Argumentative Essay

For this, you will write about the elements that you believe make a given essay an effective argumentative essay. In other words, you will assess the presentation of the argument as well as elements of the writing, per the instructions below.

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To begin, read each of the sample essays in the Reading section above. You will select just one of these essays.


ENGL 1302
Essay 2 Final Draft
December 6, 2018

  • Every Child Deserves a Family
  • As we enter the holiday season, take a moment and reflect on what it is you remember

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    most about seasons past—the memories made, the moments shared. For many of us what

    makes the holidays so sentimental and so memorable is the time spent with family, celebrating,

    reminiscing, and creating new memories. These special moments are not afforded to all

    though—many children living in the foster care system would like nothing more than to be

    placed with a family of their own and have the opportunity to begin building some of these

    memories for themselves. To this end, it is imperative that every loving family that is willing and

    able to adopt and foster children is permitted to, without regard to whether that family

    happens to be constituted of a same-sex couple. Passage of the Every Child Deserves a Family

    Act (ECDFA) seeks to ensure that same-sex couples have uniform and equal access to the

    adoption and foster care system, replacing the existing state-by-state patchwork of laws that at

    times discriminate against these couples and deny them the opportunity to create families and

    provide those children waiting for a loving home with one and the lasting memories that come

    along with having a family to call their own.

    In 2015 the landmark Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex

    marriage in all 50 states, acknowledging that same-sex couples should be afforded the same

    rights as their heterosexual counterparts. Much of the reasoning in the decision focused on the

    importance of marriage as the foundation for family creation, as Justice Kennedy stated in the

    Candelas 2

    ruling “Without the recognition, stability, and predictability marriage offers, children suffer the

    stigma of knowing their families are somehow lesser” (Khimm). While the rights of same-sex

    couples to marry were affirmed under the decision, and their equal footing was acknowledged,

    there was left unanswered several questions regarding the rights of these couples to creating

    families—specifically through surrogates and adoption. In the absence of explicit guidance from

    the Supreme Court states and localities took varying tracks on the matter.

    Between 2011 and 2013, bills were passed in Arizona, Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan,

    and Virginia that included specific language that allowed faith-based adoption agencies the

    right to refuse service to same-gender couples or to give preference to heterosexual couples

    (Montero). As recently as February 12, 2014, Kansas House Bill 2453 was passed prohibiting

    sanctions on religious groups that refused services to gays and lesbians (Montero). The bill

    would allow religiously affiliated adoption agencies the right not to place children with same-

    gender couples. Texas House Bill 3959 was passed in 2017 and signed into law, permits this

    type of discrimination not only against same-sex couples, but also those of other faiths and

    single-parents—using the pretext of religious freedom (Reynolds). Same-sex adoption is

    currently legal in all 50 states as of 2016, when Mississippi’s ban was struck down. However,

    there exists no federal legislation mandating that foster-care and adoption agencies receiving

    federal funding extend their services to same-sex couples. This state-by-state uncertainty is the

    most urgent reason that federal legislation should be passed to ensure that all citizens are

    treated equally in the eyes of the law. Opponents of same-sex adoption have seized on this gap

    to attempt to pass several pieces of discriminatory legislation that would allow foster-care and

    adoption agencies that are faith-based to deny their services to same-sex couples—as well as

    Candelas 3

    single parents and those of other faiths. In order to ensure that the number of children waiting

    for families are placed is maximized, and to ensure that the spirit of Obergefell is fully realized

    passage of the ECDFA is imperative.

    Imagine that you just celebrated your first wedding anniversary and you find out the

    same day that your spouse received the promotion they’d been waiting for at work. Along with

    this you’d both discussed starting a family and decided that as adopted children yourself, you

    wanted to adopt to build your family and pay all of the love and kindness you received forward.

