Academic journall

Identify nine abstracts across three journals. Create an annotated abstract bib and a grid for the nine abstracts.

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1.In the annotated abstract bib (see attached files), include a formatted reference, the annotated abstract (with highlights and comments), and a 1-2 sentence summary for each of the nine abstracts (stating the thesis/finding). Then identify three articles from the abstracts that form the conversation you will explore in your Analytic Exploration and describe the topic of the conversation.

2. In the abstract grid (see attached files), for each of the nine abstracts, include the article title, journal, author, year, thesis/results, and key terms, and link access to the grid at the bottom of the bib. 

Journal title

Article title
(Formatted) Author Year Key Terms Thesis Abstract

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SAMPLE Abstract 1 Assessing Writing

“Evidence of Fairness:
Twenty-Five Years of
Research in Assessing

Mya Poe and
Norbert Elliot 2019

Bias, Ethics, Fairness,
Justice, Literacies, Validity

“Evidence suggests that the
disparate stances and
methodological challenges that
informed early research on fairness
remain. As well, the textual record
suggests that we have not developed
or shared taxonomies for
systematically investigating
questions of fairness” (para. 1).

Abstract: When Assessing Writing (ASW) was founded 25 years ago,
conversations about fairness were very much in the air and illustrated
sharp divides between teachers and educational measurement
researchers. For teachers, fairness was typically associated with
consistency and access. For educational measurement researchers,
fairness was a technical issue: an assessment that did not identify the
presence of β (the bias factor) was fair. Since its founding, ASW has
continued to be a space where evolving discussions about fairness
play out. In this article, we examine a selection of 73 ASW research
studies published from 1994 to 2018 that use fairness as a category of
evidence. In tracing the use of fairness and related terms across these
research articles, our goal is to understand how the conversation
about fairness has changed in the last quarter century. Following a
literature review that situates fairness within generational, standards-
based, and evidential scholarship, we analyze five trends in the
journal: fairness as the elimination of bias; fairness as the pursuit of
validity; fairness as acknowledgement of social context; fairness as
legal responsibility; and fairness as ethical obligation. A tidy narrative
that theoretical conceptualization of fairness has deepened over the
ASW lifespan is not born out by our findings. Instead, evidence
suggests that the disparate stances and methodological challenges
that informed early research on fairness remain. As well, the textual
record suggests that we have not developed or shared taxonomies for
systematically investigating questions of fairness. In our desire to
make the research we present actionable, we close by calling
attention to the need for theorization of fairness, the advantages
nuanced of research methods, and the benefits of non-Western

Abstract 2
Abstract 3
Abstract 4
Abstract 5
Abstract 6
Abstract 7
Abstract 8
Abstract 9

Annotated Abstract Bibliography

Assignment: In the annotated abstract bib, include a formatted reference, the annotated
abstract (with highlights and comments), and a one-sentence summary for each of the
twelve abstracts. Then state three articles from the abstracts that form the conversation

Your annotated abstract bib should list twelve articles (formatted according to the
style you choose) from three journals in a specific discipline. Under each article
reference, paste the abstract from the article. Annotate the abstract using
highlighting and commenting to identify important elements in the abstract. Then
write a one-sentence annotation of the content you highlighted in the abstract.

1) Sample of abstract copied and pasted with formatted reference:

Messina, Bryan, And Worley, Matthew. “Effects of Craving on Opioid Use Are

Attenuated After Pain Coping Counseling in Adults With Chronic Pain and
Prescription Opioid Addiction.” ​Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology​, vol.
87, no. 10, Oct. 2019, pp. 918–926. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/ccp0000399.

Abstract:​ Risk for prescription opioid addiction is an endemic public health concern,
especially for adults with chronic pain. This study examined craving as a mediator from
pain to opioid use outcomes during prescription opioid addiction treatment and tested
whether counseling in pain coping skills moderated the effects of craving on treatment
outcomes. Method: Secondary analysis on a sample (N = 148) randomized to standard
or enhanced counseling for 12 weeks with adjunct opioid maintenance medication.
Multilevel analyses examined mediated effects between weekly pain, craving, and
opioid use, and tested the interaction between craving and a counseling module on pain
coping skills. Results: Greater pain predicted greater craving (β = 0.25, p <.001), which predicted next-week opioid use (β = 0.17, p <.001). A statistically significant indirect effect of craving (β = 0.04, 95% CI [0.02, 0.06]) mediated 95% of the total effect from pain to opioid use. A significant interaction (b = −0.22, p <.01) revealed that after receiving the pain coping module, the association between craving and next-week opioid use was reduced, with greater exposure to the module associated with stronger effects (b = −0.12, p <.01). Conclusion: More severe pain predicts greater opioid use due to the association between pain and cravings. Pain coping skills counseling

suppressed the association between cravings and opioid use. For adults with chronic
pain receiving treatment for prescription opioid addiction, interventions that address
cravings through behavioral pain coping skills may be crucial for achieving optimal
treatment outcomes. For persons with chronic pain receiving treatment for prescription
opioid addiction, our study suggests pain-related cravings increase risk for continued
opioid use. Results also suggest that counseling in behavioral pain coping skills reduces
this risk.

