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Lab 9 – Assessment Worksheet

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Attacking a Virtual Private Network
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Lab Assessment Questions

1. What is the darknet?

a. An Internet for non-English speaking people
b. The criminal side of the Internet
c. An Internet just for law enforcement
d. The old, IPv4 Internet that is being retired as IPv6 takes over
e. None of the above

2. What email protocol does Marina and Rita’s Cupcakes use and why is it

3. Text in an email must match the URL to which it links. True or false?

4. Instead of relying just on a user ID and password systems, VPN access can
be protected by tokens like SecurID and other ____________ methods.

5. In many instances an IP address is used to access a server rather than a
URL because a URL is more difficult to set up and easier to track. True or

6. A well designed malicious email campaign can expect ____________
number of responses, or click-throughs, as a legitimate commercial email

a. fewer
b. more
c. about the same

7. Were Charlie Roberts and Susan Dougherty known to each other, and did
they have a trust relationship that could be exploited?

8. Which of the following steps can make VPN access more secure?

a. Assure Perfect Forward Secrecy during IKE key exchange
b. Allow access only from specific MAC addresses
c. Allow access only from specific MAC/IP address pairs
d. Use foreign words as passwords
e. Change password letters to numbers, such as all Ls to 7s and all Os to


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