Advanced Toxicology

In 2013, the FDA set limits for arsenic in apple juice. In 2016, the FDA proposed a limit for arsenic in infant rice cereal. Consider the toxicological effects of arsenic on the body. Discuss what types of food are more likely to contain arsenic? What do you feel are the main concerns regarding digestion of these foods and the effects they could have on the body? Is the FDA sufficiently protecting the food supply in the United States from arsenic concerns? Why, or why not?

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Known foods that are high in arsenic include seafood, seaweed, rice, and apple juice. arsenic is a known substance This substance is highly toxic in the most organic forms and can be found in soil, water, food, and air. Arsenic is most commonly also be found in contaminated water, food preparation, and irrigation from agriculture. Symptoms of exposure to arsenic can have negative impacts on skin, organs, and muscles causing vomitting, swollen skin, and muscle cramps. Long term and excessive exposure has been know to cause cancer, damage to the nervous system, and eventually death. Some of the main concerns to avoid exposure to high levels of arsenic is to have clean water for consumption, practicing safe methods when preparing foods, and safely harvesting crops. I believe that the FDA is doing their part in protecting people from arsenic through stricts regulations when it comes to contamination of air, food, and water. I believe that they also do their part in providing resources and information related to the exposure of arsenic. 

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