Questions to consider as you read the abstract:

● What did the study examine?
● Who is the sample?
● What was the method?
● What were the results?
● What was the conclusion?

2) Sample of an annotated abstract (APA):

Aleksandrova, Y. & Parusheva, S. (2019). Social Media Usage Patterns in Higher
Education Institutions – An Empirical Study. ​International Journal of Emerging
Technologies in Learning​, 14(5), 108–121.

Abstract​: The main​ goal of this research is to identify some notable trends,
opportunities and limitations regarding the application of social media in higher
education based on studying the way students use social media during their education.
The research is focused on the impact of social media on the process of learning,
creation and distribution of education related content, as well as on education related
communication​. ​The target groups of the research are students in University of
Economics – Varna enrolled in different bachelor and master programs​. ​An association
analysis was implemented to identify the most common patterns regarding the
application of social media in the education process. Statistical methods for testing
hypothesis were used to assess the relationship between students’ specialty and
derived social media patterns.​ The ​findings show that Facebook groups are a preferable
social media tool for communication with colleagues, content sharing and distribution,
while wikis and university Learning Management Systems (LMSs) are most used for
content creation and additional learning. Some social media channels are more
preferable for content creation and additional learning compared to scientific databases
and e-books. ​Following the research results a conclusion can be drawn regarding the
leading part of the students in initiating the use of social media compared to the
relatively smaller role of the academic staff in this process. A medium to small
relationships were discovered between students’ specialty and the application of content

sharing communities and forums in knowledge process with students in computer
science more likely to use these social media types compared to students in economics

3) Template you can use to write the one-sentence annotation of the abstract:

Lauer, Clair​e, and ​Brumberger, Eva​. ​“Redefining Writing for the Responsive

Workplace.” ​College Composition and Communication​; Urbana​ Vol. 70, Iss. 4,
(Jun 2019): 634-663.

In this article we argue that mobile, design, content, and social media technologies have
fundamentally redefined the role of the writer in the workplace. Rather than the
originator of content, the writer is becoming a sort of multimodal editor who revises,
redesigns, remediates, and upcycles content into new forms, for new audiences,
purposes, and media. This article discusses data gathered from over one hundred
hours of embedded workplace research shadowing nine different professional
communicators. The data demonstrate the iterative, detailed, product-focused types of
work happening within a range of workplace constraints and, in turn, emphasize the
need for writers and teachers of writing to recognize the importance of developing a
broad skillset to prepare for this kind of work.

 In (​“Article title,”​) (​Author full name​) (​verb​:​ investigates, explores, examines​) +
(​summary of article topic​) and (​verb​: ​asks, questions, considers​) + (​state the
research question/hypothesis​).

(​Last name of author​) (​verb​: ​argues, demonstrates, finds, reports, claims, asserts​) that
. . . “​quote thesis/conclusion/argument​ of article with an in-text citation” (#).​ 

4) For each of the twelve abstracts, combine these elements into an abstract bib:

● Formatted reference or article
● Pasted abstract with highlighting and comments
● One-sentence summary of the abstract


Poe, Mya, and Norbert Elliot. “Evidence of Fairness: Twenty-Five Years of Research in
Assessing Writing.” ​Assessing Writing​, vol. 42, Oct. 2019. ​EBSCOhost​,

Abstract​: When ​Assessing Writing​ (​ASW​) was founded 25 years ago, conversations about
fairness were very much in the air and illustrated sharp divides between teachers and
educational measurement researchers. For teachers, fairness was typically associated with
consistency and access. For educational measurement researchers, fairness was a technical
issue: an assessment that did not identify the presence of β (the bias factor) was fair. Since its
founding, ​ASW​ has continued to be a space where evolving discussions about fairness play out.
In this article, we examine a selection of 73 ​ASW​ research studies published from 1994 to 2018
that use fairness as a category of evidence. In tracing the use of fairness and related terms
across these research articles, our goal is to understand how the conversation about fairness
has changed in the last quarter century. Following a literature review that situates fairness within
generational, standards-based, and evidential scholarship, we analyze five trends in the journal:
fairness as the elimination of bias; fairness as the pursuit of validity; fairness as
acknowledgement of social context; fairness as legal responsibility; and fairness as ethical
obligation. A tidy narrative that theoretical conceptualization of fairness has deepened over the
ASW​ lifespan is not born out by our findings. Instead, evidence suggests that the disparate
stances and methodological challenges that informed early research on fairness remain. As
well, the textual record suggests that we have not developed or shared taxonomies for
systematically investigating questions of fairness. In our desire to make the research we present
actionable, we close by calling attention to the need for theorization of fairness, the advantages
nuanced of research methods, and the benefits of non-Western perspectives.

Annotation: ​In “Evidence of Fairness: Twenty-five years of research in Assessing Writing,”
Poe and Elliot examine 73 studies published in ​Assessing Writing​ in an effort to understand how
the conversation around fairness in Writing Studies has changed. Poe and Elliot analyze five
trends and find that many of the challenges remain and systemic means of investigating
fairness are still lacking. Ultimately, Poe and Elliot call on researchers to acknowledge “the need
for theorization of fairness, the advantages nuanced of research methods, and the benefits of
non-Western perspectives” (par. 1).

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