    With your partner’s new job, you will finally be able to afford a bigger home and the hefty costs

    associated with the adoption process. Your spouse’s promotion is moving you all from

    California to the company headquarters in St Louis—you make the move and begin the

    adoption process, only to find that all of the local adoption agencies refuse to work with you

    because you are a same-sex couple. You consult your attorney friend only to have him tell you

    that, under Missouri law and recently passed legislation, faith-based adoption agencies have

    the right to deny service to you based solely on your sexual orientation. Living in a conservative

    state and with the near monopoly that Catholic-affiliated agencies have in your area you are

    little with no recourse. This is the potential reality for many same-sex couples seeking to access

    adoption services in conservative states that have passed so-called religious liberty laws.

    In considering how impactful having a family is for the well-being of children it is

    important to remember that numerous studies have found that there is no significant

    difference in life outcomes between children that are raised by same-sex couples compared to

    those raised by heterosexual ones. In his New York Times article Daniel Victor cites research

    from Columbia University showing that “75 of 79 scholarly studies that met their criteria

    Candelas 4

    concluded that the children faced no disadvantages” (Victor). Children are inarguably better off

    when they are placed in a loving family—regardless of the sexual orientation of the parents.

    Public sentiment would seem to echo academic research, as more and more of the population

    believes that same-sex individuals and couples deserve equal treatment under the law. Darrel

    Montero’s “America’s Progress in Achieving the Legalization of Same-Gender Adoption:

    Analysis of Public Opinion, 1994 to 2012” illustrates how public sentiment has changed, with

    only 28% of respondents in 1994 supporting same-sex adoption, to 61% of respondents

    expressing approval in 2012. This growing public support for extending equal treatment to LGBT

    citizens in the adoption and foster care system does not always seem to be mirrored at the

    state legislative level. Americans understand inherently what some of their elected

    representatives do not—that a family that is willing and able to shelter and provide for children

    in a loving environment should have the opportunity to do so, without regard to sexual

    orientation. Without evidence that children are harmed by allowing equal access to LGBT

    couples to the adoption process, there is no reason for state legislative officials to try and

    create a system that is biased and exclusionary and there does exist a moral and ethical

    imperative to extend equal treatment to all citizens by taxpayer-funded government entities.

    There are those whose will contend that compelling adoption and foster-care agencies

    receiving government funding to extend their services with no regard to sexual orientation,

    causes a dilemma for those groups with an expressly religious founding or charter. Namely,

    some will say that by doing so and granting equal rights to the LGBT community that we

    trample the religious rights of these faith-based groups by compelling them to make decisions

    contrary to their beliefs or risk losing government funding. The title of Jamie Dean’s article in

    Candelas 5

    The World says it all: “Adoption Defense: A Wave of New Laws Provides Vital Protection for

    Faith-based Adoption Agencies—but LGBT Advocates are Putting Up a Fight.” In her view, if

    faith-based agencies are compelled to extend their services to LGBT couples many will instead

    choose to withdraw from the system completely, resulting in fewer placements. Dean envisions

    individuals making choices based on their Christian faith and seeking out agencies that are able

    to place their children in Christian homes and being unable to find such entities as equal

    treatment legislation is passed and enforced. Even though civil rights groups who have brought

    forward litigation to challenge discriminatory practices have explicitly said they are only

    targeting those groups receiving public funding and not private agencies, Dean and those who

    feel as she does think that there is something far more nefarious at work and see their religious

    convictions as being assailed. In response, faith-based groups have advocated federal

    legislation of their own in the form of the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act that would

    ensure that faith-based agencies could discriminate against any group they choose, based solely

    on their religious convictions.

    What those on the other side of the argument fail to realize is that federal funding has

    always come with strings attached—and there is no one compelling them to accept funding—

    but if they choose to, they must accept the restrictions placed on them. The government has an

    imperative to treat all of its citizens equally under the law, and in the history of our country,

    extending rights and freedoms to previously discriminated classes of people has never led to

    negative outcomes. These agencies are free to practice their faith and make choices in keeping

    with said faith; I would contend that this does not preclude them from being able to extend

    their services without regard whether those seeking their services share their convictions. The

    Candelas 6

    diversity of America is reflected in its religious communities as well, and whether they are

    aware of it or not it is almost certain that these agencies have worked with individuals whose

    beliefs have not aligned with their own. In order to do the most good, by way of having the

    most number of children possible placed in loving homes, I think it is possible for faith-based

    groups to extend their services to those of a different mindset, belief system or sexual

    orientation without explicitly endorsing those contrarian beliefs.

