acct questions

1.What are the pros and cons of B&B’s owners wanting to keep 100% control of their business? Identify at least 2 pros and 2 cons.2.Using the Excel template, input the assumptions highlighted in the case to create the following four pro forma financial statements:

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       1. Rent + 15% Growth

      2. Rent +   0% Growth

      3. Buy + 15% Growth

      4. Buy +   0% Growth

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3.What suggestions do you have for improving the assumptions and financial modeling for B&B?


+ 1



Pro Forma Modeling Template

2014 2015 2016 2017

– – –

s Sold

– 0 – 0

169,184 169,184

– – –

– 0 – 0 – 0

– 0 – 0 – 0

– 0 – 0 – 0

169,184 169,184 169,184

– 0 – 0 – 0

– – –

470,185 470,185 470,185

– – –

207,442 207,442 207,442

– – –

262,743 262,743 262,743

– – –


– 0 – 0 – 0

431,927 431,927

– – –

– – – –

229,013 – – –

– 0 – 0 – 0

– – – – –

159,579 159,579 159,579 Net Income 229,013 – – –

159,579 159,579 159,579

87,221 – – –

– – – – –

246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579

35,525 – –

143,937 – –

Shareholder’s Equity

– –

150,000 150,000 150,000

– – – –

122,348 122,348 122,348 Cash Provided (used) by Operations

– –

272,348 272,348 272,348

– – –

464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927

– 0 – – –

Cash Provided (used) by Investments (74,400) – – –

2014 2015 2016 2017

– – – –


– 0 – – – –

No No


– – – –

No No No Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities

– – – –

No No No

126,176 – – –

No No No

No No No

No No No

No No

87,221 No No No

Yes Yes Yes

– Yes No No

87,221 – – –

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

No No No

No No No

Yes Yes Yes

Additions to PP&E Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Dividends – Owner Draws No No No
Good Good Good


5% 5% 5%
– 0 50,000 50,000

95,221 95,221

– – –




– – –

0% 0% 0%

2% 2%

8% 8%

4% 4%

0% 0% 0%

– – –

– –

– – –
– – –
– – –

(175,000) (175,000) (175,000)
SDG Formula Driven
Bubble and Bee Organic

Input Required
Balance Sheet Income Statement
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Assets Revenues 1,776,168
Current Assets Cost of

Good 357,597 – 0
Cash 25,567 43,008 169,184 Gross Margin 1,418,571
Receivables 32,375 35,525 Expenses
Inventories 131,250 143,937 Selling 439,512
Total Current Assets 189,192 222,470 General & Administrative Variable 82,514
Fixed Assets General & Administrative Fixed 572,776
PP&E 395,785 470,185 Depreciation 87,221
Less Depreciation 120,221 207,442 Total Expenses 1,182,023
Total Fixed Assets 275,564 262,743 EBIT 236,548

Interest 7,535
Total Assets 464,756 485,213 431,927 Taxable Income 229,013
Liabilities &

Shareholder’s Equity Net Income
Current Liabilities Cash Flow Statement
Accounts Payable 44,625 53,286
Accrued Liabilities Cash Provided (used) by Operations
Bank Loan 201,796 159,579
Total Current Liabilities 246,421 212,865 Plus Depreciation
Long Term Liabilities Change in Working Capital
Total Liabilities Decrease (increase) in Receivables (3,150)
Decrease (increase) in Inventory (12,687)
Increase (decrease) in Accts. Payable 8,661 (53,286)
Member’s Equity 1

50,000 150,000 Increase (decrease) in Accrued Liabilities
Retained Earnings 68,335 122,348 309,058 126,176
Total Shareholder’s Equity 218,335 272,348 Cash Provided (used) by Investments
Additions to PP&E (74,400)
Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity Other Investments N/A
Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities
Assumptions Additions (reductions) to

