Amanda Smith

Assignment: Group Case Study 2

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As a future leader in the field of health care administration, you may face many chronic health threats to various systems. As you work to combat these threats and ensure community wellness, you are likely to become an agent of social change. This objective may be more challenging and critical to achieve in matters such as health emergencies and outbreaks. For leaders, outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics elicit critical and timely attention to situations in health care administration.

In this week’s article by Gostin, Lucey, & Phelan (2014)(attached), the authors highlight the challenges present with an Ebola epidemic on a global scale. Using 2–4 additional resources you may find from current events, etc., consider your leadership perspective during an outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic.

Individually select one of the following leadership roles that would respond during this outbreak:

· Director, FEMA

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· Director, CDC

· Governor of an afflicted state

· Incident Response Commander

· Response Leader, American Red Cross (or other nongovernmental organization)

· Health Care Administrator for a large medical center

After selecting your leadership role, use a systems approach to establish immediate response in preventing another pandemic.

Individual Case Analysis (2 pages):

Based on the leadership role you selected for the Assignment, include the following:

· A summary of the leadership challenges this leader would face in assuring the system changes necessary to be prepared for the next outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic

· An explanation of how your leadership challenges as this leader relate to challenges of the other leaders listed above


The leadership challenges that you describe should be those you would face as an individual in the role of your selected leader, rather than the functional challenges of the agency this individual leads.

Copyright 2014 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

The Ebola Epidemic
A Global Health Emergency

On August 8, the World Health Organization (WHO)
Director-General Margaret Chan declared the West Africa
Ebola crisis a “public health emergency of international
concern,”1 triggering powers under the 2005 Interna-
tional Health Regulations (IHR). The IHR requires coun-
tries to develop national preparedness capacities, in-
cluding the duty to report internationally significant
events, conduct surveillance, and exercise public health
powers, while balancing human rights and interna-
tional trade. Until last year, the director-general had
declared only one such emergency—influenza AH1N1 (in
2009). Earlier this year, she declared poliomyelitis a
public health emergency of international concern and
now again for Ebola, signaling perhaps a new era of po-
tential WHO leadership in global health security.

The West African Ebola Epidemic
Ebola virus disease (EVD) has 3 species of human sig-
nificance: Zaire, Sudan, and Bundibugyo. The West Africa
outbreak is from a new strain of the Zaire species,2 with
a reported case-fatality rate of 55%. Infection can cause
fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and generalized bleeding as
well as death.

Fruit bats likely carry Ebola virus, with humans infected
by close contact with infected body fluids and “bushmeat”
of primates, forest antelope, wild pigs, and bats. Human-
to-human transmission occurs only by close contact with
infected body fluids. Importantly, no airborne transmission
between humans has been demonstrated. Early EVD symp-
toms are similar to those of malaria and typhoid fever—
as well as endemic hemorrhagic fevers such as Lassa—
rendering symptomatic differential diagnosis difficult.

Before the current outbreak began in December
2013, West Africa had no recorded Ebola deaths. Yet this
outbreak is the largest, with the crisis worsening. As of
August 8, WHO reported 1779 Ebola cases, with 961
deaths.3 Cases were first reported in Guinea on March
23, followed by Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria (due
to an infected airline passenger from Liberia). Of great-
est concern is the potential urban spread, including capi-
tal cities. Previously Ebola was concentrated in rural
areas, where the public health response was suffi-
ciently rapid to prevent spread to populated cities.

Vaccines and Treatment: Ethical Dilemmas
Since 1976 more than 15 Ebola outbreaks have erupted
in sub-Saharan Africa, yet therapeutic options remain un-
developed. There are no licensed vaccines or specific an-
tiviral or immune-mediated treatments for ill patients or
for postexposure prophylaxis. The US National Insti-
tutes of Health is supporting the first phase 1 clinical trial
of a new prototype experimental vaccine expected to
begin in September 2014.

Fueling disquiet about global justice, 2 US aid workers
infected in Liberia were treated with an experimental
anti-Ebola antibody prior to being transported to Atlanta.4

This serum had been previously used only in nonhuman
primates.5 Even though the serum’s safety and efficacy re-
main unknown, it sparked an international controversy.
Should US workers receive a drug in extremely scarce sup-
ply when Africans are affected in far greater numbers?
Balanced against this sense of injustice is the ethical con-
cern of administering an experimental drug to African pa-
tients that has not undergone any safety testing in humans.

