advanced network communictions

Cisco Wireless LAN

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. Open Cisco Packet Tracer and build the following network.

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· 2. Double click the Wireless LAN controller and go under the config tab. Click on Management and setup the following IP parameters as shown in the figure below.

· 3. We will use the WLAN controller as a DHCP server. Click on DHCP and set the DHCP parameters as shown in the figure below. Click the Add button and make sure the service is set to “on”

· 4. Next we will setup the wireless LAN settings that will be pushed out to the lightweight access point. Click on Wireless LANs and set the parameters as shown below. Click Save.

· 5. Click on the Light Weight Access Point and supply power to the access point. To do this, click on the power cord at the bottom and drag it to the device itself. See the red arrow below.

· 6. Now verify that the gateway setting and DNS settings have populated via DHCP as shown below.


7. Next configure the AAA server to authenticate the wireless devices. This is a two-part configuration. The first is to authenticate the WLAN controller so it is allowed to send AAA queries to it. The second part is to authenticate the users/devices to allow them on the wireless network. Click on the server and put in the parameters shown. Put in the Client Name, the Client IP and a Secret key, then click Add. This represents the WLAN controller configuration. Notice that the secret key is the same as the Shared secret provided in step 4. Next put in the username and password….one for each wireless device. This username and password will be entered in the device configuration at the next step. Click Add after each entry, then click Save. Lastly, make sure that the service is turned on.

· 8. Configure the IP address of the server under the FastEthernet0 tab as shown below.

· 9. Click on the Tablet and click on wireless0 under the Config tab. Configure the SSID to match what was entered for the SSID (myssid) in step 4. Select WPA2 and enter the username and password for user1.

· 10. Click on the Smartphone and click on wireless0 under the Config tab. Configure the SSID to match what was entered for the SSID (myssid) in step 4. Select WPA2 and enter the username and password for user2.

· 11. You should see the devices connect to the light weight access point as shown below.

Answer the following questions:

Hold the mouse pointer over the tablet to get the answers.

What is the is the wireless data rate for the Tablet? ___________

What IP address did the Tablet get? ____________________

What is the signal strength? _______________________

Hold the mouse pointer over the smartphone to get the answers.

What is the is the wireless data rate for the smartphone? ___________

What IP address did the smartphone get? ____________________

What is the signal strength? ____________________________

Hold the mouse pointer over the lightweight access point to get the answers.

What is the CAPWAP status? ______________________________

End of Procedure


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