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Accounting Information Systems and Ethics Research: Review, Synthesis, and

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  •   in  Journal of Information Systems · August 2015

    DOI: 10.2308/isys-51265




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    Nicholas Hunt

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    Eileen Z. Taylor

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    Accounting Information Systems and Ethics Research: Review, Synthesis, and the Future

    Binod Guragai
    Nicholas Hunt
    Marc P. Neri

    University of North Texas


    Eileen Z. Taylor *
    North Carolina State University

    *Corresponding author

    We thank Roger Debreceny, Mary Curtis, anonymous reviewers, and participants at the 201


    Mid-year meeting of the Accounting Information Systems Section of the AAA for their helpful
    suggestions and comments.


    Accounting Information Systems and Ethics Research: Review, Synthesis, and the Future

    Abstract: The rapid evolution of technology and the increasingly integrated nature of Accounting
    information systems (AIS) in business provide opportunities for those who interact with these
    systems to act unethically. Accountants, as the managers of accounting information systems and
    gatekeepers of assets, records, and reporting, have a responsibility to understand and address
    ethical dilemmas related to these responsibilities in their organizations. A summary of AIS and
    ethics research calls attention to gaps in the literature and provides directions for future


    The ETHOs framework, which categorizes factors as environmental, technological, human, and
    organizational, provides a model for researchers to examine ethical issues related to the AIS
    functions of recordkeeping, reporting, and control.

    Keywords: Accounting information systems; ethics; data management; judgment and decision-
    making; outsourcing; privacy; security; information technology.


    Accounting Information Systems and Ethics Research: Review, Synthesis, and the Future


    This paper examines the intersection of accounting information systems (AIS) and ethics

    by reviewing existing literature, proposing a research framework, and suggesting future research

    ideas. AIS, a critical component of business operations, comprise many interrelated elements

    (i.e. people, procedures, data, software, hardware, and controls) that identify, collect, store,

    manage, and communicate accounting data. These recordkeeping functions enable organizations

    to report data and information to internal and external parties, and to control activities (e.g.,

    safeguard assets, limit individuals’ actions). The foundation of ethics is the understanding of how

    our behavior affects the well-being of others (Paul and Elder 2013). Because people are key

    elements in AIS, and because managers, regulators, investors, and others use information from

    AIS to make decisions that affect others (e.g. contracting, hiring, investing, purchasing, and

    selling), virtually every aspect of AIS has ethical implications.

    Although many think of AIS primarily as automated, whenever people interact with a

    system, from development through use, unethical decisions and behavior are a risk. There are

    several links between AIS and unethical behavior. First, accountants may use systems to engage

    in (i.e., commit, convert, and conceal) occupational fraud.1 Second, accountants may use systems

    to violate individuals’ privacy by collecting, storing, selling, and using this data for

    unauthorized, self-serving, or unethical purposes. Third, technology-based systems may enable

    individuals to engage in unethical practices over others, such as unauthorized monitoring. Last,

    systems themselves, even the mere existence of a system (Hannan, Rankin, and Towry 2006),

    1 According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), occupational fraud includes asset
    misappropriation (e.g., fraudulent billing, payroll fraud, and expense reimbursement fraud), corruption, and
    fraudulent financial reporting (i.e., intentional manipulation of reported information, either its content or its form, or



    can lead to deskilling or may bias an accountant’s moral judgment, by either clouding their

    awareness of wrongdoing or altering their evaluation of what is right or wrong. Systems,

    especially computer-based systems, may precipitate unethical outcomes by allowing individuals

    to distance themselves from their actions, obfuscating ethical aspects and enabling unjust

    rationalizations for unethical actions. The more technology evolves, the farther the actor is

    removed “from the consequences of organizationally sanctioned” actions (Dillard 2003, 13),

    reducing personal responsibility and enabling neutralizations. In other words, systems legitimize

    individual wrongdoing by allowing people to focus on their duties within the system, without

    consideration of the moral impact of their actions (Adams and Balfour, 1998). A striking

    example of this occurred when a German subsidiary of IBM helped Hitler’s Third Reich carry

    out the Holocaust by providing technology that allowed the Germans to catalog Jewish and other

    citizens through people counting and registration technologies (Black and Wallace 2001, Dillard

    2003). By treating people as inventory, the Third Reich dehumanized them, allowing Nazis to

    distance themselves from their actions of mass extermination.

    More recently, individuals acting for themselves and individuals acting as organizational

    agents have used AIS to violate individual privacy, misappropriate business assets, and falsify

    accounting data to meet organizational goals and market expectations. In the late 1990’s and

    early 2000s, executives at WorldCom pressured accounting staff to use their AIS to perpetrate

    financial statement fraud, misclassifying expenses as assets, and hiding hundreds of entries from

    the internal and external auditors (Cooper 2009). Satyam Computer Services used its AIS to

    create ghost employees and falsify sales orders, in order to conceal massive accounting fraud

    perpetrated by its executives (Rai 2014). Last, United States (US) government employees (i.e.,

    Veteran’s Administration managers) entered false data within their systems, altering waiting



    times for military veterans’ healthcare appointments to portray more favorable statistics and earn

    performance-based bonuses (Bronstein, Griffin, and Black 2014). These examples demonstrate

    the harm enabled by modern AIS.

    The link between AIS and ethics, in which AIS enable individuals to act unethically, is

    heightened by two aspects. They are the increasingly integrated role of AIS in organizations, and

    society’s expectations that professional accountants will act in the public interest (Copeland

    2005). AIS have grown from simple bookkeeping tools to integrated enterprise resource

    planning (ERP) systems. The focus of AIS has gone from making existing processes more

    efficient, to designing systems to take strategic advantage of IS/IT capabilities, to addressing

    risks associated with managing, retaining, and securing the data that organizations collect and

    report (Brancheau and Wetherbe 1987; Brancheau, Janz, and Wetherbe 1996; Beard and Wen

    2007; AICPA 2013b). While earlier systems were relatively limited recorders and reporters of

    data, due to rapid technological advances, AIS are now powerful systems that integrate myriad

    functions within a business (e.g., accounting, human resources, production, and supply chain).

    Early ERP systems focused on resource optimization and transaction processing. ERP II expands

    these functions to leverage information from business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-

    consumer (B2C) electronic commerce (Bond, Genovese, Miklovic, Wood, Zrimsek, and Rayner

    2000).2 Because ERP II systems increase the touchpoints where individuals interact with them,

    they enable new opportunities for individuals who design, implement, and interact with them to

    intentionally and to unintentionally cause harm. In short, the integration and reach of modern

    AIS enable

    unethical behavior.