On August 11, WHO convened an expert committee
to assess the bioethical implications of withholding or pro-
viding early access to experimental treatments.6 If a scarce
treatment offers benefits to patients, the ethical question
is who should have priority access? Society, for example,
owes a duty to health workers who place themselves at
heightened risk. Other ethical considerations could grant
priority to patients most likely to benefit, as well as target-
ing the drug to prevent spread in hospitals or the commu-
nity. Moreover, who should decide whether an experimen-
tal treatment should be administered? Liberian officials
apparently did not approve the use of an investigational
drug administered in their territory.7 National leaders also
would need to be part of future decision making processes
for allocating scarce vaccines and medications.

Public Health Countermeasures
Sierra Leone’s president captured the state of crisis: “The
very essence of our nation is at stake.”8 Without effec-
tive vaccines or treatments, West African governments
have declared public health emergencies, invoking ex-
traordinary powers—a divisive trade-off between popu-
lation health and human rights. The following classic pub-
lic health measures are standard responses to EVD but
are supported by variable levels of evidence.

Isolation and Quarantine. Affected states have invoked
multiple forms of quarantine, ranging from stay-at-home
days for “reflection, education, and prayers” to guarded
home confinement. The military has been deployed for
house-to-house searches, traveler checkpoints, and cor-
don sanitaire (a guarded line preventing anyone from
leaving)—sometimes separating people and regions of the
country. Yet states have exhibited lax enforcement, with
the inability to police an evolving crisis. Given EVD’s in-
cubation period, quarantine must last up to 21 days—a task
requiring intensive monitoring, enforcement, and deliv-
ery of essential services such as food and health care.

Social Distancing. Governments have invoked social dis-
tancing, such as school closures and bans on public gath-
erings, including sporting, shopping, and entertain-
ment. In some areas, fear has produced an eerie quiet


Lawrence O. Gostin, JD
O’Neill Institute for
National and Global
Health Law,
Georgetown University
Law Center,
Washington, DC.

Daniel Lucey, MD, MPH
Department of
Microbiology and
Georgetown University
Medical Center,
Washington, DC.

Alexandra Phelan,
LLM, BBiomedSc/LLB
O’Neill Institute for
National and Global
Health Law,
Georgetown University
Law Center,
Washington, DC.

Author Reading at

Author: Lawrence O.
Gostin, JD,
Georgetown University
Law Center, O’Neill
Institute for National
and Global Health Law,
600 New Jersey Ave
NW, Washington, DC
20001 (gostin@law

Opinion JAMA September 17, 2014 Volume 312, Number 11 1095

Copyright 2014 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Copyright 2014 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

in usually bustling neighborhoods, while in other areas social life has
continued unabated.

Risk Communication and Burial. Public education has been incom-
plete, with governments occasionally impeding news coverage and
accurate risk communication.9 Ministries of health have ordered
mandatory reporting and required cremation of bodies. Yet tradi-
tional burial services often continue, with loved ones in close con-
tact with the deceased, posing transmission risks.

Travel Restrictions. Porous borders place West Africa in jeopardy, but
airline travel could propel Ebola’s international spread, as occurred
in Nigeria. Nigeria is screening all arriving air passengers, while sev-
eral air carriers temporarily suspended flights to the region. The US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a level 3
travel warning to the region, reserved for the most serious threats.

Health Care Settings. Without trained staff, isolation units, per-
sonal protective equipment, and strict infection control, hospitals
have become “amplification points” for spread of EVD, placing health
workers at significant risk; approximately 140 African health care
workers have been infected, with 80 deaths.10 The high risk in-
curred by workers, often with inadequate salaries, has com-
pounded a severe human resource shortage. There are numerous
ethical dilemmas, such as whether health professionals have a duty
to report to work without adequate personal protective equip-
ment. The United States is considering medical evacuation of in-
fected aid workers, while the CDC will send additional workers to the
region. Beyond health workers, patients fearing EVD have shunned
hospitals, remaining in the community without adequate treat-
ment. Affected states rank lowest in global development, with frag-
ile health systems and lacking the capacity and expertise to contain
the epidemic and treat those infected.

