After the Fact

 So first you need to read chapter 5 (ATTACHED FOR YOU), and then answer the following 3 questions:

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  1. Besides the objects themselves, what are some of the sources of information that can be used to help us understand material culture?
  2. How did the changes to buildings, discussed at a number of points in the chapter, reflect social and cultural changes that the US was going through in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?
  3. How is the idea of a “consumer revolution” as described on page 13 (last page) reflected in the differences between the two major paintings Quilting Frolic (pg. 5) and the parlor engraving (pg.11)?

NOTE: PLZ read the ATTACHED grading criteria so you know how to do this assignment. Thank you!

Reading Comprehension Questions:
Chapter 5: Material Witness

1) Besides the objects themselves, what are some of the sources of information that can be used to help us

understand material culture?

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2) How did the changes to buildings, discussed at a number of points in the chapter, reflect social and cultural

changes that the US was going through in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?

3) How is the idea of a “consumer revolution” as described on page 13 (the Last Page) reflected in the differences

between the two major paintings Quilting Frolic (pg.5) and the parlor engraving (pg.11)?

  • Reading Comprehension Questions temp
  • Material Witness

  • Material Witness 01
  • Material Witness 02
  • Material Witness 03
  • Material Witness 04
  • Material Witness 05
  • Material Witness 06
  • Material Witness 07
  • Material Witness 08
  • Material Witness 09
  • Material Witness 10
  • Material Witness 11
  • Material Witness 12

After the Fact (active)

No Credit, you need to redo question 1 and make it more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of the question.

0.4 pts

No Credit, you need to redo question 2 and make it more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of the question.

0.3 pts

No Credit, you need to redo question 3 and make it more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of the question.

0.2 pts

No Credit, you need to redo questions 1 & 2 and make them more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of the questions.

0.1 pts

No Credit, you need to redo questions 1 & 3 and make them more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of the questions.

0.0 pts

No Credit, you need to redo questions 2 & 3 and make them more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of the questions.

0.5 pts

0.5 pts

After the Fact (active)




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

40.0 to >30.0 pts

Excellent Job, your answers showed a real understanding of the chapter and were exceptionally thorough in the answering of the questions

30.0 to >0.1 pts

Good job, you fully and completely answered all 3 questions, you got credit for the assignment.

0.1 to >0.0 pts

No Credit, you need to redo all 3 questions and make them more comprehensive. Add more details from the chapter and make sure you are answering all parts of each question.

0.0 pts

No credit, see comments below for how to get credit

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions needing to be more comprehensive

0.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions with inaccuracies

0.5 pts

No Credit, you need to redo question 1. This question was not answered properly and contains inaccuracies and/or did not fully answer the question.

0.4 pts

No Credit, you need to redo question 2. This question was not answered properly and contains inaccuracies and/or did not fully answer the question.

0.3 pts

No Credit, you need to redo question 3. This question was not answered properly and contains inaccuracies and/or did not fully answer the question.

0.2 pts

No Credit, you need to redo questions 1 & 2. These questions were not answered properly and contain inaccuracies or did not fully answer the questions.

0.1 pts

No Credit, you need to redo questions 1 & 3. These questions were not answered properly and contain inaccuracies or did not fully answer the questions.

0.0 pts

No Credit, you need to redo questions 2 & 3. These questions were not answered properly and contain inaccuracies or did not fully answer the questions.

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