    2 All major ERP vendors (e.g. SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft) have adopted the concept of ERP II to help customers meet
    today’s business challenges (Mølller 2006).



    Understanding the link between AIS and ethics is particularly important for accountants,

    as they have a role as protectors of the public interest. Accountants of all types have a long

    history of being the designated record-keepers and asset guardians for businesses and

    governments alike (Soll 2014). Per the Institute of Internal Auditors Code of Ethics (IIA),

    internal auditors have an obligation to maintain integrity, abide by the laws, act in an ethical

    manner, and exercise objectivity in reporting. External auditors abide by a Code of Professional

    Conduct that places the public interest at the forefront (AICPA 2013a). Audit committees, which

    typically comprise accountants, are responsible for enterprise risk management, for reporting to

    external parties, for the control environment and control activities, as well as for monitoring

    activities (COSO 2013). Further, audit committees now, more than ever, are overseeing controls

    related to compliance and operational matters (Deloitte 2014) as well as matters of risk oversight

    (Rapoport and Lublin 2015). The designated role of accountants as controllers necessitates our

    involvement, as AIS researchers and professionals, in understanding and addressing these issues.

    After a brief history punctuated by rapid change, AIS are at an unavoidable crossroads

    with ethics. Given AIS’s ubiquity and power, and accountants’ roles as recordkeepers, reporters,

    and asset protectors, academics, as creators of knowledge and investigators of social phenomena

    in the accounting and information systems’ space, have an obligation to examine and work to

    understand these issues. Further, using technology to perform tasks has been found to influence

    peoples’ ethical decisions in both positive and negative ways (Hunt and Iyer 2015). We cannot

    afford to ignore their potential for harm, both intentional and unintentional. This paper aids in

    our understanding of the implications of AIS on ethical issues by cataloging the existing research

    on AIS and ethics, identifying gaps in the literature, creating a framework for the study of AIS



    and ethics based on a four-factor categorization, and posing relevant questions for future




    Ethics encompass an individual’s values, integrity, and courage. Values guide a person’s

    moral decisions, integrity is the consistency with which they apply their values (i.e., relative to

    time, place), and courage is the ability to convert values to actions, notably in the presence of

    threats, both physical and intellectual (Gentile 2012, Kidder 2005). We define ethics using a

    universal approach. Unethical actions are those judgments and behaviors enacted by humans

    (individuals or groups) that “…inherently deny another person or creature some inalienable

    right.” (Paul and Elder 2013, 14). Human rights include life, freedom, and security (among

    others), to all, without distinction of any kinds (e.g., race, color, sex, religion, status, etc.)

    (United Nations 1948).

    The purpose of ethics, and of making ethical decisions, is to help, rather than harm

    others, making it a social construct (Paul and Elder 2013). As part of their express duties toward

    citizens, governments typical regulate acts that are unethical in and of themselves (such as

    murder, fraud, and intimidation). However, social norms, which may vary between communities,

    also play a part in communicating ethical standards. For example, professional accounting

    societies and regulatory bodies enact differing codes of conduct governing the duties of a

    professional, such as the duty of accountants to serve the public interest, and the general

    expectation (in the US) of accountants to maintain client confidentiality (AICPA 2014). More

    recently, governments have been called to respond to technological developments that enable

    companies to infringe on the rights of private citizens. For example, the Court of Justice of the



    European Union upheld the complaint of a Spanish citizen’s objection to Google including

    sensitive information about this person in its search results. The court affirmed European Union

    citizens’ “right to be forgotten” (i.e. the ability to remove their digital footprint from the Internet)

    over the objections of Internet companies’ worries of extra costs (Chee 2014).

    This paper broadens the concept of ethics in two ways. First, it considers not only

    individual decisions and actions, but also includes organizational decisions and actions because

    AIS’ development, implementation, and use are often the result of a group effort, and are

    dependent on the institution’s existing structure. Thus, individuals at times act unethically for

    their own direct personal benefit; at other times, they act on behalf of their organizations, or as

    part of a group, indirectly for their own personal benefit (Cohen, Manzon, and Zamora 2015).

    Second, it categorizes violations of generally accepted social norms as unethical, recognizing

    that professional standards may go beyond basic human rights, but are legitimately valid

    considerations within the profession. For example, there is an expectation that a professional

    accountant has a higher standard to protect the public interest than does any individual citizen.

    Accounting Information Systems

    We organize the paper using Romney and Steinbart’s (2015) textbook definition:

    accounting information systems (AIS) are systems that identify, collect, store, manage, and

    communicate accounting data and information for the purposes of reporting and control.

    Recordkeeping encompasses the first four activities, while reporting is the communication of

    data and information to internal and external stakeholders. These reports, generated by AIS,

    include financial information (e.g., balance sheet and income statement, C-suite compensation,

    and cost per unit) and non-financial information (e.g., number of employees, patents awarded,

    hours worked). Organizations also use AIS and the processes embedded within them to control



    both people and assets. Accounting, through its recording function, enables management to

    identify and hold individuals accountable for their actions. AIS also enable and limit who can

    engage in certain transactions (e.g., access controls to physical assets and to electronic data and

    approvals). These controls allow organizations to safeguard assets, produce valid information,

    and carry out activities efficiently and effectively.

    Factor Categories: ETHOs

    We classified the existing AIS-Ethics research using a framework, (see Figure 1) that

    includes four types of factors: environmental, technological, human, and organizational

    (ETHOs).3 Environmental factors include standards, rules, expectations and norms imposed by

    governments, professional organizations, industry groups, self-regulatory bodies, and

    communities. For example, regulatory factors refer to governments enacting laws influencing the

    design, use, and governance of AIS, overseeing the implementation of these laws, enforcing

    these laws, and educating the public about these laws (Boritz and No 2011).


    factors refer to AIS inputs, systems and tool design, and outputs (Neely and Cook 2011). These

    include hardware, software, and communication tools and their features and capabilities. Human

    factors include people’s attitudes, perceptions, culture, group membership, and other individual

    characteristics that influence their behavior (Pavlou 2011). Human factors are influential in

    ethical decisions regarding privacy, equity, personal responsibility, and identity issues

    encountered when interacting with AIS (e.g. Clarke 1999, Glass and Wood 1996, Harrington

    1996, Sipior, Ward, and Rongione 2004). Last, organizational factors “include organizational

    strategy, structure, and the internal and external business environment,” as well as how

    organizations interact with their environment (Mauldin and Ruchala 1999, 324). They also

    3 We develop and use the acronym ETHOs (environmental, technological, human, and organizational) throughout
    the paper when referring to these factor types.



    include decentralization, ethical climate, culture, and approach to self-regulation. Researchers

    may use the ETHOs framework to both understand existing literature, and to identify, develop,

    and examine relevant research questions related to AIS and ethics.4

    [Insert Figure 1 here]

    The ETHOs factors influence judgment, decision-making, and actions (JDMA)

    individuals make when carrying out the AIS functions of recordkeeping, reporting, or control.