Global Governance
The West African Ebola crisis is unique given the virulence, inten-
sive community and health facility transmission patterns, and weak
health systems. The WHO director-general’s declaration of a public
health emergency of international concern underscores the ur-
gency of a coordinated international response and the imperative
of raising the capacity of low-income states. The WHO declaration

triggered temporary recommendations directed to affected states,
bordering states, and the international community.

Affected States. The WHO director-general asked states with ac-
tive Ebola transmission to declare a national emergency, activate di-
saster management plans, and establish emergency operation cen-
ters. Emergency funding should build core capacities including
infection prevention and control. The director-general urged mo-
bilization of health workers, with full remuneration, personal pro-
tective equipment, and worker safety assurances. Traditional lead-
ers and healers should be fully engaged in risk communication.

All confirmed cases should be isolated and treated, while exposed
individuals should be monitored daily, with restricted travel within
the 21-day incubation period. However, to protect freedom of move-
ment, the director-general did not recommend travel bans but ad-
vised exit screening at international airports, seaports, and land-
crossings. Individuals with EVD-like illness should not be allowed to
travel except for medical evacuation.

Land-Border States. Land-border states should conduct rigorous sur-
veillance to quickly identify clusters of unexplained fevers or deaths,
with qualified laboratories, rapid-response teams for contact inves-
tigations, and case management.

The International Community. The director-general cautioned against
international travel or trade restrictions, except for EVD cases and
contacts. All states should implement risk communication and labo-
ratory diagnostics and prepare for medical evacuations. Interna-
tional capacity building for low-income states was conspicuously ab-
sent in the recommendations, even though it is arguably the most
effective and humane way to contain the outbreak.

Years of civil unrest and weak development have left West Africa
with fragile health systems as it faces a crisis. Although the director-
general urged international solidarity, global governance once again
was weakened from a lack of capacity in developing countries. A sus-
tainable solution to EVD, and other emerging threats, requires bind-
ing commitments for funding and technical assistance to build na-
tional preparedness capabilities, including surveillance, laboratories,
health systems, and rapid response.


Published Online: August 11, 2014.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and
none were reported.

Disclosure: Mr Gostin directs the WHO
Collaborating Center on Public Health Law and
Human Rights.

Additional Contributions: We acknowledge the
contributions of John D. Kraemer, JD, MPH.


1. WHO Statement on the Meeting of the
International Health Regulations Emergency
Committee Regarding the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in
West Africa.
August 8, 2014. Accessed August 10, 2014.

2. Baize S, Pannetier D, Oestereich L, et al.
Emergence of Zaire Ebola virus disease in Guinea:
preliminary report. N Engl J Med. doi:10.1056

3. Ebola virus disease, West Africa: update 8
August 2014.
-disease-west-africa-8-august-2014.html. Accessed
August 11, 2014.

4. Blinder A. Atlanta hospital admits second
American with Ebola.
-ebola-atlanta.html?_r=0. August 5, 2014. Accessed
August 10, 2014.

5. World Health Organization. Ebola virus disease
in Guinea.
-hemorrhagic-fever-in-guinea.html. March 23,
2014. Accessed August 9, 2014.

6. WHO to convene ethical review of experimental
treatment for Ebola.
August 6, 2014. Accessed August 9, 2014.

7. McWhirter C, Loftus P, Hinshaw D. Giving
Americans drug for Ebola virus prompts flak. http:
-lands-in-u-s-1407256243. August 5, 2014.
Accessed August 10, 2014.

8. Nossiter A. Lax quarantine undercuts Ebola fight
in Africa. New York Times. August 5, 2014: A1.

9. Williams WCL. In the grip of Ebola. New York
/opinion/in-the-grip-of-ebola.html?_r=0. August 7,
2014. Accessed August 10, 2014.

10. Hinshaw D, Akingbule G. Ebola virus inflicts
deadly toll on African health workers. http://online
Updated August 7, 2014. Accessed August 10, 2014.

Opinion Viewpoint

1096 JAMA September 17, 2014 Volume 312, Number 11

Copyright 2014 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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