    Throughout the course of American history there have been times when our collective

    moral consciousness has compelled us to realize when the time has come to extend freedoms

    that were once restricted to disenfranchised classes of citizens. Civil rights issues of the 20th

    century including women’s suffrage, segregation, and same-sex marriage have all called upon

    us at various points to acknowledge when we as a people have been wrong and wake up to the

    new reality present to us. That time has come for the same-sex adoption movement. When

    there is so much at stake that is so impactful and emotionally compelling with an issue like

    creating families, I think it is paramount for us to acknowledge the occasion and rise to it by

    swiftly passing the ECDFA.

    Candelas 7

    Works Cited

    Beitsch, Rebecca. “Despite Same-Sex Marriage Ruling, Gay Adoption Rights Uncertain in Some

    States.” Stateline.Org, 19 Aug. 2015, Newspaper Source Plus,

    Accessed 31 Oct. 2018.

    Dean, Jamie. “Adoption Defense: A Wave of New Laws Provides Vital Protection for Faith-Based

    Adoption and Foster Agencies–but LGBT Advocates Are Putting up a Fight.” World

    Magazine, June 2018, pp. 40–43. Academic Search Complet,

    Accessed 29 Oct. 2018.

    Khimm, Suzy. “The New Nuclear Family.” New Republic, Fall 2015, p. 8. MasterFILE Complete, Accessed 4 Nov. 2018.

    Montero, Darrel M. “America’s Progress in Achieving the Legalization of Same-Gender

    Adoption: Analysis of Public Opinion, 1994 to 2012.” Social Work, vol. 59, no. 4, Oct.

    2014, pp. 321–328. Social Sciences Full Text, Accessed 2 Nov.


    Reynolds, Daniel. “Are LGBT’s Under Attack in Texas?: The State Guts Rights and Endangers Kids

    under the Guise of Religious Freedom.” Advocate, Aug. 2017, p. 10. MasterFILE

    Complete, Accessed 5 Nov. 2018.

    Victor, Daniel. “Kentucky Judge, Citing Conscience, Declines to Hear Same-Sex Adoption Cases.”

    The New York Times, 1 May 2017, Newspaper Source Plus,

    Accessed 5 Nov. 2018


      Every Child Deserves a Family


    ENGL 1302.83040

    May 3, 2017

    Final Draft

  • Religious Freedom and Prisoner Rights: The Case of Holt v. Hobbs
  • There has always been some debate on how many natural American freedoms a person

    loses when they go to prison. Some scholars say that they are still Americans and should be

    treated as any other citizen, while others contend that it is up to the prison for many issues based

    on their own standards. I tend to agree with the latter. As with almost all Supreme Court cases,

    Holt v. Hobbs has its own set of controversies. In this case, prisoner Gregory Houston Holt (also

    known as Abdul Maalik Muhammad) is arguing that he should be able to grow his beard to half

    an inch in length, claiming it is part of his Muslim faith. Facial hair (other than a small, trimmed

    mustache) is currently prohibited by the Arkansas prison where he is serving a life sentence for

    stabbing his girlfriend (although he has been involved in several prior incidents). The only

    exception to the facial hair rule in place is if a prisoner has dermatologic problems as diagnosed

    by a doctor. The prison has cited several reasons for their unwillingness to accept Mr. Holt’s

    facial hair proposal, which include safety and identification concerns. Mr. Holt formulated a

    hand-written petition to the courts to appeal that he should be able to exercise the freedom to

    grow his beard. Although religious freedom is an essential part of American life, the right to

    grow facial hair to practice a faith is sacrificed while in prison. Prisons are justified in banning

    certain individual rights when they directly impact prison safety, and that option should not be


    Linebaugh 2

    Holt originally petitioned to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in

    2013 saying that his religious rights were being violated under the Religious Land Use and