    Recall that these individuals may make these JDMA with the goal of personal, direct benefit (as

    in asset misappropriation through false billing), or to gain an indirect benefit through the

    organization, (as in fraudulent financial reporting to meet analyst expectations, eventually

    resulting in individual benefits including bonuses, stock options, and promotions). We go beyond

    judgment and decision-making, which academics typically use as their dependent variable, to

    include actions as well.

    Ethical outcomes are the measured dependent variables resulting from individuals’

    JDMA. Note that this is a subjective measure, depending on one’s own determination of what is

    ethical and what is unethical. While there will be general agreement about the ethicality of some

    outcomes (asset misappropriation (theft) resulting in loss of cash from an organization is

    unethical), there are other areas which may stimulate valid disagreement. Some could consider

    income-smoothing ethical, as it reduces market volatility, thus lowering transaction costs, and

    improving efficiency. Others may seriously object to all forms of income smoothing, deeming it

    unethical and a violation of generally accepted accounting principles. One contribution

    academics can make is to evaluate outcomes from multiple perspectives, which should lead to a

    better understanding of their ethical implications.

    4 Thank you to Andrea Kelton for proposing this graphical representation in her discussion of this paper at the mid-
    year meeting of the 2015 Accounting Information Systems Section of the American Accounting Association.



    To show how the ETHOs framework applies to a particular paper, Figure 2 includes an

    interpretation of Tuttle, Harrell, and Harrison (1997). This study examines the effects of

    incentives and system design on system implementation. System design is a technological factor.

    Company-provided extrinsic incentives (in this study, bonuses for on time and within budget

    delivery) are an organizational factor, which create a moral hazard for the decision-maker.

    Judgment surrounding the implementation of a new system is affected, resulting in an ethical

    dilemma: implementation of a sub-optimal system. This study does not examine environmental

    and human factors that may mitigate the effect of incentives on system implementation

    decisions. Therefore, professional standards, experience, and level in the organization are among

    a number of factors that might be included in future research.

    [Insert Figure 2 here]

    The review proceeds as follows. The next section details our methodology. The

    following sections address recordkeeping, reporting, and control. In each subsection, we define

    the area, review relevant ethics-related AIS research and its connection to ETHOs factors, and

    provide suggestions for future research to fill existing gaps in the literature. Existing research,

    with variables categorized by ETHOs factor, is available in the online supplemental material.




    All literature reviews are constrained by limits of space and the qualitative preferences

    of their authors; this review is intended to be as comprehensive as is possible. We began by

    reviewing all Journal of Information Systems (JIS) articles from January 2000 to December 20


    and categorizing these into general areas of AIS research. We then used these areas to develop a

    list of keywords to categorize the research streams, and searched each of these terms in

    conjunction with the keyword “ethics.”

    One limitation of this approach is that not all ethics-related research explicitly uses the

    word “ethics.” In fact, throughout our search, ethics is often an implicit, rather than explicit

    motivation for AIS research. That is, researchers state that they have identified a process,

    decision, policy, or behavior that is unfair, unjust, biased, obfuscates results, and/or manipulates

    or takes advantage of individuals, but they do not use the word “ethics.” While not all research is

    ethics-related, (some identifies ways to improve efficiency or effectiveness), much research has

    some underlying motive to reduce harm to others. One early recommendation of this project is

    that researchers explicitly identify and explain how their research relates to ethics. This action

    (uncovering and explicating the ethics connection) will make ethics a more salient aspect in AIS

    research, and like Dorothy’s red shoes reminded her of home, will remind us of something that

    was there the whole time.5

    Since AIS research is often interdisciplinary, we expanded the literature search beyond

    JIS, and following Webster and Watson (2002), used online search tools (including Google

    Scholar and university library search engines) to capture relevant studies. We comprehensively

    searched the last 14 years of literature from specific journals expected to include a large amount

    5 We acknowledge the above limitation of using the term “ethics” in our search, and include any research identified
    that investigates ethics and AIS even if the study does not specifically use “ethics” in the text.



    of AIS-related research (e.g., JIS, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and

    International Journal of Accounting Information Systems) and ethics-related research (e.g.,

    Journal of Business Ethics, Ethics and Information Technology).

    We then developed an understanding (see Figure 3) of what AIS are and do, using the

    elements of AIS described by Romney and Steinbart (2015), set under the ethics umbrella. Using

    this understanding, we established an overall structure for the review, created sub-headings

    related to the major concepts or themes identified within each element of AIS. We then grouped

    each article based on AIS functional area, identified ETHOs factors, and presented them in the

    online supplemental material.6 This listing includes findings and highlights gaps by factor

    category. We continued our search process throughout the writing stage, discovering new

    streams of research, using reference lists and citation cross-referencing tools to find additional

    sources, per Webster and Watson (2002).

    [Insert Figure 3 here]


    Recordkeeping, as shown in Figure 3, includes identifying, collecting, storing, and

    managing data. While recordkeeping has always been at the heart of accounting, computer

    technology has fundamentally broadened and deepened its reach. Our review finds sparse

    research explicitly investigating the ethical implications of recordkeeping, although Desai and

    Embse (2008) identify six key ethical issues regarding electronic information. These issues

    include what data to collect, how it is collected, processed, and presented, what purpose it is used

    for, and the extent of its impact on individuals and organizations.

    6 Articles appear in the online supplemental material only if they test or propose theory directly related to AIS and
    Ethics. Not all articles are discussed within the text. Other citations appear throughout the text that are not included
    in the online supplemental material because they are not AIS-Ethics papers, or because they refer to current events
    or reports.



    Identify and Collect Data

    Organizations identify and collect data as part of recording normal accounting

    transactions, making decisions about these actions an accounting issue. Firms may also internally

    generate or purchase external data. Addressing ethical issues related to data acquisition is

    important because once collected, data is no longer in the control of those who provided it. Thus,

    it is a gatekeeper decision for all future decisions regarding collected data.

