Abstract and Reference

Step 1:  Locate an academic or scholarly journal article on any sociological topic that interests you. Note that the discipline of sociology is quite broad. Basically, anything that can be related to human beings that is not directly biological could be used for this assignment. Read the handout

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Locating Academic Journal Articles


 (in the Course Resources Module) for help on how to find an academic or scholarly journal article.

The article also should be empirical (i.e. an original research study that is conducted and described, rather than a review of other studies, a theoretical article or an analysis of a particular topic). Here is a link that may help you with determining if the article is empirical: http://research.library.gsu.edu/c.php?g=115470&p=751043

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NOTE: If you are having trouble locating an empirical article, try adding the keyword “sample” to your search.

NOTE:  In general, for this assignment it is easier to use an article in which quantitative methods are employed. Although case studies and ethnographies are legitimate methods used by social scientists, they do not work particularly well for this assignment. Other types of articles that do not work well for this assignment include: articles that are less than 7 pages long, articles that are summaries of more than one study and articles that are more than 25 pages long.

Step 2:  Once you have located an academic journal article on a subject that interests you, copy and paste the abstract (the brief summary found before the article actually starts) into a word document. Note that I have included not only the abstract of the article, but also the title, author, journal, etc…here.


Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework, 1965–2003.

By: Hook, Jennifer L.. American Journal of Sociology, Mar2010, Vol. 115 Issue 5, p1480-1523, 44p, 6 Charts, 4 Graphs; Abstract: National context may influence sex segregation of household tasks through both pragmatic decision making and the normative context in which decision making is embedded. This study utilizes 36 time use surveys from 19 countries (spanning 1965–2003) combined with original national-level data in multilevel models to examine household task segregation. Analyses reveal that men do less and women do more time-inflexible housework in nations where work hours and parental leave are long. Women do less of this work where there is more public child care and men are eligible to take parental leave. National context affects the character of gender inequality in the home through individual- and national-level pathways. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]; (AN 49083706)

Step 3: Practice using APA style for references (these will go at the END of your paper). Using the information from the abstract and following the

APA Style Citations and References guidelines 

Actions (also posted in Course Resources Module), create an APA style reference for this journal article.

Example: Hook, J.L. (2010). Gender inequality in the welfare state: Sex segregation in housework, 1965-2003. American Journal of Sociology, 115, 1480-1523.

Step 4: Wait for approval from your instructor to begin working on your Summary of an Academic Journal Article. 



Abstract & ReferenceAbstract & ReferenceCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle is from an academic (a.ka. scholarly or peer-reviewed) journal5.0 ptsYes0.0 ptsNo5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle is empirical-i.e. the authors collect and analyze original data5.0 ptsYes0.0 ptsNo5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA style reference5.0 ptsSophisticated4.0 ptsDeveloped3.0 ptsEmerging0.0 ptsAbsent5.0 pts
Total Points: 15.0




How to Locate Academic Journal Articles

In some of your reports for this class you will be required to locate and incorporate academic or scholarly journal articles. These articles are different than typical magazine or newspaper articles in that they are peer reviewed.

What is an academic or scholarly journal and how does it differ from a magazine? Watch this brief video to find out more!

Scholarly Journals

Although there are many different databases that you can use to locate academic journal articles, in this class we will use EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete.

You can access this database through the library’s website. Here are the steps:

 Start on the library’s home page.

 Click on “Databases A-Z” (under Resources on the left-hand side of the page).

 Click “Academic Search Complete” on the right-hand side of the page. This will take you to the basic search page.

 You will need to login using your UW Net ID if accessing off-campus.

 Type in the key words. You can use the connector “AND” to link key words. For example, “children AND media”.

 Scroll down and check the boxes for “scholarly (peer reviewed) journals” and “full text”.

Remember, if you are having trouble locating an academic journal article you can always contact me or a reference librarian for assistance.

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