Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies


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Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies


Select a publicly-traded company to research. Evaluate its human resource (HR) and business strategy, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital. The following are some of the company websites that provide this information:

  • Allstate: Human Resources Careers.
  • State Farm: Human Resources & Training Careers.
  • Ford: Careers.
  • Aruba Marriott Careers. (You can also search for other companies from the Marriott website.)

In addition, refer to the

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

website, which identifies detailed roles for HRM personnel and offers you some insight into HRM positions.

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Write a 2 to 3 page paper in which you:

  • Propose how you would ensure the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy.
  • Describe the HR job positions and the responsibilities listed for that HR department.
  • Determine which HR job positions you would prefer and explain why.
  • Analyze how the selected company can establish HRM strategies to improve competitive advantages.
  • Propose three ways that the company can increase diversity.

Use at least three high-quality academic resources in this assignment. Consider beginning with your course textbook and quality sources that can be found in the

Strayer Library


Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

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