    The increased reach and virtually infinite capacity of AIS bring the issue of data

    identification and collection to the forefront. Integrated systems provide “organizational-wide

    access and analysis capabilities by standardizing data capture and providing seamless interfaces

    across functions, responsibility centers, and locations” (Dillard and Yuthas 2006, 203). This

    integration led to the rise of big data7 and results in firms acquiring more data from more sources

    than ever before. The accompanying ethical issues primarily focus on personal privacy issues, a

    human factor. Exposure and misuse of personally identifiable information (PII) is a real threat.

    For example, it takes only four credit card transactions to identify 90% of individuals, despite

    using data scrubbed of all personal identifying information (de Montjoye, Radaelli, Singh, and

    Pentland 2015). Individual identification through big data analytics exposes people to identity

    theft, unwanted targeted marketing, location tracking, and other invasions of personal privacy.

    While research in this area is sparse in the AIS literature, one approach put forth by

    Kauffman, Lee, Prosch, and Steinbart (2011) explores the relationships among stakeholders and

    each groups’ involvement, to understand related ethical issues. Their review suggests that

    stakeholders’ concerns can differ based on which ethical issues associated with data collection

    and identification are the most important. For example, businesses may perceive the sale of

    personal data as part of daily operations and try to assuage privacy fears by securing the data and

    7 Big data refers to the 2.5 quintillion bytes of data that are created and stored every day (IBM 2014).



    creating protocols to govern the transfer of information. Individuals may view the same sale of

    data as a privacy infringement and be more concerned with whether or not they consented to

    their information being used for purposes other than their transaction with that business.

    Governments may believe that they need to regulate the sale of personal data in order to

    safeguard the privacy of their constituents. Understanding these relationships seems especially

    important consider the pace at which technology is advancing.

    Mason (1986) argues that using IT (technological factors such as facial recognition or

    GPS locators) to collect personal attributes, enables the invasion of privacy of one stakeholder by

    another. For example, Murphy (2011) discusses how mobile advertising can pinpoint users’

    locations at any given moment in time. Ethical issues regarding data collection, such as tracking,

    abound when dealing with devices that are “always on”. Stone and Stone-Romero (1998) argue

    that information collection poses moral dilemmas for organizations: how do they protect the

    interests of consumers and employees while collecting enough information to facilitate decision-

    making. Additionally, consumers are often unable to acquire goods or services without providing

    personal information the firm considers necessary (Shapiro and Baker 2002). Relevant

    organizational factors include industry and products offered. Levin and Nicholson (2005)

    contend that privacy laws, an environmental factor, should reflect concerns about private sector

    abuse of personal information and enable individuals to set limits upon both public and private

    use of their information. Different stakeholders likely have diverse concerns over the

    appropriateness of what data is collected and for what purposes.

    Generally Accepted Privacy Principles8 (GAPP; AICPA/CICA 2009) lists many negative

    outcomes to organizations from misjudging individuals’ (and regulators’) perceptions and

    8 This framework was created in 2009 by the AICPA (American Institute of Public Accountants) and CICA
    (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants), in response to privacy concerns associated with PII (personally
    identifiable information).



    expectations about data identified and collected. Many of these, such as reputational damage,

    legal liability, and loss of customer trust and business, come from the perceived harm resulting

    from these misjudgments. A possible mitigating factor is whether the firm transparently

    communicated a valid reason for collecting the data.

    Based on a review of the literature, there is relatively little research investigating the

    identification and collection aspect of AIS. Much of the literature is theoretical in nature and

    focuses on privacy issues surrounding data capture. This literature provides directions for future

    research investigating how ETHOs factors influence data collection. For example, Kauffman et

    al. (2011) discuss privacy rights, policies and procedures. Researchers may investigate how

    environmental factors such as regulation and industry standards, and technological factors, such

    as automated collection, miniaturization of data collection tools, and connectedness (e.g., the

    Internet of everything) enable or limit unethical collection practices. Further, research may

    examine whether human factors influence user acceptance, consent, and/or attitudes toward

    different types of notices contained within privacy policies.

    Data Management: Storage and Security, Quality, and Use

    Data management includes storage and security, quality maintenance (including data

    accuracy and reliability), and proper use. Integrated applications such as ERP and ERP II allow

    organizations to store and use data from various, disparate business units. Furthermore,

    organizations, through their AIS, build and maintain extensive centralized databases housing

    huge quantities of data, including personally identifiable information (PII). Because PII has been

    used to identify, discriminate, persecute, punish, and silence people in the past (Parson 1966;

    Lwin, Wirtz, and Williams 2007; Bansal, Zahedi, and Gefen 2010), the right to privacy appears



    to be a basic human right, and thus control over PII is an ethical issue. The determination of PII

    ownership is an area ripe for analysis, as it poses serious ethical concerns.

    Organizations are morally and legally responsible for managing the data they collect.

    GAPP (AICPA/CICA 2009) recommends entities only use data for the purposes identified in the

    notice and for which individuals have provided explicit or implicit consent. COBIT asserts that

    privacy issues are a growing concern and that organizations need to manage them if people are to

    trust IT systems. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

    provides guidance on maintaining the privacy and security of personally identifiable health

    information (HHS 2003). HIPAA ensures patients’ rights to examine and obtain a copy of their

    health records and to request corrections. Organizations also collect personal information from

    employees through the human resources function. Federal and state privacy laws, as well as

    organizations’ own policies govern the storage, security, quality, and use of employee


    Data Management (Storage and Security)

    Because individuals and organizations can use data for unethical purposes (e.g., identity

    theft, unfair competitive advantage, unwanted targeted advertising), its security is paramount.

    Yet within the AIS domain, there is little published research in this area. In an interview with

    103 IT managers, Dhillon and Torkzadeh (2006) identify specific organizational factors (e.g.,

    employer trust, and authority structure) and human factors (e.g., individual lifestyle, personal

    financial situation) affecting data security effectiveness. Biot-Paquerot and Hasnaoui (2009)

    emphasize organizational factors, noting that strong corporate governance with clear codes of

    ethics ensures clarification of fundamental values and reinforces self-regulation within




    Sykes and Matza (1957) argue that people psychologically enable themselves to commit

    rule-breaking or any anti-social actions by applying the techniques of neutralization.9 Siponen

    and Vance (2010) find that neutralization is a major predictor of employees’ intention to violate

    IS security policies. Similarly, Harrington (1996) shows that individuals with denial of

    responsibility attitude are less likely to judge computer abuse as wrong and are more strongly

    influenced by ethical codes. These findings suggest that the human factor, rationalization, holds

    in IT cases as well as in other occupational fraud.