Debt (42,217)
Revenue Growth -10

0% ERROR:#DIV/0! Net issues of Stock
Unit Demand 126,869 No (

Dividends – Owner Draws (175,000)
Average Selling Price $ 14.00 (217,217)
COGS % as a % of Revenues Net increase (decrease) in cash 17,441
Selling Expense as a % of Revenues
General and Administrative Expense
Variable G&A as a % of Revenue
Fixed G&A Expense
Anticipated Annual Increase in G&A Fixed Expense Yes
Depreciation Expense
Existing Equipment
Building – 30 years No building to depreciation
New Equipment
Net Interest Expense No debt (renting)
Tax Rate NA due to LLC No corporate tax rate due to LLC
Receivables as a % of Revenues
Inventory as a % of Revenues
Accounts Payable as a % Revenues
Accrued Liabilities % of Revenues
Additions to Debt – Bank Loan
(Reductions) to Debt – Bank Loan
Additions to Debt – Long Term Debt
(Reductions) to Debt – Long Term Debt
Equity only financing
check figure
143,339 161,999 183,141
$ 14.25 $ 14.50 $ 14.75
20% 21%
25% 26% 27%
675,000 725,000 775,000

Rent + 0% Growth

SDG Formula Driven

Input Required

Balance Sheet Income Statement
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Assets Revenues 1,776,168 – – –

Current Assets

357,597 – 0 – 0 – 0
Cash 25,567 43,008 169,184 169,184 169,184 Gross Margin 1,418,571 – – –
Receivables 32,375 35,525 – 0 – 0 – 0 Expenses
Inventories 131,250 143,937 – 0 – 0 – 0 Selling 439,512 – 0 – 0 – 0
Total Current Assets 189,192 222,470 169,184 169,184 169,184 General & Administrative Variable 82,514 – 0 – 0 – 0
Fixed Assets General & Administrative Fixed 572,776 – – –
PP&E 395,785 470,185 470,185 470,185 470,185 Depreciation 87,221 – – –
Less Depreciation 120,221 207,442 207,442 207,442 207,442 Total Expenses 1,182,023 – – –
Total Fixed Assets 275,564 262,743 262,743 262,743 262,743 EBIT 236,548 – – –
Net Interest Expense 7,535 – 0 – 0 – 0
Total Assets 464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927 Taxable Income 229,013 – – –
Taxes – – – –

Net Income 229,013 – – –
Current Liabilities Cash Flow Statement
Accounts Payable 44,625 53,286 – 0 – 0 – 0
Accrued Liabilities – – – – – Cash Provided (used) by Operations
Bank Loan 201,796 159,579 159,579 159,579 159,579 Net Income 229,013 – – –
Total Current Liabilities 246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579 Plus Depreciation 87,221 – – –
Long Term Liabilities – – – – – Change in Working Capital
Total Liabilities 246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579 Decrease (increase) in Receivables (3,150) 35,525 – –
Decrease (increase) in Inventory (12,687) 143,937 – –
Shareholder’s Equity Increase (decrease) in Accts. Payable 8,661 (53,286) – –
Member’s Equity 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Increase (decrease) in Accrued Liabilities – – – –
Retained Earnings 68,335 122,348 122,348 122,348 122,348 Cash Provided (used) by Operations 309,058 126,176 – –
Total Shareholder’s Equity 218,335 272,348 272,348 272,348 272,348 Cash Provided (used) by Investments
Additions to PP&E (74,400) – – –
Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity 464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927 Other Investments – 0 – – – N/A
Cash Provided (used) by Investments (74,400) – – –
Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities
Assumptions 2014 2015 2016 2017

(42,217) – – – –
Revenue Growth

ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! Net issues of Stock – 0 – – – –
Unit Demand 126,869 No No No

(175,000) – – – –
Average Selling Price $ 14.00 No No No Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities (217,217) – – – –
COGS % as a % of Revenues No No No Net increase (decrease) in cash 17,441 126,176 – – –
Selling Expense as a % of Revenues No No No
General and Administrative Expense
Variable G&A as a % of Revenue No No No
Fixed G&A Expense No No No
Anticipated Annual Increase in G&A Fixed Expense Yes No No
Depreciation Expense
Existing Equipment 87,221 No No No
Building – 30 years Yes Yes Yes No building to depreciation
New Equipment – Yes No No
Total 87,221 – – –