    Institutionalized Persons Act or RLUIPA. This case was looked at and the prisoner failed to gain

    the sympathy of the three judge panel after originally being granted the motion, according to

    Katie Hoesly of Willamette University College of Law. This ultimately led to an appeal by Holt

    to the highest court in the land. After the appeal, the Supreme Court granted a writ of certiorari to

    decide on the matter. Holt was able to grow his beard to his desired half-inch while the case goes

    on as ruled by the Supreme Court. This case would officially determine whether or not the

    Department of Corrections could regulate the length of their prisoners’ beards without violating

    “RLUIPA or the First Amendment” (Hoesly).

    The opponents of the prison’s policy believe that Holt should be protected under the

    RLUIPA that was passed in 2000. This religious act changed the law for inmates and prison

    chaplains, according to Ron Taylor in his magazine article “Inmates’ Religious Rights: A

    Chaplain’s Perspective on RLUIPA.” In the era before RLUIPA, inmates had to make a

    compelling argument and “prove they were members of an approved religion” (Taylor 70).

    RLUIPA says that the state now has to prove that the prisoners are not affiliated with the religion

    that they claim to be part of. This new law has granted numerous prisoners the right to do various

    things regarding religion since its inception. It is not a “cakewalk” to change rules for an

    institution even with the new law. According to Taylor, there are 10 steps put in place to respond

    to a request (72). These include the inmate forming a written request, determining whether the

    inmate is sincere, and finally deciding whether the request “jeopardizes institutional health,

    safety and/or security” (Taylor 73). Supporters of Holt claim that all of these criteria are met and

    question the motives of the prison for not allowing him to grow a beard.

    Linebaugh 3

    I would argue that while he may seem sincere and did formally write a request, it does

    not pass the safety test. Adam Liptak of the New York Times wrote an article about the case

    called “Supreme Court Agrees to Weigh an Inmate’s Right to Grow a Beard for Religious

    Reasons.” In this article, he quotes some experienced prison officials that understand the danger

    in people growing beards. During the Supreme Court debate, they testified that “homemade darts

    and other weapons” and “cellphone SIM cards could be concealed in even half-inch beards”

    (Liptak). This is not the only known problem with facial hair behind bars. There is also the issue

    of identification. If an inmate is allowed to have a beard behind bars, then it becomes easier to

    disguise their look by simply shaving in the case that they try to escape, or otherwise fool prison

    officials. The Arkansas prison promotes good “health and hygiene” and believes that beards

    should remain banned (Liptak). Officials from the prison also contend with opponents that they

    do not want to be responsible for maintaining the proper length of inmates’ beards. An example

    of a potential problem would be a prisoner getting upset or disagreeing with guards on how long

    the beard is, which could lead to violence.

    Holt’s lawyer, Professor Douglas Laycock, from the University of Virginia, has been

    involved in five previous Supreme Court cases, according to Sarah Pritchett in her article “U.Va.

    Law Prof. Douglas Laycock to Argue Religious Liberty Case Before Supreme Court,” published

    in the Cavalier Daily newspaper. He is nationally recognized when it comes to religious liberty,

    and he cites that Congress believes that prisoners should be allowed to practice religion in order

    to “aid” themselves to “rehabilitation” (Pritchett). An argument that Laycock makes is that

    beards do not serve the interests of safety of the inmates because they would be able to hide

    contraband in other places, such as their shoe (Pritchett). He also addresses that 43 states allow at

    least the half-inch beard that Holt wants. According to the University of Virginia School of Law

    Linebaugh 4

    website, Laycock also claimed that he believed that this decision by the Supreme Court would

    ease the burden on lower courts. He feels that it will be easier for prisoners to get religious

    benefits as this decision will “provide better guidance to prison policymakers” (“Laylock to

    Argue”). Laycock went as far as stating that the “Eighth Circuit is so deferential to the prison

    officials that protecting religious liberty is effectively nullified” (“Laylock to Argue”). Holt’s

    lawyer clearly believes that prisons are using tactics purposefully to go against their inmates’

    religious beliefs. In his interview with the University of Virginia, the crafty lawyer scoffs at the

    thought of someone using the term “prison security” to decline a religious practice.

