abstract 6

Topic:   Would a public health approach to immigration decrease mental trauma for Hispanic children separated in America?

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This week, you will submit a draft of your final paper‘s abstract. This assignment will help you draft your final paper due next week.

Drafting Your Abstract

Your Topic Area: _______________________________________

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DRAFTING THE ABSTRACT – Draft the abstract of your final paper. Remember to meet the limits of 150-250 words in the final version of the abstract. You may handwrite or type your draft in the spaces provided, or you may word process, and attach your abstract. This is a draft. You will revisit it when you have completed your final paper, and revise it as needed, based on your final product.

Part 1 – State the healthcare issue/topic & problem

This should be based on your problem statement, but revised for brevity:

Part 2 – Explain the methods/procedures/approaches

Outline the perspectives of inquiry in your preferred order. If appropriate, discuss
the research process you used, and/or the key research sources you employed:

Part 3 – Reveal your results and findings (understandings from inquiry papers)
Briefly describe the key take-aways or major/main points from each of the inquiry sections:

Part 4 – Disclose/expose your concluding solution

Avoid the details, but divulge the solution you will propose in the concluding section:

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