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File Inclusion Vulnerability.

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File Inclusion Vulnerability is a type of web vulnerability that commonly affects most web applications that rely only on scripting run time. Issues to do with File Inclusion Vulnerability normally arise when applications build paths that can be used to execute codes that deploy attackers-controlled values that permit the attacker to the kind and type of file to be executed during the given run time. It is worth noting that file inclusion vulnerability affects the normal way in which applications are commanded to load and execute codes through subversions means (Muscat, 2019. File inclusion vulnerability is so dangerous in the sense that if it successfully gains unauthorized access to the file system, it may result in easy remote code execution of the said web server that will end up running the affected web applications (Muscat, 2019. And by so doing, the cybercriminal can use a remote control to create a web shell on the server and later use them for website defacement.

Under Remote File Inclusion, usually, the web application can download and launch code execution of remote files informed as HTTPN or FTP as the major parameter supplied by web application users (Muscat, 2019). On the other hand, Local File Inclusion deploys the execution of local files the present within the server in question, and it does not involve the execution of remote files.

Deploy the use of multiple web filters thoroughly to carry out security inspections by scrutinizing all set parameters to ensure no chances of any file included in the web server Netsparker Security Team, 2019). Besides, that use of code logic will help prevent and keep off many of Remote File Inclusion attacks. It facilitates building whitelists that keep a neat record and constantly verify all requests before script running is executed.

Perl: it contains some features which are invisible and are used in the execution of Perl’s codes, which are later set to handle type maps, which may end up leaking or exposing them to cyber attackers. Python: this language is known to have several unknown variables that might execute commands on the web servers and OS (Nick Health, 2017).


Muscat, I. (2019, March 11). What is Local File Inclusion (LFI)? | Acunetix. Retrieved from

Netsparker Security Team. (2019, July 4). Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability | Netsparker. Retrieved from

Nick Health. (2017, December 11). Five programming languages with hidden flaws vulnerable to hackers – TechRepublic. Retrieved from

Running Head: INCLUSION 1



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The concept of file inclusions is established as being part of every single advanced server with subject to the side scripting language subject to the web. Therefore, the aspect of file inclusion vulnerability is established as being a web vulnerability type that commonly affects web applications that significantly rely on the subject of the scripting run time. The file inclusion vulnerability results from the application building a path with subject to the executable code through the application of an attacker-controlled variable on the basis of an approach that enables the attacker to have control with regards to which particular file execution is to be undertaken at a run time. The concept of file inclusion vulnerability is dangerous basing on the fact that permitting an unvalidated user input with regards to the control of files with a dynamic inclusion in an HTML file has the possibility of resulting in malicious code execution (Sabih, 2018).

The distinction between RFI and LFI includes the fact that the RFI is established as a vulnerability type whereby it is often located in the PHP running websites while in the LFI the attacker has to undertake the uploading of the malicious script with subject to the target server with the main objective of local execution (Baloch, 2017).

Various approaches can be employed in the prevention of a security breach. These approaches include the controlling of employees from accessing data from the beginning. Another prevention measure is the application of firm-based systems and devices only, the application of cloud, and requiring wiping technology addition with subject to personal devices alongside putting a plan in place. Various programming languages are vulnerable to this type of attack, including the python, Perl, NodeJS, JRuby, and PHP (Stuttard & Pinto, 2011).


Baloch, R. (2017). Ethical hacking and penetration testing guide. CRC Press.

Sabih, Z. (2018). Learn ethical hacking from scratch: Your stepping stone to penetration testing. Packt Publishing.

Stuttard, D., & Pinto, M. (2011). The web application hacker’s handbook: Discovering and exploiting security flaws. John Wiley & Sons.



Self-driving cars

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Subject to the introduction of self-driving cars there will be a significant job market disruption with subject to drivers although this won’t happen immediately or overnight but rather there will be slow effects on the drivers’ jobs. Thus, the introduction of autonomous vehicles will definitely lead to a disruption and the destruction of driver’s jobs. Self-driving cars have been established as being among the most exciting and anticipated innovations across the globe today. If the self-driving cars actually end up living to their expectations subject to the assumptions of forecasters and futurists, then the resulting effects will definitely be far-reaching. Regardless of the transformation of transportation and commuting industry subject to the rising of the concept of mobility as a service other considerable industries will either be impacted positively or negatively with subject to the adoption of the current world where there is easy movement of people through the use of computerized pods (Idzikowski & Schauer, 2018).

The driverless vehicles have a possibility of destroying approximately 4 million drivers’ jobs. In a few years with the introduction of driverless vehicles, especially with subject to the taxi driver occupation in big cities. Both tram drivers and bus drivers will also be significantly impacted. The chauffeurs are equally established to be at risk alongside the forklift drivers who are located in warehouses. Construction and agriculture drivers will also be affected due to the automation of vehicles. A major category established as delivery drivers will equally be affected. For instance, researches conducted by Goldman Sachs predicts 300,000 job losses yearly in the United States (Watson, 2016).


Idzikowski, L., & Schauer, P. (2018). Self-driving cars.

Watson, S. (2016). What is the future of self-driving cars? Reference point Press.



Impacts of Self-Driving Cars.

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Many think that the introduction of self-driving cars will disrupt the job market for drivers.

Self-driving vehicles are cars or trucks with the abilities that enable them safely maneuver and operate on them on roads on their own without necessarily having physical human drivers in them. These trucks and vehicles use sophisticated sensors and software that control and make them navigate with ease. Additionally, such driverless cars have been mounted with self-automation mechanisms from conventional cars fitted with brake and lane assistance to make them reasonably independent with self-driving prototypes (HAYES, 2019).

Indeed, many people, mostly truck and car drivers face a dilemma as they fear what might be their fate if self-driving cars are fully introduced in the transport sector. It worth noting that most of these drivers are composed of aged and older people with poor skills in other fields as lacking sufficient academic qualifications that may grant them a smooth transition to other available job opportunities (Rapier, 2018). According to the U.S Bureau of Labor statistics conducted in 2018, approximately 1.9million people are currently employed as truck and tractor- raillery drivers, 370,400 driving jobs are provided by tax and delivery employers, and more than 680,000 people in American are employed as bus drivers. Statistics further indicated that the total number of job provided by trucks, tractor-trailers, busses, and tax employers are approximately 2.9 million. Therefore, it translates the introduction of automated and self-driven cars will result in a massive loss of 2.9 million jobs, which I much higher than the total job losses in 2008 during the Great Recession crisis period (Rapier, 2018).

Perhaps several transport sectors will be affected by uncontrolled job losses with many mechanisms to remedy the situation. Uber’s model will disappear, and its drivers may get extinct, many driving jobs related to transit will also disappear era for self-driven cars will set in as anew form oof revolution in transport system (Wharton, 2019).


HAYES, A. (2019, October 31). The Unintended Consequences of Self-Driving Cars. Retrieved from

Rapier, G. (2018, June 13). Self-driving cars could wipe out 4 million jobs — but a new report says the upsides will be easily worth it | Markets Insider. Retrieved from

Wharton. (2019, February 27). The Pros and Cons of Driverless Cars. Retrieved from

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