    While protecting data from unauthorized access is necessary, certain security measures,

    such as authentication,10 pose ethical dilemmas of their own. Sutrop and Laas-Mikko (2012)

    compare the ethical issues raised by first and second-generation biometrics, both authentication

    systems. Ethical issues related to first generation biometrics are privacy, autonomy, bodily

    integrity, dignity, equity, and personal liberty. The difference between first and second-

    generation biometrics lies in the individuals’ awareness that a third party is collecting data from

    them. Second-generation biometrics therefore, raises new ethical issues because it devalues the

    principle of informed consent, which may lead to less respect for individual moral autonomy and

    to the loss of public trust.

    Data Management (Quality)

    Companies collect, store, and analyze information from multiple sources using less

    structured and informal data processing systems (O’Leary 2013). However, these approaches

    may pose major security and privacy breaches if the data involved is sensitive for reasons of

    privacy, enterprise security, or regulatory requirements (Villars, Olofson, and Eastwood 2011).

    Additionally, since big data allows for information inputs from multiple sources, there is a higher

    9 In accounting, this falls into the same category of rationalization.
    10 Authentication is the process of confirming that an individual accessing the system is, in fact, who he says he is.



    likelihood of collecting data with potential errors, incompleteness, or differential precision

    (O’Leary 2013). Nunan and Domenico (2013) point to the memory power of big data, passive

    data collection, and ownership of the data as major ethical issues associated with big data.

    Database quality begins with a high quality implementation. Many organizations

    implement information systems (IS) when there are clear signs that quality problems exist and

    that the system will not perform up to its expectations (Tuttle, et al. 1997). Using IS

    professionals as participants, Tuttle et al. (1997) document that incentives to shirk and privately

    held information motivate IS professionals to place their own interests over their organizations’


    Data Management (Use)

    Increasing use of electronic databases poses a major threat to data privacy, as the data

    within them is searchable, downloadable (possibly undetected), and at risk for illegitimate and

    unethical uses. In order to reduce the risks associated with misuse, organizations must address

    privacy issues throughout the database design process and teach designers to treat privacy as an

    integral database issue (Appel 2006). Culnan and Williams (2009) note that stakeholders are

    vulnerable in their dealings with businesses due to their inability to control subsequent use of

    their personal information. The authors suggest that organizations create a culture of privacy

    through tone at the top. Organizational factors such as ethical climate and strategy and

    environmental factors such as industry standards are likely influential here and motivate further


    Moris, Kleist, Dull, and Tanner (2014) note that inter-organizational information

    sharing may help organizations (e.g., solve complex problems, reduce uncertainty, and improve

    decision-making). To address privacy and security concerns in information sharing, Moris et al.



    (2014) propose a Secure Information Market (SIM) model where organizations contribute data to

    the electronic market and the market makes the information available to organizations or to pre-

    approved information buyers. Industry and availability of certain technologies likely influence

    SIM adoption and may be fruitful areas of investigation.

    As companies are increasingly networked via outsourcing and other joint venture

    agreements, data sharing becomes more common and ethical concerns more prevalent. Major

    public and private organizations such as General Electric, Ford, American Express, Citibank,

    British Petroleum, and Hewlett-Packard have outsourced parts of their accounting function to

    third-party providers (Elharidy, Nicholson, and Scapens, 2013). Although AIS outsourcing is

    common, very limited research exists on its related ethical issues. Elharidy et al. (2013) find that

    legal and professional bodies enforce the ethical duties of outsourcing suppliers, whereas religion

    and traditional customs and values influence the importance of integrity and ethical dealings. In a

    related study, Cullinan and Zheng (2015) find that mutual funds consider potential cost savings

    as an important factor in their AIS outsourcing decisions. The authors also document that funds

    using more complex valuation processes and older fund families are less likely to outsource their

    AIS functions.

    Based on the review of articles related to data management and ethics, technological and

    environmental factors appear infrequently. Prior literature does not examine how technological

    factors (e.g. technological complexity, integrated information system, and emergence of big

    data) and environmental factors (e.g. industry standards, regulations, and competitive pressure)

    affect the ethical generation and use of information. Also missing in this literature are the

    interactive effects of ETHOs factors. Further research to investigate how human factors such as



    fear-based persuasive communication and cross-cultural differences interact with technological

    factors (Crossler et al. 2013) to enable security breaches is appropriate.

    Researchers may also investigate whether models such as SIM, proposed by Moris et al.

    (2014), effectively address privacy and ethical concerns. Although organizations continue to

    implement information systems with known quality problems, little is known about the ethics-

    related factors that affect these choices. Future research may focus on whether organizational

    factors, such as ethical climate, time pressure, risk preference or system complexity influence the

    implementation of faulty systems.


    As Figure 3 indicates, reporting involves communicating information to stakeholders.

    The chief outputs of AIS are financial and non-financial reports, which assist internal and

    external users in evaluating performance and in making decisions. Reporting represents a critical

    and everyday intersection of AIS and human judgment as both the form and presence of reports

    potentially bias user judgment. This intersection has moral implications and exposes two types of

    biases, those that arise by design or those that occur accidentally, ex machina.

    Commonly cited characteristics of information related to its usefulness include

    accessibility, relevance, and understandability, timeliness, and reliability, completeness and

    verifiability (Romney and Steinbart 2015). These characteristics provide a framework for

    discussing AIS reporting

    and ethics.

    Access (Accessibility)

    Access concerns the availability, transparency, and disclosure of information from AIS

    to users (Turilli and Floridi 2009). Ethical issues include considerations of how and when

    organizations make AIS output available to users. Although information asymmetry is often seen



    as a negative, Turilli and Floridi (2009) include a valuable discussion of organizations’ duties to

    secure certain confidential information from disclosure.

    In addition to shareholders of listed entities, there is a host of potential internal and

    external users of accounting information (Young 2006). One method for examining access issues

    is to consider the distinct information needs of different stakeholders (Dillard and Yuthas 2002).

    ETHOs factors likely influence decisions about when and to whom information from AIS is

    available. Both individuals and organizations make access decisions. This is an ethical judgment,

    because these disclosures (or lack of them) can unfairly advantage (or harm) certain

    stakeholders. Technology can deliver better information to all stakeholders, yet evidence

    suggests that technology may also exacerbate information asymmetry. Although the SEC

    established Regulation FD11 to level the playing field for all investors by regulating corporate

    disclosures, Patterson (2014) finds that high frequency traders purchase market reports ahead of

    public release in order to gain a competitive advantage in stock trading. While in this case, a

    third party acts as a conduit for information, this situation draws attention to the role that

    information intermediaries play as an interface with the organization’s AIS, and how their

    involvement has ethical implications.

