Access control w4discussion

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Read the worksheet named “Mapping Business Challenges to Types of Control” and address the following:


Using what you have learned about access controls, identify the business impact of the challenge, and identify an access control method that will mitigate the impact to the business.


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Mapping Business Challenges to Types of Control

The goal of any access control system is not simply to keep people out, or to organize who has access to a particular resource, but to meet a business need. In this exercise, you will identify the impact to the business caused by this challenge, and then determine an appropriate access control for mitigating that business impact.

Complete the table below:

Business Challenge

Business Impact

Mitigation Technique

Disaster Prevention

Disaster Recovery

Customer Access to Data

Maintain Competitive Advantage

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4 days ago

Srikanth Nallani 



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The business impacts of any access control system are its tolerance for change. Changes can be made quickly, but there is some risk that the changes will not be implemented as intended and that it will cost more to operate than they should. It is possible to make any system function by making changes. An access control program must be specifically designed to prevent data from being read or written onto the computer system. The Mitigation techniques in access control can be grouped as user-mode or user-mode policy. User-mode policies enforce access controls by restricting which accounts can read or modify what information. It defines access to a resource by a user, the owner, and how it is used. Although it might seem counterintuitive because no one uses access control, security can be achieved by creating access controls to separate the internal network from the network accessed by external networks. In a disaster, one event’s effects can spill over into other parts of the community, and the community’s vulnerability is exposed. It is difficult to define what types of disasters are covered by disaster protection. One of the first issues to address in any disaster is the people’s vulnerability and using their systems (Al-Zobbi et al., 2017).

A single company can suffer from various problems, which it cannot control, depending on its assets’ location and organization. The key to prevention is having the right mindset. It is the combination of disaster recovery and disaster recovery activities. It should not be confused with disaster recovery planning, which is different from disaster recovery, where planning is necessary to handle and recover from a disaster. Recovery refers to any activities that can be applied to recover from a disaster when one says disaster. Customer access is done either by the customer or by the business. The customer is given a set of data or attributes that enable using the data or the system’s attributes. Many companies have the data that a customer provides to a vendor when making a purchase. The customer may or may not realize the value of the data or the value it can help to create. A company that focuses on attracting highly motivated people will have a definite competitive advantage. It explores how pricing can affect a company’s competitive edge. Pricing models and methods are discussed to help to create a value proposition that will drive future customers (Chapple et al., 2014).


Al-Zobbi, M., Shahrestani, S., & Ruan, C. (2017, August). Implementing a framework for big data anonymity and analytics access control. In 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS (pp. 873-880). IEEE.

Chapple, M., Ballad, B., Ballad, T., & Banks, E. (2014). Access control, authentication, and public key infrastructure. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.





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4 days ago

Naresh Penchala 



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In the access control, the business impacts are made clear by looking at the impact a business has when a user in its organization is in a different organization with a relationship. Suppose the user is an external user to the company and has a relationship with another company. In that case, access should be restricted, so only the employee can access its resources. The key is to understand what each mitigation is for the application of access control rules. Access control rules are not intended to be used in isolation but in the context of a more comprehensive security policy. A disaster recovery strategy is designed to reduce or eliminate the damage caused by a disaster. Mitigation looks at a disaster, looking for the root cause of it. Some types of mitigation include reduction of costs by using computerized databases and software. The process of disaster planning, a multidisciplinary effort, is responsible for identifying and designing ways to reduce vulnerability while reducing losses. Vulnerability includes risks to assets, operations, and services, vulnerabilities to individuals, and vulnerabilities to the community as a whole. Disaster recovery is a crucial step when people are involved in a disaster. The purpose of disaster recovery is to recover from an adverse situation. In disaster recovery, one must have the capacity to restore resources without incurring significant financial or other problems. There are various types of disaster recovery actions and their actions depending on the severity of the loss and the data’s criticality (Chapple et al., 2014).

Customer access refers to a customer’s ability to access data and make changes to the data. Changes to data are usually for personal, business, or informational purposes. Changes to the data can also be made to increase capacity by adding new features or fixing bugs. A superior product can achieve a competitive advantage over its competitor by developing superior quality, more sophisticated technology use. It can also bring benefits such as increased productivity and improved customer relationships. A competitive advantage is not limited to a company. For example, consider a company that develops or sells a product. A company that is in the hardware business may be able to provide better quality in its product lines. The company might invest more to keep its customers happy and increase the number of products it produces (Silvestre et al., 2019).

Chapple, M., Ballad, B., Ballad, T., & Banks, E. (2014). Access control, authentication, and public key infrastructure. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Silvestre, D., Hespanha, J., & Silvestre, C. (2019, July). Desynchronization for decentralized medium access control based on gauss-seidel iterations. In 2019 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 4049-4054). IEEE.

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