    In response to his lawyer’s argument, I feel that some power should remain with the

    correctional facility. It seems like they do not have a say in how to run their own facility. The

    reason that debates like this come up is because it is a well-documented fact that people lose

    certain rights, such as the right to vote or own a weapon, when they go to prison. While his

    assertion that inmates could hide contraband in other places is a valid point, I contend that prison

    officials should not be forced to allow the prisoners to have an extra place to hide smaller items

    such as shanks. In my opinion, this man made the mistake and must live with the consequences

    on the prison’s terms. Holt is currently serving a life sentence and can be seen as a person with

    nothing to lose. In the article “Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person’s Act,” author

    Stephen J. Ingley (Executive Director of the American Jail Association) looks at RLUIPA and a

    case in Ohio called “Cutter v. Wilkinson” where gang members “sought religious

    accommodations that would undermine Ohio’s anti-gang activities” (7). Ingley reveals that the

    court reviewed the RLUIPA law and eventually determined that it was, in fact, constitutional on

    its face, but could be “problematic” depending on the circumstance (7). If Holt ends up winning

    the case then it would set the precedent that people could practice their faith by wearing a beard.

    Linebaugh 5

    This seems like a tough sell. The question that will always loom is: how do we know that they

    are not lying? Many people who have fought to change RLUIPA argue that “prison gangs use

    religious activity to cloak their illicit and often violent conduct” (Ingley 7). As prison officials

    have pointed out, it is easy to hide small shanks in a beard or cheek which renders it a tedious

    task for guards to have to make sure that the safety of all inmates is maximized. Family members

    or even lawyers can sneak in items during visiting hours for the prisoner to hide. It seems that

    with a Supreme Court backing, many non-believers will claim faith and take advantage of the

    system. Personally, I am fine with the man wanting to practice his faith. However, because of the

    environment that he put himself in, the lack of safety for prisoners and guards alike seems too

    great to overcome. Another question is: where does this stop? Could we have another appeal in a

    few years that says that beards should be as long as inmates want in order to practice faith?

    Human history has shown us that people always want more. It is simple economics and

    psychology. As Mr. Laycock himself has said, it will become easier for the lower courts to

    determine if the inmate should be allowed to grow a beard. If Mr. Holt wins then we will very

    likely begin to see many more court cases where prisoners try to claim a faith to be able to

    follow his lead. To summarize my point, I believe in the freedom of religion as it is a basic right

    of Americans. However, I think that the prisons should have more power to decide their own

    policy. They should be able to make rules and a dress code, within reason, while of course

    continuing to guarantee basic rights, like nutrition, without being scrutinized. Holt’s case all

    comes back to personal decision making. Nobody was questioning his beard before he

    committed the crimes because he was a free man. Now he should have to play by the prison’s

    rules. Ingley pointed out in his article that because security for prisoners is a priority and is a

    Linebaugh 6

    “governmental interest,” the “courts are still required to give due deference to corrections

    officials” when it comes to security (7).

    While I will concede that a decent argument can be made in favor of Mr. Holt growing a

    beard, I cannot bring myself to believe that the freedom of a prisoner is more sacred than the

    freedom and security of the prison. There have been other precedents in the past which allow

    prisoners to practice their religion in a less controversial way. According to the ACLU

    (American Civil Liberties Union), inmates are allowed to observe religious days such as the

    Sabbath for Christians or Friday services for Muslims (“Know Your Rights” 3). Prisoners are

    also freely allowed to pray while in prison as well as own religious literature (“Know Your

    Rights” 4). These rights gained by prisoners to practice the religion of their choosing would seem

    to be adequate. These rights have been upheld, and are not in question of violating safety

    regulations as they appeal to the more genuine believer. For instance, a person who is not of faith

    would be less likely to attend services or read religious texts than a person who is genuine about

    what he/she believes. As the ACLU article “Know Your Rights Freedom of Religion” also points

    out, “prisoners have rarely been successful in challenging grooming and dress regulations” (4).