Yes Yes Yes No debt (renting)
Tax Rate NA due to LLC Yes Yes Yes No corporate tax rate due to LLC
Receivables as a % of Revenues No No No
Inventory as a % of Revenues No No No
Accounts Payable as a % Revenues No No No
Accrued Liabilities % of Revenues Yes Yes Yes
Additions to PP&E Yes No Yes
Additions to Debt – Bank Loan Yes Yes Yes
(Reductions) to Debt – Bank Loan No Yes Yes
Additions to Debt – Long Term Debt Yes Yes Yes
(Reductions) to Debt – Long Term Debt Yes Yes Yes
Equity only financing Yes Yes Yes

Dividends – Owner Draws Yes Yes No

Good Good Good check figure

126,869 126,869 126,869

$ 14.25 $ 14.50 $ 14.75
20% 21% 21%
25% 26% 27%

5% 5% 5%
675,000 725,000 775,000
– 0 50,000 50,000

95,221 95,221 95,221
– – –
– 10,000 10,000
95,221 105,221 105,221
– – –
0% 0% 0%
2% 2% 2%
8% 8% 8%
4% 4% 4%
0% 0% 0%
– 100,000 –

– – –
(159,579) – –
– – –
– – –
– – –

– – (175,000)
Bubble and Bee Organic – Pro Forma Modeling Template
Cost of Goods Sold Liabilities & Shareholder’s Equity Additions (reductions) to Debt -100% (Dividends – Owner Draws) Net Interest Expense

Buy + 15% Growth

SDG Formula Driven
Bubble and Bee Organic – Pro Forma Modeling Template Input Required

Balance Sheet Income Statement
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017
Assets Revenues 1,776,168 – – –

Current Assets Cost of Goods Sold 357,597 – 0 – 0 – 0

Cash 25,567 43,008 169,184 169,184 169,184 Gross Margin 1,418,571 – – –
Receivables 32,375 35,525 – 0 – 0 – 0 Expenses
Inventories 131,250 143,937 – 0 – 0 – 0 Selling 439,512 – 0 – 0 – 0
Total Current Assets 189,192 222,470 169,184 169,184 169,184 General & Administrative Variable 82,514 – 0 – 0 – 0
Fixed Assets General & Administrative Fixed 572,776 – – –
PP&E 395,785 470,185 470,185 470,185 470,185 Depreciation 87,221 – – –
Less Depreciation 120,221 207,442 207,442 207,442 207,442 Total Expenses 1,182,023 – – –
Total Fixed Assets 275,564 262,743 262,743 262,743 262,743 EBIT 236,548 – – –
Net Interest Expense 7,535 – 0 – 0 – 0
Total Assets 464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927 Taxable Income 229,013 – – –
Taxes – – – –
Liabilities & Shareholder’s Equity Net Income 229,013 – – –
Current Liabilities Cash Flow Statement
Accounts Payable 44,625 53,286 – 0 – 0 – 0
Accrued Liabilities – – – – – Cash Provided (used) by Operations
Bank Loan 201,796 159,579 159,579 159,579 159,579 Net Income 229,013 – – –
Total Current Liabilities 246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579 Plus Depreciation 87,221 – – –
Long Term Liabilities – – – – – Change in Working Capital
Total Liabilities 246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579 Decrease (increase) in Receivables (3,150) 35,525 – –
Decrease (increase) in Inventory (12,687) 143,937 – –
Shareholder’s Equity Increase (decrease) in Accts. Payable 8,661 (53,286) – –
Member’s Equity 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Increase (decrease) in Accrued Liabilities – – – –
Retained Earnings 68,335 122,348 122,348 122,348 122,348 Cash Provided (used) by Operations 309,058 126,176 – –
Total Shareholder’s Equity 218,335 272,348 272,348 272,348 272,348 Cash Provided (used) by Investments
Additions to PP&E (74,400) – – –
Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity 464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927 Other Investments – 0 – – – N/A
Cash Provided (used) by Investments (74,400) – – –
Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities

Assumptions 2014 2015 2016 2017 Additions (reductions) to Debt (42,217) – – –
Revenue Growth -100% ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! Net issues of Stock – 0 – – –
Unit Demand 126,869 No No No (Dividends – Owner Draws) (175,000) – – –
Average Selling Price $ 14.00 No No No Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities (217,217) – – –
COGS % as a % of Revenues No No No Net increase (decrease) in cash 17,441 126,176 – –

Selling Expense as a % of Revenues No No No

General and Administrative Expense

Variable G&A as a % of Revenue No No No

Fixed G&A Expense No No No

Anticipated Annual Increase in G&A Fixed Expense Yes No No


Depreciation Expense

Existing Equipment 87,221 No No No
Building – 30 years No No No

New Equipment – Yes No No


Total 87,221 – – – Interest Rate 5% 5% 5%
Net Interest Expense No No No Interest

Tax Rate NA due to LLC Yes Yes Yes No corporate tax rate due to LLC

Receivables as a % of Revenues No No No

960,060 928,623

Inventory as a % of Revenues No No No Loan Payment 79,440 79,440 79,440

Accounts Payable as a % Revenues No No No
Accrued Liabilities % of Revenues Yes Yes Yes

Additions to PP&E No No Yes

Additions to Debt – Bank Loan Yes Yes Yes
(Reductions) to Debt – Bank Loan No Yes Yes

Additions to Debt – Long Term Debt No Yes Yes
(Reductions) to Debt – Long Term Debt No No No

Equity only financing Yes Yes Yes

Dividends – Owner Draws Yes No No

Good Good Good check figure

143,339 161,999 183,141
$ 14.25 $ 14.50 $ 14.75
20% 21% 21%
25% 26% 27%

5% 5% 5%

– 0 50,000 50,000

95,221 95,221 95,221

36,667 36,667

– 10,000 10,000


49,500 48,003 46,431
0% 0% 0%
2% 2% 2%
8% 8% 8%
4% 4% 4%
0% 0% 0%

1,100,000 100,000 –

– – –
(159,579) – –

990,000 – –

– – –

– (175,000) (175,000)
New Loan
Building Cost $

1,100,000 LTV 90%
New Loan Amount $

Interest Rate

Loan Payment $

Payment Schedule
Beginning Balance 960,060 928,623
49,500 48,003 46,431
Principle 29,940 31,437 33,009
Ending Balance 895,614
600,000 650,000 700,000
131,888 141,888
(29,940) (31,437) (33,009)

Buy + 0% Growth

SDG Formula Driven
Bubble and Bee Organic – Pro Forma Modeling Template Input Required