    Human and organizational factors may inhibit sharing of financial information with

    external stakeholders, despite the promise of transparency enabled by advances in technology.

    Accessibility to information involves an interaction of human judgment and technology, and thus

    is subject to human and technological factors. In field research, Gowthorpe (2004) reports that

    senior corporate offices intend to use Internet reporting to address extant information

    11 Regulation FD provides that when an issuer discloses material nonpublic information to certain individuals or
    entities—generally, securities market professionals, such as stock analysts, or holders of the issuer’s securities who
    may well trade on the basis of the information—the issuer must make public disclosure of that information
    (SEC 2014).



    inequalities, but haphazard implementation can result in a failure to identify stakeholder needs

    adequately, leading to unintended negative consequences. In experimental research, Hassink,

    Bollen, and Steggink (2007) find many firms are reluctant to respond to investor-initiated

    requests for financial information over the Internet, even though there are positive consequences

    from greater access (e.g., lower cost of capital, greater liquidity and a larger analyst following

    Kirk and Vincent, 2013). Therefore, management may view communication through new

    technology as inherently different from traditional forms of communication, which may be due

    to concerns over misuse or to how technology removes the actors from the actions taken (Dillard,

    2003). Researchers have not yet exhaustively examined the uses of AIS in stakeholder relations.

    Future research should focus on how new technologies influence access to reports, and

    whether they mitigate or exacerbate information asymmetry and/or information processing. As

    evident from the article list in the online supplemental material, there are few studies, if any,

    considering the ethical implications tied to technological factors. While an increasing amount of

    research investigates human factors in financial reporting, there are significant research gaps

    around possible interactions between human factors and new technology, such as XBRL, social

    media, and real-time analysis. For instance, do the frequent updates of the XBRL taxonomy

    enable managers to obfuscate financial disclosures? How might managers might seek to use

    social media to exploit human factors and exacerbate information asymmetry in spite of a

    general assumption that the Internet improves access. Snow’s (2015) analysis of retail investors’

    perceptions of financial disclosures on Twitter versus the World Wide Web is just one example.

    With regard to environmental factors, whether and how accounting and financial

    regulation can keep up with innovation in the integration of reporting with new technology, such

    as social media, is an area ripe for investigation. Researchers may also explore environmental



    factors (e.g., regulation) across different countries, and investigate whether there are significant

    interactions with human factors such as culture.

    Judgment bias (Timeliness, Understandability, and Relevance)

    AIS provide input for individual judgment and decision making (JDM) (O’Donnell and

    David 2000). Technology can greatly enhance the timeliness, understandability, and relevance of

    reports; however, it also enables organizations to exploit individual judgment biases, an ethical

    concern. Heuristics and biases influence moral judgment just as they influence other forms of

    accounting judgments (Jones, Massey and Thorne 2003; Bailey, Scott and Thoma 2010; Neri,

    2015). AIS research into general judgment biases suggest two areas that merit further

    investigation in relation to moral judgment: the effect that the existence of AIS have on JDM and

    the effect that presentation format of reports has on JDM.

    Effects of the Presence of AIS

    Researchers find that the mere existence of an information system can affect moral

    judgments, such as manager intentions to be honest (Hannan et al. 2006). The existence of

    computer-mediated reporting technology may increase manager perceptions of scrutiny, which

    results in more honest reporting. On an individual level, AIS can help improve JDM; however,

    AIS might also create dysfunctional behavior, such as over-reliance on systems, reduced

    accountability, and acceptance of authority, even malicious obedience (Dillard and Yuthas

    2002). These behaviors reduce users’ perceived need for and exercise of professional judgment.

    Some researchers express concern that the advent of risk management and related systems

    actually supplants managerial moral judgment (Power 2009); moral questions may become

    subject to a question of “risk appetite” rather than to adherence to a universal human value.



    Researchers raise concerns that an auditor’s inadequate understanding of system

    limitations when using expert auditing systems, may result in reduced audit quality (Sutton,

    Arnold, and Arnold 1995; Sutton and Byington 1993). Longer exposure to decision aids may

    actually result in deskilling that could affect an auditor’s professional judgment, resulting in

    diminished fraud detection and reduced audit quality.

    Effects of Presentation Format

    Organizations can present financial information in verbal, numerical, or graphical

    formats. Vohs, Meade, and Goode (2008) suggest presenting information in a “money” context

    changes behavior. Kelton, Pennington and Tuttle (2010) and O’Donnell and David (2000)

    review experimental research which demonstrates that presentation style affects individual JDM.

    Dilla and Stone (1997) find that presentation of financial information in numerical rather than

    verbal form affects auditors’ inherent risk judgments. In a field study, Dull, Graham and Baldwin

    (2003) find that investors’ JDM differs depending on whether organizations present financial

    disclosures in interactive, drill-down menus or in conventional, static web pages.

    Our review suggests this area of research is already quite mature; however, future

    research can combine existing ETHOs factors in new ways to identify important interactions.

    There are also many judgment biases that have not yet been considered with regard to ethical

    judgment. O’Donnell and David (2000) provide a framework to help researchers identify the

    ways in which AIS bias JDM in general. Ethics researchers could then layer the ETHOs

    framework to identify ways in which AIS might bias moral judgment specifically.

    Environmental factors include the decision-making environment, technological factors include

    features of the AIS, and human factors include the individual’s problem-solving skills or their

    processing strategy. To date, researchers have studied only three factors in depth: presentation



    format, decision support system use, and the level of information load involved in particular

    judgments (O’Donnell and David 2000).

    Financial Reporting Quality (Reliability, Completeness, and Verifiability)

    Preventing and detecting fraudulent financial reporting and errors

    At the organizational level, control over financial reporting is a clear purpose of

    legislation (e.g., SOX) and profession-sponsored frameworks (e.g., COSO) Drennan (2004).

