. Why is this important?

iii. What is the larger view of the issue in question?


1. Proofread! Grammar and spelling count!

2. Your thesis should be debatable – it should be an argument with at least 2 opposing sides.

3. Your audience is people who do not believe the same thing you do.

4. Your goal is to convince those who do not share your views (your audience!) to join your side of the argument.

5. Make sure your topic sentences are strong and that you stay on topic in each body paragraph.

6. Make sure you have cited any and all quotations, paraphrases, and summaries – proper MLA citations will be graded.

7. Keep fine-tuning your synthesis of paraphrase and quotation.

8. Make sure your essay moves logically and creatively from 1 paragraph to the next – work on those transitional ideas, phrases, and words.

9. Proofread again… you missed something.


Student Name Generic Rubric
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C – 70-79 D – 60-69 F – 0-59 Score
Exceeds All Expectations & Requirements Meets and/or Exceeds Most/All Expectations & Requirements Meets All Expectations & Requirements Meets and/or Approaches Most/All Expectations & Requirements Fails to Meet and/or Approach Most/All Expectations & Requirements
Purpose & Focus Introduction, Thesis & Conclusion Thesis is easily identifiable, focused, direct, original, and thought provoking; Engaging introduction and well-demonstrated conclusion Identifiable and focused thesis; Satisfying introduction and solid conclusion Identifiable thesis; adequate introduction to the topics being discussed; Conclusion represents both the body of the paper and the thesis Wandering, vague, unfocused, and/or indirect thesis; Weak introduction; conclusion doesn’t adequately represent the body and/or the thesis of the paper No discernable thesis or thesis does not follow the assignment; Unsatisfactory introduction; ending does not serve as a conclusion; does not follow the assignment
Content Overall Structure & Transitions Paper moves coherently, logically, and creatively; Transitions add to logical development of essay topic and go beyond the use of “transition words” Paper moves coherently and logically, though the sequence of ideas may occasionally be awkward; transitions are sound, but may occasionally rely on single “transition words” Paper moves coherently and logically, though the sequence of ideas may occasionally be awkward; transitions are mostly sound, but rely heavily upon the use of “transition words” Paper moves awkwardly; Sentence and paragraph transitions are often unclear, awkward, indirect, and/or illogical Incoherent structure; lack of paragraphing and/or transitions; missing introduction and/or conclusion; insufficient length
Paragraphing Paragraphs fit coherently and present pertinent examples and evidence to support central and subsidiary ideas; Creative and identifiable topic sentences fully supported by specific detail/evidence; 3rd Person Pov throughout Paragraphs fit and present examples and evidence to support ideas; Identifiable topic sentences with adequate support/evidence; most paragraphs support the thesis, but some may seem indirect; limited use of 1st & 2nd person PoV Paragraphs are on topic and support the thesis; Most topic sentences can be identified; Some evidence may not be properly supported; moderate use of 1st or 2nd person PoV Basic paragraphing exists, but often fails to support or even recognize a central idea; good implementation of support for thesis but may seem disconnected from the thesis at times; limited use of Paragraphing is either inconsistent or ineffective; Poor implementation of support for the thesis; few details provided to back up claims; very little analysis.
Research Quality and Implementation (if applicable) Reputable sources; implementation of quotations and paraphrase is elegant and enhances the support and/or thesis Reputable sources; some errant information but does not hinder overall support or “readability” of the essay Questionable sources; inelegent implementation of quotations; missing and/or misrepresented source material in Work Cited page No research evident; does not follow assignment; mishandling of all/most quotations/paraphrase; incorrect format and/or information on Work Cited page Plagiaraism; missing Work Cited page; no research evident; mishandling of all quotations/paraphrase
Tone, Diction, & Sentence Structure Solid command of word variety; tone and diction appropriate for subject and implied audience; Sentence structure displays sophistication and variety Solid control of tone and diction, though minor repetition is present; tone is appropriate for the subject and implied audience; sentences are creative and varied, with few instances of repetitive structure Some degree of control over tone and diction; appropriate for subject and its implied audience; For the most part, sentences are well-constructed but lack variety Tone and Diction often inconsistent and/or inappropriate for subject and its implied audience; Sentences lack consistency in structure and variety Tone and diction are inappropriate for the subject and/or for the implied audience; Sentence structure is often awkward and/or repetitive
Mechanics Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, & MLA Formatting Nearly flawless grammar, punctuation, and spelling Mostly accurate grammar, spelling & punctuation, but several small errors that do not interfere with context or understanding Mostly accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but several errors that may interfere with context and/or understanding Grammar, spelling, and punctuation not well executed and may, at times, obscure meaning; Grammar, spelling, and punctuation disrupt reading and often obscures meaning;
MLA Fornatting In-line citations, quotations, and Work Cited page implemented with few to no errors; Page Formatting has few to no errors Minor errors in page formatting, inline ciations, quotations, and/or Work Cited page; Errors in page formatting; inline citations, quotations, and/or Work Cited page Inaccurate MLA formatting in Work Cited page, quotations, and/or inline citations; Major page formatting errors Quotations, paraphrase, and inline citations handled incorrectly; little to no research evident, no Work Cited page, and/or does not follow the assignment; document not formatted to MLA guidelines
Grade ERROR:#DIV/0!

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