    The reasons for this come back to safety and identification concerns. It is difficult to stress the

    importance that we need to place in not only the justice for prisoners, but also for the justice of

    the correctional facility and the dedicated people who run it. I wholeheartedly believe that the

    prison officials in Arkansas know what they can handle and can see that it would not be

    beneficial to them if prisoners could grow facial hair because of the possible danger and violence

    that it could lead to.

    Linebaugh 7

    Overall, it seems that the Supreme Court case Holt v. Hobbs will come down to the

    interpretation of what rights the Justices feel should be given to the prisoner, and what rights

    should be controlled by the prison. There is Mr. Holt, who believes that his strong Muslim faith

    should allow him to grow a beard, and there is the Arkansas prison that argues that safety

    concerns, among other things, is a strong enough reason to keep him clean shaven. The Justices

    will also be forced to deal with the precedent that they will set if they allow Mr. Holt to grow his

    beard. It will become much tougher to determine who is being sincere in their beliefs and who

    simply wants to take advantage of the system. If the government does not give back some control

    to the prisons and give them deference to run their own facilities, then I predict that we will

    continue to see the RLUIPA being taken advantage of. Religious freedom is an essential part of

    being an American as it is guaranteed in the Constitution, but some of those rights can and

    should be taken away when a person fails to obey the law. Holt v. Hobbs is a perfect example of

    how safety should always come first.

    Linebaugh 8

    Works Cited

    Hoesly, Katie. “Holt v. Hobbs.” Willamette Law Online (2014): n. pag. United States Supreme

    Court Updates. 3 Mar. 2014. Web. 12

    Apr. 2014.


    Ingley, Stephen J. “Religious Land Use And Institutionalized Person’s Act.” American

    Jails 19.3 (2005): 7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.

    “Know Your Rights Freedom of Religion.” ACLU. ACLU National Prison

    Project, July 2005. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.


    “Laycock to Argue Prisoner Religious Liberty Case Before U.S. Supreme Court.” University of

    Virginia School of Law. N.p., 5 Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.


    Liptak, Adam. “Supreme Court Agrees to Weigh an Inmate’s Right to Grow a Beard for

    Religious Reasons.” New York Times 4 Mar. 2014: A11. 3 Mar. 2014. Web. 12 Apr.


    arkansas-inmates-right-to-grow-a beard.html

    Pritchett, Sarah. “U.Va. Law Prof. Douglas Laycock to Argue Religious Liberty Case before

    Supreme Court.” N.p., 6 Mar. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2014.


    Linebaugh 9

    Turner, Ron. “Inmates’ Religious Rights: A Chaplain’s Perspective On

    RLUIPA.” Corrections Today 76.1 (2014): 70-73. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12

    Apr. 2014.

      Religious Freedom and Prisoner Rights: The Case of Holt v. Hobbs


    ENGL 1302-81401

    16 Nov. 2018

    Essay 2 Final Draft

  • Veganism Can Save the Planet
  • The idea of going vegan is not usually sought after by the average person, but what if

    going vegan had the potential to save and restore the planet? There is much debate on whether or

    not our diets have anything to do with climate change, but over the years, recent studies have

    shown that going vegan has the most powerful effect on the restoration of our planet (Clark 22).

    As scientists continue to warn us globally of our harmful and undesirable treatment of the earth,

    it is time for us to come together, and fix the mess that we have all created. A study performed

    by Oxford university, Agroscope, Joseph Poore, and Thomas Nemeckd, found, that by

    universally switching over to a plant-based diet, we have the ability to reduce the land used for

    animal production by 76 percent, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 49 percent, and reduce the

    amount of air pollution by 50 percent (Clark 22). The numbers achieved by making the switch in

    your diet are not possible by simply using paper straws, recycling, riding your bicycle instead of

    taking the car, etc. Unfortunately for some, it will take the sacrifice of giving up meat, dairy, and

    poultry products in order to give our planet the break that it needs. By going vegan, we can make

    the greatest impact on the environment by stopping deforestation, saving freshwater and

    decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

    For a lot of people, veganism and deforestation may not correlate, but actually, our

    consumption of meat is responsible for the cutting down of many of our last remaining large