    However, legislation alone does not prevent major fraudulent practices (Rockness and Rockness

    2005). Rather, strong ethical corporate culture, internal controls, laws, rewards, and penalties

    must work together to provide ethical and transparent financial reporting. Thus, environmental

    factors, in conjunction with technology, organization, and human factors, influence control


    The automation inherent in modern AIS enables management to adopt continuous

    monitoring and auditing to reduce fraudulent financial reporting. Organizations can use

    continuous monitoring to help make specific components of AIS, such as the purchasing system,

    compliant with SOX regulations (Chang, Wu, and Chang 2008). Continuous auditing also has

    the potential to yield better testing and online communication, and less expensive and timelier

    audits (Kogan, Sudit, and Vasarhelyi 1999). However, the introduction of these tools raises

    ethical concerns, including auditor over-reliance and negative effects on auditor knowledge and

    skills development (Daigle, Daigle, and Lampe 2008, Dillard and Yuthas 2001).

    XBRL, a technology-based standard, promises more reliable, standardized financial

    reporting, yet also introduces ethical concerns. While XBRL is a computer-readable format, the

    SEC requires auditors to provide assurance on a manual version of the financial reports



    generated from it.12 However, Boritz and No (2009) and Bartley, Chen and Taylor (2011) point

    out serious shortcomings in XBRL’s early regulation and implementation. XBRL’s complexity

    along with the individuals’ inexperience auditing and interpreting XBRL filings provides

    managers an opportunity to misrepresent these disclosures with a lower chance of detection. On

    the other hand, investors may be able to use XBRL disclosure analysis tools to locate specific

    information more easily, improving detection of accounting irregularities by making it more

    difficult to “hide information in plain sight” (Cohen, Schiavina, and Servais 2005). Whether

    XBRL enables more or less misstatement is a question for future research.

    AIS technology enables management to conduct sensitivity analyses to gauge the effect

    of transactions on quarterly and annual earnings quickly and easily, increasing the opportunity

    for earnings management. Malenko and Grundfest (2014) provide evidence of firms managing

    EPS numbers reported by US listed corporations.13 While there is evidence that accruals-based

    earnings management (EM) is on the decline post-SOX, it remains prevalent (Dichev, Graham,

    Harvey and Rajgopal 2013) and real activities EM14 may be on the rise (Cohen, Dey, and Lys

    2008). Arguably, advances in AIS facilitate EM. Using computer programs and digital data,

    managers can run virtually unlimited simulations to identify the accounting strategy with the best

    (or most desired) financial statement outcome making EM faster and easier than ever before.

    Much of the existing research into new reporting technologies considers their impact on

    capital markets. Future research should examine how technological factors, such as advances in

    12 The SEC and PCAOB developed XBRL guidelines (Plumlee and Plumlee 2008) to address adoption and
    assurance issues.
    13 Quadrophobia, “a fear of four,” is the phenomenon that the number four occurs statistically less frequently than
    other numerals in the first post-decimal digit of EPS data. The claim is that this occurs because firms manage
    reported EPS so that it is rounded up more often than it is rounded down. For instance, Dell is cited as rounding up
    EPS for 48 straight quarters, which is statistically improbable.

    14 Real activities earnings management involves manipulating the operations of the business, such as inventory
    levels or sales through “channel stuffing” (Roychowdhury 2006).



    audit software, continuous monitoring, and XBRL interact with human factors, such as age,

    experience and functional area, or with organizational factors such as ethical climate (Martin and

    Cullen 2006) or industry to enable or discourage fraud or deception. Environmental factors, such

    as new regulation, seem particularly relevant since present research has primarily considered

    regulation of conventional, paper-based media.


    AIS encompass controls over the activities of both people and systems to enhance

    organizational efficiency and effectiveness and safeguard assets (see Figure 3). Ethical issues

    arise when people, like other business assets, are monitored and controlled (Romney and

    Steinbart 2015).

    Control implies managers, including accountants, have moral obligations when

    allocating resources and prioritizing stakeholder claims.15 Yet, controls designed to manage

    organizational efficiency and effectiveness can have a detrimental effect on moral judgment at

    the human level (Abernathy and Brownell 1997). Research outside AIS finds that formal control

    systems16 may be positively associated with employee moral awareness and behavior (Rottig,

    Koufteros, and Umphress 2011), but that over-reliance on rules-based systems may also be

    detrimental (Stansbury and Barry 2007), as when individuals blindly follow rules despite

    15 Otley (1999, 355-356) suggests that management control includes identifying organizational goals leading to an
    organization’s overall future success; adopting strategies, processes, and activities that enable an organization to
    achieve its goals; defining levels of performance in each strategy area that allow an organization to set performance
    targets to assess the achievement of its goals; defining the rewards (penalties) that managers will receive for
    achieving (failing to achieve) organizational performance targets; and creating information flows (feedback and
    feed-forward loops) that allow the organization to learn from its experience and adapt its current behavior to reflect
    what it has learned.

    16 Consistent with Weaver, Trevino, and Cochran’s (1999) conception of formal ethics programs, Rottig (2011, 163)
    defines a multifaceted formal ethical infrastructure as one “consisting of formal communication, recurrent
    communication, formal surveillance, and formal sanctions.”



    changes in context. These discoveries are highly relevant to AIS research related to internal

    control, management accounting, and audit.

    A major aspect of organizational control is the control over employees through electronic

    monitoring. Electronic monitoring of employees in the workplace has deep ethical implications

    with respect to workplace outcomes such as employee perceptions of privacy and fairness,

    quality of work life, and stress-related illness (Tabak and Smith 2005). Using the concepts of

    formalism and utilitarianism, Alder, Schminke, Noel, and Kuenzi (2008) argue that an

    employee’s prior beliefs and ethical orientation, both human factors, affect his or her reaction

    towards electronic monitoring. Similarly, continuous monitoring introduces the ethical question

    of whether greater surveillance of workers and their work is at all times and in all places

    acceptable and desirable. Monitoring may have unintended consequences through its effects on

    individual judgment and behavior.

    In addition to control over people and their activities, AIS include controls over assets.

    While information technology may positively affect organizational development and growth, its

    widespread use also increases opportunities for occupational fraud (Kesar 2006), which costs

    about 5% of an organization’s total revenue (ACFE 2014). Although employee dishonesty and

    fraud are clearly not new issues, use of integrated information technology creates fruitful ground

    for new forms of employee dishonesty (Todd 2004). Further, considering Ariely’s (2008) finding

    that cheating is easier when the actor is a step removed from the cash, technology may have the

    unintended consequence of increasing unethical behavior by creating illusory distance between

    individuals and the cash they misappropriate.

    Lynch and Gomaa (2003) suggest that information technology enables fraud. Based on

    Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behavior, they posit a framework for considering the likelihood



    of fraud in an environment that includes integrated information systems, a technological factor.