Balance Sheet Income Statement
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017
Assets Revenues 1,776,168 – – –
Current Assets Cost of Goods Sold 357,597 – 0 – 0 – 0
Cash 25,567 43,008 169,184 169,184 169,184 Gross Margin 1,418,571 – – –
Receivables 32,375 35,525 – 0 – 0 – 0 Expenses
Inventories 131,250 143,937 – 0 – 0 – 0 Selling 439,512 – 0 – 0 – 0
Total Current Assets 189,192 222,470 169,184 169,184 169,184 General & Administrative Variable 82,514 – 0 – 0 – 0
Fixed Assets General & Administrative Fixed 572,776 – – –
PP&E 395,785 470,185 470,185 470,185 470,185 Depreciation 87,221 – – –
Less Depreciation 120,221 207,442 207,442 207,442 207,442 Total Expenses 1,182,023 – – –
Total Fixed Assets 275,564 262,743 262,743 262,743 262,743 EBIT 236,548 – – –
Net Interest Expense 7,535 – 0 – 0 – 0
Total Assets 464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927 Taxable Income 229,013 – – –
Taxes – – – –
Liabilities & Shareholder’s Equity Net Income 229,013 – – –
Current Liabilities Cash Flow Statement
Accounts Payable 44,625 53,286 – 0 – 0 – 0
Accrued Liabilities – – – – – Cash Provided (used) by Operations
Bank Loan 201,796 159,579 159,579 159,579 159,579 Net Income 229,013 – – –
Total Current Liabilities 246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579 Plus Depreciation 87,221 – – –
Long Term Liabilities – – – – – Change in Working Capital
Total Liabilities 246,421 212,865 159,579 159,579 159,579 Decrease (increase) in Receivables (3,150) 35,525 – –
Decrease (increase) in Inventory (12,687) 143,937 – –
Shareholder’s Equity Increase (decrease) in Accts. Payable 8,661 (53,286) – –
Member’s Equity 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Increase (decrease) in Accrued Liabilities – – – –
Retained Earnings 68,335 122,348 122,348 122,348 122,348 Cash Provided (used) by Operations 309,058 126,176 – –
Total Shareholder’s Equity 218,335 272,348 272,348 272,348 272,348 Cash Provided (used) by Investments
Additions to PP&E (74,400) – – –
Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity 464,756 485,213 431,927 431,927 431,927 Other Investments – 0 – – – N/A
Cash Provided (used) by Investments (74,400) – – –
Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities
Assumptions 2014 2015 2016 2017 Additions (reductions) to Debt (42,217) – – –
Revenue Growth -100% ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! Net issues of Stock – 0 – – –
Unit Demand 126,869 No No No (Dividends – Owner Draws) (175,000) – – –
Average Selling Price $ 14.00 No No No Cash Provided (used) by Financing Activities (217,217) – – –
COGS % as a % of Revenues No No No Net increase (decrease) in cash 17,441 126,176 – –
Selling Expense as a % of Revenues No No No
General and Administrative Expense New Loan
Variable G&A as a % of Revenue No No No Building Cost

LTV 90%
Fixed G&A Expense No No No New Loan Amount

Anticipated Annual Increase in G&A Fixed Expense Yes No No Interest Rate 5%
Depreciation Expense

Existing Equipment 87,221 No No No
Building – 30 years No No No Payment Schedule
New Equipment – Yes No No Beginning Balance 990,000 960,060 928,623
Total 87,221 – – – Interest Rate 5% 5% 5%

Net Interest Expense No No No Interest 49,500 48,003 46,431

Tax Rate NA due to LLC Yes Yes Yes No corporate tax rate due to LLC Principle 29,940 31,437 33,009
Receivables as a % of Revenues No No No Ending Balance 960,060 928,623 895,614
Inventory as a % of Revenues No No No Loan Payment 79,440 79,440 79,440
Accounts Payable as a % Revenues No No No
Accrued Liabilities % of Revenues Yes Yes Yes
Additions to PP&E No No Yes
Additions to Debt – Bank Loan Yes Yes Yes
(Reductions) to Debt – Bank Loan No Yes Yes
Additions to Debt – Long Term Debt No Yes Yes
(Reductions) to Debt – Long Term Debt No No No
Equity only financing Yes Yes Yes

Dividends – Owner Draws Yes Yes Yes

Good Good Good check figure

126,869 126,869 126,869
$ 14.25 $ 14.50 $ 14.75
20% 21% 21%
25% 26% 27%

5% 5% 5%
600,000 650,000 700,000
– 0 50,000 50,000

95,221 95,221 95,221
36,667 36,667 36,667
– 10,000 10,000
131,888 141,888 141,888
49,500 48,003 46,431
0% 0% 0%
2% 2% 2%
8% 8% 8%
4% 4% 4%
0% 0% 0%
1,100,000 100,000 –

– – –
(159,579) – –
990,000 – –
(29,940) (31,437) (33,009)
– – –
– – –

Good Good Good
$ 1,100,000 $ 990,000 Annual Loan Payment $ 79,440

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