    McCoy 2

    forests, such as The Amazon (McDermott 54). Nearly 80 percent of all of the world’s

    agricultural land is consumed by livestock, and as the population continues to grow, there is a

    high need to free up more and more space to support the meat industry’s mass production of

    animals (McDermott 54). The need for more land results in deforestation all around the world,

    creating huge amounts of carbon emissions, as the trees in forests are known to store carbon

    dioxide. Not only are we allowing huge amounts of carbon to enter the planet, we are

    eliminating a great source of oxygen, that allows us to live and breathe as human beings.

    Furthermore, it is disturbing the amount of space the meat industry devotes to livestock in order

    to feed the billions of people living in this world. The question then becomes, what will we do

    when we run out of space? According to the Population Division of the United Nations, the

    world holds nearly 7 billion people, and by the year 2050, this number will grow to 9 billion

    (Capper 235). Plant-based agricultural farming takes up 115 million acres less land than animal

    agriculture, and produces 512 percent more food (“Farming Animals”). Growing food for a

    plant-based diet not only occupies far less space than livestock, it actually serves more efficient

    in the amount of food produced. By going vegan, we can save so much of our agricultural land

    and drastically reduce the need for deforestation.

    Saving the world’s freshwater is among the top benefits of ditching meat and sticking to a

    plant-based diet. Think about the amount of land used by livestock, and then think about the

    amount of water being used to keep this livestock alive, keep crops alive, clean equipment and

    facilities, etc. There is no surprise that with every 2 pounds of beef, we are wasting about 3,900

    gallons of water, only adding up more and more with other animals by the millions supported on

    these farms (Carr). With water being a very poorly managed system on this planet, it is important

    to start thinking of ways to save freshwater and successfully keep it as a renewable resource, so

    McCoy 3

    that it is always accessible to us. In addition, water pollution has escalated all around the world

    in extreme amounts due to the impact the meat industry has on water waste flowing into other

    rivers and streams. Farms use very little water to feed crops and animals in comparison to the

    amounts of water they use on washing carcasses, removing the hair on hogs before

    disemboweling, and cleaning and sanitizing the facilities equipment (Djogo 31). Water waste is

    stored poorly, allowing the waste to trickle into many other waterways, carrying pesticides,

    nucleic acids, amino sugars, and much more, and many of the components found in our

    waterways are causing many viruses and diseases to spread, such as salmonella and E.coli,

    resulting in fatalities and illnesses globally (Djogo 32). The need to stop the mass production of

    meat is urgent, as it is only expected to get worse with population growth. Change your diet and

    save the planet from polluted waters, and use freshwater in more efficient and valuable ways,

    allowing it to remain one of the Earth’s well known renewable resources.

    Lastly, by going vegan, you can decrease the amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions being

    released into the planet, such as carbon dioxide and methane. The amount of air pollution

    produced by animals is completely mind boggling. The United Nations has reported that,

    although it is hard to test the exact amounts of carbon dioxide and methane being released by

    each animal, they believe that livestock is accountable for at least 18 percent of GHG emissions

    on the planet (McDermott 56). A more recent study done by the Worldwatch Institute in 2009,

    found that, half of greenhouse gas emissions date back to the beginning of raising of animals for

    food (McDermott 56). By going vegan and declining the meat industry’s business, you can

    eliminate more GHG emissions than carpooling, using public transportation, or even not driving

    a car at all, as livestock is responsible for more of the pollution that goes into the air than any

    other component alone (Matthews). Although all animals can cause some sort of GHG emissions

    McCoy 4

    by the way that farmers raise them or the way that they slaughter them, beef is the absolute worst

    among all of the meat, and it just so happens to be the most popular, especially in America.