    In a survey of IT managers, Behling, Floyd, Smith, Koohang, and Behling (2009) find that even

    when employee fraud detection controls are in place, they are not fully effective due to

    organizational factors such as limited staff, shrinking budgets, and time constraints. Wells

    (2007) posits that technology controls are not always enough to prevent employee fraud because

    they are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance. Furthermore, employees

    with sufficient motivation can override most controls since employees are usually more aware

    than are outsiders of flaws in the system (Wells 2007; Kesar 2006). Human factors such as the

    ability to rationalize and financial pressures are relevant here.

    Based on our review of articles related to the control function of AIS, technological and

    environmental factors are under-researched. Prior literature does not examine how environmental

    factors (e.g. local laws and industry standards) affect the acceptance of employee monitoring and

    employee satisfaction. Although limited research indicates that AIS technology facilitates fraud,

    more research is needed to validate this argument. Understanding whether and how technological

    complexity and certain AIS features facilitate (or mitigate) occupational fraud is a fruitful path to

    explore. Also important is to investigate whether and how organizational and technological

    factors (e.g. decision aids, AIS features, tracking tools, remote access, formal ethical

    infrastructure, and continuous monitoring practices) negatively influence critical thinking, induce

    employees towards checklist mentality in ethical decisions, and contribute to increased

    occupational fraud.


    This review outlines major areas of interest related to AIS and ethics, based on the

    primary AIS functions of recordkeeping, reporting, and control. We define ethics as issues that



    infringe upon universal human rights, and expand the definition to include issues related to the

    public’s expectations of accounting and other business professionals. AIS affect peoples’ lives;

    these effects are magnified by systems’ ubiquitous integration into all areas of organizations and

    by their expanding technological capabilities (i.e., ability to collect, store, disseminate, and

    process data faster and further, with minimal cost). It is imperative that individuals and groups

    acknowledge the harm and risk of harm that inevitably come with AIS. This review suggests that

    overreliance on AIS potentially provides individuals a convenient source of rationalization for

    unethical behavior.

    We discuss the current state of research in each of the AIS functional areas, summarizing

    findings, and linking them to ETHOs factor categories and suggest future research within each

    category. Within recordkeeping are privacy issues associated with data collected, stored, and

    used by organizations. The discussion expands beyond consideration of customer data to include

    other stakeholders’ data such as that belonging to employees, vendors, and other third parties. A

    central concern is the determination of who owns data, and how organizations may use this data

    to harm others.

    The next area is reporting, a key function of AIS. As AIS are the primary source of

    financial disclosures, it is important to understand their technological capabilities, and how these

    may lead to unethical acts. One example is the ease with which managers can use scenario

    analysis to manage earnings faster and more precisely than ever before. Another example is the

    ability to alter presentation format to influence moral judgments (e.g., minimizing effects of

    employees’ layoffs by scaling graphs to overstate benefits or to obscure costs to individuals).

    Control issues, namely, how managers use AIS as a tool to control people and assets, is

    the final area explored. Employee monitoring, decision automation, and dehumanization of



    processes all affect human rights. Monitoring, both with and without consent, evokes fears of

    “Big Brother” and may impede productivity and innovation. Systems enable individuals to

    distance themselves both physically and psychologically from their actions, facilitating

    occupational fraud by enabling rationalizations. Control issues are inextricably linked with AIS

    and ethics.

    In the process of preparing this review, we were encouraged by the attention a small

    contingent of AIS researchers has paid to ethics. However, there are significant gaps in the

    literature. While much AIS research has ethical implications, researchers rarely explicitly tie

    their research questions and motivations underlying ethical goals. Preventing harm to others is a

    noble endeavor, and we recommend researchers acknowledge this as a purpose of their research

    when appropriate.

    Accounting is a moral discipline; people designed, developed, and control it, for the

    benefit of themselves and others. There are no scientific laws of accounting, thus we are

    ultimately responsible for its development and for its effects on society. Universal ethics demand

    that professionals and academics alike, take on the responsibility of understanding how AIS not

    only help, but also potentially harm others. It is a challenge we are fully capable of meeting.




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    Data and






    Figure 3
    Relationship of AIS Functions, Ethics, and ETHOs Factors









    • Title Page
    • Article

    Read the article below, which can be found in the UMGC Library, and answer a few of the following questions or explore some of your own thoughts and ideas in a substantive, original post.


    Guragai, B., Hunt, N. C., Neri, M. P., & Taylor, E. Z. (2017). Accounting information systems and ethics research: review, synthesis, and the future. Journal Of Information Systems, 31(2), 65-81. doi:10.2308/isys-51265

    Do you agree with the authors’ premise that people have increasingly been able to separate (or distance) themselves from certain actions as technology has improved, Share a few examples that concur and or disagree with this premise?

    Suggest at least one reasonable argument against an accepted norm like the income smoothing? Do you agree with the income smoothing argument? Why or why not?

    Do you agree with the statement “AIS might create dysfunctional behavior”? Why or why not?

    Read the article below, which can be found in the UMGC Library, and answer a few of the following
    ions or explore some of your own thoughts and ideas in a substantive, original post.


    Guragai, B., Hunt, N. C., Neri, M. P., & Taylor, E. Z. (2017). Accounting information systems and ethics
    research: review, synthesis, and the future. Journal
    Of Information Systems, 31(2), 65



    Do you agree with the authors’ premise that people have increasingly been able to separate (or
    distance) themselves from certain actions as technology has

    Share a few examples that
    ncur and or disagree with this

    Suggest at least one reasonable argument against an accepted norm like the income smoothing? Do you
    agree with the income smoothing argument? Why or why not?

    Do you agree with the statement “AIS might create dysfun
    ctional behavior”? Why or why not?

    Read the article below, which can be found in the UMGC Library, and answer a few of the following
    questions or explore some of your own thoughts and ideas in a substantive, original post.

    Guragai, B., Hunt, N. C., Neri, M. P., & Taylor, E. Z. (2017). Accounting information systems and ethics
    research: review, synthesis, and the future. Journal Of Information Systems, 31(2), 65-81.
    Do you agree with the authors’ premise that people have increasingly been able to separate (or
    distance) themselves from certain actions as technology has improved, Share a few examples that
    concur and or disagree with this premise?
    Suggest at least one reasonable argument against an accepted norm like the income smoothing? Do you
    agree with the income smoothing argument? Why or why not?
    Do you agree with the statement “AIS might create dysfunctional behavior”? Why or why not?

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