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Art in the workplace

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Identify the role of music, poetry, prose, and visual art in the modern world and workplace.


You have been asked to be on the town’s board of Cultural Affairs. When you step into your new role, you quickly realize that the organization is in trouble; the other board members have been on the board for a long time and haven’t done much in recent years. They explain that there is no money in the budget.

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You hear about a grant opportunity. Every year, a wealthy resident of your town, Mr. Brown, offers a grant of $10,000 to one local organization. In the past, he has never given this grant to an arts organization because, in the words of another board member, “Mr. Brown does not think the arts are important.”

If you can change Mr. Brown’s mind about the importance of the arts in your community, you might just get the grant and be able to revitalize the town’s cultural arts scene!

Write the grant proposal summary for review by a few board members to be sure you are on the right track for the grant.


Compose this document in the format of a letter to Mr. Brown. Your letter should include:

· two to three paragraphs using persuasive language.

· concisely written paragraphs using bullet-points if possible.

· a beginning paragraph that immediately captures the reader’s attention, using a story, surprising fact, or insightful quote.

· a complete but brief synopsis of the details in the proposal.

· the reason for the proposal and how the grant money will be used.

NOTE – Be sure the documents display proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


· Grammar Checking – 

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Grant writing: Practical strategies for scholars and professionals.

Grant Proposal Summary



Grant Proposal Summary

Rawda Ismail

Rasmussen College

Author’s Note

This paper is being submitted on August 21, 2020, for Nancy Jones Section 01 CBE Art in the World and the Workplace

(Rawda Ismail)

Cultural Affairs Office

Mezzanine Flour

Twin Towers Building

Jersey Town

July, 25, 2020

Mr. Brown

1514 North Drive

Jersey Town

Dear Mr. Brown,

The Cultural Affairs Board members of Jersey town have been holding successive meetings to deliberate on developing under-utilized talents within our city for the last five months. We have carried out surveys with the assistance of the various leaders and stakeholders of the youth organizations. We have agreed a need to transform the current state of our town, by tapping on the talents of its people, and expressly, those limited by lack of availability of financial resources.

As a new entrant into the board, the board’s inability to kick-start this essential project, due to the hefty budget involved, has raised my concern. I’m writing to you, Mr. Brown, because I have heard about your paramount contribution to this great town’s economy. The talent in the entertainment industry like poetry, prose, and visual arts has lacked goodwill from the national leadership, hence the urge to incorporate you in this critical matter. There is no better time than now to harness these abilities, which can create career opportunities for our youth while curbing the risk of insecurity posed by their lack of employment. After holding a consultative meeting with the aforementioned people, we concluded that with a vibrant arts center, both the community and the individuals would benefit tremendously. According to research done earlier, the importance of art cannot be overemphasized. Everybody loves to be entertained, and if turned into a career, many jobs can be created.

Our goal is to establish a cultural center that will cater to those in the music industry, poetry, and visual art. For us to realize our dream, we have a budget estimate of $14.1 million, of which some corporations have offered to support our project to a tune of $10,000. The budgeted amount, however, is impossible to achieve with the current economic condition. Rather, it will be achieved through establishing a long-term goal and setting a short term goal of raising half the amount to be used in cash reserves in the first four years of operations, which will aid in completing the project.

To effectively maximize the capacity of multi-use and a flexible space of the proposed facility, the committee has created a plan for the operation of a -20,000 square foot facility, which is comprised of components below;

· 5000 sf multi-use flexible space with the below components

· 400 in a theatre performance setting

· 275 seated at banquet tables and chairs

· 500 room for cocktail reception

· 750 sf gallery exhibition

· 2,500 sf digital media center

· 500 sf learning space


Cultural center cost

Amount in $

Capital Costs


Ramp Up Costs


Operating Reserve


Fundraising Goal Subtotal:


The total budget for the completion of the cultural center, that is, capital costs, ramp up costs, and cash reserve will be approximately $14.1 million as discussed above. We can discuss further with you about our budget if you can spare some time with us. In case you need further clarification, kindly contact us through the organization’s email, by phone.

We kindly look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

(Rawda Ismail)

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