    Cows are raised and stored in large numbers producing methane and carbon dioxide even in

    digestion, resulting in very large amounts of pollution when they give off any sort of gas, which

    is something that is completely unavoidable. Without decreasing the amount of cows that are

    only produced for our consumption, we have no ability to reduce high amounts of air pollution.

    By going vegan, we have the control to knock out a lot of the greenhouse gas emissions that are

    associated with global warming and climate change, making this planet a safer and more reliable

    place to live.

    Conversely, when the topic of going vegan comes up, it is rarely something glorified and

    appreciated. There are many naysayers who believe that going vegan is pointless, unsubstantial,

    and the best one of all, not worth it as they cannot single handedly make a difference in the

    environment by going vegan themselves. There have been so many scientists who have spent a

    lot of time studying and researching the affects that we as humans have on the planet,

    specifically how our consumption of meat is involved, and it turns out that we can in fact make a

    huge impact, even on our own. “Meatless Mondays” have become very popular throughout the

    world, and have allowed people to feel like they are making somewhat of a difference in the

    treatment of the planet. As popularity grows around the idea of giving up meat for only one day,

    many have found this to be an easy and effective way to make their small contribution to

    restoring the Earth. Studies show that by skipping meat for only one day a week, individually, it

    is the equivalent of not driving your vehicle for 320 miles, including your whole family saves 5

    weeks’ worth of driving and additionally, 3 minutes off of everyone’s daily showers (Worrall).

    This goes to show that it doesn’t necessarily take the whole planet to participate at once for there

    McCoy 5

    to be change, everything takes time and everything starts with one person. You can participate in

    meatless Mondays, only depriving yourself of meat for 24 hours, and make such a great step in

    the right direction towards the resolution to global warming. There is no reason to feel like your

    decisions don’t impact the way that the planet is affected, nor should that be an excuse to not

    even try something that has been scientifically proven to work. We can all make a difference,

    and we can all make this place better.

    In conclusion, going vegan has the ability to stop deforestation, save freshwater, and

    drastically decrease the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released into our air. We have

    neglected the planet for too long, making its life expectancy much shorter than originally

    thought. The good news is that we have the power to change it, and reverse the direction of the

    current negative rate global warming is going in by simply changing a few things in our diet,

    even if only for one day a week. Taking out meat, dairy and poultry dilutes the need for mass

    production of livestock and in return, saves the planet from a lot of harsh treatment. We have

    reached our max capacity for anymore livestock stored in small cages by the millions on farms

    for our consumption, and because of that, we need to begin thinking of other effective ways to

    prepare for the peak in population growth and the decline in Earths life expectancy.

    McCoy 6

    Works Cited

    Capper, J.L. “Should We Reject Animal Source Foods to Save The Planet? A Review of The

    Sustainability of Global Livestock Production.” South African Journal of Animal Science,

    vol. 43, no. 3, Sept 2013, pp. 233-246. Academic Search Complete,

    Carr, Dawn. “If You Went Vegan for January, Don’t Make the Mistake of Going Back Now.”

    Independent UK, 29 Jan. 2018. Newspaper Source Plus,

    Clark, Cristy. “Will Veganism Save the Planet?” Eurika Street, vol. 28, no. 11, 3 June 2018, pp.

    21-23. Academic Search Complete,

    Djogo, Maja. “Meat Industry Wastewater Management in Vojvodina Region (Serbia)- Current

    Situation.” Acta Technica Corvininesis- Bulletin of Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, July 2016,

    pp. 31-36. Academic Search Complete,

    “Farming Animals Vs. Farming Plants-A Comparison.” Faunalytics, 4 July 2017,

    Farming Animals Vs. Farming Plants – A Comparison

    Matthews, Christopher. “Livestock a Major Threat to Environment.” FAO Newsroom, 29 Nov.


    McDermott, Mat. “Assessing the Meat Industry’s Impact on Earth’s Climate.” Hinduism Today,

    Jan-March 2017, pp. 52-57. Academic Search Complete,

    Worrall, Simon. “Eating a Burger or Driving a Car: Which Harms Planet More?” National

    Geographic, 11 March 2015,


      Veganism Can Save the Planet

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